Industrial cage, France. Photo: Ethique & Animaux L214

In recent years, the interest of farmers and large agricultural holdings in rabbit breeding has sharply increased. Dietary meat is increasingly in demand on the market, and experts predict a 3-fold increase in demand for rabbit meat. Its price reaches 450 rubles per kilogram, so rabbit breeding as a business has good prospects.

Rabbit meat production and demand for products

Rabbit meat cannot be classified as an exotic product, but it is rarely found in stores and does not linger on shelves. Russian market There is practically no supply of rabbit meat, while the need for it, according to some experts, is about 300 thousand tons per year. Import supplies of products decreased sharply: from 4,300 tons in 2014 to 1,760 tons in 2016.

According to the analytical agency AB-Center, in 2015 the volume of rabbit meat consumption amounted to 17.5 thousand tons. Of these, 13.5 are products of small farms. Industrial rabbit breeding is underdeveloped in our country, but the situation is changing quickly. In the Northwestern Federal District, the construction of 3 large farms with a production cycle has begun, which intend to produce more than 7 thousand tons of rabbit meat per year.

Data from the expert and analytical center for agribusiness "AB-Center", 2017

Rabbit meat is a white dietary meat, 90% digestible, low in fat and cholesterol. It is non-allergenic, suitable for the production of baby food, and can remove salts from the body heavy metals. Demand for it creates the trend towards healthy eating, but restrains it high price and lack wide range products in stores.

Rabbit breeding is very convenient for farms. The business does not require large initial investments; technologies for breeding and keeping rabbits, which have been developed over the years, allow you to do this business without special training. The simplest equipment is required; the farmer can make some of it himself. Animals are distinguished by high fertility and early maturity. One female rabbit is capable of 7–8 litters per year, which is about 140 kg of meat in live weight annually. Of all areas of animal husbandry, rabbit breeding is the most profitable in all respects, second only to. However, the market for poultry meat is close to saturation.

Production efficiency comparison different types meat

Indicator Beef Pork Rabbit meat Poultry meat
Product weight, kg 300–500 100–110 3,5–4 2–2,5
Growing period, days 500–540 140–180 42–49 40–50
Feed conversion, kg/kg live weight
Average cost, rub/kg 95–100 80–90 75–85 50–60
Average price in live weight, rub/kg 120–140 95–115 130–140 65–70
Production profitability, % 35–37 18–20 22–24 65–69
Average payback period, year 9 5 5 4

* Research of the Kuban Agrarian University, Krasnodar, 2017 (Klimova N.V., Mozhegova V.D.).

Breeding and maintenance technologies

Rabbit farming is divided into meat and skin production; this is an almost waste-free agricultural production. Rabbits are the most profitable for breeding for meat, find wholesale buyer It became more difficult for skins. Previously, they were purchased in large quantities for export to China, but since 2016, Rosselkhoznadzor banned the import of rabbit meat from the Middle Kingdom, and retaliatory difficulties arose.

The productivity of rabbit breeding depends 20–30% on the conditions of keeping, the rest comes from the breed (genetics) - up to 25% and adequate feeding - up to 55%. The microclimate is of great importance; mother rabbits are able to reproduce all year round, but with sudden temperature changes this advantage is not realized. In addition, cold weather has a bad effect on the growth and development of rabbits. Currently, three main technologies are used in rabbit breeding: keeping them outside in pits, cages (mini-farms) and in rooms with a controlled microclimate.

Requirements for conditions of detention are established:

  • NTP-APK Standards for technological design of small-capacity fur and rabbit farms.
  • RD-APK Methodological recommendations for the technological design of fur and rabbit farms of peasant (farmer) farms

Breeding in pits

Rabbits by their nature are burrowing animals, so the traditional method of breeding them is very simple. Select an area on a hill, fence it off, deepening the base 50–60 cm into the ground so that animals do not dig under the ground. A canopy is made over the pits, and a door is installed in the fence for passage. Feeders and drinking bowls for rabbits are hung along it from the inside.

This method of rabbit breeding is quite accessible at home, as well as for beginning farmers. It does not require large material costs. The size of the plot should be such that the ratio is maintained: approximately 5 female rabbits and no more than 30 heads of growing young animals of 20 square meters. meters. These are conditions close to natural conditions, the animals feel calm and develop well.

Disadvantages of technology:

  • expansion of production is inevitably associated with an increase in land area;
  • it is impossible to control the fertilization of females, which leads to a decrease in profits;
  • high consumption of feed due to consumption by mice, hamsters, rats, and birds;
  • mortality of young animals in winter, decreased sexual activity of rabbits;
  • Difficulties with preventive care, vaccination, risk of infections.

This rabbit breeding technology is still used at home, with all operations (feeding, watering, cleaning) carried out manually. However, the cost of production will be quite high. If a farmer wants to start breeding rabbits as a business, he needs to choose more productive ways to raise them.

Cellular content

Outdoor technology for breeding rabbits in cages has become most widespread. Compact single-tier or multi-tier cages are inexpensive and can be made at home. They take up little space, so a large plot of land is not required. All cage designs are similar, differing mainly in the system of organizing feeding and watering the animals, as well as the principle of cleaning the floors from manure.

Multi-tiered structures for rabbits are usually called a mini-farm. The most famous are the designs of Mikhailov and Titarenko, as well as Makrol, Rabbitax (their photos are below in the article). Cage housing makes it easier to care for the livestock and allows you to control the litter of females. Depending on the type of food (wet, dry), the cages are equipped with trough or hopper feeders and hay boxes.

The most difficult thing in such conditions for keeping rabbits is organizing a watering system. The best option is when water from the storage tank is supplied through pipes with built-in nipple drinkers. In winter, it is necessary to ensure their heating using a heating element. The cages are equipped with mesh floors with a cell size of 1.6×4.8 cm, and underneath there is an inclined bunker, which is periodically cleared of manure. The capacity of one mini-farm is small: usually no more than 4 families (a female rabbit with offspring) and up to about 35 animals per juvenile.

Disadvantages of keeping rabbits in outdoor cages:

  • seasonal reproduction: at temperatures below –15 degrees they become sleepy and sexual activity is suspended;
  • in the summer heat, the risk of disease and death of newborn rabbits increases;
  • low productivity and fairly high cost of meat due to manual labor.

Modular sheds

Closed hangar-type or rectangular premises made of light metal structures take rabbit breeding to a qualitatively higher level. The module (rabbitry) is covered with cellular polycarbonate, and a fan is mounted in the roof. Inside there is a passage along which there are multi-tiered cages on both sides.

In the sheds, a system for keeping rabbits is implemented according to the principle “everything is empty - everything is occupied.” When combined with the technology of artificial insemination, offspring are obtained from each queen rabbit 7 times a year with a 49-day cycle and 8 times with a 42-day cycle. The main herd (males and females) is kept in isolated cages, the young animals are housed in groups of 5–7 animals, depending on the design of the house and the breed of animals (they differ in size). Industrial cages are equipped with spring lids, which facilitates the transplantation of rabbits, their treatment, and insemination. To remove manure, removable corner panels or trays are equipped.

In such a room, an automatic drinking system with nipple or float drinkers is installed. Hopper feeders are filled with dry granulated food approximately once a week. Optimal conditions for breeding rabbits are maintained using a heating system and forced ventilation. The cost of purchasing a closed rabbitry pays off quite quickly due to higher productivity of rabbits, safety of livestock, reduced labor costs, and, consequently, a reduction in the number of workers.

Types of cells and other equipment

There are a large number of designs rabbit cells, various in size and configuration. Most are made of wood, the doors are made of mesh, and the floors are lattice. Some models have a floor heating system in the queen cells and pipes for water supply. The most popular varieties of rabbit hutches are shown below.

The cost of cages for industrial keeping of rabbits depends on the dimensions, design, material, additional equipment (feeding system, heating, manure removal, type of drinking bowls). The cost of one Mikhailov mini-farm is approximately 15 thousand rubles, a block of 4 pieces will cost 60 thousand rubles. A set of 12 mini-farms for 1000 rabbits with bunker feeders, nipple drinkers, a heated queen cell and a polycarbonate canopy costs approximately 350 thousand rubles.

Closed industrial-type rabbitries are offered by the Pankrol company ( Krasnodar region), "ELKO" (Belarus, representative office in Kaluga). These are turnkey complexes, they include:

  • cage equipment (broodstock and finishing);
  • water supply, air conditioning systems;
  • electrical wiring for lighting, automation;
  • feeding-watering systems, manure removal;
  • heating devices for floor and water.

The price of a modular shed "Pankrol" for industrial breeding of rabbits is (based on the number of mother rabbits and young animals kept):

  • for 54/430 - 400 thousand rubles. (6x6 m);
  • for 120/960 - 1 million rubles. (15x6 m);
  • for 612/4900 - 4.8 million rubles (45 × 9.5 m).

Closed modular rabbitries with artificial microclimate.

Breeds of meat rabbits

In total, there are about 60 breeds of rabbits, which differ in the quality of the skin, weight, and slaughter yield of meat products. With age, the meatiness coefficient increases for all varieties, but if you buy rabbits for breeding for meat, you should pay attention to the following well-proven breeds.

  • New Zealand white. The New Zealand rabbit breed was bred in the USA and is now widespread in Europe and Russia. Animals have a well-developed chest and sacrolumbar region. At 3 months of age, the rabbit weighs 2.7 kg. Slaughter yield is 55–65%, the proportion of meat in the carcass is 77–80%. Female rabbits are prolific, bringing up to 12 rabbits, which is why it is necessary to equalize the litters. The wool is white. Feed costs 3.5-5 units/kg gain.
  • Silver. Originally from France, it was brought to us from Germany almost 100 years ago. A very large, fast growing rabbit. It is born black or smoky in color, after 3.5 months it gradually acquires a silver tint, and weighs about 4 kg. Adults are very large: 6–6.5 kg. With good care, the slaughter yield is about 62%. There are 8–10 rabbits in a litter. Valued for high-quality fur raw materials.
  • Californian. American origin, obtained by crossing Russian ermine, chinchilla and New Zealand breeds. It has high early maturity and meatiness. Animals have thin and light, but at the same time strong bones. The California rabbit is called “broiler”; it reaches a marketable weight of 2.3 kg by the end of the second month of life. Like the New Zealand breed, it has strong, well-furred paws, which saves it from damage on a metal mesh floor, especially in winter. Slaughter yield 60%.
  • White (gray) giant. This species was bred in the Poltava region in the 50s of the last century. The Flanders breed was crossed with a local variety of rabbits. From the former they inherited a powerful backbone and high meatiness, from the latter - fertility and precocity. The animals are unpretentious to living conditions, adapted to temperate climates and are successfully raised in the northern regions. They reach a weight of 1.7–1.9 kg at the age of 120 days. Slaughter yield 55%, weight fraction 85%.

On Agroserver you can buy a month-old rabbit for breeding at a price of 350-500 rubles per head, depending on the breed. An adult rabbit per breed costs from 1 thousand rubles. In addition to those listed above, in Russia there are such breeds as Flanders, Burgundy, and French sheep. Hybrids of the Hy-Plus type have also appeared, characterized by very rapid growth and good health. But you can only buy them in reproducers, since the appearance of these rabbits does not differ in their characteristic features (it’s easy to make a mistake). In this case, you will have to keep the broodstock, since hybrid characteristics are not transmitted to the offspring.

Feed requirements and diet

When raising rabbits, two feeding systems are used: dry (granulated) food and combined, when the animals are fed simultaneously with succulent feed, hay and concentrates.

Requirements for the quality of feed are established by GOST 32897-2014 Compound feed for fur-bearing animals, rabbits and nutria. General technical specifications.

Feeding rabbits only with complete granulated feed is impractical and reduces the profitability of production. At the same time, traditional feeds (corn, winter wheat, hay, sunflower cake) contain insufficient amounts of proteins necessary for intensive breeding of rabbits. When breeding rabbits for meat, the best option is a regular mixed diet with “Premix” type additives.

Maximum daily dose of feed for rabbits of different compositions (g)

Type of feed Compound Animal age
1-2 months
(150 k.e.)
2-3 months
(200 k.u.)
3-4 months
(260 k.u.)
Dry concentrates
Compound feed meat and bone meal, protein and mineral supplements 85 125 165
Grain mixture cereals and legumes 50–80 115 110
Sunflower cake 10 15 20
Juicy feed
Silage - 100 150
Roots potatoes, beets, carrots 50–150 160–200 250–300
Skim milk 30 - -
Oilseed grain 5–6 8 60
Meals 3–10 15 20
Green feed
Fresh herbs nettle, sow thistle, vetch, mown grass 300 400 600
Cabbage leaves 30–100 200 300
Hard food
Bran Various compositions 15 25 30
Branches Birch, linden, aspen, apple tree, acacia 50 100 125
Meadow hay 30–70 100 200

About 40 kg of hay for the winter is prepared per adult animal and 15 kg per rabbit up to 4 months. During the fattening period of 120 days for one family (female, rabbit and 20 rabbits) it costs:

  • concentrates - 340 kg;
  • hay - 110 kg;
  • root vegetables - 90 kg;
  • green mass - 420 kg.

Rabbits must have constant access to food and water. The amount of daily growth significantly depends on the content of proteins in the diet; it is necessary to include supplements containing lysine, methionine, arginine, and cysteine. Bran, branches (roughage) are of great importance in regulating digestive processes, reducing the risks of intestinal disorders and infectious diseases.


Like any other farm animals, rabbits are susceptible to diseases, especially if breeding and maintenance conditions are violated. Therefore, compliance with the rules of veterinary care and vaccination is mandatory. Timely repair of cages and slatted floors protects animals from mechanical injuries, frostbite and overheating. Among the dangerous diseases that can lead to 70% mortality in livestock within a few days, the following can be noted.

Economic risks in rabbit farming are associated with typical problems characteristic of all agriculture generally. These are difficulties with renting land plots and obtaining a loan for construction rabbit farm, with the acquisition of high-quality breeding material, there are very few rabbit breeders in the country. Also, small farms are faced with the problem of establishing sales to a store chain due to the small volume of supplies.

Business investment and profitability

When drawing up a business plan for a rabbit farm, you need to focus on the average profitability in the industry and real examples operating farms. Farm productivity and payback period depend on the technology for keeping rabbits, the availability of own funds and land, and the need for credit. Below are averages for a typical medium-sized commercial rabbit farm (indoors).

  • Number of queen rabbits - 264;
  • The selling price of meat is 207 rubles/kg.

Total amount current expenses consists of the following:

  • feed - 58%;
  • veterinary drugs, vaccination - 35%;
  • electricity (including heating) - 4%
  • water consumption (sewage), disposal - 2%;
  • other expenses - 1%.

Example. Farm of Kirill Sheshtanov, peasant farm "KroSh", Leningrad region.

  • 2014 The initial investment in the business amounted to 1 million rubles. The money was spent on training, purchasing a computer, paying for a patent; 4 Mikhailov mini-farms, 8 breeding rabbits (gray and white giant) were purchased.
  • 2015–2016 An application was submitted and a one-time grant in the amount of 5.5 million rubles was received. Added own funds 3 million rubles. 200 mini-farms were purchased, our own slaughterhouse was built, equipment for it was purchased, and accreditation was carried out. The annual turnover amounted to 800 thousand rubles.
  • 2017 There are 250 mini-farms in total, 2,000 rabbits are kept. The farm is served by only 3 people: a livestock specialist, a worker, and a slaughterer. The turnover amounted to 1.2 million. There are plans to purchase a Ford Transit car with a refrigeration unit.

In the above example, a peasant farm organized external cage keeping of rabbits. The entrepreneur is going to develop production according to the European system, in closed sheds. You can learn more about its history on the website of the Food Industry News Portal.

Marketing routes and prices for meat

In small towns, markets and seasonal fairs are the main distribution channel for rabbit meat. Entrepreneurs note that most in demand rabbit carcasses weighing 1.5 kg are used. The large mass of the animal raises suspicions regarding its age, and the cost of meat is quite high. Other sales channels:

  • restaurants, farm produce stores;
  • own points of sale in indoor markets;
  • hospitals, baby food factories;
  • intermediary wholesale organizations.

The cost of 1 kg of rabbit meat on the wholesale sales sites, Agroserver reaches 500 rubles, on average it varies in the range of 350–425 rubles. Depends on the quality of the meat, the nature of the cutting and packaging.

* Prices for April 2019

Small suppliers find it difficult to build relationships with large chain stores. Most often, they sell products to intermediaries at a price almost half the consumer price. At the same time, organizing your own slaughter and cutting shop significantly increases production efficiency. For example, if you offer shops and catering establishments cut up carcasses in vacuum packaging, in marinade weighing 0.5, 1, 1.5 kg. A cut rabbit with a light weight is much more affordable compared to a whole carcass.

Veterinary standards and GOSTs

  • TR TS 034/2013 - Technical regulations Customs Union. On the safety of meat and meat products.
  • GOST 27747-2016 - Rabbit meat (rabbit carcasses, broiler rabbits and their parts). Technical conditions.

The rules for the circulation of unprocessed fresh meat and semi-finished meat products on the territory of Russia and other EurAsEC countries are regulated by the Regulations of the Customs Union. According to this document, product quality compliance with established requirements is confirmed by a veterinary certificate. It is issued by the relevant territorial service of Roselkhoznadzor after laboratory tests and veterinary and sanitary examination.

Control over the production and movement of fresh meat from the manufacturer to the wholesaler and retailer is carried out using the state information system GIS Mercury (Vetis). In this system, the manufacturer generates VSD (veterinary accompanying documents), which are transmitted along the chain to the final seller who sells the product to the consumer.

A declaration of conformity must be issued for packaged semi-finished meat products, and a certificate of conformity can be obtained on a voluntary basis. The rules for the preparation of these documents are established by TR CU 021/2011 (Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. Safety food products).

Form of economic organization

In rabbit farming, any form of production organization is possible:, or. Peasant farming is more profitable in the sense that you can qualify for certain government support measures - preferential loans, subsidies, grants. When registering an enterprise, you need to select the following codes as the main activities (reference book “OK 029-2014 (KDEC Rev. 2):

  • 01.49.2 - breeding rabbits and other fur-bearing animals;
  • 01.49.21 - production of fine rabbit hair;

In addition, agricultural tax is the most favorable compared to other taxation regimes. It is 6% of income, and losses from previous periods can be written off as payment. Even one family member can organize a farm on his own behalf. If the rest are members of peasant farms, then they will have to pay contributions to pension insurance.

In conclusion, we note that fluctuations in market prices are unlikely to have an impact in the near future. great influence on the cost of rabbit meat. Demand for it is growing, but the supply on the market is still small. At the same time as raising rabbits for meat, the farmer also receives by-products. It further increases the overall profit of the farm. Thus, wholesalers buy dried rabbit skins at a price of about 60 rubles/kg, and rabbit manure is suitable for application to fields even without prior preparation. biological treatment. It is readily accepted by local entrepreneurs involved in crop production, so it will not be difficult to find buyers.

Rabbit farm business plan

We present to you a free ready-made example of a business plan, on the basis of which you can draw up your own. This material contains all cost items and examples of calculations for rabbit farming.

  • Introduction
  • 1. Summary
  • 2. Production plan
  • 3. Market analysis
  • 4. Analysis of product sales markets and raw material purchases
  • 5. Project marketing strategy
  • 6. Organizational plan
  • 7. Financial plan

This example is suitable for both the farm and your household, since you can simply reduce the scale of your business.

Useful links

  • How it works: how much does a rabbit farm bring // RBC, interview with the owner of the Lelechi rabbit farm
  • Faster than rabbits: how a top-class biathlete became a livestock breeder // RBC, interview with figures

You won’t find so many ideas for starting your own business these days in the press and on the Internet! Those who have at least a modest summer cottage plot(not to mention a spacious rural house with a garden), a wealth of ideas are issued in the form of recommendations - from growing oyster mushrooms in the basement to organizing an ostrich farm.

Among those who are thinking about starting their own business, the rabbit breeding business is becoming increasingly popular. But you should know: for your business to be truly profitable, you need a clear understanding of the specifics of such an industry. In this article we will talk about what features are involved in raising these furry animals, whether it is profitable to breed rabbits or not.

What are the benefits of rabbit meat?

There are mainly three types of meat on the shelves of supermarkets and grocery stores. We are talking about pork, beef and lamb. Meanwhile, rabbit meat has a number of advantages regarding quality, taste and benefits for the human body. That is, this market niche can still be considered relatively free.

The absorption of rabbit meat by the human body is better and more productive compared to beef or pork. This indicator - the percentage of digestibility - in this case reaches 90% against the usual 60% in other types of meat. And thanks to its low fat content, rabbit meat is a wonderful dietary product.

Thus, if you have an excellent, tasty and healthy food product, combined with low competition in this segment, you can confidently predict the high profitability of your chosen business. That is, the answer to the question of whether it is profitable to breed rabbits is definitely positive.

Characteristic signs of business

What features are inherent in domestic rabbit breeding? The main one is high ability these animals for reproduction. The female carries the cubs for 30 days, and re-fertilization is possible almost immediately after birth. The productivity of an adult rabbit during the year is about 200 babies. In terms of a useful product, this amounts to about 500 kilograms of rabbit meat.

They are bred for different purposes. Breeds of rabbits for breeding for meat are gray or white giant, as well as ram. In order to obtain fluffy fur, they choose rex, butterfly, and white downy. In addition, it is possible to breed decorative rabbits. There are also universal options. For example, Soviet chinchillas or gray giants are breeds of rabbits for breeding for meat and obtaining skins at the same time.

During the breeding process, good care and proper nutrition are very important. The more comfortable the living conditions are, the higher the quality of mating and, as a result, the health of the little rabbits. The number of matings can be increased by minimizing the number of stress factors. And without high-quality, balanced nutrition, talking about animal health is pointless.

Pros and cons of a rabbit farm

What advantages does this business have over other livestock farming options? Its main advantages are high profitability, short payback period, minimal competition and stable demand. The combination of these factors looks very attractive, but at the same time some negative aspects should be taken into account.

So, for the high-quality maintenance of these clean little animals in cages, regular (that is, daily) cleaning is required. Otherwise, the entire livestock may be susceptible to disease. Shy animals grow and reproduce well only in a calm, favorable atmosphere without even minimal stress.

Rabbits require constant monitoring. In the absence of food and even water, a female rabbit is capable of eating her own offspring. Breeding rabbits at home for beginners may seem like a troublesome and difficult task at first.

Getting down to business

Where to start breeding rabbits? In what form is business possible in this area? There are two such varieties: either in the form of individual entrepreneurship, or with the organization of a private farm. The first option is especially popular among those who are starting from scratch. Its main advantage is a reduction in the tax base and a simplified accounting scheme. If you decide to start a farm, you can count on receiving a subsidy from the state.

But in any form of activity, success largely depends on a well-thought-out business plan.

Rabbit farming as a business: where to start?

Before you start creating your own rabbit farm, as in any type of business, you should analyze the potential market, paying attention to a number of the most important characteristics. We are talking about the saturation of the market, the presence of a potential buyer in accessible proximity, the degree of intensity competitive activity and solving transport issues.

Having clarified the situation for yourself, you can move on to the next step - choosing a land plot. Its area must be at least 15 acres, and your future rabbit breeding farm must be located away from your home.

Having purchased or rented a plot, you can begin setting up your planned business. The initial financial investment can be quite significant, but due to the short payback period and high profitability of this type of activity, this is not a problem.

Is it profitable to breed rabbits compared to, say, chinchillas or nutrias? The capacity of your business can be increased many times thanks to the high reproductive qualities of the animals, and this is no small feat additional benefit. In general, breeding any domestic animals, like other types of agricultural business, is very, very in demand these days.

What should be on your site

The next step of the rabbit breeder businessman will be to compile a list of buildings whose presence on the site is mandatory. Each of them should be placed on the plan of the site allocated for future company. What applies to such buildings?

  • Sheds. This is the name given to the premises where rabbits will live and breed. Such “industrial” rabbit hutches are made from wood with windows covered with welded mesh. The more comfortable the rabbits are in the sheds, the better the breeding process will be, and the less fear the owner will have for the health of the pets. The minimum number of sheds is from 3 pieces.
  • Feed workshop. This is a kind of warehouse where food for rabbits can be stored for the next few months. If you spare no expense and equip your feed shop with a granulator and a grain crusher, the costs will quickly pay off.

  • The slaughterhouse premises must have a fully equipped meat shop and a spacious refrigerator. Due to high hygiene requirements, the materials for its construction are metal-plastic and tiles.
  • Tools, equipment and necessary building materials should be kept in a separate shed.

A spacious manure pit should be dug not far from the site. With regular replenishment, it is possible to sell manure as fertilizer to surrounding farmers.

What do you need rabbits for?

When starting to breed livestock, decide on the objectives of cultivation, and from here plan methods for breeding rabbits. What is your goal - skins, meat or both? Having understood this issue, choose the desired breed. Let's say your choice is gray giant rabbits. Breeding, growing and caring for them requires certain knowledge.

For beginners, it would be wisest to get one of the local purebred breeds. They usually have an affordable price, ease of acquisition and the ability to consult with other rabbit breeders.

Then start drawing up a business plan with upcoming expenses and income outlined in it. In addition, you should take care of registering your own business.

What is better for a future rabbit breeder - to purchase a plot or rent it? This depends not only on the size of the initial investment, but also on the long-term goals of the future businessman. If you decide to take this profitable business seriously, it is better to purchase the land as your own. When rent is due, monthly expenses to cover it must be provided for in the business plan.

About norms and rules

When breeding rabbits, a number of sanitary requirements must be met to prevent diseases in the rabbit environment. In this regard, there are certain rules according to which premises for rabbit livestock are designed, down to the slope of the roof and the installation of floors.

Other requirements relate to the location of buildings within the site. The slaughterhouse must be at a distance of at least 50-60 m from the rabbit cages. Sick rabbits should be quarantined at a distance of 100 meters from the sheds. The manure storage facility also needs to be moved outside the farm - no closer than 100 meters. All distances are in the direction of prevailing winds.

What and how to feed rabbits

In nutrition, these animals are quite whimsical compared to other types of farm animals. Their daily diet requires a mandatory combination of different types of food - green (herbs, cereals, legumes), juicy, such as vegetables or root vegetables, rough and silage, as well as concentrated, consisting of bran, grain or mixed feed.

To calculate the need for the amount of feed, we proceed from the fact that gaining a weight of 4 kilograms for one animal requires about ten kilos of hay and 15 kg of compound feed. Other elements serve as dietary supplements in different times year. In the warm season (spring and summer), be sure to feed the rabbits green and roughage; in the fall and winter, do not neglect silage and juicy ones.

Breeding rabbits at home for beginners can come with a number of surprises. Monitoring the freshness and balance of the supplied feed is very important. There should not be the slightest trace of rot or mold. Too dry food is also not welcome - animals can choke on it.

About rabbit housing

Do not forget that these animals are rodents, that is, the cages must be constructed of high-quality and durable material.

Compared to poultry or nutria, rabbits are more prone to comfort. The range of temperatures suitable for their normal life is from 2 to 30 degrees, but quality conditions for growth and reproduction require maintaining them in the range from 13 to 26 degrees.

There are several known methods by which the habitats of these animals are developed. Raising rabbits in earthen pits with carefully reinforced floors and walls is the simplest of all. This method is one of the lowest cost, but is used exclusively for meat breeds.

What are cells like?

The most common choice is to raise rabbits in enclosures. The most popular methods for household use include the so-called cellular method. The material for constructing the cages is wooden boards combined with a metal mesh. Female rabbits and offspring are housed separately from male rabbits.

The shed method already mentioned above is a system of several tiers of cells. The main advantage of this option is compact placement, which is important in conditions of a small site area.

It is also possible to keep it according to the so-called Mikhailov system, which is a small farm of three to four cells. Each of the mini-farms is equipped with ventilation, a manure collector, and, of course, drinking bowls and feeders. This method is most effective for high-quality growth and reproduction. But it also requires the largest financial costs.

Where to sell?

Let's now talk about selling the resulting products. Its directions should be considered based on the volumes of the future economy. If they are small (about 500 rabbits annually), the meat can be sold for sale or sold independently, subjected to a sanitary and epidemiological inspection.

For large farm volumes, you will need to obtain some additional documents. We are talking about a farm certificate, the same phytosanitary one, and a GOST-R declaration. If you complete all of the above, at the same time as trading at the market, you will have the opportunity to sell meat to a network of supermarkets and grocery stores.

Indicative business plan for rabbit breeding

Let's draw up and analyze a sample business plan for setting up a small farm for one hundred livestock. What are the costs?

The process of building rabbit cages will cost about 50,000 rubles; to buy one hundred heads of young animals, add another 30,000 rubles. (the exact amount depends on the breed), from 70,000 to 150,000 rubles. will have to be spent on purchasing feed. Add another 20,000 rubles. for veterinarian services, utility costs and other small items. Total: the expenses part of the business plan can contain a figure from 170,000 to 250,000 rubles.

Now about income

100 rabbits will yield about 200 kilograms of meat. At a wholesale price of 200 rubles. per kilo and retail - 400 rubles. It is actually possible to sell all products for an amount of about 400,000 rubles. For the proceeds of the skins - an additional 250 to 300 thousand rubles, let's take an average of 280,000. Total: the level of expected income is about 600-800 thousand rubles.

Even within the framework of the small farm given as an example, during the first year it is possible to receive about half a million rubles as profit. In the future, this figure will increase further, since there will be no more need to spend money on building new cells. As a result, the profitability figure for such a business ranges from 60% to 80%.

Things to remember

Of course, the above business plan for breeding rabbits is very conditional. The numbers can vary significantly, depending on the breed and number of specimens purchased, as well as the amount of initial investment. Much also depends on the region where the business is planned.

Among other things, this plan does not include rental costs (if any). Such expenses can also vary greatly by region and area. Equipment depreciation should also be taken into account. But in general, the above calculation gives a general idea of ​​the profitability of the business in question.

Conclusion: such an activity is quite profitable and attractive in terms of money. And yet, despite the confident “yes!” in response to the question whether it is profitable to breed rabbits, it should only be done by those who are not afraid of the specifics of this business and the associated difficulties in the form, for example, of the need to slaughter furry pets.

» Rabbits

Many people living in the region are involved in rabbit breeding. rural areas. Mostly to provide my family with fresh, tasty meat. In addition, rabbit meat is dietary and is indicated for consumption in many diseases, as well as for baby food. Rabbit breeding as a business is not widespread.

But this is the only business that can be started with minimal costs. Fertility of animals, high cost of meat and low competition are important components of constant, high income from this type of activity. With a skillful approach and organization, this business can become exactly what will bring you a stable and high income.

In this article we will look at rabbit farming as a business, find out where to start and how to succeed.

Any entrepreneurial activity has its pros and cons. Rabbit farming is no exception. The advantages of a mini farm include:

  1. Low financial costs to start a business.
  2. High fertility, which does not require purchasing young animals.
  3. Minimum documents for the organization.
  4. Low maintenance costs.
  5. High cost of meat.
  6. Wide opportunity for sales.
  7. Low competition.
  8. Receiving additional income from the sale of skins and manure.


  1. The disadvantage of rabbit breeding is the susceptibility to infectious diseases and the high mortality rate.
  2. Strict sanitary requirements for care and breeding.
  3. Preparation of relevant documents.

Organizational and legal aspects

What is better to register - a personal subsidiary plot, individual entrepreneurship or farming?

Any type of activity must be registered and taxes must be paid. It is clear that if there are 20-30 rabbits on the farm, then this is not necessary for personal consumption and registration. The choice of form depends on the number of animals and how many hired workers there are on the farm. Let's take a closer look at the registration forms:

  1. Private household plot (personal subsidiary plot).
  2. IP (individual entrepreneurship).
  3. Peasant farm (peasant farm).

Private household plots

An ideal option for a novice businessman. Starting with private farming on your own land, you have many opportunities for development. When conducting this form of production, taxes are not paid, but for conducting economic activity You must provide a certificate of availability of land. Selling meat through markets and to your friends.

What does registering as an individual entrepreneur provide?

With this form, it will be possible to open your own retail outlet for selling meat. And also supply them to other retail outlets. An entrepreneur is required to pay tax. You should contact your local tax office for clarification on this issue because the law on this issue is constantly changing.

Including you will need:

  1. Certificate for the farm.
  2. Receive the GOST-R declaration.
  3. Issue a phytosanitary certificate.

If you lack accounting knowledge, you will need to hire a specialist to keep records. Therefore, it is better to register a business with large volumes of production.

Peasant farming

Carries out any type of agricultural activity. It is similar to entrepreneurship, with the exception of some points:

  • can have several farm managers with equal rights;
  • no statutory or constituent document is required.

In theory, this form of activity is practiced to obtain various subsidies and benefits from the state, which I dare say are difficult to obtain.

Be prepared to solve problems on your own.

Hence the conclusion that if you do not have production on an industrial scale, then at first it is better to stop at registering private household plots.

Tax form

For the agricultural sector there are two forms of taxation. This is a Simplified view, where income minus expenses and Unified Agricultural. Which one is more convenient for you, you can ask advice from a person involved in accounting activities. Because it depends on the form of activity, on the number of employees and on the volume of production.

Upon registration, you will be assigned an OKVED code with encoding - A.01.25.2. This means: raising rabbits and fur-bearing animals on a farm. This code does not include meat and skins of animals obtained by hunting or trapping.

How to start breeding livestock from scratch?

Consider what kind of cages the animals will be kept in. What food supply will they be able to receive? On what plot of land will the complex be located? Also read about all the breeds of rabbits and think about which one will be more convenient for you to work with. Study the market.

Leave couples for divorce from those parents who have the best results.

The best breeds for breeding

It is best to choose breeds for breeding that can tolerate our Russian climate and are not particularly demanding on living conditions. In this case, rabbit breeding will be profitable.

Rabbit breeds for breeding are divided into:

  • meat;
  • meat-skin;
  • downy

There are also decorative rabbits, but they are kept as pets.

  1. Meat breed.

Fast growing rabbits. They gain maximum weight by six months. With sufficient care, by 4 months the carcass weighs from 2 to 3 kg.

  1. The meat is skin-on.

Rabbits from which you can get both skin and meat.

  1. Downy.

Rabbits have beautiful soft fluff, which many use to make clothing.


They belong to the meat breed. These rabbits are the largest. The body length reaches 70 cm. The weight of an adult reaches 10 kg. Flanders were used to breed other large meat breeds.

Rabbits have large, wide ears. Strong, muscular body. Tender, soft meat. The color of the fur is similar to that of a kangaroo or beaver. Flandres are popular among breeders due to their balanced and calm character.

Flanders rabbits

But this breed has its drawbacks. They need large cages, but are better kept in enclosures. They eat a lot of food. Late-maturing rabbits. Often have difficulties during childbirth. But if you create decent conditions for them, then it is quite possible to breed them to generate income.

Lead accounts. Record the weight, color of the skin, surviving rabbits. How many babies does each rabbit bring?

New Zealand

Refers to meat. The average weight of these animals is up to 5 kg. Purely white. Compact body with well-developed muscles. Small head with erect ears. Developed skeleton. The carcass is dense without excess fat.

Rabbits of this breed are fertile and milk producing. They are ways to feed up to 12 babies. Rabbits grow quickly and at 3 months can weigh up to 3 kg. Since there is dense wool on the soles of the paws, it can be kept on a net. Calm and balanced.


Refers to meat. The breed got its name due to its long, folded ears. Large breed. Body length up to 70 cm. Weight 7-8 kg. Velvet skin of different shades. Knocked down, strong body. Wonderful taste of meat. The female rabbits are late ripening. They bring 9 rabbits each. Calm. Regular ear care is required.

Meat also includes:

  • - white giant;
  • — gray giant;
  • — Californian.


A popular representative of the downy breed. Various colors: white, black and blue. The average weight is 4 kg. Body length 55 cm. They bring 7 little rabbits. The fluff is combed out from 700 g to 1000 g.


Body weight 3 kg. The female rabbit brings up to 6 rabbits. They grow slowly. They are mostly kept at home. They require maximum skin care. Cheerful, playful character.


They belong to the meat-skin breed. They have beautiful skin and tasty, tender meat. Hardy rabbits. The female rabbit brings up to 8 young rabbits, which are actively growing.

Avoid closely related matings. In such cases, the offspring become smaller, born with defects and weak.


They have an interesting color. On a white background there are specks like butterfly wings. Specks of various shades: blue, yellow, black and gray. Highly fertile female rabbits. Excellent for keeping in the Russian climate. Beautiful skin and tasty meat.

First of all, they have a beautiful gray-blue skin. They grow quickly. They bring 8 little rabbits. The weight of adults is from 5-8 kg.

Arrangement of the place of detention

There are several methods of keeping rabbits:

  1. Yamochny.
  2. Cellular.
  3. Shadowy.
  4. According to the Mikhailov system.

And now about each method in more detail.
The pit method of maintenance is the most ancient. This is a method closer to natural conditions which has its pros and cons. The advantages of this method are:

  • arrangement of a pit from available materials;
  • when we introduce several families into it, we get a large, healthy offspring;
  • early ripening increases;
  • rare cleaning of the pit;
  • obtaining healthy animals due to their active lifestyle;
  • there are no animal health problems;
  • saving space, in a 2*2 pit it is possible to keep up to 200 individuals.

For all its advantages, pit content has its disadvantages:

  • infections spread to all animals;
  • cleaning a pit is a complex process;
  • It’s better not to breed in pits large breeds and with valuable fur;
  • closely related relationships, animals become smaller over time;
  • catching the animal is difficult.

However, with the right approach to arranging the pit, this method can be used for breeding pets.

Mating at an early age is harmful to the health of animals.

Standard pit:
We choose a dry place without close groundwater. A hole of 2*2 m is suitable for 200 animals. We dig at least 1.5 m deep. This is due to the fact that the animals dig horizontal holes and can dig a passage to the surface. To prevent this from happening, strengthen the walls with mesh, brick or slate. One wall remains open. There will be nests in it. To start the burrows, make a depression 20 cm from the bottom.

Pour a 20 cm layer of sand onto the bottom, and install a mesh or slatted floor on top. Cover with straw or sawdust and clean once a week.

It is advisable to make a roof over the pit. To prevent it from overheating, it should not be covered with metal sheets. Be sure to make a pipe for air circulation.

In winter, arrange artificial lighting. Equip drinking bowls and feeders in such a way that there is enough space for all animals. Finally, fence off the area.

The cage method is the most popular among rabbit breeders. The side and back walls are made of wooden boards. The ceiling, floor and doors are covered with mesh. In cold climates, cages are made portable. During cold weather, they are moved to barns or any insulated room.

It is possible to install in several rows on top of each other. There are one-section and two-section. Two-section ones are used for rabbits, where one compartment is for nesting, the second is for feeding.

Standard sizes of single-section cages:

  • length - 110 cm;
  • width - 60 cm;
  • height - 60 cm.


  • length - 150 cm;
  • width - 60 cm;
  • height - 60 cm.

Fattening young animals are kept in cages up to 3 m long. Dense plantings are not recommended. The fewer animals in the cage, the higher the weight gain.

Equip pull-out trays for quick cleaning of cells. Along the aisle, manure is transported on carts or removed mechanically. Automatic drinking stations are being installed. Feeders with gradual feed supply.

In this way, from several tens to several thousand animals are kept. In most cases, shad keeping is used by farmers and large farms. Depending on the climate, shad are located under shelters or in enclosed areas with ventilation.

According to the Mikhailov system. The system was developed by academician Mikhailov. This method allows you to raise rabbits in special mini-farms. It is intended for raising rabbits on an industrial scale. It is possible to keep a large number of livestock there. At the same time, they are served by three to four people.

In this method, animals are kept outdoors on rabbit farms. Everything you need is present in the mini farm. It is warm in cold weather, cool in hot weather. The animals are provided with water and food around the clock.

Rabbits do not like to be disturbed once again, and the mini farm for rabbits developed by Mikhailov allows you to feed and water them without worry.

The animals gain weight quickly and are absolutely healthy. They are also called Mikhailov's accelerators. Do not be confused - the Accelerate is not a breed, but a rabbit raised by a special method. It’s a costly system because the cost of the cells is high, but if you make them yourself, the costs are reduced. Using the system allows you to increase the speed three times. Next, let's see how to make cages for rabbits with your own hands, drawings according to Mikhailov.

How to make a cage using the Mikhailov method with your own hands according to a drawing with dimensions?

The farm consists of several compartments. It includes:

  • - nest compartment;
  • - for young animals;
  • - hood;
  • - heating for the nest;
  • - feeders;
  • - drinking bowls.

The cell is built in several tiers:

The first tier is the stand. It rests on four posts. The racks are made of strong beams. The supports of the upper tiers consist of beams.

A stand frame is adapted to support the structure. It has compartments for electrical equipment and tool storage. There is also a ladder and a barrel for feces on it. It is better to assemble it from a material that does not rust. Below are drawings of a rabbit cage with dimensions according to the Mikhailov method.

The middle tier is located on the stand. It is intended for walking animals and a maternity ward. With the help of racks, the tier rests on a stand. The dimensions of the racks are 2*10 cm. On the east side the hole is covered with a mesh. There is a window 250*250 mm in the mesh. On this tier there is a trap for control and jigging, as well as shelter.

The farm is divided into several sections. The bunker feeder and automatic drinker are located in the walking compartment. A 20*30 cm gap is made from the bottom. It leads into the slope mines. Deflected 100 mm to the right. This makes it combined with the lower compartment on the first floor. The flooring is inclined at 45°. Rats are protected from metal strips.

The bottom is filled with 2*45 cm slats. Poop falls into the gaps and the cage is always clean.

The design includes a pipe for ventilation. Thanks to this, gases do not accumulate inside.

The nesting compartment has a door that opens up. When it is open, it turns out to be a table for working with kids. This compartment has a solid floor. It is located a little lower level. External walls are insulated. The hole is closed with a view on the south side.

Since the queen cell is made removable, there are gaps on the sides. To prevent animals from entering this hole, they are covered with planks. It is better to make a metal damper that blocks the nest. The door is made of wood.

On the upper tier there are growing rabbits. A separate section was made for the male. She protrudes beyond the frame.

The water container is located between the compartments on the front wall. Moisture comes into it automatically from other containers that are located outside on the wall of the walking compartment. To keep the water warm in cold weather, it is heated with a boiler.

Next to the drinking bowl there is a bunker feeder. A recycler has been added to it. When rabbits rake out hay, crumbs fall into it. The crumbs can be reused. The top of the feeder is folding. When you need to put in the next portion of food, it opens.

For hay and root crops, feeders are located between floors. The heavy lid pushes the food down.

It’s a complex design, but having built one with your own hands, the rest will be easy to do. After you try it at work, transfer the rest of the animals to such cages. After all, it is easy to work with animals in such cages, and they, in turn, feel great.

Let's talk in more detail about organizing a rabbit farm.

Farm organization

You do not need any special permission to build it. The main thing is the availability of a plot of land and a ready-made business plan with calculations. It is important that this site is located at some distance from residential buildings, ask about this local authorities. Moreover, this applies to farms, and not households with 10-20 heads.

Choose a place for the farm on some hill or with a slope. After clearing the entire area, it needs to be asphalted or concreted. Also make a water drainage system.

By the way, it is worth remembering that rabbits can get sick. And you need to know, and.

In order to produce about 1000 carcasses of meat per year, the farm area will be approximately 1000 sq.m. of land. What to place on the site:

  1. Shed - 3 pcs (360 sq.m).
  2. The feed workshop requires access by car (200 sq.m).
  3. Sheds where equipment and building materials are stored (50 sq.m.).
  4. Room for slaughterhouse and refrigerators (50 sq.m.).
  5. Manure collector (30 sq.m.).
  6. Passages for mini tractors.


Using sheds saves time on maintenance and building materials. We install two tiers of cages. Make windows 20*100 cm on the back walls.

  • length 20 m;
  • height 2 m 40 cm;
  • passage width 1 m 40 cm.


The cages are according to the sizes given below, then divided for males, females and young animals.

  • length 1m 30 cm;
  • width 70 cm;
  • front wall height 55 cm;
  • rear wall height 40 cm.

The roof is sloped for easy manure removal. Make such pallets for all tiers.

When making cages, use galvanized mesh with cell sizes 18*18, 20*20, 16*48 mm.

Mesh mangers for hay are installed between the cages. Drinkers and feeders are installed under the nurseries. For females, the cages are divided into nesting and feeding compartments.

This shed holds 60 cells. During the year it is possible to raise 400 or more heads of young animals.

Feed shop

On your farm you will need a feed mill. Feed, grain and a grain crusher are stored in this room. You can also install a granulator and...

Place a separate shed for storing equipment and building materials.

Slaughterhouse and refrigerators

It is more convenient to do mass slaughtering in special premises. Therefore, install a slaughterhouse next to the farm. It is better if you attach it to a room with refrigerators. The slaughterhouse must be equipped with a blood supply and an oven. A stove will be needed to burn waste (paws, heads, entrails and unnecessary skins). Thus, a continuous process occurs: slaughtering, cutting, packaging and freezing. read in a separate article.

Manure collector

We should not forget about manure. Equip a pit for collecting manure on your farm. It should be located in the farthest corner. As far as possible from rabbits and slaughterhouses. The walls of the pit should be concreted. The depth of the pit is at least 3 m. The length is arbitrary.

Flandre and Soviet chinchilla were crossed. With sufficient care, females and rabbits at one month of age had a weight of 1-1.2 kg of live weight.

Now let's look at full business- process of breeding rabbits.

Since we raise rabbits for meat, we choose breeds for meat production. The following breeds are quite good, and even successfully bred and paid off: white giant, gray giant, silver or black-brown, Flanders, Soviet chinchilla, Californian, butterfly, ram and there are several other breeds.

With proper care, by 3-4 months the carcass weight will be 2-3 kg. Early maturing and prolific breeds. Soviet chinchillas are wonderful mothers. The character is calm and able to accept other people's rabbits.

Two female Soviet chinchillas once fed 40 rabbits, by the way they were of different ages. It was winter.

When purchased, young animals must be vaccinated against infectious diseases. Since rabbits are stressed animals, in order for their transportation to go smoothly, they need to be given antidepressants or vitamin B6, which acts as an antidepressant, while drinking.

Newly arrived young animals should be planted separately from the rest. They must undergo quarantine for a month. If everything is fine with the animals, you can connect with the others.

How to organize feeding on a farm?

If anyone thinks that it is possible to feed rabbits with hay and grass alone, they are deeply mistaken. To be successful in business, they need complete food and without feeding grain and flour feed nothing will work.

Rabbit diet, daily dose in grams:

Main livestock:

  1. Meadow grass - 1500;
  2. Legumes - 1200;
  3. Branches - 600;
  4. Beet tops 200;
  5. Cabbage leaves (should be given with caution) 600;
  6. Carrots 600;
  7. Fodder beet 200;
  8. Sugar beet 600;
  9. Turnips 400;
  10. Boiled potatoes 400;
  11. Raw potatoes 150;
  12. Silo 300;
  13. Hay 300;
  14. Cereal grain 150;
  15. Legume grain 50;
  16. Oilseed grain 20;
  17. Bran 100;
  18. Cake 100;
  19. Meat and bone meal 15;
  20. Salt 2.5;
  21. Chalk 2.

Try to adhere to these standards. Animals should not be overfed.

To make it easier to figure out how much feed you need per year, see the following numbers, kg.

For females and males during the resting period:

  1. concentrates 3.50;
  2. hay 1.20;
  3. root vegetables 3.25;
  4. green food 4.50.

For females and males during the breeding period:

  1. concentrates 4.20;
  2. hay 1.50;
  3. root vegetables 3.8;
  4. green food 5.6.

The female is pregnant:

  1. concentrates 17;
  2. hay 6;
  3. root vegetables 16;
  4. green food 23.

Nursing female:

  1. concentrates 62;
  2. hay 21;
  3. root vegetables 57;
  4. green food 83.

Young animals 45-120:

  1. concentrates 10;
  2. hay 3.20;
  3. root vegetables 12.

In the morning, the animals are given succulent food and green food. At lunchtime and in the evening - concentrates. Drinking, fresh water should be available at all times.

Rabbit breeding is an important process in rabbit breeding. Carry it out according to the diagram. In shad, the upper tier is occupied by females and one male. The young animals are placed in the remaining cages.

Each rabbit gives birth to about 3: in spring, summer and autumn. That makes about 25 babies. The young rabbits sit under the female until they are two months old. A total of 300 animals are fed for fattening. Keep in mind that waste is inevitable for one reason or another. They are freely placed in the remaining cells.

3 shad of 60 cages each results in 3*300=900 heads per year.

Feed savings

Feeding rabbits with store-bought food, as you understand, is expensive. It is impossible to grow grain. It is impossible to reduce the feeding rate. Therefore, it is better to produce feed yourself.

For this you will need a grain crusher and a granulator. Rabbits readily eat the pellets.

Several granule recipes. Option for everyone:

  • oats, wheat 30;
  • barley, corn 45;
  • wheat bran 12;
  • cake 12;
  • chalk 0.5;
  • salt 0.5.

Option for young animals:

  • oats, wheat 40;
  • barley, corn 45;
  • cake 8;
  • meat and bone meal 6;
  • fishmeal 6;
  • chalk 0.5;
  • salt 0.5.

Option for everyone:

  • oats, wheat 31;
  • barley, corn 32;
  • wheat bran 15;
  • cake 15;
  • meat and bone meal 3;
  • fishmeal 3;
  • hydrolytic yeast 2;
  • bone meal 1;
  • salt 1.

Harvesting hay also brings great savings. But silage and growing root crops is unrealistic. Therefore, it is better to purchase them.

Try to mechanize manual labor. Buying a mini tractor will greatly facilitate manual labor. It can be used to deliver feed to the Swedes, as well as transport manure. Set up automatic water supply.

Conditions for keeping rabbits and vaccination

To avoid various diseases, rabbits need to be provided with good living conditions.

The cages must be clean and dry. If the cages are wooden, it is advisable to whitewash them with lime every six months. Before entering the shed, make a square depression and also pour lime into it, so that those entering will walk on this lime. This way the shoes will be disinfected.

To avoid mass extinction of livestock from infectious diseases, vaccination is required. On given time A comprehensive vaccination against VGBV and myxomatosis has been developed. This vaccination is given to adults in the spring, and young animals are vaccinated every three months.

Sales of domestic rabbit meat

Of course, everyone is interested in selling meat. First, treat and offer rabbit meat to your friends, acquaintances and relatives. If they like it, no doubt some of the rabbit meat will go with a bang. Delicious kebab made from rabbit meat and baked rabbit with champignons is delicious. This way you create your own customer base.

Selling meat from the yard does not require permits. But if you hand it over to resellers, you need a veterinary certificate.

You can try to offer it to restaurants. But since Russian restaurants do not cook rabbit meat, you will most likely be refused. Then you can do this: invite the chef to prepare a rabbit dish and give him a couple of pieces. If this works, you will have an established distribution channel. But then you will need several permits.

You can open your own retail outlet or offer your product to shops, wholesale centers or supermarkets. But the fact is that 1000 heads per year or 2000 kg of meat is a small volume. The annual issuance of documents will eat up most of the profit.

To resolve this issue, contact the sales points directly and resolve it individually. Large suppliers sell their products to such points at extremely low prices.. But they have huge volumes. And you may end up going broke.

New foods should be introduced in small portions and gradually. When purchasing rabbits, be sure to ask what they were fed. A sudden change in feed negatively affects the health of animals.

Business profitability with a business plan

The amount of initial investment will be different for everyone. Because the cost of building materials varies across all regions. And then, perhaps you already have, say, a tractor, or some kind of equipment. And someone will start from scratch.

List of things needed for breeding rabbits:

  1. Building materials:

— galvanized profile;

— galvanized mesh;

— roofing materials;

- lumber.

  1. Land plot:

— it’s better to rent, it’s cheaper.

  1. Improvement:

— storm drainage;

— water drainage;

— asphalt or concrete;

  1. Construction costs:

— construction team;

  1. Required equipment:

— mini-tractor;

— grain crusher;

— granulator;

- refrigerators.

  1. Rabbits:

- at least 50 heads.

  1. Inventory:

- feeders;

- drinking bowls.

Annual cost of raising a rabbit on a mini-farm

The amount of feed consumed per year by one production unit is multiplied by the cost of feed. To this amount add the amount of other expenses: paperwork, fuel, etc. We get the annual cost per unit of production.

The farm, which consists of 3 sheds, has 42 production units. That is, 14 females in each shed. Now 42 multiplied by the amount of annual expenditure (let’s say 2000 rubles). The annual expense will thus be 84,000 rubles. But as you know, it doesn’t happen without some additional expenses, so let’s add a little to this amount. We will receive 100,000 rubles.

Little rabbit

Income calculation

A production unit is 50 kg of meat (25 grown rabbits * 2 kg). For most people, it is not the taste of the product that is important, but its cost, so let’s put it at about 200 rubles. Now 200*50=10,000 rub. This is obtained from one production unit.

Now 10,000 needs to be subtracted by 2,000 and we get net profit. That is, 8,000 rubles. This amount must be multiplied by 42 and the result will be 336,000 rubles of net profit per year. Divide by 12 months and we get that monthly 30,000 rubles. Judge for yourself - not a bad salary.

You can receive such a salary by devoting only 4-5 hours of time to a mini-farm. Agree, it is profitable to keep rabbits and creating a farm from scratch is not so difficult. Moreover, if you want more, you just need to increase the number of animals. Once the system is up and running, you can think about industrial production.

As you can see, the rabbit breeding business is quite a profitable business. Raising rabbits is quick and all costs are recouped within a year.

A small business raising rabbits is a very interesting topic that requires painstaking calculations. After all, the majority raise small livestock near their place of residence, and it is rare that, for example, individual entrepreneurs dare to place bulky cages in the area of ​​industrial zones. But if there is demand, then why not?

Location is a secondary matter. More important is the rabbit itself, its breed, fertility and disease resistance.

Business plan

There are not many business ideas or plans for raising rabbits in cages, pits or sheds. After all, for rural areas (and rabbits have always been bred on private farms) it is difficult to officially obtain a loan or credit for development. This often happens in practice.

But legally there are only two options. Let's present it in the form of a table:

Factors Personal subsidiary plot Individual entrepreneurship
Papers required for registration 1. Documents for land;

2. The owner’s health record;

3. A veterinarian’s report on the general condition of the rabbits;

4. Papers for meat (issued in the laboratory at the veterinary clinic);

5. Delivery issue: on vehicle You need a health certificate.

1. Certificate for a rabbit farm;

2. Compliance with GOST;

3. Phytosanitary certification.

Taxes Not held Unified agricultural tax
Control District or city administration Selkhoznadzor

Rabbits as a business: pros and cons

Let's put it in order. Pros:

  • Meat of any breed is dietary (no fat in the carcass). For a similar food product demand all year round;
  • Now It is possible to obtain consumer loans working citizens to start a business for breeding and selling rabbits;
  • If you work hard, then selling rabbit skins will also bring profit. Well downy breeds pays for itself within a season. The approximate price of processed rabbit fluff (grade 1) starts from 100 rubles;
  • You can sell some individuals alive(if there is demand);
  • The most quick payback with minimal investment.

Of the minuses:

  • The small living organism of a rabbit is very sensitive, needs a balanced diet. This is especially true for pregnant females and young animals (up to 2 months inclusive);
  • Can't do without vaccines, although there is a lot of resentment about this. But veterinarian visits to rabbit farms are routine;
  • No points or depots for receiving meat among the population. This practice took root well in the USSR, where any skins, furs and, of course, down were accepted. Some regions are trying to catch up, but most mini-farms sell slaughter by appointment, selling meat in small quantities to city residents and rarely to retail.
  • Earning money from a breed can lead to serious expenses. The fact is that an adult rabbit (six months old) must be sold as soon as possible, otherwise it will have to be fed in vain every day. Such cultivation is unprofitable.

Rabbit business – myth and reality?

Animal business without investment is definitely a myth. It is not difficult to organize a small income comparable to a regional salary.

But the desire for profit has a detrimental effect on living organisms. Rabbits as a financial instrument are extremely unstable.

Let's assume that an average businessman received a contract for the supply of 200-250 kg. rabbit meat per month. This is cool. However, now precautions are needed so as not to miscalculate, and the entire livestock is consistently pierced with antibiotics. This is how everything works, otherwise you won’t survive under the contract. This is the real reality about business on rabbits and other animals.

Therefore, the purchase of natural and dietary meat should not be made from large trading network, where the carcass harmoniously flaunts on the substrate, and ideally a meter from the place of slaughter. Where the farm is visible, and it’s clear what they feed and how they care for it.

What do people with experience write?

There are general final reviews among former and current rabbit breeders:

  1. Forget about stability. Exactly there can be no guaranteed income. It also happens that the entire month's litter dies in a few days from poor-quality food, infection or an ordinary fly. All this takes a toll on your nerves and your pocket!
  2. Business is not for everyone. Rabbits even with automation (water supply, heating) time consuming. A simple example: there is a sale, and you need to score some 5 units. Treat one rabbit for at least 40 minutes. And here are five pieces! What if the volume is good and you need to score 20-30 per day?
  3. The most important thing in similar business– this is equipment! We are talking about the quality of the cells and premises. Whether it is profitable or not to spend money on them is not important. Everything that is created for comfortable conditions always pays off, especially with rabbits. Therefore, you should not skimp even when choosing wire for the cage. And, of course, test all feed purchased from new suppliers.
  4. Routine activity. The first year, maybe two years, is interesting. But experience makes itself felt, and even with a population of 200-300 rabbits, you constantly need to carry heavy bags of feed, supply water and do cleaning. Is it worth it? And all processes are on schedule, otherwise there will be illnesses.
  5. Can be kept for yourself, relatives and regular good customers. If there is a profitable outlet for food, that’s another matter! You can organize space and purchase equipment.
  6. Increasingly, rabbit breeding has become an outlet for housewives. A few dozen, maximum 50 heads at home are enough trouble. And the whole point is that they are increasingly trying to extract benefits through speculative means: they buy the breed at exhibitions for brood, and then sell it as an elite species for many times more expensive. Also a business, but not on a product.
  7. In rural areas, where there are their own small customs, rabbit breeders try to cross blood, inviting a female to mate in a hunt, for example, with a neighbor. And you have to pay for this, give food or help with housework.
  8. Owners who have kept rabbits for decades will tell you whether it is profitable to keep them only for themselves. More likely yes than no. A real, high-quality product for home consumption.
  9. Can only be bred for the warm season. As a type of business it’s very good. Minimum feed costs. Abundant nutrition with hay or pasture. But here you need a guaranteed seller of teenagers every spring, otherwise nothing will work out. Regions with problematic climates often practice such breeding.

Is it profitable? Conclusions

There is always a benefit. The first is experience. Breeding can cost several thousand or millions. But the essence is the same: organize the fertilization process in time, save young animals and preserve the breed. And with responsible care there will be offspring every season. If you run a small business without selling live weight, there are more prospects. But rabbits from private household plots are rarely sold alive, due to great connections. This is a risk for the owner.

What’s great about the rabbit is its unpretentiousness to the weather. This animal can get along well in a wide enclosure (shed), in a hole (breeding rabbits in pits) or in a classic cage. Nowadays there are many breeds of rabbit that require special care (warm room, vitamins from pet stores, etc.). It’s better not to take people like that into the meat business.

Our outstanding rabbit breeder Alexey Alekseevich Tsvetkov learned from his own experience all the intricacies of working with rabbits. From the choice of breed to the slaughter system - he personally tested all this. And this man runs his unique farm himself, not allowing outsiders. Maybe this is the secret of success?

According to Alexey himself, pigs, for example, are more difficult to keep. They are noisy. The rabbit is calm, quiet until a certain time. Of course, cleaning cages with rabbits is a daily routine, but even here you can think about how to make your farm even more autonomous, since there are a lot of materials for imagination on the markets.

Tsvetkov mini-farm design

The experience of one of the most experienced rabbit breeders in the country.

Experience of Tsvetkov A. A.

According to approximate calculations for the volume and technology developed by Alexey Alekseevich, you need to follow the following rules so that the rabbit farm is in the black:

  • 2-3 employees on a permanent basis. People are needed to carry feed, unload and load. Otherwise, your back won’t hold up for long;
  • Custom designed cells(project by A. A. Tsvetkov);
  • For a livestock of up to 2 thousand, at least 40 acres of land are needed to install the entire subsidiary farm. According to Alexey Alekseevich, even the light cycle can affect the growth and development of the immune system of a rabbit. Light should penetrate into designated areas from dawn to dusk;
  • Only local breeds can be hired. It is not advisable to cross with European species. “Soviet chinchilla” is an ideal option for breeding. Has good performance in terms of weight gain and resistance to climate change;
  • The sales market in the central region of the country is developed, demand is high. But the cost of meat in winter may be more expensive, since in summer more hay is used as feed. It's cheaper;
  • Waste removal. Such a mini-farm produces exactly the same amount of waste as the feed it imports. Therefore, it is better to either remove animal waste products immediately or organize a special area for compost. Interesting fact, rabbit droppings are equal to horse droppings, which means they are the best natural fertilizer for the garden.
  • You cannot start a cycle with cell cleaning or vaccination of young animals.. Young animals need to be fed with natural supplements (like calves on a farm). Even flour will do;
  • Food and drink are plentiful all year round. It is necessary to balance the amount of hay with feed so as not to cause upset in the rabbit’s food system;
  • It is better not to invest heavily in breeding rabbits, but to start gradually. Haste does not solve financial problems, and even more so, without experience, rushing into medium business risky.

Whether it is beneficial to keep it during daily worries is a decision only for those who have set a specific goal!

Another story about personal experience on video

The value of this video is that it motivates. Most commentators noted: the video improves mood and inspires.