The 12 millionth ton of ARCO oil was produced and shipped on the Prirazlomnaya platform in the Barents Sea. The ice-class shuttle tanker Kirill Lavrov delivered it to the Kola Bay, where the storage tanker Umba is located in the roadstead. From there the oil will be sent to consumers in Europe in standard batches.

Gazprom Neft produced the 10 millionth ton of oil at the Prirazlomnoye field

Gazprom Neft Shelf produced its 10 millionth ton of oil at the Prirazlomnoye field. Deputy general director on the development of Gazprom Neft offshore projects Andrey Patrushev.

Gazprom Neft plans to produce over 3 million tons of oil at Prirazlomnoye in 2018

Gazprom Neft plans to increase oil production at the Prirazlomnoye field in 2018 to more than 3 million tons of oil from the 2.6 million tons expected for the current year, said Andrey Patrushev, deputy general director of the company.

Gazprom Neft increased production at the Prirazlomnoye field by 79% in the first half of 2017.

In the first half of 2017, Gazprom Neft increased production of the first Russian Arctic shelf oil (ARCO) at the Prirazlomnoye field by 79% compared to last year – to 1.6 million tons. Cumulative oil production today is more than 5 million tons. The growth in production volumes is due to the commissioning of new production and injection wells. The volume of daily oil production on the Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant stationary platform increased to 10 thousand tons.

Gazprom Neft drilled the first multilateral well using fishbone technology on the Arctic shelf

On the Prirazlomnaya platform, the only project on the Russian Arctic shelf where commercial oil production is carried out, the first multilateral well with multiple horizontal fishbone branches was drilled and put into operation. The chosen trajectory of the wells allows to significantly increase the coverage of oil-saturated areas of the formation. The new well became the fourth injection well at Prirazlomnaya; currently, eleven wells have been put into operation on the platform: six production wells, four injection wells and one absorption well.

Gazprom Neft spoke about its offshore projects at the forum "The Arctic - Territory of Dialogue"

On March 29–30, 2017, Gazprom Neft revealed the key vectors for the development of the company’s offshore projects at the “Arctic – Territory of Dialogue” forum. Among the priority areas announced at the event were strengthening international cooperation, strengthening technologies and professional competencies within the framework of the industrial development of the region, as well as the effectiveness of the implementation of environmental protection programs.

Name: Prirazlomnoye oil deposit

Location: In the Pechora Sea, 60 km from the coast.

License: Owner - Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC (100% subsidiary PJSC company Gazprom Neft).

Development operator: Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC

Stocks: At the time of commencement, recoverable reserves were estimated at more than 70 million tons of oil equivalent. As of January 2017, ten wells were built at the field: six production, three injection and one absorption. In total, by 2023 it is planned to drill 32 wells - 19 production, 12 injection and one absorption. Well drilling is scheduled to be completed in 2022.

Production: Started on December 20, 2013. The first oil from the field was shipped on April 18, 2014. In 2014, 300 thousand tons of oil were produced, in 2015 - 800 thousand tons of oil, in 2016 - 2.15 million tons of oil. Reaching the design capacity of 4.8 million tons of oil equivalent is planned for 2023. The period of operation of the field is 36 years.

Transportation: Oil from the field is first transported to the Umba storage tanker, installed on a roadstead in the Kola Bay near Murmansk, with a deadweight of 300 thousand tons, and from there it goes to Europe by separate tankers.

Peculiarities: The first and so far the only project in Russia for the development of hydrocarbon resources of the Arctic shelf. The oil produced at the Prirazlomnoye field is called Arctic Oil (ARCO).

The field, as owned by Gazprom Neft, is under sanctions.

The net loss of Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC in 2014, according to SPARK-Interfax, amounted to 3.3 billion rubles.

One of the short stories in the film “Yolki 5” takes place on the Prirazlomnaya platform, from which production is carried out at the field.

History of development: The development of Prirazlomnoye is perhaps the most famous long-term construction project in the Russian oil and gas industry. It was opened in 1989 production association"Arktikmorneftegazrazvedka".

In 1992, CJSC Rosshelf was created to develop it, where Gazprom was one of the shareholders with a 20% share. Rosshelf owned the license for the field.

Initially, it was planned to develop Prirazlomnoye with the involvement of foreign investors - the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International financial corporation(IFC), BHP Petroleum, Wintershall AG. The order for the construction of the Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant stationary platform was placed in 1995 at PA Sevmash (then PA Sevmashpredpriyatie. According to Rosshelf’s calculations, production at the field was to begin in 1998-1999, reaching the design level - 5.8 million tons of oil per year - in 2001-2002. In total, production should have been carried out until 2020.

However foreign companies they took turns refusing to participate in the project. In 1999, BHP Petroleum - due to the economic inexpediency of the project, and in 2001, its successor - Wintershall AG - announced that the project was frozen for at least a year due to the inability to agree on the terms of the production sharing agreement.

As a result, in 2001, it was decided that Prirazlomnoye would be developed by three Russian companies: Gazprom, Rosshelf and Rosneft. The license was transferred to the joint venture of Rosshelfa and Rosneft - Sevmorneftegaz LLC. In 2002, Sevmorneftegaz signed a contract with Sevmash for the completion of the platform. Of course, the deadline for its commissioning was moved to 2004, and the production of first oil at the field - to 2005. Interesting fact- Prirazlomnaya was based on a used Hutton TLP platform, which was purchased from Conoco. Previously, the management of Rosshelf and Gazprom was categorically against buying a used platform abroad.

However, there was no money to build the platform; the completion date was constantly postponed. In 2004, Rosneft left the project - the company sold its shares in Rosshelf and Sevmorneftegaz to Gazprom, which essentially became the sole operator of the project.

As a result, the platform was ready in 2010, and then towed to Murmansk, where it was completed and ballasted with concrete. In August 2011, the platform was installed at the field, and in December 2013, oil production from Prirazlomnoye began.

Current status: Production is underway, work is underway on the construction of new wells, and it is planned to reach maximum production.

Incidents: On September 18, 2013, Greenpeace activists tried to enter the Prirazlomnaya platform, from which work was being carried out at the field. They did not succeed; the vessel of the Arctic Sunrise activists was arrested and on September 24, along with its crew (30 people), was taken to Murmansk. The team was accused of piracy, as well as possession and smuggling narcotic drugs. However, due to an amnesty, the team was eventually released. On August 9, 2014, the ship returned to Amsterdam. In October 2014 investigative committee dropped the case due to the amnesty.


Salavatov Salavat Yulaevich

4th year student, Bashkir State University, Ufa, Russian Federation E-mail - [email protected]



In this article in short form describes the geological component of the shelf Prirazlomnoye field. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the field is currently the only hydrocarbon production project operating in Russia on the Arctic shelf.

Keywords Field, shelf, reservoir, reservoir, horizon.

Prirazlomnoye is a unique field of its kind for Russia, located beyond the Arctic Circle in the Pechersk Sea. This is currently the only field on the Russian Arctic shelf where oil production has already begun.

The field is located on the shelf of the Pechora Sea, 55 km north of the village of Varandey and 320 km northeast of the city of Naryan-Mar (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 - Location of the Prirazlomnoye field on the map

Prirazlomnoye was discovered in 1989 and contains more than 70 million tons of recoverable oil reserves. The new Russian grade of oil was named Arctic Oil (ARCO) and was first shipped from Prirazlomnoye in April 2014. Belongs to the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province. The sea depth in the field area is 19-20 meters.

Production is carried out on an offshore ice-resistant oil production platform.

Tectonically, the field is located in the southeastern part of the Pechora Sea on the continuation of the Varandey-Adzvinskaya structural zone. Oil deposits are confined to Carboniferous-Lower Permian deposits. The reservoirs are cavernous-porous reef limestones. According to petrogeological zoning, the field territory belongs to the Timan-Pechora basin.


The productive horizon, discovered by four wells, is represented by two carbonate reservoir layers of different genesis. The upper highly porous reservoir layer, composed of bioclastic limestones, is covered by clays of the Kungurian stage, forming a regional seal with two thin (1-2 m) and impermeable layers, and is separated into three layers: Ia, Ib, Ic.

The lower reservoir II is represented by relatively dense Carboniferous limestones. It is weakly expressed in the seismic wave field due to low reservoir properties.

Productive formation I is well correlated between all wells. Reservoir is identified only in the well section. 3 and 4, located in the central and southeastern parts of the structure, and is represented by interbedding of high-porosity and low-porosity (up to impermeable) limestones. The formation was subjected to erosion; it is absent in the arch and in the north of the structure (well 1.5). On the eastern wing in well. 4, only its sole part has been preserved. The greatest thickness of the formation is observed in well. 3. Layers Ib and Ic are distributed throughout the entire field.

The total thickness of the limestones of productive formation I (according to drilling and seismic data) varies within 43-85 m, the effective thickness is 42-85 m, for productive formation II (according to drilling data) 49.5-63.0 and 11.1- respectively. 26.2 m.

Areal unconsistency of the effective thickness of reservoirs in formation II with their low porosity (< 10 %) не позволяет рассматривать этот горизонт в качестве самостоятельного объекта разработки.

The main oil reserves are confined to formation I, widespread throughout the field area and characterized by average porosity (15.6-21.7%) and permeability (0.05-0.4 μm2). Its average oil saturation is 77-95%.

Features of the geological structure of the deposit are:

Structural-tectonic type of reservoir reservoir (trap);

Good consistency in area of ​​thickness of the main productive formation and its petrophysical properties;

Confinement of increased values ​​of porosity and permeability of reservoirs (and, accordingly, increased concentration of reserves) to the central and southern parts of the field;

Significant development of vertical fracturing, especially in the northern part of the field;

An increase in the ratio of vertical to horizontal permeability from the central part of the field to the northern.

List of used literature:

1. Nikitin B. A., Khvedchuk I. I. “Prirazlomnoye oil field on the Arctic shelf of Russia.” Geology of Oil and Gas, No. 2. Moscow 1997.

2. Shipilov E. V. “Hydrocarbon deposits of the Russian Arctic shelf: geology and patterns of location.” Bulletin of MSTU, volume 3, No. 2, 2000


© Salavatov S.Yu., 2017

Farkhutdinova Dilara Ramilevna

student of Bashkir State University, Ufa E-mail: [email protected]


In terms of proven oil reserves, Russia is one of the leading oil-producing countries in the world. In her

The Prirazlomnoe oil field is located on the shelf of the southeastern part of the Pechora Sea, 60 km northwest of the village. Varandey Nenetskogo Autonomous Okrug Arkhangelsk region(Fig. 1). The field was discovered by State Industrial Complex "Arktikmorneftegazrazvedka" in 1989 by drilling a prospecting well in the crest of an anticlinal fold. 1 to a depth of 3100 m. When testing Lower Permian - Upper Carboniferous bioclastic limestones in the range of 2369-2438 and 2447-2487 m after hydrochloric acid treatment, an industrial influx of oil with a flow rate of 393 m3/day was obtained.

Committee Russian Federation in Geology and Subsoil Use On March 15, 1993, Rosshelf JSC was issued a license for a period of 25 years for the right to produce oil at the Prirazlomnoye oil field, search for and evaluate hydrocarbon deposits, attracting Russian and foreign investments for these purposes.

In August 1993, RAO Gazprom and JSC Rosshelf entered into an Agreement with the VNR company (Australia) on the principles of cooperation in the development of the Prirazlomnoye field. In June 1994, an agreement was signed between these companies on cooperation in geological exploration, industrial assessment and development of the Prirazlomnoye field. The VNR company, on a priority basis and under risk conditions, took part in the drilling of the well. 3,4,5, data processing and drawing up a feasibility study for field development.

1 - oil and gas fields

In 1993-1994 JSC Rosshelf drilled and tested exploration wells. 3,4,5, which confirmed the presence of industrial oil deposits in Permocarbon deposits.

Materials from reprocessing and reinterpretation of seismic survey data, results of core analysis, well testing and interpretation of field geophysical survey materials made it possible to clarify the geological structure of the field.

The near-fault structure along the roof of the Permocarbon reservoir in the form of a cover enveloping the underlying formations has dimensions of 18.3x5.1 km. Its area along the extremely closed isohypse -2547 m is 62.35 km2 (Fig. 2).

Materials from the reprocessing of seismic sections indicate a more complex tectonic structure of the structure than previously thought. Thus, in its southeastern part, a complex series of faults of northwestern and southeastern strike was identified. In addition, numerous weakly expressed dislocations are identified that are not amenable to areal mapping due to the insufficient density of the seismic profile network.

In general, faults in the arch of the Prirazlomnaya structure differ in strike, extent and amplitude of displacement (from a few meters to 100 m or more).

The productive horizon, discovered by four wells, is represented by two carbonate reservoir layers of different genesis. The upper highly porous reservoir layer, composed of bioclastic limestones, is covered by clays of the Kungurian stage, forming a regional seal with two thin (1-2 m) and impermeable layers, and is separated into three layers: Ia, Ib, Ic (Fig. 3).

The lower reservoir II is represented by relatively dense Carboniferous limestones. It is weakly expressed in the seismic wave field due to low reservoir properties.

Productive formation I is well correlated between all wells. Layer Ia is identified only in the well section. 3 and 4, located in the central and southeastern parts of the structure, and is represented by interbedding of high-porosity and low-porosity (up to impermeable) limestones. The formation was subjected to erosion; it is absent in the arch and in the north of the structure (well 1.5). On the eastern wing in well. 4, only its sole part has been preserved. The greatest thickness of the formation is observed in well. 3. Layers Ib and Ic are distributed throughout the entire field.

The total thickness of the limestones of productive formation I (according to drilling and seismic data) varies within 43-85 m, the effective thickness is 42-85 m, for productive formation II (according to drilling data) it is 49.5-63.0 and 11.1- respectively. 26.2 m.

Areal unconsistency of the effective thickness of reservoirs in formation II with their low porosity (< 10 %) не позволяет рассматривать этот горизонт в качестве самостоятельного объекта разработки.

The main oil reserves are confined to formation I, widespread throughout the field area and characterized by average porosity (15.6-21.7%) and permeability (0.05-0.4 μm2). Its average oil saturation is 77-95%.

According to seismic data, layer 1a extends eastward, going beyond the last closed isohypsum. The question of its possible oil saturation in the east of the structure remains open.

The main oil reserves are confined to formation Ib, its thickness increases in the northern direction. Seam Ic is characterized by sustained thickness.

In general, for formation I, according to seismic data, an improvement in reservoir properties is expected in the southwestern part of the field (between wells 1 and 3).

It should also be noted that the impermeable layers separating layer I, although thin and fractured, can in a certain way affect its operational characteristics.

Formation I was tested in all four wells; formation II - only in well 1. The maximum oil production rate after acid treatment during formation testing was obtained in well. 3 and amounted to 677 m3/day. In the well 4, a mixture of oil and formation water with a flow rate of 130 m3/day was recorded. According to the well test results. 1 oil flow rate from formation II before acid treatment was 20 m3/day.

Oil coming from the well. 1 and 3, has similar characteristics. When testing a well. 1, oil with a density of 0.908-0.910 g/cm3 was obtained; the gas factor was 29.1 m3/m3. Oil from well 3 had a density of 0.910-0.912 g/cm3; the gas factor was 34-39 m3/m3 under various separation modes. The released gas contained up to 0.4% H2S, the sulfur content in the oil was 2.3%. In the well 5, oil with a density of 0.914 g/cm3 with a gas factor of 44-47 m3/m3 was obtained. In the well 4, a mixture of oil and formation water was obtained from the transition zone of the reservoir. The oil density was significantly higher than in the well. 1 and 3 (0.94-0.97 g/cm3).

Oil obtained during testing of formation II in well. 1, had a density of 0.928 g/cm3 with a gas factor of 25 m3/m3.

During the process of exploratory drilling, it was not possible to accurately determine the position of the OWC of layers I and II. According to geological and geophysical data for productive formation I, the position of the OWC is assumed to be at an absolute elevation of -2528 m.

Based on the studies performed, the oil reserves of the Prirazlomnoye field, approved by the State Commission of the Russian Federation for Mineral Reserves, were calculated.

The balance oil reserves of the field in categories C1+C2 amount to 295 million tons. Recoverable reserves in categories C1+C2 are estimated at 75.3 million tons.

The main features of the geological structure of the Prirazlomnoye field, which determine the specifics of its development, are:

1. Bioclastic composition of carbonates.

2. Good consistency in area of ​​thickness of the main productive formation and its petrophysical properties.

3. Confinement of increased values ​​of porosity and permeability of reservoirs (and, accordingly, increased concentration of reserves) to the central and southern parts of the field.

4. Significant development of vertical fracturing, especially in the northern part of the field.

5. An increase in the ratio of vertical to horizontal permeability from the central part of the field to the northern.

The given characteristics of Permocarbon reservoirs and the peculiarities of the distribution of oil deposits led to the conclusion that technically and economically it is most expedient to develop the field from a single ice-resistant production platform. Based on the efficiency comparison various options platform, preference is given to a steel gravity platform, the construction of which will be carried out on Russian enterprises Military industrial complex: "Sevmashpredpriyatiya" and "Zvezdochka" (Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region).

In December 1994, a feasibility study for the development of the field was completed, which in 1995 was subject to state environmental assessment.

Compilation is currently being completed technological scheme field development. The completed versions of the development models indicate that it is most advisable to develop the central and southern parts of the field using mainly vertically inclined wells, and the northern - horizontal ones.

For field development, a combined row system using horizontal wells is recommended. In total, it is planned to drill 55 wells, including 31 production wells, of which 15 will be horizontal with a maximum output of 5.5-6.0 km, and 24 will be injection wells. The operating period will be 20.5 years, daily oil production will be about 16 thousand tons, and the average recoverable reserves per well will be 2.1 million tons with an oil recovery factor of 0.34.

For the first time on the Arctic shelf of Russia, in 1966, in order to clarify the structure of the Permocarbon reservoir in the field, seismic exploration work was carried out using the 3D technique, the results of which will be used to optimize the selected development option.

Oil will be transported by ice-class tankers from the field to the terminals of the Murmansk seaport.

Funding for the development of the field is expected to be carried out in the amount of 30% of the cost by the project participants, and the remaining funds will be obtained through domestic and foreign loans. Payback period capital investments about 4 years.

Currently, the design of the platform, which was laid down at Sevmashpredpriyatiya on December 4, 1995, is being intensively carried out.

The development of the Prirazlomnoye field appears to be an important stage in the development of oil and gas resources on the Russian Arctic shelf.

It is located in the southeastern part of the Pechora Sea shelf, 55 km north of the village. Varandey, 320 km northeast of Naryan-Mar (Pechora River) and 980 km from Murmansk. The sea depth in the field area is 19-20 m, its development period is 36 years.

Currently, the development of the Prirazlomnoye field is the first Russian project for hydrocarbon production on the Arctic shelf. For the first time, hydrocarbon production on the Arctic shelf is carried out from a stationary platform - the Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant stationary platform (OIFP). Today, Prirazlomnaya can rightfully be considered a real symbol of Russia’s success in developing the northernmost region of the planet.

The area in which the field is located is characterized by difficult natural and climatic conditions: ice cover surrounds the platform for 7 months from November to May, the height of hummocks reaches 2 meters, the minimum air temperature can drop to -50 °C, and the polar night lasts almost two month.

Oil production at the Prirazlomnoye field began in December 2013. In April 2014, the first batch of Arctic oil of the ARCO (Arctic Oil) grade was shipped. The order for the shipment was given by Russian President Vladimir Putin. At the end of 2014, more than 300 thousand tons of oil were shipped to consumers in Northwestern Europe.

In total, the project provides for the commissioning of 32 wells. All wells at the Prirazlomnaya offshore platform are drilled using directional drilling, their length ranges from 4 to 8 thousand meters. At the same time, the total prospective length of wells at the Prirazlomnoye field will exceed 200 km.

Field development scheme