The love for cats, horses, dogs, fish, and parrots goes back to childhood. Many guys who imagined themselves in the role of Aibolit in childhood, having matured, choose exclusively professions working with animals. And today we have prepared a list of animal-related professions that you will definitely like!


Animals: any.
Average salary: 40,000 rub.
Required Education: higher.
Suitable for: for women and men of any age.

Zoologists are specialists who know everything and even more about animals. They are well acquainted with the physiology, anatomy, and psychology of wild and domestic fauna. The work is not boring, because zoologists travel around the world on expeditions studying rare animal species. They use photo and video equipment, design textbooks, and write scientific papers. A prominent representative of the profession is Alfred Brehm, who is the creator of the book “Animal Life”


Animals: any.
Average salary: 65,000 rub.
Required Education: higher.
Suitable for: for women and men, it is better to start training immediately after finishing 11th grade.

Veterinarian is a calling! The doctor treats domestic and various exotic animals. The profession is complex, because if a gastroenterologist mainly specializes in gastrointestinal problems, then a veterinarian must know ophthalmology, oncology, andrology, gynecology and other disciplines. Veterinarians will always be in demand. According to statistics, more than 12.5 million dogs, 17.8 million cats, and 2.5 million birds live in Russian families and require preventive vaccinations, treatment, and other procedures.

Important! The work is complicated by the fact that animals cannot talk about their problems. But they often protest against treatment by biting the doctor, growling or hissing at him.

Animal psychologists

Animals: any.
Average salary: 60,000 rub.
Required Education: Higher professional science belongs to the branch of psychology.
Suitable for: men, women.

Animal psychology was formed at the beginning of the 20th century; science helped to learn a lot about the intelligence of animals and reveal new abilities in them. For example, the American doctor, professor of zoopsychology Stanley Coren made a discovery indicating that dogs have the ability to do arithmetic. They are able to remember more than 150 “human” words. A group of European scientists discovered during an experiment that cockatoos are excellent lockpickers. You're right, the bird is not interested in material values, it opened a complex lock to gain access to a delicacy - a walnut.

Interesting research is not a fundamental part of the work of animal psychologists. They mainly study changes in the behavior of pets: aggressiveness, excessive affection, isolation, and a decrease in the amount of milk production when it comes to farm animals. They also build communicative contact in the chain of animal-owner-other family members, helping people and pets coexist peacefully with each other.


Animals: birds.
Average salary: 35,000 rub.
Required Education: higher education.
Suitable for: for men and women of any age who love birds.

Bird watching brings true aesthetic pleasure. Charles Darwin believed that every gentleman should be a hobby of ornithology. People studying birds are making amazing discoveries that give new impetus to world science.

For example, it has been scientifically proven that the intelligence of crows is not inferior to the intellectual level of chimpanzees. And chirping, croaking and other sounds made by birds are nothing more than a way of communication. In addition to research, ornithologists compile maps of bird habitats, record and protect species that are susceptible to extinction due to warming and globalization.

Pet Agent

Animals: mostly pets.
Average salary: 55,000 rub.
Required Education: courses.
Suitable for: girls, boys after 9-11 grades.

Agents become applicants who want not just to treat, but also to radically change the lives of dogs, cats, and birds suffering from human violence. In the CIS countries, this area is poorly developed, so the service market needs fearless, altruistic people who are ready to come to the aid of our smaller brothers.

Agents are not afraid of animals; more often they suffer from attacks from aggressive people who offend a pet, but categorically do not want to part with it. These dough specialists collaborate with animal psychologists, veterinarians, and police officers. They control the entire rescue process - from removal and treatment to transferring the animal to another family or a good shelter.


Animals: mostly dogs and cats.
Average salary: 60,000 rub.
Required Education: courses at veterinary academies and universities.
Suitable for: people of any age.

Hairdresser, stylist, pedicurist - the groomer knows all these professions, but he works not with people, but with animals. Most often, cats and dogs are brought to his salon. The specialist polishes the fur, tidies up the claws, does hairstyles and haircuts, and often prepares purebred pets for exhibitions. Four-legged clients, which distinguishes them from people, are not happy about SPA procedures, so the groomer must have not only golden hands, but also a quick reaction. Otherwise, he risks getting injured by sharp teeth or claws.

In the most difficult situations, the master uses leashes, special devices for fixation, and muzzles to reduce the risk of injury. In general, the work is interesting; most often, groomers open beauty salons at home.

Canister specialist

Animals: dogs.
Average salary: 40,000 rub.
Required Education: courses, secondary vocational or higher medical education (depending on the category).
Suitable for: women, men with experience working with animals or in the medical field.

The profession is on the border of medicine, cynology, psychology, because a canine therapist treats and rehabilitates people using specially trained dogs:

  • terriers,
  • husky,
  • malamutes,
  • Groenendael,
  • Sheltie,
  • Labrador retrievers and others.

Therapy can reduce feelings of anxiety, insecurity, and lack of self-confidence. In Finland, this method is used to treat speech therapy problems, in the UK - to identify biological hazards, as well as cancer.

There are 4 categories of canitherapists: volunteers and trainees receiving first practical knowledge, methodologists and specialists authorized to conduct therapy and classes. You can undergo professional retraining at PSPBGMU named after. Pavlova.

Important! Canis therapists interact with people suffering from problems with the psyche, speech, and musculoskeletal system. Psychologist Maria Maltseva, who is an associate professor at the university department of the St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. Pavlova recommends sitting quietly for several hours in the waiting room of a regular hospital before training. If there are no negative feelings, then you are simply created for this profession!

Dog handler

Animals: dogs.
Average salary: 50,000 rub.
Required Education: courses, college.
Suitable for: graduates of grades 9-11.

Dogs began to be used for search operations more than 300 years ago. Initially, four-legged pets were attracted to the search for people by monks living in monasteries located in the Swiss Alps. Today, dogs of different breeds “work” in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and at customs, and dog handlers are involved in their training and education.

Dog handlers monitor pets, select the best individuals that match the breed, and then raise them in the same way as small children, instilling in them the necessary skills. Dogs are trained to retrieve people from under rubble, work as guide dogs, search for prohibited substances in cargo, treat people, and hunt.

According to experts, the efficiency of dogs exceeds the efficiency of 20-30 people. The work of a dog handler is very interesting and involves establishing close psycho-emotional contact with animals.

Interesting to know! During the September 11 tragedy in the United States in 2001, a guide dog led its blind owner from the 78th floor of a collapsing skyscraper. The brave Labrador found the escape stairs; the skyscraper collapsed a few seconds after Rosella and Michael left the building.


Animals: cats.
Average salary: 60,000 rub.
Required Education: courses, veterinary college or university.
Suitable for: men and women of any age. Love for your four-legged friends is very important.

If you adore cats and do not suffer from allergies to fur, then this profession will be a real godsend. Felinologists are engaged in both professional and amateur study, breeding, and keeping of cats. The profession includes people who work as experts at exhibitions, run nurseries, and simply own one or more purebred beauties.

Felinologists successfully monetize their hobby. Breeding purebred animals brings a stable profit; some specialists initially buy a beautiful cat with a pedigree, try their hand at the field in question, and then receive a secondary or higher education related to veterinary medicine.


Animals: wild, exotic, domestic animals.
Average salary: 30,000 rub.
Required Education: training at school, many years of internship.
Suitable for: young graduates, graduates of grades 9-11.

Trainers teach different types of animals to perform tricks and interact with people, preventing aggression and disobedience. Mostly trainers work in the circus, sometimes they conduct private practice, working with cats, dogs and other types of animals that can be kept in a home or apartment.

The profession is quite dangerous, because we all remember well the tricks during which the trainer puts his head in the mouth of a lion or enters a cage where an angry lioness is located. In fact, there are some tricks here, because the animal is well fed before the performance, so it has no desire to attack its trainer. However, the trainer is not immune from light scratches and bites.

If in doubt, you can choose a simpler direction. A good example is circus legend Yuri Kuklachev, who trains cats. His show is widely known all over the world. Russian trainer Tofik Akhundov works with hippopotamuses, Sarvat Begbudi works with horses.


Animals: horses.
Average salary: depends on the region of residence, experience, skills.
Required Education: higher education.
Suitable for: The profession is dynastic, suitable for men and women over the age of 18.

Hippologists study the physiology, behavior, breeds, nutrition, breeding and care of horses. They work in the field of horse breeding and should not be confused with jockeys, trainers, or veterinary paramedics. Hippologist is a theorist, scientist, this profession is chosen by people who have interacted with horses since childhood. The field of science is highly in demand, but is experiencing a personnel shortage, which is due to the limited amount of professional literature and the low popularity of the profession.

Veterinary assistant

Animals: predominantly agricultural and domestic.
Average salary: 30,000 rub.
Required Education: secondary vocational.
Suitable for: profession for women and men of any age.

A veterinary assistant is studying at college. He is authorized to diagnose the condition of animals, prescribe treatment, and perform simple procedures. The work is difficult, because often a paramedic works in the open air, providing assistance to animals directly in an enclosure, from which they cannot leave due to health conditions.

Interesting! There are rare offers for veterinarians and paramedics, such vacancies must be constantly monitored. For example, at the beginning of 2018, a cat caretaker was needed for a shelter located in Greece. More than 50 furry beauties live on the territory of the institution. For his work, the caretaker will receive 500 euros, as well as free accommodation in a good house, from the windows of which a magnificent view of the Aegean Sea opens.


Animals: small and large livestock.
Average salary: 20,000 rub.
Required Education: college, courses.
Suitable for: girls after 9th grade.

A difficult profession associated with physical labor, because milkmaids wake up every day before sunrise to milk cows and goats. In many enterprises and farms, the milking process is automated. The milkmaid is responsible for animal hygiene, performs an initial examination that helps identify diseases, monitors the operation of equipment, and washes it.

Need to know! The profession is predominantly female and dangerous. Often, cows and goats hit milkmaids with their tails and hooves, causing serious injuries to the girls.


Animals: fish, animals, plants existing in fresh and salt water bodies.
Average salary: from 35,000 rub.
Required Education: higher, secondary vocational education (depending on the area of ​​activity).
Suitable for: people of any age.

Aquarists are engaged in breeding, maintaining, and creating complete ecosystems in aquariums. They study fish, aquatic animals and plants that are concentrated in one or more artificial pools. People who choose this direction can work from home, they join clubs, there are 3 types of activities:

  • scientific, during which research is carried out, methods of selection and genetics are applied;
  • commercial, which involves the creation of ecosystems, breeding and growing fish and plants for sale;
  • amateur, in this case the fish are bred for the sake of a hobby.

This direction should include aquatic designers who create landscapes and general design of aquariums!

Livestock specialist

Animals: farm animals and poultry.
Average salary: 45,000 rub.
Required Education: secondary vocational.
Suitable for: for women, men.

Animal scientists are experts in animal husbandry. They are responsible for the proper feeding, maintenance, breeding and health of animals. The profitability of the farm directly depends on their work. The profession combines the features of veterinary medicine, as well as disciplines belonging to the technical group.

These specialists increase the efficiency of the farm by creating conditions under which animals will produce more products with minimal physical and material costs. Livestock specialists should not be confused with animal engineers, because the former study in colleges, the latter in universities. There are general livestock specialists and those who deal with specific species of animals, birds, insects, and fish.

Interesting to know! One of the most famous livestock specialists is Professor Pavel Nikolaevich Kuleshov, who developed unique methods for assessing and classifying the type of constitution of farm animals. He became the first corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the field of animal science.

Popular questions about professions working with animals

What are the highest paying professions working with animals?

In the segment under consideration, veterinarians receive the highest salaries. In Moscow, the salary of this specialist can exceed 150,000 rubles, which is equivalent to the salary of a good programmer.

The second lines in the ranking of highly paid professions working with animals are occupied by felinologists, dog handlers, groomers, protection agents, canine therapists, ornithologists, and zoologists. Their salary ranges from 40,000-70,000 rubles, but it all depends on experience and talent. The more animals they work with, the higher the income.

The worst paid work is for milkmaids and veterinary paramedics, who can claim a salary not exceeding 20,000-30,000 rubles.

Are there any professions related to both animals and travel?

Ornithologists and zoologists are often sent on business trips abroad. Aquarists and felinologists often travel both within their native country and abroad, searching for and studying interesting individuals. Trainers working in circus troupes travel around the world during tours.

If you want to not only work with animals, but also travel the world, you can become a naturalist. Naturalists (naturalists) study nature as it is. They visit different countries to show the world rare animals. The profession is suitable for women and men of any age who are willing to take risks.

Important! Naturalists can host their own shows; over the years of their career they manage to visit many exotic countries, but this profession is dangerous. For example, in the early 2000s, famous naturalist Steve Irwin died from a stingray strike.

Another interesting profession in working with animals, which involves travel and a good salary, is a dolphin trainer. Specialists have the opportunity to take up vacancies in famous museums dedicated to the sea and dolphinariums. Coaches are constantly in contact with their students, teaching them how to interact with people, sing, and draw. They take care of adult and small dolphins. To work in this field, you must have a higher education in biology or ecology.

What other professions are there for working with animals?

People who love animals come into contact with them constantly when working as photographers. Yes, owners of purebred cats, dogs and other fauna often order photo sessions for their pets.

Animal photographers can work in a studio or travel the world taking photographs for renowned magazines such as National Geographic. The profession is suitable for people of any age who know how to use a camera. A quick reaction is important, because a beautiful monkey or bird will not patiently pose until you create a successful shot.

You can also choose one of the following professions:

  • ecologist, dealing with the problems of global warming, extinction of populations of animals, fish, birds, insects;
  • handler specializing in professional demonstration of dogs during exhibitions;
  • ichthyologist, professionally engaged in the study of the characteristics and evolution of fish;
  • jockey working as a rider during a race;
  • bereitor, specializing in horse training. He also helps people learn the basics of horse riding.

Another interesting dynastic profession was called taxidermist. These specialists create stuffed animals and birds. In the CIS countries, the profession can only be mastered privately; at the moment there is no faculty for taxidermists in universities and colleges!


For friends!


Plant growing helped ancient man to ensure that he could provide himself with food, rather than relying only on luck in hunting or gathering.

Today, crop production provides the majority (70%) of the world's food supply. Workers in this field are engaged in the cultivation of cultivated plants that are used in the food industry, in the production of animal feed, other raw materials, for decorative and other purposes.

Description of activity

Growers do most of their work outdoors. The busiest period is spring, summer and autumn, that is, the period of plant growth and maturation. During the harvest, you often have to work from early morning until late at night, as well as on weekends and holidays. In winter, the grower is also not idle. She works in greenhouses, solving problems of increasing the yield of certain crops.

Just like the amount of work, a grower’s salary may depend on the season and yield.

A plant grower is guided in his activities by knowledge from the field of agronomy, biology, botany and other special sciences. If the company where this specialist works is engaged in the production of animal feed, he will also need knowledge of the basics of animal husbandry. Today it is impossible to imagine its work without the use of agricultural machinery (tractors, combines). However, the plant grower also often has to turn to traditional tools - shovels, pitchforks, rakes.

In addition to working directly with plants, this specialist can engage in sales of manufactured products.

Job responsibilities

The responsibilities performed by the grower are clearly distributed according to the seasons. Before you start sowing, you need to do a lot of preparatory work. Develop a production plan, determine the volume of production.

The responsibilities of the plant grower include preparing the soil, seeds and seedlings for sowing. He applies fertilizers and plants plants in the ground. The plant grower prepares pesticides to combat weeds and pests and treats the plants with them. This specialist takes part in the harvest, performs primary processing of the collected plants and prepares them for storage. If necessary, he must be able to perform all these actions using agricultural machines. Sometimes he has to deal with the maintenance of agricultural equipment.

The responsibilities of a grower may also include selling crops to wholesale buyers or at the market.

Features of career growth

The work of a plant grower is in demand on farms, crop farms, and private companies engaged in the production of agricultural products. An employee with experience and the makings of a manager can advance to a manager or open his own business.

A sufficient level of education will provide the opportunity to work in educational institutions or scientific institutes.

Employee characteristics

A plant grower must love nature, know a lot about plants and treat them with care. He cannot do without hard work, physical endurance, and the willingness to wake up early and work overtime. Allergies can be a barrier to working in this industry, as these professionals often have to deal with chemical fertilizers and other products. The grower must have good eyesight and attentiveness. This will help him, for example, notice plant diseases in the early stages.

In addition to knowledge in the field of natural sciences, the plant grower may need skills in driving a car, tractor or combine, as well as skills in repair and maintenance of these types of transport.

The need to purchase raw materials and sell their products will require the grower to be sociable, entrepreneurial, and able to find partners and negotiate.

Among the professions, there are many whose names are not well-known, but their significance is great. So, not everyone knows who grows vegetables. The professions of these people are varied, their work is not easy, it requires experience, special knowledge and constant work, because even in winter these workers cannot fully rest - the harvested seeds need care. And in spring, the preparation of seedlings for planting begins. We invite you to learn about difficult professions in more detail.

Varieties of vegetable growing

Vegetable growers are engaged in growing cultivated plants, but their responsibilities are varied. There are several types of vegetable growing. It happens:

  • Open ground (growing vegetables in fields).
  • Protected soil (work in greenhouses and greenhouses).
  • Melon growing (working in melon fields, growing watermelons).

There are also very similar positions, for example, a field farmer does work in the fields, flax grows thanks to the efforts of a flax grower, rice - a rice grower, a cotton grower looks after cotton, and grain growers look after grain fields. Each of these specialties is very important.

Plant growing specialties

The professions of people who grow vegetables are quite diverse. We list the main ones:

  • Agronomist. This specialist is involved in the development and implementation of measures to improve productivity, monitors the quality of planting material, and organizes work on sowing crops.
  • Breeder. Without this specialist, people would not have discovered new varieties that are resistant to diseases and have high yields. Selection is the most important part of vegetable growing, as it allows you to obtain more advanced hybrids.
  • Vegetable grower. This man is engaged in difficult physical labor - caring for potatoes and root crops. However, you should not think that the work is done entirely by hand, the old fashioned way. No, now agricultural machines are coming to the rescue.
  • Machine operator. A specialist whose duty is to operate agricultural equipment.

These are the main specialties. Let’s answer the question: “Who grows vegetables?” There are several professions, but the vegetable grower is most directly involved in working with crops.


To become a vegetable grower, you must have knowledge:

  • Biology.
  • Chemistry.
  • Typologies of cultivated plants;
  • Types of soils and their properties.

In addition, a vegetable grower must have good physical fitness, love nature, be able to observe plants, be careful and patient.


Let's continue to consider unusual professions. Who grows vegetables, we found out, is a vegetable grower; his responsibilities include a whole range of different actions:

  • Preparing the soil for sowing seeds, this includes plowing, loosening, and harrowing.
  • Preparatory work with seed material.
  • The planting of crops itself.
  • Caring for them during growth: timely watering, weeding, hilling, thinning, removal and destruction of diseased or pest-affected plants.
  • Harvesting and organizing its storage and transportation.

A vegetable grower performs a whole range of actions that help grow vegetable crops from seeds to finished fruits. Without these specialists, it would be impossible to have fresh vegetables on the tables all year round.

Main types of work

We found out what professions people grow vegetables. First of all, these are vegetable growers. The table shows the main types of work that these specialists do.

What does a vegetable grower do?
With cultures With soil With inventory
Preparing seeds for planting, working with planting material Mixing substrates and different types of soil for growing crops Checking inventory: its availability and condition
Protection of plantings from the adverse effects of the external environment Applying fertilizer to the soil Diagnosis and Troubleshooting
Picking seedlings Sampling of soils for laboratory research Preparing racks for storing harvested crops
Watering and hilling Clearing Inventory
Vegetable collection

In addition, vegetable growers draw up schedules for sowing and planting vegetable crops.

Fruit and vegetable grower: a brief introduction

There are many more Who grows vegetables besides vegetable growers? These are fruit and vegetable growers, an even narrower specialty of the agricultural industry; they deal not only with vegetables, but also with berries and fruit crops. Their responsibilities include:

  • Preparing the soil for planting.
  • Growing seedlings.
  • Crop care.
  • Destruction of pests, prevention and control of diseases.
  • Harvesting and transportation of crops.
  • Organization of fruit storage.

The profession of plant protection agronomist is similar in responsibilities.


Not everyone can become a vegetable or fruit grower, even if they have the necessary knowledge and qualifications. Persons with the following medical contraindications are not allowed to perform this work:

  • Skin diseases.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Problems with the spine and musculoskeletal system.
  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Muscle problems.

That is why, if you decide to connect your life with work growing crops, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination before entering college.

Melon growing and other positions

Let's consider the professions of people who grow vegetables, flax, and watermelons. The latter are called melon growers, since the place of their work is the melon field, where the watermelons beloved by many grow. These specialists are also engaged in the cultivation of other melons and melons:

  • Pumpkins.
  • Melons.

These plants are universal, but growing them is associated with a number of difficulties:

  • They do not tolerate frost, so they can only grow in mild climates with long, warm summers.
  • Melon crops, especially watermelons, require well-lit, elevated areas; in lowlands, plants will not produce a rich harvest.
  • When working with such crops, it is very important to obtain vigorous shoots, so it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of seed preparation, warm them up and germinate them.

Flax growers are engaged in the preparation of seed material, sowing flax and harvesting flax products. They must understand not only the technology of flax growing, but also the maintenance of specialized equipment: flax threshing machines, dryers, sorting machines.

Specifics of flax growing in Russia

Flax is one of the most ancient cultures; its use by humans dates back more than one millennium. Let's name the professions of people who grow vegetables and flax. These are vegetable and flax growers; they are of particular importance in agricultural activities.

Linen is actively used in the light and textile industries; clothing and products made from it are eagerly purchased by foreigners.

We learned about who grows vegetables. What profession is respected? There are many of them: vegetable and melon growers, agronomists and breeders, fruit and vegetable growers and flax growers, their hard work helps produce a harvest of fresh fruits, rich in vitamins and distinguished by excellent taste.


For friends!


People started growing ornamental plants a very long time ago. Ancient Greek gardeners grew roses, lilies of the valley, and poppies all year round. The favorite flowers of the Egyptians, judging by the records in ancient papyri, were lily, myrtle, mignonette and lotus. In Ancient Rus', monastery gardens, gardens of princes and boyars were famous for their flower beds. They were called "district towns". Peonies, lilies, irises, tulips and daffodils were grown in the garden of the Moscow Kremlin in the 16th-17th centuries. Flowers and seeds were supplied to Russia at that time mainly by foreign companies.

Description of activity

Floriculture is the cultivation of flower crops, a branch of plant growing. Flower growers are engaged in the breeding and cultivation of beautiful flowering and other plants in order to create bouquets, greenhouses, green spaces in open ground and for decorating residential and industrial premises. They try to create plants whose flowers have a more attractive appearance and are better preserved after they are cut. Florists select varieties of decorative value and develop techniques for propagating and growing herbaceous floral and decorative foliage plants.

Flower breeders work mainly in laboratories, while industrial floriculture specialists spend more time in greenhouses and open ground.

The grower must begin growing certain crops on a strict schedule because most of the flowers are required by a certain date. In this he will need knowledge in the field of agronomy. He develops methods for the prevention and control of plant pests, diseases and other disasters. Flower growers are creating more and more new types of plants: shade-tolerant, drought-resistant, etc. All decorative indoor plants were bred on the basis of wild ones thanks to the efforts of flower growers.

The florist prepares the soil and planting material for sowing. Moreover, he uses different methods depending on the plant variety. The florist knows different methods of watering and weeding ornamental plants, the rules for digging and loading flowers. He regularly inspects his flowers and plants to look for signs of disease.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Job responsibilities

The florist works on landscaping areas and premises. Its activity begins with processing seeds, tubers, and bulbs for planting. He sorts them and prepares the soil for planting. If plants are planted in a decorative flower bed, the gardener must follow the planting plan in order to create the intended pattern.

Once the plants are planted, they need to be watered and fertilized. The florist regularly sprays the flowers with disinfectants, removes weeds, hills, weeds and, if necessary, pollinates. As needed, this specialist ties up plants and forms the crowns of ornamental shrubs.

Depending on the variety of plants, the gardener must collect them and dig up planting material within a certain period of time. Ripe bulbs and tubers need to be sorted and prepared for transplanting or storage.

Features of career growth

The work of flower growers is in demand in greenhouses, greenhouses, and botanical gardens. In addition, they are engaged in landscaping parks and squares. If you have sufficient education and experience in this field, you can teach the subject “Floriculture” at universities or colleges, or rise to the position of head of a floriculture laboratory.

Commercial floriculture (growing flowers to create bouquets, selling seeds, etc.) is now a very profitable branch of the non-food gardening industry.

Employee characteristics

A florist needs to retain a large amount of information in memory: the names of numerous plant varieties (including in Latin), methods of caring for them, reproduction characteristics, specific diseases and much more. Flower plants are usually very fragile and delicate, so you need to handle them (planting, collecting, caring for) very carefully. Attentiveness and keen vision will help the gardener to recognize plant diseases at an early stage and spot pests. In addition, these qualities, together with a good color sense, will help you see the slightest differences between varieties.

Working in a greenhouse or outdoors will require physical endurance and hard work.

A florist specializing as a decorator must have good taste and knowledge in the field of landscape design.

A florist must love nature. Knowledge of sciences such as botany, chemistry, and biology will only help him in everyday activities. But an allergy, for example, to pollen, will greatly interfere with this specialist.

Plant growing helped ancient man to ensure that he could provide himself with food, rather than relying only on luck in hunting or gathering.

Today, crop production provides the majority (70%) of the world's food supply. Workers in this field are engaged in the cultivation of cultivated plants that are used in the food industry, in the production of animal feed, other raw materials, for decorative and other purposes.

Growers do most of their work outdoors. The busiest period is spring, summer and autumn, that is, the period of plant growth and maturation. During the harvest, you often have to work from early morning until late at night, as well as on weekends and holidays. In winter, the grower is also not idle. She works in greenhouses, solving problems of increasing the yield of certain crops.

Just like the amount of work, a grower’s salary may depend on the season and yield.

A plant grower is guided in his activities by knowledge from the field of agronomy, biology, botany and other special sciences. If the company where this specialist works is engaged in the production of animal feed, he will also need knowledge of the basics of animal husbandry. Today it is impossible to imagine its work without the use of agricultural machinery (tractors, combines). However, the plant grower also often has to turn to traditional tools - shovels, pitchforks, rakes.

In addition to working directly with plants, this specialist can engage in sales of manufactured products.

The responsibilities performed by the grower are clearly distributed according to the seasons. Before you start sowing, you need to do a lot of preparatory work. Develop a production plan, determine the volume of production.

The responsibilities of the plant grower include preparing the soil, seeds and seedlings for sowing. He applies fertilizers and plants plants in the ground. The plant grower prepares pesticides to combat weeds and pests and treats the plants with them. This specialist takes part in the harvest, performs primary processing of the collected plants and prepares them for storage. If necessary, he must be able to perform all these actions using agricultural machines. Sometimes he has to deal with the maintenance of agricultural equipment.

The responsibilities of a grower may also include selling crops to wholesale buyers or at the market.

Agronomy Qualification: Bachelor's degree

Education - higher.
During the training, students study agronomy, chemistry, botany.

Biology Qualification: Master's degree

Master's studies involve a 2-year period. During it, you will not only master the basics of the curriculum, but visit a large number of...

Biology Qualification: Bachelor's degree

In this direction, the student receives basic information. In particular, the size of the cell, its properties and many other points are studied. Are studied as a class...

Forestry Qualification: Bachelor's degree

Education - higher.
Graduate qualification (degree) - bachelor.
Training includes:
studying and developing measures and programs that...

Gardening Qualification: Bachelor's degree

Education - higher.
Graduate qualification (degree) - bachelor.
Future bachelors are taught:
analyze the soil for cultivation...