Labor Relations
“Salesperson-cashier” - there is no such profession or position.
Employees have positions, and workers have professions.
Professions are provided for in ETKS releases. There's just a salesman there. But there is a profession “controller-cashier”, and the category for it is staffing table

set depending on the work to be performed:

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4th category Characteristics of the work. Monitoring the timely replenishment of the range of goods in trading floor , their safety, serviceability and proper operation of cash registers and special computer systems. Checking: quantity, weight, footage, pairing, label, seal, price, quality of goods and their expiration (sale) dates. Consulting buyers (consumers) about the supplier, purpose, properties, quality of goods and prices; offering customers (consumers) new interchangeable goods and related products. Payments to buyers (consumers) for goods and services: calculating the cost of purchase, receiving money, punching a receipt, issuing change. Refund of unused check. Elimination of minor malfunctions in the operation of cash registers and special computer systems, refilling control and receipt tape , recording meter readings, setting the numerator to zeros and setting the date. Preparing goods for sale: unpacking, inspection, wiping, picking and laying out in accordance with the principles of commodity proximity by groups, types and varieties, taking into account the frequency of demand and ease of work. Filling out and attaching price labels, monitoring their availability. Preparing goods for inventories and revaluations. Monitoring the condition of in-store and window displays. Counting money and handing it over in the prescribed manner. Cleaning of unsold goods and containers.
Must know: the structure and operating rules of cash registers and special computer systems; bar codes; rules for settlements with buyers (consumers); the procedure for conducting non-cash payments and payments using plastic cards; procedure for receiving, storing and issuing Money, settlement checks; signs of solvency of government banknotes; procedure for filling out the cashier-operator book; assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of goods; rules for decoding articles and markings; retail prices; methods of selection, packaging of goods; product size scales and sizing rules; basic requirements of technical regulatory legal acts for the quality of goods, packaging and their labeling; types of defects and rules for sorting goods; progressive forms and methods of servicing customers (consumers); ways to reduce commodity losses, labor costs, materials, electricity; rules for the sale of the range of goods sold, sanitary rules and regulations; Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Basic rules for conducting retail trade and trade and production activities on the territory of the Republic of Belarus; labor protection and fire safety requirements.
Vocational education or training in an established program is required.


5th category

Along with the work provided for by the tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession “Controller-Cashier (Controller)” of the 4th category, he performs work to familiarize himself with the assortment of goods in the warehouse and select goods; notifying the administration about the availability of goods, goods with expired shelf life (sales), with hidden defects that do not comply with documents certifying quality and safety; design of in-store displays; studying the demand of buyers (consumers).
At the same time, you must additionally know: the main types of raw materials and materials used for the manufacture of goods, methods of recognizing them; methods for determining the quality of goods; basic principles of construction of commercial and technical equipment; principles of design of in-store displays.
To be assigned the 5th category in the profession “Controller-cashier (controller)”, work experience in the profession “Controller-cashier (controller)” of the 4th category is required for at least 2 years.


6th category

Along with the work provided for by the tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession “Controller-Cashier (Controller)” of the 5th category, performs work on receiving goods from the warehouse, receiving them in terms of quantity and quality; reconciling the amount of cash receipts with the readings of cash counters; preparation of commodity reports, acts of defects, shortages, re-grading of goods, acceptance certificates upon transfer material assets; participation in conducting inventories and revaluations; consideration controversial issues with buyers (consumers) in the absence of administration; window display design; supervising the work of cashier controllers (controllers) of lower qualifications.
At the same time, he must additionally know: the procedure for conducting inventories and revaluations, drawing up and processing commodity reports, marriage certificates, re-grading of goods and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material assets; rules for decorating window displays.
To be assigned the 6th category in the profession “Controller-Cashier (Controller)”, work experience in the profession “Controller-Cashier (Controller)” of the 5th category is required for at least 2 years.

Note. In the absence of labor function An employee who works on cash registers and special computer systems is called a “Controller.”

Job description the seller is developed to streamline labor relations. The document contains a list functional responsibilities, items related to the rights, working conditions, and responsibilities of the employee. The standard form provided below can be used when drawing up a job description for a salesperson in grocery store, non-food products, senior salesperson.

Sample of a typical job description for a salesperson

I. General provisions

1. The seller belongs to the category of workers.

2. The appointment or dismissal of a seller is carried out by order of the director.

3. The salesperson reports directly to the manager/director.

4. A person with at least a secondary vocational education, a medical record, duly executed, and who has completed an internship is appointed to the position of seller, without presenting any work experience requirements.

5. During the absence of the seller, his rights, responsibilities, and functional responsibilities are transferred to another official, as reported in the relevant order.

6. The seller is guided in its activities by:

  • provisions of the Consumer Protection Law;
  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • established regulatory documents;
  • The company's charter;
  • internal rules labor regulations;
  • orders, instructions of the director/manager;
  • this job description.

7. The seller must know:

  • rules of communication with visitors to the trading floor;
  • requirements for conducting recounts;
  • characteristics of goods;
  • orders for accounting of inventory items;
  • provisions of safety rules, labor protection standards.

II. Job responsibilities of the seller

The seller has the following job responsibilities:

1. Provide customer service: consultation, demonstration, packaging of goods, calculation of its cost, registration, delivery of purchases.

2. Replenish stocks of goods in a timely manner. Monitor their safety and proper use commercial equipment, cleanliness in the sales area.

3. Prepare goods for sale: checking the conformity of names, quantities, assortment, prices, correctness of labeling; integrity of packaging, inspection of appearance.

4. Prepare workplace, including checking the serviceability of equipment, inventory, tools.

5. Receive packaging material and prepare it for further use.

6. Place goods into groups, types and grades, taking into account relevant requirements, convenience and safety of work.

7. Participate in filling out and posting price tags.

8. Count cash, register its turnover and hand over it in the prescribed manner.

9. Inform buyers about the quality, characteristics, and operating features of the goods.

10. Offer visitors to the sales area similar, interchangeable or related products.

11. Study objections, comments, arguments of visitors to the trading floor.

12. Design display windows according to established standards and monitor their condition.

13. Take part in:

  • receiving goods, determining their quality based on organoleptic characteristics and other indicators;
  • drawing up commodity reports, documents related to the reception and transfer of material assets;
  • conducting an inventory;
  • resolving disputes with customers during the absence of administration representatives.

14. Inform management about goods that do not comply with the labeling and accompanying documentation.

15. Place requests for replacement and repair of commercial equipment and inventory.

III. Rights

The seller has the right:

1. Receive information about draft management decisions relating to its activities.

2. Put forward for management consideration:

  • proposals for improving work, rationalizing labor operations;
  • requirements to create conditions for the fulfillment of their job responsibilities, right.

4. Make independent decisions within your own competence.

5. Place requests and receive information used in the performance of their duties.

6. Draw management’s attention to the need to eliminate shortcomings in the company’s activities.

7. Get everything Required documents, equipment, uniforms to perform assigned tasks.

8. Do not begin to perform functional duties without ensuring proper working conditions and safety measures.

IV. Responsibility

The seller is responsible for:

1. Improper performance of one’s official duties.

2. Causing material damage to the company, its employees, customers, and contractors.

3. Failure to comply with deadlines for completing labor operations.

4. Failure to comply with the provisions of instructions, orders, instructions.

5. Providing company employees and visitors with false information about products.

6. Disclosure of personal data and confidential information.

7. Violation of requirements labor discipline, internal labor regulations, fire protection, safety regulations.

V. Working conditions

1. The seller’s working conditions are determined by:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • safety rules, internal labor regulations;
  • requirements of current sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • orders and instructions from the company's management.

Oldest salesman

Oldest salesman - executive, responsible for the work of sellers, cashiers and other personnel subordinate to him. The list of his functional responsibilities includes tasks that differ from those assigned to a regular salesperson. These include:

1. Carrying out operations for accounting, receiving, issuing, storing funds and inventory items in compliance with the rules for their safety and maintaining operational properties.

2. Drawing up and providing management with summary reports for the required period of activity based on incoming and outgoing documents.

3. Decoration of shop windows and retail premises.

4. Entering and processing information into databases, working with warehouse accounting programs.

A senior salesperson should know:

  • rules for maintaining cashier documents and preparing consolidated reports;
  • basics of working with computer programs on database processing;
  • established standards for the performance of labor operations by sellers, cashiers, and other subordinate personnel.

Name of the organization I APPROVED WORK INSTRUCTIONS Name of the position of the head of the organization _________ N ___________ Signature Explanation of the signature Place of compilation Date TO THE SELLER (6TH DIGIT)


1. The seller is hired and dismissed by order of the head of the organization upon the recommendation of _________________________.

2. A salesperson (6th category) must have a secondary specialized (vocational) education without presenting requirements for work experience or work experience of at least 3 years in the profession “Salesman” of the 5th category.

3. The seller is subject to _____________________________________.

4. In its activities, the seller is guided by:

Charter of the organization;

Labor regulations;

Orders and instructions of the head of the organization (direct manager);

These operating instructions.

5. The seller must know:

Techniques and methods of progressive servicing of buyers (consumers), taking into account their gender, age, level of knowledge about the product and other characteristics;

Assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of goods, nutritional value, signs of good quality of goods;

Main suppliers of goods;

Norms natural decline goods and the procedure for their write-off;

Methods of using and caring for goods;

Rules for decoding the article, marking and bar code;

Retail prices for goods;

Techniques for selecting, measuring cuts, assembling goods;

Product size scales and rules for their determination;

Basic requirements of technical regulatory legal acts for the quality of goods, packaging and labeling;

Types of defects and rules for the exchange of goods;

Warranty periods of goods;

Design and rules of operation of serviced trade and technical equipment, cash registers and special computer systems;

Signs of solvency of state banknotes;

Rules for sales by bank transfer;

Ways to reduce commodity losses, labor costs, materials, electricity;

Rules for the sale of the range of goods sold;

Sanitary rules and regulations;

Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Protection of Consumer Rights";

Basic rules for conducting retail trade and trade and production activities on the territory of the Republic of Belarus;

Labor protection and fire safety requirements;

the main types of raw materials used for the manufacture of goods;

Signs of grade of goods, methods of their recognition;

Methods for reducing losses of goods during storage and sales;

The main suppliers of goods, features of the range and quality of products;

The procedure for conducting inventories and revaluations;

Principles of design of in-store displays;

Methods for summarizing data on customer demand;

The procedure for receiving goods from suppliers;

Rules for rejecting goods;

The simplest organoleptic methods for determining the quality of goods;

Rules for sampling and sampling to determine the food suitability of goods;

The procedure for drawing up and processing commodity reports, acts of defects, shortages, misgrading of goods and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material assets;

Principles of window display design.


6. The seller is responsible for:

6.1. Customer service (consumers): offering and displaying goods, demonstrating them in action, assistance in choosing goods, cutting, weighing and packaging goods, checking receipt details, issuing purchases.

6.2. Consulting buyers (consumers) about the supplier, purpose, composition, properties, price, quality, design features products, rules for caring for them, the state of fashion of the current season.

6.3. Offer of new, interchangeable goods and related products.

6.4. Calculating the cost of purchase and issuing a sales receipt.

6.5. Registration of a passport for a product that has a warranty period.

6.6. Packing goods, issuing a purchase or transferring it for control.

6.7. Monitoring the timeliness of replenishment of working stock of goods and their safety.

6.8. Preparing goods for sale: checking the name, quantity, grade, price, condition of packaging and correct labeling of goods; unpacking, inspection of appearance, cleaning, slicing, cutting of goods, assembly, kitting, checking operational properties, etc.

6.9. Preparation of the workplace: checking the availability and serviceability of trade and technological equipment, inventory and tools; sharpening, straightening tools, installing scales; placement of goods taking into account the commodity neighborhood, by type and grade, taking into account the frequency of demand and ease of work.

6.10. Filling out and attaching price labels, monitoring their availability.

6.11. Receipt and preparation of packaging material.

6.12. Cleaning unsold goods and containers, ensuring cleanliness and order in the workplace.

6.13. Preparing goods for inventories and revaluations.

6.14. Work on cash registers and special computer systems, reconciling the amount of cash receipts with the readings of cash counters.

6.15. Counting checks (cash proceeds) and submitting them in the prescribed manner.

6.16. Monitoring the condition of in-store and window displays.

6.17. Performing work to receive goods from the warehouse; preparing them for sale.

6.18. Drawing up and execution of commodity reports, acts of defects, shortages, re-grading of goods and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material assets.

6.19. Determining the quality of goods by organoleptic characteristics; sampling for laboratory analysis.

6.20. Monitoring the availability of goods for sale in accordance with the assortment list and informing management about their absence.

6.21. Drawing up requests for repairs of commercial and technological equipment.

6.22. Consideration of controversial issues with buyers (consumers) in the absence of the administration.

6.23. Window display design.

6.24. Supervising the work of less qualified salespeople.


7. The seller has the right:

7.1. Require periodic training on labor protection.

7.2. Have the necessary instructions, tools, individual means protection and demand that the administration provide them.

7.3. Familiarize yourself with the internal labor regulations and the collective agreement.

7.4. Make proposals for improving work technology.

7.5. _________________________________________________________________.

(other rights taking into account the specifics of the organization)


8. The seller is responsible: 8.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s work within the limits determined by the current labor legislation

The Republic of Belarus.

8.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Name of the position of the head of the structural unit _________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of signature Visas I have read the work instructions _________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of signature _______________________ Date

1.1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the 2nd category Seller of Food Products (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”) c.
1.2. The seller is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the manager.
1.3. The seller reports directly to __.
1.4. A person with education and work experience of at least _ years is appointed to the position of Seller.
1.5. The seller must know:
- assortment, classification, characteristics, purpose, nutritional value and retail prices of goods;
- signs of good quality of goods;
- norms of natural loss of goods and the procedure for their write-off;
- design and operating rules of serviced commercial and technological equipment;
- techniques and methods of customer service;
- ways to reduce commodity losses and labor costs.
1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Seller, his duties are assigned to ___.

2.1. The seller carries out the following types of work:
2.1.1. Customer service: cutting, weighing and packaging goods, calculating the cost of purchases, checking receipt details, issuing purchases.
2.1.2. Monitoring the timely replenishment of the working stock of goods, their safety, serviceability and proper operation of trade and technological equipment, cleanliness and order in the workplace.
2.1.3. Preparing goods for sale: checking the name, quantity, grade, price, packaging condition and correct labeling; unpacking, visual inspection, cleaning, slicing, cutting and cutting of goods.
2.1.4. Preparation of the workplace: checking the availability and serviceability of equipment, inventory and tools; sharpening, straightening tools, installing scales.
2.1.5. Receipt and preparation of packaging material.
2.1.6. Placing goods into groups, types and grades, taking into account the frequency of demand and ease of use.
2.1.7. Filling out and attaching price labels.
2.1.8. Counting checks (money) and depositing them in the prescribed manner.
2.1.9. Cleaning up unsold goods and containers.
2.1.10. Preparing goods for inventory.

The seller has the right:
3.1. Receive from enterprise employees the information necessary to carry out their activities.
3.2. Submit proposals on issues related to your activities for consideration by your immediate supervisor.

(other rights taking into account the specifics of the organization)
The seller is responsible for:
4.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of their functional duties.
4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of performance of one’s official duties.
4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the General Director of the organization and the immediate supervisor.
4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the organization and its employees.
4.5. Failure to comply with labor and performance discipline.

5.1. The Seller’s working hours are determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the organization

Salesperson retraining with assignment qualification category. Group classes or individual consultations. Chef training is carried out both on the basis of an educational institution and on the basis of a customer organization in any region of Belarus.Upon completion of training, documents are issued state standard: certificate of assignment of a qualification category in a profession.



4th category

Characteristics of the work. Customer service (consumers): offering and displaying goods, demonstrating them in action, assistance in choosing goods, cutting, weighing and packaging goods, checking receipt details, issuing purchases. Consulting buyers (consumers) about the supplier, purpose, composition, properties, price, quality, design features of goods, rules for caring for them, and the state of fashion of the current season. Offering new, interchangeable products and related products: taste characteristics, culinary purposes and nutritional value individual species goods. Calculating the cost of purchase and issuing a sales receipt. Registration of a passport for a product that has a warranty period. Packing goods, issuing a purchase or transferring it for control. Monitoring the timeliness of replenishment of working stock of goods and their safety. Preparing goods for sale: checking the name, quantity, grade, price, condition of packaging and correct labeling of goods; unpacking, inspection of appearance, cleaning, slicing, cutting of goods, assembly, kitting, checking operational properties, etc. Preparation of the workplace: checking the availability and serviceability of trade and technological equipment, inventory and tools; sharpening, straightening tools, installing scales; placement of goods taking into account product proximity, types and varieties, taking into account the frequency of demand and ease of work. Filling out and attaching price labels, monitoring their availability. Receipt and preparation of packaging material. Cleaning unsold goods and containers, ensuring cleanliness and order in the workplace. Preparing goods for inventories and revaluations. Work on cash registers and special computer systems, reconciling the amount of cash receipts with the readings of cash counters. Counting checks (cash proceeds) and submitting them in the prescribed manner. Monitoring the condition of in-store and window displays.

Must know: techniques and methods of progressive servicing of buyers (consumers), taking into account their gender, age, level of knowledge about the product and other characteristics; assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of goods, nutritional value, signs of good quality of goods; main suppliers of goods; norms of natural loss of goods and the procedure for their write-off; methods of using and caring for products; rules for decoding the article, marking and bar code; retail prices for goods; techniques for selecting, measuring cuts, and assembling goods; scales of product sizes and rules for their determination; basic requirements of technical regulatory legal acts for the quality of goods, packaging and labeling; types of marriage and rules for the exchange of goods; warranty periods of goods; design and operating rules of serviced trade and technical equipment, cash registers and special computer systems; signs of solvency of government banknotes; rules for sales by bank transfer; ways to reduce commodity losses, labor costs, materials, electricity; rules for the sale of the range of goods sold; sanitary rules and regulations; Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”; Basic rules for conducting retail trade and trade and production activities on the territory of the Republic of Belarus; labor protection and fire safety requirements.

Vocational education or training in an established program is required.

Note. Sellers carrying out retail trade in small retail chain facilities (kiosks, pavilions, trays, etc.), as well as retail trade in forms that do not require availability shopping facility (peddling trade, trade by samples, trade via the Internet, etc.), are charged according to the 4th category.

5th category

Along with the work provided for by the tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession “Seller” of the 5th category, performs work to participate in the receipt of goods to replenish display cases and working stock in the sales area; notifying the administration about the availability low-quality goods, expired, not suitable for sale, with hidden defects, not complying with documents certifying quality and safety; participation in inventories and revaluations; preparation and execution of gift and holiday sets; design of in-store displays; studying the demand of buyers (consumers).

At the same time, you must additionally know: the main types of raw materials used for the manufacture of goods; signs of the grade of goods, methods of their recognition; methods for reducing losses of goods during storage and sales; main suppliers of goods, features of the range and quality of products; the procedure for conducting inventories and revaluations; principles of design of in-store displays; methods for summarizing data on customer demand.

To be assigned the 5th category in the profession "Salesman", work experience in the profession "Salesman" of the 4th category is required for at least 2 years.

6th category

Along with the work provided for by the tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession “Seller” of the 5th category, performs work to receive goods from the warehouse; preparing them for sale; preparation and execution of commodity reports, acts of defects, shortages, re-grading of goods and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material assets; determining the quality of goods based on organoleptic characteristics; sampling for laboratory analysis; monitoring the availability of goods for sale in accordance with the assortment list and informing management about their absence; drawing up requests for repairs of commercial and technological equipment; consideration of controversial issues with buyers (consumers) in the absence of the administration; window display design; supervising the work of less qualified sellers.

At the same time, you must additionally know: the procedure for accepting goods from suppliers; rules for rejecting goods; the simplest organoleptic methods for determining the quality of goods; rules for sampling and sampling to determine the food suitability of goods; the procedure for drawing up and processing commodity reports, acts of defects, shortages, re-grading of goods and acceptance certificates for the transfer of material assets; principles of window display design.

To be assigned the 6th category in the profession "Salesman", a secondary specialized (vocational) education is required without presenting requirements for work experience or work experience of at least 3 years in the profession "Salesman" of the 5th category.