1. Launch the program
2. Capitalization of the Goods through the document capitalization of goods and materials

2.1 Receipt of goods through the Retail Receipt Document.
3. Selling goods to the buyer
4 Sales on credit
5 Closing a shift and calculating revenue for the day
6 Generating a revenue report for a period of time
7 We create an expense document (we give the proceeds to the owners)
8 Product inventory

Little trick

"If you have sales only in RETAIL, we recommend that in the settings you make another warehouse marked RETAIL WAREHOUSE. Thus, a retail markup column will appear in the receipt and posting documents, which will make life easier for us with the control of the retail markup (this is exactly what is described in the instructions This is the mode of working with a retail warehouse). You need to enable/add a warehouse through Directories - Company structure - Warehouses, Add warehouse - Check the Retail warehouse box.

1. Launch the program.

We launch the program through PUSK-Programs -1SPrepredpriyatie -1C Enterprise (Monopoly). Or by clicking on the icon.
A window pops up where:
1-select “enterprise” mode
2- The exclusive checkbox is checked
3-Our base “Shine” is indicated
4-Enter the path to the database
All this remains by default, we just need to click on button 5 “OK”

A window pops up to select users

In the user window, select your user (administrator, seller)
We enter our password in the password window (we don’t tell anyone because they can do ANYTHING on our behalf).

We are all in the program!!!

2. Capitalization of the Goods through the document capitalization of goods and materials
To post the goods, we need to open it. Go to Documents - Warehouses - Capitalization of goods and materials

A blank document will open

Select Warehouse - Main Warehouse and go to the Tabular Section

In the tabular part of the document

Click on the Prices button

and select the price type RETAIL

Then OK. we have in the document

Now you can start adding goods. We do this by clicking on the Selection button

A window opens

Let's decipher in order
1 -on the left side the product directory is displayed in the form of a tree; if you click on + next to the item, the contents will open in the form of a tree of item groups, and on the right-left (2) part the contents of both groups and product cards.
2 -as already mentioned, the right side displays a list of product cards and their groups, and sorting can be done either as a complete list (8) or by groups, also (8).
3 -The program can enter goods with a simple mouse click, it can ask for quantity, or quantity and price. I RECOMMEND choosing the Qty+Price option.
4 -Remains and price in the column. If you check the box there, the program will display to us in (2) columns the quantity available and its price. I RECOMMEND checking this box.
5 - Use the fifth point to remove one product from the selection (7), analogous to the Del button
6 - We use it to clear all selected product positions (7), as a rule it is not used
7 - Window of the product we have selected and its quantity with the price (this is a product that has not yet arrived to us, but only a preliminary part)
8 - Perhaps the most important. This is sorting of goods in the form of a tree (by groups Clothing, Souvenirs, etc.) and in a general list without grouping. This sorting can be removed and placed by clicking on the icon.

So here we select the product and enter its quantity and cost. If we don’t have the product yet, then we’ll create a card. To do this, go to the required group (for example, clothes)

And click on the stash in the upper left corner (you can press the Insert key).

We are opening a new card.

In the Name we enter the name of the product and, preferably, in more detail. The article number is entered in the article if there is one. The name itself will be transferred to the title for printing. We check the unit of measurement - by default it is pcs. If there is a barcode, then you just need to go through the product using a barcode scanner.

All now, by clicking OK, the product will be created and the previous product selection window will automatically open and the product we just created will appear on the left side of the product.

After we have included all the goods in the selection. Click the OK button
A posting window will open with the product we have selected.

Now do the following: Click on the button Write down Then Carry out. We have received the goods, but the quotation has not been made - the product does not have a price, to do this, click on the button Actions - Update prices in the directory

And immediately go to the Retail Price tab
We see the window

Choose Set prices on the Document date
And press the button Update prices
A window pops up at the bottom of the program

This means that our product already has updated prices (both the old product that we already had and the new one)

All these documents can be processed either with the OK button or, if there is none, then with the Close button.
The goods have been registered

2.1. Receipt of goods through the document Receipt of goods and materials Purchase and sale at Retail.

First, we want to clarify why it is through the retail receipt document. Yes, this will work for you; three columns will immediately appear in the document.

1 Purchase price

2 Percent markup

3 Retail price

This way we can clearly see our markup percentage and, by the way, we can enter it ourselves and the retail price will be automatically calculated in the third column, or we can indicate the retail price ourselves and then the markup percentage itself will be calculated. Needless to say, it’s convenient. For such manipulations, you really need to set up warehouses in the directory, select our warehouse and indicate that it is Retail.

Also, in the document, after entering the goods, before indicating our final retail prices, Fill in with current Retail prices - this is done so that we cannot remember the entire assortment, who has what retail price at the moment. We do this: actions - change the specification - fill in by price type - Retail. As a result, our current sales prices will be inserted into the document, which we only need to adjust.

Documents suppliers receipt retail purchase sale

Choosing a counterparty...

click on the button or ins (if the required counterparty is not there, if there is one, simply select the one you need)

We write the name of the counterparty as our supplier, and also in the mutual settlement agreement we put a tick in the box not to control the provision of the loan. We also write the name of the legal entity

Ok, let's select it and double-click it

Go to the tabular section

and by analogy with the checkKKM we enter the goods through selection or by button ins

Here is the example above clicked on... circled

A window pops up with item selection

We are looking for our product, if not, then you can create it right here, circled in a square

In the receipt document you can see the delivery price columns - write our purchase price

Retail margin - percentage ratio of purchase price to sales price

Retail price is our selling price

In the example, we bought at 10, we sell at 30, our revenue is 200% in the amount of 10 pieces

Click record and hold if it asks for the current time (documents are linked by time, first bought and then sold and nothing else)

It also happens that we have a product, say, for 12 rubles, but we have already bought it for 15 rubles, which means we need to revalue the old product at 15 rubles for this in the receipt document

Click on the action to update prices in the directory

We see that in the purchasing column we do not have a price or it differs from the column in the documentation. So we select (circled) to set the base price from the document - Purchase

Go to the retail price tab

and click on update prices

All all goods with a great price will be re-priced for a new one

All goods have arrived at the warehouse and are overpriced and can be sold.

For your information, if you are entering an initial balance, it is better to enter it not through a posting document, but through a receipt document. Thus, when generating a revenue report, income minus expense equals our revenue, we will see real income with a real markup; in the case of capitalization, the goods were taken out of thin air at a zero purchase price.

3.Sale of goods to the buyer

So a buyer came to us, what should we do?
Click on the icon

Or go to Documents-
Working with KKK-
KKM check

The sales document KKM Receipt opens
Here it’s exactly the same as in posting via a button selection

Where do we have a check mark? Remainings and price in the column- for our convenience
AND Request Qty+Price- so that you can immediately enter the quantitative value of the product. Although in this Request column you can put Nothing - then the default quantity will be one and the price will be selected by default.

All goods are sold.

4. Selling on credit

It happens that a person wants to buy a product but there is no money, but there is the possibility of selling on credit, for this we need to know his name Last Name First Name Patronymic, telephone number, and maybe his residence address (hereinafter we will call him Counterparty-Buyer).

So, to sell on credit, click on the desired button
Or go to
Documents -
Sales (retail)

A window will open

We need to choose our client (counterparty)
We go to counterparties by clicking on the button...
The directory of counterparties opens

Next, click on + opposite Buyers

If we don’t have the desired buyer, then we add a new buyer by clicking on the top left stash or using the insert button
A window will open

Enter the name of the counterparty
And a phone
Next we need

Go to the Settlement Agreement tab to control or not control until what date the goods are sold on credit.
We can choose
Loan term days
It fits in how many days we lend.
Loan amount
How much can he sell on credit?

And finally, if you check the Uncontrollable box, the goods will be sold on credit without any restrictions. I RECOMMEND checking this only
We all click Record and OK.
Now Ivan Ivanov has appeared in our list of Buyers, select him by double-clicking.

Go to the tabular section

Click select and sell by analogy as in the KKM Receipt document
The product selection window opens

Where we have a tick Remaining and price in the column - for our convenience
And Request Quantity + Price - so that you can immediately enter the quantitative value of the product. Although in this Request column you can put Nothing - then the default quantity will be one and the price will be selected by default.

Product selection is carried out by clicking on the folder with a plus sign (green square)
When the product is selected, click OK. The selected product is transferred to the receipt document

Where we show our product and its cost. The purchase price is indicated in the bottom right corner.
Once you have received the money, click on the OK button.

All goods sold on credit

5 Closing a shift and calculating revenue for the day

Work with KKM-
Closing a cash register shift

The window for closing the cash register shift will open,

if we do the closing of the cash register shift daily as expected and don’t forget about it, then we just need to click on the Create button
if for some reason we forgot to close the day a day earlier, then in the calendar we select the date we need and create it.

A window formed by our sales will open.

At the same time
All documents
KKM receipts entered during the day are deleted, it’s okay, all sales for the day are now in the KKM Report document.
Our revenue is calculated and shown under the caption Total (RUB) at the bottom right.
If you press the F8 button on the keyboard, or the button between swipe and ok (print), you can print this document
We all press the button OK Shift closed.

6. Generating a report on revenue for a period of time

When we change shifts or we just need to view and print our revenue by day, we do the following.
Click on the envelope icon. or
go to reports - Cash register statement.

A view window will open.

In the period, select the date interval
From such and such a date
On such and such a date

If we want to see sales documents for this period of dates, then check the box -Transaction documents
And on the generate button

To the window that popped out
Press the no button

And we get a generated report like

The first column shows the dates
in the third the balance of money at the beginning of the day
in the fourth the expense (mostly the product that was returned to us is displayed)
in the last column is our final balance at the end of the day
You can click on the printer icon and print our cash register report.

If we want to look at sales documents for this period, then check the box next to Movement Documents and uncheck the checkout box

Let's get a report like

By the way, if you click on the document on the left side, it will automatically open

7. We create an expense document (we give the proceeds to the Management)

It happens that we need to give money, well, for food for wages, we give the proceeds to the owners. To do this, we need to create an expense document so that we don’t have extra money in the cash register.
We do the following
Go to Documents - Cash - Expenditure Cash Order

A window will open

We need to select the type of payment (click on the arrow) and select other from the list

and select F_____a

As a result, we get a window in which you need to enter the amount withdrawn from the cash register
In the comments, let’s write down for ourselves what we gave the money for

We do everything Record
Carry out
You can print by clicking on the print button.
And OK
Similarly, you can issue a salary

All consumables are ready and the money has been minus from the cash register.

P.S. It’s just a pity that 1C Seven is no longer sold, and with a high probability you start working in the program without a LICENSE, then sooner or later you won’t be able to officially license it and work, you’ll have to switch to another product and learn again. Keep in mind that you won’t be patted on the “Head” for this. Yes, and it is morally outdated, 1c version eight is not so simple.

If you are just starting to work, look towards other products. For example, there is an absolutely free program without restrictions OPSURT - our rating is 4 - it does not yet have support for new cash registers.

Or if you are opening a business for yourself, you work without hired employees (there is no cashier whom you don’t trust). Switch to a software product from InfoEnterprises, for the Trade Warehouse program, it is free for 1 user, there is no way to set passwords, but it is constantly supported and regularly updated and supplemented. (We recommend visiting them.)

This may be interesting for you

For accounting in various areas, the common 1C program is used. She has extensive capabilities in the field of accounting. A person who is excellent at working with this application can easily find a high-paying job in almost any industry. In this article you will briefly familiarize yourself with this application. For this you will need:

— Personal computer or laptop;

— 1C software (For correct operation, we recommend using only the original and 100% licensed version of 1C, which you can).


  1. First, you need to install the 1C shell on your computer. It is called a shell because for it to work properly you need to enter all the data about your company, such as:
  • Information about employees;
  • Sample contracts;
  • Details and others.

All information in the program can be sorted and arranged at your discretion. It also has various settings for ease of use.

Creating a new element in the “Employees” directory

2. To fill in the details of your company, you need to open the “Service” menu and select the “Organization Information” item (in different versions of the 1C application, the name of this item may be slightly different). Open the “Directory” menu and find the “Employee Directory” section; you need to enter all the information about your employees into it. There are also other directories in the program, for example, information about your partners and suppliers is entered into the “Counterparties” directory. Familiarize yourself with all available reference books so that you can navigate them freely in the future.

3. All money transfers from your organization will be displayed in the “Bank” and “Payment Documents” journals. To keep track of consumables and goods of your enterprise, many different journals have been created, such as:

  • Goods;
  • Invoice;
  • Accounts and others.

The program also has the ability to display many different reports and balances, all of which are based on the data available in the program. It is also possible to display reports for tax and social services.

4. If you are well versed in the basics of accounting, know the basic principles of keeping records of personnel, goods, material assets, etc., then you can easily master this program. Please note that there are a huge number of different manuals on this software on the Internet, many of them are freely available for free. They will help you quickly and effectively learn how to use this program.

Video: 1C trade management. Step-by-step scheme of work in 1C trade management

One of the most popular queries in the search engine is “1C 8.2 program for dummies.” What caused this interest? Let's figure it out.

Why is learning 1C a problem for some?

Despite all the efforts of the 1C developers, they are quite difficult for an untrained user. This is usually due to the complexity of the subject area.

For example, how can you understand an accounting program without knowing accounting? That's right, no way.

Let's look at the best tutorials for 1C Enterprise 8.2 and 8.3 programs for dummies: materials, videos, lessons, books, audio, trainings.

First of all, you need to find out what exactly a “teapot” needs to study in 1C 8.3? There are a huge variety of 1C programs that differ significantly. Or perhaps you want to learn 1C programming? Easily!

Books on 1C Accounting

Free video courses on 1C Accounting

There are a huge number of high-quality paid video tutorials and instructions on 1C programs on the Internet; finding them is not difficult. It is much more difficult to find free, high-quality materials. Let's take a look at them.

Our selection of videos

You can see our video tutorials for beginners in 1C in a special playlist on Youtube. Necessarily subscribe to our YouTube channel , we regularly release new videos!

Video courses from torrents

If you know how to download files from torrent trackers, you can easily find a lot of useful information.

Video courses on youtube.com

If you type “1C accounting” into the search on this site, you will be surprised at the amount of material on the 1C program for dummies.

Paid courses online/offline

Among the courses and trainings, I can highlight the online courses 1C - profbuh8.ru. By following the link you can download more than 200 video lessons from the ProfBukh8 company for free for review.

Offline courses include courses from the 1C company itself (www.1c-uc3.ru) and courses from the Specialist center (www.specialist.ru)

Warehouse and trade accounting in the 1C Enterprise program

Warehouse accounting is usually much simpler for mere mortals like you and me. Here you don’t need to know charts of accounts, Talmuds like PBU 18/02, etc.

Warehouse accounting is not regulated in any way, the methods and ways of maintaining it are not limited in any way.

Books on Trading in 1C

1C:Enterprise 8. Management of trading operations in questions and answers.

An excellent book that contains several hundred real life cases (examples) for studying the 1C program. This book is suitable for both beginners in the 1C program and advanced users. The book was released for both program version 10.3 and 11 editions.

1 C Enterprise 8″. Configuration "Trade Management" edition 11

The book that comes with the ““ program is very useful and relevant material.

Free video courses on 1C Trade management

    • Website teachvideo.ru http://www.teachvideo.ru/catalog/24
    • Video courses from torrents
    • Courses on youtube.com

Example - video on YouTube, goods arriving at the warehouse:

Paid Trading Courses

Paid courses for 1C programs on warehouse accounting for beginners and dummies are similar:

  • Among the courses and trainings, I can highlight online courses - profbuh8.ru, here is a link to a test drive of their course on 1C Commerce
  • Offline courses include courses from the 1C company itself (www.1c-uc3.ru) and courses from the Specialist center (www.specialist.ru)

Programming 1C 8 for dummies

The most interesting and difficult part is for beginners. Configuring 1C 8.3 and 8.2, as a rule, does not require in-depth study of subject areas - accounting, finance, etc. However, you need to have a general idea.

Books for beginner programmers

A huge number of books have been written to learn programming for dummies, but I don’t recommend reading them all.

Previously, I reviewed the most useful books for teaching programming to beginners; you can read them on the page.

Video training for programmers

In a nutshell:

  • good free courses are Pavel Chistov’s courses;
  • Among the paid courses in terms of price/quality ratio, we can highlight the courses of the company “Fair Start” - by following the link you can get more than 30 free demo lessons. The most valuable thing about these courses is that the teachers not only provide programming knowledge, but also help with future employment.

Warehouse operations

In the last lesson, we looked at fixed assets: the reference book “Fixed assets”, the reference book “Methods of reflecting expenses”, we got acquainted with the reference books related to this section. We learned how to receive fixed assets and put them into operation.

In this lesson we will look at warehouse operations in the 1C Accounting 8 program. Companies may have multiple storage locations. Then there is a need to move inventory from one warehouse to another warehouse. To do this, use the document “Movement of goods”.

In accordance with the accounting rules, it is necessary to conduct an inventory of inventory in warehouses at least once a year. Let's see how the results of inventory inventory are reflected in the 1C Accounting 8 program. Surpluses or shortages may be identified. Let's look at how 1C Accounting 8 reflects the capitalization of surplus inventory and write-off of shortages.

At the end we will complete a small independent practical task.

To get acquainted with the capabilities of the 1C Accounting 8 program for accounting for warehouse operations, let’s go to the “Warehouse” section.

Relocation of goods and materials

We have two types of documents available to us: “Demand-invoice” and “Movement of goods”. What's the difference? “Goods transfer” is used to move inventory (goods, materials, finished products and equipment) from one sending warehouse to another receiving warehouse.

The document is intended to reflect the movement of goods, materials, finished products and equipment between warehouses.

The document can be entered based on the document Receipt (act, invoice).

  • Sending warehouse - warehouse from which goods, materials or products are transferred.
  • Receiving warehouse - warehouse to which goods, materials or products are received.

To reflect the movement of goods, materials or finished products, you must fill out the tab Goods.

On the bookmark Goods

To reflect the movement of consignment goods, you must fill out the tab Products on consignment.

On the bookmark Products on consignment the nomenclature, quantity and accounts of the nomenclature are indicated.

  • Sender's Account, Receiver's Account- are filled in automatically when specifying an item based on the Item Account register.

To reflect the movement of containers, you must fill out the tab Tara.

On the bookmark Tara the nomenclature, quantity and accounts of the nomenclature are indicated.

  • Sender's Account, Receiver's Account- are filled in automatically when specifying an item based on the Item Account register.

To reflect the movement of equipment, you must fill out the tab Goods.

On the bookmark Goods the nomenclature, quantity and accounts of the nomenclature are indicated.

  • Sender's Account, Receiver's Account- are filled in automatically when specifying an item based on the Item Account register.

To reflect the movement of goods from a wholesale warehouse (from a warehouse with the "Wholesale" type) to an automated point of sale (to a warehouse with the "Retail" type), you must fill out the tab Goods.

On the bookmark Goods the nomenclature, quantity and account of the sender (account of goods in the wholesale warehouse) are indicated.

  • Field Sender Account is filled in automatically when specifying an item based on the information register of the Item Accounting Account.

The price from the Item Prices information register is taken as the selling price to reflect the product at retail.

To reflect the movement of goods from a wholesale warehouse (from a warehouse with the "Wholesale" type) to a manual outlet (to a warehouse with the "Manual outlet" type), you must fill out the tab Goods.

On the bookmark Goods the nomenclature, quantity and account of the sender (account of the goods in the wholesale warehouse) and the price of the goods at retail are indicated.

  • Sender Account -
  • Price is filled in automatically when specifying an item based on the Item Price register.
  • The recipient's account cannot be changed.

The price from the document is taken as the selling price to reflect the product at retail.

To reflect the return of goods to a wholesale warehouse (to a warehouse with the "Wholesale" type) from an automated point of sale (from a warehouse with the "Retail" type), you must fill out the tab Goods.

On the bookmark Goods the nomenclature, quantity and accounting account of the recipient (account for accounting of goods in a wholesale warehouse) are indicated.

  • Field Beneficiary account is filled in automatically when specifying an item based on the Item Account register.
  • The sender's account cannot be changed.

The valuation of a product for reflection in a wholesale warehouse is determined as the difference between the selling price and the trade margin for this product.

To reflect the return of goods to a wholesale warehouse (to a warehouse with the "Wholesale" type) from a manual outlet (from a warehouse with the "Manual outlet" type), you must fill out the tab Goods.

On the bookmark Goods the nomenclature, quantity and account of the recipient (account of the goods in the wholesale warehouse) and the price of the goods at retail are indicated.

  • Beneficiary account is filled in automatically when specifying an item based on the Item Account register.
  • Price is filled in automatically when specifying the item. The data is filled in based on the information register Item Prices.
  • The recipient's account cannot be changed.

The valuation of goods for reflection in a wholesale warehouse is determined as the difference between the selling price and the trade margin.

For document Movement of goods

  • Movement of goods
  • TORG-13 (Invoice for internal movement)

Write-offs of inventory items for production costs

To reflect write-off operations for production costs of materials owned or received for processing, the document “Requirement-invoice” is intended. The document can be entered based on the documents: Receipt (act, invoice), Production report for the shift, Provision of production services, Sales of processing services.

The document supports two data entry modes:

  • To reflect typical production operations, a checkbox is selected in the document header.
  • To write off inventories for expenses not related to production (distribution costs, other expenses) - the checkbox is not checked Cost accounts on the "Materials" tab in the header of the document. In this case, you need to fill out the bookmark Cost account.

To reflect the write-off of your own materials as production costs, you need to fill out the Materials tab. When reflecting typical production operations, the checkbox must be checked Cost accounts on the "Materials" tab in the header of the document. In this case, the tab indicates:

  • Cost account - expense account for write-off of materials.
  • Cost division- the production unit of the organization for whose expenses the materials are written off.
  • Nomenclature group- type of output for the production costs of which materials are written off.
  • Cost item - item for accounting expenses for write-off of materials.
  • Fields Cost account, Cost division, Nomenclature group, Become a cost can be filled out automatically based on the documents Shift Production Report, Provision of Production Services, Sales of Processing Services.

With a simplified taxation system in the field Expenses (NU) the procedure for reflecting expenses in tax accounting is indicated.

To reflect the write-off of customer materials for production costs, you need to fill out the tab Customer materials. This tab indicates:

  • Account - account for accounting of customer materials in the warehouse. The field can be filled in automatically based on the document Receipt (act, invoice) with the operation For recycling. In the field Account you must indicate account 003.01 “Materials in warehouse” or its subaccount.
  • Transfer account - account for accounting of customer materials written off for production. In the field Transfer account you must indicate account 003.02 “Materials transferred to production” or its subaccount.

For tax accounting (income tax), the operation of writing off customer materials for production is not reflected, because it does not affect the recognition of income and expenses.

For document Request-invoice The following printed forms are provided:

  • M - 11
  • Request-invoice

Based on document Shift production report you can enter a document:

  • Sales of processing services

We'll write it off as expenses.

  • Date: 01/29/2015
  • Quantity: 1
  • Account: 10.01
  • Cost account: 26
  • Division: Administration

Let's move on to the inventory of goods and materials.

At least once a year, in accordance with legal requirements, it is necessary to conduct an inventory of inventory items before drawing up annual financial statements. Typically, such an event is formalized by a company order.

Other cases of inventory are also defined:

  • when transferring property for rent, redemption, sale, as well as during the transformation of a state or municipal unitary enterprise;
  • before drawing up annual financial statements (except for property, the inventory of which was carried out no earlier than October 1 of the reporting year). In organizations located in the Far North and equivalent areas, inventory of goods and materials is carried out during the period of their smallest balances;
  • when changing financially responsible persons;
  • when facts of theft, abuse or damage to property are revealed;
  • in the event of a natural disaster, fire or other emergency situations caused by extreme conditions;
  • during reorganization or liquidation of the organization;
  • in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The document "Inventory of goods in a warehouse" is intended for carrying out an inventory of goods, materials and products in wholesale, retail warehouses and in non-automated retail outlets, generating and printing a matching sheet and inventory list when conducting an inventory in the organization's warehouses, as well as issuing acts of write-off and capitalization of surplus on the basis of this document if there are discrepancies between the actual and documented balances of item items.

Inventory can be carried out by warehouse or by materially responsible person.

If the inventory is carried out in a warehouse, then in the header of the document you need to indicate Warehouse - storage location where inventory is taken.

If the inventory is carried out in several warehouses of the financially responsible person, then you need to indicate Responsible person, and there is no need to fill the warehouse.

On the bookmark Goods a list of item items and inventory data is indicated. The list of item items can be automatically filled in using accounting data using the button Fill in.

  • Deviation- the deviation between the actual balance recorded as a result of inventory behavior and the balance according to accounting data is recorded.
  • Quantity - the actual quantity of goods recorded based on the results of the inventory is indicated.
  • Accounting. quantity - the quantity is displayed according to accounting data. This data cannot be edited.
  • Sum - The actual cost of the goods is indicated based on the results of the inventory.
  • Accounting. sum(amount according to accounting data) - displays data on the total cost calculated on the basis of documents entered into the information base. This data cannot be edited.

On the bookmark Additionally are indicated:

  • Details of the order to conduct an inventory
  • Composition of the inventory commission

When conducting an inventory in a warehouse with the view "Manual retail outlet", the column is additionally displayed Rozn. price (rub). This column indicates the sales price, which will be filled out in the retail sales report based on the inventory results.

The following printed forms are provided for the document:

  • Inventory of goods in the warehouse
  • INV-3 (Inventory list of goods)
  • INV-19 (Comparison statement)
  • INV-22 (Order)

Based on document Inventory of goods in the warehouse You can enter the following documents:

  • Posting of goods
  • Write-off of goods
  • Retail sales report

Let's go to the "Warehouse" section of the "Goods Inventory" journal and create a document of the same name.

Take inventory

  • Date: 02/01/2015
  • MOL: director
  • Item: Printer paper
  • Actual quantity: 10
  • Carrying out inventory from 02/01/2015 to 02/01/2015
  • Document: Order No. 1 of 01/31/2015
  • Reason: Annual
  • Inventory commission: Director, Chairman: Yes

Capitalization of surplus

Based on the inventory sheet in the 1C Accounting 8 program, you can create a document “Receipt of goods”.

The document is intended to document the fact of receipt of surplus goods into the warehouse.

When entering a document, you must indicate the following details in the header:

  • Warehouse - a storage location where surplus goods are stored.
  • Income item- item of other income and expenses to which income will be attributed in accounting and tax accounting.

In the tabular section Goods you need to fill in the following details:

  • Nomenclature - goods, products or materials that come into the warehouse.
  • Quantity - quantity of goods.
  • Sum - the cost at which the goods will be recorded.
  • Account - goods receipt account.

Under the simplified taxation system, at the time the goods are posted in the Income and Expense Book, income is recorded for the amount of the goods posted.

For document Posting of goods Printable form provided:

  • Invoice for goods receipt

Based on the inventory dated 02/01/2015, we will formalize the receipt of goods.

  • Date: 02/01/2015
  • Income item: Capitalization of surplus
  • Item: Printer paper
  • Quantity: 1
  • Price: 200
  • Account: 10.01

Write-off of shortage

Similarly, based on the inventory sheet in the 1C Accounting 8 program, you can create a document “Write-off of goods”.

The document is intended to reflect the write-off of equipment, goods, materials and finished products for shortages and losses from damage to valuables. The document can be entered based on the Inventory of goods in warehouse document.

When entering a document, you must indicate in the header Warehouse, from which the write-off is carried out.

To reflect the write-off of goods, materials, finished products and equipment, you must fill out the tab Goods.

On the bookmark Goods the nomenclature, quantity and accounting account are indicated.

  • Field Account
  • When writing off goods from a manual retail outlet, where goods are recorded at sales prices, you must additionally fill in the field Rozn. price (rub.).

To reflect the write-off of containers, you must fill out the tab Tara.

On the Containers tab, the item, quantity and accounting account are indicated.

  • Field Account are filled in automatically when specifying the item. The information to be filled out is taken from the Item Account register.

For document Write-off of goods The following printed forms are provided:

  • Certificate of write-off of goods

TORG-16 (Act on write-off of goods)

Practical task

Write off as expenses

  • Date: 02/26/2015
  • Item: Printer paper
  • Quantity: 4
  • Account: 10.01
  • Cost account: 26
  • Division: Administration
  • Cost item: Write-off of materials

Write off as expenses

  • Date: 03/24/2015
  • Item: Printer paper
  • Quantity: 4
  • Account: 10.01
  • Cost account: 26
  • Division: Administration
  • Cost item: Write-off of materials

Take inventory

  • Date: 03/01/2015
  • MOL: director
  • Item: Printer paper
  • Actual quantity: 5

Based on the inventory dated March 1, 2015, write off the shortage.

  • Date: 03/01/2015
  • Item: Printer paper
  • Quantity: 1
  • Account: 10.01

The 1C: Trade and Warehouse system was developed on the “Operational Accounting” component of the 1C: Enterprise platform. With its help, you can keep records of both retail trade enterprises and reflect wholesale transactions. The 1C Trade and Warehouse 7.7 program has wide functionality and continues to be used in some enterprises, despite the obsolescence of the platform, so let’s look at the program’s capabilities in more detail.

Implementation 7.7 is suitable for accounting immediately for several legal entities.


The solution allows you to keep records in one or multiple warehouses, conduct intra-warehouse goods circulation and conduct inventory audits.


It implies the ability to assign the required number of prices of different types to goods, fix prices from suppliers, automatically analyze and quickly change the price level.


Registration of purchase and sale of goods, invoices, automatic formation of a sales book and a purchase book. All documents are displayed in the corresponding journals.


In addition to the movement of goods in quantitative and total terms, accounting of cash (cash, bank) transactions, as well as settlements with counterparties and clients for goods and materials, transactions with accountable persons is implemented.


To speed up work, the program provides some functions: the “quick sale” operation, which allows you to automatically generate and print the necessary package of documents when selling a group of goods, as well as group processing and filling out directories and documents automatically.


One of the advantages of the program is the ability to update prices in the directory directly from the “Receipt of Inventory and Materials” document.



Reports in “Trade and Warehouse”

For any enterprise, one of the important points is reporting, so the program we are considering, like any modern 1C 8.3 configuration, has a comprehensive set of reports that can be divided into several groups according to functionality.

They allow you to control information about the movement of inventory items in a specific warehouse, for a specific company. When generating reports, the user can set certain parameters and use various filters.


They are presented in turn by three more types:

  • General mutual settlements;
  • By suppliers;
  • By customers.

These include documents:

  • List of counterparties to obtain information about mutual settlements with the company’s counterparties;
  • Client report needed to obtain information about the movement and payment of goods and materials;
  • List of principals to reflect information on accounting for inventory items accepted from the principal for sale;
  • List of commission agents, with the help of which information is generated on the accounting of inventory items transferred for sale to the commission agent.


– “Cash Statement” and “Bank Statement” are needed to reflect information on the movement of cash in the cash register of the enterprise and on the movement of non-cash funds in current accounts.


Statement of accountable persons allocated to a separate group and is needed to obtain information about settlements with accountable persons.

– specific regulatory reports that are required when conducting audits and presenting them to tax inspectorates. This “Purchases Book”, “Sales Book”, “Cash Book” etc.

Reports generated electronically, as well as paper ones, are working documents for audit and tax inspection. You can generate them in the “Reports-Accounting” menu.


To analyze sales, enterprises include reports “Sales Dynamics”, “Dynamics of Working Capital”, “Sales Analysis”, “Trading Checkerboard”, “ABC Analysis of Inventory and Materials” and others. They can be presented both in the form of tables and in the form of a chart - “Histogram” or “Pie”.


Additional features of the “Trade and Warehouse 7.7” component

Uploading to 1C: Accounting. Using the “Uploading transactions into 1C: Accounting 7.7” processing, operational accounting data is transferred to the “1C: Accounting 7.7” program.

Processing uploads documents to the “Enterprise Accounting” configuration.


“Uploading tax accounting data” serves in the system for automatically generating, filling out and uploading tax accounting documents to an external file for further loading into the 1C: Accounting 7.7 program.

Thus, the Operational Accounting component can be used both independently and in conjunction with other 1C:Enterprise components.

As you know, reference books of nomenclature and prices in trade are the most voluminous. The program has the ability import and export of directories, which allows you to avoid manual data entry. Thus, data can be quickly filled in from other programs or applications using import. Information can be presented in the form of a text file, in MS Excel format or in a format with the *.dbf extension, which allows you to exchange data with almost any program. It is possible to fill out directories in whole or in part to update data in the program.


"1C:Enterprise - Client-Bank" allows you to upload payment documents from the program to the “Client-Bank” system, as well as to import transactions on current accounts back into the “1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7” program from the system.


Allows you to download a package of commercial proposals. This item is available in the main menu item of the “Service” program, item “Data exchange in XML format” subitem “Uploading commercial offers of information”.


“1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7” allows the user to work with various commercial equipment:

  • Barcode scanners are the most popular technical equipment, helping to effectively automate the receipt and issuance of goods, document flow, search for goods in the information base, and speed up the entry of documents.
  • Electronic scales with label printing can also be connected to a local network with store computers to exchange information with the 1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7 accounting program.
  • A fiscal registrar is a special cash register designed to control cash payments in trade. It operates from a computer on which a master program is installed, which allows you to manage the fiscal registrar and provides accounting for sales transactions.
  • The data collection terminal is an analogue of an electronic notebook equipped with a barcode reader. In most cases, it is used for inventory in warehouses and in trade.

All this equipment can be connected to program 7.7 through the “Service-Setting up commercial equipment” menu.


The program "1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7", being the predecessor of modern solutions (version 1C 8.3), was an indispensable assistant for wholesale and retail trade enterprises, significantly simplified accounting in a warehouse and retail network, facilitated the execution of most routine operations and ensured effective control of all areas of the enterprise's activities.