I read my friends’ statuses and passed the philosophy exam with flying colors!

If something hurts, be silent, otherwise they will hit you there...

You are needed where you are now. Only what should happen happens. Everything starts on time and ends too.

Only thanks to ones, zeros become millions.

In the minibus: “I’m going like a bunny, and you tell me, “Come out, cow.”

Understatement gives free rein to imagination.

There is a constant battle within me: the little girl and the girl who is a bitch.

It's always too early to die, but it's never too late to start living.

Trust is like an eraser. It becomes less and less after each mistake.

People lie freely with their mouths, but their faces still tell the truth...

Never, do you hear... never change your class status while drunk))

I'm damn good in bed... I can sleep for days.

Life is given once, but it succeeds even less often.

A man is characterized by four situations: how he fights, how he counts money, how he looks at children and how he ends a relationship...

Slight stupidity makes a person invulnerable.

Smart women have their own personal life... But stupid women always meddle in someone else's!

Any person, without explaining anything to him, can be sent to prison for ten years, and somewhere in the depths of his soul he will know why.

A desire for which there is not enough money is called a dream

"I - strong man... but a weak woman."

A great person demands everything only from himself, while an insignificant person demands everything from others.

- Why does a person need 12 meters of intestines?
- So as not to burn your ass with hot tea.

For cool men, other people's children are not a hindrance, but for fools, their own children are a burden...

When we are right, no one will remember it, but when we are wrong, you will be constantly reminded of it.

A minute of reconciliation is more valuable than a whole life lived in friendship.

It's cool when everyone is at home, there is a home and there is everything.

I allowed myself the luxury of not communicating with people I didn’t like...

There are no bad people!!! There are only those with whom I am not on the same path!

If God wants to make you happy, then he leads you along the most difficult path, because there are no easy paths to happiness.

Write down all your complaints against me on a piece of paper! Make an airplane... And fly to hell! Happy flight to you and your passengers!!!

It’s annoying when they ask: “Have you broken up? Love has passed, the tomatoes have wilted? Take care of your garden, you lousy summer resident!)))))))

I wonder if you remove your date of birth, how many friends will remember your birthday?

Luxury is when the inside is as beautiful as the face...

I never listen to the coolest music alone. There are 3 more floors listening to it with me.

Everything that can be settled with money is cheap.

Happiness is when your family and people very close to you are healthy! We’ll repair the rest, throw it away, buy it, forget it...

It’s so good when there are cool people who keep you awake at night for a long time)))

If God wants to compliment a woman, He gives her a daughter...

Over the years you become wiser, but your soul, like a child, continues to believe in miracles

Fate often gives us people who are good for life experience, but not for life.

Our age depends on what we have experienced and realized, and not on the number of birthdays celebrated...

Everyone is the master of their own life, the kind of master you are, that’s how your life is.

The coolest morning: wake up, take a shower, drink coffee... and go home!

The main thing is to get away from unnecessary people at the right time.

No matter how disappointed you are in people, they will still surprise you!

Odnoklassniki is the coolest site. Today someone wanted to add me as a friend Nail extensions, Stretch ceilings and Plastic windows!

Remember: if someone turns away from you, then in return God gives other people who are ready to support you! Know how to recognize them in time and not push them away under any circumstances!

Better a good swearing person than a quiet, well-mannered bastard.

If your husband went fishing and brought a mermaid with him, girls go to the seas - there are 33 heroes there!!!


The coolest statuses

No matter how much bad things they say about me, I always have something to add. 118

Nothing limits your actions like the phrase “do what you want”... 78

Guys get jealous when they love you. Girls are jealous even when they don't love you. 82

Can't find an approach to me? Go around! 226 - cool statuses

Comrade, let’s go check out the cash... 19

Nothing strengthens faith in a person more than 100% prepayment. 32

If you know exactly who is to blame, don’t give yourself away. 52

I walk with my eyes closed and a smile from ear to ear, towards my future happiness, through a field of rakes... 115

From the statement: “How do I feel…” Crossed out. “How I did you all...” Crossed out. “Yes, you all should go to...” Crossed out. “Please grant me another vacation.” 36

Dear Money! I miss you very much. I promise to buy you a new wallet. If you want, you can invite your relatives from Europe or America - I won’t object. I will accept everyone! 38

I want chronic health, progressive happiness, recurring success, a hypertensive salary, and an eternally pregnant wallet without the threat of miscarriage!))) 47

(function (w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function () ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -132683-1", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-132683-1", horizontalAlign: false, async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script "); s.type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//an.yandex.ru/system/context.js"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this, this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

The best way to test a guy’s fidelity is to ask the sleeping person in the morning the question: “Will you go to yours or will you stay with me?” 72

According to statistics, the phrase “How huge he is!” Most often heard by a spider. 65

Briefly about yourself: Year of manufacture 1991, Mileage 20, Color light, Height 162, Lights blue, Documents on hand, Tuning present, Body not damaged, not rusty, Roof in place, but no brakes. All options, I start with half a turn. 59

You can't look in the mirror when you eat - you'll eat away your happiness. And when you drink, you drink. And it’s better not to hang a mirror in the toilet at all... 68

Sex is when he wants, erotica is when she wants, porn is when both want. 52

If you don't have the money to change your wardrobe, change your job! For the new team, all your old clothes are new. 40

Flowers should be for no reason... Happiness should be unique... The house should be warm... The weather - and it doesn’t matter what the weather is! But love should be mutual. 47

All people bring happiness - some by their presence, others by their absence) 70

What would I give to a person who has everything? I would punch him in the jaw. 19

If men knew what women were thinking, they would court twenty times more boldly. 47

Only nesting dolls can live soul to soul. 73

I need to call my mom and tell her where I am. - Hello, mom? Where am I? 46

The little boy was watching porn. I didn’t understand the film, but I was very sweaty. 31

The main thing is that they are waiting for you at home, and not waiting for you 63

Chocolate tastes twice as good if you can’t have it) 40

The Lord protects us all. But the shelf life is different for everyone. 47

I am protected by the great ancient Egyptian god of peace and tranquility - DANUNAH. 74

Every day those around me prove to me that life without a brain is real. 67

No one will die a virgin: life will fuck us all. 38

Only the best and coolest quotes in the world!

There's nothing wrong with that modern people share their feelings and thoughts with the help of the best statuses collected on Statuses-Tut.ru! You don’t need to hide like a snail in your house from the problems and storms of life, you don’t need to hide your experiences from your family and friends. After all, they are the first to lend a shoulder and help in any situation. And sometimes even one correct phrase will help you look at the problem from a different angle, and the most best quotes in the world is a selection of excellent statements by great people about themselves, their feelings, experiences, complexes and even fears. And if you haven’t talked to your loved one for a week because you had a fight, and now you don’t remember why, then cool statuses in contact, like beacons, will help your man find the right way to your heart! And here you are again choosing good wine together in your favorite restaurant.

Cool quotes for Odnoklassniki and the best VKontakte statuses!

Have you re-read your class status in Odnoklassniki and come to the conclusion that you don’t have enough impressions? It's time to go to the theater with your friends to see an avant-garde production, or watch a new blockbuster in the cinema with your favorite actors, or go on a trip. Are you overwhelmed with the most conflicting feelings and thoughts? The best VKontakte statuses will help you find like-minded people and discuss everything that worries you! You went to the page of a friend from college and read a cool saying, you liked it so much that you start looking for cool statuses with meaning. In the old fashioned way, you take an encyclopedia or a collection of sayings of famous people from the shelf and leaf through it for a long time in search of a worthy answer. But interesting quotes don't lie on the road! Then you decide to go in search of the treasured phrase in world wide web. And after a long search, find cool quotes for Odnoklassniki. Now you have a great opportunity to chat with friends and casually discuss your best status.

The newest and coolest sayings for connoisseurs!

Are you with best friend always up to date with all the events in the youth community. You love to visit the most fashionable and interesting places in the city, you are aware of all the latest films and music. You have a lot of friends all over the world and you love to travel. And despite such a busy life, you spend a lot of time on social networks, and everything that happens to you immediately ends up on Instagram or Odnoklassniki. Your photographs and observations are always accompanied by best statuses in the world. But your friend is always ready with new cool sayings. “Where do you find them?” - you ask your friend. He just goes to our website Statuses-Tut.ru and chooses for his page in social network the best sayings!

Of course, in order to be interesting and attract attention, you need to be able to write funny. VK statuses are mostly funny and interesting. Our site can help you speak in such a way that people understand you and so that your statements are not worse than others.
VK is a serious resource where everyone reads each other with great interest. Cool thought forms can make the user popular.

New VK statuses

In the new year, even though it has just begun, many new interesting sayings have appeared. This makes everyone happy because it shows that people continue to think and invent new solutions to old problems. The appearance of new thought forms was influenced by the events that marked the beginning of the new year, and by the fact that people changed a little and received new judgments about some old and ordinary things. They say that “the new is the well forgotten old.” In this case, the old truth is only half right. In fact, many sayings have no analogues, and you can see this if you look through the collection of our resource.

Beautiful statuses for VKontakte

As before, great attention is paid to the beauty of thoughts. On our site, as before, Love reigns supreme. The most beautiful sayings dedicated to her. She is the queen and legislator of that direction of thought that is dedicated to the sensual side of man.
They express themselves beautifully both about their feelings and about their relatives. This category of thought forms helps people get closer and begin to understand each other, forgive mistakes and strive for positive thinking.

VK statuses with meaning

It is worth saying that the administration of our site has long noticed the desire of our users to search and find in our collection something that is endowed with deep meaning. This makes us happy and directs us in the direction of replenishing the resource because it speaks of a person’s ability to analyze and express themselves in a sophisticated manner.
Statements with meaning are our specialty. Can you understand their meaning and appreciate the hidden desires of those who wrote them?