The ships of this project could become the most massive in their class. They were planned to be launched in huge quantities for our Navy. Fifty first rank destroyers - such an armada is enough to equip an entire fleet. In addition, their multipurpose purpose presupposed their use to solve a wide variety of tasks. The lead destroyer Sovremenny (Project 956) was laid down in 1975, the last ship of the series was launched at the end of 1993. Of the planned fifty units, 17 have entered service with the USSR and Russia. Four more are in service. Two ships are mothballed, two are in the modernization stage, and two more are in service, the rest are decommissioned. What is the reason for such massive cutting into metal of not old, according to naval concepts, units?

Why the USSR needed new destroyers

The reasons for the rejection of a large number of ships of Project 956 should be sought in times already distant. It was then, in the mid-fifties, that the unfortunate phenomenon occurred, called the "Khrushchev's defeat" by the military sailors. Drunkenness with the successes of domestic rocket scientists led to a major strategic miscalculation. The likelihood of a global conflict decreased due to the guaranteed mutual destruction, but this did not mean at all that the need for the regional presence of the Soviet Navy disappeared, and it turned out to be extremely difficult to provide it without the presence of large ships in the arsenal. The actions of the squadrons on alert in different remote sectors of the World Ocean were hampered (due to the small number of units that form their "core" and cause stability). Aircraft carriers in the USSR were not built due to their high cost, destroyers of early projects (projects 30-2 and 78) and cruisers (projects 68), built under Stalin and "undercut" by Khrushchev, were not only morally outdated, but also physically worn out. The fleet demanded replenishment with modern ships of large displacement, equipped - along with rocket launchers - with powerful artillery. This is exactly how the newest destroyer of Project 956 was conceived, the urgent need for which was fully realized after the large-scale exercises "Ocean", which took place in the spring of 1970.

What is and why is it needed

The concept is more traditional than filled with real meaning. Of course, the armament is not limited to mines, but by its purpose the ship rather corresponds to the class of frigates adopted in many fleets of the world, which, in turn, also have little in common with old sailing ships. The destroyer of project 956 "Sarych" (this was the code) was intended to perform a wide range of combat missions, which could be beyond the strength of the forces that formed the basis of the Soviet Navy in the late sixties. Officially, its main purpose was formulated as fire support for the landing force, expressed in suppressing small-sized ground targets, providing air defense and missile defense of landing subunits and destroying the floating craft of a potential enemy. It was also planned to use it together with the BOD (project 1155), which brought the effectiveness of such a pair closer to the combat capabilities of the most modern American frigates "Spruence" at that time. Based on the tasks set, the destroyer of Project 956 was created. The ship is expensive for the budget, it is built on the basis of a specific defense doctrine, especially when it comes to a large series.

Appearance and propaganda value of aesthetics

It is believed that for military equipment appearance not as important as its functionality, but it is not entirely true. How impressive a sample looks often determines the impression it makes on a potential enemy that, in the absence of war, it can play an important role in the development of a conflict, and possibly prevent it. Based on this premise, the destroyer of Project 956 was also created. The model, a photo of which was presented to the IMF Chief-in-Chief Admiral S.G. Gorshkov at the end of 1971, was approved largely due to the formidable appearance of the ship, its ominous exterior and the propaganda effect that could produce its silhouette after the appearance of the ship in the ocean. The model, built on a scale of 1:50, was liked by the naval authorities: it fully corresponded to the foreign policy doctrine of the USSR and demonstrated progress in science and technology in the second half of the 20th century. But, of course, it was not only a matter of appearance - S.G. Gorshkov was not so easy to assess the Project 956 destroyer by the general impression. The characteristics of the ship were more important, and they spoke of very good seaworthiness.

Shipbuilding innovations

The shipbuilding specialist liked the preliminary project not only aesthetically. The main features of the external appearance of the ship were the smooth decking of the hull, the sheerness of its bow, the successful placement of artillery weapons of the main caliber, the location anti-aircraft complexes on the sides (which provided excellent opportunities for setting barrage fire) and a large elevation of the radar antennas (to improve the location view). The length of the hull was limited by the capabilities of the shipyards of the plant. A. A. Zhdanov and should not exceed 146 meters with a width of 17 meters. When developing the general shipbuilding ideology of the ship, many technologies were used for the first time. The shape of the bow set the non-flooding (up to 7 points of excitement) by the oncoming wave, the side was made with a double break in the surface to reduce visibility. There were other features that distinguished the destroyer of project 956. Drawings of the decks were made in compliance with their strict horizontality, regardless of the contours, which significantly improved the manufacturability of the equipment installation. The hull is divided into fifteen watertight compartments, the bow "bulb" underwater part not only reduces resistance, but also serves to accommodate a hydroacoustics station in it (MGK-335MS, also known as the Platina complex). The elements of power hardening in the places of the greatest stresses are rationally applied.

Power plant

Experts refer to the disadvantages of ships of this series as a deliberately outdated power plant. There were reasons for this. When choosing the type of turbine, S.G. Gorshkov gave preference to the boiler scheme, rejecting the gas one. This was done under the influence of the Minister of Shipbuilding of the USSR B. Ye. Butoma, who argued his opinion with the large workload of the Southern Turbine Plant and the fact that it would be easier to arrange fuel oil supplies in a special period than diesel fuel. As a result, the Project 956 destroyer was equipped with a twin boiler and turbine unit with a total capacity of 100 thousand liters. With. Today it is difficult to give a comprehensive assessment and speak out purely in favor of this decision or against it. The fact is that in the early 70s there was an ambitious project to create technologically revolutionary direct-flow KTUs, which, if successful, promised to become unique, but it was not crowned with success. Ultimately, we had to stop at the usual outdated high-pressure boilers, proven and, in general, not bad either. And one more argument in their favor was the relative cheapness of fuel oil. The world energy crisis also affected the USSR.

Cannon armament

The underestimation of the role of artillery in the maritime theater of operations in the past decades prompted the Sevmash Design Bureau to arm the Sovremenny destroyer (Project 956) with two twin AK-130 installations equipped with Lev-218 (MP-184) multichannel control systems. Barrels are guided based on information received from the radar, rangefinder (laser) and television devices, and processed by a digital computer for firing parameters. The ammunition feed is mechanized, the rate of fire reaches 90 rds / min, the range exceeds 24 km. In terms of artillery power, the Project 956 destroyer surpasses the battleships of the First World War, which had no other weapons, except for the cannon. The weight of the shells delivered to the target (per minute) exceeds six tons.

Anti-aircraft artillery means provide protection against complex targets (including cruise missiles) and are represented by two AK-630M 30-mm complexes located on the side. These units include water-cooled six-barrel systems controlled by the Vympel automated control system. They are capable of hitting high-speed targets at a distance of up to 4 km with a rate of fire of 4 thousand rounds per minute.


The missile armament of the destroyer Sarych is designed to combat air and sea targets. Complex "Hurricane" (in later modifications "Hurricane-Tornado") is equipped with single-beam launchers firing missiles. The ammunition load of each of the two launchers contains 48 missile guided missiles. "Hurricane" is a universal weapon, it is quite suitable for defeat surface ships small tonnage (for example, missile or The number of tracked and destroyed targets - up to six (when launched every 12 seconds).

The Project 956 destroyer carries out specialized anti-ship defense with the Moskit (Moskit-M) complex equipped with ZM-82 missiles. There are two installations, they are protected by armor, each contains four shells. The combat radius of the complex is 120 km (170 for the Mosquito-M). Supersonic missiles (M = 3), the mass of the explosives in the combat charging compartment is three centners. All eight ZM-82s can be fired within a half-minute salvo at the command of the ship's control system.

Terms of Service

"Sarych" favorably differed from many ships of the Navy in improved living conditions. The destroyer is equipped with a unified microclimate system that provides a comfortable atmosphere at outside temperatures ranging from -25 ° C to + 34 ° C. For the rest of the rank and file, there are 16 cabins with a capacity of 10 to 25 people, with an area of ​​over 3 m² for each sailor. Warrant officer (four-bed) and officer (single and double) cabins have an area of ​​10 sq. m. Two spacious saloon and three dining rooms serve for meals. On board there is everything you need to live away from your native shore: a cinema, cable TV, a library, an internal radio system, comfortable showers, a sauna. In hot weather, the pool can be assembled by order of the ship commander.

Inside the medical block there is an outpatient clinic, a double isolation ward, an infirmary and an operating room.

Living conditions and comfort on the Project 956 destroyers are not inferior to foreign standards, which affected the export potential of these ships.

Hard times

The project was created exclusively for internal use, and before the collapse of the USSR, there was no question of selling ships of this type. Fourteen destroyers became part of the USSR Navy in the period 1976-1881, each of them was built for an average of four years. The ships entered the Northern (six) and Pacific (eight) fleets, took part in large-scale naval exercises, made long voyages and friendly visits to foreign ports.

In the last Soviet years and immediately after the collapse of the USSR, the situation changed. Government funding has dropped sharply. The maintenance of a warship is not cheap. Over a decade, a dozen of them were written off, five destroyers of this type remained in service, the rest were dismantled or mothballed. Ten years later (in 2011) combat service carried in the Northern Fleet already the only destroyer of project 956 "Admiral Ushakov". "Persistent" was the flagship of the Baltic Fleet, and "Fast" was in the Pacific Ocean. There are only three active ships left of the seventeen built.

By this time, most of the Sarych-class weapons systems were outdated. The planned modernization of Project 956 destroyers involved re-equipping with cruise missiles and new air defense and missile defense systems. The replacement of anti-submarine and anti-torpedo defense was required. At the same time, the running characteristics of the destroyers remained very good. Autonomous navigation range of 4.5 thousand miles, high speed and powerful onboard artillery prompted the command of the fleet to refrain from the complete withdrawal of ships from service.

Modernization and export deliveries

Two unfinished ships, which received the names "Important" and "Thoughtful" when they were bookmarked, and then renamed "Yekaterinburg" and "Alexander Nevsky", were completed at the turn of the millennium and sold to the PRC. The export project has undergone changes and received the code 956 E. The names of the Chinese ships are "Hangzhou" and "Fuzhou", they have been serving in the Eastern Fleet of the People's Liberation Army of China since 2000. The modernization of Project 956 destroyers of the "E" series (export) concerned only the power plant and some weapons systems.

The following two units, intended for the Chinese fleet, have undergone more serious changes. The destroyer of project 956EM differs from modification "E" in size, extended-range anti-ship missiles "Moskit-ME" (they reach targets within a radius of 200 km) and new anti-aircraft missile and artillery modules "Kashtan". The stern gun mount was replaced by a helicopter hangar. According to this project, two destroyers were built in 2005 and 2006 (Taizhou and Ningbo).

If the sale of the first two ships to the PRC was mainly due to the difficult financial situation of the initial post-Soviet period, then the contract for the supply of the next pair can be called a successful foreign trade operation. In the middle of the first decade of the new century, a line was already outlined for the systemic modernization of the Russian armed forces, including the fleet. At that time, ships were being designed that were more advanced than the destroyer of Project 956, the photo of which already evoked associations with a bygone era. Massive superstructures and numerous antennas corresponded to the appearance of the fleets of the last century. However, China also made the right decision by purchasing powerful and reliable combat units that strengthened its navy.

Destroyers of project 965, code "Sarych", NATO "Sovremenny class destroyer" - destroyers of the 3rd generation of the "Modern" class. The last Soviet-built destroyer. The ships were built for the Soviet Navy, the last ships were being completed for the Russian Navy. Due to financial problems, the remaining unfinished ships were sold to the Chinese Navy and completed at Russian shipyards.

In the 1960s, the Soviet Union has urgency in large ships, since the Navy began to actively enter the World Ocean, replenish with middle class ships and serve in the oceanic zone.

The main combat missions Soviet Navy:
- ensuring the combat stability of strategic missile submarines;
- search, detection and tracking of enemy submarines;
- opening the surface situation, tracking the main enemy surface groupings (AUG, KPUG);
- detection of enemy communications;
- readiness for combat use at potential maritime and ocean theaters;
- fulfillment of foreign policy tasks.

Various options for solving these problems were revised:
- connections with aircraft-carrying cruisers... The implementation of this option was impossible due to the too expensive construction;
- massive construction of anti-submarine ships. The implementation of this option has not been fully implemented due to the need to cover their own RC or RCA;

In addition, destroyers with 130mm artillery and artillery cruisers of projects 68-K \ B approached the service life limit and did not have modern weapons - anti-ship missiles. It becomes clear to everyone that such tasks cannot be completed using only a certain class of ships. Required multipurpose ships equipped modern views artillery and missile weapons - destroyers were required.

The beginning of the destroyers of Project 956 - Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the Party No. 75-250 of 09/01/1969. In the first task of operational-tactical significance, the new ship was called a fire support ship for airborne troops and additionally for joint actions with BOD project 1155. A bunch of EM - BOD was supposed to surpass in efficiency (theoretically) a pair of EM "Spruyens" (USA).

The pre-sketch design (preliminary design) was commissioned to develop the Leningrad Central Design Bureau-53. In the course of development, more and more new tasks were determined for the ship, which required the designers to perform a multivariate project execution. Considered different types combinations of weapons and power plants. Due to the capacity of the planned shipbuilder (the plant named after A. Zhdanov), the overall dimensions did not exceed 146 meters in length and 17 meters in width. Based on the work on the preliminary design, they begin to develop a draft design.

According to the agreement No. 927 / e / 1017-71 between the Main Directorate of the Navy and TsKB-53, the development of the EM sketch under the number 956 and the code "Sarych" begins. A thorough analysis of 13 options for pre-draft projects with a military-economic assessment is carried out. As a result, the fourth of the presented options was chosen with additional refinement of weapons and the amount of ammunition. At the end of 1971, the first submission of Project 956 of the Navy's Civil Code ended with the continuation of search the best option... At the same time, there was information about the beginning of development by the probable enemy of the multipurpose EM "Spruens". It is from here that the development of a domestic multipurpose ship begins. The ship is renamed EM, and since 1971 it has been passing by documents as a destroyer. The second presentation ended with a statement in the course of which the choice fell entirely on the tenth out of thirteen options:
- availability of a platform for the Ka-252 type helicopter;

Installation of SAM "Uragan";
- launchers with anti-ship missiles Mosquito (8 units);
- gun mounts AK-130;
- installation of a steam turbine power plant.

In the final version, a gas turbine power plant was chosen instead of the selected power plant. With all the modifications, the selected equipment and weapons, the displacement of the EM has increased by one thousand tons. The cost of the preliminary design cost the Soviet Union 165,000 rubles.

Mid 1973. The designers received a task to complete the technical project. Chief Designer V. Anikiev. All work on the technical project was ready by the end of 1973, although later on there were various adjustments and refinements. The impossibility of installing the planned boiler units is found out - they are replaced with steam KVN 98/64-PM. We also added a hangar and the ability to refuel the helicopter. The total cost of the technical project is 205 thousand rubles.

Construction of EM project 956
11/01/1973 - the official date of construction of the newest domestic EM project 956. As planned, construction began at the plant named after A. Zhdanov. A working draft was also developed by TsKB-53 by 1978. The total cost is over 2 million rubles. By 1981, operational documentation and revisions were prepared for the project for the construction of the first ship (lead).

The lead ship began to be built in mid-1975 - EM "Sovremenny" with serial number 861. In 1976, the series of EM project 956 was reduced to 32 ships, in 1988 the series was reduced to 20 units. For all the time, 22 destroyers were laid down, of which 17 became part of the USSR / Russian Navy. 2 EMs were completed according to Project 956-E for the Chinese Navy. 3 unfinished ships were scrapped in the 1990s. Until 1991, the USSR Navy received 14 EM project 956. The construction of one destroyer lasted 4 years on average. The average price of one destroyer is 90 million rubles at the beginning of the series launch and 70 million rubles by the middle of the series.

Device and equipment
The northern design bureau had a distinctive feature in the design of ships: they had an outwardly effective propaganda nature. That is, they were supposed to influence the enemy by their appearance alone. At that time, ships were used not only for combat missions, but were also an excellent tool for political influence and persuasion. The appearance was brought up to the maximum functionality of the onboard weapons and equipment. EM project 956 was created on a long-deck structure with a sheer front part of the ship. The sheer weight and optimized hull contours ensure that deck structures are not flooded and wide firing angles for the AK-130. The decks are located parallel to the waterline. To give the ship stability, the frames are installed with a large camber. The surface of the side is made with a double break to reduce the radar signature.

The ship has 15 bulkheads, 16 compartments and 6 decks. The main body structures are low alloy steel. In places of high stress, steel sheets with increased fluidity are used. The superstructure of the ship consists of the bow and stern blocks, and are made of aluminum and magnesium alloys. Riveting type fastening.

EM project 956 - the only destroyers of the 3rd generation with a boiler-turbine-type power plant. The power plant consists of two KTA GTZA-674 echelon location (stern / bow) with a capacity of 50,000 hp. To maintain the required rotational speed at various operating modes of the KTA, there is an ACS with a frequency regulator. In the bow of the engine room there are two boilers with a right-hand turbine, in the stern - two boilers with a left-hand turbine and a shortened propeller shaft.

The first 6 units of EM project 956 received steam boilers of the KVN-98/64 type, producing 98,000 kilograms of steam. On the seventh and further, steam boilers of the KVG-3 type were installed, giving 115,000 kilograms of steam. Excess or deficiency of air for boilers is regulated by a special turbine or damper. The boilers are becoming the weakest link of the destroyer - they are very demanding on the supplied water, they quickly fail. Additionally, an emergency boiler for 14,000 kilograms of steam has been installed. To supply the ship with electricity, 2 steam turbine generators of the AK-18 type, with a total capacity of 2500 kW, and 4 diesel generators (reserve), 600 kW each, were installed. The steering unit is an electro-hydraulic machine and a semi-balanced steering wheel. Two shafts and two low noise fixed pitch propellers allowed the EM to reach speeds of up to 33.4 knots. Fuel stock 1.7 thousand tons. Range from 1300 to 3900 miles.

Operating temperatures inside the case range from 34 to -25 degrees. There are 5 tanks of 50 cubic meters each for waste collection. To receive cargo on the move, a Struna device is installed on each side.

The crew of the ship in peacetime and wartime is respectively 296 and 358 people. To accommodate the crew on board there are 21 cabins for officers (38 places) and cabins for midshipmen with 48 places. For sailors urgent service there are 16 cockpits with 310 seats. All premises have radio communication devices. The destroyers have libraries, cinema installations, gyms and even collapsible swimming pools. The whole ship is secured unified system cable television. The medical block has an operating room, an outpatient clinic, an infirmary, an isolation ward and a sterile room. Due to the installed weapons and power plant, the passages with the corridors are closer than on the BOD of Project 1155.

Installed armament:
- SAM "Hurricane" (with 14 EM-SAM "Hurricane-Tornado"). Consists of two single-girder guided launchers located on the forecastle and behind the helipad. Ammunition - 48 "9M38M1" anti-aircraft guided missiles. SAM control system - 6 radio searchlights for target illumination and computing equipment. The air defense missile system is capable of working on surface ships. At the same time, the air defense system is capable of striking 1-6 air targets at an altitude of 15 kilometers at a distance of up to 25 kilometers. The probability of hitting an aircraft / KR - up to 0.96 / 0.86;

Gun mounts AK-130. Two twin AK-130 units are installed on board the ship. SU AK-130 - multichannel MR-184, which includes a dual-band radar, TV set, laser rangefinder, digital computer, optical device. The installations have an optical device, an ammunition supply complex and interface equipment. Rate of fire up to 90 rds / min, range of destruction up to 24 kilometers. Ammunition - 500 ammunition for each barrel (180 of them are ready for combat use). For firing at coastal targets, a special sighting post is used. The SU allows only single-breasted gun mounts to be used.
- Art complex AK-630M - anti-aircraft rapid-fire air defense system. Consists of two 30-mm batteries of the AK-630M complex. One battery - two gun mounts with a rotating six-barreled unit and a Vympel fire control system. Effective firing range up to four kilometers. Rate of fire 4,000 rds / min. The ammunition capacity of the artillery complex is 16 thousand ammunition. The probability of hitting anti-ship missiles "Harpoon" - 0.4 -1.0.
- SCRC "Mosquito". Anti-ship complex with Mosquito missiles. Consists of 2 quadruple launchers. Ammunition - 8 CR. The range of destruction is 120 kilometers. Speed ​​- up to 3M. The weight of the KR is almost 4 tons, the weight of the warhead is 0.3 tons. The destroyer's control system carried out a full salvo in half a minute. The probability of defeat is 0.94-0.99;

RBU -1000 - anti-submarine / anti-torpedo weapons. Rocket bomb launcher with 48 RSL ammunition. The range of destruction is up to one kilometer.
- 2 TA caliber 533mm. anti-submarine weapons. Used torpedoes SET-65 / 53M, USET-80.
- RM-1 / UDM / PM-1-mine armament. For the use of mines, mine rails are installed. Ammunition 22 mines.
- KA-27PL / KA-25PL - aircraft armament. To use the helicopter, the ship has a platform (middle of the ship) and a telescopic hangar. The onboard fuel supply allows the helicopter to refuel twice.
- 21-KM - fireworks guns. In the bow of the ship (forecastle), two 45mm salute guns are installed.

RTV includes:
-Sm-band "Fregat" detection radar on the first 3 ships, "Fregat-M" radar on the next two, and on the rest of the "Fregat-MA" radars;
- the over-the-horizon target designation system "Most", which includes the passive radar KRS-27 (4 diazones), RTS and VZOI.
- target designation complex "Mineral" for the SCRC;
- SJSC "Platina-S" - submarine detection station, installed in the bulb nose cone. From the sixth ship - Platina-MS SJSC and the Purga control system;
- MG-7 station - a station for detecting swimmers-saboteurs.

The electronic warfare includes:
- MP-401 - RTR complex;
- MP-407 - active jamming station;
- PK-2M - complex for setting passive decoys. Consists of two 140-mm double-barreled launchers ZiF-121;
- SU "Smeta" - control system PK-2M
- from the 9th ship, additionally PK-10M is installed - a complex with 4/8 122-mm ten-barreled launchers for decoys;
- SREP with RTR "Sprint-401S" additional S&P.

Navigation: navigation radars of the MR-212 type, IEL-1 log, gyrocompass, auto-plotter, echo sounder, navigation systems of the KPF-3K / KPI-7F type, radio direction finder, magnetic compass, space navigation systems of the Parus type, ADK-3M, Tsikada.

Squadron destroyers project 965 - 22 units:
- the ships: "Desperate", "Modern", "Excellent", "Inspired", "Impeccable", "Agile", "Combat", "Unrestrained" / "Thundering" have been written off.
- sold to China: "Important" / "Yekaterinburg" / "HANZHOU", "Thoughtful" / "Alexander Nevsky" / "FUZHOU", "Impressive" / "TAIZHOU", "Eternal" / "NINGBO".
- disposal: "Discreet", "Persistent", "Impressive".
- unfinished: "Impressive".

As part of the Russian Navy:
- KTOF - "Burny" (repair), "Fast", "Fearless" (reserve)
- KSF - "Admiral Ushakov".
- DKBF - "Restless" (reserve), "Moskovsky Komsomolets" / "Persistent".
Total: operating destroyers of project 956 for 2012 - 3 units

Main characteristics:
- displacement standard / full / max - 6.5 / 7.9 / 8.5 thousand tons;
- waterline length / max - 145 / 156.5 meters
- width at the waterline / max - 16.8 / 17.2 meters;
- average draft / max - 5.9 / 8.2 meters;
- autonomy up to 30 days;
- additional floating craft - command boat pr1390, working boat pr338M, six-oared yal.

In 1937, work on the Project 45 destroyer came to a complete halt. After the arrest of the deputy people's commissar who oversaw the project defense industry Muklevich, and after him the engineer Brzezinski, no one knew what to do with the unfinished ship, and the constantly changing leadership of the fleet had no time for a dubious project. Completion of the destroyer resumed only in the spring of 1938.

The ship begins testing

On March 15, 1938, Captain 3rd Rank D.P. Shanikov. In July of the same year, the ship was removed from storage, and the installation and testing of turbines and other mechanisms began on it. In March 1939, mooring tests of mechanisms started, which ended on August 30, 1940.

In parallel with this, by October 1939, trial commissioning tests of the main boilers were completed. It turned out that the regulators of the synchronization unit for the supply of fuel, air and feed water to the boilers from Thermotekhnik company bought in Germany do not cope with their task. But the efficiency of the direct-flow boilers was ensured, first of all, by the precise and precise regulation of the mode of their operation! The German regulators decided to replace them with domestic auto-adjusting devices "Askania" produced by plant # 230. At the same time, at a meeting of interested institutions (factories # 230, 190 and 379, Bureau of Direct-Flow Shipbuilding, Shipbuilding TsKB-17 and NII-45) on April 4-5, 1939, it was decided that in order to accelerate work on the design of a system for automatic regulation of boilers at object S- 500 plant # 230 will begin to develop them,

"Without waiting for the full performance that should be obtained after installing a reliable remote control."

On April 9, 1940, the crew finally "got into" the ship, and in October, by order of the People's Commissar of the Navy, the destroyer was renamed into "Experimental". On September 30, the national flag was raised on the ship, and at 11 o'clock that day, he left the plant in tow to undergo preliminary factory tests.

The main factory tests were carried out from November 27 to December 11. The ship made five exits to the sea (a total of 40 running hours), the machines reached a speed of 370 propeller revolutions per minute. Alas, the documents do not specify what speed this corresponded to. D.Yu. Litinsky writes that in the end the ship showed a speed of 25 knots with a machine power of 40,000 hp, but according to the History of Domestic Shipbuilding (with reference to an article by N.N. Afonin in 1985) with manual control the boilers managed to reach a speed of 35 knots. Below we will see that the calculated power of the cars after all the tweaks was about 60,000 hp.

In any case, it was not possible to achieve reliable operation of the boiler control automation - it especially failed at low loads. However, this was not the only problem. Autopsy of auxiliary mechanisms after testing showed that some of them (feed pump No. 4, boiler turbofans, first stage condensate pump blades No. 2) require major overhaul.

War is on the doorstep

On December 18, 1940, the adjustment of the boiler automation in the first boiler room was resumed on the ship, which was at the wall of the plant. By the end of the year, the installation of the main standard equipment was completed, but problems arose with the regulators. Only in August-September the specialists of the plant №230 managed to establish manual remote control of boilers, control valves with servomotors, regulators of service steam pressure and oil supply. Delivery of all four sets of automatic regulation of boilers was postponed to 1941. At the same time, the chief designer of plant No. 230 in February 1941 indicated that:

“The by-pass valves installed by the factory 190 ... do not provide the accuracy required for our regulators to maintain the fuel oil pressure in the pump discharge pipe .... In addition, the plant 190 has not yet ensured the regulation of the fuel oil temperature downstream of the oil heaters. Fluctuations in fuel oil temperature reduce the accuracy of the synchronization unit. "

But the factory # 190, loaded with work on the delivery of serial destroyers of the 7th project, could not allocate a sufficient number of specialists of the necessary qualifications to complete the construction of the ship, which had clearly become of secondary importance.

“In December, January and early February, the plant started up auxiliary mechanisms only 7 times for 3-4 hours. Not a single start-up was complete without malfunctions with auxiliary systems and emergency shutdowns of the boiler ",

- complained the director of plant No. 230 to the People's Commissariat of the shipbuilding industry in March 1941.

In response, the director of the plant No. 190 I.G. Milyashkin appealed to the People's Commissariat of State Control - to the all-powerful L.Z. Mehlis. The director pointed out that plant # 230 was to blame for everything: he had poorly installed impulse pipelines in boiler room # 1, belatedly submitted drawings and details for loading valves for water and fuel oil. According to Milashkin, the control system itself was in doubt, since plant No. 230 did not have enough experience in creating such devices and did not want to use the experience of those who had already developed similar control systems for direct-flow boilers.

Among the latter, Milyashkin named plant No. 379 of the People's Commissariat of the Aviation Industry (Aviation Instrumentation Plant), which since 1935 had been involved in work on the power plant of a "universal turbine boat" (project 234) with compact once-through boilers. The director was silent that the project of this boat belonged to the same engineer Brzezinski, it had been under construction since 1937, and the power plant was still not ready for him. Brzezinski himself, arrested in 1937, at that time worked at the NKVD Design Bureau on the projects of "diving boats" "Bloch" and "M-400" - by the way, they also turned out to be dead ends. Moreover, clearly from the experience of torment with the boilers of Project 45 in the first version of the tactical and technical requirements for the destroyer of Project 30, issued by the Department of Shipbuilding of the UMS RKKA in November 1937, it was indicated:

"Steam temperature above 380 ° is not allowed."

In turn, Chief Engineer Plant No. 379 confidently reported that the plant has experience in creating devices for automatic control of direct-flow boilers of thermal power plants - in particular, the Comintern in the city of Grozny:

“Both systems are organized similarly, both have a water / fuel synchronization unit. The designs of the plant 230 devices for the object 500 are significantly complicated by the introduction for the same purpose - different - non-typed elements, often very complex and ill-conceived. All this made it extremely difficult to set up the system. The synchronization unit, the main unit of the entire system, was set up by plant 379 in Grozny within 10-12 days, while plant 230 has been tinkering with it for two years ... the automation system at the CHP. The Comintern has been working continuously for a year without stopping, even for a planned revision. "

Alas, the complacency of the management of Plant No. 379 was unfounded. The direct-flow boiler, mounted at the Grozny CHPP in 1938, was indeed equipped with an automatic regulation system - but of a completely different level of accuracy. A stationary boiler of a thermal power plant has a high power (the more powerful, the more economical), that is, greater inertia. Thus, he does not need to frequently change operating modes. On the contrary, a ship's direct-flow boiler has low inertia, and at the same time it has to frequently and abruptly change modes when the ship's speed changes. For effective synchronization of several rapidly changing parameters at once, a regulating device with the most sensitive sensors and a fast reaction of regulating devices to changes in their parameters is required. The task of creating such devices turned out to be much more complicated than Brzezinski and the engineers of plant # 379 had imagined. In the end, even the Germans did not cope with it: the high-pressure boilers of their destroyers were a real disaster for sailors throughout the war.

However, the problem with once-through boilers was not just regulation. In April 1941, when checking the 1st boiler, ready for operation, unexpectedly strong corrosion of the tubes in some sections of the superheater was discovered. They had to be urgently replaced, but a similar process began in the rest of the boilers. High steam parameters contributed to the intensification of corrosion processes, water for direct-flow boilers required special training and a higher degree of distillation. All this came as an unpleasant surprise for shipbuilders who had never faced such problems. In the end, it was decided to entrust L.K. Ramzin and his Bureau of Direct-Flow Boiler Building. "Attach the cost of work to the cost of the ship" , - said in the decision of the Deputy People's Commissar of Shipbuilding.

Among other things, it became clear that valves, shut-off and control devices for boilers operating at high pressure and steam temperature must be made of materials that are more durable than was customary for conventional boilers.

The scheme of the destroyer's power plant was also not very successful. According to the minutes of the meeting on April 6, 1941, due to excessive consumption of steam due to high back pressure behind the auxiliary turbine mechanisms, the maximum full speed power was only 78% of the specification, since only 162 tons per hour remained for the main turbines (instead of 208 tons per hour according to the project) ... It turned out to be impossible to use the exhaust steam in a low-pressure turbine at full speed, since due to the high resistance in the pipeline, the pressure of the exhaust steam in the engine room was lower than in the receiver of the low-pressure turbine (LPT). At low strokes, the steam consumption for auxiliary mechanisms turned out to be twice the consumption for the main turbines. The ability of the bow boiler room to work on the aft engine room was not ensured - thus, the separation of the power plant made no sense. TsKB-17 proposed modifications that made it possible to achieve a relatively high full stroke power (85.5% of the specified) even without the use of exhaust steam in the TND receiver. The efficiency of the installation at small and medium strokes after these alterations was evaluated as follows:

“16 knots - approx. 0.8 kg of coal per liter. With. at one o'clock

20 knots - approx. 0.55 kg of coal per liter. With. at one o'clock

cruising speed - approx. 0.40 kg of coal per liter. With. at one o'clock".

If we recall that the design capacity of the destroyer's vehicles was 70,000 hp, it turns out that in factory tests they produced 54,600 hp. and TsKB-17 proposed improvements that allowed (according to calculations) to raise it to 60,000 hp. On the other hand, according to the February report of the assistant to the military representative at the plant # 190, the power of the vehicles at full speed was 61,500 hp.

As a result, the government intervened in the construction of the ship. By the decree of the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of April 9, 1941, the delivery date of the ship was set for October 15, 1941. The decree noted that a number of shipbuilding problems would be worked out on the destroyer, primarily with respect to power plants - now this was the main point of its completion. In May, the Defense Committee under the Council of People's Commissars appointed sea trials of the ship for the period from July 20 to August 15, and state trials for the period from August 15 to September 15, 1941.

However, on May 21, the engineer-captain of the 1st rank Yakimov, authorized by the Shipbuilding Directorate in Leningrad, told the head of the Directorate that the deadline for the completion of the adjustment and delivery of the boiler control automation was disrupted:

In addition, in May of the same year, the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Navy expressed concern about the weakness of the destroyer's hull in the upper communications and demanded reinforcement of the deck - in the end it was decided to do this after the tests, but for now limit the conditions for the destroyer's exit at sea to 6-7 points.

At this point, according to the message of the Shipbuilding Directorate in the Council of People's Commissars, performance characteristics destroyer (based on the results of inclining on July 13, 1940 and taking into account the load according to the working drawings of April 1, 1941) were determined as follows:

"Length overall - 113.5 m

Length along the constructive waterline - 110 m

Maximum width (at design waterline) - 10.2 m

Displacement standard - 1621 t

Displacement when tested (with a 6-hour fuel supply) - 1787 t

Displacement normal (with 50% fuel capacity) - 1822 tons

Average deepening for test displacement - 3.3 m

Initial metacentric height for test displacement - 0.72 m

The smallest metacentric height (with mines on the upper deck) is 0.37 m. "

As a result, the factory sea trials of the ship began late (July 31), with the boiler control automation not yet regulated. The tests were carried out according to an abbreviated program in the Kronstadt area. According to the program, each boiler was individually checked under full load for 4 hours, then the operation of the machines was checked for 6 hours with two working boilers in the first echelon and for 3 hours when one boiler was operating in each echelon, as well as reverse from the forward motion to rear. On the margins of the test program, signed by the director of the plant. Zhdanova I.G. Milashkin has handwritten notes:

“4 hours - 20 knots, at least 3 hours - 32 knots, 3 hours - 42 knots… The speed is measured… 16 knots, 25 knots, 37 knots. on 3 tacks ".

On August 17, factory tests were completed, and on August 20, Captain 1st Rank Yakimov, authorized by the Shipbuilding Directorate in Leningrad, signed a confirmation of the ship's readiness for state tests under an abbreviated program. The general conclusion after factory tests was as follows:

“The reliability of the action of the mechanical installation under the conditions of a military situation has been tested in factory tests within the limits of 220 rpm and was found to be satisfactory.

On the indicated moves, the destroyer can be used for patrol service and for all combat operations that can be assigned to a single ship. MM cannot be allowed to sail as part of a compound without further fine-tuning the automation.

For the final check the fur. I consider it possible to admit the ship's installation to the commissioning tests of the Commission in accordance with the program shortened under wartime conditions. "

Not the worst legacy of tsarism - novik destroyers on maneuvers. In the foreground is Artyom, behind him is Volodarsky. Kalinin (right) and Karl Marx (left) are visible. 1928 g.

Destroyer of project 7U "Soobrazitelny". 1944 g.

To all my comrades-in-arms and fellow dealers, living and already dead: S.A. Bevzu, S.S. Berezhnyu V.A. Dubrovsky, A.M. Konogov, N.G. Maslovaty and no longer friends for a number of reasons, but people who have been close by for a long time and continue to selflessly love the fleet V. Gurov, V.N. Danilov, E.I. Ivanov, S.R. I dedicate this book to Myagkov.

Before proceeding with the coverage of the destroyers committed in the Soviet Union, one should at least somehow try to classify their types and justify their further development. The class of the ship itself first appeared in England and was named destroyer - a fighter. Having at first a very small displacement and intended for the defense of its own bases, the ship began to grow rapidly in displacement, more and more new functions were assigned to it, up to operations in squadrons on the high seas. By the beginning of the First World War, and especially during its course, two types were formed: the first - the destroyer itself, since its main weapons were self-propelled torpedo mines for operations in the zone of closed seas near its own coast; the second - larger - destroyer designed not only to protect their own squadrons, but also for raids in large groups against enemy squadrons during a combat contact, which was most effectively demonstrated in 1916 during the Battle of Jutland.

In the period between the two world wars, this class of ships was rapidly improving, further dividing into subclasses. The caliber of artillery guns increased, twin, triple, four- and five-tube torpedo tubes appeared, the caliber of torpedoes increased, and their range of action increased. In addition to destroyers and destroyers, a subclass of leaders appeared, supposedly obliged to launch destroyers into the attack and cover their withdrawal. But it quickly faded away, as the destroyers in displacement and armament quickly caught up with the leaders, and the French counter-destroyers (one might say - another subclass) even overtook them. The apotheosis of the French counter-destroyers was the Mogador and Volta, ships with a displacement of almost 4000 tons and armed with eight 138-mm guns in four towers and large quantity torpedo tubes. In fact, these were already cruisers with significantly expanded functions - a kind of mine cruisers with excellent seaworthiness and a long range.

The outbreak of the Second World War polished this class of ship, putting everything in its place.

Destroyers gradually turned into the "workhorses" of the fleet, essentially becoming universal ships. Since no one dreamed of dashing raids on enemy squadrons, the type of ship itself changed. Here the Americans have become the legislators. The number of torpedo tubes was reduced (only one five-tube one remained), the number of artillery pieces increased - as a rule, three twin 127-mm universal turret mounts. All ships were equipped with anti-submarine bombers, including jet ones. Anti-submarine torpedoes were gradually adopted.

The Second World War revealed the urgent need for the emergence of another type - a destroyer escort to guard a large number of convoys traveling at low speed, which can be guarded by not such high-speed ships as destroyers. These were ships with a displacement of about 1,500 tons with strong anti-aircraft and anti-submarine weapons and a long range. Quite a large class, but which should still be classified as patrol ships.

So, there were more than enough examples to determine the type of Soviet destroyer, and the Second World War showed the need for each type of ship and its weapons.

We, as always, went our own way. It is not worth stopping at pr. 1, 7, 7U and 38. Quite a lot has been written about them and they gave little glory to our fleet, since long-outdated Italian projects were taken as a basis. Nicholas Gerasimovich Kuznetsov himself later admitted that “it was his biggest mistake”, despite the fact that the ship was built in a large series after the war, absolutely without taking into account military experience.

The trouble was that Stalin absolutely did not want to build large-displacement three-turret destroyers. And in general, many did not understand for which war all the ships were designed. All this, apparently, was done in the long term. It was done haphazardly, without taking into account military requirements, from what was. Sometimes it was laid and what was not yet there (weapons, equipment). Naval sailors did not participate in strategic planning and lived apart, closing in only on Stalin.

On the other hand, Stalin could be understood. It was still so far from the squadrons, but destroyers of small displacement would have been suitable for the inland seas. The main thing was to train personnel. But in World War II, this fleet did not particularly show itself, and since 1943, Stalin generally banned big ships go out to sea.

For many years, a kind of averaged type of ship was chosen: compact, two-turret, with a short range. No small destroyers, no big ones. There is a suspicion that for the sake of the industry. Building a series of ships is much easier.

There was another great example to follow. The fact is that the so-called "Isakov mission" in the United States in 1938 was engaged not only in the design possibilities battleships and supplies to the USSR of equipment necessary for the fleet, not produced in the country, but was also ordered by Gibby & Cox (and not Gibbs, as we write in a number of publications) a destroyer project, which was quickly implemented.

The so-called "project of 1939". With a displacement of 1800 tons, the ship was superbly armed. It had six 127-mm guns (in three two-gun turrets), eight 37-mm guns, eighteen 12.7-mm heavy machine guns and two five-pipe 533-mm torpedo tubes. A kind of classic. Questions about the construction of battleships and destroyers were resolved both in the United States and with their help at our shipyards.

And at the end of 1939, in connection with the USSR attack on Finland, our country was expelled from the League of Nations in disgrace. The United States, among other things, imposed a "moral embargo" on the USSR. All cooperation in the naval sphere was terminated. But the developed projects remained.

The secret cooperation continued sluggishly, but it was already on a completely different level.

And this continued until the German attack on the USSR.

The only positive result achieved during this period was the purchase of a mechanical installation from Westinghouse for the revised project of the destroyer pr.30, which received the index 30A. And even then, the manufacture and delivery of the purchased mechanisms dragged on, and the outbreak of the war put an end to all work. During the evacuation from Nikolaev, part of the equipment was lost, it was not possible to realize the project 30A and the project had to be corrected again, at the same time increasing the strength of the hull and strengthening the anti-aircraft armament.

The only ship corresponding to the world level at that time, built in the pre-war period, was the leader of the project 20 "Tashkent", built in Italy by the company "Orlando" for the Soviet Union. This was the apogee of cooperation with fascist Italy in the field of naval issues, which began in the early 30s. from the so-called "Brzezinski mission". Then a lot of drawings of almost all types of ships were purchased, a lot of equipment and weapons were ordered, and two patrol ships were purchased for the Far East in 1935, later named "Kirov" and "Dzerzhinsky".

The destroyers of Project 956 are Soviet destroyers of the third generation, the construction of which lasted from 1976 to 1992. The ships of this project were the last destroyers built in the USSR. Project 956 code is "Sarych", NATO called them Sovremenny class destroyer - after the name of the first ship of this series, destroyer "Sovremenny".

The construction of the ships of the project 956 was carried out at the plant number 190 im. Zhdanov in Leningrad, the Russian Navy was already the customer of the last ships of the series. Today, the Russian fleet has six Sarych destroyers: three are in service, two are in reserve, and one more ship is undergoing scheduled repairs.

After the collapse of the USSR, the laying of new ships of the project 956 "Sarych" was stopped due to insufficient funding, two ships were completed for the Navy of the People's Republic of China under the export project 956-E (1997-2000), in the zero years more were manufactured for the Chinese two "Sarychs" on the modernized project 956-EM.

It was originally planned that Project 956 destroyers would become the most massive not only in their class, but throughout the entire Soviet fleet. It was planned to build about fifty of them in total. All in all, 17 destroyers of the Sarych project entered service with the Soviet Navy (and then Russia).

History of creation

A destroyer (destroyer) is a class of multipurpose high-speed maneuverable ships capable of solving a large number of combat missions: fighting submarines, destroying aircrafts enemy (including missiles), work on enemy surface ships, cover ship formations and escort convoys. Destroyers can also be used for landing operations, carrying out patrol and reconnaissance services, and laying minefields.

The first destroyers appeared at the end of the 19th century. At that time, their main task was to destroy enemy destroyers using powerful artillery weapons. The prefix "squadron" meant that these ships could operate as part of a ship formation in the sea or ocean zone.

Destroyers were actively used during the First and Second World War. The wide range of tasks that these ships could solve significantly increased their importance in the fleet. The displacement of modern destroyers is approximately equal to the cruisers of the Second World War, but much more powerful than them. The role of destroyers has grown even more after the appearance of missile weapons.

In the early 60s in the USSR begins active development surface fleet. In the 50s, a large number of large surface ships were disposed of, the main emphasis was placed on submarine fleet and rockets. This was a clear mistake.

In the 60s, the USSR Navy became oceanic, and a number of new tasks were assigned to it: guarding patrol areas of Soviet missile submarines, tracking enemy strategic submarines, detecting and reconnaissance of enemy aircraft carrier groups, controlling sea communications, and conducting foreign policy actions.

For such tasks, aircraft carriers would be best suited, but their construction was very expensive. Large anti-submarine ships (BODs) became the Soviet alternative to aircraft carriers, but they had to be covered by escort ships, which were sorely lacking. In addition, the destroyers that were in service with the USSR Navy at that time were already considered morally obsolete. The ships of projects 3-bis, 56, 68-K and 68-bis did not have missile weapons and could not on equal terms withstand their foreign counterparts... Especially clearly all of the above was shown by the large ocean maneuvers "Ocean", carried out in 1970.

The Soviet fleet needed a modern destroyer with powerful artillery and missile weapons and capable of operating both as part of ship groupings and independently.

The creation of such a ship was envisaged in the shipbuilding program for 1971-1980, which was adopted in 1969. The military wanted the new destroyer to be able to take part in amphibious operations, destroy small targets on the shore, suppress the enemy's anti-amphibious defense, and provide air defense in the landing zone. The future destroyer was called the "assault support ship". The destroyer of Project 56 was chosen as its prototype, so the new project was assigned the number 956.

Work on the creation of a new destroyer started in 1971 and moved forward rather slowly.

The fact is that the customers changed the purpose of the ship several times right during the design process. The program for the creation of American destroyers Spruance, the first truly multipurpose ships of the US Navy, had a strong influence on the Soviet military. It was the appearance of such a program among the Americans that contributed to the transformation of the "assault support ship" into a multipurpose destroyer.

In addition, the destroyers of Project 956 were planned to be used in conjunction with the BOD of Project 1155. Soviet strategists believed that together they would be more effective than a pair of American destroyers Spruance.

The preliminary design of the new ship was developed by the Leningrad Central Design Bureau-53 (Severnoye PKB). In the course of the work, the designers were given more and more new tasks, the options for the ship's armament and the type of its power plant were constantly changing. The developers limited the capabilities of the shipyard. Zhdanov, where they planned to build new destroyers: its length should not exceed 146 meters, and its width - 17 meters.

In total, thirteen variants of pre-sketch projects were made, all of them were carefully studied in terms of combat effectiveness and cost.

As a result, the following requirements were put forward for the future destroyer:

  • steam turbine power plant(EH);
  • the presence of anti-ship missiles "Mosquito" in the armament;
  • SAM "Uragan";
  • placement of a helipad for the Ka-252 on the deck of the ship;
  • the presence of gun mounts AK-130.

The draft design was approved by Admiral Gorshkov at the end of 1972. However, after that, changes continued to be made to the project. The steam-turbine power plant was replaced by a boiler-turbine one, which is recognized by many experts as a rather unfortunate decision.

SJSC Platina was chosen as the main sonar complex of the future destroyer. It was not possible to install the more advanced Polynom complex on the Sarychi due to the significant mass and dimensional characteristics of the latter.

For this reason, the ships of Project 956 could not come close to the capabilities of the ASW of the American destroyer Spruance, but the Soviet ship was significantly superior to its opponent in terms of artillery power.

The result of all the modifications and changes was an increase in the ship's displacement by a thousand tons. The development of the destroyer 956 project cost the Soviet budget 165.6 thousand rubles.

On November 1, 1973, the design of a new ship began, the next year with the shipyard named after. Zhdanov, an official contract was concluded for the construction of ships. The cost of detailed design was 2.22 million rubles.

In June 1975, construction began on the first Project 956 ship, the Sovremenny destroyer. The Sarych project was completed in 1993, when the last ship from this series was accepted by representatives of the Russian Navy.

Initially, in 1976, it was planned to build from 32 to 50 destroyers "Sarych", that is, Project 956 was to become one of the most massive in the history of the Soviet fleet. In 1988, the number of ships was reduced to twenty units. However, a total of 17 destroyers of this project were transferred to the Soviet and Russian fleets. On average, each Project 956 destroyer took four years to build.

There was an attempt to establish production at the 61 Kommunar shipyard in Nikolaev. They even began to build a new boathouse and received documentation from the Severny PKB, but in 1986 this idea was abandoned, and two already laid down destroyer hulls were mothballed.

Until the collapse of the Soviet Union navy 14 destroyers of Project 956 were transferred, three more ships were being completed for the Russian Navy ("Restless", "Persistent" and "Fearless").

The construction of the ships of the project 956 "Sarych" was carried out using the sectional hull assembly method. The cost of one destroyer (at the time of the construction of the lead and two subsequent ships) was more than 90 million rubles. The construction price of subsequent ships dropped to 71 million rubles.

The destroyer 956 project was created exclusively for the needs of the Soviet Navy. It was the newest ship, and no one was going to sell it abroad. However, after the collapse of the USSR, the situation changed: insufficient funding forced to look for customers on the side. In addition, by the beginning of the 90s, the weapons of the Sarychs were somewhat outdated.

In the mid-90s, an export modification of the destroyer, 956E, was created. In 1999, the first Sarych entered the Chinese Navy. It is armed with anti-ship missiles with a slightly longer range (up to 200 km), instead of four AK-630s, it has two Kashtan missile and artillery systems, no stern artillery mount, but a full-fledged helicopter hangar. The displacement of the ship has been slightly increased. Until 2006, four Project 956E and 956EM destroyers were built for China.

Description of the structure

Domestic and foreign researchers of the history of the fleet note that almost all warships created in the "Severny PKB" have a characteristic "spectacular" appearance. Project 956 is no exception. In the descriptions of the appearance of the destroyers of this project, the definitions "aggressive", "ominous", "expressive" are often used. And this can hardly be considered an accident.

Warships are not only an instrument of warfare at sea, they are also a serious geopolitical instrument, a symbol of the power of the country whose flag they represent. The navy is a means of political persuasion and influence, a demonstration of the achievements of the country's scientific and technological development and the might of its economy.

Naturally, the "expressiveness" of the ship's external appearance should not diminish its combat effectiveness. However, this is all right for the ships of Project 956: most experts believe that the destroyers of this series are an example of an excellent combination of high functional qualities and aesthetic perfection.

Destroyers "Sarych" have a long-deck structure with a sheer nose. The shape of the hull reliably ensures that the deck is not flooded and ensures optimal firing angles for the ship's artillery weapons. The hull contours provide non-flooding at sea waves up to 6-7 points. The deck elongation ratio is 8.7. The hull of the ship is made taking into account the requirements of reducing the radar signature of the ship, although it should be noted that the destroyers "Sarych" do not belong to "stealth ships".

In the forward part of the hull, in the under-keel bulb, there is an antenna for the Platina State Joint Stock Company.

The destroyer's side sail area is 1700 m2. The decks are placed parallel to the waterline, which simplified the installation of equipment during construction and made the Project 956 destroyers more technologically advanced.

Fifteen main bulkheads divide the ship's hull into sixteen watertight compartments. Ships of the project 956 have six decks: the second, third and upper decks, a forecastle deck, two platforms, one of which smoothly goes into the flooring of the second bottom. The main hull structures, reinforcements and foundations are made of low alloy steel. Two longitudinal bulkheads are located from the stern to the engine room, they provide additional rigidity to the stern of the ship. The destroyer's frames have significant camber, which increases the ship's stability.

The destroyers of project 956 have high seaworthiness (unlimited seaworthiness). Sailors can use on-board weapon systems in rough seas of up to five points. The vessels are equipped with roll stabilizers. In a sea state of six points, the destroyers are capable of developing a speed of up to 24 knots.

The superstructures of the ships of Project 956 are made of aluminum-magnesium alloy, they are connected to the hull and decks with rivets.

The ship's superstructure can be conditionally divided into two large blocks: bow and stern. The bow ends with a foremast, and the stern consists of a block with a chimney and a movable hangar on which the mainmast is located.

The standard displacement of the destroyer is 6500 tons, the total displacement is 7940 tons, with an overload - 8480 tons.

The power plant of Project 956 destroyers consists of two GTZA-674 boiler and turbine units (total capacity 100 thousand hp), located in two engine rooms - fore and aft. It should be noted that the Sarychi are the only third-generation warships in the world with a boiler-turbine power plant.

The turbo-gear unit has a control system that is capable of adjusting the rotational speed in different operating modes of the unit. Each of the engine rooms contains two boilers and a steam turbine. More reliable boilers KVG-3 were installed on all destroyers, starting with the seventh ("Resistant"). Despite this, the boilers are called the most weak point ships of this series. They are very demanding on the supplied water, they often fail.

The water treatment system installed on the ships of the project does not properly ensure the quality of the water, which led to the rapid deterioration of the boilers. Unlike nuclear submarine missile carriers, it is open, that is, it communicates with atmospheric air.

The experience of using high-pressure boilers has shown that the domestic fleet (both Soviet and Russian) is not yet ready to switch to such power plants.

In addition to the main ones, the ship's power plant also includes an additional emergency boiler, which can give 14 thousand kg of steam. The destroyer has two shafts and two low-noise propellers. The maximum speed of the ships of this project is 33.4 knots. The fuel reserve is 1.7 thousand tons, which provides a cruising range of 3900 nautical miles.

The steering unit consists of a hydraulic machine and a semi-balanced steering wheel.

Destroyers of project 956 are equipped with two steam generators (total capacity 2500 kW) and two diesel generators (600 kW each), which provide the ships with electricity.

Under normal conditions, the number of the crew is 296 people, including 25 officers and 48 warrant officers. In wartime, the ship's crew increases to 358 people. The Sarych destroyers have created comfortable living conditions for the crew: there are single and double cabins for officers, and double and four-bed cabins for warrant officers. The sailors are accommodated in sixteen cabin rooms, 10-25 people each. One person has more than three square meters of living space.

On board there is a separate mess-room for officers' meals, one more is intended for midshipmen's meals and several canteens where sailors take food. There are several showers and a sauna on board. The crew has a library, a cinema room, cable TV, and there is even a prefabricated pool.

All living and working areas of the destroyer are equipped with an air conditioning system, which provides comfortable working conditions for the crew in the temperature range from -25 ° C to +34 ° C. It should be noted that the Project 956 destroyers compare favorably with other Soviet and Russian-built ships in terms of crew living conditions.

The autonomy of the Sarych destroyers in terms of provisions is 30 days.


The anti-aircraft missile armament of the Sarych destroyers consists of the M-22 Uragan air defense missile system, which is a naval modification of the Buk complex. On the ships of the latest construction, the Hurricane-Tornado air defense system was installed. Two anti-aircraft missile launchers are located on the bow (forecastle superstructure) and aft (behind the landing area) of the ship. The mass of each air defense system is 96 tons, the total ammunition load is 48 guided missiles, which are located in the cellars on special drums.

The characteristics of the "Uragan" air defense system allow simultaneous fire at 4-6 targets at altitudes from 10 to 1 thousand meters and at a distance of up to 25 km. The capabilities of the Hurricane-Tornado air defense system are even more impressive: the maximum range of destruction is 70 km. The rate of fire is one rocket launch every 6-12 seconds. The probability of hitting an aircraft with a salvo of two missiles ranges from 0.81-0.96, and a cruise missile - 0.43-0.86.

The destroyers of the Sarych project have powerful artillery weapons, consisting of two twin AK-130 artillery mounts (caliber 130 mm) and rapid-fire anti-aircraft artillery, which is the last line of the ships' air defense. Also, the destroyers' artillery armament includes the MP-184 multichannel fire control system, consisting of a radar, a laser rangefinder, a TV set and a ballistic computer.

Each gun mount has a mechanized ammunition supply, which allows it to fire at a rate of 30 to 90 rounds per minute at a distance of over 24 km. Each barrel has 500 rounds of ammunition, of which 180 are always ready for use.

Automation of the processes of loading and supplying ammunition allows you to fire until the ammunition is completely depleted.

The weight of one gun mount is 98 tons.

Rapid-fire anti-aircraft artillery of Project 956 destroyers consists of two batteries of automatic complexes AK-630M. Batteries are located on each side of the ship and are designed to destroy cruise missiles at low altitudes. Each of the batteries includes two six-barreled gun mounts with a rotating block of barrels and a Vympel fire control system. The firing range of the AK-630M is 4 km, the rate of fire is 4 thousand rounds per minute.

The main anti-ship weapon of the Sarych destroyer is anti-ship missiles"Mosquito". On "Restless" and all subsequent ships of the project, a modernized complex "Moskit-M" was installed. Destroyers of Project 956 have two fixed launchers, each containing four Moskit anti-ship missiles.

The target engagement range for Mosquito is 140 km, and for Mosquito-M - 170 km. The missiles have a combat mass of 300 kg and develop in flight speeds up to M = 2.5-3. The ship can fire all eight missiles in just 30 seconds.

On the upper deck of the destroyers are two twin-tube torpedo tubes of 533 mm caliber. Mine weapons represented by two RBU-1000 rocket launchers, which can fire at a distance of 1,000 meters. The bombs are located at the stern of the ship. Their main task is to destroy submarines enemy at shallow depths in the immediate vicinity of the ship. The warhead of each of the jet bombs is 98 kg. Destroyers of project 956 can install barrage mines (up to 22 minutes can be taken aboard).

The destroyers of Project 956 do not have a permanent helicopter hangar, but a temporary, movable one is provided. The Ka-27 helicopter can be based there. The helipad is located almost in the center of the ship, so it is less affected by pitching.

The helicopter can be used for anti-submarine warfare, it can also conduct reconnaissance and give target designation for anti-ship missiles.

Several types are installed on destroyers "Sarych" radar stations: "Fregat", "Fregat-M" and "Fregat-MA". For over-the-horizon detection of enemy targets and target designation, the Most system is used; it can search at distances of up to 200 km. Target designation for anti-ship missile complex is issued by the Mineral system, it has both an active and a passive radar channel. The ship can receive target designation from aircraft or helicopters.

The destroyers of Project 9566 do not have an on-board information and control system; its functions are performed by the Sapfir-U situation planner.

The ships of the project 956 are equipped with a complex of electronic warfare equipment, which includes electronic reconnaissance equipment and a jamming system, as well as passive and active countermeasures.

The destroyers of Project 956 have a well-thought-out survivability system. Around the potentially dangerous premises of the ship (cellars, engine room), fire-fighting compartments were created due to the reinforcement of the hull with steel structures.

There is a fire main with several pumps, volumetric fire extinguishing systems, foam extinguishing systems, water irrigation of descents and bulkheads. Also, the ship has systems for rapid irrigation and flooding of the cellars.

To eliminate the water threat, the ships of the project have: drainage, drainage and tank balancing systems. There is an external flushing system in case of contamination of external surfaces.

Armor protection (anti-fragmentation) is provided only for artillery mounts and anti-ship missiles "Moskit".

Ships of project 956 "Sarych"

Name of the ship Launch date Date of write-off Notes (edit)
"Modern" 18.11.1978 30.09.1998
"Desperate" 29.03.1980 30.09.1998
"Great" 21.03.1981 30.09.1998
"Discreet" 24.04.1982 30.09.1998
"Irreproachable" 25.06.1983 20.07.2001
"Combat" 4.08.1984 in 2010
"Persistent" 27.07.1985 30.09.1998
"Winged" 31.05.1986 30.09.1998
"Stormy" 30.12.1986 Under repair
"Thundering" 30.05.1987 18.12.2006
"Fast" 28.11.1987 As part of KTOF Ship "Fast" is the oldest of the ships of the project, which is in service
"Quick" 4.06.1988 Decommissioned At disposal
"Fearless" 18.02.1989 In reserve
"Thundering" 30.09.1989 Decommissioned
"Restless" 9.06.1990 In reserve DKBF
"Persistent" 19.01.1991 As part of the DKBF Flagship of the Baltic Fleet
"Admiral Ushakov" 28.12.1991 As part of KSF
"Impressive" 17.10.1987 Stripped to metal
27.05.1994 Part of the Chinese Navy
16.04.1999 Part of the Chinese Navy
"Exuberant" - Construction stopped


27.04.2004 Part of the Chinese Navy


23.06.2004 Part of the Chinese Navy


Displacement, t:
Standard 6500
Complete 7940
Dimensions, m:
Length 156,5
Width 17,19
Draft 5,96
Max. speed, knots 33,4
Sailing range, miles:
at a speed of 32.7 knots 1345
at a speed of 18 knots 3920
Autonomy, days 30
Crew, people
peacetime 296
wartime 358
Main power plant 2xGTZA-674
Total power, hp With. 100000 (2x50000)
Impact missile ASM "Mosquito"
Anti-aircraft missile M-22 "Hurricane"
Artillery weapons AK-130
Artillery anti-aircraft weapons AK-630M
Anti-submarine 2xDTA-53, 2xRBU-1000

Project evaluation

Destroyers of project 956 "Sarych" were created in the era Cold war, and their main opponent in the World Ocean was american ship a similar class Spruance. This destroyer of the US Navy and its characteristics had a great influence on the future appearance of "Sarich". There was a competition between the two superpowers and the Soviet admirals demanded that our ship was no worse.

The first thing that catches your eye is the difference in power plants two ships. Moreover, the Spruance gas turbine power plant looks much more preferable both in terms of characteristics and in terms of its reliability. The American power plant may go to full power in twelve minutes, a Soviet destroyer needs an hour and a half for this.

Artillery armament, of course, is more powerful in the Soviet ship (it was originally designed as a support ship for the landing), but the American destroyer is superior to her in anti-submarine warfare capabilities. Initially, the Sarych possessed more powerful missile armament, but after modernization, universal launchers for Tomahawk missiles were installed on the Spruance, which gave the American a significant advantage.

However, the Arleigh Burke-class ships are currently the main US destroyer. This ship was designed in the mid-80s and is significantly superior to the ships of the 956 project in almost all respects. "Arlie Burke" is a fourth generation destroyer, so it is not very correct to compare it with "Sarych".

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