Primary Function of Marketing– organization of comprehensive activities for the production and sale of services, taking into account existing services and promoting new services to the market.

In principle, all available functions can be reduced to two groups: analytical (information) and managerial. The first involves conducting marketing research. The second covers the planning and practical implementation of marketing activities, including marketing control and audit.

Marketing functions can be presented as a cyclical process (Fig. 2). The buyer's needs are determined and analyzed through marketing research in order to provide the primary information necessary for planning the activities of the enterprise. The manufacturer makes a specific offer in the form of products, their prices and appropriate distribution.

Figure 2. – Technology for implementing the concept

marketing at a tourism enterprise

At the promotion stage, all information regarding the manufacturer’s offer is transferred to the buyer. In this case, the buyer spends some effort, time, and pays the cost of the goods. Buyer behavior is analyzed by market research, resulting in post-sales information that can be used to refine the offer stage, thereby restarting the cycle.

Marketing process begins from market opportunity analysis by conducting a complex of marketing research. The result of these studies is an analysis of the initial situation (enterprise environment, potential consumers, assessment of market conditions, level of competition) and specific recommendations for determining the prospects for the activities of a tourism company. A comparison of the identified market opportunities with the goals and resources of the enterprise allows us to highlight the marketing opportunities of a tourism enterprise.

- Selection of the most promising target markets a tourism company allows you not to scatter marketing efforts, working on the entire market, but to focus them on meeting the needs of selected groups of clients, whom the company is able to serve and it is profitable for it.

- Development of an optimal marketing strategy allows you to reduce the degree of uncertainty and risk in marketing activities by concentrating resources on selected priority areas.

- Implementation of marketing strategy is associated with the choice of means to ensure the achievement of set goals and objectives, and involves creation of a marketing mix. The main elements of the marketing mix of a tourism company are: product, price, sales (distribution channels) and communications. For all the main elements of the marketing mix, within the framework of the overall marketing strategy, private strategies are developed: f product strategy; f pricing strategy; f sales strategy; f communication strategy.

In order to ensure effective marketing management, it is required development his auxiliary systems:

    marketing information;

    marketing planning;

    marketing organizations;

    marketing control.

The technology for implementing the marketing concept can change both its structure and the place of individual stages depending on the characteristics of the enterprise, the degree of market development, set goals, objectives and market conditions. However, all these elements are closely interrelated, and none of them can be excluded from the system without violating its integrity.


This course work is devoted to the topic “Features of marketing in tourism.”

This topic is enough relevant within the framework of modern conditions prevailing in the field of tourism, since today tourism tops the list of the most important socio-economic sectors of the world economy. It is becoming a lifestyle for millions of people on our planet. Its beneficial influence on the development of political, social, cultural relations and interpersonal relationships on an international scale has become an obvious fact for everyone.

Marketing in tourism is a system for managing and organizing the activities of tourism companies to develop new, more effective types of tourist and excursion services, their production and sales in order to make a profit based on improving the quality of the tourism product and taking into account the processes that take place in the global tourism market.

With the growth and constant change of the tourism market, competition is extremely high. With increasing competition, companies are forced to focus on meeting customer needs. Companies that don't do this have no future. That's why the travel industry needs an increasing number of marketing professionals who understand its global challenges and can respond to growing consumer needs with creative strategies based on sound marketing knowledge. To achieve a positive marketing effect, close marketing coordination is necessary various organizations and enterprises. Therefore, the concept of marketing in tourism is, more than anywhere else, holistic and comprehensive.

It should be noted that the problem of marketing at tourism enterprises was once dealt with by such foreign and domestic scientists as: Durovich A.P.; Philip Kotler; Papiryan G.A.; James Makens; Rogov G.K.; Azar V.I.; John Bowen; Rozanova T.P.; Rieger A.; Karpova G.A.; Saunders J.; Garanin N.I. and others.

Regarding degree of study of this problem At present, it should be noted that, having originated in the production sector, marketing for quite a long time did not find appropriate application in the tourism sector. However, increasing competition and commercialization of tourism activities have led to the need to quickly introduce the basic elements of marketing into the practice of tourism enterprises. At the same time, tourism has certain features related to the nature of the services provided, forms of sales, nature of labor, etc. Because of this, marketing in tourism has a number of characteristic features(features) that even made it stand out separate direction marketing as a science and academic discipline.

So, purpose This work is to study the features of marketing in tourism enterprises.

To achieve this goal, we highlight a number of tasks:

1. Consider the essence of marketing in tourism

2. Consider the features of using marketing in tourism

3. Analyze the features of marketing activities using the example of a specific tourism enterprise

Object in this course work is the travel agency “Balkan-Express-Obninsk”, based on the data of which research was carried out in order to achieve the above goal.

Subject– features of marketing in tourism.

Research methodology, with the help of which this work was written, the following: sociological, empirical and analytical.

When writing this work, scientific works, analytical works, magazines, textbooks and scientific literature were used.

The work is structurally composed from an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion, set out in 33 pages.

In the first chapter Theoretical aspects of marketing in tourism The following questions are considered:

1. Marketing in tourism: concept, content, concept.

2. Tourist product as the basic concept of tourism marketing.

3. Marketing communications in the field of tourism.

In the second chapter Analysis of marketing activities at a tourism enterprise issues such as:

1. Overall rating enterprises: characteristics

2. Features of marketing activities in the travel agency “Balkan-Express-Obninsk”.

In the third chapter Proposals for improving marketing activities in the field of tourism The following paragraphs are covered:

1. Improving marketing activities in the field of tourism

2. Improving marketing activities in the travel agency “Balkan-Express-Obninsk”

ChapterI. Theoretical aspects of marketing in tourism.

1.1. Marketing in tourism: concept, content, concept.

The word "marketing" is borrowed from English. The word “market” is translated as “market”, and the word “marketing” derived from it is “trading work on the market.

Let's try to answer the following questions: what is marketing? Why does a travel company need it? What is its content and concept?

So, marketing is a system for managing the trade and production activities of a tourism company in a market economy.

There are many other definitions of marketing. Let us dwell on the most acceptable definition of it main goal– recognize, identify and evaluate the existing or latent demand for tourism services that a travel agency can offer to the consumer, and direct its efforts to the development, production, promotion and sale of these services in order to obtain optimal profits.

Answering the question why travel agencies need marketing, let’s say that their activities in market conditions and competition are always associated with more or less financial risk, the degree of which especially increases in external economic activity, including in the field of tourism. Nowadays, every tourism enterprise bears financial responsibility for its own unprofitable operations. In 1995-2000 Many Russian travel agencies suffered financial collapse due to mistakes made in their work and were forced to cease their activities.

That is why the issue of business risk should be the focus of attention of any tourism company. Reducing the degree of this risk can only be achieved by using the marketing concept as accurately as possible.

Of course, it is not only competition in the market that determines the importance of marketing. An even more important goal for a travel agency is to increase the production and sale of tourism products, increase revenues and profits, and increase profitability.

An entrepreneur cannot retain a consumer of tourism services if he does not receive a profit on the invested capital and if he does not reinvest this profit in production in order to be able to satisfy the needs and desires of his customers. Thus, it must be said that marketing is not a one-time or unambiguous action, or a measure limited to some functional or time frame. Modern marketing affects all areas of activity of each travel agency, its organizational and functional structures, and the implementation of marketing measures becomes the daily practice of the travel agency team.

When talking about the concept of marketing, concepts such as “marketing position”, “marketing process” and “marketing technology” are used.

The marketing position is based on the fact that in market conditions and competition, demand determines supply. Consequently, the success of a business depends on its ability to offer travel services in such quantity and quality, in such a place and at such a price that would correspond to actual and potential demand.

Thus, the starting position of marketing is the presence of a certain market and consumer demand for travel services. There is a demand for travel services, which means that the company can actively develop a marketing strategy and plans for its implementation, and if there is no demand, then it is necessary to either look for it elsewhere, or repurpose its production activities.

It is also necessary to emphasize that the main thing in marketing is not so much to passively follow demand, but to actively form this demand based on forecasting its development.

The marketing process is a series of interrelated activities that begin with identifying the market and demand and include the planning, development, production, distribution and sale of goods and services to consumers.

Marketing technology is management methods, used by an entrepreneur in the process of identifying and studying demand, planning the production and sale of tourism services and goods.

In other words, marketing is a system of interrelated techniques and measures that allow a travel agency to achieve positive results in the travel services market.

Also, it should be remembered that in the tourism world, the success of marketing depends on:

ü from comprehensive analysis market;

ü production of a tourism product;

ü analysis of systems and implementation channels;

1.2. Tourist product as the basic concept of tourism marketing.

Tourism in its main characteristics does not have any fundamental differences from other forms economic activity. Therefore, all the essential provisions of modern marketing can be fully applied in tourism.

At the same time, tourism has its own specifics that distinguish it not only from trade in goods, but also from other forms of trade in services. Here there is trade in both services and goods (according to experts, the share of services in tourism is 75%, goods - 25%), as well as the special nature of the consumption of tourism services and goods at the place of their production, moreover, in a certain situation

In tourism, the result of activity comes down to the tourist product. In essence, a tourist product is any service that satisfies certain needs of tourists and is subject to payment on their part.

Tourist services include hotel, transport, excursion, translation, household, utility, intermediary and others. At the same time, the “tourist product” can be considered in a narrow and broad sense.

A tourism product in the narrow sense is the services of each specific sector of the tourism industry (for example, a hotel product, a tourism product of a tour operator, a transport enterprise, and so on). In a broad sense, a tourist product is a complex of goods and services that together form a tourist trip (tour) or are directly related to it. The main tourist product is comprehensive service, i.e. a standard set of services sold to tourists in one “package”.

Tourist product, along with general specific

The characteristics of the services have their own distinctive features:

1. This is a complex of services and goods characterized by a complex system

relationships between various components.

2. Demand for tourism services is extremely elastic with respect to income and prices, but largely depends on political and social conditions.

3. The consumer, as a rule, cannot see the tourism product before consuming it, and consumption itself in most cases is carried out directly at the place of production of the tourism service.

4. The consumer overcomes the distance separating him from the product and the place of consumption, and not vice versa.

5. The tourism product depends on variables such as space and time, and is characterized by fluctuations in demand.

6. A tourism product is created through the efforts of many enterprises, each of which has its own operating methods, specific needs and different commercial goals.

7. High quality of tourist services cannot be achieved if there are even minor shortcomings, since tourist services consist of these very little things and small details.

8. The quality of tourism services is influenced by external factors of a force majeure nature (natural conditions, weather, tourism policy, international events, etc.).

These specific features of the tourism product have

significant impact on tourism marketing. Some authors put global content into the concept of marketing in tourism, such as the Swiss specialist J. Kripendorff: “Tourism marketing is a systematic change and coordination of the activities of tourism enterprises, as well as private and public policies in the field of tourism, carried out regionally, nationally or international plans. The purpose of such changes is to best meet the needs of certain consumer groups, while taking into account the possibilities

obtaining appropriate profits."

Establishing contacts with clients;



Establishing contacts with clients aims to convince them that the proposed holiday destination and the existing services, attractions and expected benefits are fully consistent with what the clients themselves want to receive.

Development involves the design of innovations that can provide new sales opportunities. In turn, such innovations must meet the needs and preferences of potential customers.

Control involves analyzing the results of activities related to

promoting services to the market and checking whether these results

reflect truly full and successful use of the opportunities available in the tourism sector.

However, marketing is expanding its functions, placing special emphasis on

relationships with consumers. Long-term customer relationships are much less expensive than the marketing costs required to increase consumer interest in the services of a new client.

A tourism product, first of all, should be good purchase. In this regard, tourism marketing represents the consistent actions of tourism enterprises aimed at achieving such a goal.

1.3. Marketing communications in the field of tourism.

Modern marketing of a travel company means more than developing good services, setting an attractive price for them and bringing consumers of the target market closer to them.

The travel company must also have continuous communication with existing and potential clients. Therefore, each travel company inevitably begins to play the role of a source of communication and a generator of various means of promoting information about services to markets.

Communication processes should not be left to chance. To operate efficiently, firms often hire advertising agencies to develop effective advertising, sales promotion specialists, prepare tourism product promotion programs and, finally, public relations firms to develop the corporate image of the enterprise. For any travel company, the question is not only what communication policy to pursue, but also how much money to spend and how to do it.

Modern travel companies manage a complex system of marketing relations. The firm has a communication relationship with its intermediaries, consumers and various members of the public.

The marketing communications mix consists of four main means of influence:

· propaganda;

· sales promotion;

· personal selling.

Advertising is the most significant element of the communication complex. It has a great potential impact on all other elements of this complex (it can attract large masses of people) and is the most expensive.

Playing a major role in the entire communication system, advertising simultaneously informs about the company and its product and convinces potential buyers choosing this company and its product increases the confidence of existing customers in their choice, etc.

According to Western experts, in the tourism business advertising is required to perform the following important tasks:

1. With its help, any component of the service must have a tangible form so that the potential consumer understands what exactly is being offered to him.

2. It must promise a benefit or solution to a problem.

3. It should indicate how the company's product differs from that of its competitors.

4. It must have a positive influence on those employees of the company who must carry out the promises made to customers.

5. It must be capitalized through word of mouth.

In the tourism business, as well as in other areas, in lately The importance of such elements of the communication complex as public relations and publicity is increasingly increasing. Some travel companies spend half of the funds allocated for advertising purposes on them (20 years ago, 2-3 times less money was spent on public relations and publicity). The reason for this is that public relations is a powerful tool and can sometimes have more impact on a potential client than advertising.

According to foreign experts, effective public relations is a management tool with which an organization presents its product in a mass media With best side. However, the difference between public relations and publicity is that the latter only produces information (this information can present the organization from both the best and the worst side) intended specifically for the media. As for public relations, with its help the organization exercises a kind of control over publicity and makes sure that only positive opinions are created about its product.

Thus, public relations is a powerful marketing tool that can determine the success of an organization, improve its credibility, create new market, help in the fight against competitors, introduce a new product to the market, show loyalty to trademark, improve the effectiveness of other communication elements, etc.

As you know in marketing, there are four main pricing strategies:

1. Maximize current profit

2. Maintaining market position

3. Market leadership

4. Product Leadership

So, let’s look at which of these strategies “Balkan-Express-Obninsk” uses.

We have already noted that the tourism product of this agency is mainly aimed at high-income clients, and, as a rule, high-income people require a certain service - unique tours created specifically for order, very expensive V.I.P. – hotels, exotic and extreme offers high quality. Organizing this type of vacation requires high costs, and accordingly the product will be sold at a fairly high price.

Based on these criteria, we can conclude that this company mainly uses 2 pricing strategies: maximizing current profits and gaining leadership in terms of product quality.

Let's take a closer look:

The strategy for maximizing current profits is characterized as a strategy with a high price level and which requires certain conditions, namely, the offer of unique or rare expensive services and when the demand for certain types of tourist services significantly exceeds supply.

The strategy for gaining leadership in terms of product quality requires that the company's product be the highest quality of all those offered on the market. This, accordingly, requires the establishment of a product high price, which was already noted above.

As for the pricing policy in relation to regular customers, they are provided with discounts.

Sales promotion, sales channel management.

Let's look at how sales are stimulated at Balkan-Express-Obninsk. First of all, this includes a system of discounts. The discounts that the agency offers to its clients are as follows:

ü New Year and Christmas discounts

ü discounts for children

In addition, in the office itself, various colorful prospectuses, brochures, and glossy catalogs are used, which gives a visual effect. When purchasing tours, clients are given calendars, postcards or catalogs with themes related to the destination of their choice.

Participation in various tourism exhibitions and fairs can be considered as one of the stages of sales channel management. These events help the agency find new tour operator partners and establish long-term business partnerships.

Marketing service in a travel agency "Balkan- Express- Obninsk»

As noted above, the company under study is not large and is still quite young, which is why the company’s management has not yet created an entire marketing department, so one person is responsible for marketing in the agency. He is responsible for organizing employee trips to exhibitions, advertising, and agreements with partners on the creation of new tourism services.

Of course, such an underestimation of marketing is not justified. For more detailed study, analysis and other marketing research, a tourism enterprise must create a full-fledged marketing service, which must be represented by several employees.

ChapterIII. Proposals for improving marketing activities in the field of tourism.

3.1. Improving marketing activities in general in the tourism sector.

So, we have studied marketing in tourism, as a result of which we can draw certain conclusions and develop some proposals for improving marketing activities in the tourism industry.

During the study, it became clear that in Russia in the tourism sector, marketing is not yet fully used, good marketing services are not created, and marketing techniques are not supported. Until recently, marketing did not find appropriate application in the field of tourism at all, however, increasing competition, commercialization and expansion of the tourism industry led to the need for the rapid introduction of the basic elements of marketing into the practice of a tourism enterprise.

And also, to avoid many problems, namely to reduce the degree possible risk, marketing concepts must be used.

Thus, tourism enterprises should organize entire marketing services with qualified staff who will engage in a strategy for improving the enterprise’s activities, conduct marketing research, develop sales promotion activities that are most appropriate for a given enterprise, find the most profitable sales channels, engage in advertising campaigns, PR and the formation of a corporate identity.

If such departments and services are created and at the same time fully functioning, this will allow the enterprise to develop, because marketing ensures not only the effective satisfaction of market needs, but also the success of the enterprise in the competition

In addition, the management of tourism enterprises must ensure that marketing personnel undergo advanced training courses, quickly adapt to new things, participate in various seminars and develop their own ideas.

The manager must stimulate and guide the marketing department employees. Take into account their developments and hold meetings based on the results of marketing research in order to further develop measures to solve the current problem, etc.

It is desirable to exchange experience with foreign partners, especially with countries where marketing is an integral part of the tourism services sector and where marketing is a policy for improving the company’s activities.

It is also necessary to supply company employees with literature, magazines and any other periodicals on organizing marketing activities.

Provide them with all the necessary tools to conduct quality marketing research.

Funds should also be allocated to attend conferences and any other events to discuss improvements in marketing activities in the tourism industry.

It is necessary to create tourism services that will be in demand, since it is known that if there is a demand for travel services, then the company can actively develop a marketing strategy and plans for its implementation.

It should also be remembered that in order to actually use marketing as a reliable tool for achieving success in the market, specialists of tourism enterprises need to master its methodology and the ability to apply it depending on the specific situation.

Thus, marketing, as a field of activity, should not remain on the sidelines; it should be effectively implemented in tourism enterprises and developed as an independently operating unit, which is a kind of compass that allows the company to conduct its activities towards its intended goals in the least risky way.

It is also important to implement marketing planning. Marketing planning refers to the policy and strategy of a tourism enterprise in the field of development, pricing, sales of products and services, which are considered and resolved only in a complex, since they are inextricably linked and serve as an “image” of the service for the consumer.

Tourism marketing planning helps coordinate trade policy, correctly implement sales tactics and make a profit. The main function of marketing is a targeted influence on the formation of recreational needs, demand, monopoly and commercial prices, market segmentation, as well as the development of a range of tourist and excursion services.

Using marketing planning, many travel companies avoid mistakes and unforeseen circumstances when entering a new tourism market.

The marketing department in large tourism companies must monitor not only the state of the markets and distribution channels, but also plan restrictive measures, since marketing itself does not control actions that affect the functioning of the company in the market.

The marketing strategy is based on advertising, production and promotion of the tourism product. The role of a marketer in a tourism company is to analyze all the market requirements and present them to top managers so that the latter can develop a strategy through which all these requirements can be met.

It should also be noted here that the successful implementation of marketing ideas depends on:

ü from the participation of managers in the planning process;

ü development of product and market strategies based on specific facts and conclusions;

ü consistent implementation of the strategy.

It should be noted that the use of marketing planning in tourism companies creates an organized system for studying the tourism market on the basis of a comprehensive analysis and in order to most effectively influence the market of the functioning and development of scientifically based directions, prospects for its further development.

3.2. Improving marketing activities in a travel agency "Balkan- Express- Obninsk»

So, we have already noted that “Balkan-Express-Obninsk” does not have a full-fledged marketing department, and only one employee is involved in marketing activities.

It should be noted that only one person is not enough to carry out high-quality marketing activities. Of course, the employees of this agency are trying to apply marketing in their activities, studying supply and demand for specific tourist services, setting prices for a new project, advertising their services, etc., but this is not enough. In order to conduct the company's activities in a safe way, to promote the company and conquer new frontiers, the agency lacks a specialized marketing department. Thus, the creation of such a structure as a separately functioning body will not only help to reach certain heights, but also occupy a leading position in this market sector for a very long time.

This agency needs to reorganize, or rather create a structure that meets the basic, at least minimal requirements, conditions for the survival of a company in the market, promotion of the company, and in general, work on studying marketing policy. Indeed, in conditions of fierce competition in this rapidly developing market, namely the market of tourist services, underestimation of such a significant factor can lead to bankruptcy or takeover of the company.

Another option is possible - building the simplest structure of the marketing service for a given company, namely great experience of this person involved in marketing issues, the underdevelopment of other travel agencies and similar factors that do not force the company’s management to create a powerful structure for this direction. This option is less expensive, however, less effective and less preferable.

As for the agency's advertising policy, despite the research, it is not as effective as it could be. Research has shown that the majority of clients surveyed listen to advertisements on the radio and read in magazines, usually with business topics and much less often in newspapers. To increase the effectiveness of advertising, it is necessary to take into account these factors and focus on auditory advertising, mainly focus on periodicals related to business, and also introduce new types of advertising, such as Internet advertising (it must be effective because business people often used electronic network), leaflets and outdoor advertising - signs on central roads.

Regarding the sales promotion policy, it can be noted that it would be possible to improve the discount system, for example, to make not only New Year and Christmas discounts, but also just holiday discounts (discounts of up to 2% on major public holidays), it is also possible to introduce group discounts - when ordering for a group tour with more than 10 people, the discount is also up to 2%, you can offer a system of cumulative discounts on a regular customer card; when purchasing a very expensive tour, you can include one free excursion as a thank you for the purchased tour. This company can afford such a policy, given that the client flow in this agency is very high and the main contingent of buyers are business people purchasing expensive VIP tours.

In addition, it is necessary to constantly improve the qualifications of managers in the field of marketing activities for successful operation marketing service. Management should encourage its employees to travel to various conferences, seminars and congresses.

Also, it should be noted that the parent company has a full-fledged marketing department - the Marketing Planning Department. It is necessary to send managers to this company to gain experience and increase the level of knowledge in marketing.

Conducting marketing research should be encouraged and sponsored by agency management, as these activities can help improve the functioning of the company.

In addition, to achieve certain goals, it is necessary to do the following:

ü adjust market plans annually;

ü appoint groups to develop a program for the company’s activities;

ü carry out cooperation with the tour operator on loading, industrial support on the terms of joint participation in the market;

ü develop joint measures to promote the product on tourist market;

ü test new products, services, etc.


So, we researched the topic “Features of marketing in tourism.” Based on the above research, a number of conclusions can be drawn:

1. Marketing is a system of interrelated techniques and measures that allow a travel agency to achieve positive results in the travel services market. Marketing in tourism is a system for managing and organizing the activities of tourism companies to develop new, more effective types of tourist and excursion services, their production and sales in order to make a profit based on improving the quality of the tourism product and taking into account the processes that take place in the global tourism market.

2. Marketing is necessary for tourism companies, since their activities in market conditions and competition are always associated with greater or lesser financial risk, the degree of which especially increases during foreign economic activity, including in the field of tourism. Nowadays, every tourism enterprise bears financial responsibility for its own unprofitable operations. Thus, the issue of business risk should be the focus of any tourism company; reducing this risk can only be achieved through the most accurate use of the marketing concept.

3. Tourism has its own specifics, therefore, marketing in tourism has its own characteristics. The specific nature of marketing in tourism is determined by the distinctive characteristics of the tourism product from others. consumer goods and services.

4. Creating travel services that will be in demand allows you to actively develop a marketing strategy and plans for its implementation. A tourism product, first of all, must be a good purchase. In this regard, tourism marketing represents the consistent actions of tourism enterprises aimed at achieving such a goal.

5. Modern marketing of a travel company means more than just developing high-quality services, setting an attractive price for them and bringing consumers of the target market closer to them; a travel company must also have a continuous communication link with existing and potential clients. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a set of marketing communications to improve the efficiency of the company.

6. In the process of operating a travel agency, it is necessary to develop an acceptable pricing policy and use pricing strategies in accordance with the specifics of the travel agency’s activities.

7. The success of marketing in tourism depends on a comprehensive analysis of the market, the production of a tourism product, analysis of systems and sales channels, and advertising of the product. It is important to carry out marketing planning. Marketing planning in tourism helps to coordinate trade policy, correctly implement sales tactics and make a profit. The main function of marketing is a targeted influence on the formation of recreational needs, demand, monopoly and commercial prices, market segmentation, as well as the development of a range of tourist and excursion services. Using marketing planning, many tourism companies avoid mistakes and unforeseen circumstances when entering a new tourism market.

8. In Russia, marketing is not yet fully used in the tourism sector, good marketing services are not created, and marketing techniques are not supported. Until recently, marketing did not find appropriate application in the field of tourism at all, however, increasing competition, commercialization and expansion of the tourism industry led to the need for the rapid introduction of the basic elements of marketing into the practice of a tourism enterprise.

9. The marketing department in large tourism companies must monitor not only the state of the markets and distribution channels, but also plan restrictive measures, since marketing itself does not control actions that affect the functioning of the company in the market.

10. In most small Russian travel agencies Marketing is not yet firmly established in the management process. It remains an area of ​​activity where there is much more talk than action and attention from managers. In recent years, travel companies have been paying more and more attention to product or market business planning. But here a new problem arises - plans become too detailed, which is an obstacle to the process of forming and promoting a tourism product.

11. Tourist enterprises should organize entire marketing services with qualified staff who will engage in a strategy for improving the enterprise’s activities, conduct marketing research, develop sales promotion activities that are most appropriate for a given enterprise, find the most profitable sales channels, engage in advertising campaigns, PR and formation of a corporate style.

12. In modern conditions, active marketing policy, improve marketing services, expand and stimulate their activities.

13. To achieve its goals, the company must implement a number of marketing measures: develop various marketing plans, assign groups to develop a program of the company’s activities, cooperate with the tour operator on loading, industrial support on the terms of joint participation in the market, develop joint measures to promote the product in the tourist market market, test new products, services, etc.

14. The manager must stimulate and guide the employees of the marketing department. Take into account their developments and hold meetings based on the results of marketing research in order to further develop measures to solve the current problem, etc.

15. And finally, it should be noted that marketing plays a very important role in shaping the success of a company, therefore marketing techniques should be actively used in tourism companies; failure to take into account such an important structural element as marketing activities is unacceptable in the modern conditions of the developing tourism industry at such a fast pace. This could lead to bankruptcy or takeover of the company.

List of used literature:

Mallaeva Z.M.

Implementation of the marketing concept at a tourism enterprise

Tourism in its main characteristics does not have any fundamental differences from other forms of economic activity. Therefore, all existing provisions of modern marketing can be fully applied in the tourism sector. At the same time, tourism has specifics that distinguish it not only from trade in goods, but also from other forms of trade in services. There is trade here, both in services and goods, as well as a special nature of consumption tourism services and goods at the place of their production, moreover, in a certain situation.

In traditional production, where the result of labor is a specific product or product, the concept of marketing has a more specific content. In tourism, the result of activity comes down to a tourism product, which has certain specific features that significantly influence marketing activities in tourism. Tourism marketing is a series of basic methods and techniques developed for research, analysis and solution of assigned problems. The main thing that these methods and techniques should be aimed at is identifying opportunities to most fully meet the needs of people, from the point of view of psychological and social factors, as well as identifying ways for the most rational, from a financial point of view, business management of tourism enterprises, which allow taking into account the identified or hidden needs for tourism services.

The World Tourism Organization identifies three main functions of tourism marketing:

Establishing contacts with consumers;



Establishing contacts aims to convince potential clients that the proposed holiday destination and the existing services, attractions and expected benefits are fully consistent with what the clients themselves want to receive.

Development involves the design of innovations that can provide new opportunities for marketing a tourism product.

Control involves analyzing the results of activities to promote services on the market and checking to what extent these results reflect the full and successful use of the opportunities of the tourism sector.

Tourism marketing is a system of activity coordination tourism enterprise in the process of development, production, sale of tourism products and services in order to obtain maximum profit through the most complete satisfaction of the consumer.

Marketing of any enterprise is carried out in a certain environment. In other words, the marketing environment is a complex of internal and external factors that influence the company's marketing system.

Marketing environment can be divided into two parts - internal and external. The external marketing environment is the environment around the enterprise, where it goes with its marketing activities. (These are clients, independent intermediaries, customers, competitors, the media, employees of companies in related industries, etc.).

Marketing system is complex system, which includes a wide range of programs for creating, maintaining and implementing the most effective activities of an enterprise on the market. The target focus of marketing depends on the type of company (tour operator, travel agent) and is based on the range of problems that need to be solved both in the short and long term. At the same time, it determines the choice of those forms, methods and directions marketing work which the company considers to be a priority. Factors such as the state of the market and the level of competition in the tourism industry, the degree of monopolization of the provision of these services, the current and future interactions of the company with various markets, etc., also play an important role, depending on the fluctuations of which all marketing activities are formed.

Tourism, according to the WTO definition, is not only an economic, but at the same time a social, cultural, environmental and political phenomenon. Based on this, tourism marketing must be used with maximum consideration of all these factors. Then it will fully reflect the interests of both travel companies, and consumers.

The implementation of the marketing concept at a tourism enterprise requires the creation of an appropriate marketing service. In the organizational structure of travel companies, the marketing service is the element that coordinates the activities of all structural units without exception.

Depending on the nature and scale of activity of the tourism enterprise, the marketing organization may have various options. The main options for organizational structures of the marketing department at a tourism enterprise can be:

Functional organization;

Organization based on product principles;

Organization on a regional basis. The functional organization of the marketing service involves

Responsibility for the execution of each functional task individual or a group of people. For example, responsibility for the development of a tourism product and sales.

The organization of a marketing service based on product principles differs from functional organization the fact that marketing management here occurs for each tourism product separately.

The regional organization of the marketing service is effective for large travel companies that simultaneously operate in individual national or regional markets.

When organizing the marketing service of a tourism enterprise, it is necessary to adhere to the basic principles of its construction:

Simplicity of the marketing structure. A simpler structure means more mobile management and higher chances of success;

Effective communication system between departments. This ensures clear communication and feedback;

Flexibility and fit. Rapid changes in demand, high rates of scientific and technological progress and other factors require a change in the enterprise strategy.

The right choice organizational structure marketing service is only a prerequisite for its effective operation. It is necessary to staff this service with highly qualified specialists, correctly distribute responsibilities among them, give them the appropriate rights, and create favorable conditions for work.

The activities of any enterprise are aimed at achieving its goals, which are the initial element in the development of marketing plans and programs, and the implementation process must ensure progress towards certain milestones. Assessment of the level of fulfillment of the intended goal and programs is ensured using a marketing control system.

Marketing control is a constant, systematic and impartial check and assessment of the state and processes in the field of marketing, in other words, a comparison of norms and the real situation.

The control process consists of four stages:

1. establishment planned values and standards (goals and norms);

2. finding out the real values ​​of the indicators;

3. comparisons;

4. analysis of comparison results.

All stages of marketing control are aimed at timely identification of all problems and deviations from normal progress towards set goals, as well as appropriate adjustments to the enterprise’s activities so that existing problems do not develop into a crisis.

The marketing control system involves the implementation of certain types of control designed to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the activities of a tourism enterprise, identify all shortcomings and take appropriate measures.

The most important types of control are results control and strategic control.

Results control combines execution control annual plans, profitability control, control of the effectiveness of marketing activities, etc.

Dynamics of development of the tourism market and the production of tourism services, structural changes in the economy, new public and government guidelines, environmental aspects- all this and many other factors important for a tourism enterprise can real life already lead to the abandonment of previously declared goals, changes in the development model, significant adjustments to previously accepted plans, strategies,

programs. Therefore, every tourism enterprise must periodically conduct strategic marketing control.

Each tourism enterprise must constantly monitor the changes that occur in the tourism services market and have time to respond to them.

In order to constantly have information about all changes in the market of tourism services, to be able to quickly respond to them and even create changes that are beneficial for themselves, each tourism enterprise needs to conduct marketing research - constant and periodic.

The main stages of marketing research are:

Identification of problems facing the enterprise;

Formulation of goals;

Planning research for each goal;

Selecting information sources and determining the breadth of coverage;

Collection of information;

Generalization and analysis of information;

Since marketing includes research not only into the actual state of an object, but also into a complex of forecasting, research can be carried out using different methods. Marketing research methods can be classified according to various signs, for example, by frequency, by using equipment, by time for their implementation, but we propose to consider only those methods that are most often used in marketing research and are easy to use.

Let's consider methods of collecting information. Personal survey is one of the most labor-intensive ways to collect primary information.

Observation methods require higher qualifications, since they require the person conducting the observation to have their own assessment of the situation. As a rule, this work is carried out through direct observation of actual or potential clients and other objects that are of interest to the tourism enterprise.

Questionnaire methods are used to survey large quantity persons who are located in different places and have different ranges of interests. The survey is conducted by special agents who collect information for each survey either by telephone, fax, Internet, or in person. It is also possible to conduct surveys by sending questionnaires to enterprises, organizations, private addresses and their subsequent collection.

An interesting method of collecting information can be an experiment. To carry it out, it is necessary to first model the entire process, identify groups of potential and actual clients, etc. The method of selecting the necessary information from primary sources deserves attention. The analysis and collection of information that appears in the periodical press is usually carried out by library information workers or special departments of the company.

In marketing research, two areas can be distinguished: standard research, which no enterprise can do without, and individual research, which is carried out in accordance with the individual needs of the enterprise in the current situation.

Typical studies include studies of needs, demand, market capacity and others. And each enterprise develops and produces individual research independently.

Marketing research of the tourism market involves studying the structure of the tourism market. Like any other product market, the tourism market is heterogeneous. In its structure, the following markets can be distinguished: the tourism market within the country, which combines domestic and incoming (foreign) tourism; the national tourism market, which combines domestic and outbound (foreign) tourism; the international tourism market, which consists of inbound and outbound tourism.

From the point of view of the features and content of marketing activities, the following markets are distinguished:

Target, i.e. the market in which the enterprise realizes or intends to realize its goals;

Unpromising - a market that has no prospects for the sale of certain services;

Main - the market where the main part of the enterprise’s services is sold;

Additional - the market on which sales are ensured

insignificant volume of services;

Growing - a market that has real opportunities for sales growth.

The general goal of market research is to determine the conditions under which the most complete satisfaction of the population's demand for tourism services is ensured and the prerequisites are created for their effective sales. In accordance with this, the primary task of market research is to assess the current relationship between supply and demand for tourism services, i.e. market conditions.

Conjuncture is the economic situation in the market at a certain point in time as a result of the interaction of factors and conditions that determine the relationship between supply and demand for tourism services, as well as the level and dynamics of prices for them.

An important task of market research is to determine its capacity. This indicator demonstrates the fundamental possibility of working in a specific market.

Market capacity is the potential volume of tourism services sold on it over a certain period of time.

Market capacity is calculated both in physical (number of tourists) and in value (volume of receipts from tourists) terms.

Knowing the market capacity and trends in its changes, the enterprise has the opportunity to assess the prospects of a particular market for itself.

No less important are marketing research of the tourism product, competitors, consumers, etc.

Tourism is a sector of the economy where clients are provided with various types services. Consequently, tourism belongs to the service sector - the most promising and rapidly developing sector of the economy. The service sector includes a wide range - from trade and transport to financing and intermediation of various kinds. The service sector includes hotels and restaurants, laundries and hairdressers, travel agencies, radio and television stations, consulting firms, medical institutions, museums, cinemas and theaters. By and large, all organizations provide services to one degree or another.

A service is the result of interaction between the performer and the consumer, as well as its own activities to satisfy the consumer’s needs. A service is something that one party can offer to the other and that is mostly physically intangible; services do not lead to the receipt of something tangible.

The main characteristics of a service are: intangibility, consumption at the time of production, the inability to determine the form of ownership, the difficulty of assessing quality before the moment of sale (provision), the difficulty of planning the volume of provision, etc.

Indicators by which the quality of a service is assessed: reliability, availability, safety, quick service delivery times, staff responsibility, etc. Services can be provided: based on the use of equipment or labor by private individuals or public enterprises.

The services provided satisfy personal or business needs. The provision of a service may require the presence of the client or is provided without his personal presence.

The services market differs from other markets mainly for two reasons:

  • - the service does not exist before it is presented. This makes it impossible to compare and evaluate services before receiving them, so only the expected results are compared with those received;
  • - the service is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty, which puts the client at a disadvantage and makes it difficult for sellers to promote services to the market.

These features of the services market, as well as the specifics of the services themselves - their intangibility, inability to store, variability of quality and the inseparability of production and consumption - determine the features of services marketing.

Tourism marketing is a set of methods and techniques aimed at conducting market research, segmentation, analysis, choosing a strategy and solving assigned problems.

The main goal of tourism marketing is to identify opportunities to most fully satisfy the needs of clients from the point of view of psychological and social factors, as well as to determine the most rational, from a financial point of view, ways for tourism organizations to conduct business, allowing them to take into account the identified or hidden needs for tourism services. Marketing in tourism activities gives firms the basis to develop new, more effective types of tourist and excursion services, to improve the technology of their production and sales in order to make a profit.

The main function of tourism marketing is a targeted influence on the formation of recreational needs, demand, development of the range of tourist services provided, commercial prices, and market segmentation.

Tourism marketing includes the following stages:

Studying the demand for tourist trips;

  • - study of the basic requirements of consumers for the quality of tourism services;
  • - drawing up a marketing program for each specific tourism product, taking into account costs;
  • - advertising;
  • - establishing an upper limit on the price of the tours provided and the profitability of their production;
  • - development of investment and assortment policy;
  • - definition of final desired result(strategy) - level of income and profit.

The main objectives of marketing of travel companies are:

  • - analysis of factors in the dynamics of consumer qualities of a tourism product;
  • - analysis and selection of technology for the production of tourist and excursion services;
  • - studying the needs and demand for each specific tourism product;
  • - study of consumer behavior in tourism markets;
  • - market segmentation;
  • - analysis of the market conditions for tourism services;
  • - identification and study of possible competitors.

The quality of travel agency services must meet the following requirements:

  • - accessibility - the service is easy to obtain in a convenient place, at a convenient time, without unnecessary waiting for its provision;
  • - communication skills - the description of the service is made in the client’s language and is accurate;
  • - competence - service personnel have the required skills and knowledge;
  • - courtesy - the staff is friendly, respectful and caring;
  • - trust - you can rely on the company and its staff, as they really strive to satisfy any customer requests;
  • - reliability - services are provided accurately and consistently;
  • - responsiveness - staff are creative in solving problems and satisfying customer requests;
  • - safety - the services provided do not pose any danger or risk and do not give rise to any doubt;
  • - tangibility - tangible components of a service truly reflect its quality;
  • - knowledge of the client - the staff strives to understand the needs of clients as best as possible and pay maximum attention to each of them.

The tourism market is a special system of relations (economic, social, legal) connecting producers of tourism products and consumers who are interested in a certain type of tourism services provided.

Demand for tourism services is confirmation by the solvency of the recreational needs of people, expressed in a certain number of tourist trips and services that consumers can purchase at given prices for the tourism product.

Supply of tourism products (services) - the number of tours (tourist and excursion services) that are put on the market at a certain level prices

Modern consumers are very wary of new offers from marketing specialists, so it is quite difficult to attract and maintain interest in a product or service. Nowadays, to ensure the successful sale of a company’s product or service, it is not enough just to monitor its quality and reduce the price as much as possible. The company must convince the consumer that these products meet their needs and desires.

Thus, tourism marketing is a complex of organizational and management activities aimed at developing new effective types of tourist and excursion services, their production and sales.

The purpose and objectives of marketing are to improve the quality of the tourism product, make a profit, take into account processes occurring in the adjacent tourism market, study demand, set prices for tourism services, develop investment and assortment policies, and determine the company's strategy.

Development of the theory and practice of marketing Marketing has relatively big story. It emerged as an independent field of activity and as a science at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The emergence of marketing was due to the formation of market relations and increased competition. These factors required improvement of the existing market activity management system. First of all, it was necessary to ensure a higher level of management of the sales activities of individual business structures. The emergence of marketing was aimed at solving this problem. This was reflected, first of all, in the delivery of lecture courses in the first years of the 20th century. at leading US universities: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Harvard. These lecture courses reflected the primary generalization of business practice and covered issues of ensuring effective organization sales, trade and advertising. In the period from 1910 to 1930 The first works were published in which an attempt was made to fundamentally explain the essence of marketing.

The result practical implementation The emerging theory of marketing was the creation of market research units in large companies, as well as the emergence commercial organizations to provide marketing services. In 1926, the National Marketing and Advertising Association was organized in the USA. Somewhat later, similar national organizations appeared in Western Europe and Japan. The economic crisis of 1929-1932 played a significant role in the development of marketing. He showed that the original interpretation of marketing in conditions of a higher level of development of the world economy is unacceptable. It had to be brought into line with what had been achieved by that time market conditions management. As a result, marketing becomes integral part management activities aimed at developing and promoting products on the market, as well as creating favorable conditions for their acquisition by customers. This approach existed until about the mid-sixties. By this time, a new system for regulating production and sales processes had been created in industrialized countries, caused by a significant increase in the production of goods, the volume of which began to exceed demand. As a result, in the theory and practice of marketing, the emphasis was placed on a specific consumer with his real needs and requirements. This made it possible to formulate modern concept marketing.

In accordance with the marketing concept, all activities of the company must be carried out with constant consideration of the state of the market and be based on intimate knowledge of the needs and requirements of potential buyers, their assessment and taking into account possible changes in the future.

Thus, marketing has gone from the interpretation of its concept as an activity in the field of sales to the market concept of management (business philosophy). Currently, most experts consider marketing as a coherent dynamic system that ensures market orientation of management.

The service sector lags behind manufacturing in the practical use of marketing. Airlines were one of the first to study their clients and competitors. Based on the information obtained from market research, they took measures to make travel less burdensome and more enjoyable and comfortable. Marketing began to be used by tourism professionals only in the 50s in Europe.

Marketing in tourism is a product of collective creativity of entrepreneurs different countries. Marketing also evolves over time. At each stage of development of market relations, its own special approach to commercial activities in tourism.

The listed stages represent different periods in the development of tourism (mainly in Western Europe), as well as social, economic and political changes in recent years. The general trend is a shift in emphasis from the problems of producing tourism services to the consumer and an increasing focus on meeting his needs and requirements.

Historically, the so-called production concept was the first to emerge. It was widely used by tourism enterprises in the fifties of the 20th century. It was during this period that the demand for tourism services significantly exceeded supply (seller's market). Therefore, almost all tourist services found immediate sales on the market, even if they did not fully meet the requirements that consumers placed on them: the main thing was their availability, quantity, and sometimes minimal attention was paid to quality. Travel companies offered almost identical products, the sales of which were not a problem. There was no competition in the market. As a result, the consumer was forced to purchase what was offered on the market. All the attention of travel companies was focused on internal production capabilities in order to saturate the market with their services. Tourism marketing has been used to stimulate demand for tourism services.

In the early sixties, the first signs of a change in the relationship between supply and demand in the naturist market began to appear. The competition intensified. In this situation, travel companies began to focus on the problems of marketing their services. This is expressed in the use of the concept of intensifying commercial efforts, which involves ensuring maximum sales through advertising and sales promotion measures.

By the mid-seventies, a buyer's market had formed in the tourism sector, which presupposes completely different “rules of the game.” Under the current conditions, working on an unknown or little-known market no longer gave the tourism enterprise any guarantees regarding the sale of services. To ensure success in the competitive struggle, it was necessary to first thoroughly study the market, and then offer services that meet the requirements of this market. At the same time, tourism enterprises not only adapted to market requirements, but also formed consumer demands themselves. Consequently, along with knowledge of consumer demand, the key point in the implementation policy was its formation based on the study of the problems of tourist consumers.

Find the needs and satisfy them" - this expression sufficiently and fully characterizes the essence of the concept of marketing in tourism.

Currently, the tourism industry is one of the most successfully developing throughout the world in general and in Russia in particular. The number of tourists traveling outside their country is growing every year. Thus, according to WTO experts, the number of tourist arrivals in the world will reach 1 billion by 2010, of which 516 million will be in Western, Central and Eastern Europe, including the CIS and Baltic countries, where tourism will develop at a faster pace than the European region generally.

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