
The other day I was at a meeting with childhood friends. How many years have passed, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, but it seems like everything was the same as yesterday))

Although, of course, you have changed a lot, many life stories, as it turned out, could have been predicted in advance 😊 Here, for example, is Vovka: as far as I remember, I was always fixated on studying, for which I received a lot and often in the yard, until I thought of enrolling in combat sambo courses. He was distinguished by the fact that he could always set goals, and then, like a tank, he walked towards them, sweeping away everything and everyone in his path. I liked him because he managed not to knock his forehead, figuratively speaking, on all the walls and doors, but always searched and knew how to quickly find optimal solutions , using where connections, where modern technologies

. It is not surprising that he is now the head of a large Moscow corporation)) But Sashka, another friend of ours, was very surprising: at school he showed no less promise than Vovan, but then something went wrong, and somewhere at the stage of his development own business

But I was even more surprised when Vovka, after listening to the confession of the “businessman from the swamp,” said that he had exactly the same thing: he just woke up one day, and there was such hopeless darkness in his soul that he didn’t want to live. The only thing that stopped me was the excitement about the upcoming deal: whether he could persuade foreign partners or not. Obviously Vovka turned out to be stronger than Sanya.

I think that Vovka was unlucky in the sense that right time There was no person nearby who could help with practical advice. So his life slipped into a familiar routine. Everyone around us lives even worse, instead good advice you hear the answer: “Who has it easy now? Everyone is in crisis!”

In general, I advised him to start a LiveJournal and let him read popular psychologists here. I recently liked yurkovskaya- her answers are all to the point, specific and short, not like some, that by the time you finish reading, you’ll forget where it started.

I even looked at it out of curiosity free consultation website- but it turned out to be quite a funny idea, in half an hour I found interesting information that will help me in trading. They correctly write that we already have all the answers ourselves - and I don’t need any psychologist.

Since my blog is mainly on a financial topic, I was primarily interested in its free money thinking course. which I signed up for, let's see what happens there. Then I will definitely write about the results... Although the cover of the course is already pleasing... -)

Or tell me - has anyone tried Yurkovskaya’s courses? Did it help?

In Finland, 22-year-old college student Matti Juhani Saari went on a shooting spree on September 23, killing nine students and one teacher. Now new details are being revealed - as it turns out, Saari was friends with Pekka-Erik Auvinen, who in November 2007 committed a similar crime at a college in the city of Jokela, and the future killers met while playing online computer game Battlefield as part of one team. Investigators said Saari and Auvinen were armed with identical pistols, apparently purchased from the same store, and acted in a similar manner. According to investigators, “it will be strange if there is no connection between the crimes.” At least five people have now been arrested in Finland for posting online death threats similar to those made by Saari and Auvinen before committing their crimes. Saari himself was called to the police literally a day before the incident because of a video that he posted on the Internet, which contained threats and calls for violence. Teenagers playing with pistols in videos have also attracted attention in other European countries; in neighboring Sweden, police arrested a 16-year-old resident of the city of Koping (see).

The principle by which the police search for potential criminals is surprising - if formerly man, who planned the murder, carefully hid any details of his plan, now he first films a video about his intentions, posts it on YouTube and, with the support of virtual friends, goes “to the job.” Absurd? If the purpose of the crime is the unpunished murder of specific people, it is absurd. But, unfortunately, the executions of their colleagues and classmates in educational institutions, pursue a different goal. The criminal knows that he will be killed or is preparing to commit suicide in the end. But he is also sure of something else - that the whole world will know about him and his hatred, that his name will be heard on dozens of TV channels, and in countless Internet forums and blogs.

In this sense, Russia “does not lag behind” Europe. We have plenty of criminals posting videos of their “exploits” on the Internet, and, unfortunately, these are not interviews with promises, but filming of atrocities that have already been committed. So, last week, while Europe was trying to understand the causes of the Finnish tragedy, the Moscow City Court made a decision in the case of a gang of teenage skinheads who were detained because they filmed crimes and posted these recordings on the Internet. The victim of this particular gang was the famous chess player from Yakutia Sergei Nikolaev, and among the video clips that appeared in the media were shocking footage of the beating of a pregnant woman. (cm. ). Not long ago, in one of the many TV shows about criminal incidents, one could see another terrible scene recorded on a mobile phone camera - two teenagers beating a homeless man, who later died from these beatings in the hospital. In contrast to the “ideological” nationalist background of skinheads, here we see simply killing for fun. By posting such videos on the Internet, criminals want to become famous, and moreover, there are those who not only “boast” about what they have done, but are specifically willing to kill in order to obtain rare footage. "In the investigative department Investigative Committee at the Russian Federation Prosecutor's Office for the Magadan Region told the newspaper that they continue to “promote” the cases of three Magadan teenagers who killed helpless pensioners and filmed scenes of violence on mobile phone cameras. They wanted to post these recordings in the Internet section “shock video,” but did not have time. The police detained the teenagers “hot on the heels” after the second murder,” writes Novye Izvestia.

Psychologists, commenting on the actions of “murderers with video cameras,” first of all cite demonstrativeness as an important motivation for such crimes. Criminals are proud of their actions and want everyone to know about them. This is especially true for aggressive teenagers, for whom posting such “proof” of their superiority over anyone on an Internet forum is a way to assert themselves.


It would seem that the Internet has nothing to do with it - after all, teenage gangs and murderous maniacs have always existed. But the Internet and television make it possible to increase the audience of witnesses by orders of magnitude. At the same time, the information environment has become morally neutral. It is believed that everything can and should be filmed and shown to the viewer; the more detailed, the better.

The desire to turn absolutely any event into a multimedia story is gradually even taking shape in the technology of a journalist’s work. If previously their task was to create texts and reports, and the cameraman was responsible for filming, now it is assumed that one person will create both video, text, and photos - just as it happens in the blogosphere. “AFP has purchased small, lightweight video cameras that give professional quality filming for writing journalists, the BBC has organized a desk that collects packages of information and produces multimedia stories, CNN, in collaboration with one of the phone manufacturers, has equipped its correspondents with devices that allow them to write stand-ups without operators and even go live at arm’s length,” writes edition iToday. ru. On the one hand, all this makes it possible to quickly show the viewer a variety of events. On the other hand, the question arises: can and should everything appear in the media?

After all, a murder, a plane crash, or a dirty scandal can be filmed and turned into a video clip. In this case, both crime reports on all television channels with a relish of murders and accidents, and entertaining reality shows where heroes publicly sort things out, do the same thing - they lower and remove the barriers of what is permissible for the viewer. Sitting in front of the television screen, the viewer calmly has dinner, looking at the same television footage where teenagers methodically beat their victim to death, drinks tea while the operatives report on how many stab wounds were inflicted on the next murdered victim, and with interest turns away from a friendly conversation to see how looks like the crash site of a crashed plane.

In fact, there are no areas of life that are not turned into entertaining video chewing gum. On the contrary, such seemingly unpleasant topics for the viewer as death, loss of loved ones, stories about serious illnesses and misfortunes become the highest rated. Because they are presented in a “look what happens” manner and turn into a farce. Thus, while watching a horror film, the audience calmly chews popcorn, while real emotional involvement should evoke the very catharsis that was originally the goal of tragedy as a genre. The current information environment has completely opposite tasks - no catharsis. Surprise, frighten, shock - there’s as much as you want. Therefore, after any tragic reports there are cheerful commercials, and advertising specialists themselves admit that the more provocative the TV stories are, the more effective advertising works in such an “informational frame.”

Film scholar Daniil Dondurei calls this phenomenon “downward selection,” when TV and the Internet, with their stories and ways of presenting them, announce moral and psychological barriers non-existent for a normal person, they try to “disconnect the viewer from moral taboos,” and believes that such “rotting of valuable capital” is much more dangerous than any economic crisis. Moreover, “breaking a taboo” does not mean something out of the ordinary. It’s just that day after day, what was unacceptable just yesterday becomes commonplace.

Take, for example, the notorious video surveillance. Just recently, life under the gun of video cameras was considered the lot of prisoners in prison, but now, under the pretext of the fight against terror, residents of all major cities, regardless of their desire, find themselves “under the cap.” Not long ago I interviewed one of the executives of an international manufacturer of data storage devices, and according to him, the video surveillance sector is today one of the most important consumers of these systems - cameras are installed everywhere, and along with them, electronic archives. Enterprises are beginning to consider electronic surveillance of employees a necessity, and citizens of their own children. So, last week on Channel One you could see an enthusiastic TV report about how in one of the kindergartens in Kazan, along with teachers, parents themselves are watching their children via the Internet. They talked about the transparency of the pedagogical process, that the work schedule of modern parents does not allow them to spend much time with their children, and cameras allow you to watch your child from anywhere in the world. But not a word was said about the fact that working or living in conditions of total surveillance since childhood is humiliating.


Even if we do not take into account the extreme cases when the Internet becomes a platform for crazy criminals, the desire to become famous and at least for a moment to attract attention, to become, albeit a drop, but still included in the World Ocean of information, drives millions of Internet users who film your video cameras and Cell phones everything in the world. Count the number of views of your video, photos, the number of blog readers - this is the measure of popularity. I create content, therefore I exist. It is the virtual world that for a huge number of people becomes a place where they can get their “minute of fame” and prove to the whole world that they mean something. Just take a closer look at most Internet communication platforms - this is by no means a place for peaceful information exchange, but a huge electronic vanity fair, where everyone brags about what they can. Teenagers who are “lawless” - with videos of fights and beatings, fashionistas - with photographs of freshly purchased new clothes, history buffs - with their erudition and knowledge of “primary sources”. “Look, I have a new purchase on e-Bay” - “And I have a new love story on a dating site” - “And I have traveled to such interesting countries!” Bored office workers look with interest at a photo shoot of hanging a Christmas tree from the ceiling or a selection of the most ridiculous street advertisements. Revelations about their family life, photos of your favorite car and favorite cat, reports about a vacation trip, reports about a birthday party and dreams you had. And then - discussions, reviews, “pluses” or criticism from old “friends” or random guests. Few people keep closed online diaries with a limited circle of visitors. The bulk of Internet users share personal “content” with the whole world, posting it in open forums and blogs.

To a large extent, these virtual revelations are facilitated by the ideology of success, which has been cultivated in the public consciousness for many years. Since everyone is clearly not destined to become movie stars and oligarchs, a whole system of substitutes arises, and the “moment of fame” is part of it. Let in real life I'm not a hero, but I have an interesting LiveJournal. Let my real name mean nothing to anyone, but in my online forum I am a recognized and respected expert. Or a popular witty character. Or a shocking eccentric. The main thing is to be able to make an impression with your remarks, photographs, and videos. On the one hand, the Network has indeed provided the opportunity for fruitful communication for millions - and on the other, the number of fighters for virtual victories is so great that, willy-nilly, the question arises - why did the virtual space become a field for their self-realization? Why is it so exaggeratedly important to announce yourself to the whole world from the computer screen? And spend quite a lot of time on this - either work time, if trips to virtuality take place in the office, or personal, free time, the lack of which is usually complained about.


The Internet, of course, is not the reason here at all, but simply a tool. People are literally crushed on all sides by aggressive propaganda of some kind of success. You just drive a car or take a bus down the street - and almost everyone billboard appeals to your vanity. Buy a car, an apartment, an expensive suit and a watch - and prove to yourself that you “have the right” and respect yourself. If you cannot become a “winner” in reality - welcome to reality number two - you can compete for virtual laurels.

Moreover, what is being promoted to Russians is not success in the understanding of “first among equals,” but in the understanding of “go ahead, otherwise you will find yourself a failure.” This is precisely what director Sergei Solovyov, the creator of the cult “Assa”, spoke sharply about in his recent interview: “In world practice, there is not a single truly good film that would defend bourgeois values. Because there is capitalism as a system of economics, and there is bourgeoisism as a system of human values. And here we are now - a disgusting, savage petty-bourgeois society. With absolutely petty-bourgeois personal attitudes. This is what Alexander Blok went crazy about, what Tolstoy went crazy about, what many people went crazy about. And we made this a national personal priority. We were the first to think that main criterion an accomplished human personality is success. Well, what could be nastier? More disgusting for the simple philosophy of human life on earth. Nothing can happen! From morning to night we hammer home: how to be successful. Yes, it’s clear how to be successful! By standing on the corpse of a comrade, you become ten centimeters higher. Well, all this was invented a long time ago, before us! And there is no other formula for success!” And he added that, despite all his dislike for censorship, “if it were possible to introduce anti-bourgeois censorship for some time, I would not go out into the street with a saucepan on my head to protest on this issue, beating myself from above with a spoon.”

It is not surprising that where the formula for success is “am I a loser or have the right,” someone decides to demonstrate this right by walking over corpses in the literal sense. In this sense, the tragedy in Finland and its Russian “analogs” are, unfortunately, not exceptions, but the most direct consequences of this, at first glance, life-affirming idea of ​​success.

I thought that duty was when doctors sat in the resident’s room and drank tea and cake brought by grateful patients. They just sit there in case one of the patients needs emergency help. They chat well, whether about work, or just about all sorts of nonsense. That's what I thought.

But nothing like that. We've been on our feet for five hours now, and to be honest, I'm already falling from fatigue. During these five hours, my friend the doctor only stopped once to drink a cup of coffee, and once he let me smoke. The rest of the time he works, and I just follow him, watch him work, and I’m already tired as a dog. Moreover, nothing emergency happens, nothing first-aid, nothing urgent, no resuscitation. My doctor friend says that an emergency is usually the price to pay for missing out on routine work.

He walks around and examines the sick. Enter the gateway, wash your hands, disinfect your hands. Enter the box, leaving me in the airlock to look through the window, put on a robe, put on gloves. Say hello to the girl, say something funny. Tell mom something reassuring. Feel the abdomen, lymph nodes, examine the skin. Examine the skin on the palms and feet separately, because a rash on the body is most likely a reaction to the chemical, and a rash on the palms is most likely GVHD, a graft-versus-host reaction. Examine the sclera. Listen to the lungs, listen to the heart. Use a special flashlight to examine your mouth, because the mouth usually contains stomatitis ulcers. Inspect the catheter in the subclavian vein. Soak the patch with some special solution, carefully peel it off, and rinse the catheter. Open sterile scissors, sprinkle with disinfectant solution, cut off the plaster. Seal the catheter, cut off another patch, and glue the tubes leading to the catheter. Examine the wound on the neck where the skin has burst. Open sterile tweezers, lift excess skin, cut with scissors, and treat the wound. Place the used instrument in a special box, which will then be taken away for sterilization. Smile with just your eyes (you can’t see your lips through the mask). Disinfect your hands, take off your robe, go out of the box into the airlock, look at the stool and urine. Wash your hands... The examination lasts at least half an hour.

And so ten times. The bone marrow transplant department, which is headed by my friend the doctor, has ten beds. And in the near future, about thirty outpatients will gradually appear. They will also need to be examined with the same meticulousness and attention. Go to the nurse's station, take the girl's tests, and discover that the sodium level in the blood is high. Go to the office, go online, use professional databases and try to find which particular medicine or combination of medicines can give you excess sodium. Understand the formulas.

My doctor friend pays for his subscription to professional databases himself. He also buys professional magazines and books at his own expense. In America, a large clinic spends at least a million dollars a year on scientific literature. In Russia, a researcher is given one thousand rubles to subscribe to scientific journals. You have to do it at your own expense. Or rather, at the expense of his wife. My doctor friend allows himself to work as a doctor only because his wife profitable business. Otherwise, how would you raise two children in Moscow on a salary of forty thousand rubles?

Return to the nursing station, write new assignments. Write carefully so that the sisters do not confuse. Each child has two channels in the catheter because some medications cannot be mixed. There are eight taps in each channel. Tubes from droppers or infusion pumps lead to each tap. Each infusion pump delivers different medications at different rates and in different doses. All this cannot be confused. The sisters' salary is twenty thousand rubles a month. They usually travel from somewhere in Kolomna. And when my friend the doctor teaches them to work properly, they leave for dentistry or cosmetology.

Yes Yes! This is the same ultra-modern center for pediatric hematology and oncology that was solemnly opened by Putin and Chulpan Khamatova. I’ve been walking here for six hours with my friend the doctor and I’m already falling off my feet, despite the fact that he’s working and I’m just following behind.

And now look. The most modern equipment, the highest qualifications of doctors, their dedicated work - what result will the combination of these three factors lead to?

Correct answer: to increase patient mortality. A friend of my doctor, who works like this, as I described above, actually modern equipment, with the most expensive drugs, the mortality rate will be higher than in any ordinary hospital for any lazy person and dunce. Because the success of a doctor is determined not by qualifications, not by equipment, not by the availability of drugs, but by the selection of patients. The mortality rate will be lower not for the one who treats well, but for the one who sends difficult patients home to die and takes only mild cases.

This is true for any professional activity. The more difficult you set yourself, the less likely you are to succeed. And my friend the doctor - you'll see - in a couple of years he will turn out to be the worst in the industry. The best ones have already guessed that they can save my friend the doctor from all the children who spoil the statistics. All the obviously hopeless ones.

He will, however, save a few hopeless people.

I am 30 years old. I no longer attended the Soviet school, but I received what I consider to be worthy knowledge. I studied in a class with a physics and mathematics focus, but I was always interested in humanitarian subjects. Likewise my classmates, who subsequently received, for the most part, technical professions, did not limit themselves to the exact sciences. We wrote poetry, composed music, studied foreign languages, discussed classical literature and visited various theater clubs. This was instilled in us at school - a craving for everything new. I loved history most of all, the textbook on which I usually read before the start of the school year. In high school, I became interested in the work of Marx, especially his criticism of Proudhon in The Poverty of Philosophy.

After entering university, my views were formed on the basis of material that most people were not interested in. The Internet was not yet developed, and it was extremely difficult to find supporters. The cult of success has already become firmly entrenched in society. For a number of reasons, I dropped out of university and got a job as a simple laborer in a large construction organization. He became a real proletarian. Immediately I felt the oppressive iron tread of the capitalist, where the exploited class was regarded solely as powerless cattle. A working day of 10-12 hours is the norm, weekends are a luxury, vacation is only formally on paper and it is better, of course, not to get sick. The principle was “the horse is dead - get off!”

Oddly enough, the workers accepted these rules of the game. Class struggle? What do you mean? I didn’t give up my education. In parallel with work, I independently studied theoretical mechanics, modern construction technologies, necessary regulations, mastered 3D graphic editors. After a couple of years, I could replace almost any employee on a construction site. At the same time, the first strike I organized took place for the provision of breaks for heating and rest at low air temperatures. It was a success. I received recognition from colleagues who, as a rule, were 15-20 years older than me. More and more often I began to hear: “And what are you forgetting here? Go, become one of the people!” And I gave in. A few years later, I changed course, forgetting about what I started everything for. Inadvertently, I was thrown into this meat grinder of modern reality and replaced my desire for social justice with the prospect of personal success. And now I’m teaching young specialists not to lay bricks, but simply to be more successful.

Working as the head of the HR department, I again encountered reality. The younger generation who are just starting out labor activity, are not interested in work, they only need success, without effort. Success is like a commodity! Even when you teach them to sell better, run a business or manage personnel, there is widespread intellectual laziness. You can even pass off outright nonsense as quotes from the greats without fear that someone will check it. The worst thing is that we are talking about people who received higher education. They believe that this goal has already been achieved. They bought a ticket (diploma) to a successful future, while the economist has not heard of Adam Smith’s theory, the manager gets confused at the mention of Abraham Maslow, and for some reason only social networks were mastered in computer literacy lessons.

Watching the film “Last Call” convinced me that it is still necessary to fight and it is not at all pointless. “Last Call” put an end to my conviction that the problem of education is so acute that it’s even scary to imagine what it could lead to. After all, those workers whom I described above lacked the education to fight for their rights. Modern workers have education in the form of a commodity, and for the majority it is of “low quality” or does not correspond to market demands. They will remain behind the shelves in supermarkets. They will accept this scenario because they don’t know anything and don’t want to know. They were simply not taught to learn. And if we don’t fight, the next generation definitely won’t be able to.

- Success
- to be successful
- I am a successful young man

Thanks to the large number of “business sects”, such crap has become heard quite often. A cult of some abstract success is created.
Success success success success success success... the blissful face of a young man in a suit, with both buttons fastened and a briefcase, which immediately identifies the theater ticket seller who entered the business center and is sent from each office. But, most likely, they also told him that “he has his own business and does not work for his uncle.”

Well, that’s not the point, let’s try to understand the mantras “success” and “success”.

All of us who have passed school education, we have a certain set of values. The most important values ​​that are laid down in school (and in general in our system of upbringing and education) are submission and stability. Having a boss, Putin, and a strong hand is required for a calm life and a feeling of “confidence in the future.”
When a person comes to any training, he is bombarded with a huge flow of information on the topic of some abstract “success”. Money, women and other external attributes are necessarily present on the advertising brochures of any such training.

"To become rich, you have to think like a rich person"
“To become successful, you must do as successful people do.”

It's amazing how this completely idiotic ideology absorbs more and more victims. I have heard many times that “you need to go to places where successful people go in order to catch up with them,” “you need to behave like successful people,” “you need to copy their behavior,” and other nonsense.

I think everyone has heard about the cargo cult. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D1%8 3%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%82_%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D 0%B3 %D0%BE
In the second world war the Americans built an airfield on a tropical island, planes brought food with which the Americans fed the natives. Everyone was happy, but bad luck - the war was over, and the Americans left the island, abandoning the unnecessary base.
What did the natives do? That's right - they started building airplanes from straw and wood, because... in their limited consciousness, airplanes were a kind of food attribute.

Modern mimicry of certain " successful people" - just the same cargo cult. Copying external attributes without any understanding of the essence.

What is the notorious success?

On this question I have exclusively my opinion, which most likely will not coincide with the opinion large quantity of people. I came to this conclusion by communicating with wealthy people, and came across interesting things:

1. Almost none of those who have the attributes of “success” (an expensive car, a yacht, etc.) identify themselves as “ successful person". The motivation is completely different - “I wanted it - I earned it - I bought it.” I have never heard any nonsense about “I decided to become successful.”
2. Almost none of them compare with others. Not at all. Absolutely self-enclosed people, working for their own goals, known only to them.
3. The most important thing is that they do not fall for trolling and do not show negativity. Those. they are completely harmonious in themselves and do not need constant proof of the correctness of their chosen path or their own rightness on this or that issue.

From all this it follows that success, as a concept, does NOT exist in nature. Existsa feeling of victory, self-satisfaction, joy of life, etc., completely subjective emotions.Different people experience them from different events/things. How many people started families at the age of 19-20 because “a normal man should get married”, and then they lost their minds because a certain social understanding of success (“all real men get married and have children”) was the gross opposite of the true essence of a man and satisfying his “I want to go out, have fun and what the hell with the kids”? (for stupid people and trolls - this does not apply to all young people 19-20 years old, there are also those who sincerely want a family).

The final conclusion is simple:
Success is a feeling of complete inner harmony, satisfaction with oneself, one’s life and one’s path, and, as a consequence, a complete reluctance to prove anything to anyone at all (lack of messianism).
Well, “proactivity” (c) Stephen Covey. Those. lack of response to external negative stimuli.

Honestly, I still have time to grow and grow :)

Every person has their own idea of ​​success. A Buddhist monk who spends 16 hours a day in meditation won’t even look at you like you’re an idiot; if you mention a yacht and a Mercedes, most likely he simply won’t notice you.
Some people care about specific things for specific purposes - a yacht for traveling around the world, money to build a house, etc.
For some, creative self-realization.
But the concept of success is an exclusively personal matter for each creator of his own path.

Well, by the method of elimination we get one more interesting fact
If a person does not live by building his own success, he willy-nilly builds someone else’s, while convincing himself that he is building his own. And the path indicated to him from the side (or from above) is his own.