Technology lesson in 9th grade

Topic: “Professions Food Industry»

Technology teacher, MBOU Secondary School No. 7

Abdulova Natalia Lvovna

Target: Find out the level of students’ knowledge about food industry professions, expand students’ knowledge about the world of professions


Introduce students to food industry professions;

Foster a respectful attitude towards people of any profession and work;

Develop the ability to work independently;

Develop the ability to plan and evaluate your activities.

Equipment: computer, projector,

Didactic material: inscriptions, illustrations.

Presentation The file will be here: /data/edu/files/g1454012069.pptx (Food Industry Profession Presentation)



Teacher's word

Self-determination in life is a very responsible choice that can significantly affect the future life path.

Now the main thing for you is to study at school, which you will continue in educational institutions, where you will receive knowledge not only in school subjects, but also acquire knowledge in your chosen profession. And right now you and I are seriously thinking about choosing our profession.

At your age this is not easy to do. Choosing a profession is one of the most important steps which every young person does. Much depends on what it will be - this is the first step.


The food industry is a set of industries whose enterprises primarily produce food. In almost every relatively large locality there are enterprises in this industry. In some countries, the food industry is a branch of international specialization, in others it satisfies the needs of only its population.

Industry structure The food industry is complex. It includes enterprises producing food products, as well as soap and perfumes and cosmetics.

The location of enterprises in the industry is influenced mainly by two factors: orientation towards the raw material base or towards the consumer.

The location of enterprises near areas where raw materials are produced is explained by the fact that in some industries (sugar, alcohol, canning industries) the consumption of raw materials far exceeds the mass of the finished product. In addition, such agricultural raw materials are difficult to transport.

The attraction of enterprises to areas of consumption is explained by the fact that most branches of the food industry produce mass products that have a limited shelf life and cannot be transported over long distances. Therefore, bakeries, confectionery and pasta factories, breweries are created in areas where products are consumed, regardless of whether there are raw materials for them here.

In the International Standard Industrial Classification, food production is classified as a manufacturing industry, with independent subsections including food production and beverage production; In the food production subsection, 13 industries are identified:

Meat industry

Fishing industry

Fruit and vegetable processing industry

Oil and fat industry

Dairy industry

Flour milling industry

Starch industry

Bakery industry

Sugar industry

Confectionery industry

Pasta industry

Production of ready-to-eat meals

Production of animal feed

What food industry professions do you know? (children's answers).

Agree, not very many, but there are more than 200 professions in the unified tariff list of professions and positions.

On the screen you and I see four professions that almost each of you named. This is a cook, pastry chef, technologist Catering, deboner.

Look at the screen, before you is a small list of food industry professions.

The world of professions does not stand still, more and more new professions appear every year, and the food industry does not stand still either. Many of the new professions that have emerged are old professions with new names.

Let's look at several modern food industry professions.

A pizza maker can go by different names: and pizza maker(English version), and pizzaiolo (Italian version). He is also a pizza chef or pizza maker. All these names have a right to exist, although in fairness it must be said that this profession appeared in Italy, like pizza itself.

Remuer- master of shaking bottles of maturing champagne. A rare profession, but very important in winemaking

The master turns thousands of bottles a day, carefully looking at the color and consistency of the contents. So he has a trained eye.

An experienced remuer is highly valued. The quality of the future drink depends on his attentive and clear actions.

Blending is a combination of several types of product into one whole. The resulting mixture is called a blend. Blending is carried out with one goal - to achieve the best taste.

Blending is used in winemaking, in the production of tea, coffee, juices, honey, tobacco, etc.

For example, a tea composition may include more than 20 varieties of tea leaves. Juice blending means that 20% juice improvers are added to 80% of the main juice.

Developing a recipe and blending scheme is a creative process. It means tasting raw materials, experimenting with different proportions, new tastings, chemical analysis results and, finally, choosing the most successful option.

Chocolatier- a profession on the verge of art and magic!

Chocolatier is a master, magician and wizard who creates candies and figured chocolate from chocolate mass according to classic or original recipes.

The profession of chocolatier appeared in the 17th century, when chocolate became hard. Before this they only drank it.

In chocolate, not only the original taste is valued, but also the original appearance. That is, the form must correspond to the delightful content. Developing and testing the shape of chocolate is also a creative aspect of a chocolatier’s job.


The food industry is one of the oldest industries. More than other industries, it is associated with agriculture, since it receives raw materials from him. Almost all food consumed by people is industrially processed. The role of the food industry is constantly growing. Its development makes it possible to sustainably provide people with food throughout the year. The Russian food industry currently unites over 25 thousand enterprises with total number 1.5 million people. Share of food industry in total volume industrial production invariably amounts to 12 -13%. And therefore, professions in this industry are and will always be in demand.


Today in class:

I learned____________________________________________

It was interesting________________________________________

It was difficult___________________________________________

Made me think__________________________________________


Prepare a report on little-known professions in the food industry.

No matter what happens in human society, no matter what direction of development civilization chooses, only one thing remains unchanged - our need for food. The absence or excess of food has always dramatically affected the development of human society. In some cases, it was the complete lack of food that led to the outbreak of wars, in the flames of which more than one ancient civilization burned down. It is not surprising that in our time, a food industry technologist is a very important specialty, and the life and health of people depend on his professionalism.

How it all began?

Food production has been constantly improved, following the development of scientific and technological progress. Once upon a time, our ancestors baked meat and vegetables on fire, but since then technology has stepped far forward.

According to research by nutritionists, the average person eats more than a hundred varieties of foods every month! And the production of each of them is under the strict control of competent specialists. In general, without this circumstance, it will be difficult for an enterprise to count on any kind of fame and popularity of its product, since modern consumers simply will not pay for low-quality products. In addition, even one case of poisoning can put an end to a prestigious, long-cultivated brand. There are no errors here.

In general, those people who supervised the preparation of food almost always existed, but in their own way modern form The profession of “food industry technologist” appeared relatively recently. Nowadays, there is a shortage of quality food products, and therefore control over food production is becoming increasingly important. In addition, agricultural technology has now stepped far forward, which has led to the possibility of growing in large quantities those crop products that were not available in the recent past.

Therefore, industrial technologies were required to process such quantities of food. Technologists have an extremely important role in this area, since they are the ones who develop and control all stages of the production of high-quality and safe products suitable for human nutrition. This is especially important if it is intended to produce products that will be used in baby food.

Where is this profession in demand?

As employment service statistics for all regions of our country show, a food industry technologist will definitely not be left without work. This especially applies to those areas where the food industry is traditionally developed (Kuban, for example). It should be remembered that this profession is closely related to the need maximum automation labor and constantly maintaining high interest in their products on the market. Think about this right away when deciding where to study to become a food industry technologist! Otherwise, you risk simply being disappointed in your chosen profession, and this will definitely not bring you anything good.

Therefore, a person who decides to connect his life with this path must not only have a perfect knowledge of the theoretical basis, but also be a good innovator, capable of making practical adjustments to the food production process. In many cases, the degree of competitiveness in the industry depends on the technologist. modern market, which does not forgive any mistakes in principle.

Main advantages and disadvantages of the profession

As in all cases human activity, the profession of “food industry technologist” has both undoubted advantages and certain disadvantages. TO positive aspects include the high demand for these specialists in the labor market and high social significance their activities. As for the negative qualities, it should be remembered that working conditions will not always be ideally comfortable.

Type and class of professional activity

According to the type of activity, the profession of a technologist should be classified as the “Man - Nature” variety. This means that specialists will have to actively interact with objects of living and inanimate nature; they need to have good perseverance and observation. Of course, the profession of “food industry engineer-technologist” may well be classified as a “Human-Technology” type, since it involves good knowledge features of numerous mechanisms for their proper management. This requires individuals to have good motor skills as well as a love of manual and technical activities.

In addition, the profession also belongs to the “performing” class, since in many cases there is no need to show special creative imagination, but you need to work in strict compliance with the requirements standard instructions. Organization, diligence and a high degree of accuracy are required.

What does the activity involve?

What does a food process engineer actually do? He controls the sequence and quality of execution of all stages of food production, gives comments and suggestions on how to correct any shortcomings identified during the process. The whole purpose of his work is to provide the consumer with high-quality and absolutely safe products, the use of which does not threaten human life and health.

What else should a food processing technician do? He, for example, studies and analyzes the quality of the raw materials from which the products will be made, as well as the materials used in production, and directly finished products. He is responsible for conducting technological calculations and processing all necessary documentation, studying the reasons that led to the appearance of defective products on sale. Accordingly, the specialty “food industry technologist” presupposes the ability to draw up a plan to prevent such situations in the future and eliminate the consequences of an already occurring production defect. In addition, in many enterprises, the same people are also responsible for ensuring that employees comply with safety regulations.

Now let's give a more expanded list job responsibilities the specialty in which you may intend to work in the future:

  • In some cases, it is the technologist who is responsible for organizing production, correct placement of equipment, etc. In addition, he almost always trains personnel in the correct handling of machines and devices that are available at the enterprise.
  • In restaurants and canteens, he also creates the menu.
  • Distributes work among workers or cooks, simultaneously monitoring the results of the execution of his orders.
  • He is responsible for monitoring the final yield of finished products and comparing this indicator with accepted technological standards.
  • Introduction of new and progressive methods of preparing food products with optimization of processes to suit the existing capabilities of the enterprise.
  • He is also responsible for monitoring the operation of the equipment - it is the technologist who calls the technicians in the event of a breakdown. The same specialist has the responsibility full control quality of food produced in production.
  • Studying existing regulations, creates new prescription combinations.
  • It is the technologist who can and should study the emergence of new trends in the market in order to introduce something new and useful in production.
  • Engaged in the development and “presentation” of new dish options to the market, at the same time being responsible for their “promotion”.
  • Monitors how fully the enterprise complies with sanitary and epidemiological standards, and, if necessary, corrects this issue.
  • When creating new dishes, the process engineer composes them technological maps, determining the exact composition and nutritional value of products.
  • In some cases, these specialists are responsible for the completeness and timeliness of production supply with all necessary tools, materials and raw materials.
  • If necessary, takes part in various programs to improve the skills of employees in order to better meet all the requirements of our time.

In which sectors of the food industry are technologists most in demand?

There are many industries in which these specialists are especially in demand, but the largest number of them is noted in the following industries:

  • Production of bakery products.
  • Milk production, as well as its processing with subsequent production of dairy products.
  • Production of food products from meat, as well as enterprises that produce meat.
  • Sugar production, as well as the entire confectionery industry.
  • Preservation of fruit and vegetable products.
  • Production of wines and beer products.
  • Production of food products associated with the intensive use of microbiological cultures.

That's what a food technologist does. The profit of the entire enterprise and the attitude of people towards its products often depend on the results of his work, attentiveness and resourcefulness. So it is not surprising that rather high demands are placed on future specialists!

What should a future specialist know and be able to do?

To successfully master a specialty, mathematics, biology, chemistry, and natural science are extremely important. Every qualified technician should know the following:

  • Properties, range, and structure of products produced in production.
  • List of equipment used, have an idea of ​​its operation.
  • List of standard consumption of all materials, water, raw materials and Supplies, be able to prevent defects and eliminate the consequences of its occurrence.
  • Ideally, know all the rules for drawing up technical documentation.

All this is necessary in order to, if necessary, be able to master any modern technology that has been installed at your enterprise.

What skills should he have?

What else does this work involve? A food industry technologist must have the following skills:

  • Work in any team, ability to find a common language with different people.
  • Know all safety regulations at work and follow them unconditionally. This is all the more important because he (as we already indicated above) may have to be responsible for compliance with these rules by production workers.
  • Ability to work with all types technological equipment available at a specific production site.

No less important individual qualities future specialist. To successfully work as an industrial food production technologist, it is important to have the following aptitudes:

  • Have a passion for working with large amounts of information.
  • Be able to concentrate on one issue and be as diligent as possible.
  • Be not too squeamish, since when working you often have to deal with objects of living (and not too living) nature.
  • A person must have pronounced mathematical abilities, since he has to count a lot and constantly.
  • Have and want to work a lot with your hands. You can't do without this either.

About the working conditions of specialists

In some cases, technologists work alone, but more often they have to join fairly large teams. As a rule, the profession of food industry technologist involves working indoors. These are workshops of various plants, workshops, slaughterhouses, fish processing facilities, etc. They have to work while constantly on the move, often resorting to manual labor. The work of a technologist requires constant stress, not only physical, but also mental.

These specialists are often severely limited in their work. job descriptions and the requirements of company managers. It must be especially emphasized that this type activity requires a medical certificate. According to current legislative norms, without this document no one even has the right to be inside production workshops, where the direct production of food products takes place.

Are there any medical restrictions for working in this specialty?

As you may have already noticed, technologists spend a lot of time on the move and often work on manual labor. It is not surprising that some diseases can become an obstacle to obtaining a job. Before studying to become a food technologist, check with your doctor for the following problems:

  • All pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Pathologies of the organs of hearing and vision.
  • Immune system problems.
  • Severe forms of food allergies, which can be life-threatening when exposed to food production.
  • All types of contagious infectious and viral diseases.

If a person has at least some of these diseases, then the hard work of a technologist will inevitably lead to deterioration in health. In addition, in some cases, specialist diseases are simply dangerous for consumers of production products (tuberculosis, dysentery).

Where to get basic education?

Only a person who has received secondary specialized or higher education can work in their specialty. Upon graduation, he receives the profession of food industry technologist. What exams do you need to take for this? Typically, most educational institutions require the following:

  • Mathematics.
  • Russian language exam.
  • Physics and/or chemistry.
  • In some cases, computer science is required.

If you want to get a profession as a food industry technologist, where to study? In general, it is difficult to specifically answer this question, since in each more or less big city Our country has specialized technical schools or universities. Of course, if you want to work especially large production should choose educational institution, which is located in the local regional center. As a rule, it is much easier for their graduates to find higher-paying jobs. Here's how to get a job as a food industry technologist. Where to study for this purpose, you should find out specifically in your city.

What kind of objects can technologists work on?

If we talk about specific food industry facilities where a graduate can work after training, they are most in demand here:

  • Enterprises for milk processing and production of dairy products.
  • Slaughterhouses and workshops engaged in meat processing.
  • All other factories and factories that are in one way or another connected with the production of food products.
  • Catering establishments, including canteens, cafes, bars and restaurants.

This is why you need training to become a food industry technologist. It should be said that in many cases these specialists receive a decent salary. Finally, we have repeatedly mentioned their demand in the labor market, which is clearly important in our difficult times.

Are there opportunities for further career growth?

For some reason, it is generally accepted that technologists do not have much prospects for further career growth. Fortunately, this is far from the case. There are several ways to move on, not limited to running around the workshops. Firstly, there are a lot related areas, in which you could put your strength. So, in the same food industry there are vacancies for leading developers and engineers, and you can also become a director! Most often, people from this industry do not leave anywhere, preferring to receive the position of “food industry process engineer.” What exams will you have to take for this? Most likely, you will need to complete preparatory retraining courses for personnel, which are available at almost all more or less large enterprises.

There is an opportunity to retrain as a cook at a prestigious restaurant, a pastry chef, and knowledge in the same 1C (and without this program, anyway) will definitely not hurt you. As we said, some technologists prefer to become managers. Often you can get a second specialized education in the same place where you study to become a food industry technologist. The most enterprising students immediately receive two specialties, which greatly facilitates their future employment.

After that, they manage shifts and workshops. In principle, if you succeed in this field, you can get the education of the same manager, since management most often does not interfere with such aspirations of promising employees. That's what a food industry technologist is for! A technical school or university that trains such specialists will never be left without a constant influx of applicants.

Dear applicants, by enrolling to study at the culinary lyceum, you get a start in your future professional activity. And it depends on each of you who you will become in your profession, what success you will achieve in life. I would like to introduce you to the culinary professions and some professional websites.

Profession chef

The profession of a cook is one of the oldest in the world; it developed along with civilization. Chefs are sometimes called real wizards, as they can prepare extraordinary dishes from the simplest ingredients.

Savchenko Maria, graduate of PLKM

The profession of a cook is creative and unique. The taste perception of dishes largely depends on how beautifully they are presented. The cook is a direct creator Have a good mood from visitors. Many people believe that there is nothing complicated in the art of cooking: you need to mix the ingredients, and the stove itself will cook and bring the dish to readiness. Nowadays everyone knows how to cook! But that's not true. In cooking, the main thing is talent, sense of taste, imagination, patience, physical endurance, observation, and goodwill.

Alexey Nazarov, PLKM graduate

Also, the profession of a cook requires scrupulous precision and a creative streak in order to come up with an original recipe or an exquisite decoration for a dish. The sense of smell and subtle sense of taste will help a chef reach heights in his career. Also, a good cook must be fast, dexterous, collected, attentive, neat, organized, and must have a good memory. Therefore, becoming a good cook is not easy. Most restaurateurs recognize this category of personnel as the most problematic - good cooks are difficult to find. Therefore, restaurants organize an in-house training system. Some hire college graduates with no work experience “with a sparkle in their eyes,” but most still prefer experienced chefs. There is some discrimination in the kitchen: the hot shop is considered the prerogative of men, and cold shop where salads are cut and dishes are decorated - women.

Semenova Serafima, graduate of PLKM

Chef's career ladder: cook - cook foreman - sous chef - chef.

Watch the video “The prestige of my profession. Cook" link

Profession pastry chef

Ekaterina Ivanova, PLKM graduate

When the confectionery craft arose, it is difficult to establish who the first confectioners were. Maybe it was the Mayan Indians who discovered the amazing properties of chocolate or the inhabitants ancient india who made sweet sticks from cane sugar. In Egypt, hand-made date “sweets” were found during archaeological excavations. In later times, in the courts of royalty and high nobility in Europe, pastry chefs were among the privileged servants. The skill of preparing delicious delicacies has always been valued, and the secrets of the unique taste of sweets, candies, cakes, and pastries are kept strictly secret.

A confectioner is a specialist with special knowledge technology, skills and cooking skills confectionery. The pastry chef must have exquisite taste, imagination and a penchant for creativity. The creations of confectioners are sometimes compared to works of art. Take a close look at the work of our Lyceum’s pastry chef O.S. Gordeeva. from sugar mastic and chocolate, which were submitted to the Golden Kulina competition.

Conditions and specifics of work ( heat, work while standing) require the pastry chef to have physical endurance, accuracy, attentiveness, neatness, patience, and good coordination of movements.

Watch the video " international competition confectioners" at the link:

At our lyceum, confectioners receive universal training, which gives them the opportunity in the future to perform almost any work in confectionery factories and catering establishments.

There are confectioners who specialize in the production of any specific product, for example, chocolate makers are professionals in the preparation of chocolate and chocolate products.

Watch the video “Chocolate master class” at the link:

Profession chef

There are several reasons why it is mostly men who work as chefs. This is a long working day, usually a 12-hour day and one day off. They say that a chef should “marry” the restaurant. Also, during the day you have to carry weights and stand on your feet all day, it’s physically difficult. The main reason is that a man is considered the best cook. In addition, in the profession of a chef, leadership skills are more important than culinary skills. It is very rare to find a person who cooks and manages well. If a person has outstanding culinary talent, then his career growth can be horizontal, for example, he can become the personal chef of the president of some large holding company. Or a famous chef, whose exquisite and unique dishes are sought after by many restaurant guests.

Such a talented chef is Konstantin Bruk, a graduate of our lyceum. For two years he sailed on fishing boats in the northern seas with stops in Denmark and Norway, was a chef on the ships of the Baltic Shipping Company, worked in the St. Petersburg restaurants “Aquarelle”, “Hermitage”, “Ginger”, “Silk”, “Guache”, in the summer of 2009 opened the Pushkin restaurant in Tel Aviv. Since September 2009, he has been the chef of the Massmidia restaurant, and since February 2011, the brand chef of the Italian restaurant Barbaresco.

Dinner with Gerard Depardieu at Barbaresco, May 2012

Konstantin loves to experiment, today he is a follower of a new culinary trend - MOLECULAR CUISINE: “The essence is the same as grilling, but the temperature is negative. At minus 160 degrees, the same protein coagulation occurs as on the grill. Only if at plus 100 degrees the meat sticks to the frying pan, here, on the contrary, it comes off and bounces.”

You can watch the story about molecular cooking here:

About 5% of chefs earn more than one thousand dollars. What kind of people are these? They have successful experience working in prestigious restaurants or opening a restaurant, excellent knowledge of one or more cuisines, talent as an organizer, and connections with suppliers. Ideally, this should be a “brand” person, and then his salary can reach up to $5,000.

Profession waiter

For a waiter, it is important to psychologically correspond to this position; he should not be ashamed of his work. In order for a person to successfully work in this business related to the provision of services and serving guests, you need to learn to treat them as friends, and for this you need to break a certain barrier within yourself.

The waiter's first steps. Educational cafe PLKM

Usually, newcomers start as a waiter's assistant, who perform simple duties: serving and setting the table. Newcomers are carefully observed to see how relaxed they move, communicate with guests, and whether they get lost in the hall. During the first 3 months, a person learns the full algorithm of the restaurant, which consists of divisions - hall, bar, kitchen, wash, warehouse, and understands how this mechanism moves. When serving tables, the waiter must plan the time and order of serving dishes, and at the request of guests, give a brief culinary description of the dish and recommend an alcoholic drink. Working in the service sector also requires good physical fitness and dexterity - after all, a waiter can walk from 10 to 30 km during a shift. You also need to remember that a full tray with three dishes and drinks can weigh up to 15 kg. So the waiter's bread is not easy.

Profession bartender

Bartender is a person behind the bar who prepares drinks and cocktails.

The bartender profession originated in the United States of America. During the Gold Rush, every settlement had a store, in which everything was sold at once, and in order to increase turnover, the owners began to offer visitors drinks. For convenience, the store premises were divided into two zones: a “trading area” and a “resting place”, which became known as a bar. It was then that the first bartenders appeared.

The work of a bartender is considered more prestigious and, unlike a waiter, is considered by many as a profession in long term. The position of a bartender can be considered a kind of professional growth step for a waiter; it requires more skills, knowledge and is more profitable. Although bartenders are different. Sometimes in restaurants they simply serve as a bartender who serves some drinks. A bartender in nightclubs and discos is already a kind of artist, because it requires high speed work and artistry. Some bartenders have mastered "freestyle" - the ability to juggle bottles and glasses, designed to bring artistry to the mundane process of preparing and serving drinks.

But a beginner has to start small. First they train to be an assistant bartender, and for three months you have to carry dishes, ice, polish bottles, and keep things clean. Some restaurants have two bars: one in-line - a service bar, the other more intimate - a front bar. At first, the bartender is sent to the service bar, where up to 500 people are served per day and the equipment is quickly developed, after which the employee can be assigned to the front bar to communicate with guests.

A bartender needs a good memory, coordination, eye, and attention. You will have to work mainly at night, among screaming speakers, cigarette smoke and, for the most part, with not entirely sober visitors. It doesn’t hurt to be able to take criticism with humor, skills business communication. One of mandatory conditions- excellent physical form and lack of tendency towards alcoholism.

And in this profession you can achieve great heights, like Roman Toroschin - president of the Bartender Association of Yekaterinburg, corporate bartender of the MONIN company, multiple winner regional competitions bartenders, Finalist of Russian bartender competitions.

On May 14, 2012, the Spring master class of the MONIN company was held in St. Petersburg. The master class is dedicated to new flavors of MONIN syrups and purees and original cocktails and lemonades with them.

Watch the video “Profession Bartender” at the link:

Profession sommelier

“The person in charge of serving drinks in a restaurant, giving advice on the selection of wines and drinks, serving them or supervising their serving to the customer until the moment he leaves the room.” This option professional definition belongs to Mr. Georges Pertuiset, President of the Union of Sommeliers of France.

This profession appeared not so long ago. The sommelier is required, firstly, to know the service, and secondly, to know the wines, their geography, and their suitability for the dishes. The sommelier must not only distinguish the numerous shades of taste himself, but also describe them to the guest so that he has a desire to taste the drink. So on the one hand he is a guide, on the other hand he is a taster. Professional bartenders often become sommeliers - when a person understands the kitchen better, it is easier for him to communicate with the client. The chef consults with the sommelier, for example, when introducing a new dish that requires a change in the wine list.

The turnover of wine in a restaurant depends on a good sommelier; there is a need for professionals, but there are few of them. average salary specialists with experience - $800. A high-class sommelier should receive at least $1,500.

Watch the video “About the profession of Sommelier” at the link:

Professions similar to sommelier:

Cavist- a sommelier working in a wine cellar.

Cigar sommelier "fumelier"- a cigar specialist who knows cigars and their combinations with various alcoholic beverages.

Tea sommelier or tea tester- a tea taster who, by color, smell and taste, determines where the tea comes from, the variety, the harvest season, the method of storage and processing.

Coffee sommelier "drip tester"– a coffee specialist who tastes and evaluates coffee, determines the variety and country of origin of coffee by beans.

Cheese sommelier- now this is only a service that has been introduced on ships of one of the international cruise companies, which organizes special tours for its clients where they can benefit from the advice of professionals from the Austrian Cheese Academy.

Sommelier on board is a service that has recently appeared on several airlines, where professional sommeliers will recommend this or that wine to you right on board the plane.

Sommelier on boxes- "wine stewart".

Robot sommelier or “tasting with one left.” The first robot sommelier, designed in Japan, he understands wines almost like a real living professional, he determines the brand of wine and the grape variety from which the drink is made. Thanks to the scanning system infrared radiation he can "taste" wines, cheeses and fruits. The height of an “electronic sommelier” the size of a bottle is approximately 40 centimeters. He tastes with his left hand, which is a manipulator and is equipped with a reading device, to which for tasting it is necessary to bring a glass of wine.

Telephone sommelier in Japanese - a new and unusual profession sommeliers are specialists in new cellular handsets in Japan who help the buyer choose the best model device based on the needs and financial capabilities of the buyer and are also required to warn about potential dangers associated with the use of the tube.

Profession hostess

Hostess is the owner of the hall. The main function is to greet guests, show them to their table, offer a menu, etc. When a guest enters the restaurant hall, the first thing he sees is the hostess, who knows the entire range of dishes in the restaurant very well, wine list, informs guests about promotions carried out by the restaurant, knows how to interest them in the available cuisine, helps them decide on an order, and also skillfully maintains a conversation with the client until the waiter approaches him. The overall impression of the restaurant largely depends on her smile, attentiveness and friendliness. No experience is required for hostesses, but knowledge of English is welcome.

Despite these seemingly simple responsibilities, in many elite establishments the requirements for the education and cultural level of hostesses are very high. You must be ready to maintain a conversation with the client, respond to his joke, and sometimes get out of non-standard situation, of which there are plenty. You can't do without guest service skills - during peak hours, hostesses sometimes take orders from clients, replacing the waiter.

Hostesses earn slightly less than waiters - the maximum salary offered in elite establishments is $300-400.

Profession head waiter (hall manager)

A head waiter is the manager of a restaurant, bar, or cafe. His responsibilities include operational management line personnel and their training, quality control of service and cash discipline, hosting (meeting guests). The head waiter allows conflict situations between the guest and the waiter, providing psychological assistance employees, and at the end of the evening he can ask the guest about the quality of service; sometimes he can replace the waiter. In order for a reputable client to come to the restaurant again, you need to not only serve him, but you need to make friends with him. Maintaining a restaurant's reputation largely depends on the head waiter. Often, in the absence of the director, it is he who takes over his duties, and all personnel, including security, must follow his orders.

The head waiter must have a pleasant, inviting appearance, competent speech, and speak spoken English.

Profession accountant-calculator

Each restaurant maintains strict records production activities, therefore in staffing table there is a position of accountant-calculator, who calculates the cost of food products and dishes, draws up technological and costing maps, menus, tracks the balance of raw materials in production, participates in inventory - identifies surpluses and shortages, monitors compliance inventory, forms a complete document flow production process and reporting.

Also, an accountant - a calculator must have necessary qualities:
Professional - knowledge of costing, good knowledge of automated restaurant management programs, knowledge of accounting and tax legislation.

Goldina Tatyana Mikhailovna

Teacher of special disciplines

The responsibilities of the cook include: preparing semi-finished products; food storage; preparing cold appetizers; preparing hot dishes; preparing dishes before serving them; Preparation and presentation of dishes according to orders for special occasions; development of new technologies for cooking, processing raw materials

A cook is an honorable and sought-after profession. A cook is the same as an artist – a creator. In his hands, ordinary products turn into works of art, bringing joy and pleasure to people. A cook is the same artist - a creator. In his hands, ordinary products turn into works of art, bringing joy and pleasure to people

Cook is an honorable and sought-after profession Waiter – bartender The popularity and prestige of restaurants largely depends on professional excellence service personnel. Service employees are called upon to create an atmosphere of cordiality and hospitality in a restaurant, cafe, bar

The advantages of the profession: the presence of mandatory practice makes it possible to receive an invitation to a highly paid position; the presence of mandatory practice makes it possible to receive an invitation to a highly paid position; the possibility of professional growth, obtaining a higher rank over time or also becoming a technologist; the possibility of professional growth, obtaining a higher rank over time or also becoming a technologist; acquiring invaluable knowledge and skills that will be useful in life; acquiring invaluable knowledge and skills that will be useful in life; high demand in the labor market. high demand in the labor market.

Where and how can you acquire this profession? Today, pastry chefs are trained in special courses, in specialized training centers, in schools, technical schools, colleges, professional lyceums, institutes... Today, pastry chefs are trained in special courses, in specialized training centers, in schools, technical schools, colleges, professional lyceums, institutes...

Culinary professions are quite interesting specialties that bring not only material, but also gastronomic pleasure. Chefs, pastry chefs, brewers and pizza makers are all real wizards who can create real culinary masterpieces from ordinary products.

It is also known that a person’s desire to eat healthy and tasty food is not subject to fashion and time, which means that culinary professions will always be relevant. By the way, at the moment, culinary employees successfully work both in catering establishments and open their own businesses, working from home, organizing private breweries, cheese and dairy production, as well as mini-confectionery and bakery factories.

In addition, today many new culinary trends are emerging, such as vegetarianism, dietary confectionery production, chocolate or caramel craftsmanship, etc. Obviously, all these unusual culinary areas require the mandatory participation of professional chefs and pastry chefs.

Pros of working in the culinary industry:
  • Interesting, tasty and creative profession;
  • Enough high pay labor;
  • Ability to choose the optimal work schedule;
  • Prospects for employment abroad (for employees who speak English).
Profession risks:

Work that requires constant concentration and physical labor.

Needless to say, the key to success in culinary profession, first of all, is love for her, and only after that - attentiveness, accuracy and the presence of special talents. In addition, in addition to being highly qualified, a professional chef also needs to be a sociable person, be able to create his own impeccable image, win over clients, and also come up with legends for his “signature dishes.”

ATTENTION! The information on the website in the section “Professions by area” regarding admission to universities is generalized and is for informational purposes only. Be sure to check the details directly with the university admissions committees.