Before writing a walkthrough, it’s worth telling how to get into it. The reception is held in three cities: Anvil (talk to Azzan), Cheydinhall (Burz gro-Hash) and Chorrol (Master Vilena Donton). Upon admission, you receive the rank of Associate.

The tasks are arranged in the order in which they are received.

Task one: A Rat Problem.
The quest is issued in Anvil.

An interesting task, especially if you have played Morrowind.
A certain Arvena Telas (I wonder if she has a sister in Balmora?) has some problems with rats. We already went through something similar in Morrowind, but upon arrival it turns out that we will not have to kill the rodents, but to protect them! We go down to the basement and kill the mountain lion as quickly as possible, before he accidentally kills the “rats”. We report to the owner. She is seriously alarmed and sends us to Penarus Investius. Together with him, we go to track down the lions in the outskirts of the city. In the clearing we find four lionesses and kill them, then we return to the owner again. And again there is a lion in the basement. Something is not clean here... Arvena shares with us her suspicions that the Argonian Quil-Viv has something against her, let’s say, unusual pets. We wait for darkness and we catch Quil in the act when she places a piece of meat near Arvena’s basement. We have two options:
1-We give the Dunmer woman Quil’s crime, we receive a certain amount of gold and a bonus to Speech.
2-We get money from Arvena for the work, but don’t talk about Quil, we return to the Argonian and get a bonus to Acrobatics.

We return to Azzan and get the rank of Apprentice. The quest is completed.

Task two: The Unfortunate Shopkeeper.
The quest is issued in Anvil.

In Norbert Lelles's store, goods began to disappear. We go to "Lelles' Quality Goods" (Port District) and talk with the owner, stay the night. At one fine moment, three robbers burst into the store. Try to guess the first time what to do with them. Yes -yes, that’s exactly it. We go to the “Full Cup” tavern to report to Lelles, get cash.

Task three: The Desolate Mine.

Burz gro-Khash will give us weapons (take care of free space in your backpack) and send us to the Abandoned Mine near the city. We find Guild fighters there and distribute weapons: Rienne-bow, Orku-motot, Altmeru-sword, Papuan icon... Well, yes, I got distracted. We clear the mine, trying to ensure that no one from the company dies. Otherwise, your reward will be cut in half.

We return to Burz gro-Khash for the reward, we receive the Journeyman rank. The quest is completed.

Task four: Unfinished Business.
The quest is issued in Chorrol.

Vilena Donton sends us with Modryn Oreina (again we remember Morrowind. I’ve already heard this name somewhere...). We need to find Maglir, who apparently abandoned his work. We go from Skingrad, in the Western Veldt hotel we find a scoundrel .He doesn't want to fulfill his contract. Okay, we'll do everything ourselves. You need to find Brenus Astiz's Journal in the Fallen Rock cave. There are a lot of undead in the cave, so there will be some difficulties, because... she can only be killed by silver, ebony, daedric and enchanted weapons. Beware of the Ghosts. The journal is at the end of the cave, in the flooded hall. We return to Modryn. There are two options:
1-We tell it like it is.
2-We say that Maglir himself completed the task.

The quest is completed.

Task five: Drunk and Disorderly.
The quest is issued in Chorrol.

Modrin sends us to Leyawiin to find out what happened to the three Guild fighters. In the Five Claws tavern we find the desired trio, among whom an orc with the magnificent name Dubok gro-Shagk is seen. They will tell us that they are rowdy due to lack of work. Okay, let's look. We find out from the residents that a certain Margarta has a business for our eagles and oak. It's a pity, but first you need to bring the girl ten portions of Ectoplasm. Search the alchemy shops in the cities or, at worst, kill a dozen Ghosts. Return to Margarta. Tell me about the new contract to the trio in the tavern.

We return to Modrin and receive the Swordsman rank. The quest is completed.

Task six: Den of Thieves (Den of Thieves).
The quest is issued in Anvil.

Azzan pleased us with the following task: to discover a lair of thieves near the city. We find Newheim the Fat in the city and question him. We go to the Cave of Hroth and clear it.

We return to Azzan. The quest is completed.

Task seven: Amelion’s Debt.
The quest is issued in Cheydinhall.

Burz gro-Khash sends us to the settlement of Water's Edge to Bien Amelion. Her father left her a debt of a thousand septims. Amelion wanted to sell the sword and armor of his grandfather, but it still needs to be taken out of the crypt... We go to the tomb on the opposite bank of the river and make our way through the undead to the goal. We take the valuables and return to Bien. We have a choice:
1-Give away the relics.
2-Keep them for yourself and pay the notorious 1000 tugriks.

We return to Burz gro-Khash and receive the rank of Protector. The quest is completed.

Task eight: The Master’s Son.
The quest is issued in Chorrol.

We need to help Viranus Donton, the son of the Guild Master, in his task. We go after Viranus, without allowing him to ask permission from his mother, we go to the Nonville Cave. The opponents will be minotaurs, trolls and ogres, which is not good. Particularly dangerous last ones in battle with them, try not to get hit, otherwise you won’t last long. And they break armor very well, so stock up on hammers. In the cave we find the body of Galtus Previa, in whose death the Blackwood Company was involved.

We return to Modryn. The quest is completed.

Task nine: More Unfinished Business.
The quest is issued from Chorrole.

And again Maglir is doing something, but not what is needed. We go to Braville. We find out that Maglir has gone over to the side of that same Blackwood Company. If we talk to him about honor, they will send us. Well, okay. We go to Ariaria in The Guild of Mages. She needs 10 servings of imp bile. We direct our steps to the Robber Valley cave and clear it, fortunately normal opponents do not come out of the imps. We take the required ingredients to the sorceress.

We return to Modrin for the reward, we receive the Defender rank. The quest is completed.

Task ten: Azani Black Heart (Azani Black Heart).
The quest is issued in Chorrol

This time we talk with Modryn at his home, because... We will now conduct an independent investigation into the activities of the Blackwood Company.
We go to Arpenia, where, in theory, Azani the Black Heart should be hiding. Hmm, that was a mistake... we stomp to Atatar, where we meet with Azani. He is a serious enemy, he is a weakling compared to the ogres. Having picked up the trophies, we give the ring to Orein .

The quest is completed.

Task eleven: The Wandering Scholar.
The quest is issued in Anvil.

We need to escort the scientist Elantha from Alinor to the Daedric sanctuary in the Brittlerock cave. Nothing complicated, just follow her and cut up the Daedra. When we reach the altar, the Altmer woman will thank us and stay in the cave.

We return to Azzan. The quest is completed.

Task twelfth: The Fugitives.
The quest is issued in Cheydinhall.

It is necessary to find the shelter of the escaped prisoners and kill them. People on the street are intractable, so by any means loosen the tongue of one of them. (It is very convenient to give several coins in a row to the poor man.) It turns out that the bandits are hiding in the Bloodmayne cave. Go inside and kill everyone four.

We return to Burz gro-Khash and receive the Guardian rank. The quest is completed.

Mission thirteen: Trolls of Forsaken Mine.
The quest is issued in Chorrol.

A group led by the well-known Viranus Donton was sent to this mine with the task of destroying the trolls inhabiting it. The group did not return, we need to find out what happened.
We enter the mine, exterminating the trolls as we go. In the end, you will find the body of Viranus. Take his diary and return with Modryn. Yes... now he will have to deal with the Master, the mother of the deceased.

The quest is completed.

Task fourteen: The Noble's Daughter (Aristocrat's Daughter).
The quest is issued in Cheydinhall.

We need to find the missing daughter of the aristocrat Rugdumph gro-Shargak. On the spot it turns out that she was kidnapped by ogres. Oh no... We head east and stumble upon a group of these monsters. The battle is difficult, try not to get hit, constantly maneuver and retreat, otherwise you not good enough. Listen to Orcness. Yes...she should rather go to the Arena than sit with her father in the estate.

Return to Burz gro-Khash.Quest completed.

Task fifteen: Mystery at Harlun's Watch (The Secret of the Harlun Outpost).
The quest is issued in Cheydinhall.

In the village of Harlun's Outpost, residents are disappearing. We need to find out what's going on. We arrive at the place, talk with Drarana Telis. Yeah, strange lights. We go to the swamp, more precisely to the Swampy Cave. Beware of the notorious lights: they can overwhelm even a high-level character, especially if there are more than two of them. Proceed through the cave, killing the trolls. Eventually you will find the body of a certain Edward. The journal will be updated, and you can return to the village and report to Drarana about what you saw.

We return to Burz. The quest is completed.

Task sixteen: The Stone of St. Alessia (St. Alessia's Stone).
The quest is issued in Anvil.

We go to the Talos Chapel in Bruma, talk with Sirrok. The stone of St. Alessia has been stolen, we need to track down the thieves and return with the stone to it. We go from the city to the east, we come across a lone thief. It is clear that the thieves have been sold. We go to the Ayleid ruins of Sedor and we bring justice to the ogres. We take the stone and bring it to Sirrok.

We return to Azzan and receive the Champion rank. The quest is completed.

A series of the most interesting Guild quests begins.

Task seventeen: Information Gathering.
The quest is issued in Chorrol, like all remaining quests.

Modryn, as expected, was expelled from the Guild. But he still wants to bring the Blackwood Company to light.
We go to the Glademist cave, make our way through the well-equipped guards to their chief and order him to follow us, to Orein. Upon arrival, Modrin will order to extract the necessary information from the prisoner. You can do as you want, use any methods, but the outcome is the same: the prisoner commits suicide through a magical object without telling the whole truth.

The quest is completed.

Task eighteen: Infiltration.

Oreyn wants us to infiltrate the Blackwood Company and fully understand the situation.
We go to Leyawiin, to the headquarters of the organization, we ask the head to receive us. We go down, drink the offered “juice” and go to the Edge of Water to hunt goblins. It’s strange, somehow they die quickly... After the end of the massacre, we lose consciousness and We come to our senses already at Modrin. Return to the Edge of Water and observe the consequences of your actions. (At this moment, rage boiled within me personally.) We return to Orein with the bad news.

The quest is completed.

Task nineteen, last: The Hist

So, the last battle. We go to eradicate the Company, and at the same time the ill-fated Hist tree. We go into the headquarters and kill everyone, grabbing the key of Ri "Zakara at the top. We go down to the basement, kill the last two crooks, take two pipes from the floor and jam the mechanisms. The machine and the tree is burning, but we are heading for the exit.
Hello, Maglir, long time no see! I’ve been itching to kill this elf for a long time.

We return to Modryn. We are given the helmet of Oreyn Bearclaw (I told you that the Dunmer have a familiar surname!) and are directed to the carpet to the Guild Master. The title goes to you, now please Modrin with his return to the Guild and do not forget to receive an honestly earned salary every month!

In order to join the fighters guild, talk to Aydis Fire Eye in the building of the Balmora fighters guild.

Fighters Guild quests in Balmora: Aidis Fire Eye.

1. The first task is to kill the cave rats that have inhabited the house of Drarain Telas. It's not difficult to find. Her house is on the east bank of the river. Go into the house and talk to her about cave rats. She will say that she locked one rat in the room and the others in her storage room upstairs. Kill the rats in her room and then in the warehouse. Return to Drarain Telas and receive 100 gold. Then return to Aydis Fire Eye and talk about rats. Then ask for a raise.
2. Aydis Fiery Eye will say that poachers have appeared at the egg mine. This mine is south of Balmora. Go there and enter it. Sooner or later you will find two poachers. Kill them and return to Aydis Fire Eye. As a reward you will receive 100 gold and 4 high-quality fatigue restoration potions. You will also receive a promotion.
3. Aydis Fire Eye will say that they received an order to kill 4 Telvanni agents. All of them are in Shakhtak Caldera. The Telvantsi themselves are not in the mines, but in the cave before it. Kill them all and return to Aydis Fire Eye. As a reward you will receive 400 gold.
4. Aidis Fire Eye wants someone to bring her the code book that Sottild from the Thieves Guild has. Sottild is located in the South Wall. A problem arises here if you joined the Thieves Guild. The problem will be that Sottild will not give you the book. To avoid the problem, you will have to first complete the missions of the Thieves Guild, and only then start the missions of the Fighters Guild. Go talk to Sottild (raise your attitude in advance) and you will receive a code book. Return to Aydis Fire Eye. As a reward you will receive 50 gold and can ask for a promotion.
5. Aydis Fire Eye will say that Helvian Dezel must repay the debt. Travel to Suran and enter the House of Earthly Delights. There, talk to Helvian Dezel and receive a debt if the attitude is not bad. Then return to Aydis Fire Eye. She will give you exactly half.
6. Aydis Fire Eye will tell you that you need to kill an orc named Dara gra-Bol. Orc's house on the eastern shore. Go and kill. Then return to Aydis Fire Eye and receive the 250 gold promised to you.
7. Aydis Fiery Eye will say that orcs have begun to attack farms. Go to Alofa Farm, which is on the road to Suran. Talk to him and he will say that the orcs are emerging from Ashurnates and he will also say that they will scatter if you kill Buryub gra-Bamog. Go there and kill him. This orc is in the sanctuary. Then talk to Alof and return to Aydis Fire Eye.

Fighters Guild quests in Aldrun. Perius Merius.

1. Perius Merius will say that a request has been received from Vos to help one of the eternal guards. Vos is far to the north. Go there. At the end of the Tower a necromancer will be waiting for you. Kill him and return to Perius Merius. You will receive 250 gold, as well as the next rank.
2. Perius Merius will say that you need to kill a murderer named Nerer Beneran. It can be found in Sargon. This cave is located on the Western Island of the Shigorada district. Go there and kill him. By the way, he will be wearing ebony chain mail. Return to Perius Merius. You will receive 500 gold.
3. Perius Merius will say that Avon Oran reported bandits. Go to Suran, and then to the Oran estate. Talk to Avon Oran and he will tell you that the bandits are attacking from Saturan. This cave is right behind the mountains. Go there and kill their leader - Daldur Seris. When you kill him, return to Avon Oran and he will pay you 1000 gold. Return to Perius Merius and you will receive a promotion.
4. The next task is to deliver a batch of flin to the Elit Pal mines. This mine is directly west of Camp Zeinab. Go there. There, talk to Dangor and give him the fleen. Return to Perius Merius. You will receive 500 gold and Cyrodiil brandy if you answered "YES" to the question about drinking.

Fighters Guild Sadrith Mora. Hrundi's tasks.

1. Hrundi will ask you to meet with a woman near the ruins of Nchurdams. Go there and she will ask you to kill one Daedroth. Go and kill him, then return to Hrundi.
2. Hrundi wants you to go to the Disapla mine and carry out the instructions of Novor Dretan. Go there and talk to him and he will say that a man is lost in the mine and he wants you to find him. Walk and not far away you will find a lost person. Take him to Navor Dretan and then return to Hrundi.
3. Now Hrundi will give you two tasks. The first is to kill the corpus monster in the Berven store in Tel Mora. Up there you will find this monster and kill it. The second task is to kill a bandit named Rail Tenim. Go to you and talk to the farmers. They will say that they saw bandits in the mine in the north. Go there and kill the bandit, then return to Hrundi.

Quests of Perius Merius (continued).

1. Perius Merius will tell you that you need to kill Aydis Fire Eye in Balmora and the orc in the fighters guild building in Vivec. Killing them won't be difficult. After the kill, return to Perius Merius. However, if you complete all the tasks of the thieves guild before this, then you will not need to kill it.
2. Perius Merius will say that it is time for you to kill the head of the Fighters Guild. Go to Vivec and kill him, then return to Perius Merius and you will become the new head of the Fighters Guild.

The missions of the military guild strongly conflict with the missions of the community of thieves. Soon enough, their activities become hostile to each other. Therefore, making a career in both guilds at once does not make sense. Many tasks will be unavailable because you have already taken part in the conflict on the opposite side. It would seem quite natural for a thief to play both sides, but there are mechanical limitations here: you can play, but many actions simply will not appear within reach.
The warrior guild is deeply law-abiding, and you will regularly have to help the local guards and lords. But with all this, something strange nestled at its top...

Rank, Attributes, Skills, Other:

1. Apprentice Strength 30
Stamina 30 One skill 10
2. Journeyman Strength 30
Stamina 30 One skill 20
3. Swordsman Strength 30
Stamina 30 One skill 30 and two others 5 each
4. Protector Strength 30
Stamina 30 One skill 40 and two others 10 each
5. Defender Strength 31
Stamina 31 One skill 50 and two others 15 each
6. Warder Strength 32
Stamina 32 One skill 60 and two others 20 each
7. Guardian Strength 33
Endurance 33 One skill 70 and two others 25 each
8. Champion Strength 34
Endurance 34 One skill 80 and two others 30 each
9. Master Strength 35
Stamina 35 One skill 90 and two others 35 each Need to kill Hard Heart

Eidis Fire-Eyes
The chief of the Balmora branch of the guild will first of all propose to destroy... the cave rats in the house of Drarain Telas. Drarain will tell you that she has a rat in her bedroom and two more in the attic, and will give you a key to the attic. Dealing with them is not a difficult task.
Next you need to take care of the two egg stealers. A certain Sevilo Otan and Dainila Valas, fired egg diggers, started stealing. They are in the mine and will attack you first; Don't even think about attacking the first miners you meet.
Four Telvanni agents organize thefts and kidnappings in the ebony mines of Caldera. The spies' names are Alina Aralen, Satasa Nerotren, Fotina Herotan and Alveleg. They hide in the hills near the mines.
The next task is to pick up a book from Sottilda from the South Wall Club. Sottilda is a member of the thieves' guild (here is the promised conflict), and if you kill her, then you will no longer be a member of the thieves' guild. However, the thief can persuade Sottilda to give the book. I wonder what the deal is between the military guild and the Kammon Tong brotherhood, to which, as the thieves guild knows, Sottilda belongs?
Warriors, like magicians, are concerned about the problem of malicious non-payers of membership fees: the owner of the club, Gelviana Desel, owes the guild two hundred coins. You can convince her to give the money in kind. Interestingly, Persius Mercius, the head of the guild in Ald-Rhun, believes that there was no debt, and will persuade you to pay money for it.
An honest order on the head, almost like a hired killer! The target is the orc Dura gra-Bol from Balmora. He is accused of murder and they are afraid to take the guards...
As a Protector, you will be tasked with exploring the Daedric Ruins for Duke Vedam Dren. Orcs have appeared in the ruins. Before you gird your loins and rush towards your adversaries, talk to Alof at the farm northeast of Pelagiad: he will tell you that the orcs are coming from Ashunartes, the Daedric ruins in the northwest. The way it is. Orcs, by the way, have very decent and expensive equipment.
Dovres Vereti's gang of smugglers from Manammu has gone completely wild. In the interests of order and legality, their leader must be eliminated - and at the same time, most likely, a considerable number of his comrades will have to be hacked to death (unless you are a master of secret murders).
In the Sarano crypt (on the hill southeast of the Moon Butterfly Fort near Lake Amaya) there was a hungry one. Kill. By the way, someone locked the little animal with a level 10 padlock.

Lorbumol gro-Aglah
The guild boss in Vivec asks to bring the ring of Nara gro-Shagramf, who seemed to be carrying it to the Ienith brothers. The brothers can be found in the Hlaalu Square area.
The next mission is to silence a certain Argonian Tongue-Toad at the Rat in the Pot tavern, Ald-Rhun. If you talk to Toadtongue, he will be very surprised that it turns out that his life is interfering with someone. He will ask to let him go and report that he escaped (and Persius Mercius from the Ald-Rhun branch of the guild will agree that this good idea). You can do that, or you can kill him.
With the Khajiit Dro-Sakhar, everything is simpler: he is an accused criminal, and he absolutely needs to be killed. He lives in the St. Olms quarter of Vivec.
So Lorbumol became concerned about the problem of non-payment of dues. The debtor is Liriel Stoin from the Rat in the Pot tavern in Ald-Rhun. This one should cost as much as 2000 septims. But it is interesting that Persia Mercius again considers the debt to be wrong and claims that it was not she who owed the debt, but her brother, who recently allowed himself to be killed. And now his debts have been pinned on his sister. Liriel confirms this version.
You can find your brother's body - he died in Mallapi, in the hills northeast of Gnaar Mok - and get money from the deceased, no matter how strange it may seem. Or you can... well, you understand.
And now Lorbumol orders to deal with Adraria Vandazia from government buildings in Seyda Neen. It gets weirder and weirder... You can, of course, run to Persius again for advice, and he will advise you not to obey. Although this will prevent you from further completing Lorbumol's missions, maybe this is for the best?
The last task from Lorbumol is to kill the magistrate (judge) Rufinius Alley. Our dear orc stopped even hiding his vile nature. Well...

Grundi of Sadrith Mora
His first task is to help a certain Larienna Maerina cleanse the dwarf ruins in Nchurdamts from the necromancers who have settled there. The main thing is not to confuse your destination with the neighboring ruins called Nchardumts. What to take from the gnomes...
As it turns out, Larienna (this is her camp near the ruins) is hunting a Daedroth named Hrelvesuu. Besides the Daedroth, there are a lot of dwarf robots there. Larienna herself will help you with your work quite well.
The next target is the Dissapla mine, an order from client Novor Dretan. It's near the dark elf stronghold of Falensarano, west of Tel Arunn (don't forget to ask Grundi to mark this stronghold on your map). There are nixo dogs in the mine, they are attacking miners and recently ate a doctor. However, the eaten healer can still be saved if you hurry. Novor will add a reward from himself in the form of a certain amount of raw glass reagent.
At Berven's store in Tel More, a creeping corprus is stuck in the attic. Kill him so he doesn't suffer.
A certain Rels Tenim is rampaging around Vos. However, he is no longer there - his trace can be found among the ashen people of Ahemmuza. Ask everyone there, and they will tell you that Rels left for the island of Shallit, southeast of the Ald Daedroth. But to find it, it’s not enough to find the island: you also need to discover its hiding place (this is much easier to do with the help of levitation).
Nelakar needs to deliver cargo to the Dunirai caves, southeast of the Phantom Gate. Alas, this place is not marked on the map, you will have to look for it. If you find the entrance to the caves, the fire of Nelakar and his people will not be difficult to spot.
Escort Sondaal. A regular security mission, carried out in Telasero (between Suran and the tick station at Molag Maar). The lady will wander around this place for a long time and explore something there, so you will get tired of driving mosquitoes away from her.
Another order for elimination - this time from Engaera from Tel Naga. However, you have to be careful here so as not to anger the Telvanni. The inhabitants of the tower in which Engaer is hiding will be unhappy if you impolitely break into them. It is recommended to act invisible.
Such a hero would probably have no problem returning the seven golden eggs from legend to everyday life? That's what Grundy thinks too. You need to look for them in the Dwemer ruins of Mtsuleft (see quests for the Mages Guild). Keep in mind just one simple thing: these eggs are truly golden, which means they are very heavy (30 pounds each). Make sure you have enough space left.

Siering Hard Heart
Once you reach the eighth stage, the head of the guild himself pays attention to you. He has only two tasks for you, but what kind! The first is to kill the three bosses of the thieves' guild (Helenda in the Dirty Muriel club, Habashi in Balmora in the South Wall club and Egot in the Rat in the Pot, Ald-Rhun). This measure will cause deep disapproval from not only thieves, but also the law!
Finally, his second task is to deal with the head of the thieves himself. Jim Stacy can be found in Sinina Fralinia's bookstore, Vivec, Foreign Quarter.
If you then want to kill Sjoering and take his place, you don’t have to do this task.

Persius Mercius
Necromancers from Vasa crossed the path of the authorities. Their lair must... be cleaned out. Vas is located in the vicinity of Shigorad, in the northern archipelago. Ulina Genim (at whose request the guild took up this matter) will meet you at the lair and will enter there with you. There are, of course, a lot of undead, as well as a Dremora and a Necromancer.
Next, you need to catch the killer of Nerer Beneran. He is located in the town of Sargon, north of Maar Gan, and is very well armed.
Avon Oran from Suran is having problems with bandits. Bandits nest in the Saturan caves northeast of the city.
Dangor needs to deliver a valuable cargo from the Elit-Pal mines. Along the way, if you wish, you can privatize a little ebony.
Finally, the time has come to think about their former employers - Lorbumol and Eydis. Somehow they gave bloodthirsty tasks (remember the stories with the debtors and the Argonian? Another question is why Persia himself is better...). Persian orders to eliminate them.
And finally, it’s the turn of Hard Heart himself: it is he who is behind Kammon Tong’s influence on the guild. He is a formidable opponent, and Persian Mercius will arm you from his own arsenal before the battle. Please note that Hard Heart cannot be attacked first unless you want to fight the entire guild; we must provoke him to attack.

We join the magicians in the city of Balmora.

Ayirah's quests.
Task 1: Bring mushrooms.
Namely: luminous russula, violet coprinus, bungler’s bane and hypha facia. By the way, these are really good mushrooms.
Here's what they look like:

All this grows in the hills southwest of Balmora.

Task 2: Slip a fake soul stone.
It's simple: just place the pebble on Galbedir's table along with the rest.

Task 3: Bring flowers. Namely: gold kanet, stoneflower petals, willow anther and heather.

Portraits of wanted plants:

Go across the bridge southeast of the city and you will find them.
Task 4: Bring a clay plate.

The merchant lives in the neighboring house.
Task 5: Find Ayira's papers.

The papers are under the closet in the bedroom and in the reagent bag on the first floor.
Task 6: Staff of Magnus.

Once you reach rank six, Ayira will tell you about Magnus' staff. This is not even a task as such, but simply useful information. The staff lies in the Assu Cave, on the slope of Mount Kand northwest of Molag Mar, at the southeastern end of the island. The battle in the cave will be serious: Daedra, Atronachs, two magicians. One of them is level twenty and carries the desired staff. The Staff of Magnus, in addition to being a decent weapon, absorbs magic and regenerates your health.
Task 7: The Sorcerer's Ring.

Ringlet lives in Ashirbadon Cave, on an islet east of the ruins of Bal Fell, directly east of Vivec. The cave is very small, but the atronachs, dremora, daedroths and magicians are worthy of all respect. The ring is worn by Vindamea Dretan. The ring reflects magic and strengthens speed.

Quests from Ranis Atris
Task 1: Recruit Llarer Berelot.

This requires considerable Speech skill, otherwise Llarer will have to be killed. Go to Sulipund, it is located north of the Marandas fortress.
She owes the guild 2000 septims.

Likewise: if you don’t convince her, you’ll have to kill her. She lives near Llarer. With a reputation of 70, you will convince her to give the money.
Task 3: Illegal teacher.

Go to the South Wall club and find the Argonian. Chat with him until you achieve results, or kill him.
Task 4: Escort Itermerel to Pelagiad.

And also copy his notes for Ranis. Keep your eyes on him until you reach your goal. After arriving at the desired tavern, he will leave you behind, talk to him and take the papers.
Task 5: Kill Tashpi Ashibael.

She lives far to the north, beyond Ald-Rhun. Ticks go there. If you ask Tashpi about necromancy, she will at first pretend to be surprised, but it’s worth mentioning Ranis - and everything will fall into place. Tashpi simply refuses to join the guild and works as a free doctor. There are two options: still kill or agree that Tashpi will disappear and Ranis will receive a report about her death.
Task 6: Telvanni spy.

Go to Vivec and talk to Trebonius Artorius, he will dismiss rumors of spies and send you to his advisor Tiram, who is “doing it.” Ask him more about Tiram and you will learn everything you need. There is an alternative solution: accuse Ranis of espionage in front of Artorius :))
Quests from Edwinna Elbert
Task 1: Bring the book “Chronicles of Neuleft”.

A rare book - “Chronicles of Neuleft” - for Edwinna can simply be bought in the Vivec store.
Task 2: Potion.

Bringing a potion from the Skink of Sadrith Mora is no more difficult. We jump into the teleporter, get the potion, and return.
Task 3: Bring the book “Himarvamidium”.

Sirilonwe has a copy of this book, and Edwinna, in general, does not hope that Sirilonwe will give it up. Simply, you have to steal the book and not get caught, otherwise you will be thrown out of the guild in disgrace. She has the book under lock and key (level 30). If you open the lock while the door is closed, you won't get caught. But do not talk to the victim while the stolen goods are on you. After some time, Edwinna will copy everything she needs, and the book will have to be returned, this is not difficult, and if you wish, you can simply give it to Sirilonwa.
Task 4: Find out about Julian's house.

The house is in the east, outside the city. A lonely monster wanders there and a sad student sits who managed to summon the monster.
But to hold it - no.

Task 5: Bring the Dwemer pipe.
We go to the ruins of Neulefting. Ruins - northeast of Suran. Seniliy and his daughter got lost. We need to find a guide. There are three cranks in the northeastern part of the Trial of Image, and the eastern one opens a door to the lower levels (the rest are traps).

There lies the carcass of the deceased guide and two Dwemer robots.
You can have time to escape from them. But grab the book “The Hanging Gardens”, which is in the same room.

Task 7: Bring a map of the Dwemer ruins - Mtsuleft.

They are located southwest of the northern city of Dagon Fel. The ruins are guarded by orcs, but the cards are on the shelf to the right of the entrance, and you can quickly grab them without getting into a fight. But in this picturesque place you can also find the book “Egg of Time”, on the table, next to a couple of orcs. If you get it too, Edwinna will recommend that you talk to an old acquaintance: Gasfat from the military guild.

We leave for the city of Sadrith Mora.
Skink's quests.

Task 1: Scientist.
It is necessary to escort a certain scientist from the club to the ship. There is nothing to go there - the club is located across the bridge from the fort.

Task 2: Find the book “Vampires of Vvardenfell”.
The first volume can be purchased, the second is very rare. You can still buy it in the Jobashi store in Vivec.

An alternative: try to steal it from the secret library of the Hall of Justice or take it in battle from the lair of some vampire.
Task 3: Meeting with Mudra.

Now Skink wants to meet the Mudra of the Ash Tribe, Ahemmuza. Her name is Wise Sinnammu. But she refuses the meeting, and offers to send a student in her place - Minabibi, who is located in the crypt to the west of the camp. Minabibi is not against it, but she must first kill some ghost for her, and then ask Sinnammu’s permission on her behalf. Fortunately, Skink will be satisfied with a replacement.

Task 4: Kill Telur Ulver.
We go to the city of Shala, north of Hla Oad and the Daedric ruins. Telura attacks you as soon as she appears.

Task 5: Obtain the soul of the ashen vampire. He gives you two scrolls of soul traps and two stones. He suggests looking in the cave of the Sixth House, west of Sadrith Mora. There really is a ghoul there.
Task 6: Bring the book “Notes of Galur Ritari”.
Jobasha from the Vivec store will tell you that you can look for it in the secret library of the Hall of Justice, in Red Mountain or in Galom Deus.

Quests of Trebonius Artorius.
If you carefully completed her previous tasks, then you have three books: “The Hanging Gardens”, “The Egg of Time” and “Divine Metaphysics”. In addition, you have probably already communicated with Gasfat and Seniliy, and one of them suggested that the first of them is the key to the other two. The only trouble is that the last page of the detective story was not written “in Russian”: you need a specialist. Edwinna or someone else will explain that the best specialist is Yagrum Bagarn or the Telvanni Baladas from the tower in Gnisis.

Task 3: Destroy all advisors.
After completing the main storyline, the guild gives one more mission: destroy all Telvanni advisors. You know where they live from the main task. All of them, of course, are well guarded. And, characteristically, it is completely unclear why Trebonius needed this. But as a reward, he is ready to give his own staff and a necromantic amulet with a bunch of permanent effects.

If you have reached the level of Master Wizard, then it is time to talk again with Edwinna, who believes that for the good of archeology you are a more suitable candidate for the post of archmage of the guild. We go to the Mages Guild in Vivec and talk to Trebonius. He challenges you to a duel. Now you can walk to Vivec, Arena at any time and finish off this character. And it’s worth doing this at least because of his Necromancer’s Amulet with a bunch of useful constant effects. But you shouldn’t share the robe of an unkilled archmage. The easiest thing to do is this: he does not expect the use of brute force. All of his defense (spell absorption) is designed for magical attack. All the magic you'll need is the Dispel effect, which helps greatly against the multiple offensive effects of his spells and staff. After finishing Trebonius, you receive the transferable title of Archmage.