
1. Project activity.

1.1. Activity. Project activity.

1.2. Project. Typology of projects.

2. Theoretical aspects of design.

2.1. Principles of construction and design of individual educational programs (projects).

2.2. Modeling. Design.

3. Organization of project activities.

3.1. Difficulties in design.

3.2. Stages of work on the project.

3.3. Activities at various stages of design.

4. Topics of projects.

5. Thesaurus.

6. Workshop.

Project activity

One of the fundamental characteristics modern man, acting in the space of culture, is its ability to projective activity.

Projective (or project) activity belongs to the category of innovative, as it involves the transformation of reality, is built on the basis of appropriate technology that can be unified, mastered and improved. The relevance of mastering the basics of design is due, firstly, to the fact that this technology has a wide scope at all levels of the organization of the education system. Secondly, mastering the logic and technology of socio-cultural design will allow more efficient implementation of analytical, organizational and managerial functions. Thirdly, design technologies ensure the competitiveness of a specialist.

Activity. Project activity

Activity- a specific human form of attitude to the world around, the content of which is an expedient change and transformation in the interests of people; condition for the existence of society. Activity includes the goal, means, result and the process itself.

Project activities include:

    problem analysis;

    goal setting;

    choice of means to achieve it;

    search and processing of information, its analysis and synthesis;

    evaluation of the obtained results and conclusions.

Subject activity consists of three blocks: subject, activity and communicative.

Project activity students is one of the methods of developmental education, aimed at developing independent research skills (problem posing, collecting and processing information, conducting experiments, analyzing the results), contributes to the development of creative abilities and logical thinking, combines the knowledge gained during the educational process and attaches to specific vital issues.

The purpose of the project activity is understanding and application by students of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the study of various subjects (on an integration basis).

Tasks of project activity:

    Learning to plan (the student must be able to clearly define the goal, describe the main steps to achieve the goal, concentrate on achieving the goal throughout the work);

    Formation of skills for collecting and processing information, materials (the student must be able to choose the appropriate information and use it correctly);

    Ability to analyze (creativity and critical thinking);

    Ability to write a written report (the student must be able to draw up a work plan, present information clearly, draw up footnotes, have an understanding of the bibliography);

    To form a positive attitude towards work (the student must show initiative, enthusiasm, try to complete the work on time in accordance with established plan and work schedule).

Principles of organizing project activities:

  • The project must be feasible to carry out;

    Create the necessary conditions for the successful implementation of projects (to form an appropriate library, media library, etc.);

    To prepare students for the implementation of projects (conducting a special orientation so that students have time to choose a project topic, at this stage students with experience in project activities can be involved);

    Provide project management by teachers - discussion of the chosen topic, work plan (including execution time) and keeping a diary in which the student makes appropriate notes of his thoughts, ideas, feelings - reflection. The diary should help the student write a report if the project is not a written work. The student uses the diary during interviews with the project manager.

    In the event that the project is a group one, each student must clearly show his contribution to the project. Each project participant receives an individual assessment.

    Mandatory presentation of the results of the project in one form or another.

Important design factors include:

    increasing the motivation of students in solving problems;

    development of creative abilities;

    a shift in emphasis from an instrumental approach in solving problems to a technological one;

    developing a sense of responsibility;

    creating conditions for a collaborative relationship between teacher and student.

The increase in motivation and the development of creative abilities is due to the presence in the project activity of a key feature - independent choice.

The development of creative abilities and a shift in emphasis from an instrumental approach to a technological one occurs due to the need for a meaningful choice of tools and planning activities to achieve the best result. The formation of a sense of responsibility occurs subconsciously: the student seeks to prove, first of all, to himself that he made the right choice. It should be noted that the desire to assert itself is the main factor in the effectiveness of project activities. When solving practical problems, a relationship of cooperation with the teacher naturally arises, since for both the task is of substantive interest and stimulates the desire for an effective solution. This is especially evident in those tasks that the student himself was able to formulate.

Project. Project typology

Project(from lat. projectus, letters - thrown forward):

1) a set of documents (calculations, drawings, etc.) for the creation of any structure or product.

2) The preliminary text of any document.

3) Idea, plan.

The project method is not fundamentally new in world pedagogy. It originated at the beginning of this century in the United States. It was also called the method of problems and it was associated with the ideas of the humanistic direction in philosophy and education, developed by the American philosopher and teacher J. Dewey, as well as his student V.Kh. Kilpatrick. J. Dewey proposed to build learning on an active basis, through the expedient activity of the student, in accordance with his personal interest in this particular knowledge. Hence, it was extremely important to show the children their personal interest in the acquired knowledge, which can and should be useful to them in life.

This requires a problem taken from real life, familiar and meaningful to the child, for the solution of which he needs to apply the acquired knowledge, new knowledge that has yet to be acquired. The teacher can suggest sources of information, or can simply direct the students' thoughts in the right direction for independent search. But as a result, students must solve the problem independently and in joint efforts, applying the necessary knowledge, sometimes from different areas, to get a real and tangible result. All work on the problem, thus, acquires the contours of project activity. Of course, over time, the idea of ​​the project method has undergone some evolution. Born from the idea of ​​free education, it is now becoming an integrated component of a well-developed and structured education system. But its essence remains the same - to stimulate students' interest in certain problems, involving the possession of a certain amount of knowledge and through project activities, providing for the solution of these problems, the ability to practically apply the knowledge gained, the development of reflex (in the terminology of John Dewey or critical thinking).

The essence of reflex thinking is the eternal search for facts, their analysis, reflections on their reliability, the logical alignment of facts to learn new things, to find a way out of doubt, the formation of confidence based on reasoned reasoning. The project method attracted the attention of Russian teachers as early as the beginning of the 20th century. The ideas of project-based learning arose in Russia almost in parallel with the developments of American teachers. Under the guidance of the Russian teacher S.T. Shatsky in 1905, a small group of employees was organized, who tried to actively use project methods in teaching practice. However, in a foreign school, he actively and very successfully developed. In the USA, Great Britain, Belgium, Israel, Finland, Germany, Italy, Brazil, the Netherlands and many other countries, where the ideas of a humanistic approach to education by J. Dewey, his method of projects have become widespread and great popularity due to the rational combination of theoretical knowledge and their practical application for solving specific problems of the surrounding reality in the joint activities of schoolchildren. “Everything that I learn, I know why I need it and where and how I can apply this knowledge” - this is the main thesis of the modern understanding of the project method, which attracts many educational systems seeking to find a reasonable balance between academic knowledge and pragmatic knowledge. skills. The project method is based on the development of students' cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, the ability to navigate in the information space, the development of critical and creative thinking.

Project method - this is from the field of didactics, private methods, if it is used within a particular subject.

Method is a didactic category. This is a set of techniques, operations for mastering a certain area of ​​​​practical or theoretical knowledge, a particular activity. This is the way of cognition, a way of organizing the process of cognition. Therefore, if we are talking about project method, we mean precisely way achieving a didactic goal through a detailed development of the problem (technology), which should end in a very real, tangible bottom line formatted in one way or another. Didactic teachers turned to this method to solve their didactic tasks. The project method is based on the idea that is the essence of the concept of "project", its pragmatic focus on the result that can be obtained by solving one or another practically or theoretically significant problem. This result can be seen, comprehended, applied in real practice.

To achieve this result, it is necessary to teach children or adult students to think independently, find and solve problems, attracting for this purpose knowledge from different areas, the ability to predict the results and possible consequences of different solutions, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

The project method is always focused on the independent activity of students - individual, pair, group, which students perform for a certain period of time.

This method is organically combined with group (collaborative or cooperative learning) methods. The project method always involves solving a problem. The solution of the problem involves, on the one hand, the use of a combination, various methods, teaching aids, and on the other hand, it implies the need to integrate knowledge, the ability to apply knowledge from various fields of science, engineering, technology, and creative fields. The method of projects as a pedagogical technology involves a combination of research, search, problem methods, creative in their very essence.

Basic requirements for using the project method:

    1. The presence of a problem/task that is significant in research, creative terms, requiring integrated knowledge, research search for its solution (for example, studying the demographic problem in different regions of the world; creating a series of reports from different parts of the globe on one problem; the problem of the impact of acid rain on environment, etc.).

    The practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the expected results (for example, a report to the relevant services on the demographic state of a given region, factors affecting this state, trends that can be traced in the development of this problem; joint publication of a newspaper, an almanac with reports from the scene; forest protection in different localities, action plan, etc.);

    Independent (individual, pair, group) activities of students.

    Structuring the content of the project (indicating the phased results).

    The use of research methods that provide for a certain sequence of actions:

    definition of the problem and the research tasks arising from it (using the method of "brainstorming", "round table" in the course of joint research);

    putting forward hypotheses for their solution;

    discussion of research methods ( statistical methods, experimental, observations, etc.);

    discussion of ways to design the final results (presentations, protection, creative reports, views, etc.).

    collection, systematization and analysis of the obtained data;

    Summing up, registration of results, their presentation;

    conclusions, promotion of new research problems.

For the typology of projects, the following typological features:

    Dominant activity in the project: research, search, creative, role-playing, applied (practice-oriented), fact-finding, etc. (research project, game, practice-oriented, creative);

    Subject area: mono project (within one field of knowledge); interdisciplinary project.

    Nature of Project Coordination: direct (hard, flexible), hidden (implicit, simulating a project participant, typical for telecommunications projects).

    X nature of contacts(among participants of the same school, class, city, region, country, different countries of the world).

    The number of project participants.

    Project duration.

The implementation of the project method and the research method in practice leads to a change in the position of the teacher. From a carrier of ready-made knowledge, he turns into an organizer of the cognitive, research activities of his students. The psychological climate in the classroom is also changing, as the teacher has to reorient his teaching and upbringing work and the work of students in a variety of ways. different types independent activity of students, on the priority of research, search, creative activities.

Separately, it should be said about the need to organize an external evaluation of projects, since only in this way can their effectiveness, failures, and the need for timely correction be monitored. The nature of this assessment depends to a large extent on the type of project, and on the topic of the project (its content), and the conditions for conducting it. If this is a research project, then it inevitably includes stages of implementation, and the success of the entire project largely depends on properly organized work at individual stages.

You should also stop at general approaches to project structuring:

    You should always start with choosing a project topic, its type, and the number of participants.

    Next, the teacher needs to consider possible options problems that are important to explore within the framework of the intended topic. The problems themselves are put forward by students at the suggestion of the teacher (leading questions, situations that contribute to the definition of problems, a video sequence with the same purpose, etc.). Brainstorming followed by a group discussion is appropriate here.

    Distribution of tasks into groups, discussion of possible research methods, information search, creative solutions.

    Independent work of project participants on their individual or group research, creative tasks.

    Intermediate discussions of the data obtained in groups (at lessons or in the classroom in a scientific society, in group work in a library, media library, etc.).

    Protection of projects, opposition.

    Collective discussion, expertise, results of external evaluation, conclusions.

Project activities of schoolchildren

What is a learning project for the student and for the teacher

The project activity of schoolchildren is a cognitive, educational, research and creative activity, as a result of which a solution to the problem appears, which is presented in the form of a project.
For a student, a project is an opportunity to maximize their creative potential. This is an activity that allows you to express yourself individually or in a group, try your hand, apply your knowledge, benefit, show a publicly achieved result. This is an activity aimed at solving an interesting problem formulated by the students themselves. The result of this activity - the found way to solve the problem - is of a practical nature and significant for the discoverers themselves.
And for a teacher, an educational project is an integrative didactic tool for development, training and education, which allows you to develop and develop specific skills and design skills: problematization, goal setting, activity planning, reflection and introspection, presentation and self-presentation, as well as information search, practical application of academic knowledge, self-study, research and creative activities.

Design and research work at school is a new, innovative method that combines an educational and cognitive component, a game, scientific and creative one. The main difference between such activities for elementary school is that students, first of all, receive the first research skills, due to which specific qualities of a special way of thinking develop.

Organization of project activities

When organizing project activities in elementary school, the teacher must take into account the following aspects:

1. The project task must correspond to the age and level of development of the student.
2. The problems of future projects should be taken into account, which should be in the field of interests of students.
3. Conditions must be created for the successful implementation of projects (availability of materials, data, multimedia).
4. Before giving to students project assignment should be prepared in advance to conduct such activities.
5. Manage projects, help students and advise them.
6. Work out with schoolchildren the methods of project activities, while improving general educational skills.
7. When choosing a project topic, do not impose information, but interest them, motivating them to search independently.
8. Discuss with students the choice of sources of information: library, reference books, Internet, periodicals, etc.
9. In the process of preparing for project activities, it is advisable to organize joint excursions, walks, observations, experiments, actions for students.

Project types

Research projects. Schoolchildren conduct experiments, study any area, and then draw up the results in the form of wall newspapers, booklets or computer presentations. Such research projects have a positive impact on professional self-determination student, and can also become the basis for future term papers, theses in the student years.
Game projects. They are presented in the form of games and performances, where, playing the role of any heroes, students offer their solution to the problems being studied.
information projects. Students collect and analyze information on any topic, presenting it in the form of a magazine, newspaper, almanac.
Creative projects. There is a huge scope for imagination here: the project can be performed in the form of an extracurricular activity, a security action environment, video and much more. Fantasy has no limits.

Choosing a topic and setting a project goal

The choice of project topics can be based on an in-depth study of any educational material in order to expand knowledge, interest children in the study of the subject, improve the learning process.
The project must have a clear, realistically achievable goal. In the most general sense, the goal of the project is always to solve the original problem, but in each specific case this solution has its own unique solution and implementation. This incarnation is a project product that is created by the author in the course of his work and also becomes a means of solving the problem of the project.

Project type

Objective of the project

Project product

Type of student activity

Formed competence

Practice Oriented

Solving practical problems of the project customer

Tutorials, layouts and models, instructions, memos, recommendations

Practical activities in a specific educational subject area


research project

Proof or refutation of a hypothesis

The result of the study, designed in the form of presentations, wall newspapers, booklets

Activities related to experimentation, logical mental operations


Information project

Collection of information about any object or phenomenon

Statistics, survey results public opinion, a generalization of the statements of various authors on any issue, presented in the form of a magazine, newspaper, almanac, presentation

Activities related to the collection, verification, systematization of information from various sources; communication with people as sources of information


creative project

Attracting public interest to the problem of the project

Literary works, works of fine or decorative arts, videos, promotions, extracurricular activities

Creative activities related to receiving feedback from the public


Game or role-playing project

Providing the public with the experience of participating in solving the problem of the project

Event (game, competition, quiz, excursion, etc.)

Activities related to group communication


Stages of work on the project

Stages of work on the project

Student activities

Teacher activity


Definition of the theme and goals of the project, its initial position. Selection working group

Discuss the topic of the project with the teacher and receive, if necessary, Additional information

Introduces the meaning of the project approach and motivates students. Helps in defining the purpose of the project. Supervises student work.


a) Identification of the sources of the necessary information.
b) Determine how information is collected and analyzed.
c) Determining how the results will be presented (project form)
d) Establishment of procedures and criteria for evaluating project results.
e) Distribution of tasks (duties) between members of the working group

Form the tasks of the project. Develop an action plan. They choose and justify their criteria for the success of project activities.

Offers ideas, makes assumptions. Supervises student work.


1. Collecting and clarifying information (main tools: interviews, surveys, observations, experiments, etc.)
2. Identification ("brainstorming") and discussion of alternatives that have arisen during the implementation of the project.
3. Choice of the optimal variant of the project progress.
4.Step-by-step implementation of the research tasks of the project

Perform project tasks step by step

Observes, advises, indirectly directs the activities of students

Information analysis. Formulation of conclusions

Perform research and work on a project by analyzing information. Draw up a project

Observes, advises (at the request of students)

Presentation (defense) of the project and evaluation of its results

Preparation of a report on the progress of the project with an explanation of the results obtained (possible forms of the report: oral report, oral report with demonstration of materials, written report). Project implementation analysis, results achieved(successes and failures) and the reasons for this

Represent the project, participate in its collective self-analysis and evaluation.

Listens, asks appropriate questions in the role of an ordinary participant. Directs the review process as needed. Assesses student effort, report quality, creativity, quality of use of sources, project continuation potential

Stage evaluation

Criteria for evaluation


Job evaluation

Relevance and novelty of the proposed solutions, the complexity of the topic

Scope of development and number of proposed solutions

Practical value

Level of autonomy of participants

The quality of the design of notes, posters, etc.

Evaluation by the project reviewer

Protection rating

Report quality

The manifestation of the depth and breadth of ideas on the topic being presented

The manifestation of the depth and breadth of ideas on a given subject

Answers to teacher's questions

Answers to teacher's questions

180 - 140 points - "excellent";
135 - 100 points - "good";
95 - 65 points - "satisfactory";
less than 65 points - "unsatisfactory".

General form and structure of the explanatory note of the project

Title page.
Table of contents (content).
Main chapters.

Structural elements of the explanatory note.

Title page

The title page is the first page of the explanatory note and is filled out according to certain rules.
The upper field indicates the full name of the educational institution. On average, the name of the project is given without the word "subject" and quotation marks. It should be as short and precise as possible - correspond to the main content of the project. If it is necessary to specify the title of the work, then you can give a subtitle, which should be as short as possible and not turn into a new title. Next, the surname, first name, school number and class of the designer (in the nominative case) are indicated. Then the surname and initials of the project leader.
The bottom field indicates the place and year of the work (without the word "year").

After the title page, a table of contents is placed, which lists all the titles of the explanatory note and indicates the pages on which they are located. It is impossible to reduce them or give them in a different formulation, sequence and subordination. All blanks are written with a capital letter and without a dot at the end The last word each heading is connected by a dot to its corresponding page number in the right column of the table of contents.

Introduction to work

It substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, the purpose and content of the tasks set, formulates the planned result and the main problems considered in the project, indicates interdisciplinary connections, informs who the project is intended for and what is its novelty. The introduction also describes the main sources of information (official, scientific, literary, bibliographic). It is advisable to list the equipment and materials used in the course of the project.

Heads of the main body

The following is the formulation of the goal, and the specific tasks to be solved in accordance with it.

The first chapter of the project discusses the proposed methodology and technique for its implementation, provides a brief review of the literature and other materials on the topic.

In the next chapter (search) it is necessary to develop a bank of ideas and proposals for solving the problem considered in the project.

In the technological part of the project, it is necessary to develop a sequence for the implementation of the object. It may include a list of stages, a flow chart that describes the algorithm of operations, indicating tools, materials and processing methods.

Next, it is necessary to consider the economic and environmental assessment of the project. In the economic part, a complete calculation of the costs of manufacturing the designed product is presented. Further advertising of the project and marketing research. Particular attention should be paid to the environmental assessment of the project: the justification that the manufacture and operation of the designed product will not entail changes in the environment, disturbances in human life.


At the end of the project, the results are presented, their relationship with the general goal and specific tasks formulated in the Introduction is determined, and self-assessment by students of the work done by them is given.


After the Conclusion, a list of used literature is placed. All borrowings must necessarily have subscript references from where the cited materials are taken.


Auxiliary or additional materials that clutter up the main part of the work are placed in applications. The application contains tables, text, graphs, maps, drawings. Each application must start on a new sheet (page) with the word "Application" in the upper right corner and have a thematic heading. If there is more than one application in operation, they are numbered with Arabic numerals (without the number sign), for example: "Appendix 1", "Appendix 2", etc. The numbering of pages on which applications are given should be continuous and continue the general numbering of the main text. Through it, with applications, it is carried out through references that are used with the word "look" (see), enclosed together with the cipher in parentheses ..

Features and functions of the design

Student activities

In connection with the introduction of the Federal State educational standard(FSES) of general education, the importance of using methods, technologies, pedagogical tools that ensure the formation of meta-subject and personal results of students is increasing. The Federal State Educational Standard emphasizes the need to use problematic, research methods, project activities of students.

The formation of universal educational actions, in particular the ability to independently acquire knowledge, apply it consciously in practical activities, readiness to find solutions to educational and social problems, needs and abilities for self-development, is most successfully carried out in the process of project activities of schoolchildren. In the Federal State Educational Standard of general education, this type of activity is defined as one of the most productive ways to achieve subject, meta-subject and personal results of students, starting from elementary school.

Project activity solves a number of important pedagogical tasks :

- the use by students of the basic knowledge and skills they have learned in the classroom to search for and solve a variety of problems, including social, family, personal problems;

- encouragement of self-reliance cognitive activity children, when they are interested in finding ways to solve the problem they have posed, mastering new information and new ways of activity;

- multidimensional consideration of complex objects from the point of view of several sciences, which blurs the boundaries between school subjects, shows students the relationship between various phenomena, bringing the educational process closer to real ones life situations;

- the participation of children in socially significant, creative and transformative activities, which ensures the formation of various social competencies, many personal qualities, professional interests.

In pedagogical practice, the use of project activities can purposefully solve the problems of individually oriented education. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that children themselves choose the problem that interests them, the sources of information and ways to solve it. Project activities correspond to the abilities of children and are aimed at the formation of universal educational actions (personal, cognitive, regulatory, communicative).

The active position of the student is due to the fact that in the process of project activities a high level of his subjectivity is ensured, which contributes to the formation of citizenship and social responsibility of students. The development of the student's subjectivity is manifested in the fact that the child has the opportunity to set goals, plan research, develop a project, evaluate it and defend it. It is important that the work on the project involves mandatory reflective activity: an assessment of what everyone has acquired in the process of implementation learning task what worked and what didn’t, what were the reasons for the failures and how they can be avoided in the future. By completing projects, schoolchildren master the algorithm of innovative creative activity, learn to independently find and analyze information, acquire and apply knowledge in various fields, fill in gaps, gain experience in solving creative problems. Students develop skills in thinking, searching for information, analyzing, experimenting, making decisions, independent activities and working in groups.

When organizing project activities, the role of the teacher also changes significantly. He is a democratic leader, consultant, assistant, tutor, senior comrade; accordingly, the student plays the role of an active participant, organizer of his own activity, creator, creator.

For a clearer idea of ​​the essence of project activity, let us clarify a number of interrelated concepts.

First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts « project-based learning”, “method of projects”, “project activity” . Their distinction is rather conditional, but it allows us to show the multidimensional nature of the educational process.

Project-based learning can be considered as a didactic system, and the project method as a component of the system, as a pedagogical technology that provides not only the integration of knowledge, but also the application of updated knowledge, the acquisition of new ones. For a comprehensive solution of learning problems, various methods are used, including the implementation creative projects, the purpose of which is to include students in the process of transformative activity from the development of an idea to its implementation.

We can talk about project-based learning if the project method is the main one in the learning process, and all other methods play a supporting role. In mass practice, the method of projects most often takes place, and project-based learning is used by a few teachers, as a rule, in the subject "Technology". The transition to the Federal State Educational Standard encourages teachers to build a system of project-based learning from elementary school.

Project activity of students is a side, a component of project-based learning associated with identifying and meeting the needs of students through the design and creation of an ideal or material product having objective or subjective novelty. It is a creative work to solve a practical problem, the goals and content of which are determined by students and carried out by them in the process of theoretical study and practical implementation accompanied by a teacher. It follows that the other side, a component of project-based learning, is the activity of the teacher.

Based on the experience and interests of the student, the teacher helps him choose the direction, goals and content of activities in the zone of proximal development, ways and forms of its implementation, methods for analyzing and evaluating the result, and building activities to implement the project. Therefore, when it comes to the interaction between a teacher and a student in the process of creating a project, it is more correct to talk about the project method or project-based learning.

Thus, the concepts of "project learning", "method of projects", "project activity" are interrelated, and the method of projects and project activity are components of project learning.

There is a point of view that the prototype of project activities in elementary school are design tasks . Under the project task, the authors mean “a task in which, through a system or set of tasks, a system of children's actions is purposefully stimulated, aimed at obtaining a result (“product”) that has never existed in practice, and in the course of solving which a qualitative self-change of a group of children occurs. In fact, the teacher sets the strategies for solving the project problem, forming the experience of solving the problem in children, and gradually prepares them for project activities, when the students themselves define the problem, explore and determine possible strategies for solving it.

It is advisable to clarify the relationship between the concepts of "project activity" and "design activity". design activities can be considered as a stage of project activity, which will be further presented in section 1.4. At the same time, design activity can be an independent, completed process, when a project is created as some idea, but not always implemented in practice.

It is very common to find a combination "project and research activities" . Obviously, these concepts are interrelated, however, they should be distinguished. Of course, project activities are of a research nature, research is one of the necessary stages of work on a project. In this sense, project activity is a more voluminous concept. On the other hand, “research activity” is a broader concept. Conducting an experiment, observing schoolchildren for the growth of plants, natural phenomena that are already being carried out by students primary school, writing essays by schoolchildren are research activities. The fundamental difference between project activity is that as a result of it, a specific own product (project) is created, which is distinguished by novelty (objective or subjective) and can be used in practice. Research is a search in a certain area, which may result in the receipt of any information on the problem, allowing the student to draw independent conclusions.

Project types

The practical result of the project activity is the project. The word "project" (literally translated from Latin - "thrown forward") is interpreted in dictionaries as a plan, idea, text or drawing of something that precedes its creation. The project is also considered as a prototype, a prototype of an object, type of activity, and design turns into a process of creating a project.

The variety of content and ways of organizing the project activities of schoolchildren necessitated the emergence various classifications. First of all, there is a distinction between educational and social projects. Educational projects provide for independent educational activities of schoolchildren to master and apply new information in practice within the framework of one or more disciplines being studied. As a rule, these projects are carried out under the guidance of a teacher.

Social projects are complex in nature, that is, they are associated with various areas of activity that go beyond academic disciplines. They can be carried out on the basis of the available educational and creative resources of children not only at school, but also in other organizations, out-of-school associations and are aimed at improving and transforming the environment. Social projects provide for the inclusion of children in socially significant activities that have a social effect, during which a teenager enters into constructive interaction with the outside world, adults, society, acquires social experience. A social project is a proposed change that can be implemented in society. The development and implementation of social projects contributes to the formation of the skills of "reasonable social behavior», social mobility children.

The division into educational and social projects is very relative, since within the framework of academic disciplines, projects with a high social orientation can also be developed and implemented. For example, when studying chemistry and biology, children study the composition of the soil of their school plot and, on the basis of this, develop a program for preparing the soil for planting vegetables and flowers in the spring. In addition, an actual social problem can be identified in the classroom, and the development of a project to solve it can be continued during extracurricular time.

In the development of existing classifications, it is conditionally possible to divide projects into certain types in accordance with the most significant features (Table 7).

Table 7

Project classification

No. p.p. signs Project types
Creativity level - performing - constructive - creative
Content - mono-subject - inter-subject - extracurricular
Kind of activity - research - informational - gaming - practice-oriented
The nature of the contacts of the project participants - intra-class (members of the primary team) - intra-school (members of an educational institution) - regional - international
Number of performers - individual - group - collective
Age composition of performers - same age - mixed age
Runtime - mini-project (several classes) - quarterly - semi-annual - annual - multi-year
Execution base - school - out of school (parole, society)
Purpose – educational – personal (family) – public – industrial

It is obvious that all the signs and characteristics of projects are closely interrelated, their classification is very conditional. One project can be characterized using different features. Knowledge and consideration of these features allow the organizers and participants of project activities to choose a project that meets the specific conditions, which will solve a complex of educational and social problems, forming important competencies in students, various universal learning activities.

Let us clarify the features of projects according to a number of main features.

When the project is carried out under the direct guidance of the teacher, students consistently implement the teacher's recommendations on the course of action, we should talk about the performing project. The implementation of such projects is inevitable at the initial stage of using project activities, since students do not have enough experience to independently search. But even in this case, the teacher does not impose his opinions, but introduces options for discussing joint actions, showing the logic of constructing project activities, walking along the path of creating and implementing the project with the children.

The constructive level of the project is possible when students are able, after discussing the topic, problem, action plan with the teacher, to independently complete the project.

If the students themselves put forward the idea of ​​the project, developed an action plan themselves and implemented it, creating a real high-quality, novelty product, then this project can be characterized as creative.

Projects can be done individually or in groups. In group projects, individual sections are performed individually. But there are also elements of group work in projects carried out individually, for example, when brainstorming or mutually evaluating each other's initial ideas. Incorporating teamwork into every project helps develop collaboration skills and a sense of collective responsibility. At the same time, it is necessary to provide an individual approach to children, giving tasks corresponding to the level of their abilities, gradually complicating the content of the work.

During group work, students learn the material in a joint innovative form of its study, discussion and mutual learning with the development of a generalized, collective solution. Students in a group master the elements organizational activities leader, employee, performer, gaining social experience of practical activity.

With a wide range of possibilities, project-based learning can be organized both in one class and in mixed age groups, can be built on the basis of individual or joint project activities of students, distributed according to content, purpose, labor intensity and provision. In a rural school, schoolchildren of different ages most often participate in the development and implementation of a group project.

Attractive for students is the theme of integrated family projects related to the study of the history of the native land and its cultural traditions (history, literature, local history) and the creation of creative author's products, the manufacture of products necessary for the family, the development of projects, the implementation of which allows solving the problems of arranging an apartment, at home , suburban area, yard, etc.

The duration of the project activity is determined by the problem that the children have to solve. In turn, this depends on the age of the students and the experience of their project activities. In order to master the logic of this activity, it is advisable to start with mini-projects. In elementary school, the project should be especially attractive and short in duration.

Many students may experience difficulty in choosing a topic and type of project, especially at the initial stage of learning. To solve this problem, it is desirable for the teacher to have a “bank of projects” grouped by areas of interest and preparedness of students, which is accompanied by the application of exemplary projects with the appropriate solution, provision and design, and to carry out explanatory work about the content and possibilities of a particular project.

MBOU secondary school №14

G. Krasnogorsk

English teacher

Maslennikova V.V..

2015-2016 academic year year


In recent years, as part of the ongoing reforms in the field of education, much attention has been paid to the formation of students' skills of independent creative activity - the ability to extract and process information, the ability to construct new knowledge, and use it to solve educational, industrial and other problems. In this regard, the project activity of schoolchildren has acquired particular relevance. But, not only schoolchildren now use the method of projects in teaching. Every day we hear about a wide variety of projects in various spheres of life - commercial, environmental, scientific, technical, etc. Every year an increasing number of students are involved in project activities, different levels conferences and competitions are held at which students present their projects, offer their own ways to solve important problems. The most interesting and well-developed projects, as a rule, find support and are implemented.

Foreign language teachers also organize students' project activities in their lessons, which helps to show the practical value of language learning, increases the level of students' proficiency not only in subject, but also in organizational skills.

The effectiveness of the educational process, the introduction of innovative methods and technologies depends not only on the progress of students, but also mainly on their motivation to study. foreign language. Project activities, it seems to me, directly contribute to the development of motivation and, as a result, increase students' interest in learning a foreign language. In my practice, I use various game forms of activity, multimedia (mainly with younger students), presentations, videos. This is effective method activation of all aspects of the student, his lively and genuine interest in the language.

Project activity is one of the teaching methods that forms a huge number of skills, it is a form of organizing the educational process, which becomes more exciting and, as a result, productive. The ability of the teacher to create the maximum favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of the child, to stimulate creative activity, to create conditions for the practical mastery of the language for each student, to choose such teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity, but at the same time - the task of each teacher.

One of the fundamental characteristics of modern man, acting in the space of culture, is his ability to projective activity.Projective (or project) activitybelongs to the category of innovative, as it involves the transformation of reality, is built on the basis of appropriate technology that can be unified, mastered and improved. The relevance of mastering the basics of design is due, firstly, to the fact that this technology has a wide scope at all levels of the organization of the education system.

Project activitystudents is one of the methods of developmental education, aimed at developing independent research skills (problem posing, collecting and processing information, conducting experiments, analyzing the results).

To project organizationthe following requirements apply:

1. The project is developed on the initiative of students. The theme of the project for the whole class can be the same, but the ways of its implementation in each group are different. It is possible for students to complete different projects at the same time.

2. The project is significant for the immediate and indirect environment of students - classmates, parents, acquaintances.

3. The work on the project is research, it simulates work in a scientific laboratory or other organization.

4. The project is pedagogically significant, that is, students acquire knowledge, build relationships, master the necessary ways of thinking and acting.

5. The project is pre-planned, designed, but at the same time allows for flexibility and changes in the course of execution.

6. The project is focused on solving a specific problem, its result has a consumer. The goals of the project are narrowed down to the problem to be solved.

7. The project is realistic, focused on the resources available to the school.

Topics of educational projectscan be varied: experimental study and use of natural phenomena (rain, temperature, air changes), the study of technical processes (exhaust gas cleaning); assembly of an electrical structure with specified parameters (for example, signaling means); creation of theoretical models, fantastic and social developments; constructing objects with specified properties; literary, cultural, historical and other topics.

The educational project hasstructural frameworkwhich is reflected in his position or program:

Project name

Quote, slogan or other form of presentation of the project

General characteristics of the project

Project idea

Goals and objectives of the project

Project participants

Terms of registration in the project

Project implementation timeline

Stages of the project

Terms of participation in the project (organizational, technical, others)

Features of the project, types of activities of participants

Forms of interaction between project organizers and its participants and other subjects.

Criteria for evaluating the work of individual participants, the entire project.

Diagnostic and evaluation team

Project results, their evaluation. Prizes and awards

Possible continuation and development of the project

The name, quantity, sequence, content and style of the structural elements of the project are formulated on the basis of specific goals and objectives. The style of the project statement may correspond to the main idea of ​​the project. For example, a description of a project about historical events might take the form of a credential.

In connection with the development of computer telecommunications, remote educational projects in which schoolchildren from different schools, cities, countries participate. For example, the Center for Distance Education "Eidos" conducts interschool projects on the topics "Phenomenon", "My Virtual Home", "My Pushkin", "My Victory", "Virtual Christmas Card", "My Sweet Valentine", "Millennium Art Gallery" .

1. The main characteristics of the educational project.

"Give a man a fish and you only feed him once.

Teach him how to fish and he will feed on it all his life."

Chinese wisdom

These lines, perhaps, contain the idea of ​​the project method: students must learn to solve a problem by applying the necessary knowledge, skills, various methods and means, and get a specific and tangible result. For example, if a student solves a certain theoretical problem, then the result of the project should be a specific solution to this problem, and if the project is aimed at solving a practical problem, then its result should be ready for use (in the classroom, at school, in real life). The teacher in this case acts only as a consultant, tutor, who directs students in the right direction for independent search, problem solving. The student learns to “obtain” knowledge on his own within the framework of a certain subject, topic, which guarantees that the student will not only listen to the material, but master it, learn to apply it practically. Therefore, if we are talking aboutproject method,we mean precisely way achieving a didactic goal through a detailed development of the problem (technology), which should end in a very real, tangiblebottom lineshaped in one way or another"

« Project activities of students- joint educational, cognitive, creative or play activities of students, having a common goal, agreed methods, methods of activity, aimed at achieving a common result of activity. An indispensable condition for project activity is the presence of pre-developed ideas about the final product of the activity, design stages (development of a concept, definition of project goals and objectives, available and optimal activity resources, creation of a project implementation plan) and implementation. Project activity has attributes characteristic of any type of activity - first of all, the culture of activity, determined by traditions, values, norms, patterns. Its main value is accomplishment. All means are subordinated to the achievement of the result and their typology is of secondary importance. Naturally, at different stages of projects it is necessary to solve research problems, otherwise the project breaks away from life and becomes unrealistic. But the research here performs a purely service function.

Project method - a way to effectively build any type of activity (including design). It is a method for effectively planning research, development, management, etc. in order to achieve the result in the best possible way. In this sense, any conscious activity is a project insofar as it presupposes the achievement of this result and work on the organization and planning of movement towards it. It should be well understood that the project for the implementation of the study is not a project, but remains a study, and at the same time only an organized project method.

The project method originated in the 2nd half of the 19th century in agricultural schools in the United States and was then transferred to the general education school. The American educator W.H. Kilpatrick distinguished 4 types of projects: creative (productive), consumer, problem solving project, exercise project. The main objective of the projects is to equip the child with tools for solving problems, searching and researching in life situations.

In the 20s of the 20th century, the project method began to be applied in domestic schools. However, the universalization of this method, the rejection of the systematic study of school subjects led to a decrease in the level of general education of children, and this method was expelled from school along with his benefits.

The main value of the project method is that it orients students not to a simple study of the topic, but to the creation of a specificeducational product. Schoolchildren individually or in groups for a certain time perform cognitive, research, design or other work on a given topic. Their task is to solve a scientific, technical or other problem or task.

An educational project provides for the complex nature of the activities of all its participants in obtaining educational products for a certain period of time - from one lesson to several months.

Method of projects in the works of foreign scientists.

One of the technologies that provide student-centered education and training is the project method, since it practically incorporates other modern technologies, such as collaborative learning, for example. In addition, the positive specificity of this technology lies in the fact that it is based on the independent work of students at school and at home, encourages them to search for new information from any sources available to them. The teacher naturally loses the need to create a separate self-educational program for the student, since in the course of working on the project, he himself, together with other students, needs to organize and plan his work in order to achieve a positive result. The teacher only acts as a consultant, an indirect leader of the project.

Let us turn to the main approaches to using the project method in teaching foreign languages. They can be divided into two categories. The first one is the development of projects that are not related to the material of the textbook: students get acquainted with the city, the area in which they live, in order to tell their foreign peers about it, thereby getting involved in the social environment, developing pragmatic projects. The second category is research projects, the development of which is carried out in parallel with the study of a particular topic of the textbook.

The first category includes Diana Frid-Bud's projects for foreign language learners. Her projects are socially oriented. The author divides project work into preparatory exercises, which serve as a bridge to the implementation of the project, and work on the projects themselves.

Fried-Bud differentiates the work of students on the project based on the level of language proficiency, students' own interests and individual needs for mastering certain types of speech activity. She believes that for some of them there is no need to be able to read, listen, write and speak equally well. Lagging behind in any skill, the author offers the so-called "bridges" or, as we called them above, preparatory exercises. They are also necessary if the teacher and students have never worked on projects before and have not fully decided on the stages of project development. They can help if the teacher does not know his students very well and has no idea how best to divide them into groups. Many teachers try to create situations in the classroom that are as close to reality as possible and encourage students to apply the knowledge gained in the learning process.

The most effective means in this case are game situations. For example, students are given the task to find out how much pocket money their foreign peers, who are part of the group, have, where they earn and how they spend, and make a preliminary list of expenses. Of course, before playing the interview, "correspondents" determine a preliminary list of questions. The form of their presentation and how they will present the information they received (diagrams, tables, written report, wall newspaper). Project tasks of this type involve a large amount of work for the teacher. He can propose the topic of the project himself, but most often it is proposed by the students themselves. Despite the policy of "hands-off" in the implementation of projects, the teacher should be interested in the success and achievements of the students: did they learn anything really new that they do not know, but want to know what aspects of the language they need to repeat. To do this, the teacher can ask students to fill out a specially designed questionnaire as necessary. The undoubted advantage of this approach is the constant discussion of work on the project in the class.

Spanish teachers Ramon Ribe and Nuria Vidal, who are the authors of a different approach, believe that learning a foreign language using the project method can take place along three parallels that prepare the student to complete the project. By parallels, the authors mean specially organized exercises that precede the development of the project, the purpose of which is not only to familiarize students with lexical material, but also their gradual entry into socialization, step-by-step acquaintance with the outside world with the support of the teacher, as well as the development of skills in working with information.

The first parallel involves the development of communicative abilities within certain lexical topics and includes the performance of specific tasks, for example, students have with them bus and metro maps of one of the countries of the language being studied. Using a foreign language, they discuss how best to get from one point to another, while using additional information obtained from textbooks, reading books, reference books, such as ticket prices, travel time, travel conditions, safety, etc. d.

The second parallel includes in the learning process not only tasks within the studied lexical material, but also the skills of collecting and further selecting information, determining ways to search for it, and the date of presentation of the received material. Thus, students acquire the necessary intellectual, creative and communication skills.

The third parallel provides tasks similar to the second parallel, but in a broader aspect. They include both knowledge within the studied speech topics and integrative knowledge from other scientific fields. For example, friends in an international project that touches on the problems of the state of the environment in various parts of the planet are asked to tell us how things are with the ecology in our city and send me the results of measurements, various sketches from nature, and illustrations. Students and teacher discuss the state of the environment in their city (village) in order to tell their project friends about it. In the course of this work, students are united in interest groups. They determine the ways of collecting information, individual tasks for each, as well as the form of presentation of the results and proposals.

According to the authors mentioned above, work on a project can last from a few weeks to an entire academic year. Their approach is interesting in that working on a project using their technology involves the implementation of each step as a separate task or even as an independent separate mini-project. According to Ribe and Vidal, the execution of the project involves the following scheme of work:

First stage. Creation of a creative atmosphere in the group. Research topic proposal. Selecting a project topic..

Second phase. Coordination of the general line of project development. Group formation. Drafting detailed plan project work.

Third stage. The total collection of the results obtained by all. Project presentation. Discussion of the presentation and the results obtained.

So, work on a project is, first of all, an independent work of a student to solve a problem, which requires the ability to pose a problem, outline ways to solve it, plan work, select the necessary material, etc. Thus, in the process of this activity, the student develops his intellectual skills, such character traits as purposefulness, perseverance, diligence, acquires certain learning skills, and learning through the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities provides social and professional adaptation in society, which is important in today's ever-changing world.

Study study and Scientific research.The main feature of the study in educational process- that it is educational. This means that its main goal is the development of the individual, and not obtaining an objectively new result, as in "big" science. If in science the main goal is to acquire new knowledge, then in education the goal of research activity is to acquire by students the functional skill of research as a universal way of mastering reality, developing the ability for a research type of thinking, activating the student’s personal position in the educational process based on the acquisition of subjectively new knowledge ( i.e. independently acquired knowledge that is new and personally significant for a particular student) ".

In the course of work on the project, the student gets the opportunity to demonstrate, demonstrate and acquire such skills and abilities as:

Put forward ideas, hypotheses; set goals and formulate tasks; plan your activities; choose ways and methods of work; analyze, evaluate their activities and reflect.

Prepare a presentation of your project, build an oral report, choose ways and forms of a visual presentation of the project; prepare a written report on the work done.

Listen and understand others, express your point of view, interact within the group, find compromises; lead a discussion, answer questions during the defense of the project; take an interview, conduct a survey.

Request information, find it in catalogs, on the Internet, in other sources; process, analyze, store, transmit the received information.

Organize your workplace, select the necessary materials, equipment for the project; organize your time and resources.

To complete any project, the student must go through the following steps:

Statement of the problem, definition of the topic of the project, its relevance;

Formulating the goal of the project and tasks to achieve it;

The choice of a model for solving the identified problem;

The choice of ways and methods for solving the problem;

Drawing up a plan for the organization of work;

Implementation of the plan, its adjustment during the project;

Verification of work and development of accompanying documentation or report;

Presentation of the project, its defense;

Self-analysis, assessment of the work done.

But, at the same time, each project can have its own specifics, which is determined by its goals, as well as its organizational features. For example, E.S. Polat identifies the following typological features of project classification:

one). Dominant activities in the project: research, search, creative, role-playing, applied (practice-oriented), familiarization and orientation, etc.

Research project It is similar in structure to scientific research and is aimed at solving a research problem with a previously unknown solution.

Information project is aimed at collecting information about an object in order to provide more detailed information about it. The results of such a project can be articles, reports, reports, etc.

creative projectsuggests that his "product" could be a theatrical performance, a film, works of fine and decorative art, etc.

role project is that the project participants take on certain roles of literary, historical and other characters in order to reproduce various business and social relationships through role-playing situations. For example, “a court session to consider the case of Raskolnikov”, “Negotiations between the presidents of the two countries”, etc. As a rule, the outcome of such a project always remains open, because the reconstruction of the situation does not take place according to a predetermined scenario, but develops in the course of a discussion, meeting, etc.

Application projectdistinguishes the result of the activity of its participants clearly indicated from the very beginning. At the same time, it is important that the result is focused on the social interests of the students themselves. For example, the result of such a project may be a dictionary, manual, presentation, etc.

2). Subject area: monoproject (within one area of ​​knowledge); interdisciplinary project.

Monoprojects are carried out within the framework of one subject, but at the same time, such work also involves the application of knowledge from other areas to solve the problem under study. As part of the study of foreign languages, students usually carry out language (linguistic) projects that relate to the problem of learning and using foreign languages. Learning objectives in language projects can be practical language acquisition; linguistic and philological development of schoolchildren; familiarization with cultural, regional realities; formation of communicative competence. The goals of linguistically oriented projects are to study linguistic features, linguistic realities (idioms, neologisms, sayings, etc.), folklore, etymology of words, literary research, etc. Recently they have becometelecommunications projects in foreign languages ​​are very popular.

So, the beginning of any project is a problem statement, a clear idea of ​​what we want to create in the course of our work. Of course, this may not cause difficulties for a more experienced student, a student. But, teachers often ask themselves how a student, who most often does not have experience in project activities, can formulate the topic of his project? Apparently, wanting to solve this problem, teachers sometimes simply offer students ready-made names for topics within which children begin their work. And the percentage of those students who actually penetrate the essence of the proposed problem, are carried away by it, and perform a real search, showing the qualities of a young designer, is not large.

In my opinion, in order to reduce such situations, it is necessary to take into account such moments at the stage of determining the theme of the project, such as:

The topic of the project should be primarily interesting to the student.

It does not matter that the teacher believes that the title of the topic of the work voiced by the student is not promising, not deep. Very often, the topics that children themselves formulate (especially of the lower grades) do not carry any problem (they offer such topics as “English in the world”, “English holidays”, “Fashion in France”, “ Plural nouns”, etc.). But, everyone has to start somewhere. At the beginning of his research path, let the student complete the abstract work, learn to find, process and present information.

But, of course, this also does not mean that you should always accept the topics proposed by the student himself as the final version, because. thus we run the risk of never teaching him the essence of project activity. When a student proposes a topic, he thereby indicates the range of his interests, in the plane of which the teacher can continue to work with the student. Depending on how well the student is already able to analyze, draw conclusions, generalize, the teacher may try to work with the student in the direction of problematization of the topic proposed by him, but in no case in the following way:

“Yes, Misha, it’s good that you yourself chose the theme of your work “English holidays”, but it is too extensive, and therefore it is not clear what exactly you want to explore, what question you want to find an answer in your work. Therefore, I propose to slightly change the topic and call your work "English holidays as a reflection of national consciousness", or "English and Russian holidays in comparison: two worlds, two cultures?" etc.".

As we can see, the teacher himself decided that he would explore the student instead of leaving him to think creatively by asking questions like “What exactly would you like to know about English holidays? Why did you choose this topic? What got you interested in her? What did you find unusual? What surprised you about this topic? What information about English holidays gives you doubts? astonishment? etc."

So, it is important not to “give” a ready-made name for the topic, but to help formulate it based on the interests of the students.

Having outlined the global issues, the direction, the student should familiarize himself with the literature and materials of previous studies on the topic of interest, which will help to find out to what extent this topic has been studied, what are the results obtained, what issues still need to be further resolved. A good knowledge of the history of the issue will help the student to determine the research problem, to more clearly present those aspects that can be investigated.

The theme of the project should also take into account the characteristics of the student.By organizing educational design, the teacher aims to help the student discover his creative, intellectual abilities, develop certain personality traits, i.e. At the center of all the work organized by the teacher is the Student, and accordingly, the theme of his project should help him to show, develop himself, learn new skills, acquire new skills. This will be possible if, in the course of determining the topic with the student, the teacher will take into account age characteristics, personal qualities, the level of formation of organizational activity and subject skills.

The topic should reflect the problem.

Any project is a way to solve a certain problem (theoretical or practical), those. the topic of the project should provide for the presence of a significant problem/task in the research plan that requires a research search to solve it, for example, a study of the motivation for learning a foreign language by school students; the study of the cultural characteristics of the country of the language being studied, the problems of modern youth; creation of reports from different countries on one issue; creation of a club of pen pals, etc.

The problem for research cannot come from nowhere: first, the student learns, observes, analyzes individual facts and phenomena, and reflects on them. Then these facts and reflections allow him to see something unusual, incomprehensible, unclear to him - he discovers some inconsistency, which will be the problem of research. At the same time, someone has the ability to discover something completely original, hitherto unknown to others, and then we are talking about great discoveries, a huge long-term work of entire teams of scientists. But, so that our students, too, someday in the future could become real scientists, they can begin their journey by learning to discover the unusual in the known. Already at school, it is necessary to teach children to look at traditional objects and phenomena in different ways, to teach them to put forward unusual views and opinions about different things.

“Based on the revealed contradiction, the problem is formulated. Not every contradiction in practice can be resolved by the means of science - it can be due to financial, personnel difficulties, lack of necessary equipment, etc. Moreover, science does not resolve contradictions in practice, but only creates the prerequisites for their resolution, which, by the way, may subsequently not be implemented for various reasons. Therefore, formulations like “the problem is to overcome the contradiction...” can hardly be considered correct, and even more so: “The problem of research is the contradiction...”.

The word problem is used in two senses. In a broad, common language - as a synonym for the word "task", "obstacle", etc. It is not permissible to use a commonly used approach in the study. For example, “the problem of increasing the social activity of the younger generation” is only a major practical task, but not a research problem.

In the scientific sense, a problem is a question or an integral set of questions that objectively arises in the course of the development of knowledge, the solution of which is of significant practical or theoretical interest.

In this sense, the problem acts as an awareness, a statement of the insufficiency of what has been achieved present moment the level of knowledge, which is either a consequence of the discovery of new facts, connections, laws, the discovery of logical flaws in existing theories, or a consequence of the emergence of new requests for pedagogical practice that require going beyond the already acquired knowledge, moving towards new knowledge.

Thus, the problem of research logically follows from the established contradiction, from it is singled out what is relevant only to science and translated into the plane of knowledge, formulated in the language of science.

If a group of students work on the same project and solve the same problem together, this does not mean that each of the participants in this group (or each of the subgroups) should work on the same problem. In group projects, as a rule, a common theme, idea, project problem is initially determined, then separate parts of this problem are distributed among individual participants, subgroups. Thus, within one common project there are also subprojects. The problem of the general project will be solved only when each part of it is solved, when each of the subgroups does its part of the work. In the course of such a group project, not only work within the subgroup is necessarily organized, but also general discussions, amendments or additions to each mini-project and a general decision on whether the problem has been solved or not. Thus, we see that the success of a group project depends on how well everyone has done their part of the work and, on the success of the group as a whole. The main conditions for such projects are cooperation, coordination of actions, the ability to negotiate, the desire to help others.

The theme of the project should take into account the resources available for its implementation.

When choosing a topic, the teacher must take into account the availability of the required tools and materials that will be required during the creation and implementation of the project. Their absence, the inability to collect the necessary data usually leads to a superficial decision, the absence of a specific result as a result of the project. In addition, the teacher needs to provide resources for study time, within which the project will be implemented in order to avoid overloading students, provide staffing (additionally involved specialists), informational resources, organizational support (special schedule of classes, classrooms, library work, Internet access), a place separate from lesson classes (a room with the necessary resources and equipment that does not restrict free activity).

- The goal of the project should give an idea of ​​what will be created in the course of work.

Based on the formulated problem, a goal is set.

Target - this is an idea of ​​​​the result, about what should be achieved (created, performed) in the course of work.

The goal should be one, it is formulated briefly and accurately, and concretized and developed in the tasks of the project, which reflect what needs to be addressed in the process of project work. Further, the student must subordinate all his work to the goal of the project, constantly keep in mind the final result to which he wants to come, thereby discarding what is not connected with its achievement.

Project objectives reflect the way the project goal is achieved.

After defining the goal of the project, they begin to define its objectives.

The task reflects the ways to achieve the goal of the project, this is what needs to be done during the study in order to solve the main goal.

"The first task as a rule, it is associated with the identification, substantiation of the essence, nature of the object under study.

Second - with an analysis of the real state of the subject of research, dynamics, internal contradictions of development.

The third - with the ability to transform, model, experimental verification.

The fourth - with the identification of ways and means to increase the efficiency of improving the phenomenon under study, the process, that is, with the practical aspects of work, with the problem of managing the object under study.

Telecommunication project.

A special place in the educational activities of the school is occupied by regional and international telecommunications projects. Of particular interest are international projects for a foreign language, because with their help a natural language environment is created and the need for language communication is formed. In addition, real conditions for intercultural communication are being created.

Having appeared in the early eighties, telecommunication networks were initially used in the field of science and education only as a convenient and efficient form of communication, since all network work then consisted in the exchange of letters between students. However, as international practice and numerous experiments have shown, in contrast to simple correspondence, specially organized purposeful teamwork learners online can give a higher pedagogical result. The most effective was the organization of joint projects based on the cooperation of students from different schools, cities and countries. The educational telecommunications project has become the main form of organization of educational activities of students in the network.

Under the educational telecommunications project, we mean a joint educational, cognitive, research, creative or gaming activity of partner students, organized on the basis of computer telecommunications, having a common problem, goal, agreed methods, methods of activity aimed at achieving a joint result of activity.

Solving the problem inherent in any project always requires the involvement of integrated knowledge. But in a telecommunications project, especially an international one, as a rule, a deeper integration of knowledge is required, which implies not only knowledge of the subject of the problem under study, but also knowledge of the characteristics of the partner's national culture, the characteristics of his worldview.It is always a dialogue of cultures.

It is advisable to include international projects that are conducted in English, if the program allows, in the structure of the content of education for a given class, course and correlate it with a particular topic of oral speech and reading. Thus, the chosen topic for a telecommunications project will organically fit into the education system, including all program language material. If a international project provided for other subjects school curriculum, which must also be performed in English, but which does not correspond to the program material for English language, then such a project is carried out in extracurricular activities, as a rule, not by the whole group, but by individual students.

The problems and content of telecommunications projects should be such that their implementation quite naturally requires the use of the properties of computer telecommunications. In other words, far from any projects, no matter how interesting and practically significant they may seem, can correspond to the nature of telecommunications projects. How to determine which projects can be most effectively implemented with the involvement of telecommunications?

Telecommunication projects are pedagogically justified in those cases when in the course of their implementation: multiple, systematic, one-time or long-term observations of one or another natural, physical, social, etc. phenomenon are provided, requiring the collection of data in different regions to solve the problem; provides for a comparative study, study of a particular phenomenon, fact, event that has occurred or is taking place in different areas to identify a certain trend or make a decision, develop proposals, etc.;

provides for a comparative study of the effectiveness of using the same or different (alternative) methods of solving one problem, one task in order to identify the most effective, acceptable for any situation, solution, i.e. to obtain data on the objective effectiveness of the proposed method for solving the problem; a joint creative development of some idea is proposed: purely practical (for example, breeding a new plant variety in different climatic zones, observing weather phenomena, etc.), or creative (creating a magazine, newspaper, play, book, musical work, proposals for improving training course, sports, cultural joint events, folk holidays, etc. etc.); It is planned to hold exciting adventure joint computer games and competitions.

Pedagogical the purpose of organizing project activities is to obtain internal products for students. However, work on their creation is built in the process of developing external products by students - what is of interest to the student, allows him to assert himself in the eyes of teachers and peers, and can serve as real proof of his achievements.

Only in the process of creative work on the implementation of the project does a deep study of the material take place, skills and abilities are formed and honed, the personal qualities of the child develop, which can be attributed to internal educational products.

In my opinion, project activity is one of the most important ways of goal-setting, planning and learning. In the course of project activities, the skills of collecting and processing information and its use are formed. Project activity helps to increase the motivation of students, the manifestation of their creative abilities, the stimulation of speech activity, thinking, and the expansion of communication experience. It is interesting not only for students, but also for the teacher himself, who enjoys this process of education and teaching.


1. Khutorskoy A.V. Key competencies as a component of the personality-oriented paradigm of education. Narodnoe obrazovanie. - No. 2. - 2003. - S. 58-64.

2. Council of Europe: Symposium on "Key competencies for Europe": Doc. DECS / SC / Sec (96) 43. - Bern, 1996.

3. Khutorskoy A.V. Modern didactics: Textbook for universities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001. - S.288-289.

4. Khutorskoy A.V. Workshop on didactics and modern teaching methods: [ Electronic resource]. - M.: Distance Education Center "Eidos", 2008.

5. Afonina Maria Vladimirovna, Lecturer, Department of English Philology, Glazov State Pedagogical Institute

6. Polat E.S. Project method.

7. Khutorskoy A.V. Diagnostics, control and evaluation of creative learning.

The success of a modern person for the most part can be determined by how he knows how to organize his life. Life today is relevant to consider in the form of a project. That is why it is valued whether a person knows how to set goals and determine development prospects, whether he can properly plan work and find the necessary resources to implement his plans, and also evaluate whether his plan has succeeded. The modern school provides opportunities to learn how to conduct project activities even in the lower grades.

What is design and research activity

Scientists say that the child has a biologically determined need to know the world, to explore it. The most important features of the child's behavior are curiosity, the desire for observations, experiments and discoveries, the need for fresh impressions, and independent search activity. It is this orientation of children's behavior that gives rise to the need to find ways to successfully organize such research activities. The project-research method does an excellent job of creating the necessary environment for the realization of needs.

Design and research activities- this technology, based on the scientific method of cognition, which involves the solution by students of various tasks of a research and creative nature under the guidance of a teacher.

Project activities of schoolchildren- this is a cognitive, educational, research and creative activity, as a result of which a solution to the problem appears, which is presented in the form of a project.

The project method involves the creative disclosure of the student's personality during independent work.

Goals of project educational technology

  • creation of appropriate conditions conducive to the activation of cognitive interest and independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources
  • formation of the ability to use knowledge in order to solve cognitive problems
  • development of communication and research skills
  • active development of thinking.

Design and research work is carried out by students independently, subject to cooperation with a teacher who directs and controls the creative and cognitive process. As a result of such creative work, a “project” is obtained - a product created to solve the set task, a detailed study of the problem.

So, the project-research method is a new innovative teaching method based on the child’s natural desire to comprehend the world that surrounds him, as a result of which the student’s cognitive sphere develops, his ability to think deeply and independently, creatively relate to activities.

Classification of projects: from presentation to term paper

As a project, methods of studying the surrounding reality of various genres can be considered: from an abstract to the original design of your research, from a spectacular presentation to a serious defense by the method of defending a term paper or a thesis.

In order for the teacher to master this or that method of managing children's projects, you need to know what types of projects exist:

  • Research projects. Schoolchildren spend, study any area, and then draw up the results obtained in the form of wall newspapers, booklets or computer presentations. Such research projects have a positive effect on the student's professional self-determination, and can also become the basis for future term papers and theses during their student years.
  • Game projects. They are presented in the form of games and performances, where, playing the role of any heroes, students offer their solution to the problems being studied.
  • information projects. Students collect and analyze information on any topic, presenting it in the form of a magazine, newspaper, almanac.
  • Creative projects. There is a lot of room for imagination here: the project can be performed in the form of an extracurricular activity, an environmental action, a video film and much more. Fantasy has no limits.

Topic selection

Several factors influence the choice of a topic for a project:

  1. The subject of the project can be formulated on the basis of recommendations state system education, in accordance with the curricula.
  2. The topic for a project can be a teacher's initiative within a particular subject or learning material being studied.
  3. The theme of the project can be based on the professional interest of the teacher or the interests of the students.

The choice of project topics can be based on an in-depth study of any educational material in order to deepen knowledge, interest children in studying the subject, and improve.

Most often, the subject of projects of younger students is based on the study of any topical issue modern life. In this case, the student not only learns more, but also develops creative and analytical skills.

"Teacher's advice. When starting to work on a project in elementary school, it is important to help the student choose the right type of project, given the chosen topic.

When everything is clear with the topic and type of project, the teacher should pay attention proper organization student activities. And for this you need to know the plan and structure of future project activities.

Stages of project activity

When starting to work on a project, it is better to focus on a plan, which usually consists of the following steps:

  1. Problem definition. Here it is important to determine the actual problem for the study, which would correspond to the age, abilities and knowledge of younger students, and would be interesting for children.
  2. Definition of goals and objectives. The teacher helps the children to determine the goals of the study, direct them to achieve the result.
  3. Preparation and planning. Here it is important to help the student choose the form of project implementation in accordance with the subject, as well as determine the means and methods of organizing activities. It is also important to determine how long the project will be carried out. If this is a group project, then the teacher must form initiative (working) groups of students who will work together on the project. It is important to guide students in finding the right materials, to help in the processing of information.
  4. Project implementation. Work on a project always begins with the collection of information, analysis (discussion), and the presentation of ideas. As soon as the necessary information is collected and all experimental work is carried out, the design of the project is carried out. At this stage, the teacher should provide consulting assistance to students, teach them to analyze and summarize facts, teach design and, if necessary, find ways to stimulate their interest in the creative process, develop mental abilities. It is also necessary to check the intermediate results of the project work.
  5. Summarizing. The final result of the project is a presentation. It can take the form of designing wall newspapers or stands, making a presentation, preparing a report or defending a project. It is desirable - a discussion of what happened and what did not, what problems arose during the work on the project.

"Advice. Pay special attention to the presentation of the results. Tell the kids how to speak in front of an audience the right way.”

Features of project activities

Design and research work at school is a new, innovative method that combines an educational and cognitive component, a game, scientific and creative one. The main difference between such an elementary school is that students, first of all, receive the first research skills, due to which the specific qualities of a special way of thinking develop.

The introduction of the project method in elementary school has its own characteristics. A full-fledged project activity is not suitable for younger students. the main task here - to take into account the characteristics of students (age and psychological).

There is an opinion that in elementary school it is best to limit the project to one or two lessons. Or - to engage in projects in extracurricular activities. Before embarking on full-fledged projects, students should first be taught how to solve project problems. In the course of such a task, students receive a ready-made set of tasks. Project tasks are collective in nature and can be the first step towards mastering the basics of project activity by children.

Video on how the project activities of junior schoolchildren are carried out in one of the gymnasiums

Organization of project activities

One of the important aspects of project activity is its organization.

Before starting project work with elementary school students, the teacher should:

  • to acquaint schoolchildren with the methods of scientific knowledge in an accessible form
  • teach students to cooperate with each other
  • use an individual approach when working with students
  • try to organize different types of research, including collective research, right in the classroom
  • assign homework assignments of a research and creative nature.

When organizing project activities in elementary school, the teacher must take into account the following aspects:

  1. The project task should correspond to the age and level of development of the younger student.
  2. The problems of future projects should be taken into account, which should be in the area of ​​students' interests.
  3. Must be for the successful execution of projects (availability of materials, data, multimedia).
  4. Before giving students a project assignment, one should first prepare for the conduct of such activities.
  5. Manage projects, help students and advise them.
  6. To work out with younger students the methods of project activities, while improving general educational skills.
  7. When choosing a project topic, do not impose information, but interest them, motivating them to search independently.
  8. Discuss with students the choice of sources of information: library, reference books, Internet, periodicals, etc.

In the process of preparing for project activities, it is advisable to organize joint excursions, walks, observations, experiments, and actions for younger students.

Atmosphere of cooperation

Project activity has character as well as students within the team (if they perform the project together).

What is the role of the teacher here?

The teacher is the initiator of exciting undertakings. How interesting his proposal is to children, so much higher is his authority. A successful teacher is one who is well able to organize independent project work of students, activating their ingenuity, creativity and resourcefulness. It is such a teacher who is able to open the whole world to a child, believing in his strength and revealing his creative potential.

"It is interesting. The project method is a space for cooperation and manifestation of the joint creative initiative of the student and teacher.

When engaged in project activities with students, the teacher can act in one role or another:

  • "Enthusiast": encourages students to explore and be creative.
  • "Specialist": competent in everything.
  • "Consultant": helps with advice, tells you how best to do it.
  • "Supervisor": can outline the project plan, its structure and manage it.
  • "Moderator": organizes the discussion and the student in the right direction.
  • "Coordinator": organizes cooperation.
  • "Expert": analyzes the results, evaluates.

The teacher is meant to help students:

  • get access to various sources of information
  • overcome the difficulties that arise during the implementation of the project
  • teach to be attentive and responsible in the execution of the project
  • analyze the finished project, make recommendations.

Usage design method in educational activities, it positively affects the strengthening of relationships, both between classmates and with adults, whom the student addresses during the project.


Project activity is a great opportunity to teach younger students to think and find the right information, solve complex problems, make decisions, organize cooperation with classmates and the teacher. The child learns to create ideas and bring them to life, to present the results of their research. The introduction of the method of project activity by the teacher at an early stage of education will help students get acquainted with the first steps of scientific activity, their creative and intellectual development, teach them how to organize and control the project, thereby developing them harmoniously and in step with the times.