If you liked understanding processes, you were attracted production processes and technology, then consider this profession first!

Average wages: 25,000 rubles per month




Entry barrier


The technologist profession is a number of narrowly focused specialties that include knowledge and skills in various manufacturing industries.


Technological processes were known long before the advent of writing. Primitive people created tools, developing a mechanism for processing stone, then metal.

Engineering and technology were first mentioned in writing in Ancient Greece. On at this stage historical development these processes were associated with art. But over time, they switched to the production of tools and handicrafts. At the same time, each process of manufacturing certain items gradually acquired its own strict rules - technologies.

Over time, they developed, improved and were described. These days, production capacity has reached its peak. Most processes are automated. So the profession of a technologist is more relevant than ever. Due to the wide range of application options and the characteristics of each area, this specialty is divided into a number of more narrowly qualified areas.


The profession of a technologist is to control the implementation of all mandatory processes in the production of products. The specialty is strictly classified by industry:

  • Food. Rules for the preparation and processing of food products is a fairly extensive branch of knowledge. Without strict adherence to all cooking process technologies, cases of poisoning will increase significantly.
  • Easy. Fabric processing and techniques for creating patterns and sewing products are all the main components of this type of production. Ignorance of process technologies will lead to the massive appearance of defective items.
  • Chemical. Safety rules and strict adherence to technological components of processes are the basic principles of any chemical production or laboratory.
  • Metallurgy. Each metal has its own melting point and characteristics. The technologist knows everything about processing methods and the order of their application.
  • Oil refining. Extraction and processing of petroleum products is one of the most complex and dangerous processes. The slightest deviation from technology can lead to dire consequences.
  • Printing. Making paper and applying designs and letters on it is a complex automated process. Technologists in this industry know everything about how to make it accurate and efficient.
  • Wood processing. Wood products have always been valued. The rules for its processing are the main component of the quality of the finished product.

A technologist is a specialist who monitors the implementation of all processes in production. He controls not only production, but also the quality of the results. When inconsistencies appear, this specialist searches for errors in technological processes.

What specialties to study?

In order to obtain a technologist diploma, you should choose one of the specializations:

  • Isotope separation technologies and nuclear fuel.
  • Technology of light industry products.
  • Technical physics.
  • Nuclear energy and thermophysics.
  • Food industry technology.
  • Photonics and optoinformatics.
  • Technological machines and equipment.

Almost every industry has a specialist who controls the implementation of all processes.

Where to study

To obtain a diploma as a technologist, you should choose one of the universities in the country that offers this specialty or the subject of production technology. The most popular are:

  • Moscow State Mechanical Engineering University.
  • St. Petersburg state university technology and design.
  • Moscow state academy food production
  • St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University).

The technologist profession exists in every industry, so finding an institution to obtain this specialty is quite simple.

What do you have to do at work and specializations?

The work of a technologist consists of performing a number of mandatory processes:

  • Communication with staff. The technologist manages not only production, but also the people who participate in it. Therefore, it is important to be able to clearly set the task and convey information to the staff.
  • Production process control function. To do this, the technologist visits the workshop, checks the quantity of ingredients and compliance with order at each stage of production.
  • Product quality control. The technologist receives samples, examines them and eliminates deficiencies by correcting errors in production processes.
  • Intellectual work. This specialist not only performs a certain list of responsibilities, but also constantly develops new technologies. This is necessary to increase labor efficiency and production volumes.
  • Work on troubleshooting minor problems with equipment. Minor repairs and knowledge of special equipment are one of the most important components of a technologist’s work.
  • Developing advanced product quality testing techniques to help more accurately display the full picture.
  • Compilation job descriptions on technological processes for personnel.
  • Training of newly arrived employees and making decisions about their probationary period.
  • Preparation of technical documentation and production efficiency reports.
  • Making proposals to improve product quality and improve all stages of its production.

The profession of a technologist includes an additional number of highly focused, specific responsibilities. They are different in every industry.

Who is it suitable for?

First of all, a technologist must have well-developed logical thinking. It helps to effectively organize all production processes. Accuracy and attentiveness are indispensable. They help you quickly find faults and inaccuracies. A good eye will help you control the amount of ingredients without unnecessary procedures.

Given the vastness and rigor technological processes, this specialist must have a good memory. Basic knowledge about working with equipment and its structure will also come in handy. They often help avoid costly repairs.

The technologist organizes and controls all production processes. Therefore, communication skills and leadership skills are irreplaceable.


The profession of a technologist is considered not to be in great demand. This is due to the weak development and expansion of production. Vacancies appear in cases of dismissal or career advancement of specialists. But technologists can also work in the specialties of the industry in which they received their education. For example, a chef-technologist can easily find a job a simple employee catering

How much do people working in this profession earn?

The average salary of a technologist ranges from 8-53 thousand rubles per month. Income level directly depends on the industry and location labor activity.

Is it easy to get a job?

Considering the shortage of vacancies specifically for technologists, it is difficult to find a job. When a vacant position becomes available, several people often apply for the position. But a technologist can get another job with the prospect of promotion in accordance with his diploma.

How does one usually build a career?

In order to gain career opportunities, a technologist must constantly demonstrate his innovative qualities. To do this, one should engage not only in control, but also in the development of new, more efficient technologies to improve the quality and speed of production processes.


There are plenty of opportunities for career growth. Self-development and development are the main perspective. A technologist can easily occupy one of the leading positions in the management of production processes or departments.

Technologists quite often discover own business. Possession of production skills provides the opportunity for development.

Our technologists are in demand abroad. This is due to a high IQ. Therefore, a technologist’s diploma also opens up the prospect of employment abroad.

Modern youth do not fully understand the importance of engineering in the development of the state’s economy, do not have basic information on this issue, and, when choosing a profession, are mainly guided by the “historical experience” of people of the older generation. We invite you to learn more about the profession of a process engineer - without tracing paper, as it is!

Work should be enjoyable, because it is a significant part of life, no matter how pretentious and banal this phrase may seem. But to do conscious choice and to avoid further disappointments, you need to have the most complete understanding of what a person in a particular profession does.

Ideas about the profession process engineer still remain very vague and are associated with project documentation, drawings, low wages and social instability of the intelligentsia. Alas, this was the case in Soviet times!

Modern youth uses other terms denoting this profession, but they also do not fully understand the importance of engineering in the development of the state’s economy, do not have basic information on this issue, and, when choosing a profession, are mainly guided by the “historical experience” of people of the older generation. We invite you to learn more about the profession of industrial engineer - without tracing paper, as is!

What is a process engineer?

For a long time the word " inventor“was synonymous with the word “engineer.” And all because the name of the profession comes from the Latin ingenium (witty invention). Consequently, an engineer is a pioneer, innovator, creative person, looking for ways to improve life and develop technical progress.

The mythical hero Icarus, who was the first to conquer airspace, can well be considered an engineer. The wings on which Icarus rose into the sky are a technical invention, like all subsequent achievements of mankind, including the discovery of electricity, radio, the first satellite of the Earth, the invention of various industrial equipment and technology.

Engineering is the ability to see how production can be improved in any area, to apply your knowledge and experience in practice. Skillful organization of work production workshop can also increase productivity, and only a person with special technical and scientific knowledge can create such conditions.

Modern conditions require from technologists not only a creative mind, but also great organizational skills to introduce your invention into production, to prove it economic effect. A process engineer must have broad knowledge in the field of fundamental and applied sciences, especially in the economic field where he will work.

Engineer profession can be divided into the following areas:

  • Inventive and scientific activity;
  • Design work;
  • Introduction of technologies into production.

Although, all these areas are closely interrelated, and without understanding the fundamentals and meaning of the invention, it is impossible to recreate it and get a high positive result from its implementation.

Basic job responsibilities process engineer:

  • Organization of production, labor, management and technical control;
  • Development of technical documentation, methodological and regulatory documents, carrying out activities to implement developed projects;
  • Systematic analysis, search for the most appropriate solutions to improve work;
  • Participation in research work, introduction of new programs and equipment, testing.

What personal qualities should a process engineer have?

Among the main personal qualities, necessary for a process engineer, can be distinguished:

  • Abilities for abstract and analytical thinking;
  • Constant desire to learn and improve educational level;
  • Organizational skills, leadership skills;
  • Communication skills that help explain the essence of your invention to the management of the enterprise, and to the performers the developed methods of implementation.

Overall, every engineering specialty has its own characteristics and depends on the industry in which the specialist works. Therefore, the requirements for certain personal qualities, knowledge and skills directly depend on where the industrial engineer works. For example, in construction and architecture, artistic taste and design abilities may be useful, and in aircraft manufacturing, high physical fitness in order to personally conduct in-flight tests, and so on.

Advantages of being a process engineer

To the people engineering profession society has always treated with respect as the most educated and intelligent part of it, despite the social injustice that once existed in terms of wages and rewards for inventions. However, this state of affairs is a thing of the past.

Taking into account the increase in demand for engineering personnel associated with the rise of all sectors of the country’s economy and the new economic strategy of the state - import substitution, young industrial engineers now have every chance to demonstrate their abilities and rapidly rise up the ladder. career ladder.

But we must not forget that high pay labor and other material benefits can only be counted on the condition full compliance professional qualities. Therefore, from the very first days of training, you need to be responsible about your choice and persistently master knowledge in order to apply it in practice.

According to statistics industrial engineer salary largely depends on the specialist’s field of activity and place of residence. On average, the salary level ranges from 28-70 thousand rubles.

Disadvantages of the profession of industrial engineer

The profession of a process engineer is predominantly associated with high mental and moral stress. With a responsible attitude to work, the technologist must be prepared for an irregular work schedule, because he is responsible not only for the production process, but for the people who work according to the instructions developed by him.

After receiving an education, an ordinary specialist, as a rule, expects high wages, but it directly depends on practical experience purchased from production. Therefore, when starting a career in this profession, you need to have great patience in order to achieve the desired result.

Where can I get a profession as a process engineer?

You can gain knowledge and relevant qualifications in both secondary professional organizations, and in Russian universities. Depending on the chosen industry, a diploma can be obtained at any industry institute: chemical, food, metallurgical industry and other fields.

So that as soon as possible master production technology, and after graduating from a university you already have practical skills, it is better to begin training in a specialty at a technical school or college, where the program is more adapted to obtaining practical knowledge.

In the future, after receiving a diploma from a higher educational institution, broader prospects open up for the young specialist: he has the opportunity to quickly move up the career ladder directly at the enterprise, engage in scientific activities and develop advanced technologies based on his own work experience.

Currently, specialists in the field of nuclear physics are most in demand, chemical industry, genetic engineering, aviation, creation of artificial intelligence. Top five educational leaders, where you can get a specialty in these areas include:

  • - State University (Moscow);
  • - National Research Nuclear University;


A process engineer is a specialist involved in the development and organization of any production process. Process engineer working on industrial enterprises and in design organizations.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Technological engineer are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities graduate large number specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Process engineers.

All statistics

Description of activity

The activity of a process engineer is work using knowledge of the production technology of an enterprise's products, product designs or product composition, technological equipment and the principles of its operation, technological processes and production modes, standards and technical conditions, types of defects and methods for their prevention, the fundamentals of computer-aided design systems , procedure and methods for conducting patent research.


Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Very common

According to the results of the survey, profession Technological engineer is currently very common, since for quite a long period there has been a high demand for specialists in this field among employers. This area needed and continues to need specialists.

How users rated this criterion:
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What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Technological engineer You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work Technological engineer(related or similar specialty). Average vocational education not enough to become Technological engineer.

How users rated this criterion:
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Job responsibilities

A process engineer develops and implements advanced technological processes. Establishes the order of work and the step-by-step route for processing parts and assembling products. Draws up plans for the placement of equipment, technical equipment and organization of workplaces. Calculates production capacity and equipment utilization. Participates in development technical standards production, linear and network graphs, in testing product designs for manufacturability, calculates standards for material costs (consumption rates for raw materials, semi-finished products, materials, tools, process fuel, energy), economic efficiency designed technological processes. Develops technological standards, instructions, assembly diagrams, route maps, maps technical level and product quality and other technological documentation. Makes changes to technical documentation in connection with adjustments to technological processes and production modes. Coordinates the developed documentation with the departments of the enterprise. Develops technical specifications for the design of special equipment, tools and devices provided for by the technology. Conducts patent research and determines indicators of the technical level of designed engineering and technology objects. Monitors compliance with technological discipline in the workshops and the correct operation of technological equipment. Analyzes the causes of defects and production of low quality products and varieties, takes part in the development of measures to prevent and eliminate them. Develops methods technical control and product testing. Performs individual official assignments from his immediate superior.

Type of labor

Mostly physical labor

As the survey results show, profession Technological engineer involves primarily physical labor. Process engineer must have good physical fitness, high strength endurance and good health.

How users rated this criterion:
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Features of career growth

Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Process engineers have minimal career opportunities. It doesn’t depend at all on the person himself, it’s just a profession Technological engineer does not have a career path.

How users rated this criterion:

Professions related to the production process and industry have always been popular, and specialists who have reached a high level in these areas have always been in demand. One of these professions includes the profession of a process engineer - a person who is engaged in the development, control and organization of production, works at various industrial enterprises, performing a number of duties assigned to him. What are these responsibilities?

About the profession in general

In his work, a process engineer deals with technologies for the production of certain products, product designs or product composition, technological equipment and the principles of its operation, technological processes and the production process in general. In addition, such a specialist develops standards and technical specifications, prevents defects, conducts various kinds of patent research.

Qualities of a process engineer

Among the main qualities that a good process engineer should have are organization, independence, and responsibility. Of course, because he deals with complex technological processes every day. In addition, a process engineer must be diligent, communicative, disciplined and tolerant. Such a specialist will not be hindered by the presence of analytical thinking, mathematical abilities, spatial imagination and good memory.


The responsibilities of a process engineer include:

Development and implementation of progressive technological processes;

Installation and control of the order of work, as well as the step-by-step route for processing parts and the assembly plan for various manufactured products;

Drawing up plans for the placement of equipment and equipment, organizing employee workplaces;

Calculation production capacity and equipment loading;

Development of technical standards, production schedules;

Calculation of standards for material costs, efficiency of technological processes and projects from an economic point of view;

Development of technological standards, assembly diagrams, instructions, technical maps and quality of products;

Maintaining additional technological documentation, making changes to it;

Coordination of technological documentation with all departments of the enterprise;

Development technical assignments for the design of tools and equipment necessary for the production process;

Conducting patent research;

Determination of indicators of the technical level of products;

Monitoring compliance by employees and proper use of equipment;

Analysis of defects and their causes, development of measures to eliminate them;

Carrying out additional instructions from the manager.


A process engineer, whose responsibilities may vary depending on the specific enterprise, one way or another deals with important production processes, the success of which directly depends on his work. That is why people who want to acquire this profession must understand in advance the seriousness of this work and immediately develop those skills and qualities that may be useful to them in the future.

Qualified process engineers are needed in any industry where automation systems are used: food and textile factories, printing houses, industrial chemical laboratories and many others. These specialists are engaged in the development and implementation of technological processes and new equipment. Also, the responsibilities of a process engineer include managing the operating modes of equipment and product production.

As a rule, this profession is obtained in higher education. educational institutions, then, accumulating work experience, the novice specialist improves his qualification category and opens up new career prospects. Therefore, specialists who perform the duties of a process engineer without having a specialized education and want to advance in their careers need to obtain a diploma.

The Interregional Academy of Industrial and Construction Complex (MASPK) invites you to professional retraining courses for process engineers. We provide services in the field additional education, acting on the basis of license No. 035298 dated July 14, 2014. Our educational programs are designed for a wide audience of listeners; the only condition for enrollment in the course is the presence of secondary specialized and higher education.

Professional retraining program for process engineers at MASPC

The training course is designed primarily for those who, having an engineering or technical education, wish to master a related specialty and thereby expand their professional competence. The retraining program includes the following areas:

  • means and principles of automation and mechanization in production;
  • principles for calculating equipment production capacity and product production standards (time and material costs);
  • production planning: organization and technical equipment of workplaces;
  • development of technical documentation and document flow, including principles for developing technical specifications for the design of certain products;
  • the procedure for performing work to regulate production mechanisms and production modes;
  • post-operative product route;
  • patent research and introduction of new technologies into production.

IN syllabus, in addition to the general aspects of the profession, highly specialized disciplines that study in detail production processes in various industries can be included. The duration of professional retraining courses for industrial engineers can range from 280 to 506 hours, depending on the needs and experience of the students. After passing the final test, the Academy issues a diploma of the established form, which will allow you to count on employment in your specialty or confirm your position.

Training courses for process engineers at MASPC

The MASPC additional education programs are developed taking into account the needs of the main category of students - specialists who, due to their employment at their main job, cannot take long breaks to complete full-time courses. We offer distance learning as part of professional retraining.

By enrolling in Academy courses, students gain access to educational portal where they are contained necessary materials: lectures, webinars, teaching aids, as well as self-testing. Educational process The teacher guides you, answering questions online.

By choosing our educational programs, you get:

  • the opportunity to study to become a process engineer in Moscow from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access;
  • individual training schedule;
  • highly qualified and friendly teachers;
  • modern educational and teaching materials;
  • flexible pricing policy and affordable cost.

You can sign up for professional retraining courses for process engineers right now, use the feedback form on our website or call the contact number.