Lesson objectives:

1. Familiarize yourself with the signs of the onset of winter in nature, the names of the winter months and the order of their onset, and the features of each month.

Repeat and consolidate the names of the seasons, their order

Follows; learn to distinguish one season from another.

2. Develop general speech skills, verbal-logical thinking, perception, expand the volume and switchability of attention,

Develop visual and auditory memory based on everything


3. Develop the ability to analyze folk signs;

Enrich and clarify vocabulary;

Expand your horizons;

Improve fine motor skills.

4. Cultivate cognitive interest, love for the native land;

Careful attitude towards native nature, work qualities

Personalities, skills independent work and work in

The team.


1. Illustrations depicting the seasons, cards with the name -

Mi seasons;

2. Riddles about the signs of winter;

3. Didactic game “What did the artist mess up?”;

4. Painting “Winter Fun”;

5. Illustration with the image of a snowman, individual envelopes with handouts for the task “Find the differences”, “Here was...”

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

2.Psychological adjustment:

The long-awaited call was given -

The lesson begins.

Our lesson-lesson of secrets:

One hundred questions - one hundred answers.

Answer one at a time

And you will learn everything!

Children's response:

We guys are just great

Everything will work out for us.

3. Motivation for learning activities

A) A minute of observation.

Today in class we will review previously learned material.

and study new topic, which you yourself will determine by guessing

riddle (slide 1)

Snow falls under white wool

The streets and houses disappeared.

All the guys are happy about the snow,

Again...(winter) has come to us.

Winter landscape (slide 2)

That's right guys! The topic of our lesson today: “Winter.

Signs of winter. Changes in nature."

How did you guess that it was winter?

How do you understand the expression: “The winter sun is like a stepmother -

shines and doesn’t heat”?

How did the air temperature change with the onset of winter?

How can this be explained? (slide 3)

Check it out! (slide 4)

Signs of winter (slide 5)

B) Teacher's conversation.

When does winter start?

How many sons does Mother Winter have? Name them. (slides 6–9)

And the month of December is full of zeal

The snow will sprinkle the snowballs.

December name jelly.

At the beginning of December, the earth has not yet completely cooled down, so often the first snow melts, the frost is replaced by a thaw. First the snow falls

light and fluffy, but after lying for several days it becomes durable and hard. At the end of December, the water in reservoirs freezes, but the ice is still thin.

In January there is a gray snowstorm

The carousel started spinning,

And at dawn

Forest in diamonds, in silver.

January called We are growing fierce.

Guys, January is the snowiest month of winter. After all, this month has the most frosty days and snowfalls.

“January doesn’t bake as much as it hurts your ears.”

“The month of January calls with frost, it freezes faces, it stings the nose.”

The winds blow in February

The pipes howl loudly.

Like a snake rushes along the ground

Light drifting snow.

February called fierce, border (border between winter and spring).

February blows away the winter and awaits spring.

Physical exercise (at the 15th minute)

4. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

A). A story with elements of conversation. Working with illustrative

material (presentation)

b). Working with the textbook.

Read the popular expressions about the winter months and explain their content.

Physical exercise (at the 25th minute).

IN). How do trees and plants adapt to winter? (slide)

G). How does the life of insects and birds change in winter? (slide)

D). How do animals adapt to winter? (slide)

5. Consolidation and comprehension of the material.

Working with the textbook.

Game "Get to know me."

Work in a notebook with a printed base.

6. Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

7. Summing up the lesson.

8. D/z: Draw a snowflake. Prepare additional material about animals and birds in winter: riddles, poems, stories.

Tatyana Shatskikh Oh, Zimushka - winter. Oh, winter-winter, You came with frosts, You swept the snowdrifts for us with Ice braids. She ran barefoot along the paths merrily, and then curtained our windows with lace. In winter we love to dance around the Christmas tree, And to sculpt snowmen, And to roll down the hill, We love the winter chill, But with all this, We sit and drink tea, The one that smells like summer.

What is winter? -The coldest time of the year. -The sun occupies the lowest position in the sky in winter. -The sun occupies the lowest position in the sky in winter. -Installed short days and long nights. -Short days and long nights are established. -The soil and water bodies freeze. -The soil and water bodies freeze. - Frosts are coming. -The earth is covered with snow.

Winter months. December. Winter is a harsh time, especially in the northern latitudes of our hemisphere. Its calendar time is known, but it often happens that the first signs of winter come much earlier. The slushy November weather gives way to frosts, freezing the reservoirs and covering the ground in a fluffy blanket of snow. The days become short, and the nights drag on tediously, waiting for the first ray of sun. December.

And in this riddle, what month is it talking about? It stings your ears, stings your nose, The frost creeps into your felt boots. If you splash water, it will fall. Not water, but ice. Even the bird cannot be treated, The bird is freezing from the frost, The sun has turned towards summer. What month is this, tell me? January is popularly called jelly or ice. This is the root month of winter. At this time, the trees put on a beautiful outfit of fluffy frost.

What month are we talking about? Snow is falling in bags from the sky, There are snowdrifts around the house. Then snowstorms and blizzards flew into the village. The frost is severe at night, and the ringing of drops can be heard during the day. The day has lengthened noticeably. Well, what month is this? February In the old days, February was called snowfall, whirling due to prickly winds, and dashing blizzards.

Snow is winter precipitation. In winter, they cover everything around with a thick blanket, creating a kind of microclimate that helps plants and small animals survive the harsh cold. The lower the air temperature, the looser the snow flooring becomes, the harder it crunches underfoot and pricks when you touch it.

Freezing over. The closer winter gets, the more the water in the rivers cools. In late autumn, wet snow begins to fall, but when it hits the surface of the water it does not melt, forming a slurry in the form of snow and water. New snow falls on top of the slurry, and the water in the slurry begins to harden and freeze. Floating down the river, the mess of wet snow, water and ice turns into pieces of ice, the ice sticks together and ice floes form. Gradually, the ice floes grow larger and, in severe frosts, become frozen into a single piece of ice... Freeze-up.

Frosts are considered dangerous natural phenomena. They can be installed for a long time if a winter anticyclone dominates the area. As a rule, abnormal frosts are a rare occurrence. Low temperatures can cause significant damage agriculture. Plants and animals die.

Frost Frost occurs more often in fog, weak winds, and low temperatures. In cold air, moisture is in the form of small crystals. Having touched an object, the crystals linger on it. Invisible to the human eye, ice crystals appear in a fluffy fringe on thin tree branches as if straight from the frost, which is why these fluffy needles were called hoarfrost (from frost).

Blizzard Blizzard snowfall accompanied by strong winds. Dry, fluffy snow is easily transported by the wind. It happens that even without snowfall, a strong wind picks up clouds of snowflakes from the ground, swirls them around, and you don’t understand whether it’s snow from above or from the ground. If there is a strong snowstorm and snow and the wind is such that you can’t go outside, then this is a real snow storm. In different places it is called differently: blizzard, blizzard. Through the snow cover during the day, as in a thick fog, nothing is visible. This “turbidity” of the air from snowflakes is called snow haze.

What is another name for the weather when snow flies in the wind? Snowstorm. Blizzard Gaida Lagzdyn Everything is white with fluff! There is no order in the yard. A blizzard swirls with white snow in December. It spins, it stirs, it howls, it moans, it groans, it sings! The snow rolls into snowdrifts and doesn't let us take a walk!

A frequent companion of winter weather is icy conditions. This is an ice crust that forms on any surface after a sharp temperature change. Wet snow, rain before severe frost can provoke its appearance. As a rule, it is black ice that binds the entire area of ​​small streams and other sources of moisture, so it does not necessarily have to rain for it to appear.

Present At the end of February and beginning of March there are pre-spring thaws. During the day, the snow melts on the roofs and trees and starts dripping. At night, when it freezes, icicles form. The snow melts, thickens, and loses its whiteness. If it gets colder after the thaw, a hard ice crust forms on it.

Snowflakes are light crystals that are formed from water vapor that rises high up and quickly cools there. They look like six-pointed stars and are very diverse. Their size and shape depend on humidity and air temperature. A white star fell from the sky, lay on my palm and disappeared. (snowflake)

In warmer layers of air, snowflakes melt and stick together into snow flakes. In a strong wind, the rays of snowflakes break off and snow dust falls to the ground. Snowflakes Galina Novitskaya - Who made these snowflakes? For the work Who is responsible? - I! - answered Santa Claus And grabbed me by the nose!

With strong rising air currents and slight frost, when low clouds cover the entire sky, snow slowly falls in the form of grain balls. In severe frost under a clear sky, needle-shaped crystals fall out. In severe frost, the snow crunches underfoot as the hard rays of snowflakes break. Types of snowflakes

Icicle Another indispensable attribute of winter is the Icicle - a cone-shaped piece of ice that hangs from any plane. During the day, the sun warms the snow, it begins to melt and leak, and at night the frost intensifies, everything around freezes. The mass of the icicle grows as the snow melts, then it collapses from its own weight and crumbles when it hits the ground.

Select phenomena characteristic of inanimate nature in winter. Snowfall, rain, fog, snow, drifting ice, blizzard, flood, hoarfrost, frost, snowdrifts, dew, thunderstorm, sleet, lightning, blizzard. ….Whirling snow whirlwinds: The way she howls like a beast. Then he will cry like a child... (February) Let's do an exercise that will help you answer the question. Exercise with snowflakes: take a deep breath and exhale smoothly on the snowflakes, lips in a “tube”. What happened to the snowflakes? What phenomenon did we try to depict? Winter quiz Listen to the poem. What winter month are they talking about? He will come with silent steps, he will die with an invisible cold And, covering everything around with snow, Suddenly he will hurt all of our ears: Why, they say, did you stick your nose out of the house in such frost? (January.) To use preview presentations create yourself an account ( account

) Google and log in: https://accounts.google.com

Slide captions:

December ends the year, winter begins. January is a fierce month: check what you're wearing. The stars shine brightly - it means cold weather. Blizzards and blizzards arrived in February. The first lasting snow falls at night. Name the month in this riddle, guys: Its days are shorter than all days, longer than nights. Snow fell on the fields and meadows until spring. Only our month will pass, We meet New Year

. December

JANUARY Christmas tree girlfriends in fur coats, Old stumps in hats. We don't need toys in winter: We'll go play in the snow. Soon we will become like funny snowmen. And January, all white too, will smile widely.

Physical exercise “In winter” The wind is a miracle - a mill (Hands raised above your head.) Spins at full speed, (we wave our arms from side to side.) And White - white fluff is sown on the ground. (slowly lower our arms down in front of us, lightly waving our hands.) Close the windows, doors, (clap your hands.) Take care of your ears and nose. (We cover our ears and nose with our palms.) Old Grandfather Frost walks and wanders along the road. (we tap our hands on our knees one by one.) Santa Claus pinches his ears, pinches his nose, and pinches his cheeks. (Rub your hands over your ears, nose and cheeks.)

Severe frosts in February occur only..... at night in the fog to thaw in the forest

I dusted the paths and decorated the windows. She gave joy to the children and took them for a ride on a sled. winter Rain and slush, Dirt and wind, Autumn, you are responsible for everything! The man is freezing, the man is freezing, The first white... snow has fallen

In winter, light fluffs fall from the sky and circle over the earth, White... snowflakes Lukerya scattered Silver feathers, twirled them, swept them away, the street became white. blizzard

What kind of ridiculous man made his way to us in the twentieth century? Carrot nose, Broom in hand, Afraid of the sun and heat? snowman Even though the guys are on vacation, they are sitting at home. It's minus thirty outside the window. I came to Sister Winter. He froze the pond and the river, and drove the cat onto the stove. freezing

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MBOU secondary school No. 3

Lesson from the world around us


3rd grade

Program: UMK "Harmony"

Makarova Elena Vladimirovna,

primary school teacher

first qualification category


Target: systematize knowledge about the winter season, winter phenomena.


  • create conditions for the development of students’ cognitive activity through the use of various forms of activity based on oral folk art;
  • teach to distinguish winter phenomena in inanimate nature;
  • develop the ability to independently work with information;
  • promote the formation of skills for safe behavior in nature in winter.

Lesson type: Lesson on learning new educational material.

Critical Thinking Technology

Equipment: 1. Projector, computer, screen, presentation “Winter in nature” 2. Poglazova O.T. " The world" Educational for 3rd grade. At 2 o'clock Part 1/O.T. Poglazova, V.D. Shilin. – Smolensk: Publishing House “Association XXI Century”, 2005. – 159 p.: ill. 3. Poglazova O.T. Workbook to the 3rd grade textbook educational institutions. At 2 p.m. Part 1 / O.T. Poglazova, V.D. Shilin. -9th ed., revised. And additionally.. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2012. - 64 p.: ill. - for each student;

4.Handout didactic material


The long-awaited call is given

The lesson begins.

Is everything in place, is everything in order:

Books, pens and notebooks?

Come on, smile

Hello, please sit down.

Call stage

Do you love fairy tales?

Today in class we will learn how to create our own fairy tale.

Who do you think we will dedicate it to?

Who whitens the glades with white

And writes on the windows with chalk,

Sews down feather beds,

Did you decorate the windows?

What is your idea of ​​a fairytale winter?

But let’s find out how the poet saw her. (Textbook p. 97)

What is she like? (Sorceress in a beautiful outfit)

What miracles does this sorceress perform?

Let's learn how to make beautiful sentences for our fairy tale.


We speak politely, take turns, and do not interrupt each other.

Call the interlocutor by name

Let's listen carefully

We ask again if it is not clear

We clearly express our opinion

Keeping order at the desk

We respect the opinion of the interlocutor



She threw a diamond blanket over the dark ground.

She hung silver fringe on the trees.

She enchanted the rivers into ice shackles.

I painted patterns on the windows with a magic brush.

Threw a dark blanket over the ground, diamond

Hung, trees, on, fringe, silver

Read out the resulting sentences.

Bewitched, rivers, shackles, ice, in

Painted, with a magic brush, patterns, on, windows




When does winter come?

Conclusion: winter begins when the air temperature is below zero - water bodies freeze, and the ground is covered with a strong snow cover.

Write the data in your notebook, page 44, task 95.


Quietly, all the guys got up,

Everyone raised their hands together,

Spread them apart

We looked to see if it was straight,

Dropped down at once

Quiet, quiet, everyone, sit down.




- 15º







Troika, troika arrived.

The horses in that trio are white.

The year ends, winter begins


December pleases your eyes with snow, but hurts your ears with frost.

Work in groups: Compiling four proverbs from two parts.

Check: Why do they say this?

What natural changes (phenomena) can be observed in winter?

Where can we learn more about this?

December is cold - it chills the earth all winter.

In December, winter lays down white canvases, and frost builds bridges across the river.

December is the night of the year.


1. " Keywords"

Snow cover


2 . "Insert"

What is the snow cover like in our area?

What does this word mean? Reading with notes.

What information did you enrich your knowledge with?

Have you observed freeze-up on the Amur River?

What precautions should be taken?


Oh, how long have we been reading?

The guys' eyes are tired. (Blink your eyes.)

Look all out the window (Look left and right.)

Oh, how high the sun is. (Look up.)

We'll close our eyes now, (Close your eyes with your palms.)

We will build a bridge in class,

Let's go up the bridge, (Look in an arc up to the right and up to the left.)

Let's turn right, left,

And then we'll slide down (Look down.)

Squint your eyes hard, but hold on. (Close your eyes, open them and blink them.)


Why does ice cover on Lake Baikal and the Angara River end only in January?

Work from the textbook on page 100



Independent reading of the textbook text, choosing an answer to a problematic question.






What natural phenomena occur in winter?

To make the names of the phenomena appear, you need to click on the letters in the words “Snow” and “Ice”. The word “Rime” appears on the letter “S”, “N” - “Snowfall”, “E” - “Ice”, “G” - blizzard, “L” - “Rime”, “E” - “Freeze-up”, "D" - "Ice". To view the illustration, click the hyperlink.



Stick it on


  • Draw fairy tale heroes with icy hearts.
  • Make up a crossword that includes the names of winter phenomena.
  • Read in the textbook page 137 Additional information with litters.
  • Complete the task in your notebook on page 45

Used Books:

  • http://www.activeclub.com.ua/modules/gallery/v/Priroda/Winter/
  • http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8%20%D1 %84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE
  • The world. Grade 3: lesson plans based on the textbook by O.T. Poglazovoy, V.D. Shilina. Part I / auto.-comp. T.V. Bondareva. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. – 253 p.