According to the subject of labor (what a person works with), means of labor (what tools or machines he uses), working conditions, goals of work, all professions can be classified as one type or another. Given this typology, each profession can be assigned a certain code or profile - that is, according to what criterion it belongs to what type. Then you can create for yourself an “ideal formula of the profession”, your preferred means of labor and the subject of labor. Thus, it will not be difficult to determine for yourself which profession is suitable for you and which is not.

Any profession for each of the bases of the line can be classified either into one of the types or into several. The lines indicate the basis for classification - and the corresponding types of professions.

1. Depending on subject of labor All professions are usually divided into five types.

This is actually a rough division. This division is suitable for professions in which it is clearly visible that they belong to one of the five subjects of labor. Psychologists determine for each profession which subject of labor is closer to it, what a person mainly deals with in the process of work, and there can be three subjects of labor that characterize a profession. Such an assessment will make it possible to distinguish professions within the group, determining the secondary subject of labor for a given profession.

"H E L O V E K - P R I R O D A"

Professions: livestock specialist, dog handler, master livestock breeder, seed breeder, agronomist, laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis and others.

Of the professions of this type, there are professions for which the subject of work will be:

· plants

· animals

· microorganisms

Such professions are associated with the food industry, medicine, agriculture, and scientific research in the field of biology and geography. Strange as it may seem, a hotel and tourism manager or a psychologist should have some interest in nature...

This division does not mean at all that all human labor is directed only at the mentioned objects of labor. For example, plant growers use various techniques, work in teams, and conduct an economic assessment of their work. But still, the main subject of concern and attention of plant growers are plants and their environment.

On the other hand, if you choose a profession of the “man-nature” type, it is very important to find out your attitude towards nature: as a place of relaxation or as your workplace, where you will devote your energies to production.

When choosing a profession, one more point should be taken into account. The peculiarity of biological objects of labor lies in their complexity, variability (according to their internal laws), and non-standardity. Animals, plants, microorganisms grow, develop, live, get sick and even die. An employee must not only know a lot about living organisms, but also foresee possible changes in them, which are sometimes irreversible. A person must have such qualities as independence in decision-making, foresight, initiative, and caring.

"H E L O B E K - T E H N I K A"

Professions: carpenter, tunneler, metallurgical technician, architect, mechanical engineer, radio mechanic, electrical installer, builder, telecommunications specialist, computer assembler and others.

Naturally, here the work of workers is aimed not only at technology, but still the main subject of professional attention is technical objects and their properties.

· professions related to the extraction and processing of soils and rocks;

· professions related to the processing and use of non-metallic industrial materials, semi-finished products, products;

· professions in the production and processing of metals, mechanical assembly, installation of machines and devices;

· professions related to repair, maintenance, adjustment of technological machines, vehicles, installations;

· professions related to the installation and repair of buildings, structures, structures;

· professions related to assembly, installation, repair, adjustment, maintenance of instruments, apparatus, electrical equipment;

· professions that use and operate transport and lifting equipment;

· professions in processing agricultural products.

In the process of processing, moving, transforming or evaluating technical means, the employee must be precise and is required to act with certainty. Since technical objects are always developed by man himself, there are many opportunities in the technical world for innovation, technical creativity, and invention. In addition to a creative approach to technology, a person is also required to have a high level of performance discipline.

"H E L O V E K - H E L O V E K"

The leading subject of labor in this category of professions is people.

Professions: teacher, psychologist, doctor, tour guide, hairdresser, artistic group leader, manager and others.

Professions of this type include:

· professions in teaching and upbringing, organizing and managing children's groups;

· professions in production management, management of people and teams;

· professions in consumer and commercial services;

information service professions;

· professions in information and artistic services to people and management of artistic groups;

· health care professions.

To successfully work in professions in this category, you need to be sociable, be able to communicate with people and maintain contacts, be able to understand people, understand their characteristics, and also gain knowledge in the relevant field of production, science and art.

Qualities that are important in work:

· good stable mood when working with people;

· need for constant communication;

· the ability to understand people’s moods, their intentions, thoughts;

· ability to understand relationships between people;

· ability to communicate with different people and find a common language with them.


Professions: engineer, draftsman, translator, secretary-typist, topographer, programmer and others.

The group of professions of the “human - sign systems” type includes:

· professions related to office work, paperwork, transcoding, text analysis and transformation;

· professions related to numbers and quantitative relationships;

· professions that process information presented in the form of schematic images of objects or in the form of a system of symbols.

To successfully work in one of the professions of the “person - sign system” type, you need to have a special ability to immerse yourself in the world of dry symbols, be able to distract yourself from the world around you and focus on the information contained in the signs. When processing information represented by conventional signs, it will be necessary to solve the problems of verification, control, processing, accounting, information, and also work on the creation of new signs and sign systems.


Professions: artist, designer, performer, musician, literary worker, stone carver.

The group of professions of the “person - artistic image” type combines:

· professions related to visual or musical activities;

· literary and artistic professions;

· profession of acting and stage activity.

A distinctive feature of professions such as “person - artistic image” is that most of the labor costs are hidden from an outside observer. In addition, special efforts are often made to create the effect of ease and ease of the final result of the work.

2. Depending on working conditions All professions are divided into four groups:

· Work in a normal microclimate (household) - engineer, secretary-assistant, accountant, programmer;

· Work outdoors, where sudden changes in temperature and humidity are possible - agronomist, field farmer, fireman, builder;

· Work in unusual conditions: under water, in the air, underground, at height, in hot shops and workshops with hazardous production - diver, miner, operator, pilot;

· Work with increased moral responsibility for the life and health of people, for material and social values ​​- doctor, teacher, auditor, safety engineer.

3. By means of labor Professions are usually divided into four categories:

· professions where manual labor is used - surgeon, jeweler, carpenter, musician, radio equipment installer;

· professions where manually operated machines are used - machinist, driver, telecom operator, turner;

· professions where automatic machines, semi-automatic machines, robotic systems, automatic lines are used - operator, printer, energy system dispatcher, steelmaker;

· professions where functional means of labor are used - conductor, actor, teacher, athlete, director.

4. Depending on labor goals There are three groups of professions:

· Gnostic: distinguish, check, evaluate, recognize - inspector, sanitary doctor, commodity expert, investigator, literary critic, expert;

· transformative: transform, move, organize, process - teacher, painter, driver, tailor, mechanic, parquet floorer;

· exploratory: to come up with, construct, invent, find a new option - graphic designer, marker, cutter, breeder.

Example of a profession formula : Lawyer

Subject of labor: PERSON - a lawyer serves people, helps in solving their problems, analyzes them, communicates with people; SIGN SYSTEMS - a lawyer reads and analyzes documents, collections of laws, reference books, statistical data.

Working conditions: WITH INCREASED MORAL RESPONSIBILITY - for the life and honor of a person; EVERYDAY - in the case when it is a lawyer-investigator, when it is a police officer, then in the open air.

Means of labor: FUNCTIONAL - language, facial expressions, gestures, own brains; sometimes AUTOMATED - using a computer.

Labor goals: GNOSTIC - determine which class of situations the client’s case belongs to, determine, recognize the cause, classify, sort; SURVEY - evidence, find a way to present information, find a way to better protect the defendant.

Psychologists can create an ideal profession formula for you using tests. You are asked a series of questions and, as a result of the analysis, your preferred means of labor for your chosen professional activity are revealed. Psychologists draw up profession formulas based on professiograms (descriptions of professions, tasks solved in the process of work, and profession requirements for human qualities). You can use existing computer systems to create your ideal formula. Such services can be provided to you in career guidance centers and psychological support centers, as well as in computer psychological testing centers. But it’s always better to be able to analyze the profession yourself - then your choice will truly be informed. You will understand why any profession attracts you (for example, the profession of a theoretical physicist - for research purposes, the profession of a stuntman - for unusual conditions).

Klimov E.A. proposed his own classification of professions, highlighting classes of typical tasks to be solved:

    "man is living nature"

    "man - technology"

    "man is a man"

    "man is a sign system"

    "man is an artistic image."

Further, in accordance with the characteristics of the main goals of professional activity, professions and specialties are divided into classes: gnostic (recognize, determine), transformative (process, serve) and exploratory (invent, invent). Knowing the place of professions in the above classification and the basic requirements for representatives of a certain type of professional activity, you can correctly and timely identify your professional interests and inclinations:

Type of profession by subject of work.

Gnostic (recognize, determine).

Transformative (process, serve).

Research (invent, come up with).

Man is nature.



Man is technology.

CNC machine operator.

Driver, mechanic.

Inventor, Engineer.

Man is a sign system.


Archivist, librarian.


Man is an artistic image.

Literary critic.

Artist, designer.

Man is man.


Teacher, doctor.


All these tasks place their own demands on professionalism. The level of professionalism can be judged by the degree of compliance of the individual characteristics of the personality and activities of a professional with the requirements imposed on him by the profession.

  • Klimov E.A., A developing person in the world of professions, Obninsk, 1993.

Psychological types of professions /According to E.A. Klimov/

All professions can be classified into one type or another depending on the subject of labor (what the worker deals with), means of labor (whether he uses machines or hand tools), etc. Taking into account the proposed typology, each profession can be assigned a certain code or profile - that is, to what type and by what criterion it belongs. And then create for yourself an “ideal formula for the profession”, the preferred subject of labor, means. And thus understand which profession suits you and which does not.

Basic classification of professions

Any profession for EACH of the grounds (strings) can be classified into one of the types or several. The lines indicate the grounds for classification - and the corresponding types of professions.

Subject of labor

P nature

T equipment

H man

Z nak

X artistic image

Working conditions

B household

On ABOUT open air...

N unusual

With increased M oral responsibility

Means of labor

R academic

M tires

A automated

F functional

Labor goals

G nostic

P transformative

AND prospecting

Lesson plan on the topic “Classification of professions”

Subject : Classification of professions

Lesson objectives:


form theoretical ideas andconcepts related to the world of professions;introduce the concepts of “profession”, “specialty”, with the classification of professions by branches of labor, objects, purposes, tools and working conditions.


develop attention, thinking, memory, mental and creative activity;

increase interest in professions and professional activities.


to cultivate feelings of camaraderie, culture of speech, aesthetic vision,

respectful attitude towards any profession.

Lesson objectives:

    introduce the world of modern professional work, the specifics of professional activity and promote the development of professionally important qualities;

    help adapt to real socio-economic conditions;

    update the process of professional self-determination;

Lesson type: lesson in learning new knowledge.

Students should know:

    concepts of “profession”, “specialty”, “position”, “classification”;

    classification of professions,formula of professions;

    criteria for analyzing professions.

Students should be able to:

  • operate with concepts on the topic of the lesson;

    analyze a profession based on the classification of professions.

Forms of work: conversation, solving situational problems, viewing a presentation, independent work.


    computer for demonstrating the presentation "Classification of professions"

    handout “Analysis of professions (list of main characteristics)

Interdisciplinary connections:history, social studies, geography.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational stage.

Introductory speech by the teacher.

There comes a time in every person’s life when they have to decide where to continue their education or where to go to work, i.e. practically choose a profession.9th grade is a particularly important time in the life of boys and girls. Some of you, having completed nine grades, will continue studying at school, some of the students, having chosen a profession, will enter vocational schools, technical schools, and colleges. This is a very responsible choice that can significantly affect your future professional growth and career. Preparation for further choices is important.Choosing a profession is your first step towards an independent life, on which your future destiny will depend. Making this choice is very difficult; you need to be internally prepared and confident that a step is being taken in the right direction. Therefore, your professional choice must be taken seriously and responsibly. In order not to make a mistake in the choice ahead of you, you need to learn to understand the peculiarities of professional activity and the specifics of professions.

Slide No. 1; 2

Formulation of the topic and goals and objectives of the lesson

The formulation of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson is carried out by the teacher together with the students.

2. Learning new material

Slide No. 3

To begin studying new material, let’s turn to the basic concepts, without which it is impossible to understand the peculiarities of a person’s professional activity; we need to learn to distinguish between the concepts of “profession”, “specialty”, “position”.

Basic concepts are recorded by students in a notebook.

Word"profession" (from the Latin pоfessio - “I declare my business”, “to speak publicly”, “to declare”) means a type of work activity that requires certain preparation and is a source of livelihood.

A profession is the knowledge, skills, and personal qualities necessary to successfully engage in a given job and receive remuneration for one’s work.

A profession is a group of related professions and specializations with different qualification levels. The concept of “profession” denotes a fairly wide range of labor functions, but often there is a need to define the specific work that a person performs, that is, his specialization.

Speciality – (from Latin species – genus, species) – type of occupation within one profession.

For example: doctor - surgeon, therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, etc.

This is a limited area of ​​application of human physical and spiritual forces necessary for society.

Job title - this is a labor post, the position of an employee in a specific body of the management apparatus, which reflects duties, rights and responsibilities. The position indicates membership in a particular management chain.

For example: the position of “chief doctor” makes sense only in a chain where, along with it, there is a local doctor, a ward doctor; the presence of subordinates sets additional rights and responsibilities, determines the boundaries of power and competence.

Slide No. 4

Systematization, or, in other words, classification allows one to navigate the diverse world of professions.

Classification is a meaningful order of things, phenomena, dividing them into varieties according to some important characteristics. You have already encountered various classifications when studying various subjects and could appreciate their merits. In the world of professions, skillful use of classification will help you choose from a variety of professions those that you would like to get to know better, as well as understand modern production.

There are different types of professions. For example:

1) distribution of professions by the first letter of their name;

2) by the nature of the work: predominantly physical and predominantly mental;

3) by economic sector;

4) on the basis of material production;

5) according to the level and nature of the required qualifications, etc.

But none of the classifications discussed above can serve as a guide in choosing a future profession. These goals are best met by a classification of professions based on characteristics coming from a person.

Slide No. 5

This classification was developed by E.A. Klimov.When a person works, his attention is directed tosubject of labor.
Something needs to be done with the object - this
purpose of work.
This goal is achieved through
And finally, it is important for a personunder what conditions work is going on.
In accordance with these four characteristics, a classification of professions is constructed that is convenient for professional self-determination.

Slide No. 6

Let's take a closer look at this qualification. According to the first sign- subject of labor – all existing professions and specialties can be divided into five types. The most common are professions where the subject of labor is technology. Let’s agree to designate this type of profession with the letter “T” (man - technology).This group includes professions related to the production, maintenance and design of any equipment, from space rockets and computers to the anvil and hammer of a blacksmith. Engineer, designer, pilot, machinist, driver, electrician, builder, car mechanic, plumber, miner, engine tester - these are just a few of them. The peculiarity of technical objects is that they can be accurately measured and calculated, therefore professions in this group require a person to have a combination of a practical mindset and creative abilities, accuracy, and good health.

Slide No. 7

The next type of profession is (person - person) “H”.

Doctor, nurse, teacher, educator, waiter, lawyer, salesman,
hairdresser, tour guide - all these professions belong to the same group, because they have one subject of labor - a person. These professions have special social significance. They require patience and exactingness from a person, the ability to take responsibility for
yourself, control your emotions. The main content of work in these professions is effective interaction between people. Some qualities contribute to successful work, while others complicate it. If you have an increased need for communication, contacts with people will delight you; if you have a low need, they will tire you. An increased level of aggression is unacceptable for specialists in this field. By the way, the ability to communicate productively is necessary for each of us.

Slide No. 8

According to the attribute under consideration (subject of labor), the type of professions is particularly distinguished, which we will conventionally denote by the letter “P” (man - nature).

This group includes all professions related to living and nonliving
nature. Research, study and use of natural resources, caring for animals and plants, their treatment are possible activities. Professions of this group: agronomist, breeder, livestock specialist, veterinarian, dog handler, plant breeder, geologist, game warden, ecologist, land reclamation specialist. People of these professions are united by a love of nature. But this love is active, not contemplative. It's one thing to play with animals and admire flowers. And it’s completely different to regularly, day after day, look after them, observe, treat, walk them, regardless of personal time and plans. To be successful in this activity, you need to be strong and resilient, caring and patient, not afraid of difficulties and not expecting quick results.

Slide No. 9

Often the objects of human labor are various signs: oral or written speech, numbers, chemical and physical symbols, notes, diagrams, maps, diagrams, graphs, drawings, road signs, etc.

This group includes all professions associated with the use of oral and written speech, working with documents and numbers. These are the professions of economist, accountant, linguist, mathematician, programmer, and notary. The subject of labor for these professions is the “sign system”, “Z”, that is, all the information that can be presented in the form of texts, formulas, signs, codes, graphs, diagrams and drawings. Much, if not everything, depends on the reliability and timeliness of information in our lives. Therefore, it is important for a specialist who works with signs to be able, on the one hand, to abstract from the real physical, chemical, mechanical properties of objects, and on the other, to imagine and understand the characteristics of real phenomena and objects behind the signs. Professions in this group place special demands on a person’s thinking, memory and attention.

Slide No. 10

Many of you probably like professions in which work is associated with visual, musical, literary, artistic and acting activities. These are professions of the “person - artistic image” “X” type: designer - clothing designer, stained glass artist, photographer - artist, musician, performer, tuner of musical instruments, etc.

Having understood the types of professions, you have taken only the first step in mastering the ability to analyze various types of human activity. In order to classify a profession or specialty as a certain type, it is necessary to find out what a person’s attention is mainly directed to during the labor process.

Slide No. 11

Within each type, professions are divided into classes in accordance with the goals of labor. Despite the huge variety of goals that various works have, they can be reduced to three large classes: to learn, to transform, to invent.
1. Gnostic professions (G), comes from the ancient Greek “gnosis” - knowledge or cognition. Gnostic or cognitive goals of labor can
be diverse: sort, compare, check, evaluate. Gnostic professions can be found among any of five types of professions: “Nature” - biologist-laboratorian, exterior specialist; "Technique" - radio equipment controller, tester;
"Man" - forensic expert, sociologist; "Sign" - proofreader, auditor; "Artistic image" - art critic, theater critic. These professions place certain demands on the worker: cognitive activity, observation, stability of attention, memory, thinking, and responsibility are necessary.

2.Transformative professions (P). Transformative human activity can be aimed at objects, energy, information, processes. In some cases, the results can be seen immediately - a builder, a blacksmith, an artist, in others - the results wait months and years (breeder, educator). The predominance of practical or mental activity of a specialist depends on the subject and content of his work: “Nature” - livestock breeder, plant breeder, livestock specialist; "Technology" - mechanic, machine operator; "Man" - teacher, coach; "Znak" - layout designer, accountant; "Artistic image" - graphic designer, fashion designer.

3. Survey professions (I). The purpose of the work of professions of this class is to search for something new, unknown. The goal of the activity comes to the fore, which involves inventing something, coming up with something, finding a new solution. "Nature" - fisheries inspector, game warden, research biologist; “Technology” - engineer; “Man” - supply agent, production organizer; “sign” - programmer, mathematician; “Artistic image” - composer, designer. Many professions combine the characteristics of different classes.

Slide number 12

Classes of professions are in turn divided into departments depending on the tools of labor or means of production. There are four such departments:

Professions involving the use of manual labor (P): plumber, surgeon, carpenter, dentist. Professions associated with the use of hand- or foot-controlled machines (M): turner, milling machine operator, diesel locomotive driver, tractor driver. Professions associated with the use of automated and automated equipment (A): steelworkers, printers, weavers, power system operators. Professions and specialties in which the main tools of labor are the functional means of the human body (F): singer, actor, ballerina, wine taster.

Slide No. 13

According to working conditions, four groups of professions can be distinguished:

work in normal living conditions (b). In such conditions, for example, a draftsman, an accountant, or a radio equipment controller works;

working outdoors under conditions of sudden changes in temperature and humidity (o). These conditions are typical for field farmers, tractor drivers, general machine operators, etc.;

work in unusual conditions: under water, at height, underground, as well as in conditions of elevated temperature, etc. (n). Examples of professions: divers, miners, painters, assemblers - high-altitude workers.

work with increased moral responsibility (for human health and life or for great material social values) (m). This group includes the professions of a teacher, judge, and salesperson.

Slide number 14

You have become acquainted with the classification of professions; it can be represented as four tiers in ascending order. It is assumed that in each type of profession there are classes, classes include departments, departments consist of groups. The fifth tier at the top of the pyramid is intended to indicate your future profession.

Slide No. 15

Physical education minute

I will name the profession, and you must determine what type it is and perform the appropriate actions

    T-T: bend over twice

    Ch-Ch: shake hands to the right and left of the person standing from you.

    C-P: stand up.

    C_Z: do squats twice.

    CH: applaud.

(ecologist, teacher, driver, accountant, artist.)

Slide No. 16

When analyzing any profession, it is necessary to identify its four main features: the subject of work, the purpose of work, tools of labor, working conditions - and using their symbols, write down a formula of several letters. These letters correspond to the type, class, department, group of professions.

3. Consolidation of the studied material

Slide No. 17,18

Practical task:

    Correlation of concepts and categories.

Students are invited to independently determine professions and specialties from the proposed list.

    Write a formula for the proposed professions

a) gardener; b) policeman; c) milling machine operator; d) engineer;

    What distinctive features are common to each pair of the following professions:

a) design engineer-composer; c) accountant-mechanic;

b) waiter-taxi driver; d) nurse-turner;

    Name the general characteristics of the following professions and specialties:

a) livestock breeder, gardener;

b) design engineer, composer, theoretical chemist;

c) nurse, turner, accountant;

d) salesman, milkmaid, tower crane operator, mechanic.

e) seller, waiter, librarian, nurse, sports coach.

Slide No. 19

    Solve each puzzle and fill in the horizontal cells of the teaword.

Slide No. 20

Answers to assignments.

1. Surgeon, literary critic, pianist, test pilot, theoretical chemist, painter, designer artist, cutter;

Teacher, turner, engineer, hairdresser, driver, seamstress, cook, lawyer, builder.

2. Gardener - PPPro; policeman - ChPRb; milling operator - TPMb; engineer - TGRb;

3. a) according to working conditions (domestic); b) by subject of work (CH – C);c) by tools (manual); d) according to the goals of labor (transformative);

4. a) on the subject of work (P-P); b) for the purposes of labor (exploration);c) according to working conditions (domestic); d) according to the purpose of labor (transformative); e) on the subject of work (C – C).

1. hairdresser; 2. engineer; 3. fisherman; 4. cook; 5. editor; 6. builder; 7. farmer; 8. stove maker; 9. mechanic; 10. Shoemaker; 11. dog handler; 12. doorman.

Practical task:

6. Conduct an analysis of professions (according to plan).

Analysis of professions (list of main characteristics of professions) - handout cards.

Characteristics of professions

Example: taxi driver profession

Space to encode your intended profession

Subject of work:

1 – animals, plants (nature);

2 – materials;

3 – people (children, adults);

4 – equipment, transport;

5 – sign systems (texts, information on computers...);

6 – artistic image.

Labor goals:

1 – control, assessment, diagnosis;

2 – converter;

3 – inventive;

4 – transportation;

5 – service;

6 – own development.


1 – manual and simple devices;

2 – mechanical;

3 – automatic;

4 – functional (speech, facial expressions, vision, hearing...);

5 – theoretical (knowledge, ways of thinking);

6 – portable or stationary means.

Working conditions:

1 – household microclimate;

2 – large rooms with people;

3 – ordinary production workshop;

4 – unusual production conditions (special humidity, temperature, sterility);

5 – extreme conditions (risk to life and health);

6 – work outdoors;

7 – work sitting, standing, in motion;

8 – home office.

The nature of communication at work:

1 – minimal communication (individual work);

2 – clients, visitors;

3 – ordinary team (same people);

4 – work with audiences;

5 – pronounced discipline, subordination in work.

Responsibility at work:

1 – material;

2 – moral;

3 – for the life and health of people;

4 – unexpressed responsibility.

Features of work:

1 – high salary;

2 – benefits;

3 – “temptations” (the opportunity to take bribes, steal...);

4 – sophisticated relationships, meetings with celebrities;

5 – frequent business trips;

6 – finished result of labor (you can admire it).

Typical difficulties:

1 – nervous tension;

2 – occupational diseases;

3 – swearing and foul language are common;

4 – the possibility of ending up behind bars (in prison);

5 – low job prestige.

Minimum level of education for work:

1 – without special education (after school);

2 – primary vocational education (SPTU);

3 – secondary vocational education (technical school, colleges);

4 – higher professional education (HEI);

5 – academic degree (postgraduate school, academy).

People, technology, transport

Transport, service

Mechanical, functional

Extreme, sitting


Life and health

"Temptations", meetings with celebrities

Nervous tension, occupational diseases, swearing and foul language

Primary vocational education

4. Summing up the lesson

Summing up and formulating conclusions about the lesson:

    What new did you learn in today's lesson?

    What did you like, what benefits did you derive from the knowledge gained?

    What caused difficulties and what else needs to be worked on?

Final word from the teacher

In today's lesson, we examined important aspects of the classification of professions, expanded our vocabulary with new concepts on the topic “The World of Professions” and took the first step towards mastering the ability to analyze professional activities.We usually map out our professional destiny after graduating from school.
Someone finds a job that does not require special training. The majority first tries to get an education (at universities, courses, colleges), thereby outlining a range of future career opportunities.

To make the right choice, you need to: have an idea of ​​existing professions and, knowing your own inclinations, realistically assess your capabilities.


Prepare a professional analysis (according to plan).

Summary of the pre-professional training lesson

Classifications of professions. Signs of the profession.

Smirnova Elena Mikhailovna, Deputy Director for Water Resources Management,

pre-vocational teacher, primary school teacher

You've probably noticed how quickly and accurately the librarian finds the book the reader needs. The easiest way to find it is if you know the author and title - the alphabetical catalog will help with this. But it happens that a reader is looking for literature on a topic that interests him, without knowing either the author or the title. Then a thematic catalogue, through which you can find the books you need, comes to the aid of the librarian. Classification helps you find a book - rules for placing books on shelves. In biology lessons you study the classification of the natural world, in chemistry lessons the classification of chemical elements. In the broadest sense of the word, classification is a meaningful order of things.

The classification of professions is based on its own laws. There are about forty thousand professions in the world, and every year dozens of old ones disappear and hundreds of new ones arise. Some professions flirtatiously change their names, pretending to be modern. You won’t immediately understand that the bartender is a bartender, and the manager is a manager. Classifying professions alphabetically will help you navigate them if you know the names of all forty thousand professions. How many professions do you know?

All students take turns naming professions. Anyone who cannot remember a profession within three seconds or repeats one that has already been named is eliminated from the game. If the guys name not a profession, but a position (boss, director, president), such answers are not accepted, as well as the words “oligarch”, “authority”, etc. The game continues until there is only one winner left.

Different countries have classifications that unite professions according to various criteria: place of work, degree of independence, speed of promotion, etc. Professions can be divided into industries. For example, the clothing industry. There are all sorts of professions there - fashion designers, equipment adjusters, mechanics, artists, seamstresses and motorists of various specialties, economists, and accountants. But is it possible to adapt an industry to your interests and inclinations? You can only try on a profession. That is why it is important to know the classification of professions based on essential features (E.A. Klimov. How to choose a profession).

It is interesting that back in the 18th century, the famous historian and statesman V.N. Tatishchev proposed his classification of types of professional activities:

· useful sciences (agriculture, physics, biology, mathematics);

· dandy or entertaining sciences (literature and art);

· vain sciences (alchemy, astrology);

· necessary sciences (education, healthcare, economics, law);

· sabotage sciences (witchcraft).

In our country, the four-level classification of professions E.A. is most often used. Klimov, according to which all professions can be divided into five subjects, three goals, four means and four working conditions.

According to Klimov, five large groups of professions can be distinguished depending on the subject of work - “technology”, “man”, “nature”, “sign”, “artistic image”. This is the first level of classification.

1. TECHNIQUE (T). This group includes professions related to the production, maintenance and design of any equipment, from space rockets and computers to the anvil and hammer of a blacksmith. Engineer, designer, pilot, machinist, driver, electrician, builder, car mechanic, plumber, miner, engine tester - just to name a few. The peculiarity of technical objects is that they can be accurately measured and calculated, therefore professions in this group require a person to have a combination of a practical mindset and creative abilities, accuracy, and good health.

· What type of thinking is typical for technology professionals?

2. MAN (H). Doctor, nurse, teacher, educator, waiter, lawyer, salesman, hairdresser, tour guide - all these professions belong to the same group, because they have one subject of labor - a person. These professions have special social significance. They require patience and exactingness from a person, the ability to take responsibility and control their emotions. The main content of work in these professions is effective interaction between people. Some qualities contribute to successful work, while others complicate it. If you have an increased need for communication, contacts with people will delight you; if you have a low need, they will tire you. An increased level of aggression is unacceptable for specialists in this field. By the way, the ability to communicate productively is necessary for each of us.

· What temperament is conducive to communicating with other people?

3. NATURE (P). This group includes all professions related to living and inanimate nature. Research, study and use of natural resources, caring for animals and plants, their treatment are possible activities. Professions of this group: agronomist, breeder, livestock specialist, veterinarian, dog handler, plant breeder, geologist, game warden, ecologist, land reclamation specialist. People of these professions are united by a love of nature. But this love is active, not contemplative. Playing with pets and admiring flowers is one thing. And it’s quite another thing to regularly, day after day, look after them, observe, treat, walk them, regardless of personal time and plans. To be successful in this activity, you need to be strong and resilient, caring and patient, not afraid of difficulties and not expecting quick results.

· What type of thinking is typical for successful specialists in this field?

4. SIGN (3). This group includes all professions associated with the use of oral and written speech, working with documents and numbers. These are the professions of economist, accountant, linguist, mathematician, programmer, and notary. The subject of labor for these professions is the “sign system”, that is, all information that can be presented in the form of texts, formulas, signs, codes, graphs, diagrams and drawings. Much, if not everything, depends on the reliability and timeliness of information in our lives. Therefore, it is important for a specialist who works with signs to be able, on the one hand, to abstract from the real physical, chemical, mechanical properties of objects, and on the other, to imagine and understand the characteristics of real phenomena and objects behind the signs. Professions in this group place special demands on a person’s thinking, memory and attention.

· What type of thinking is typical for a specialist in the field of sign information?

5. ARTISTIC IMAGE (X). This group includes professions related to visual, musical, literary and artistic, acting and stage activities. Creating works of art is a special process. Contemporaries are not always able to appreciate a brilliant artist, poet or composer living nearby, because talent tends to outstrip its time. Therefore, fame and recognition often come to creators only after death. But a person engaged in creativity experiences incomparable joy. To master creative professions, desire alone is not enough—creative abilities, talent, and hard work are required.

· What type of temperament is most often found in people of art?

Many professions are difficult to classify as one subject of labor. For example, a good secretary must not only be a specialist in the field of sign information (working with documents), but also be able to use a computer and office equipment, and communicate effectively with people. A good teacher, in addition to professional knowledge and communication skills, must have artistry.

As the teacher explains, the children fill out all four floors of the pyramid on their own or at the blackboard, writing down abbreviated names of objects of labor on the first level, goals of labor on the second, means of labor on the third, working conditions on the fourth level, emphasizing the preferred ones for each as they explain objects, goals, means and working conditions.

When choosing a profession, first of all, they keep in mind the subject of work. Thus, the concept of “object of labor” is the basis for further classification, the foundation of the pyramid invented by Professor E.A. Klimov.


Regardless of the subject of work, all professions are classified according to three goals of work: gnostic, transformative, exploratory. This is the second level.

1. Gnostic professions (G)

Gnostic, or cognitive, goals of work can be varied: sort, compare, check, evaluate. Gnostic professions can be found among any of five types of professions: “Nature” - laboratory biologist, exterior specialist; “Technology” - radio equipment controller, tester; “Man” - forensic expert, sociologist; “Sign” - proofreader, auditor; “Artistic image” - art critic, theater critic. These professions place certain demands on the worker: cognitive activity, observation, stability of attention, memory, thinking, and responsibility are necessary.

2. Transformative professions (P)

Transformative human activity can be aimed at objects, energy, information, processes. In some cases, the results can be seen immediately - a builder, a blacksmith, an artist, in others - the results wait months and years (breeder, educator). The predominance of practical or mental activity of a specialist depends on the subject and content of his work: “Nature” - livestock breeder, plant breeder, livestock specialist; “Technology” - mechanic, machine operator; “Man” - teacher, coach; “Znak” – layout designer, accountant; “Artistic image” - graphic designer, fashion designer.

3. Survey professions (I)

The purpose of the work of professions of this class is to search for something new, unknown. “Nature” - fisheries inspector, game warden, research biologist; "Technology" - design engineer; “Man” - supply agent, production organizer; “sign” - programmer, mathematician; “Artistic image” - composer, designer. Many professions combine characteristics of different classes.

The goals of labor make up the second floor of Klimov’s pyramid.



At the next level, professions are classified by tools, or means of labor. The means of labor can be real and functional.

Material tools of labor are a carpenter's hammer and ax, a surgeon's scalpel, a musician's violin, a teacher's pointer, a programmer's computer. Material means of labor are manual (P)- scalpel, screwdriver, cutter, brush; mechanical (M)- sewing machine, car, crane; automatic (A)— automatic and semi-automatic lines, robotic systems.

Functional tools (F) invisible. This is the eye of a carpenter, the tactile sensations of a surgeon, the inspiration of a musician, the knowledge of a teacher and programmer.

The means of labor constitute the third level of our pyramid.




Each profession requires working in certain conditions: in the office and under water, underground and in space, in hot shops, outdoors at any time of the year.

The diver examines water areas, the underwater part of structures and ships, finds and repairs damage in ship hulls and hydraulic structures, lays cable lines and pipelines under water, lifts sunken ships, cuts and welds metal structures under water; conducts research.

Underground navigators - surveyors - using special instruments, make measurements and calculations, draw up underground maps, working both underground, on the ground, and at a desk. They work with pinpoint precision, because a deviation of even five centimeters when tunneling in the opposite direction is unacceptable.

Civil aviation pilots do more than just transport cargo and passengers. They are updating maps of the area and putting out forest fires. Rolls, climb angles, speeds, directions, the state of on-board systems - all this is in the pilot’s field of vision.

A doctor, educator, teacher are responsible for the life, health, and full education of people. Their work, like the work of a pilot, is associated with increased moral and material responsibility.

There are four groups of working conditions:

B- ordinary, everyday microclimate (laboratory assistant, accountant, salesperson, scientist);

ABOUT— open air (agronomist, traffic police inspector, installer, geologist);

N— unusual conditions (miner, astronaut, submariner, firefighter);

M- increased moral responsibility for the health and life of people, for great material values ​​(teacher, doctor, judge, security guard).

Working conditions constitute the fourth level of Klimov’s pyramid.





Using this classification, any profession can be designated by a formula of four letters denoting the corresponding attribute. Almost every profession has several characteristics. Therefore, the main thing is to highlight the main and secondary features.

3. The teacher works:

4. In the world there are:


1. Lesson worksheet (for students)

2. Presentation

_________________________________ _____________________________

F.I. Class

Task No. 1. “Name your profession.”

Task No. 2. "Hot on the heels."

List the objects of labor according to Klimov’s classification.

Task No. 3. "Klimov's Pyramid".

Task No. 4. Test questions.

1. The base of the “Klimov pyramid” is:

a) working conditions; b) subject of labor; c) means of labor; d) goals of work.

2. The subject of the driver’s work is:

a) technology; b) person; c) nature; d) artistic image.

3. The teacher works:

a) in domestic conditions; b) outdoors; c) in unusual conditions; d) in conditions of increased responsibility.

4. In the world there are:

a) about 10 thousand professions; b) more than 100 thousand professions; c) about 40 thousand professions; d) 23,198 professions.

5. Hand tools are necessary for work:

a) surgeon; b) astronaut; c) actor; d) driver.

: typology E.A. Klimov, classifying professions according to and Holland’s typology of professions, connecting the type of personality and the type of professional environment chosen by a person.

Typology of professions E.A. Klimova

Klimov identified five objects of labor: , technology, sign, nature. The first part of the name of the type of profession indicates the subject of labor, which is always a person.

Man is man- all professions related to education, service, training of people, communication with them. This group includes all teaching and medical professions, service sector professions and others.

Man is technology- all professions related to the creation, maintenance and operation of equipment. These are professions such as: design engineer, car mechanic, system administrator and others.

Man is an artistic image- all professions related to the creation, copying, reproduction and study of artistic images. This group includes such professions as: artist, actor, singer, restorer, art critic and others.

Man is nature- all professions related to the study, protection and transformation of nature. This group includes such professions as: veterinarian, gardener, agronomist, ecologist and others.

Man is a sign- all professions related to the creation and use of sign systems (digital, alphabetic, musical notation). This group includes translators of literary and technical texts, analysts, financiers and others.

The peculiarity of the application of this classification in our time is that simple professions with one object of labor are becoming a thing of the past and are being replaced by professions with several objects of labor, or with a complex object of labor. For example, the profession of a landscape designer simultaneously belongs to both the man-nature type and the man-artistic image type.

Typology of professions by J. L. Holland

Holland based his classification on the fact that a person’s choice of professional space is an expression of his personality. A person’s achievements in a particular type of career depend on the match between personal characteristics and the characteristics of the professional environment.

He highlighted six personality types and six types of professional environment.


Personality type

Type of professional environment


People who are action-oriented, decision-oriented, unemotional, athletic or mechanical, love technology, take risks

Activities related to the manipulation of tools and technology. And also most “male” professions.


People who are oriented toward cognitive activity, who love to observe, analyze, explore, and decide.

Research work. Experts in various fields, analysts.


People focused on self-expression and the attention of others, creative, expressive, original, prone to non-conformism, have rich intuition and imagination, and are informal.

The field of art, professions related to attracting attention, presenting something.


People who are focused on communication, on relationships with other people, are vulnerable, sensitive, prone to altruism, do not like systematic activities, like the collective nature of work, and have communication abilities.

Most professions aimed at working with people are social activities.


People who are ambitious, influence-oriented, focused on creating and implementing their own ideas, managing, finding solutions, and highly socially active.

Business, politics, legal services, etc.


People focused on systematizing and reproducing information and data manipulation. Little emotional, precise, punctual, pedantic, efficient.

Work on systematizing the storage and reproduction of any information. A job that requires great perseverance and precision. Work in areas such as accounting, finance, archives, libraries, etc.

There are certain patterns in the combination of personality type and environment type

Personality type

Environment type







  • “+” - favorable
  • “++” - very favorable
  • “-” - not favorable
  • “- -” - very unfavorable