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Improving the quality of management of an educational organization places new demands on the professionalism of its leader. Qualification reference books that describe the characteristics of positions are gradually becoming outdated: they do not contain new professions at all or their content does not correspond to reality. Therefore, the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS) and the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees (USC) are being replaced by professional standards.

What does the professional standard include?

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Professional standard is one of the elements of the national qualifications system that links the requirements of employers and vocational education. The concepts of “employee qualification” and “professional standard” are defined in Art. 195.1 Labor Code Russian Federation(as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ dated May 2, 2015 “On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 11 and 73 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”).

Professional standard- this is a characteristic of the qualifications necessary for an employee to carry out a certain type of work professional activity. It is designed to expand the boundaries of employee freedom and at the same time increase his responsibility for the results of his work. The standard describes the professional activity, and not the identity of the worker or his specific position.

It contains:

  • information about generalized labor functions,
  • possible job titles,
  • requirements for education, training, experience practical activities,
  • special conditions for permission to work,
  • description of labor actions, necessary skills and knowledge.

The professional standard becomes the basis for changing the system of training and retraining in higher school and in centers of advanced training and vocational education programs. Labor relations in the organization are also being built in a new way.

How is a professional standard adopted?

The development and approval of a professional standard at the state level is a rather complex procedure. First, domestic and international experience in introducing professional standards and regulatory framework, prospects for the development of professional activities are assessed; then the future professional standard is designed and tested. After this, the document is submitted for approval to the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF, Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The text of the standard should be developed taking into account the opinion of trade unions of the Russian Federation and widely discussed.

The professional standard "" was developed by a group led by specialists from the Federal Institute for Educational Development (FSAU "FIRO"). Currently, it is undergoing the procedure of approval and approval by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Features of the professional standard “Head of an educational organization”

Development of a professional standard for a manager educational organization is associated with the requirements of Article 51 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”. At the same time, the Federal Law of 05/02/2015 No. 122-FZ “On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 11 and 73 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” establish that employers are obliged if they exist by law established requirements to the qualifications necessary for an employee to perform a certain job function.

Already now, take into account the prospects for changes in legislation: analyze new professional standards from the point of view of application in the organization, adjust internal management documents, training programs, certification procedures, job descriptions, form personnel reserve etc.

The professional standard for the head of an educational organization is based on an approach in which the organization will not only function, but also develop. such knowledge and skills that will allow him to predict changes in educational needs and promptly respond to them, to reasonably choose a strategy and tactics for purposefully increasing and effectively using the organization’s potential to achieve a new quality of education.

The manager implements target management functions. They are aimed at realizing the educational goals of the institution, creating necessary conditions and provision social interaction subjects educational process to achieve these goals. He organizes internal and external interactions, represents the organization in government, local government, public and other organizations.

The professional standard requires:

  • to education (higher and additional professional education),
  • experience practical work(mainly at least three years of teaching or leadership experience in educational organizations),
  • conditions of admission to work (no restrictions on engaging in teaching activities established by the legislation of the Russian Federation);
  • contains other characteristics related to the procedure for delegation of authority.

The professional standard of the head of an educational organization determines the possible positions:

  • rector,
  • president,
  • director,
  • manager,
  • boss.

This is the peculiarity of its construction. Individual labor functions and labor actions of a generalized labor function, as well as their totality, can be performed by deputy managers, managers structural divisions(first vice-rector, vice-rector, deputy heads (director, head and manager), heads (directors, heads, chiefs, managers) of a structural unit, deputy heads (director, head, head, manager) of a structural unit, heads (heads) of an educational (production) ) practice) in the order of delegation of authority to them. However, they are not subject to the requirements for managerial experience.

The requirement for teaching experience is not imposed on persons holding leadership positions and responsible for economic activities.

The professional standard defines generalized labor functions, which are specified in labor functions in accordance with the characteristics of professional activity. Identification of generalized and labor functions It turned out to be quite difficult for the head of an educational organization.

The management functions of a modern educational organization must be implemented taking into account:

  • features of activity different types educational organizations (preschool educational organization, general education organization, professional educational organization, educational organization of higher education, organization of additional education, organization of additional professional education);
  • features of the main and additional types activities of educational organizations;
  • specifics of organizational legal form;
  • specifics of delegation of powers;
  • other features of constructing professional activities in the field of management.

The generalized labor functions of the head of an educational organization in the proposed professional standard are highlighted by management (management) objects. These include:

  • management of educational activities of an educational organization;
  • management of the development of an educational organization;
  • resource management of an educational organization;
  • representing an educational organization in relations with authorities state power, local government bodies, public and other organizations;
  • management of research, expert-analytical, experimental design, innovation and educational and production activities of an educational organization.

At the same time, a generalized labor function, allocated in accordance with the object of management, which covers various levels of education, cannot be attributed to one level of qualification. It corresponds to both the seventh and eighth qualification levels. Thus, the correspondence between the manager’s level of qualification and the level of education offered by the organization he manages is determined not through a generalized labor function, but through a labor function.

Labor functions in the professional standard of a manager are defined in accordance with the characteristics of the activities of different types of educational organizations: preschool, general education or organization of additional education for children; professional educational organization; organizations of higher education or additional professional education. At the same time, labor functions describe labor actions, necessary skills and knowledge.

Each job function can be considered as a competency required within the framework of a given professional standard. If we define competence as the ability and readiness of a specialist to perform professional activities, then the dominant content of generalized and labor functions becomes the labor action, supported by necessary skills and knowledge.

The generalized labor function, which describes the management of the educational activities of an educational organization, involves performing, for example, the following labor actions:

  • management of the development of basic educational programs, a system of local acts of the organization;
  • formation of governing bodies of an educational organization;
  • organization and management of the process of selection of teaching and educational means, methods and technologies of education;
  • management of interaction with subjects of the external environment;
  • organizing regular monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of educational programs, their adjustment;
  • management of work to improve the professionalism and leadership qualities of teachers;
  • formation of a system of motivation and stimulation of the teaching staff for the high-quality implementation of professional activities.

In managing the activities of higher and professional education organizations, it is also necessary to monitor the labor market, create a system for recruiting and admitting students, analyze consumer satisfaction and the demand for graduates, etc.

Generalized labor function “Managing the development of an educational organization” involves (taking into account the specifics of managing educational organizations of various types) the following labor actions:

  • management of the development of a development program for an educational organization, taking into account promising domestic and global trends in the field of educational development;
  • organizing an assessment of existing limitations and risks of implementing the development program of an educational organization;
  • organizing activities to identify and agree with social partners, key activities and events that ensure the effective implementation of the development program of an educational organization;
  • management of the operational activities of the organization to implement the development program;
  • organization of professional and public assessment of the achievements of an educational organization; formation of a system of marketing and monitoring of social order for education;
  • organizing a self-examination of the development of an educational organization, etc.

Generalized labor function "Resource Management of an Educational Organization" involves performing such labor actions as:

  • policy formation in the field resource provision educational organization in accordance with the development strategy;
  • determining the needs and priority areas for using financial resources of an educational organization,
  • ensuring a balanced distribution of resources, attracting and stimulating the search for additional resources; development of plans for the financial and economic activities of an educational organization;
  • formation of the organization's staffing policy;
  • policy formation and management of the internal information space of an educational organization;
  • ensuring labor protection, health and environmental safety educational organization;
  • monitoring, analysis, evaluation and control of the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of the organization's resources;
  • analysis of the quality of decisions made in the field of resource management and planning of corrective actions and improvements, etc.

The generalized labor function “Representing an educational organization in relations with state authorities, local governments, public and other organizations” involves performing the following labor actions:

  • determining the needs, directions and expected results of interaction with government authorities, local governments, public and other organizations;
  • organizing the development of mechanisms, tools and regulations for interaction with subjects of the external environment, including network interaction;
  • representing the interests of an educational organization in interaction with subjects of the external environment;
  • control of interaction and assessment of the results of interaction with subjects of the external environment and others in accordance with the characteristics of the activities of organizations of preschool, general, additional, higher and vocational education.

The generalized labor function “Management of research, expert-analytical, experimental design, innovation and production activities of an educational organization” contains only two labor functions - “Management of production activities of a professional educational organization” and “Management of research, expert-analytical, experimental - design, innovation and production activities of a higher education organization or an organization of additional professional education.”

What will change after the introduction of the manager standard

According to the developers, the implementation of the manager’s professional standard will allow solving a number of problems:

  • in the field of management of an educational organization: high-quality performance of all labor functions described in the professional standard, and collectively ensuring the achievement of the goal(s) of professional activity, through their rational distribution and organization of interaction between managers;
  • in the field of personnel training: determination of the list of basic and additional educational programs that provide training in the field of educational management, development of their content, organizational models of continuing education for heads of educational organizations.

The issue regarding the timing of application of professional standards has not yet been resolved. Today we can assume that the testing and implementation of the professional standard of the head of an educational organization can be carried out under the following conditions:

  • in the process of carrying out professional activities in educational organizations (building labor relations, intra-company forms of work with personnel, forms of control, etc.);
  • in the process of training personnel in higher education institutions;
  • in the process of retraining and advanced training of personnel in institutions of additional professional education;
  • in the process of personnel certification.

The possibility of applying a professional standard in the field of labor relations requires the development or amendment of local acts of educational organizations; changes in requirements for manager qualifications; making changes to job descriptions of managers; developing mechanisms for delegation of powers; changes in managerial performance requirements (effective contract) and certification procedures.

Leader Standard and Higher School

The requirements of professional standards should be reflected in student training programs. IN modern system In higher education, leadership training can be carried out within the framework of undergraduate programs (direction “Management”) and master’s programs (directions “Management”, “Pedagogical education”, “Psychological and pedagogical education”). The training programs for future teachers are already introducing such disciplines as “Management of the educational process”, “Monitoring in education”, “Design of the educational process”, etc. to a greater extent The requirements for the level of qualification of a manager, of course, are met by a master's degree. Therefore, Russian universities should introduce (some are already introducing) master’s programs in education management profiles. But this experience is still too small.

To improve the quality of training for heads of educational organizations, it will be necessary to develop a cluster of special manager competencies in accordance with the labor functions of the standard. The main ones should also appear educational programs, a package of technologies for the formation and assessment of these competencies and other measures that will ensure the continuity of training and development of management personnel.

Retraining and advanced training of managers

In order to apply a professional standard in the system of training, retraining and advanced training of managers, it is necessary to research and formulate an order for the professional development of heads of educational organizations. It is necessary to develop and test educational programs (including for administrative teams and aspiring managers); in-house training programs for administrative teams. Tools must appear that will allow the formation and assessment of the competencies of managers and teachers in the process of continuous professional development etc.

The procedure for certifying the head of an educational organization will change, monitoring the results of the development of the manager’s competencies in accordance with the professional standard will appear, professional development programs for managers will be developed based on the results of their certification, etc.

Risks of implementing a professional standard

The professional standard “Head of an educational organization” was discussed in various regions of the Russian Federation during the development process. As a result of a professional discussion, experts formulated some risks of its implementation:

  • the requirements of the professional standard do not include a system for training managers; colleagues believe that if there are no qualifications, there is nothing to improve; the system of additional professional education, even retraining will not solve all the problems of implementing the professional standard of a manager;
  • the mechanism for forming a manager’s job responsibilities from a set of job functions is unclear;
  • the modern leader is not sufficiently prepared for special activities related to team building and the distribution of functions and roles in it;
  • a mechanism for delegation of powers within the framework of the distribution of labor functions between the manager, deputy manager, and head of a structural unit has not been proposed; there may be conflicts that arise due to duplication of functions;
  • there is no mechanism for determining the criteria and performance indicators of a leader in the education system (too many instructions “from above”);
  • the necessary changes in approaches to certification and assessment of the effectiveness of a manager’s activities in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard are not clear;
  • approaches to the development and self-development of managers and the development of support programs for young managers in accordance with professional standards have not been defined;
  • the transition to new professional standards requires special work by the manager, the administrative team, and the entire teaching staff (time, effort, money, etc.);
  • the implementation of a professional standard is associated with an effective contract, but the mechanism of this connection is not yet clear;
  • the labor actions of a manager include functions for which he is not yet ready, for example, the development of regulations and mechanisms, tools for interaction with subjects of the external environment, including state authorities and local self-government, etc.;
  • the proposed professional standard does not take into account individual current directions educational developments that need to be specifically managed, for example, the introduction of inclusive education, the development of non-formal and formal education, etc.

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The professional standard of the head of an educational organization accepts proposals

  • 3325
  • 17.02.2017

The FIRO website presents the current version of the professional standard “Head of an educational organization,” modified based on comments received from the expert community and federal executive authorities. Comments and suggestions are accepted.

The need to develop a professional standard for managing an educational organization (preschool educational organization, general education organization, professional educational organization, higher education organization, additional education organization, additional vocational education organization) is caused by many factors. In particular, project management methodology has become widespread in recent decades in the management of educational organizations. However, the work of many managers today is based on an intuitive level within the framework of the so-called " manual control", says the explanatory note to the document.

The need to develop a professional standard for the head of an educational organization is related to the requirements of Article 51 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ, which determines that candidates for the position of head of an educational organization must have higher education and meet the qualification requirements specified in the qualification reference books for the relevant positions of heads of educational organizations and (or) professional standards.

Currently, the requirements for the qualifications of heads of educational organizations are described in two sections of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees (US), while the description of positions is exemplary in nature, which makes it difficult to use both in the field of labor relations and in the field of education .

In contrast to the qualification characteristics presented in the EKS, professional standards describe activities, not positions, and, accordingly, establish requirements for education and work experience necessary to perform general labor functions (GLF) and labor functions (LF) included in them, and not to occupy a particular position.

The problem of professional standards is not new to international practice, the document notes. An analysis of Russian and international professional standards for similar professional activities showed that in the USA and most European countries a professional standard is understood as detailed characteristics measurable requirements for the results and quality of employees’ performance of their functions within a specific type of professional activity (profession), expressed in terms of competencies. For example, in the USA there are three types of professional standards: code professional ethics, which contains ethical guidelines, a code of qualification standards, which contains guidelines regarding the experience and level of education required for the job, and a code of professional standards, which contains specific instructions for performing a particular job. A prime example of occupational standards governing levels of achievement are the UK's National Qualifications for Vocational Education and Training (NVET), which provide framework qualifications for all occupations and industries.

As of January 1, 2017, a decree on the introduction of professional standards applicable to all employees performing their direct duties in educational institutions Russia.

It is quite natural that certain requirements will also be presented to the heads of educational institutions, but they have not yet been approved and exist in a draft version. And this automatically means that they can change. According to analysts, the main difficulty in drawing up a professional standard for the head of an educational organization is that in various institutions (schools, kindergartens, colleges, etc.) there are a wide variety of competencies, which must also be taken into account when drawing up an official document.

Why do we need a professional standard for the head of an educational organization?

According to experts, this document can be considered one of the most controversial in modern Russian history. The fact is that it began to be developed back in 2013, but for one reason or another, its adoption and approval was constantly postponed.

On at the moment There is no final data yet regarding when the document will officially come into force. However, given the fact that the teacher’s professional standard will begin to be officially used in regulatory documentation from January 1, 2017, many analysts expect that the requirements regarding the leadership of educational institutions will be finalized by this date.

Initially, the requirements for the leadership of educational institutions were ordinary recommendations that could not be paid attention to. But, starting from July 2016, this documentation will gradually be implemented in domestic system education, and in the near future it will become mandatory not only for institutions subordinate to government agencies, and also for structures managed by private individuals.

See also:

The appearance of this documentation itself is not surprising. The fact is that many norms of ETKS, EKS, etc., which were in force earlier, are no longer comparable with modern realities and are outdated. This has led to the fact that they simply do not reflect the current situation in the field of education. You can often encounter a problem when conflicts arise regarding people who are put at the head of an educational organization, but whose competence in these matters raises huge doubts.

According to many domestic politicians, education is an area where state control must be present at all stages of education. AND important element this control is to determine the requirements that are put forward to those people who fulfill their professional responsibilities in this area.

In order to change the situation in the field of education, a draft professional standard was developed. The head of an educational organization must meet all the requirements specified in the document in order to be able to fulfill his duties as a manager. In addition, at the official level, this standard will consolidate specific job responsibilities and management skills that any head of an organization in the field of education must possess.

Special attention is paid to functions that must be clearly performed in accordance with the requirements of the current legislative framework. By the way, according to many experts, it is this question causes greatest number disputes, since the competence of heads of educational institutions different types inherently have a lot of differences, which must be displayed and recorded.

However, there is already a preliminary version of the professional standard for the head of an organization in the field of education, which soon has every chance of becoming an official document, mandatory for everyone. However, the final date for adoption of the standard is still official information no, and therefore we can expect that the document will be finalized.

Experts argue that the adoption of this document will solve a lot of problems in the domestic educational environment. Which have become more active in recent years. It is expected that the approved standard will help achieve the following key objectives:

  1. The qualifications of managers will be improved, which will certainly have a positive impact on the quality of management of the educational institution.
  2. All educational organizations will be under the constant control of the state, which will help to quickly solve problems arising in this industry and prevent the emergence of critical situations.
  3. Russian education will rapidly develop in all areas.
  4. A qualified leader will be able to significantly increase the quality of education by achieving maximum interaction between all participants in the educational process.

What does the professional standard contain?

Since the professional standard of a manager has not yet been approved, at the moment it exists in a template form, approved in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 147n. dated 04/12/2013. After its adoption, the draft was not edited, and currently has the same appearance and structure.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Labor, the standard must contain several key parts:

  • General information. This indicates the classification of the profession according to OKZ and OKVED codes, and also determines the specific type of professional activity;
  • Basic functionality. This part indicates specific functions that must be performed by managers, but this list has a generalized form;
  • Characteristics of the functions of a leader. This section is a kind of continuation of the above paragraph, however, here in a more expanded and clarified version, specific requirements for key functions official;
  • Information regarding those organizations, institutions and structures that were directly involved in the development of the document, until the moment it was paid attention to at the highest legislative level and approved as a project document by order of the Ministry of Labor No. 147n. dated 04/12/2013.

In accordance with established standards, the first section of the document includes the official name of the position (manager educational institution) and a list of goals that the official must achieve. It is worth noting that this section for management officials of institutions of different types is practically the same, and differs only in the OKVED coding, according to which the activities of managers can be divided into several groups:

  • Code 85.11 corresponding to the head of the institution preschool education;
  • Code 85.12-85.14, which is used for establishments general education(primary, secondary and basic);
  • Code 85.21, relating to secondary vocational education (colleges, schools, etc.);
  • Code 85.22.1-85.22.3, presented for institutions providing higher education;
  • Code 85.23 – regulating the training of specialists with higher qualifications;
  • Code 85.30 considering vocational training;
  • Code 85.41, appropriate for additional education;
  • Code 85.42, which defines the conditions for obtaining auxiliary education to assist in the performance of basic professional duties.

The second and third sections of the professional standard for the deputy head of an educational organization (as well as for the immediate manager) are essentially complementary. Here special attention is given to specific functions that will be assigned to the official involved in managing the organization.

The generalized functions are presented as follows:

  1. Direct tasks that must be performed under the leadership of the organization.
  2. Activities and actions related to the professional development of the institution in order to provide higher quality educational services.
  3. Competent management of all resources (both tangible and intangible) that are on the organization’s balance sheet.
  4. Carrying out tasks that will enhance the quality and value of research, scientific, educational and production activities within a specific institution.
  5. Active interaction with state and municipal authorities, foreign educational institutions and other contractors who are faced with the activities of the educational institution.

As for individual labor functions, given the difference in the competence of the management team in a particular institution, they are considered separately. However, here too there are essential characteristics that a teacher must meet in order to occupy a leadership position. We are talking about:

  • Mandatory presence of a diploma of completed higher education in the field;
  • About the walkthrough vocational training;
  • Participation in work special programs aimed at improving qualifications and abilities (at least once every three years);
  • Availability academic degrees, published scientific and research work(for management staff of universities).

In addition, these sections also provide for the official titles of management positions. At the moment there are 4 of them - head, director, chief and rector. However, controversial issues often arise on this issue, so analysts do not rule out that in the future this list may be supplemented before the professional standard of a manager is finally approved at the all-Russian level.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the introduction of the professional standard will help modernize and improve the Russian educational system, which will have a positive impact not only on the qualifications of teaching staff and managers, but will also significantly increase the quality level of the system as a whole.

Thus, a professional standard will have a positive impact on the development Russian education, and will enable the state to control the activities of those individuals who occupy leadership positions.

ECSD 2018. Revision dated April 9, 2018 (including those with changes that entered into force on July 1, 2018)
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use directory of professional standards

Deputy head (director, head, head) of an educational institution

Job responsibilities. Organizes current and forward planning activities of an educational institution. Coordinates the work of teachers, educators, industrial training masters, other pedagogical and other workers, as well as the development of educational, methodological and other documentation necessary for the activities of the educational institution. Ensures the use and improvement of methods of organizing the educational process and modern educational technologies, including remote ones. Monitors the quality of the educational (teaching and upbringing) process, the objectivity of the assessment of results educational activities students, the work of clubs and electives, ensuring the level of training of students that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard, federal state requirements. Organizes work on preparing and conducting exams. Coordinates interaction between representatives of pedagogical science and practice. Organizes educational work for parents (persons replacing them). Provides assistance to teaching staff in mastering and developing innovative programs and technologies. Organizes educational, methodological, cultural and extracurricular activities. Monitors the teaching load of students and pupils. Draws up a schedule of training sessions and other types of educational and educational (including cultural and leisure) activities. Ensures timely preparation, approval, and submission of reporting documentation. Provides assistance to students (pupils, children) in conducting cultural, educational and recreational activities. Carries out recruitment and takes measures to preserve the contingent of students (pupils, children) in circles. Participates in the selection and placement of teaching staff, organizes their professional development and professional excellence. Makes proposals for improving the educational process and management of the educational institution. Takes part in the preparation and certification of teaching and other employees of an educational institution. Takes measures to equip workshops, educational laboratories and classrooms modern equipment, visual aids and technical teaching aids, replenishment of libraries and teaching rooms with educational, methodological, fiction and periodical literature. Monitors the state of medical care for students (pupils, children), living conditions in dormitories. When performing the duties of the deputy head of an educational institution for administrative and economic work (part), he exercises leadership economic activity educational institution. Monitors the economic maintenance and proper condition of the educational institution. Organizes control over the rational use of materials and financial resources of the educational institution. Takes measures to expand the economic independence of the educational institution, timely conclusion necessary contracts, attraction for the implementation of activities provided for by the charter of the educational institution, additional sources financial and material resources. Organizes work on analysis and assessment financial results activities of an educational institution, development and implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of use budget funds. Provides control over the timely and complete fulfillment of contractual obligations, the procedure for processing financial and business transactions. Takes measures to ensure the necessary social and living conditions for students, pupils and employees of the educational institution. Prepares a report to the founder on the receipt and expenditure of financial and material resources. Manages the improvement, landscaping and cleaning of the territory of the educational institution. Coordinates the work of subordinate services and structural units. Complies with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation, laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational, physical culture and sports activities, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, pedagogy, achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science and practice, psychology, fundamentals of physiology, hygiene, theory and methods of management educational systems, modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated teaching, implementation of a competency-based approach, developmental education, methods of persuasion, argumentation of one’s position, establishing contacts with students (pupils, children) of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues, technologies for diagnosing the causes conflict situations, their prevention and resolution, the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, by email and browsers, multimedia equipment, basics of economics, sociology, methods of organizing the financial and economic activities of an educational institution, civil, administrative, labor, budget, tax legislation in terms of regulating the activities of educational institutions and educational authorities at various levels, basics of management, personnel management , basics of project management, internal rules labor regulations educational institution, labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the areas of training "State and municipal administration", "Management", "Personnel management" and work experience in teaching or leadership positions at least 5 years or higher professional education and additional professional education in the field of government and municipal government, management and economics and work experience in teaching or leadership positions for at least 5 years.

Vacancies for the position of Deputy head (director, head, head) of an educational institution according to the all-Russian vacancy database

Thank you for your previous answers to our questions - these answers help us a lot in our work. From July 1, 2016, professional standards are being introduced. Please tell me whether the professional standard of the head (director) of an educational organization (secondary vocational education) has been approved? Before asking this question, I looked at the already approved professional standards on the Ministry of Labor website, and did not find what I was looking for there. At the same time, there is a draft of this professional standard on the Internet from 2013. Please help clarify the situation with this professional standard, because The director demands an unequivocal answer from me: has the professional standard of the director of an educational organization of secondary vocational education been officially approved (and if so, what are the details of the order of the Ministry of Labor on approval - number and date)? Thank you in advance.


Answer to the question:

Indeed, there is currently no approved professional standard for the head of an educational organization.

Don't miss: the main article of the month from a practical expert

5 main misconceptions about professional standards.

  • teachers and other employees of educational organizations (Art. , Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ). Professional standard “Teacher” January 1, 2017 ().

Pedagogical activities persons who have the appropriate and meet the qualification requirements specified in the qualification reference books or (,) can be engaged. When determining qualification requirements the employer has the right to use both qualification reference books and professional standards. Such explanations are given in.

General requirements to the educational qualifications of a teaching worker are established in a single qualification directory approved by.

Requirements for the qualifications of the head of an educational organization according to the above reference book: higher professional education in the areas of training "State and municipal administration", "Management", "Personnel management" and work experience in teaching positions of at least 5 years or higher professional education and additional professional education in the field of state and municipal administration or management and economics and At least 5 years of experience in teaching or management positions.

Persons who do not have special training or work experience established in the “Qualification Requirements” section, but have sufficient practical experience and competence, performing efficiently and in full the tasks assigned to them job responsibilities, on the recommendation of the certification commission, as an exception, can be appointed to the appropriate positions in the same way as persons with special training and work experience.

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

1. Answer:How to Apply Professional Standards

Purpose of professional standards

Why are professional standards developed?

A professional standard is a characteristic of the qualifications that an employee needs to perform work in his position (). The standard can be developed for a specific position or profession, for example, for a welder, teacher, or for activities that include entire groups of related positions and professions, for example, personnel management, media, financial specialists.

Standards development

How professional standards are developed

The development of professional standards is a large complex task that is being implemented gradually. Professional standards began to be approved en masse in 2015, and this work continues in 2016-2018. Teacher standards were among the first to be approved, social worker, programmer, welder.

A complete list of approved standards is given in a single reference book, broken down by industry.

The development of new documents occurs in accordance with the development of professional standards for 2014-2016, approved.

Employers have the right to take part in the development of draft professional standards (approved Rules). To do this, you must send a notification about the development of the project to the following address: [email protected](FSBI "Research Institute of Labor and social insurance"). The recommended sample notification is posted on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Labor. In addition to the notification, the employer submits the following set of documents to the Russian Ministry of Labor:

  • draft professional standard;
  • explanatory note to the project;
  • information about organizations that took part in the development and approval of the professional standard;
  • information on the results of discussion of the draft professional standard with representatives of employers, professional communities, trade unions and other interested organizations.

When developing a draft professional standard, you must be guided by the following documents:

  • on the rules for the development, approval and application of professional standards;
  • on the development of a professional standard, approved;
  • , approved ;
  • in order to develop draft professional standards approved by .

Within 10 calendar days from the date of receipt of the draft professional standard by the Russian Ministry of Labor:

  • informs its developer about the rejection or acceptance of the project for consideration;
  • posts the draft professional standard accepted for consideration on the website for public discussion;
  • sends the draft professional standard to the relevant federal executive body implementing legal regulation in the relevant field of activity, who prepares his comments and suggestions on the project.

The period for public discussion is no more than 15 calendar days from the date the draft professional standard is posted on the website. The federal body sends its comments and suggestions on the draft professional standard to the Russian Ministry of Labor also within 15 calendar days from the date of its receipt.

After this, the Russian Ministry of Labor sends the draft professional standard, along with the results of its consideration by the federal body and the results of public discussion, to the National Council for professional qualifications. The National Council examines the document and sends the corresponding expert opinion to the Russian Ministry of Labor. There is no statutory deadline for such an examination. In practice, meetings of the National Council take place once every one or two months, that is, the examination of draft professional standards lasts approximately that long.

Within seven calendar days after receiving the conclusion of the National Council, the Ministry of Labor of Russia makes a decision to approve or reject the draft professional standard and informs about the decision taken professional standard developer.

Such rules are provided for in paragraphs of the Rules approved by.

On average, the review and approval of a professional standard in practice lasts about three months (Rules approved).

Information about approved professional standards is entered into a special register, the procedure for creating and maintaining which is established by the Ministry of Labor of Russia (Rules approved). The Ministry of Labor of Russia sends information about approved professional standards to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia within 10 days after they enter into force, so that their provisions are taken into account when developing federal state educational standards vocational education (Rules approved).

Draft professional standards can be developed both through own funds employer, and at the expense of federal budget on the basis of a government contract concluded in accordance with the Law of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ (clause , Rules approved). For example, the list of projects of professional standards developed at the expense of the federal budget is indicated in the book.

Updating professional standards

Question from practice: how often will professional standards be updated?

As needed.

Changes to professional standards will be made if there are justified proposals or changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Changes to professional standards will be made in the same order as approved. Such explanations are also given by specialists from the Russian Ministry of Labor in letters dated April 4, 2016 No. 14-0/10/13-2253.

Application of professional standards

Which organizations are required to apply professional standards?

Employers are required to apply professional standards in terms of:

  • job titles, if the performance of work in the position is related to. In these cases, the job title must be indicated in accordance with the approved professional standard or qualification reference books (,). If an employee has the right to early retirement according to the list, and the name of the position in the professional standard does not correspond to the name of the position in the list and qualification directory, .
  • requirements for education, knowledge and skills. That is, if the requirements for the qualifications that an employee needs to perform his job function are established Labor Code RF, federal laws or other regulatory legal acts ().

Thus, qualification requirements, in particular, are established for the following categories of workers:

  • aviation personnel, aircraft crews (Art., Air Code of the Russian Federation);
  • lawyers();
  • auditors (Article , Law of December 30, 2008 No. 307-FZ);
  • drivers of organizations that carry out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport ();
  • psychiatrists, other specialists and health workers providing mental health care ();
  • chief architects ();
  • chief accountants in open joint stock companies, insurance organizations, non-governmental pension funds, joint-stock investment funds, management companies of mutual investment funds and other organizations whose securities are admitted to trading, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, including territorial ones ();
  • chief accountants of credit and non-credit financial institutions ();
  • state civil and municipal employees (,);
  • workers engaged in underground work ();
  • workers involved in work with chemical weapons ();
  • workers engaged in work that is directly related to traffic ();
  • mediators();
  • doctors and pharmacists ();
  • scientific workers ();
  • notaries();
  • management bodies and employees of a professional market participant securities, clearing organization ( , );
  • guards();
  • teachers and other employees of educational organizations (Art. , Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ). Professional standard “Teacher” January 1, 2017 ();
  • prosecutors ();
  • workers in the field of public procurement within the framework of Law No. 44-FZ (, Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ);
  • workers in the field of professional counseling, professional selection(selection), psychodiagnostics and correction (Regulations approved);
  • heads of the risk management service, service internal control, internal audit service of a credit institution (etc.);
  • welders ( , approved );
  • employees of internal affairs bodies ();
  • employees Investigative Committee Russia();
  • rescuers();
  • specialists in the field of veterinary medicine ();
  • specialists and officials insurance organizations ();
  • notary trainees, notary assistants (Art., Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries, approved);
  • bailiffs ();
  • judges ().

Accordingly, if professional standards are approved for the specified positions or areas of activity, then employers are obliged to comply with them, including qualification requirements.

For example, from July 1, 2016, all audit organizations, as well as individual auditors-employers, are required to apply. Experts from the Russian Ministry of Finance also point to this. This means that organizations that have positions teaching staff, they can defer them until January 1, 2017. Contains similar recommendations.

Also, until January 1, 2017, the employee contract service or a contract manager may have professional or additional professional education in the field of placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs. And from January 1, 2017, they must already have a higher education or additional professional education in the field of procurement. This is stated in Article 38 and Article 112 of the Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ. Similar explanations are given by specialists from the Russian Ministry of Economic Development.

The deadlines for the mandatory implementation of professional standards are also.

In other cases, if qualification requirements are not established by law, professional standards continue to be advisory in nature.

OKVED uses a hierarchical classification method and a sequential coding method. Species grouping code economic activity consists of two to six digital characters. Its structure can be presented as follows:

XX - class;

The employer, also, taking into account the specifics of the activity, can expand the list of labor actions for individual positions, professions, specialties in comparison with the list provided by the professional standard for the corresponding labor functions. For example, due to labor functions and labor actions from other generalized labor functions of one professional standard or labor functions from related professional standards. In this case, the employer determines the employee’s compliance with the requirements for education and training, practical work experience and special conditions for admission to work, including taking into account the provisions of professional standards that provide for these labor actions.