The summary for today is driving force, which helps many job seekers quickly find a job. It is the resume that can accurately tell the employer about personal and professional achievements a specific person.

On Russian market In labor, this option of providing data to the employer is now very firmly established. Many people still cannot draw up such a document correctly, but this determines whether they will be hired for the desired position.

The success of any person who wants to find a new job depends entirely on how clearly such a document is drawn up. It is here that a person must show the employer highly professional experience and best qualities unique to him.

Resume for applying for a job it is simply necessary, since from it the employer receives primary data about the person who is applying for this position, after which he forms his own opinion about the candidate.

The main rule when writing a resume is to competently attract attention to your candidacy. Any employer, having picked up a resume, will look at it for no more than three minutes, and during this time he should understand that he has found the right person.

The resume should under no circumstances be handwritten; it would be preferable to submit it in printed form. In addition, the resume should be: easy to read, clear, literate.

What is the best way to create a resume for a job?

A well-written example of a resume can be viewed on our website. It spells out the main, main points that must necessarily be contained in such a document.

Information that should be present in any resume:

  1. Personal data;
  2. Experience;
  3. Education;
  4. Professional skills;
  5. Additional Information.

This is the main list of information that must be included in the resume of each applicant.

To make registration easier, you can download a sample resume for a job on our website, which will help anyone do everything: accurately, in short term, without unnecessary or missing information.

When submitting your resume to a position offered by an employer, it is important to let him know that you know what you want. If in doubt, it is better to look at an example of an objective in a resume. The sample will give you the opportunity to figure out how to correctly fill out the specified column.

Basic Rules

Please note that the specific goals for applying for different positions vary significantly. Therefore, you should think about what purpose you should indicate in your resume when applying for a job. Depending on the proposed vacancy, your goal can be formulated as follows:

  • take the position of manager involved in active sales;
  • get a job as a manager who knows how to approach clients and make profitable deals;
  • apply for an open position as an experienced sales consultant;
  • getting a job as a cashier in one of the stores of a large supermarket chain;
  • take up a position commercial director in a distribution company;
  • plan the financial and economic activities of the company as a leading economist;
  • employment for the vacancy of a beauty salon administrator;
  • maintain accounting and tax records of the company as deputy chief accountant;
  • develop new products, increasing the range and popularity confectionery shop, working as a technologist;
  • engage in the promotion and development of websites as an SEO specialist, demonstrate your professional skills;
  • work as a sous-chef in one of the chain’s restaurants;
  • achieve growth in sales and promotion of the company's brands as a senior sales manager.

It is better to indicate the name of the vacancy for which you are applying as the potential employer called it in his advertisement. This will help you show your interest.

Common goals

But there are situations when an applicant applies for several vacancies at the same time. In this case, it is better not to look for a sample resume objectives without a specific position, but to create a resume for each of the vacancies that interest you separately. General goals can be formulated as follows:

  • work in a large trading company;
  • realize your increased performance, organizational skills and enthusiasm in the distribution firm;
  • get interesting work in a large manufacturing company;
  • applying for a position in a stable company, getting the opportunity to demonstrate your skills.

But it is better to avoid such formulations. The recruiter should not decide for you what kind of job you want to get.

Underwater rocks

When writing a resume, you should pursue one goal - to interest the HR manager. And for this it is not enough to write only the title of the position in the “goals” column. Of the three options presented:

  • head economist;
  • work as a chief economist;
  • engage in planning and analysis of the activities of large production company as chief economist,
    The latter will attract attention.

When deciding what to write, do not forget to indicate the selected vacancy.

The following options will be unpromising:

  • desire to receive high paying job in the bank;
  • get a job to pay the mortgage;
  • find additional part-time work to pay for your studies;
  • get a job that will demonstrate all my abilities and talents;
  • I want to get a job with a decent salary and a convenient schedule.

Therefore, before looking for an example of a resume, it is better to find out what vacancies are open in the company and demonstrate in the “goal” column that you know what you want and can be useful to the company.

Before making such a serious decision as work in the oil and gas industry, a person must decide for himself how prepared he is for the harsh climatic conditions of the North of Russia, where he is located most of wells

Chances of employment will increase and well-written resume for an oil worker, in which you need to specify the maximum useful information related to the vacancy.

It is also important to understand that this is a responsible job that requires certain skills and special training. Numerous institutions train specialists for this industry, and those who want to get a promising job with a high salary need to complete one of these institutions or special advanced training courses.

Writing a resume is a responsible process, because the success of employment depends on how well it is compiled. It often happens that a specialist with extensive work experience simply cannot talk about his experience and skills or talks about it “ in a nutshell", which significantly reduces his chances of success. At the same time, a novice specialist, when writing a resume for a prestigious oil company, approaches the process creatively, resulting in a good job.

When filling out the questionnaire, you need to remember everything related to your professional activity, describe in detail your previous experience and acquired skills. This must be done correctly, without overloading the document with unnecessary information. The information should be complete, but extremely concise, because no one is interested in reading large essays containing information that is not relevant to the case. Maxim Gorky said about this:

“People get confused in a mass of unnecessary words”

For example, you can shorten a document by omitting information about work at an enterprise or organization that is not related to oil and gas production.

You should also not talk about skills and abilities that will definitely not be useful.

Work experience in an oil worker's resume

The first thing an employer will pay attention to is the applicant’s work experience. This item must be filled out as completely as possible. The applicant can tell in detail about labor activity, with a particular emphasis on experience in the oil and gas industry. If you have had to deal with specialized equipment in your line of work and have an understanding of its structure, this is worth focusing on Special attention . How to fill it out correctly resume for oil company

the sample will speak better than any words.

An example of one of the work experiences

When filling out the “Work Experience” section, you must first indicate the position for which the applicant is applying.

If we are talking about several vacancies, then it is better to create a separate resume for each of them. The document indicates the time of admission and dismissal, while Don't mention negative experiences

– this will complicate employment. You should also indicate the name of the company and, if possible, the employer’s contact information - perhaps the future employer will want to hear about the applicant’s abilities in person.

A sample of work experience in an oil worker's resume may look like this:


    03.2011 - present V.


    JSC Sakhalin Oil Company

    Job title:

    Gas production operator

    Responsibilities: — Checking the condition and taking readings from
    measuring instruments
    — Carrying out measurements of well parameters
    — Maintenance and servicing of the well site
    — Maintenance of machinery and work equipment

    — Control of gas well parameters.

    Achievements (over 2 years):
    — Organized the work of the team.
    — Automated reporting.

Resume of a specialist without experience

It is difficult for people without work experience to get a prestigious and highly paid position as an oil worker. Will help you defeat numerous competitors any information about work activity associated with the extractive industry, even if it is not documented. In case of temporary internships it is necessary to indicate the type of work and information about the contractor, focusing on the features of the project. Having a specialized education or information about completing special courses will increase the chances.

Education on an oil worker's resume

“No matter how long you live, you should study all your life” - Seneca

Every employer wants to have educated specialists on its staff; ideally, an oil worker should also have certain knowledge. Therefore, the “Education” section is also filled out carefully, and the name is accurately indicated educational institution, faculty and specialty according to the diploma.

Example: basic education


    Surgut Oil College


    Development and operation of oil and gas fields



    Year of ending:

If the specialized education is not related to gas and oil production, it is necessary to indicate the availability of specialized courses, as in a resume for an oil worker’s job, a sample of which is presented as an example:

Oilman skills

Skills acquired over the years professional activity, will also help you get a job as an oil worker.

If you have experience working with personal computer, it is worth focusing on the level of PC proficiency, where knowledge of specialized programs will be an advantage, as in the presented example:

This section contains not only information related to the work to be done. You can, for example, talk about having a driver’s license and level of foreign language proficiency, especially if you have to work in an English-speaking team.

What to write about yourself in an oil worker's resume

The success of an oil company depends on the coherence of the team, so communication skills and the ability to get along with people are a key factor.

This is necessary, where you can also mention other character traits: learning ability, diligence and responsibility. There is no need to talk about qualities that are not relevant to the vacancy - the employer will find out about this during the interview, if so desired.

Example "About Me":

  • Ability to work in a team, organizational skills, communication skills, learning ability, creativity to accomplish tasks, responsibility. I have experience in extreme conditions, repeatedly made thoughtful decisions in critical situations. Responsible for recruiting and training staff.

Contact details

By sending out a resume, the applicant hopes to receive an invitation to an interview. Therefore, in order for this to happen, you need to provide your contact information as completely as possible. One phone number in this case will not be enough, especially given the development of the Internet and social networks. In order not to miss the desired message, it is advisable to also indicate in your contacts information about your social network accounts, Viber number, WhatsApp, and other popular instant messengers.

Example contact details:

    7 812 000-00-01





The success of employment depends on how correctly an oil worker's resume is filled out.

Can also help Additional Information, but do not forget that all information must be complete and presented in a concise form. If difficulties arise in the process of drawing up a resume, it is better to entrust it to professionals who will promptly and correctly fill out all sections of the document, which will increase the chances of getting hired.

Sample resume for work 2020 download free form in word


Employers typically require your resume to consider you for a job. Below are available for download various options resume: regular, with photo, without formatting, in English. You can download everything and choose the most suitable or convenient form. All samples to fill out are in word (doc) format.

General definition of the term Summary (source: Wikipedia):
Summary(from French résumé or Latin curriculum vitae - “course of life”, biography, pronounced curiculum vitae, often shortened to CV) - a document containing information about skills, work experience, education and other relevant information usually required during consideration candidacy of a person for employment. A biography, that is, a CV, differs from a resume in volume and, as a rule, is written by candidates for high positions. It provides more detailed information about yourself, your education and qualifications than a resume.

Mobile applications

Also, for example, on this page:

You can download mobile applications to fill out your resume online at in electronic format and submitting a resume to the employer. The page contains links to download applications from official stores Google Play Market and Apple AppStore (the largest and most popular portals):

HeadHunter - (Head Hunter), Yandex.Work, Superjob (Superjob),,

Resume structure
A resume usually consists of several sections, the information in each of which is intended to be in brief introduce potential employer with all information about the candidate necessary for his hiring. Your resume should not include information that has nothing to do with the proposed job. Your resume should only include information that will help describe you as best as possible.

There is no single standard resume form, form or template.
The resume is compiled in any form and usually contains the following information:
- year of birth (age);
- contact numbers (home and/or work), e-mail.
- Goal and/or desired position, what type of work you are looking for.
- Information about your education:
- date of commencement of studies - date of completion of studies;
- the name of the institution;
- faculty / specialty, qualification.
- Work experience (in reverse chronological order, that is, starting from the last place of work):
- start and end date of work;
- name of the organization (field of its activities; perhaps a brief description);
- your position;
- number of subordinates (if any);
- description of your job responsibilities, powers, level of responsibility;
- examples of specific achievements.
- Additional education- courses, seminars, internships, etc.
- Additional skills (computer proficiency, degree of proficiency foreign languages, availability of a car, driver's license, typewriting, etc.).
- Your advantages (you can indicate several of yours at the end of your resume personality traits that distinguish you from others and help you achieve the desired results in your work).

Sometimes resumes also include information about membership in professional associations, scientific publications, and patents. You can also include information about your hobbies in your resume, preferably if they are active hobbies (for example, sports, tourism, dancing). You should not include information about the desired level in your resume. wages. It is better to indicate this in cover letter to the resume (English Cover Letter). Here you can give any additional explanations to your resume. IN different countries The structure of a resume, or CV, may vary. IN Lately Internet resumes, filled out according to a specific template and posted on specialized websites, have become widespread. recruiting agencies. There are also professional services, offering the preparation of “literate” resumes. Another, still rarely used, type of resume is a video resume, which is a short video in which the candidate talks about himself, his skills, etc. And just as in the case of Internet resumes, there are specialized sites for them, on which they can be posted, and the companies that record and post them. Source: Wikipedia.

Also, recently it has become quite convenient to store your resume “in the cloud” - on servers that can be accessed around the clock from any part of the world, for example, on specialized sites, for example, Head Hunter The service is convenient because you can fill out your resume in the specified fields. In addition, you can search for employers and vacancies that interest you there. You can also set up an auto search so that vacancies are automatically selected according to specified conditions by title, minimum salary, work schedule, etc. At the same time, the site has very flexible settings for the visibility of your resume. For example, if you want your resume to be visible only to those companies where you sent it as a response to a vacancy, this can be easily set in the settings and it will no longer be visible to anyone, according to the site description.However, many vacancies can still be found on specialized professional forums, company websites, etc., and such vacancies may not be published on such vacancy search sites. In such cases, the resume sample options presented above may well come in handy.

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