
Literally a week after the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, another significant holiday took place in the largest village of Krivopolyanye in our area, the main characters of which were married couples. It was Village Day, held under the motto “Large families for large villages!” The entire huge friendly family of this ancient village with its good traditions, including those associated with raising children, took part in it.

In the solemn honoring of large families, along with local residents, numerous guests also took part, always willingly attending the birthday of Krivopolyanya, so this holiday, figuratively speaking, has long crossed the borders of their native village. Residents of Chaplygin and neighboring settlements, guests from Lipetsk and the capital, together with the heroes of the day, rejoiced at the transformations taking place here and, of course, at the emergence of new strong large families.

Among the guests of honor at this celebration was Nikolai Ivanovich Bortsov, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Lipetsk region. Even before the start of the celebration, he talked with village veterans and young large families, who, as we know, are the future of their native land and the whole country. And during the festive ceremony, which was opened by the head village administration Valentina Ivanovna Aksyonova, Nikolai Ivanovich presented letters of gratitude to the spouses who raised seven, eight, nine and even ten children.

These people, as Valentina Ivanovna rightly noted, are rightfully proud of their entire large village, which is strong thanks to such wonderful families.

Worthy representatives of the glorious cohort who were the first to reach
colorfully decorated scene - spouses Valentina Kirillovna and Mikhail Andreevich Korotkov, who raised ten children.

By the way, it was they who, by the way, eight years ago, when the country began to celebrate the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity at the state level, were the first in our region to be awarded the commemorative medal “For Love and Fidelity.” The wise words “Family – unity of thoughts and deeds” embossed on it are a kind of motto of a strong friendly family Korotkov. And although the spouses themselves have experienced a lot in their lifetime, they consider themselves happy.

They see their parental happiness, first of all, in the children they raised worthy people. The sons - and there are six of them in the family - chose serving in the police as their life's work. Now the youngest of the brothers, Pavel, is serving in the Chaplyginsky Military District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, who also remained in his native Krivopolyanye - a village in which, as the hosts of the holiday Irina Mikheeva and Alexander Larin assured from the stage, you simply cannot help but fall in love:

Krivopolyanye! There is a temple by the road

We are overshadowed by the golden crosses.

God gave us as an inheritance, as a help

The land of our grandfathers and our fathers.

Krivopolyanye! There are meadows and a river here,

Flowers are scattered everywhere by the sea!

The people here are beautiful, the people are warm,

They are all full of spiritual beauty!

They love to work, which is something to be proud of,

Families are cherished and love is kept in them.

We are glad to see familiar faces!

We congratulate everyone on the holiday again!

Like the hosts of the holiday themselves, many other graduates of local schools remained to live and work in their dear native land, whose parents, by their personal example, instilled in them a love for the ancient village glorified by local poets.

For the most part, the children of the others who took the stage that day to solemnly honor their parents also remained faithful to him. Among them is Evdokia Efimovna Ryzhkova, who raised seven children and was awarded the regional honorary badge “Glory to the Mother” for her maternal feat.

The glorious rural worker is rightfully proud of her children, whom she and her husband also raised as worthy citizens, just as they are proud of their wonderful mother, who still carefully preserves her sons’ soldier’s uniforms. You just need to see with what pride she takes out of the closet these army relics dear to her heart with insignia on them.

“I used to start drying them in the sun,” this surprisingly cheerful woman once opened up, “and my neighbors would be surprised: why are you keeping them... How can I not keep them: I got them very hard. My guys served in the army for a total of ten years...”

Even now, having remained in their native land, they do not let their mother down and work successfully in their jobs. Such wonderful children were raised by a woman who has seen a lot in life, who at Village Day received, among others, heartfelt congratulations and sincere words of gratitude from the head of the village administration Valentina Ivanovna Aksenova, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Nikolai Ivanovich Bortsov, chairman of the district women's council Tatyana Anatolyevna Vikulina, chairman of the district Council of Deputies Galina Vasilyevna Polyakova and other organizers and guests of this holiday, which brought the entire village even closer together.

Large families of Anna Dmitrievna Larina, Maria Emelyanovna Language, Nina Dmitrievna Nekrasova, Nina Ivanovna Medvedeva, Valentina Vasilievna and Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov, Olga Makarovna, Tatyana Sergeyevna and Nikolai Tikhonovich Chereshnev, also accepted heart congratulations, gratitude letters for worthy education, and gratitude letters. memorable gifts from the district administration, as well as sweet prizes from the local authorities.

However, this bright celebration will certainly remain in the memory of not only the heroes of the holiday themselves, but also all the fellow villagers who took part in it. It is not for nothing that in honor of fathers and mothers with many children, the best amateur artists of Krivopolyanya and the region performed wonderful songs: “Hymn to the Family” - Galina Kuznetsova, “I Look into the Blue Lakes” - Irina Mikheeva, “Your Love” - spouses Valentina and Mikhail Sedykh...

The head of this also large family, Mikhail Ivanovich, did not leave the stage throughout the evening. Not only his wife Valentina Leonidovna sang to his harmonica, but also other concert participants. And in general this one is surprisingly friendly married couple, also awarded several years ago with the medal “For Love and Fidelity,” takes an active part in all rural and regional holidays, delighting her fellow countrymen with her talents.

The youngest “stars” of Krivopolyanya and the region take their example from them, including Vika Terekhova and Dasha Vlasova, who performed several songs that evening.

Mom's heart is a crystal bowl,

Always full of anxiety and affection.

Mom's heart beats faster and faster

How to make it never

didn't it break?

The winner of regional and regional music competitions, Victoria Terekhova, sang with gratitude to her and all other mothers.

Meanwhile, more and more married couples, elderly mothers with many children and very young ones with babies in their arms, appeared on the stage. One of the teenagers also looked touching, standing up with his parents for a public celebration with his little brother in his arms.

We praise the best among many

Large Chaplygin families,

That they were strict in their upbringing,

Raising sons and daughters! —

The hosts of the holiday continued to introduce the next heroes of the day to the numerous spectators, who also came to express their gratitude to the heads of large families. By the way, Elena Babaytseva, the daughter of Gulfarida Fakhrazievna Esina, a mother of many children who was also invited to the holiday, works as a senior midwife in the maternity ward district hospital, notes with satisfaction that among newborns there are always many babies from Krivopolyanya. So, as was emphasized more than once during the holiday, the large village has a great future.

In fact, the village days in Krivopolyanye are also interesting for their thematic focus. The best of the adherents of a healthy lifestyle, athletes and athletes, and those who distinguished themselves in the improvement of homestead areas are honored here, and this time the focus was on the big ones. strong families. As the head of the village, Valentina Ivanovna Aksyonova, emphasized in her speech to her fellow countrymen, the more such families there are, the better. And it is gratifying, she added, that young people willingly take up the baton from veterans, in whose families children have long grown up and built their own homes, and now, to the delight of their grandparents, they are giving birth to grandchildren. Numerous strollers, children with colorful balloons and bright toys in their hands, who came to the holiday together with their elders, clearly evidenced that the ancient village had great development prospects.

ANO CPMS "MnogoMama" announces the start of a program of targeted assistance to families in difficult life situation. In order to become a participant in this program, you must submit an application to our mail [email protected] with a note in the subject line “Targeted assistance” .

In your appeal, you describe the current problem and attach scanners necessary documents(certificate of large families, certificates of low income, disability, etc.). In addition, the letter must indicate a list of things, products or medicines that are vital for your family. If this household appliances– we clarify why exactly you need it now.

Any data of a family that has applied for financial assistance is strictly confidential and is not publicly displayed in the group, except for a photo report for benefactors. We ask all families to take this program seriously and indicate only truly necessary items. Be prepared for the fact that an independent commission will be sent to you to assess the situation on the spot. This is a necessary measure, because lately Cases of manipulating one’s status and submitting data that do not correspond to reality have become more frequent.

If you are really having a hard time, please contact us! If you do not have any special financial problems, but there are families near you who need such help - tell us about it, and we will try to help! And the world around will become kinder!

Letter #1:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

For sponsorship assistance in organizing a regional children's creativity competition.

The successful implementation of this socially significant project would not have been possible without your participation.

We wish you and the entire team “Delopis.ru” health, interesting ideas and their successful implementation, bright, significant events, personal happiness and further prosperity of the company.

Petr Petrov

Letter #2:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

The coaching staff of the SDYUSSHOR expresses gratitude and gratitude for the financial support provided in holding [name of the sporting event]. We hope for further cooperation in promoting and popularizing a healthy lifestyle for children.

Petr Petrov

Letter #3:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

The administration of [institution name] cordially thanks the staff “Delopis.ru” for kindness and mercy. The help you provided served a good purpose: it helped orphans feel your care and attention.

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your caring attitude towards the problems of children left without parental warmth.

We hope for further cooperation and mutual understanding.

We sincerely wish you good health, prosperity and success.

Petr Petrov

Letter #4:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

I express my deep gratitude to you and sincerely thank you for participating in the [name] event. Your help is an invaluable contribution to the development of charity and, undoubtedly, tangible support for the disadvantaged and needy.

Good deeds do not go unnoticed - they shine like beacons for those who are waiting for help. I am sure that your example is indicative for other philanthropists. By providing assistance, you are not just giving material assets, but you give joy and hope.

May your kindness and generosity return to you a hundredfold. I wish you all the best, health, prosperity and more warmth on your life path.

Petr Petrov

Letter #5:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

I express my sincere gratitude and heartfelt gratitude for your assistance financial support on a trip [trip]. I wish you health and prosperity, and your company prosperity in the Russian and international markets.

Petr Petrov

Letter #6:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

The administration, staff and students of [institution name] express deep gratitude to you and your glorious team for your systematic charitable assistance in the purchase of children's goods, clothing and toys for orphans, for human warmth and mercy.

We wish you further prosperity, success in your noble cause and personal happiness.

We look forward to further cooperation.

Petr Petrov

Letter #7:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

I express my sincere gratitude to you and your team members for a great trip for a group of children with physical disabilities, members of their families and social workers municipal institution [name].

An interesting route, a kind and attentive attitude, and your sponsorship brought real joy to children whose social circle, due to health conditions, is limited to the walls of their apartment.
We wish you and your family members health, happiness and prosperity.

We really look forward to further cooperation.

Petr Petrov

Letter #8:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

The administration of [institution name] expresses its heartfelt gratitude to you and your employees for your charitable assistance in the form of [ computer equipment]. Thank you for your mercy and sensitive attitude towards people in need of help! We wish you company “Delopis.ru” further well-being, prosperity and success.

Petr Petrov

Letter #9:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

I express my sincere gratitude to you for great contribution to support those in need municipal institutions on the territory Klinsky district.

I wish you good health, longevity, inexhaustible energy, family well-being and prosperity. I hope for further fruitful cooperation within the framework of support social sphere our area.

Petr Petrov

Letter #10:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

Administration of orphanage no. 2 expresses LLC “Delopis.ru” sincere gratitude for the charitable assistance provided to orphans and children left without parental care.

Your gift is very welcome for our graduates; it will allow them to maintain contact with people close to them and will certainly give them joy and good mood.

We hope for further cooperation in the interests of orphans.

Petr Petrov

Letter #11:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,
The administration of [name of institution] expresses its sincere gratitude to you for providing targeted support to children from large, foster and single-parent families living in the city. Moscow, as well as for holding festive and socially significant events. We hope for further fruitful charitable cooperation.

Petr Petrov

Letter #12:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

The administration of [institution name] expresses its sincere gratitude and gratitude to you for your assistance in purchasing gaming complex for children's playground equipment. Thank you for taking part in the creation of a modern playground, which greatly contributes to the physical, psychological and emotional development of pupils.

With your help, the lives of orphans have become brighter and more meaningful.

We wish you and your entire team inexhaustible energy, prosperity, health and well-being.

Petr Petrov

Letter #13:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

We know well how many kind and good deeds you do for people. Your kindness and attention to the needs of children has earned you well-deserved respect!

The administration of [institution name] expresses gratitude “Delopis.ru” for selfless assistance in providing toys and board games.

With sincere wishes of health, prosperity and good luck! We look forward to further cooperation!

Petr Petrov

Letter #14:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

Center social assistance to the family and children of [name of institution] expresses its sincere gratitude to you for your work in providing charitable assistance to needy large, low-income families, and single mothers.

During times of crisis, your desire to make the difficult life of low-income families more secure is especially important.

Thank you for your understanding.

Petr Petrov

Letter #15:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

[name of institution] expresses deep gratitude to you for your support of large families and low-income families our district, as well as for assistance in holding district holidays and events!

Petr Petrov

Letter #16:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

[name of institution], located at: [address] expresses Foundation sincere gratitude and appreciation for the books donated to our students.

A book is a wonderful gift for a child, which contributes to his intellectual and comprehensive development. Thank you for your responsiveness! We look forward to further cooperation.

Petr Petrov

Letter #17:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

The administration of [institution name] expresses gratitude Maxim Afanasyevich Shchukin for the assistance provided to the pupils of our institution in obtaining toys and for their caring attitude towards families in need of social support and protection.

Petr Petrov

Letter #18:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

The [institution name] Association expresses its sincere gratitude LLC “Delopis.ru” for active participation in organizing a charity event for International Day child protection.

Thank you for your stable partnership relationship! We wish you to develop dynamically without losing your gained positions.

We hope for further continuation of fruitful cooperation.

Petr Petrov

Letter #19:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

A team of staff and students is writing to you with words of sincere gratitude for your active participation in solving some of the many problems of our boarding school.

Thanks to your sponsorship The quality of life of our children, not spoiled by fate, often deprived of parental attention and simply orphans, has significantly improved.

Thank you for your attention, compassion, mercy - for the contribution you made to the transformation of standard government agency to a cozy, warm home for his pupils. Cozy bedrooms equipped household appliances premises, plastic windows. The boarding school is getting prettier every day!

On the eve of the New Year, I would like to once again express our gratitude and wish you health and happiness, success in everything! Let your strength and energy only increase, let all your ideas come true!

Petr Petrov

Letter #20:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

[name of institution] expresses deep gratitude to you for the assistance provided, for your kind heart and responsiveness.

We wish you good health, happiness, success in professional activity and further prosperity of your business.

Petr Petrov

Letter #21:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

In our difficult times, when there are more and more people in need of care and material assistance, it is difficult to find a person who is able to perceive other people’s problems as their own, and how wonderful it is that such people still exist!

Your warm heart, generosity, compassion and kindness make life better.

The team at [name of institution] expresses sincere gratitude to you for your sponsorship and assistance.

Thank you very much!

Petr Petrov

Letter #22:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

The company you head constantly provides assistance to the city in solving socially significant problems. It is difficult to overestimate your contribution to the improvement of the city Omsk. Through the joint efforts of the administration and city-forming enterprises, squares and streets are being transformed, and children’s rooms are appearing in courtyards. playgrounds, and most importantly, the life of citizens becomes more comfortable and convenient. I sincerely thank you for your participation in the affairs of the city.

I wish you success in solving complex and stressful production problems. Health, prosperity, vigor, good mood!

Petr Petrov

Letter #23:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

The teaching staff of [name of institution] thanks you for your assistance in preparing Christmas gifts for children from low-income families.

Thank you, dear Sergey Andreevich for the holiday that you gave to the children.

We wish you health, material well-being and hope for further cooperation.

Petr Petrov

Letter #24:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

[name of institution] thanks you for your care and mercy towards children who find themselves in difficult financial situations.

Thank you for your sensitivity and ability to empathize, ability and desire to support those who need it.

Petr Petrov

Letter #25:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

[name of institution] sincerely thanks you for providing sponsorship to students of school No. 1241 cities Moscow. Thank you that in our difficult times, you find the opportunity to support children's creativity, which lays the foundations for the life of the 21st century generation. Your support will help further development multifaceted abilities of students will be the next step towards strengthening the role of national culture in the creative education of children.

Petr Petrov

Letter #26:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

I express my sincere gratitude for the high social responsibility and a significant contribution to the development of charity in the city St. Petersburg.

I wish stability, new achievements and prosperity to your business for the benefit of your native land!

Petr Petrov

Letter #27:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

[name of institution] sincerely thanks you for the charitable assistance provided. Thanks to your support, children from large low-income families were able to take an unforgettable excursion on a boat.

Caring for the younger generation, and especially for children deprived of parental care, is our common task. We are very glad that in you we have found a responsive, caring and wonderful person.

We wish you further success and prosperity.

Petr Petrov

Letter #28:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

From the history of Russia we know that charity has always been inherent in the Russian people. You confirmed this by finding funds to help our children suffering from serious illnesses. Of course, you can’t scoop up the sea with your palms, but by making your contribution to a good cause, you give a ray of warmth, a smile and a petal of hope to these children.

The organization [name of institution], on behalf of all parents, sincerely thanks you for the charitable assistance provided.

We wish you and your team good health, great happiness, prosperity, success and good luck in all matters!

Petr Petrov

Letter #29:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

We thank you for inviting families with children July 21, 2013 year in [place] for a charity event for children from large, foster and single-parent families, dedicated to the celebration of [holiday].

We believe that holding such holidays on a charitable basis is good support for low-income families with children and a worthy contribution to the implementation of social programs.

We hope for further fruitful cooperation.

Petr Petrov

Letter #30:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

We express our heartfelt gratitude to you for the constant and timely assistance and support that your foundation provides to children left without parental care, for your participation in their destinies, for the joy that you give them, helping them find a family and hope for happiness.

We wish you reliable partners, prosperity and success in all your endeavors! We hope to continue our friendly relations and cooperation.

Petr Petrov

Letter #31:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

Thank you for your repeated provision of charitable assistance to needy low-income families with children in our Social Assistance Center.

Charity is not just alms. This is, first of all, support for the family, an opportunity to give it a chance to survive temporary difficulties and gain strength to live.

Charitable assistance is given free of charge to families in need. We appreciate your desire to make the difficult lives of our children more secure, and we look forward to further cooperation.

Petr Petrov

Letter #32:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

The administration and pupils of the orphanage express their heartfelt and sincere gratitude to the staff LLC “Delopis.ru” and personally to the head [last name, first name, patronymic] for the charitable assistance provided to our orphanage.

IN 2007 year on personal initiative Mikhail Sergeevich Zhdanov LLC “Delopis.ru” took patronage of the orphanage. During this time the team “Delopis.ru” provided great assistance in creating favorable conditions for the lives of children.

Thanks to patronage, children are actively socialized; pupils regularly visit theaters and concert venues in the city.

Thanks to the staff “Delopis.ru” for the warmth and virtue that they generously give to the pupils of our orphanage.

Petr Petrov