Creating original articles and top-level texts to fill and promote websites is called the simple word “copywriting.” Such creative activity is unthinkable without true mastery. An intelligent professional copywriter will not only present the material beautifully and intelligibly, but will also be able to convince a visitor to an online resource to purchase a specific product or order the necessary service in an unobtrusive and friendly manner. The main goal is to use the printed word to interest a potential visitor, making him a regular and desired buyer.

What is professional copywriting

What is it for?

Today, without feature articles and texts, it is difficult to ensure effective website promotion in search engines. High-quality text content, built in accordance with all the rules of copywriting, containing popular key queries and taking into account the peculiarities of perceiving information from the monitor screen, will be highly ranked by search engines and will provide visitors with relevant and useful data. Therefore, professional copywriting is one of the reliable tools for optimizing and promoting Internet sites.

Professional copywriting is truly unique articles with original content that influence every person in an incomprehensible way, are quickly remembered, and create emotions and impressions. Such efficiency is achieved thanks to special techniques for creating selling texts. The best copywriters master their art perfectly and can literally create a small miracle from just a few sentences. If you need working text content, contact private contractors: they will realize all your fantasies and plans, making complex texts simple and understandable.

There are situations in every person’s life when you urgently need to find a copywriter in Moscow in order to inexpensively order the writing of an artistic article or journalistic text, to buy content, to compose text for a web resource on baby diapers. Using the YouDo service, you can find providers of remote text writing services in Moscow and the Moscow region. Yudu is a quick search for the best performers in the world of copywriting.

The YouDo website allows you not only to search for specialists in your field, but also to compare prices and leave reviews of copywriters who are ready to inexpensively perform the following services:

  • copywriting of technical texts at low cost;
  • writing literary texts (if required, the copywriter uses stylistic techniques);
  • drafting journalistic texts for the media of Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • sale of texts on various topics
  • high-quality content filling of web resources and portals.

How is the content writing service provided?

If you need to order copywriting services, then first the customer finds a contractor and discusses with him all the intricacies of the work relating to the sale of articles and the preparation of texts. At the same stage, the service provider negotiates prices for the work, details of the technical specifications, or offers to buy his article on the text content exchange. The service customer himself chooses the appropriate option. Copywriter services also include writing text, searching and analyzing material. At the final stage, the copywriter begins work on writing the article. After the task is completed, the text is sent to the customer for verification.

Reasons to entrust text writing to specialists

To write and compose good quality text, you need experience in copywriting and relevant article writing skills. Yuda will help you search for a copywriter using an extensive database of advertisements in Moscow and the Moscow region, where specialists are presented who are ready to quickly write a journalistic text or compose a fictional story. Copywriters have a good command of the Russian language and also know how to work with material, its search and analysis. The advantages of specialists include:

  • ability to work with texts of various topics and levels of complexity;
  • compiling texts of literary value;
  • copywriters have higher education, which helps them write unique and interesting articles for customers from Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • reasonable prices, which enable clients to buy texts inexpensively;
  • writing only high-quality and unique content.

Advantages of copywriters who are registered on Yuda

Copywriters working for Yuda have a number of distinctive advantages:

  • extensive experience working with texts of different stylistic genres;
  • responsibility and diligence in drafting articles;
  • copywriters registered on Yuda are reliable and complete tasks on time. Specialists are happy to perform urgent work for Moscow customers. To order services, just submit an application on the website;
  • 100% quality of work;
  • Yudu uses frame prices, which allows you to minimize costs and purchase quality content very inexpensively. To find a specialist and order an article writing service, you can use the catalog.

And the Internet has long resembled an oriental bazaar: there are a lot of offers. Just don't make a mistake. It’s easy to imagine the confusion of a person who decides to order the services of a copywriter: freelancers selflessly praise their skills, but are words always confirmed by deeds? Of course not.

The trouble is that copywriting services are offered to young and old - from schoolchildren and students to older people. How to choose an artist? Can you trust the portfolio? Is the cost of a copywriter’s services always an indicator of quality? I hope these questions will stop tormenting you, because you just found a business copywriter who entered the profession in 2009.

There are freelancers for whom copywriting is a hobby and a way to earn money. There are those who turned the craft into an analogue of show business and a means of profit, without knowing the measures when setting prices for copywriting services. And there are also people who live and are passionate about what they love, having come to the craft by calling.

I always knew that I would connect my life with writing, although I did not consider journalism, for example, as a future career. Having once seen how others make money by providing copywriting services, I wanted to reach heights in the profession and take a strong place in the niche.

Years of work have paid off: today I have invaluable experience in business copywriting, a portfolio, reviews from grateful customers, and publications. The site you are on now is also the creation of my hands. Frankly, success has never made my head spin, and therefore I am improving as a commercial writer every day!

Professional copywriter services


If you don’t know where it’s best to order copywriting services, then let me give you just one piece of advice. People who value their business know how to not only count profits, but also invest money in the development of the business.

Don’t chase the low cost of copywriting services, don’t believe the bait! Remember also that a true professional copywriter only works for himself. People who are firmly on their feet have long had Internet projects, regular customers, and most importantly, a name and image that have been earned over the years.

If you require the services of a copywriter for a one-time small project or for the sake of writing simple articles, then in this case you can contact the exchange. If your goal is the systematic development of your business and reaching new frontiers, then only a professional copywriter with experience will become your reliable business partner.

People order the following copywriting services from me:

Writing information articles for the website

Creating competent SEO texts

Texts for business (B2B and B2C), media and print

Professional copywriting niches

It may seem to someone that on the MaestroText website you can order copywriter services for any purposes and projects of any subject, but this is not so. I am attracted to those areas in which I can really be useful as a professional copywriter for business (because that is how I position myself).

And I avoid small work, mind-numbing routine, any “stuffing” that leads to burnout. But the services of copywriter Maria Nor are appropriate where there is room for flight of thought, creativity, bold marketing decisions and experiments.

If you feel that I am the person you need, then you can order the services of a professional copywriter by e-mail: [email protected].

Help from a professional copywriter



Selection of marketing techniques

Unlocking Value

Generating USP

Clear positioning

Writing business texts

Attracting buyers

Solving problems of target audience

Sales stabilization

Customer Retention

Development of promotions, bonuses


Removal of objections

Dealing with dissatisfaction

Disadvantages turn into advantages

Increasing target audience loyalty

Customer Returns

Increase in average check

PR articles for business

Help with branding

Strengthening the opinion of you

Expert Status Support


Usability Tips

Primary optimization

Meta tag development

Creating a WordPress site

Promotion Tips

Selection of blog topics

Launching email newsletters

CP, press releases

Texts for the media, print

Business from scratch to launch

How much do copywriter services cost?


Prices for copywriting services are indicated on a separate page of the site. This is done for convenience, so that a person immediately understands what content he can order and what are the requirements for business copywriting.

If you would like to order copywriting services on the MaestroText website, then you are probably striving for certainty. I am ready to announce the exact and final price for the project after you write to me by email [email protected] and explain the essence of the work.

What affects the cost of copywriting services? For me, such nuances as the purpose of the project and scope, complexity of tasks, deadlines, and topics are important. At the same time, I am honest with people, so I indicated in the price list the minimum and maximum prices for copywriting services. I believe that everything has its value, a “ceiling”, and the latter should not be behind the clouds.

So, to find out how much copywriting services for business cost in your case, contact me and ask all the questions that concern you. It is possible to communicate with those who managed to order the services of a copywriter via Skype, Viber or in any other way convenient for the person. I don’t give out my contact details right away. Let's respect each other's time and personal space.

It would seem that everything is simple - take it and do it. But why then are you reading this article? Is it because they are not satisfied with the level of profit that copywriting provides? Or don’t you believe at all that you can make good money in this business? Yes you can, you can. I'll explain now.

I'll start with my beloved self. I got into copywriting, like most, from exchanges where they pay meager fees. Then he went on a free voyage, but still counted pennies. Until I mastered the professional qualities of a copywriter.

Agree, any business requires a serious approach. You can't even dig a hole if your arms grow out of your pelvis.

I decided to write down this article and tell in it what skills a copywriter should have in order not to count pittance, but to earn a decent living.

Important! I'm talking about very real earnings. Otherwise you will think that I want to spread the word about 150,000 rubles. per month and a serene life in Thailand. No. Let's try to come to at least the average salary in the country.

So, let's gallop.

What does a copywriter do?

Having received the task, a professional copywriter collects information, processes it and, on the basis of the information received, creates material for publication in the web space and the media.

Any text is based on the following information:

  • about the customer company;
  • about the product/service;
  • about competitors;
  • about the target audience.

Thanks to this data, it is possible to write a text that solves the tasks assigned to it. But to deftly handle the necessary information, you need to develop copywriting skills. You can't go anywhere without them.

Features of the copywriter profession

At first glance, everything is simple - just collect it on the Internet, brief the client, revise the abstracts on the topic of interest, and the new material is ready. But a copywriter must be able to write in such a way that the text is catchy, interesting, useful, and sells a product or idea.

Example. I recently wrote a sales text posted on a real estate classifieds site. The customer (lo and behold!) gave feedback, which allowed me to evaluate the effectiveness of the work. The text began to bring in 8–10 clients per day instead of the same number per month. Not bad.

This is the result that is expected from a copywriter. The author did not just submit the text according to the technical specifications, but solved the problem - talked about the offer in such a way that readers began to be interested in it and take the desired action, buy.

Depending on the format of the material, it is also given other tasks:

  • convey new information to the audience;
  • change your understanding of any area of ​​life;
  • increase the number of transitions to the site through search engines.

But I hope the main point is clear: a copywriter must be able to create text that evokes an emotional or rational reaction in the reader, as well as stimulates him to take the necessary actions.

Even if you don’t want to be a professional copywriter, the ability to create catchy texts helps in other areas of activity:

  • writing a resume for HH ;
  • writing a cover letter for a resume;
  • quick sale of property on Avito;
  • attracting attention to your activities.

Copywriting skills are useful to everyone. Especially for people who decide to connect their lives with this profession.

To better understand what skills a copywriter should have, it is worth separating professional and personal key skills.

What professional skills does a copywriter need to have?

Large vocabulary

It is impossible to offer an easy and understandable text if you do not speak the words. Beginning copywriters sometimes suffer from the fact that their texts:

  • replete with tautology, bureaucracy, ;
  • written boringly and dryly;
  • contain a lot of semantic and stylistic errors.

Ability to quickly and deeply delve into a new topic

Many copywriters devote themselves to one narrow niche, for example, writing exclusively on legal topics. But this is not the law.

It is not at all necessary to be tied to one area; you can write expert materials on many issues. At the same time, it is not enough to search the Internet for articles on the topic and compose a new text from them. It is important for a copywriter to be able to distinguish between outright nonsense, of which, alas, there is an overabundance on the Internet. It will be helpful if you can find objective, truthful and relevant input.

Mastery of different styles

One of the most important professional qualities of a copywriter is the ability to adapt to the audience for whom he writes. Readers should feel that they are being spoken to in their language, feel, if you like, the warmth and kinship of souls. This will help you gain people’s trust, which ultimately increases the conversion of a resource with text.

5 writing styles

  • Colloquial– style of informal communication. He is characterized by simplicity, liveliness, and emotionality. In many cases, it is appropriate to use a conversational style. For example, if we are writing a text for young people, we can use youth slang, if for representatives of a particular profession we can use professional jargon.
  • Art– applicable for literary works, descriptive articles of a certain kind, reflections. The style is characterized by metaphors, comparisons, other artistic techniques, as well as a bright emotional coloring.
  • Journalistic– serves for the most accurate transmission of information and reporting of facts. Used in journalism. The texts are always structured extremely logically and consistently.
  • Scientific– there is no place for emotions here. Documents, biographies, descriptions of developments or discoveries are written in this language, in short, all materials where it is necessary to present the essence of thoughts as clearly as possible. Texts in a scientific style always contain terms, numbers, tables, and substantiation of thesis.
  • Official business– texts are neutral in an emotional sense, complex and, as a rule, monotonous. This is how they write reports, orders, reports, instructions.

As a copywriter, he has to write a variety of materials. Therefore, if you want to become a professional, it is important for you to understand which style is applicable in each specific case.

Knowledge of principlesSEO

This is an important skill of so-called web writers, i.e. authors who write for web resources - websites, social networks. SEO text is a concept known to many, but not everyone can clearly explain what it is and how to use it. It is wrong to think that to optimize the material it is enough to cram more key queries into it.

Professional web writer:

  • knows how to correctly structure a text;
  • knows everything about the heading hierarchy;
  • understands the meaning and purpose of expanded lists;
  • sees the difference between HF And LF requests;
  • knows how to select keys and tails for queries;
  • deftly enters keys in the required quantity.

I deliberately do not mention all this heresy such as uniqueness, nausea and other Advertisment services. When the author knows how to write well, the text will a priori be unique, without unnecessary fluff and spam.

Understanding the Purpose of the Text

Writing a text on a given topic is not even half the battle. Any material is created for a specific purpose:

  • purchase incentives;
  • formation of a positive reputation of the resource owner, company;
  • for advertising;
  • improving the site's position in search results.

Therefore, in order for the text to fulfill its tasks, the author must be able to distinguish between the principles of creating text for a particular site - an online store, mailing list, blog, social network.

Basics of website building

The ability to layout an article and post it on a website is always a good bonus. Professional copywriters are often entrusted with tasks that include not only the creation of material, but also its publication. Of course, the cost of such work increases.

The ability to ask the right questions to the customer and hear the answers

When preparing to work on an article, it is often not enough to simply send it to the customer. Even if he fills it out, sometimes this information is not enough. But most often the client does not have time to fill out the brief or he does not know how and does not want to do it.

In this case, you have to talk directly. And here the most difficult, but at the same time interesting process begins. The author must literally rattle out the necessary information. After all, you may come across not only a lazy person, but also a tongue-tied person. To get everything you need out of him, you have to work hard. But the result is worth it. When the copywriter has all the necessary input on his hands, the text will come out strong.

The ability to sell yourself

A professional copywriter must be able to sell text. But tell me, how can an author be called professional if he is not able to sell himself first of all?

We are talking about such self-presentations as a resume, a response to a vacancy, or a “” page on a personal website. This is the first “clothes” by which a potential customer meets the author and evaluates possible prospects for cooperation.

A few more important skills of an experienced copywriter

A person who wants to engage in copywriting professionally should focus on:

  • in the latest changes in the market;
  • in laws on advertising, copyright protection, consumer protection;
  • in the principles of media planning;
  • in sales psychology;
  • in the principles of marketing and advertising activities;
  • in the basics of business communication;
  • in modern methods of communication.

The professional qualities of a copywriter are the skeleton on which success in work rests. But let’s not forget about personal data, because even if you’re a pro three times, if you as a person are complete shit, then don’t expect success in this field.

What personal qualities does a copywriter need to have?

Some of the personal qualities are necessary not so much for working as a copywriter as such, but for mastering the professional skills from the previous part of the article.


IQ tests, of course, are still an indicator, but still, without brains, you can’t get into copywriting. Intelligence directly affects the ability to master and successfully apply new information in practice.


You need to be confident.

  • You can't be afraid of criticism, it doesn't mean anything at all.
  • You cannot be afraid to publicly express your own point of view on a particular issue, even if it runs counter to generally accepted opinion.
  • You can’t mumble when negotiating with a customer - he should see you as a professional copywriter, and not a child who accidentally wandered into an adult party.

Perseverance and tenacity

Professionalism involves continuous improvement of skills. Keep in mind that if you want to be a real copywriter, you will have to constantly learn, expand your range of knowledge and areas available for work. Sometimes you need to step over yourself. Especially if you need to write a text on a topic that is disgusting to you.

Perhaps every author has a considerable list of trends that he shuns. For example, I don’t work with online businesses. That’s what it says on my website – . But look into and you will see several landing pages for information business. It was a long time ago, in the 90s we earned as much as we could, but, nevertheless, I had to step on my own throat.

Communication skills

Creating content is about communicating with the reader, not expressing thoughts. The public responds more readily to a text that communicates with them and speaks their language. But it is impossible to become a master of confidential conversation with an audience if you are unsociable in real life.

Again, all from personal experience. I've never been particularly good at communicating. But having taken up copywriting, I came to the conclusion that I needed to change myself.


You shouldn’t use wit unnecessarily, even if you’re a master at it. Moreover, there is no need to be rude. Politeness is not just an important copywriter skill that makes it easier to win over your interlocutor. It is also a powerful weapon that helps to successfully resolve conflicts with harmful customers.

Love for work

In any activity, money should not be an end in itself. Only a specialist who has passion for his work creates something valuable. A composer - music, an artist - a painting, a cabinetmaker - a table. And the copywriter is the text.

Punctuality and perseverance

Nobody likes delays. Everyone has plans and calculations. Therefore, thoughts like “ nothing, just wait another hour..."get it out of your head forever. It is unacceptable to stop work halfway. Take it - do it. If you promise, keep it.

At the beginning of my career, I had to combine my main job with copywriting. Therefore, sometimes, to meet the deadline, I wrote texts on my smartphone while riding on the subway. I never allowed myself to be late. That's how cool I am. What about you?


One of the main qualities of a real copywriter is a lively mind and curiosity. The author must be versatile, interested in many things, look for fresh impressions, broaden his horizons, learn new things.

Don't sit at the computer all day. Read books, travel if possible, meet interesting people. Without this, professional growth is impossible.

Becoming a good copywriter is not that difficult. Develop your professional and personal qualities. Learn theory and practice. The efforts will not be in vain, and after some time you will see the results. Good luck to you and see you for new publications.