Leading: Dear guests!
Today in our house there is an anniversary again. We are celebrating a date with a name...
All guests: Twenty five!
Leading: Our birthday boy is young, handsome and full of strength, he is always dear to us in our hearts and very sweet.
Leading:... (name of the birthday boy)!
We congratulate you
With all my heart, believe me.
Open today with us
You are the door to the adult world! (Applause from the guests.)

Leading: Friends! Let the glasses we move symbolize the unity in the congratulations! Hooray!
All(in unison): Hurray! (Toast. Musical pause.)

Leading: There is a small break between the first and second. We invite you, dear guests, to compose a common toast of 25 words in honor of the 25th anniversary of our birthday boy. Your task: add one word to the above in turn so that you get a phrase with a single meaning. (Making a toast. Musical pause.)

Leading: Dear guests! It's no secret that our birthday boy was born under the zodiac sign Gemini. It would not be bad if, on his 25th birthday, he could look at himself from the outside. (The birthday boy is handed a mirror.) ... (name of the birthday boy), tell us what he is like, is your brother a twin? (The birthday boy describes his image, perhaps some characteristic features your behavior.)

You are very similar - there is no doubt
And, really, all my friends are delighted.
Don't celebrate it on your birthday
Of course, we just can’t!
- Let's raise a glass to our wonderful Geminis!

Leading: As you know, Geminis have everything the same: eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
Now, dear friends, before your eyes we will find a suitable match for the birthday boy. (The host selects a young man of similar build from among the guests. He and the birthday boy are dressed in the same clothes: T-shirts, caps, glasses, a beard, mustache, etc. .)

Leading: Dear mothers, grandmothers, fathers!
Before you is a miracle - twins!
And they are similar not only in appearance, but also in their movements and gestures. Now we will make sure of this. We invite the birthday boy’s twin to make a congratulatory speech, accompanying each phrase with certain gestures, and the birthday boy must keep up, repeating all the words and movements almost simultaneously with his twin.

Dear guests! Today I, that is, we, are celebrating an anniversary.
I would like to sincerely congratulate my twin brother on this holiday and wish him to look at the world with wide open eyes, keep his ears on top of his head and conquer everyone with his white-toothed smile. Long live the happy Geminis! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
(Applause from the guests.) Leading: Friends! There are many reasons to drink to these similar men! (The guests drink.)

Twin of the birthday boy: My congratulations are not over yet, accept the gifts, my twin brother! I have been waiting for this moment for a long time to give you what you have long dreamed of. I give you...a flower. (Without looking, he pulls out a protruding stem from behind his belt.) Ugh, where is it? Ah, the cow probably ate it, she followed me all the way. But don’t worry, if you plant it in a pot (points to the stem), a new one will grow. (Hands over the stem.)

I have another gift for you. Here... grandma's strawberry jam. (Takes out an empty jar.) I just ate the jam myself, it was very tasty. But it’s okay, the bank will also be useful to you; you’ll put your savings in there. (Hands over a jar.) And, finally, the picture... (Takes out a large wooden frame). Both-on! I forgot the canvas, I brought one frame. But no problem! So you would be the only one looking at the picture, but here everyone will be looking at you! (Holds the frame in front of the birthday boy, presents his portrait. Applause from the guests.)

Twin of the birthday boy:
Happy birthday, dear brother!
Be healthy and rich!
Host: Friends!
Boredom does not suit us:
Give your twin a glass!
Let's raise a toast to congratulations
And for such wonderful moments. (The guests drink. The birthday boy’s twin takes off his suit and accessories and takes a place among the guests.) Leading: We continue with original congratulations and presenting gifts to our birthday boy.
(Congratulations to the guests. Presentation of gifts.)

Leading: Dear guests! Take a look at our birthday boy! At 25 years old, he looks like a real man!
Leading: I wonder what, what, what are these men made of?
From overseas bottles and tight wallets,
From beautiful foreign cars, drills, nails, grinders.
From picnics, parties, violins and, of course, smiles.
Leading: And I was already convinced of this, noticing that the birthday boy’s smile is his characteristic feature. I think the guests are also ready to smile broadly at him in response. (Guests raise pre-prepared smiles made of cardboard above the table, on the back of which are written words addressed to the birthday person.)

Leading: Friends! With the help of these smiles we will try to create an overall sculptural composition called “Happy Day”.
(Guests, in order of turn, read the text with “smiles.”)

1. I hope you will smile from the bottom of your heart when you wrap yourself in this sheet like a Roman.
(The birthday boy is given a sheet. With the help of the guests, he completes the task.)
2. Like God from above, give us a smile.
(The two men cross their arms and lift the birthday boy, who in turn holds the “smiles” on their faces.)
3. Now break into a smile - I will play the violin. (The participant plays or imitates a game on musical instrument, without forgetting about your “smile”.)
4. I will perform a dance for you, cheer me up with a smile. (Holding the “smile,” the participant performs any dance to the accompaniment of the previous player.)
5. If your lips smile, sounds will immediately flow from my lips. (The participant sings the song “Smile.”)

Leading: And now - attention! We ask all participants in the living sculpture to freeze in place - instant photo as a keepsake! (Photographing the sculpture.)
Leading: Let's drink to keep the smiles on our faces as long as possible, and for the birthday boy to give them to us as often as possible! (The guests drink.)
Leading: Since we started talking about men, please remember how this word will sound in foreign language? (Men.)

Leading: For the word “men” in Russian, you can find many words with the same root. For example: athlete, showman, businessman, gentleman, as well as new names well known to children - Spiderman (Spiderman) and Batman. All these words can only be attributed to real men who dream of meeting our hero of the day on this holiday. Meet them! (Guests dressed in appropriate costumes come out to the music and sing in chorus a song to the tune of “My Number 245.”)

Today together, we are the whole squad
We came for a holiday, an anniversary.
Let the toasts sound here for good reason,
Just don't drink too much.
Today, our friend, we are having fun
Celebrate the holiday with you.
We drink, alas, not Coca-Cola,
You are responsible for us all.

At your ripe 25s
You must show yourself
And be the best today
At the end of the fun.
(2 times.)

Leading: Dear birthday boy! Today you have to pass several tests, captivating all the guests with your successes. Our “exchanges” will help you with this.
(Each “man” gives the birthday boy a task, and he tries to cope with it to the best of his ability.)
Athlete: The first task will be as follows: you need to do 10 push-ups.
Businessman: Doing push-ups is easy, but making money is much more difficult. Here's a tool (hammer) and required material(bar and coins). Pin the coins edgewise into a block.

Spiderman: Dear birthday boy! Take my example: release the web from your hands and hit the center of the target. (For the competition, the game “Darts” is used with magnetized arrows, to which gray threads are tied, coming from a ring placed on the player’s hand.) Batman: Try, like me, to jump from one roof to another. (Any objects can be used to limit the size of the “roof.”) Gentleman: Be able to remember and repeat all my actions with the cane.
Showman: Entertain our company with a funny song or a funny joke.

Leading: Dear guests! Let's congratulate our hero of the day on successfully passing the tests and proclaim him SUPER-MAN!
(The hero of the day wears a ribbon with the inscription “SUPERMAN.” Applause from the guests.)

Leading: Dear guests! Our hero truly deserves a special toast. Toast
We raise a toast to Superman,
We wish you success and good luck in the future!
(The guests have a drink. All “exchanges” take part in the next competition.)

Leading: Friends! We already have Superman in our company, all that remains is to choose a super couple. All the “exchangers” already known to us, including the hero of the day, as well as 6 representatives of the fair sex, participate in this competition. (Merry music sounds. Everyone dances. As soon as the music is interrupted, the participants form pairs “man - woman”, the extra “man” leaves the game. The game continues, but in the absence of one of the ladies. And so on until the last ones remain 2 participants who will be declared a “super couple”. Music. Determination of the winners.)

To honor us as a super couple,
We will fill the container with wine,
Let's raise our glasses over the table
And then we’ll drink it all at once.
(Guests drink. Musical break. Dance block.)

Leading: Dear guests!
To win a good prize,
Please take your seats.
(The guests are seated at the table.)
Leading: We need to choose two participants from among you. They will have to leave this place with my assistant until I give the prearranged signal.
(2-3 participants leave with an assistant presenter.)

Friends! A whistle is tied to the back of my belt on a dangling cord. As soon as I approach someone with my back, you take the whistle in your hands and whistle. Players will take turns guessing where the whistle is. To confuse them a little, I ask everyone to stretch their hands forward and clench their fists, (The leader blows the whistle. The assistant brings one of the players.)

Leading(to the first player): Your task is to guess which of those present has the whistle. You have the right to point to any fist and see what is there. (When speaking his words, the presenter is between the player and the guests. Imperceptibly taking a few steps back, he comes close to the guests and gives them the opportunity to whistle. Constantly asking the player where the whistle is, the presenter changes his location, moving from one guest to another, while this, perhaps turning around several times. This gives a kind of hint to the player. As soon as the whistle is found, a second player is invited, and everything starts again. Which player will find the whistle faster?)

Leading: Our program continues with fun dancing.
(Dance block.)
Leading: Dear guests! .
We are completing our anniversary
We invite you all to the table,
We invite everyone to raise
For the anniversary, for 25! (The guests drink. The picnic continues sports games and competitions: football, volleyball, swimming, darts and others.)

The 25th anniversary is a special date when a person reaches a certain milestone. On the one hand, the birthday boy is still young and full of fun, on the other hand, he turns into an adult and serious person. That is why competitions should not just be funny, but also exciting, interesting and original.

Simple Basics

While guests are just starting to feel better and their blood alcohol levels are rising, it’s worth organizing a competition to best congratulations for the birthday boy. So that they wish not just “Happiness, health”, but come up with really interesting texts.

The reward will be a certificate “For the best congratulations”; you can specially prepare inexpensive but pleasant little things: sweets, key rings, etc. The main thing is not to forget to raise your glasses after each speaker in order to warm up and prepare the guests for the next, not so harmless, entertainment.

"Dance while you're young"

Both young people and older people participate in such a competition. It will require chairs and appropriate music, as well as people willing to warm up. Participants are seated and asked to dance lezginka in the first round only with their feet, without lifting their butt from the seat. In the second round you will have to perform a gypsy with only your shoulders, in the third - a cancan with your lower limbs. For oriental dances, you can use your hands, but rock and roll will have to be depicted only with the help of facial expressions.

The winner is determined by grateful spectators, or the birthday boy will give first place to the most artistic participant. The main thing is to have time to photograph or video the unique pirouettes and steps.

"Catch Me If You Can"

The number of participants is not limited, but they must be divided into pairs, preferably in a “boy - girl” combination. The ladies are given balloons, each has a different color: some are green, some are yellow or with a cute face. The young ladies inflate the rubber products and release them, and the men must catch the flying “something” and be the first to return it to their partner. The team that finds its ball the fastest wins.

"Move your pelvis"

The following games should be offered to a company that raised more than one pile for the health of the birthday boy. In the first variation, men are asked to sit on a chair and hold a banana between their legs. Girls must peel and eat the fruit, but they are not allowed to use their hands.

The second proposal is to place women on stools, and place a glass of alcohol between each thigh: vodka, wine or cognac. If desired, place a piece of lemon a little higher, for example on the chest, as a snack. The task of the male half: drink alcohol without hands, have a snack, and thank your partner.

The next competition can be held either simply among women or between couples. It is necessary to stock up on small bags in which walnuts or lotto barrels are hidden. The accessory is placed on the guy’s chair or lap, and the young lady must use her fifth point to determine the exact number of items. The participant or team that was closest to the solution wins.

A group of young people will be happy to play ping-pong, but not the usual one, but with a sexual context. Guys have empty bottles of champagne or wine, or large containers of vodka, tied to their belts. Balls are placed on the starting line, and buckets, cups or glasses are placed on the opposite side, into which participants must push the accessory. Guys can only use bottles and a basin, no arms or legs.

"Strip or Sing"

If the guests are not too shy, it’s worth playing “Herringbone”. Each team consists of two participants: a guy and a girl, one of whom will play the role of an evergreen tree, and the second will dress it up. Phones, beads, earrings, ties - the more, the better. After the Christmas tree, they must give the leader one decoration at a time until there is nothing left. Guests who want to win will begin to remove not only other people's accessories, but also elements of their own wardrobe. The main thing is to finish on time before the participants say goodbye to their underwear.

For the next competition you will need chairs and music for striptease. Each guest will receive a stool, around which he will wind circles to the song. When the sound stops, participants must place one item of clothing on the chair. They play until they wear underwear, and then the guests must get dressed to the music.

IN big company There is a person or several who love to sing, so a parody competition is prepared for them. Participants are given two sheets of paper: one with the lyrics of the songs, the other with the name of political figures: Brezhnev, Zhirinovsky, Stalin and other famous personalities. Guests must sing, adapting as much as possible to the person on the sheet, conveying the features of his speech or character.

"Beware of competitions"

Participants are invited to play the role of a famous Chinese chef, who must chop an apple or cucumber into a salad with his eyes closed. Guests are asked to take off their shoes and socks to feel like real Chinese, and are given large knives or chopping axes in their hands.

When the eyes are blindfolded, the vegetables are replaced with the participants' socks, and the chopping process begins. Winners in this competition There will be everything, and as prizes it is worth giving replacements for the cut accessories.

The presenter invites 10 guys onto the stage and places a box of chicken eggs, hard-boiled in advance. Each participant takes one and breaks it on his head. The winner will be the bravest one who is not afraid to get dirty in a raw egg. The main catch is that all the ingredients will be boiled, and the intrigue will grow until the last participant. Will the guy be able to become the bravest, or will he refuse?

"Don't forget about the birthday boy"

Guests can prepare fun entertainment for the hero of the occasion, taking with him a pan of small pasta, generously sprinkled with ketchup. One person is placed on chairs, the birthday person is blindfolded, and brought to the victim. Everyone is silent, and only the presenter comments on what is happening in a terrible voice.

“Now we will meet the pharaoh. Here are his legs, and these are his arms, his stomach, his shoulders. And here is the head of the pharaoh.” The birthday boy’s hands are brought to the pan, dipped into the pasta, and at this time the host says: “And these are his brains!”

Screams are guaranteed, even brave men are scared.

Birthday script 25 years

I invite the hero of the day to remember what he dreamed of at the age of 24. Wonderful! Now let’s see what we have today (lists the achievements of the hero of the day). So let's drink to ensure that all the wishes of our dear... will continue to be fulfilled in such the shortest possible time!

25 is a wonderful age! You can drink all night, and in the morning you have a fresh head, more than enough energy, and life is wonderful! Let's check whether all of the above applies to our hero of the day. (Takes out a large bowl) Now I will pass this bowl around, each of you will pour a little liquid into it and say a few words to the hero of the occasion.
And now, when the cup is full, we will ask the hero of the day to raise a toast and drink it to the bottom. Don't want to? Then you will have to take part in a penalty competition.

The presenter writes a congratulation on a piece of paper in advance and, before the start of the competition, cuts this sheet into pieces. The “pieces” are hidden in the clothes of the ladies present.
The host invites the birthday boy to go in search of adventure and find all the parts of the congratulation. To do this, the participants stand in a row, and the hero of the occasion tries to complete the task. The duration of the game can be limited.
At the end, the presenter reads out a congratulation and raises a toast.

And now I must briefly talk about life path hero of the day, but my information relates to another person, so you will help me fill in the gaps.

The presenter reads out the following text:
No. was born __________ in the city of __________. At school he was __________. Then he entered the __________ (joined the army and served in the __________ troops). He started his business in __________. His first successes were __________. The company employs __________ people. He comes to work __________. The hero of the day spends his vacation in __________.
The quiz can include questions about family, wife, hobbies, habits - this will depend on the internal atmosphere.

You are not the only one who wants to congratulate our hero of the day. Considering the young age of the hero of the day, it would not hurt him good advice from the guardians of the business.

Four hunched over, shaking grandfathers appear. One of them takes off his hat and places it on the floor in front of him.

Give it to the father of Russian privatization. Monsieur, it’s not mange pas sis jour!

Stop it, Ivan Ivanovich. We have already received money for this performance. And in general, you disgrace us all the time.

I’m not disgracing, I just have my own savings system, Pavel Petrovich.

Let's start already, gentlemen, otherwise the audience will disperse!

Dedicated to young leaders embarking on the slippery and dangerous path of business!
My mother saw me off, saw me off,
With tears in her eyes she shook her hand.

Oh, where are you going son, are you going?
Did you guess how to become a businessman?

Wouldn't you, my dear, be a businessman?
After all, they work three shifts.

It would be better if you became a simple deputy
Or served in the army, back then.

It's hard to be a businessman, that's for sure
Our economy is not stable.

And inflation is growing, what a plague!
And default is coming again as many as two times.

And pay taxes to the penny.
And then go and sleep on the bench.

If you want to become an oligarch, that’s great,
And it’s safe to sit in the cell.

My mother accompanied me to businessmen.
My mother accompanied me and shook my hand.

After the end of the number, the First goes around the guests with a hat and asks for the development of a new direction in the business.

Now you know what awaits you. Are you ready to go all the way?
Then we'll do a little warm-up and test your math skills.

The presenter takes out a large sheet of paper on which numbers are written large. He covers the column of numbers with a piece of paper and, moving it little by little downwards, asks those present to add up the resulting amounts out loud: one thousand, one thousand forty, two thousand and forty, and so on.

Most participants will end up saying "Five thousand", and they will say it incorrectly.
The psychological reason for this is the repetition of the word “thousand”.

So, there are still some minor problems with the score. How are things going with your bank deposits?

The presenter conducts the competition.


The presenter invites an equal number of men and women to participate - pairs are formed from them. The presenter gives the ladies 10 banknotes. Within a set time, for example 3 minutes, women must make "bank deposits" using pockets and other suitable places on their partners' clothing.
Then the presenter invites the ladies to change their gentlemen and “withdraw their deposits” as quickly as possible.
The first participant to find all ten bills wins.

After the competition, the presenter gives the floor to those wishing to congratulate the birthday boy.

Gentlemen! Just a moment! The magician and magician David Copperfieldman came to our holiday quite by chance. Now he will demonstrate his unique art!


First, the magician demonstrates the ability to see the past, future and read the thoughts of those present. To do this, he selects three volunteers, asks them questions and, in turn, asks them to name a number up to five. (The magician must make passes with his hands over the heads of the victims and make a mysterious face)

Question No. 1. Who were you before you knew our hero of the day?
For men
1Monk - hermit
5Organ grinder

For women
1Actress of a traveling circus
2Waitress in a tavern
5Delicious bun

In case the number is repeated
2Card sharper
3Tribal leader
4A traveler

Question No. 2 What is your character?
For men
2Very weak against women
3I'm just an angel
4My character has not yet been formed
5My character depends on the circumstances

For women
3Very weak against men
4I'm almost a child

In case the number is repeated
1I am spoiled by a small salary
2Naivety surrounds me
3You are not allowed to say anything bad about my character
4I am tormented by vague doubts...

Question No. 3 What is good about you?
For men
1Ability to choose friends
2Ability to sit on two chairs at once
4Fantastic generosity
5Flexible mind

For women
2Refined manners
3You tire me with your presence
4 And the face, and the clothes, and the soul, and the thoughts!
5Divine voice

In case the number is repeated
1Luxurious hair
3The desire not to notice the performance of others
4Rare wit
5Loyalty to ideals

Question #4 What is your life motto?
For men
1Everything - or nothing
2Through thorns - to the stars
3Seize the moment!
4Not a day without love!
5If you drive more slowly, you will go further.

For women
1After me - even a flood
2My hut is on the edge
3Time is money
4What is not done is all for the better
5Giving people joy

In case the number is repeated
1I came, I saw, I conquered
2Take everything from life
3Don't be surprised at anything
4The end justifies the means
5 Don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask!

Question No. 5 What would you give half your life for?
For men
1No way
2For a bottle of Martini
3For worldwide fame
4For slender legs
5For honorable conscience

For women
1For satisfying my needs
2You, a man, don’t understand
3For eternal youth
4For the smile of the hero of the day
5For the opportunity to become a star at this anniversary

In case the number is repeated
1For the same talent as the hero of the day
2For selfless love
3For the prosperity of the office
4For a villa by the sea
5For tax benefits

In the next number, the Magician demonstrates sleight of hand. (Shows any focus)

And now the artists of the Chubais Mobile Theater are performing for the dear hero of the day with their production. Meet!


1st Deputy;
2nd Deputy;
His son.
Decorations and attributes
Cinderella's workplace (table, chair, telephone, etc.); 3 screens with signs "Boss", "1st Deputy", 2nd Deputy"; laptop; cell phone; poster " Presidential program"; Poster with a color graph of the growth of financial growth indicators.

Scene one

Cinderella sits at the table and answers phone calls. From time to time, from behind one or another screen, shouts of “Cinderella, quickly come here!” are heard. Cinderella hides behind a screen and returns with a stack of papers. The mountain of papers on the table is constantly growing, and soon Cinderella is almost invisible.

A kind girl worked in one office. Her name was Cinderella. She was very hard-working and timid, and everyone in the office took advantage of her.

Cinderella, did you send a fax to Lumumba?

But I haven’t seen such a country on the map.

You haven’t seen gophers either, but they exist!

1st Deputy
Cinderella, where is my passport?

In your first drawer.

1st Deputy
Ugliness! He should be in the second one. Go change it!

2nd Deputy
Cinderella, go to the post office and find out our postal code!

Cinderella 100000.

2nd Deputy
Then find out the Norman-Goodman index. And don't say you didn't see him!

This is how they chased the poor girl from morning until late evening. And her salary was small with constant delays.
Cinderella sings.

I'm at the window all day,
I'm struggling here alone.
Hell of a job.
Faxes, letters and calls -
It's a pity that there is no third hand,
That's my concern.

Here, at the desk,
I dream of one thing -
About career growth.
I have no chance
I haven't eaten for three days.
How can life not be easy!

Cinderella, the Deputies and I are leaving for the Capital to participate in the Presidential program. There will be a presentation of new technologies. There will be a President and his Son. Book us a hotel and order tickets.

Can I come with you?

Certainly! Just first make a card index of all incoming and outgoing documents, agree with the tax authorities on benefits for three years and categorize all our clients into bad and good with a detailed dossier for each.

The boss and deputies leave, Cinderella drops her head on the table and cries.

Scene two

The Fairy and the Intern appear.
Cinderella! Stop crying - your mascara is running. It's so ugly! You know that when I see ugly things, I grow old!

Sorry, Godmother. But I really wanted to go to the presentation. I even prepared a growth chart financial indicators growth (demonstrates a poster), and the Boss gave me so many instructions that I couldn’t manage it in a month.

Nonsense. Here’s a magic laptop for you - It contains all the databases and copies of all documents, and I’ll go to the tax office myself - you won’t be able to figure it out without magic.

Thank you, Godmother! Can I go to the presentation now?

Certainly! There is a Mercedes at the entrance. In the back seat is a Cardin dress. Enjoy! But remember: as soon as the clock strikes midnight, all this will turn into an old “Zaporozhets” and a robe from the “Bolshevichka” factory.

I’m still learning, but I really liked you, dear Cinderella. Let me give you this cell phone.

Thanks boy! Thank you, Godmother! I got it!

Scene three

Hall in the Presidential Palace. On the wall there is a poster "Presidential Program". The President, his Son, the Boss and the Deputies are drinking champagne. Cinderella appears.
President Who is this beautiful stranger? Son! Just look at her schedule! Why are you silent?

Father, I have no words.

Go quickly and ask where she got such indicators from?

Beautiful stranger! Let me invite you to an international seminar in Nice.

Look! It seems our investors have been taken over by this upstart!

Dear girl, you amazed us with your beauty and intelligence. And now we’ll play forfeits, and the first forfeit is yours!

I can sing you a song!

President (to son)
And it doesn't break!

She is very simple, but very kind and cheerful (singing).
Oligarchs, stand in a circle,
Stand in a circle, stand in a circle
The euro is our good friend.
New good friend!

A dollar is also nothing
Nothing, nothing!
Love him too
One, yes!

But the ruble is not our friend,
Not our friend, not our friend!
Oligarchs, stand in a circle,
Stand in a circle, yeah!

Everyone is dancing around Cinderella. The clock strikes. Cinderella quickly runs away, dropping her cell phone.
Son Ah, she disappeared, and only her cell phone reminds me that it was not a dream! But it's disconnected and I can't even call her.

Let everyone know! The girl who knows the PIN code for this phone and can turn it on will become my communications advisor and have a chance to screw my son.

Scene four

Boss's reception room. Cinderella enters, singing a good song.
Ah, that's who crossed our path!

1st Deputy
They warmed up the snake under the well!

2nd Deputy
Tell us your PIN code immediately!


No.... Then write a letter of resignation!

(through tears). Three, two, two, two, three, three....

The fairy enters, followed by the intern, the President and the Son.
Fairy I told you that gender discrimination is rampant here. The poor girl is being bullied.

Isn't this your phone, dear girl?

My! My! And the schedule is mine too!

Enter the PIN code and the phone turns on. Everyone except the Boss and Deputies clap joyfully.
I knew that scientific progress always triumphs over evil!

Scientific progress wins not only in fairy tales! Therefore, let's raise our glasses to the triumph of science, which revealed to us the wonderful properties of alcohol and allowed us to feel young and full of strength for great achievements!

The presenter invites everyone to take part in games and competitions

A girl’s 25th birthday is an important event that you want to spend fun and unforgettable. The birthday girl will be pleased not only by the presence of welcome guests, a delicious feast, a pile of gifts, but also by an organized scenario with jokes, games, songs and background music.

Home toastmaster

For an unforgettable holiday, it is not at all necessary to turn to the services of animators and toastmasters. With the help of the anniversary script for a 25-year-old girl, anyone can organize an event at home. The main thing is to have the desire to please the hero of the occasion with creative ideas and a worthy program.

It is advisable to discuss in advance with the young woman what she wants her birthday to look like, what kind of company and atmosphere she expects. She may want to spend the holiday without noise and unnecessary fuss in a quiet family circle. However, if a young female soul wants a bright, unforgettable evening, it is worth helping her with this.

The home organizer needs to take into account the tastes and preferences of the birthday girl in order to please her. Can be discussed ready script anniversary for a girl 25 years in advance, but leave some details secret. It’s better to leave a pleasant surprise for the finale of the evening.

You can organize a gala party in honor of your twenty-fifth birthday in different ways: with improvisation, a clear script, or a thematic slant.

Ideas for the evening

Cool scenarios for a girl’s 25th birthday come about when the party has a specific theme. The style decisions of the evening imply several points:

  • evening program;
  • musical direction;
  • dress code;
  • original photo shoot.

Besides themed parties arouse great interest among guests, initially create a cheerful mood and, in most cases, fulfill one of the birthday girl’s wishes. For example, an anniversary script for a 25-year-old girl in a specific style will help her:

  1. "Visit" in France - ("Party La France").
  2. Remember your childhood - (pajama party).
  3. Feel like a princess, a witch, Lara Croft, etc.

Theme party

Before preparing the program, the home organizer should find out about the secret dreams of the young girl. There is no need to be afraid to choose unexpected themes for the evening. Perhaps for a 25-year-old girl, an anniversary scenario created in the style of a doll party is her long-standing wish. Birthdays are a great way to have fun and remember your childhood.

The range of thematic ideas for cool 25th anniversary scenarios is huge. For example, a party:

  • pirate;
  • pajama room;
  • pioneer;
  • Indian;
  • rocker;
  • romantic;
  • criminal;
  • palace;
  • Mexican.

Any birthday girl's dream can serve good idea to create a festive evening. “Travel” to any country, transformation into unusual characters can weave a scenario for a girl’s 25th birthday at home.

Important points

When drawing up a program for the holiday, the organizer should consider several important nuances:

  • the size of the room in which the event will take place;
  • age category of those present;
  • availability of audio and video equipment;
  • the amount of time allocated for the anniversary.

Taking into account all these aspects, the presenter comes up with an original scenario for the anniversary of a 25-year-old girl.

Planning the scenario

The program must be clearly planned. It is important not to miss key moments and not spoil the smooth and harmonious flow of the holiday.

The stages of the holiday include the following actions:

Birthday "in Paris"

The scenario for celebrating a girl’s 25th birthday in French style will really appeal to a romantic nature who dreams of love and travel.

It is quite difficult to prepare such a party. This work is interesting and creative, requiring some important steps:

Celebration in La France style

A birthday in French style is an excellent occasion to congratulate you on an important date and bring it into “life.” great script celebrating a girl's 25th birthday.

The host greets the guests and the main character of the evening with a solemn speech:

"Bonjour, madame, bonjour, monsieur!

We all gathered on this day,

Congratulate our “cher” and “bel”,

After all, it’s Anetta’s (Tatyana’s) anniversary!

There is no more beautiful maiden in the land,

Such beauty is only a dream!

We will congratulate her

Sing songs, have fun, dance!

Let's say it loudly, in French:

Annette, zha vu aniverser!”

The names of the guests and the birthday girl are translated into French and pronounced throughout the evening. If you change and enter the guest’s last name and first name into the badges, those present receive both a new “nickname” and a reason for new sensations and fun.

Each of those present identifies himself, trying to respect the nasal accents of speech and the rolling “r”.

1. General game "Match a Pair"

Presenter: “Today we will visit a beautiful country, which is known for romantic adventures, wonderful love stories. France is a country where fashion is born, passions rage and hearts in love gather. I will name a famous person, and who knows, tell me the name her other half:

  • D'artagnan -...(Constance);
  • Napoleon - ... (Josephine);
  • Geoffrey de Peyrac - ...(Angelica);
  • Johnny Depp -...(Vanessa Paradis);
  • Quasimodo - ...(Esmeralda);
  • Nicolas Sarkozy - ... (Carla Bruni);
  • Louis the Fourteenth - ... (Louise de La Vallière);
  • Alain Delon - ...(Romy Schneider);
  • Marcel Cerdan -...(Edith Piaf).

2. Competition "Winemakers"

Two participants are selected. Each of them is given a glass and a bunch of grapes. Players compete to see who can squeeze “wine” out of grapes into glass containers the fastest.

3. Game tasks"Umbrellas of Cherbourg"

The scenario of the 25th anniversary with competitions in which those present will demonstrate acting and other talents greatly amuses the audience and gives a great mood.

The small paper umbrellas that are handed out to guests have numbers with a task written on them. It is performed individually by each of the “lucky” ones who got it.

The list of tasks is as follows:

  1. Pantomime a frog.
  2. To the song Happy birthday, sing to the birthday girl “Zhovyu aniverser!”
  3. Moving ten steps away from the hero of the occasion, compliment her with each step.
  4. In a wide skirt and cap, dance “Cancan” to cheerful music.
  5. Crow three times.
  6. Various objects are placed on a chair under a napkin: soap, a spoon, an apple. A blindfolded participant sits down on a chair and tries to guess what it is by feeling.
  7. Draw a portrait of the birthday girl with your left hand.
  8. Build the Eiffel Tower from disposable glasses.
  9. Loop champagne from the saucer.
  10. Parody the facial expressions of Louis de Funes, looking in the mirror and shouting: “It’s Fantômas!”

4. Dance competition "Croissants"

Croissants are a favorite delicacy of the French.

From among the guests, 2-4 participants and the same number of assistants - “cooks” - are chosen. "Culinaries" wrap volunteers toilet paper, like “puff pastry filling.” "Croissants" are ready! “Sweet buns” dance a fiery dance to the playful music. The “sweetest” one is chosen.

Beautiful ending

The French scenario for a home anniversary of 25 years must be completed with beautiful notes. This could be a slow dance to the romantic music of the birthday girl and her partner, a beautiful song rehearsed in advance in honor of the woman celebrating her birthday, a bouquet of 25 roses, or another beautiful ending. The main thing is to delight the hero of the occasion.

Let's add some zest

The scenario for a woman’s 25th birthday will become even more interesting and rich if we add some creative moments:

  • decorate the room with photographs of the birthday girl different ages;
  • arrange an original photo zone, against the backdrop of which she will take unforgettable pictures with her family and relatives;
  • Record video congratulations from family and friends in advance;
  • edit and edit a video about a twenty-five-year-old girl with her numerous photographs and suitable musical accompaniment.

These surprises will delight the young lady and help her celebrate her holiday with a smile.

Congratulations from men

Cool scenarios for a girl’s 25th birthday can be diversified with funny and artistic numbers that will amuse both the main character of the evening and the rest of those present.

1. Choir "Flowers for a Lady".

Several men prepare and rehearse a song for the birthday girl in advance. There is an interesting point in the execution. Large flowers are cut out of a large Whatman paper and slits are made in the middle for the face. Peculiar “masks” are put on the performers. As a result, a choir of “buttercups” appears before the audience.

2. Congratulations from “famous men.”

The birthday girl sits in a place of honor. Men enter the hall one by one with wishes, a flower in their hand and a sweet surprise. Men portray a wide variety of heroes of women's hearts: an overseas prince, James Bond, Philip Kirkorov, Troubadour and so on.

3. Interesting predictions.

The arrival of a gypsy will add notes of surprise and cheerful excitement to the scenario of a girl’s 25th birthday. She should be cheerful and groovy, prophesying all sorts of things for the guests. interesting facts, and promise the birthday girl love and a happy future.

The bright holiday in the company of family and friends will be remembered by the hero of the day for a long time with bright and positive emotions.

A 25-year-old girl will be interested in celebrating her birthday magically, in the literal sense of the word. We offer our own version of how to celebrate anniversary girl 25 years old, let the birthday girl become a fairy, let fairy tales, competitions, and dances envelop her.

Anniversary girl 25 years old - the beginning of the celebration

It’s a wonderful age, some have already found their happiness, their family, others are still searching. But regardless of personal life, it’s still best time– there is experience, intelligence, but at the same time, youth and beauty!

“There is magic in adult life too.” At this age, you often remember your childhood, and you really want to go back there. Feel what is joyful, kind and magical. Therefore, we invite you to spend this holiday as wonderfully as possible. Give the birthday girl warmth, comfort and magic. The celebration is celebrated at home or in a cafe.

Presenter (you can choose the appropriate sorceress clothes, for example, a cape with bright stars and a magic wand):
Good evening gentlemen,
All relatives and friends,
I welcome you to the country,
Where magic works everywhere,
And the main one will be the Fairy,
She is waiting for you, shy and timid,
So let's call her,
And let's sing her name loudly!
(at the command of the presenter they call the hero of the day by name, and she comes out to them)

Hello our dear (name). We are all incredibly, endlessly glad to see you! And on this special day, we want to congratulate you on your 25th anniversary! And also, I want to give you the title of Fairy, because we have a magical holiday, and you are its heroine, give you a diploma stating that you graduated from the school of Magic and give you this magic wand. With her you can wish for anything, both your personal life and financial situation and friendly support and health, everything will improve in an instant. The main thing is to always believe in it, and the magic will come to you!
(you can make a magic wand and diploma yourself or buy it in a store)
Well, now, please, come to the table,
So that you can hear the clink of glasses!

And so, for our dear,
For undoubtedly dear to everyone,
Let's pour one glass of wine,
And let's drink it all down!
(The presenter takes out a very large wine glass or jug, which must be decorated in advance with tinsel and all sorts of sparkles, and also write the word “magical.” She informs all guests that everyone around the table should take it and say their wish to the Anniversary and take a sip from it. It should also be added that everyone can make a wish for themselves at this time, which will certainly come true. After all, this jug is magical)
(musical break, meal)

Now there's a surprise for everyone,
Take a piece of paper,
Pour water on it
And read everything on it!
(The presenter passes with a tray on which empty sheets of paper are laid out. But they are not quite simple, they are written on them in advance with a special pen, the ink of which disappears, but appears when wet. Each has its own text, with a name, with a souvenir gift as a keepsake O festive evening: stylish pen, beautiful mug, mini figurine, photo frame, etc.)

Presenter (passes with a large bag with magical colors):
Now we sort out the gifts,
Let's empty my bag!

And we'll raise our glass again,
Then there will be a magic ball,
In the meantime, for our Fairy,
I can call her the best!

Now we will dance
But it’s not easy to say so,
You will all be divided into pairs,
Call everyone magical!

Competition for a girl's 25th birthday
The competition is called: “Magic Dance!” Each couple is given 1 wizard's hat on a string (made in advance in the form of a cone out of paper and decorated), walking boots (we make spurs from cardboard, for beauty) - that's all for men: 1 cape, 1 magic wand - this is for women. They wear all this. As soon as the music starts, they dance; as soon as it stops, they quickly change clothes (exchange clothes); those who do not have time are eliminated. And so on until one pair. Prize: 2 wind chime pendants.

Well, how magical everything is with us,
Everything is somehow unusual,
Now another surprise
I'll bring the cake here for an encore,
And the cake will not be simple,
With twenty-five candles!
(The presenter brings in a large cake with 25 candles on it, but you need to purchase not simple candles, but ones that light up again, these are sold in many stores)

And so now the hour has come,
When dear Fairy (name), everything is for you,
Make 25 wishes,
From my most cherished dreams,
But these candles will not be simple,
Yes, you yourself will find out which ones!
(The hero of the day blows out the candles, but the whole surprise is that the candles light up again, it looks very beautiful and unusual)

Now there are no 25 wishes,
Now you can have a whole million
And he knows no excuses
After all, this is a holiday, this is it!
Well, to celebrate, I invite you to congratulations,
I call all relatives and friends hosts!
(everyone congratulates, gives their gifts, then tea party with birthday cake)


25 is wonderful round date, and most importantly young. A woman is just embarking on the path to family life, studies its basics. But at the same time, she can already be a wife and mother of many children. When choosing a gift for an anniversary, you need to pay attention to what a woman lacks and what she loves. And sometimes it's better to stop at monetary amount, and this choice for a couple is the most correct. This way, the hero of the day will be able to buy exactly what she needs.


You can choose different themes for the celebration of this date, but we offer you the most interesting and practical: “Hawaiian Delight.” To do this, you will need flower beads (for all guests, including men), and tropical fruits should be placed on the tables. Such as: papaya, pineapple, coconut. But there is no need to cut them, they should stand intact, like decorations. You can put interesting straws with umbrellas in juice glasses. You can hang artificial vines on the walls. Well, and of course, we especially need to highlight the hero of the day herself. There will be a special flower wreath for her, made from the most beautiful inflorescences. The presenter also dresses according to the theme.


Good evening, dear friends,

You are in the Hawaiian Islands

We are celebrating a holiday here today,

We call the hero of the day “Miss Hawaii”

But first we need to call her,

Let's rescue her in unison!

(they call the hero of the day in chorus, she enters to applause)


No one can really compare with her,

She's all green and sparkling,

And you can’t tell that she’s 25,

You can give 18 years!



Dear (name), you are so beautiful and wonderful that we cannot take our eyes off you. And in honor of this, the honor of your Anniversary is dear, let me present you with a crown to match the throne, and award you the title “Miss Hawaii.”

(the presenter puts a tiara (crown) on the Jubilee and hands over a document with the title assigned to her. 9 You can make this diploma yourself, or purchase it at the specialized store “Everything for the Holiday”)


Now pour wine into glasses,

And we solemnly raise them all up,

So that the hero of the day is lucky in everything,

We wish only the best for her!

(musical break, meal, by the way, we also select exotic music to match the theme)


And now, the Hawaiian competition,

Who's brave here, come out?!

Just be bolder here.

And surprise with your skill!


The competition is called: “Pineapple Ring”. Everyone is welcome to participate. Everyone is divided into two groups. Each person is given pieces of paper, a chair is placed at a distance of 5 meters, a plate with pineapple slices, and forks are placed. Task: imagine that in front of them is the sea (they are in Hawaii), there is absolutely nothing to eat, but on that island (chair) there are good pieces of pineapples. Using two leaves (boats), moving them, you need to get to the island. Take a fork without using your hands (mostly with your teeth), attach a pineapple and return to your tribe in the same way. And so on in turn. The team that copes with these faster receives prizes - a whole pineapple for each.


Great fun

You got yourself some food,

Everyone was in a good mood,

Just a little tired!

Well, it's time to go to the table now,

There are pickled salads!

And, of course, a toast from me:

May our Anniversary be happy!

(musical break, meal)


While you and I were resting,

Miss Hawaii's crown was stolen

The natives must be punished

I call the switch-athletes!


The competition is called: “Sharp Hawaiian.” Men can participate, and women, if desired. Flowers are hung on a rope at a distance of five to six meters, in all of them there are notes, in some of them you need to write the word “crown”. The presenter gives out a bow and arrows (toy ones). Each person is given two shots. If they hit a flower with empty paper, they leave with nothing; if the word “crown” is written on the paper, then they receive a prize - a set of Bounty candies.


Now, I would ask you all to think very carefully and, one by one, tell our Anniversary. The incomparable Miss Hawaii, exactly 25 different graceful compliments. Please don't repeat yourself. Let's go in circles!

(they give compliments)


You see, dear (name), how perfect and irresistible you are! Let's drink to all these compliments addressed to you! For you! For your Anniversary! Here's to the 25th anniversary!

(musical break, meal)

And now there will be a dance competition,

And very experimental!

Women perform beautifully

And men give ratings!


The competition is called: “Hawaiian Dance”. It requires three men (jury) and five women. Women are given special Hawaiian skirts made of long vines and flowers (can be made from artificial flowers, or from paper, or from carved fabric, it all depends on your imagination). Men are given plates with ratings from “3” to “5”. At the command of the presenter, the women, dressed up, begin to dance. About one minute. At the end, the men give their marks. The woman who scores the most points is awarded the “Best Dancer” Diploma and a flower-shaped hair clip.


Well what else can I say,

Now you can pour it,

Now we all drink to (name)’s parents,

May everything always be good for them!

(musical break, meal)


And now, I want to give you the floor. My dear Hawaiian guests. It's time for congratulations and gifts! I ask you to select all the most necessary and best words, because the speech of each of you, for the hero of the day, is precious!

(all guests, relatives, friends, congratulate the hero of the day on the holiday and give their gifts)


For such congratulations,

If we don't drink, it would be a sin,

Everyone deserves admiration

Everyone talked about success!

(musical break, meal)


I new competition I announce

And I call him a merman!


The competition is called: "Hawaiian Water Bread". 4 couples take part. Each one has a path with three obstacles on it: 1) a chair on which stands a glass of juice and two straws; 2) a chair, but under it there is a glass with juice and two straws; 3) five chairs arranged in the shape of a flower, the same thing is placed under the one in the middle. Task: at the command of the leader, each pair begins to pass the obstacle (they need to drink these glasses at the same time). The third stage will be the most difficult; it will be difficult to fit among the other chairs. The main thing is to drink at the same time, and not in turn. There are exceptions for cheating. The couple who completes the task the fastest wins a prize - books with recipes for Hawaiian cuisine.


Oh, how funny it was

So unusual and spontaneous

Thank you for the entertainment

You have lifted everyone's spirits!



And now I’ll say my own words, for Miss Hawaii, I’ll tell you a poem:

25 years is a year

They are young and so beautiful

And you are just as good,

After all, they have no power over you!

Let everything be in your life,

Only good holy

To be a better mother,

To be a dear wife!

So that happiness comes to you.

And Hawaiian delight

May you be lucky in everything,

May this world give admiration!

Happy Anniversary to you (name), happy 25th anniversary! Hooray!

(the holiday continues, but without a presenter)

Many years have passed since then,
When the miracle happened.
You came into the world
No one knows where.
Happens only once in a lifetime
Similar phenomena.
We sincerely want to congratulate you
Happy birthday today!

Good afternoon, dear friends. According to the good old tradition, we have gathered today in this hall to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our dear Tatyana in a solemn, festive atmosphere.

A birthday is an annual gift given to a person in order to enjoy the love and affection that relatives, friends and colleagues have for him.

It was _____________ years. A girl was born, they named her Tatyana. And who knows the hero of the day better? We answer the questions together:
1. Place of birth
Parameters at birth
What time of day was she born?
2.What grades did I finish school with?
3. Favorite toy
4. What is your favorite flower?
5. Favorite dish
6. Favorite activity, hobby
7. Favorite drink
8. Favorite color
9. Favorite song
10. Favorite singer.
Who knows their child best, not the parents.