for electricians servicing overhead cranes equipped with

RD 7-88-02

This Standard Instruction has been developed in accordance with the Regulations on the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia, approved by Government Resolution Russian Federation dated 03.12.01 No. 000, Rules for the use of technical devices at hazardous production facilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 25.12.98 No. 000, Rules for the organization and implementation of production control over compliance with requirements industrial safety at a hazardous production facility, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 10.03.99 No. 000, Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes (PB 10-382-00), approved by Decree of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia dated 31.12.99 No. 98, and others regulatory documents concerning overhead cranes.

This Standard Instruction outlines the responsibilities of electricians servicing overhead cranes equipped with radio-electronic equipment. remote control(remote control equipment with transmission of command signals via radio or single-wire communication channel)*.

If this instruction fully meets the requirements for ensuring the safety of work at the enterprise, the administration of the enterprise must introduce it for execution. If this instruction does not fully reflect the features of safe maintenance of cranes in a workshop or at an enterprise’s work site, the owner of the cranes is obliged to draw up and approve additions to these instructions or draw up production instructions.

This Standard Instruction (both with and without additions) or production instructions is approved by the head of the enterprise and issued against signature to the electrician.


1.1. To service bridge-type load-lifting cranes equipped with radio-electronic remote controls, by order of the head of the enterprise, electricians are appointed to repair and maintain electrical equipment of load-lifting cranes **, who have studied this Standard instructions and operational documentation of the crane remote control equipment.

1.2. The electrician is given an identification card with a photo, signed by the head of the enterprise. The electrician must have his identification with him while working.

1.3. An electrician who has a certificate for servicing remote-controlled cranes is obliged to:

1) comply with the requirements of the production instructions for maintenance and repair of electrical equipment of lifting cranes;

2) carry out production tasks, comply with the maintenance schedule for crane remote control equipment;

3) carry out maintenance and repair of crane remote control equipment in established deadlines within the limits of their duties;

4) make entries in the crane operator’s logbook based on the results of work, draw up protocols (acts);

5) comply with the requirements of the rules and manuals for the operation of cranes (it is prohibited to operate cranes and sling loads when performing work on cranes);

2.2. When servicing remote control equipment located on the crane, the following operations must be performed:

1) in the crane remote control equipment cabinet, check for visible damage to electromechanical relays, electromagnetic starters, automatic switches, transformers, terminal clamps;

2) check the condition and reliability of the connection of connecting wires to the crane remote control equipment;

3) if necessary, clean the crane remote control equipment from dust and dirt, check the integrity of the seals.

2.3. After the maintenance has been carried out, the crane operator, in the presence of an electrician, must check the operation of the crane in remote control mode.



3.1. To identify a malfunction of the crane remote control equipment, the electrician must use the sections of the operational documentation: “Possible malfunctions and their causes”, a diagram of the inclusion of light indicators that control the passage of control command signals in the electronic part of the crane remote control equipment, as well as executive relays and electromagnetic starters.

3.2. The electrician, within the scope of his duties, must replace the faulty product and restore the functionality of the crane remote control equipment.

3.3. After the repair has been completed, the crane operator, in the presence of an electrician, must check the operation of the crane in remote control mode.

If the test results are positive, the electrician makes an appropriate entry in the passport for the crane remote control equipment, in the “Maintenance and Repair” section, and in the logbook.


4.1. An electrician is required to comply with personal safety requirements when on the work site or near moving cargo, compliance with safety requirements in the area of ​​operation of lifting machines, and when storing cargo.

4.2. The passage of control command signals must be checked visually, with the door of the remote control equipment cabinet open, while on the working platform of the crane, with the mains voltage turned on, but the power part of the electric drive turned off (the line contactor in the protective panel is turned off).

A sign “Do not turn on, people are working” must be posted in the designated place.

4.3. Maintenance of the crane remote control equipment and replacement of faulty products on the crane should be carried out only when the mains voltage is turned off (the remote control equipment is de-energized) and the exit hatch to the crane working platform is open.


The electrician is responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation for violations of the production instructions, the requirements of the operational documentation of the crane remote control equipment and the operating manuals for lifting cranes.



Electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines when carrying out work in accordance with their qualifications are required to comply with the safety requirements set out in the “Occupational Safety Instructions for Workers in Construction, the Building Materials Industry and Housing and Communal Services”, this instruction, developed taking into account building codes and the rules of the Russian Federation, “Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes” of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.


1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination, trained in an appropriate program and certified by a qualification commission, and who have also received instruction in safe working methods directly at the workplace with registration in the instruction logbook are allowed to perform electrician work on the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines.

1.2. An electrician authorized to repair and maintain lifting machines must have an electrical safety group of at least III.

1.3. A certified electrician is issued a certificate for the right to repair and maintain electrical equipment of lifting machines, signed by the chairman of the commission, sealed with the official seal.

1.4. Permission to work as an electrician for repairs is issued by order of the enterprise (workshop, site) labor protection instructions.

1.5. Repeated testing of electrician's knowledge; carrying out repairs and maintenance of lifting machines, the following is carried out:

— periodically, at least once every 12 months;

- when moving from one enterprise to another;

- at the request of the person responsible for the supervision of lifting machines at the enterprise, or the inspector of Gosgortekhnadzor.

Knowledge testing is carried out in the scope of the Labor Safety Instructions, the relevant sections of the Safety Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations and the Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes.

1.6. Electrician certified independent work for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines must know:

— labor protection instructions for electricians when servicing general industrial electrical equipment with voltages up to 1000 V;

— basic provisions of general electrical engineering;

— purpose, structure and principle of operation of components, mechanisms and electrical equipment of lifting machines;

— electrical circuits fixed for servicing lifting machines;

— relevant sections of the Safety Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations and the Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes;

- the main causes of damage and accidents on electrical equipment of lifting machines, be able to find and eliminate them.

1.7. The electrician must comply with the rules of internal labor regulations enterprises. Smoking in production and auxiliary premises and on the territory of the enterprise is permitted only in places specially designated for this purpose.

1.8. When carrying out work, an electrician may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors:

— noise and vibration from operating mechanisms;

- electric current;

— production microclimate.

1.9. The electrician must be provided with the means personal protection:

— cotton overalls;

— dielectric gloves;

— dielectric galoshes.

1.10. An electrician authorized to independently work on the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines must:

— inspect and repair electrical equipment of lifting machines;

— prepare electrical equipment of lifting machines for technical examination.

1.11. An electrician who repairs and maintains lifting machines must know and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

1.12. An electrician for the repair and maintenance of lifting machines must be able to provide first (pre-medical) aid to the victim in the event of an accident.

1.13. If any questions arise during the work related to its safe performance, it is necessary to contact the person responsible for the safe performance of work.

1.14. A trained and certified electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines bears full responsibility for violation of the requirements of these Instructions in accordance with current legislation.


2.1. Before starting work, the electrician must familiarize himself with the entries in the operational log, accept from the electrician who passed the shift the technical documentation approved by the power engineer, safety equipment, make an entry about acceptance of the shift in the operational log and sign.

2.2. Make sure there is sufficient lighting in the workplace.

2.3. Tidy up workplace, remove all objects that may interfere with safe operation.

2.4. Wear the required protective clothing, prepare serviceable and tested personal protective equipment (insulating gloves, galoshes).

2.5 Notify the foreman or work manager about any noticeable shortcomings at the workplace and do not begin work until their instructions.


During maintenance between repairs

3.1. Work carried out to eliminate malfunctions of electrical equipment of lifting machines at the request of drivers and not electrical personnel, and inspections regarding the safety of their implementation are divided into:

— work performed in the order of current operation, with an entry in the operational log;

- work performed by order of administrative and technical personnel with an electrical safety group of at least IV, with an entry in the operational log.

In the order of routine operation, the electrician on duty for servicing the electrical equipment of lifting machines is allowed, in the presence of a driver (crane operator) with electrical safety group II, to carry out following works:

— inspection of electrical equipment;

— replacement of burnt-out lamps and fuse links;

— repair and replacement of electrical devices located in the driver’s (crane operator’s) cabin;

— checking the proper operation of safety instruments and devices, lighting, alarms and interlocks, with the exception of voltage alarm devices on the main trolleys

3.2. An electrician, having received an application from a driver (crane operator), must make an entry in the operational journal, indicating the date and time of receipt of the application, the name and position of the person who submitted the application, the contents of the application and the time the work began.

After eliminating the detected faults, it is necessary to make a record in the same journal about the content of the work performed and the time of its completion. At the same time, a record of troubleshooting is made in the driver’s (crane operator’s) logbook.

3.3. If malfunctions are detected that are not related to the list of works performed in the course of routine operation, the electrician on duty must report to the shift supervisor about the detected deficiencies.

3.4. Work performed by order, with an entry in the operational log:

— replacement of burnt-out electric motors;

— replacement of electromagnetic coils and brakes;

— adjustment of limit switches;

— carrying out periodic inspections.

3.5. Work according to the order must be carried out by two persons with an electrical safety group of at least III, with complete voltage relief, with the implementation of the necessary organizational and technical measures in accordance with the requirements of the Safety Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations with an entry in the operational log.

3.6. The person giving the order must determine the composition of the team, the work performer and organize the team’s access to work.

3.7. For all types of repairs and inspections of the electrical equipment of a crane located between two operating cranes, a permit must be issued with entries in the logbooks of all cranes of this span.

3.8. Periodic inspection of electrical equipment of lifting machines is aimed at identifying and eliminating possible malfunctions in electrical equipment, instruments and safety devices, for power purposes, control purposes, signaling, checking the serviceability of safety protective equipment and fire extinguishing equipment and confirming in the periodic inspection log that the electrical equipment of lifting machines is in good condition.

3.9. When inspecting electrical equipment of cranes, adjustment and activation of mechanisms must be carried out at the signal of the person performing the inspection.

3.10. When moving the crane bridge, persons inspecting and troubleshooting the electrical equipment of the crane must be in the cabin or on the bridge deck, and they should be careful not to touch the protruding parts of the ceiling, columns, and fittings.

3.11. When entering the crane gallery deck, the switch in the driver’s cabin must be turned off and a poster “Do not turn on - people are working” should be posted on its drive. Only remove the poster By by order of operational personnel.

3.12. When inspecting and troubleshooting the electrical equipment of the crane, it is necessary to observe all precautions and use the necessary working and tested protective equipment.

3.13. Upon completion of the repair and inspection, all removed fences on electrical equipment and electrical devices must be put back in place and strengthened.

3.14. The inspection results for each crane separately must be recorded in the periodic inspection log, indicating the date, time of inspection, summary deficiencies identified and corrected and must be signed by the person performing the repairs.

3.15. When troubleshooting, adjusting and inspecting the electrical equipment of the crane, it is prohibited:

— enter and exit the crane while it is moving;

- go out onto the crane tracks, walk By crane tracks, climb from one crane to another;

— adjust the brake of the mechanism with a lifted load, and also install devices for releasing the brake manually;

— leave tools, as well as loose equipment and parts on the gallery floor or on the cart;

— dump tools, materials and spare parts from the crane.

3.16. For portable power tools and portable lamps, use a safe voltage of no higher than 36 V.

3.17. When performing all work, the electrician must remove the key-mark from the crane operator in the manner established at the enterprise for using the key-mark system.

During planned repairs

3.18. The crane must be taken out for repairs by a person responsible for maintaining lifting machines in good condition, in accordance with the scheduled repair schedule, with a work order issued for working in electrical installations. The work order is issued by the electrical technical personnel of the site, authorized by order of the chief power engineer of the enterprise.

The lines of the work order “Separate instructions” record additional safety measures related to working at height, to prevent running cranes from colliding with the one being repaired, repair personnel entering the crane tracks of operating cranes, etc. The completed work order is handed over to the person responsible the day before the start of repairs. for maintaining lifting machines in good condition, who, by signing, authorizes the work of the order in the lines “Separate instructions” and returns it to the person who issued the order.

The person responsible for maintaining lifting machines in good condition, before starting repairs, is obliged to make an entry in the logbook of the driver (crane operator) of the crane being repaired with the following content:

“I authorize the manufacturer of the work, comrade ____, to carry out

Repair of electrical equipment of the crane No.__by____type of repair


until__h__min__date month-year" and subscribe.

3.19. The work order for work on electrical devices must indicate the composition of the team, the work performer who allows work, and the person issuing the work order; necessary technical measures to ensure the safety of work when repairing electrical equipment of the crane; date and time of start of work, admission of the crew and completion of work.

3.20. The team's permission to repair the electrical equipment of the crane is carried out by the operating personnel on the basis of the work order for work in electrical installations and the permission of the person responsible for maintaining the lifting machines in good condition. The person admitting him makes an entry in the operational journal of the energy service, filling out the appropriate columns in the work order, and allows the team to enter the crane.

3.21. To ensure safety when repairing the electrical equipment of the crane, it is necessary to place it on the repair site, make the necessary shutdowns, lock the switch drive, hang safety warning posters, install portable grounding and make a fence under the repair site.

3.22. Repair of electrical equipment of the crane can be carried out by electricians who have a certificate for the right to repair and maintain lifting machines, at least two people with an electrical safety group of at least III.

3.23. Do not allow unauthorized persons onto the tap. It is prohibited to enter the crane tracks without obtaining a special permit.

3.24. Upon completion of the repair and closing of the work order, the person responsible for maintaining the lifting machines in good condition checks the readiness of the crane for work and makes an entry in the crane logbook:

“I authorize the operation of the tap from _____h____min___day____month___year” with my signature.


4.1. In the event of an accident, the victim or an eyewitness who was present is obliged to immediately notify the foreman or the head of the site, who must organize the provision of first (pre-medical) aid to the victim and send him to a medical institution. In the event of a serious accident, call immediately ambulance and notify the administration.

4.2. Troubleshooting the electrical equipment of lifting machines should only be done when the crane is disconnected from the power supply.


5.1. At the end of a shift or work, an electrician must:

- tidy up the workplace;

— remove parts, materials, electrical equipment and tools;

— put electrical circuits and other technical documentation in order;

— make an entry in the operational journal about the technical condition of the electrical equipment of lifting machines in the assigned area;

- hand over to the electrician taking over the shift the technical documentation approved by the power engineer of the workshop (site), safety protective equipment, make an entry about the handover of the shift in the operational log and sign about the handover of the shift.

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, been trained in an appropriate program, and have undergone introductory and on-the-job instruction in labor safety are allowed to perform the duties of a mechanic in the repair and maintenance of lifting machines.

1.2. Permission to work as a mechanic in the repair and maintenance of lifting machines is issued by order of the enterprise after the issuance of a certificate and these instructions.

1.3. Repeated testing of the mechanic's knowledge is carried out by the commission:

periodically, at least once every 12 months;

when moving from one enterprise to another;

at the request of the person responsible for supervision or the inspector of Gosgortekhnadzor.

A mechanic authorized to independently work on the repair and maintenance of lifting machines must know:

  • production instructions;
  • labor protection instructions;
  • the purpose, structure and principle of operation of all mechanisms of the equipment being serviced and instructions for maintenance and repair;
  • know the main sources of hazards, including mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, and also apply in practice methods of protection against them;
  • know and be able to identify by visual measurement inspection the main defects and damage to metal structures, mechanisms, limiters, indicators, recorders and substation control systems;
  • know and be able to perform adjustment work on the substation;
  • be able to apply in practice technologies for repair and restoration of subassemblies and parts of substations;
  • know and be able to use rigging and assembly devices, lifting mechanisms, slings that correspond in terms of load-carrying capacity to the masses of the elements being mounted (dismantled) for installation (dismantling) of substations;
  • be able to apply the established procedure for the exchange of conventional signals between the employee supervising the installation (dismantling) and the rest of the personnel involved in the installation (dismantling) of the substation. Observe the practical requirement that all signals during installation (dismantling) are given by only one employee (the installation team foreman, team leader, rigger-slinger), except for the “Stop” signal, which can be given by any employee who notices the danger;
  • have documents confirming completion in the prescribed manner, vocational training for the relevant types of activities of working specialties;
  • know the basic schemes for slinging loads (when performing the duties of a slinger) and methods for testing PS;
  • know and comply with the requirements of operational documents;
  • the main causes of malfunctions and accidents in mechanisms, be able to find and eliminate them;
  • technological process of repair, assembly and installation of mechanical equipment;
  • methods and techniques for performing plumbing and installation work;
  • purpose, structure, design, rules for the selection and use of working, measuring and plumbing tools, their handling and storage rules;
  • assortment and purpose lubricants, used for lubrication of mechanical equipment;
  • methods of providing first aid to victims, location of the first aid kit;
  • fire warning signals, locations of fire extinguishing equipment and how to use them.

1.5. When using lifting machines controlled from the floor for repair purposes, the repairman must undergo special instruction, followed by testing of skills in operating the machine and tying (hooking) loads in the prescribed manner.

1.6. All accidents and accidents must be reported to the person responsible for the work.

1.7. When receiving a new (unfamiliar) job, the mechanic must require additional instruction from the foreman.

1.8. While working, you must be attentive, not be distracted by extraneous matters and conversations, and not distract others.

1.9. During work, you should follow a work and rest schedule. Relaxing and smoking are allowed in specially designated areas.

1.10. When carrying out work, a mechanic may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors: industrial microclimate, noise and vibration from operating mechanisms, vapors of fuels and lubricants.

1.11. Mechanics must be provided with special clothing: a cotton suit and canvas mittens. For outdoor work in winter, additionally: a cotton jacket with an insulated lining.

1.12. It is not allowed to turn on or stop (except in emergency cases) machines, machines, mechanisms and electrical appliances that you have not been assigned to work on by the administration.

1.13. It is not allowed to touch the general lighting fittings, broken electrical wires, terminals and other live parts, open the doors of electrical distribution cabinets and remove fences and protective covers from live parts of the equipment.

1.14. If the electrical equipment is faulty, call an electrician. You are not allowed to troubleshoot problems yourself.

1.15. In the event of an electric shock to a person, it is necessary to quickly turn off the part of the equipment that the victim touches. If the victim may fall from a height, his fall should be prevented or secured. If it is impossible to quickly turn off the equipment, it is necessary to separate the victim from live parts.

1.16. At voltages up to 1000 V, to separate the victim from live parts, use a dry rag, board, rope, clothing or other dry, non-conducting material. The use of metal or wet objects is not permitted. If necessary, chop or cut the wires (each separately) with an ax with a dry wooden handle or a tool with insulated handles.

1.17. Persons who do not comply with the requirements of these Instructions are subject to administrative or criminal liability.

Manufacturing instructions for a mechanic

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, you need to put your work clothes in order: fasten the sleeve cuffs, tuck in the clothes so that there are no loose ends, tuck your hair under a tight-fitting headdress. It is not allowed to work in light shoes (slippers, sandals, sandals).

2.2. Carefully inspect the work area, put it in order, remove all foreign objects that interfere with the work.

2.3. Check the availability and serviceability of tools and accessories. When working, use only serviceable tools:

wrenches must match the dimensions of the nuts and bolt heads and must not have cracks or nicks; the jaws of the keys must be strictly parallel and not rolled up, the sliding keys must not be loosened in the moving parts; placing pads between the jaws of the keys and the head of the bolt, as well as extending the handles of the keys using pipes and bolts or other objects is not allowed;

metalworking hammers and sledgehammers must have a slightly convex, not oblique or knocked down, crack-free striker surface, must be securely fastened to the handle by wedging with jagged wedges, and must not have work hardening;

the handles of hammers and sledgehammers must have a smooth surface and be made of hardwood (dogwood, beech, young oak, etc.);

impact tools (chisels, crosscutters, bits, notches, center punches, etc.) must not have cracks, burrs, or hardening. Chisels must have a length of at least 150 mm.

2.4. It is allowed to carry the tool to the workplace only in a special bag or box.

2.5. Check the lighting of the workplace to ensure that it is sufficient and does not dazzle the eyes. When working, use local lighting with a voltage not exceeding 36 V.

2.6. When using an electric lamp, you should check the presence of a protective mesh on the lamp, the serviceability of the cord and the insulating rubber tube. The voltage of a portable lamp is allowed no higher than 12 V.

2.7. If it is necessary to work with the help of lifting machines controlled from the floor, check the serviceability of the main parts and components of the load lifting mechanism, namely:

the condition of the hook, the absence of wear in its mouth over 10% of the original cross-section, the absence of cracks, straightening, jamming in the hook cage and the presence of a cotter pin or locking of the hook fastening nut in the cage;

condition of the cargo rope (the number of broken wires at one laying step of the rope should not exceed the established standards);

operation of the brake of the load lifting mechanism (checked with a load whose weight is equal to or close to the rated load capacity of this machine when lifting it to a height of 200-300 mm; when stopping at the specified height, the brake must reliably hold the load; if the load slips or sag, the brake must be adjusted or replaced) ;

operation of the hook lift height limiter (when the hook is lifted up, it should stop after pressing the limit switch);

operation of push-button control (all movements must correspond to the inscriptions above the buttons), absence of buttons jamming in the sockets and the state of visible protective grounding (cable).

Note: To work with a manual hoist, you must obtain permission from the person responsible for the good condition of lifting machines.

2.8. Cleaning, repairs, and inspection of a crane and its parts in operation should be carried out only after it has been stopped and disconnected from the power supply.

2.9. Work near moving parts of machines and mechanisms is permitted after fencing off dangerous places.

Manufacturing instructions for a mechanic

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. Only the work assigned by the administration should be performed.

3.2. Wiping material used during work should be collected in specially installed metal boxes with lids.

3.3. It is not allowed to store flammable materials and oily cleaning materials in the workplace.

3.4. When pressing or unpressing parts using a sledgehammer and a drift, the latter should be held with pliers or a special grip. The punch should be made of soft material.

3.5. When cutting metal with a chisel, you must use safety glasses with safety glasses or mesh. Safety guards should be installed to protect others.

3.6. When working as a stacker, the second end should be covered with a special case or handle.

3.7. When working with a blowtorch it is not allowed:

use flammable liquid not intended for this lamp;

pour fuel into a burning lamp;

pour fuel near an open fire;

pump more air into the lamp than the permissible pressure;

Fill more than 3/4 of the lamp capacity with fuel.

If a malfunction is detected (fuel leakage, gas leakage through the burner thread, etc.), immediately stop work and replace the blowtorch.

3.8. When operating a power tool, the following requirements must be observed:

work in rubber gloves and dielectric galoshes or on a dielectric mat;

do not connect power tools to distribution devices unless there is a reliable plug connection;

protect the wire supplying the power tool from mechanical damage;

Do not carry the power tool by the cord, use the handle for this;

do not replace the cutting tool until it stops completely;

during interruptions in work or power failure, turn off the tool;

Do not operate portable power tools at a height of more than 2.5 m on ladders.

3.9. When conducting periodic inspections of lifting machines, a thorough check of the condition of all mechanisms, load ropes, hook suspension, and metal structures should be carried out. The inspection results and defects identified during the inspection should be entered into the periodic inspection log of lifting machines.

3.10. When inspecting the crane mechanisms you should:

check the corkscrew fastening of couplings connecting the shafts of electric motors, gearboxes, etc.; If any play is detected, eliminate it; if the keys are worn out, replace them;

if a loosening of the bolted connection of the coupling halves is detected, tighten the loose nuts; if the leather or rubber rings at the fingers of the elastic couplings are worn out, install new rings;

do not allow longitudinal movement of the worm in the thrust bearing, which causes shocks when starting and stopping the electric motor;

do not allow the outer rings to turn ball bearings into the bearing housing and ensure that the inner pins fit tightly on the shaft journal;

if you detect a broken tooth of any gear of the lifting mechanism, a crack in the rotating parts of the crane mechanisms (gears, blocks, brake pulley, clutch, etc.), stop operating the crane until the defective part is replaced and inform the foreman about this;

when trying the electric brake, make sure that there is at least a slight reserve of the electromagnet thrust remaining, and also whether the counterweights are firmly attached to the brake levers (if necessary, they should be strengthened with a chain); when the brake rods are weakened, periodically, depending on the wear of the linings, tighten the rods;

If even small cracks or tears are detected in the brake band, stop operating the crane and notify the foreman;

if there is significant wear on the lining of the brake pads, replace the worn linings;

periodically, at least once a quarter, check the fastening of the equalizing stationary block, as well as the condition of its axis;

ensure that all accessible rotating parts of the lifting machine mechanisms, such as gears, shafts, ratchets, sprockets, keys, etc., are covered with guards of the appropriate design;

monitor the timely lubrication of all crane mechanisms and the absence of lubricant leaks from bearings and gearboxes;

regularly inspect the crane truss and trolley frame.

3.11. Repairs to the crane may only be undertaken with the permission of the person in charge.

3.12. Repairs to the crane should only be carried out at repair sites. Before starting work, the crane must be de-energized by turning off the switch of the main trolley wires and supplying short circuits. In addition, turn off the switch in the crane cabin. Prohibiting posters should be hung on switches: “Do not turn on! People are working.”

3.13. Test runs of the crane during repairs and after completion are permitted only with the permission and in the presence of the person responsible for the repairs.

3.14. Upon completion of repairs or maintenance, an appropriate entry must be made in the periodic inspection log of the crane.

3.15. Before installing a grinding wheel on a machine, you must make sure that it has a factory mark on it, which should indicate the maximum permissible speed. It is not permitted to exceed the maximum permissible speed. It is not allowed to work on grinding wheels that have cracks or other defects.

3.16. When installing and securing the grinding wheel to the spindle, the following precautions should be observed:

do not allow blows in a circle;

use clamping discs (flanges) of the same size;

install special gaskets with a thickness of at least 1 mm between the clamping discs and the stone;

make sure that the diameter of the hole in the stone is 0.51 mm larger than the diameter of the spindle.

3.17. After installing the grinding wheel you must:

check the operation of the grinding wheel at idle speed for 2-3 minutes and make sure that there is no beating of the stone and that the grinding wheel is properly balanced;

strengthen protective covers;

check that the circle begins to rotate smoothly, without jerking.

3.18. The gap between the grinding wheel and the tool rest should be no more than 3 mm.

3.19. When working on sharpening machines it is not permitted:

clean the circle, touch it with your hands;

open the protective covers of the shaft, spindle, pulley, stone;

putting on, removing and repositioning the belt;

work without a protective screen or glasses;

work with the end surfaces of the circle if it is not intended for this type of work.

3.20. When working, you need to ensure that the circle works evenly. If potholes and ledges form, the wheel should be replaced.

Manufacturing instructions for a mechanic

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If a faulty operation of an electrified, pneumatic or other tool is detected, it is necessary to disconnect it from the power supply and report this to the foreman or mechanic.

4.2. In case of accidents, provide first aid to the victim and, if necessary, send the victim to a medical facility.

If you are injured, immediately stop working, notify the administration and seek medical help.

4.3. When caught by rotating parts of machines, slings, traverses, hooks, etc. parts of the body or clothing must be immediately signaled to stop working. You should not try to free yourself from the grip if it is possible to attract others.

4.4. In the event of a fire, you must:

stop working;

turn off electrical equipment;

inform management and call the fire department;

begin to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing equipment.

5. Safety requirements after completion of work

5.1. Tidy up the workplace, put tools and equipment in the tool box.

5.2. Inform the shift worker, foreman or foreman about the work performed, any problems with the work, the measures taken and their elimination, and make an appropriate entry in the shift mechanics’ log.

5.3. Wash your hands and face with warm water and soap, and take a shower if possible.

5.4. Hang the overalls in a locker specially designed for this purpose.

6. Responsibility.

A mechanic for the repair and maintenance of load-lifting cranes, trained and certified in the prescribed manner, who has production instructions in hand, is responsible for violating the requirements of these instructions in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.





RD 31.82.12-83

Introduced for the first time

The effective date is set from 06/01/84

This instruction applies to work related to the maintenance and repair of electrical equipment of cranes and container cranes at sea ports.

The instruction establishes the basic safety requirements for the maintenance and repair of electrical equipment of portal cranes, container quay cranes, bridge and gantry cranes.

Based on this RD, ports are developing enterprise standards and occupational safety instructions for electricians performing maintenance and repair of electrical equipment of cranes and container handlers, in relation to specific conditions and in relation to the relevant SSBT standards.


1.1. Persons who have reached the age of 18, have passed a medical examination, have been trained in the appropriate program, have passed exams at the port qualification commission and have an admission and certificate for the right to service are allowed to work as an electrician performing maintenance and repair of electrical equipment of cranes and container cranes. objects of Gosgortekhnadzor.

1.2. The electrician's approval is formalized by a port order (PPK), after which he is given a certificate and these instructions against signature.

1.3. In his work, an electrician must know and observe:

production instructions and occupational safety instructions for an electrician performing maintenance and repair of electrical equipment of cranes and container handlers;

factory (branded) instructions for maintenance and operation of cranes and container cranes;

Charter on discipline of maritime transport workers; internal labor regulations of the port;

rules for pedestrian traffic in the port area, safety signs and warning notices.

1.4. The electrician is obliged:

before being allowed to work, undergo an internship at the place of work for at least two weeks under the guidance of an experienced electrician and the supervision of a group (shift) electrician;

for independent work in electrical installations of cranes and material handlers have qualification group in safety (electrical safety) not lower than III;

if it is necessary to perform work related to the movement of cargo (parts, equipment, etc.) by cranes and reloaders, be qualified as a slinger and signalman;

To perform trial activations of the crane mechanisms, undergo training and certification for the right to operate the crane. The result of the certification is documented in a protocol and recorded in the certificate;

to perform work at height, undergo a medical commission with a conclusion on fitness to work at height and a training course on the rules for performing this work;

to perform work on a press, mechanical hacksaw, drilling, sharpening and other machines, undergo training and obtain permission to work on this equipment;

know and be able to use fire extinguishing equipment;

know and have the skills to provide first aid to victims of electric current, in case of injury, burns, frostbite, fainting, heat and sunstroke and poisoning.

1.5. Repeated testing of the electrician's knowledge is carried out by the port qualification commission (PPC) periodically - at least once every 12 months;

repeated safety briefings - at least once a quarter;

extraordinary testing of the knowledge of an electrician - in cases of violation of labor safety rules and technical operation of cranes, at the request of the port administration (PPK), representatives of Gosgortekhnadzor and Gosenergonadzor.

1.6. The results of the repeated knowledge test are documented in a protocol, the number and date of which are affixed to the certificate and confirmed by the signature of the chairman of the port qualification commission and a seal.

Persons who show unsatisfactory knowledge during the second and third inspections are not allowed to work in electrical installations of cranes and material handlers and must be transferred to other work not related to the maintenance of electrical installations.

1.7. Entry to and disembarkation from operating cranes is permitted only after notifying the crane operator and the crane has completely stopped.


2.1. Put your work clothes in order, fasten the cuffs of your sleeves, carefully tuck in your clothes so that there are no flapping ends, tuck your hair under a tight-fitting headdress.

Workwear and shoes must be in good working order, appropriate for the time of year and not restrict movement during work.

2.2. Receive a specific task and instructions on workplace safety from the group (shift) electrician with a detailed explanation of the nature of the work performed.

2.3. Check the availability and serviceability of existing tools, devices, the necessary mechanized and electrified tools with appropriate personal protective equipment (glasses, dielectric gloves, mats, etc.).

2.4. Check the presence and serviceability of fences, decking, platforms, ladders, lifting equipment and devices (hoists, jacks, brackets, slings, etc.) and safety equipment (helmets, gloves, safety glasses, etc.).

2.5. Get:

necessary working tools and devices;

tested and proven safety belts for working at height, helmets and tool bags, protective equipment;

appropriate hemp ropes for lifting tools and small parts to the crane (height);

the necessary mechanized and electrified tools with appropriate protective equipment (glasses, dielectric gloves, mats, boots, etc.).

2.6. Check the workplace, which should be clean, non-slip, and well lit; foreign objects must be removed.

2.7. Place the working tool and parts stably in a safe place, in a certain sequence.

It is prohibited to use random, faulty tools and devices, as well as lifting devices that are not marked.

2.8. To carry and store tools and small parts when working at height, use an individual tool bag. If the total mass of tools, devices, parts is more than 30 kg, they must be lifted to a height using lifting equipment with reliable slinging. It is prohibited to drop tools and other objects from a height.

2.9. Disconnect the crane (reloader) from the power source. The disconnection must be carried out in such a way that parts of the crane's electrical installation or electrical equipment allocated for repair are separated on all sides from live parts that are energized.

2.10. Check for grounding. In cases where work is carried out without the use of portable grounding, additional measures must be taken to prevent the accidental supply of voltage to the place of work: mechanical locking of the drives of disconnected devices, removal of fuses connected in series with switching devices, the use of linings in switches, automatic machines, etc. .

2.11. On the switch, the main circuit breaker, on the control keys and load switches, as well as on the bases of the fuses, with the help of which voltage can be supplied to the work site, hang a poster “DO NOT TURN ON - PEOPLE ARE WORKING”.

2.12. When disconnected for repair of individual sections electrical circuit check the condition of the remaining electrical equipment that is energized, which should be inaccessible for contact (distribution cabinets are closed, fences are placed, warning signs are posted).

2.13. After installing posters and temporary barriers, check that there is no voltage on the disconnected parts of the installation intended for repair or in the entire electrical circuit of the crane. The absence of voltage is checked using voltage indicators (indicators) or portable voltmeters. Checking voltage in crane electrical circuits with test lamps is prohibited.

2.14. Check the absence of voltage between the phases and on each phase in relation to the “ground” and to the neutral wire on the part of the crane’s electrical installation that is disconnected for work.

2.15. Check for lack of voltage after hanging the “DO NOT TURN ON - PEOPLE WORK” poster. Immediately before checking the absence of voltage, the serviceability of the voltmeter or other voltage indicator device used must be established.

2.16. Install fences and warning posters made of non-conductive materials (plywood, dry boards, etc.).

2.17. After the corresponding shutdowns, lock the switch box that supplies voltage to the crane circuit, or lock the control cabin, and take the key with you.

2.18. Immediately report any observed violations of labor safety requirements that could lead to an accident or emergency to the group (shift) electrician in charge of the work.


3.1. Use only serviceable tools and accessories. Carry and lift tools to the workplace only in special bags. When going up and down stairs and ramps, hold on to the handrails with both hands.

3.2. When assembling and disassembling electrical equipment components of cranes or material handlers, place the parts on flat and durable flooring.

3.3. Stop renovation work outdoors in dense fog and snowfall, which reduces visibility, in thunderstorms and air temperatures below those indicated in the crane's passport, as well as work at heights with a wind speed of more than 5.2 m/s, informing the work manager - group (shift) electrician - about this .

3.4. When working at height, use a serviceable mounting belt with test markings, securely attached to the stationary parts of the crane. Install a dense flooring on repair scaffolding to prevent tools and parts from falling from them.

3.5. Wear safety glasses when working together with a gas-electric welder.

3.6. Pour fuel only into a cold blowtorch.

3.7. When receiving a new (unfamiliar) job, receive additional safety instructions from the group (shift) electrician.

Be attentive, do not be distracted by extraneous matters, conversations and do not distract others.

3.8. When working with power tools, observe the following rules:

work in dielectric gloves, boots, on a mat;

Do not carry the power tool by the power cable, as this may lead to mechanical damage to the cable;

do not replace the cutting part of an electric or pneumatic tool until it stops completely;

when working with heavy power tools, use special devices;

Do not operate portable power tools on ladders.

3.9. When using personal insulating means:

use only dry and clean insulating agents;

Having discovered malfunctions of protective insulating means, immediately stop using them. It is prohibited to use protective equipment whose next test period has expired.

3.10. Close all doors and covers of electrical equipment, except for the electrical equipment panel where work is being carried out.

3.11. When leaving the room (engine room, control cabin) with electrical equipment remaining energized, do not leave non-electrical personnel in the room. At the entrance, hang a poster "STOP - DANGER TO LIFE."

3.12. On cranes and material handlers, use portable lamps with a voltage not exceeding 42 V.

3.13. Installation and removal of fuses, as a rule, is carried out with the voltage removed. Under voltage at removed load Only closed-type (plug) fuses can be replaced. You should work with dielectric gloves.

3.14. Portable devices that require breaking a live electrical circuit should be connected and disconnected when the voltage is completely removed.

3.15. Electric motors should be cleaned and purged using a respirator in the open air or in a well-ventilated area.

3.16. Grinding of phase and commutators of electric motors is carried out using special pads made of insulating material.

3.17. To repair a ring pantograph or a cable drum of a crane, disconnect the supply hose cable from the electrical column and install a sign “DO NOT TURN ON - PEOPLE WORKING” near the supply cable of the crane.

3.18. When tinning and soldering, use safety glasses and be especially careful, as the acid gets on the skin and causes burns.

If acid gets on your skin or eyes, immediately rinse the affected area with plenty of water, first with water, and then with a 1% solution of purified baking soda and consult a doctor.

carry tools in pockets or in hands when moving along ladders, grapples and crane platforms;

leave parts, components, materials, tools and devices in an unstable position;

use a portable ladder when performing work outside the engine room;

carry out gas-electric welding and other hot work without a written permit issued in accordance with the current Rules fire safety when carrying out hot work on ships and onshore facilities of the MMF, put into effect by Order of the MMF No. 41 of March 12, 1973;

leave exposed live parts, as well as bare ends of wires, under voltage;

jam or shunt switching protective and blocking devices;

use the metal structures of the crane as a return wire;

carry out maintenance and repair work, as well as adjusting electrical equipment while the crane is operating;

connect any equipment with metal cases without grounding, use non-standard heating devices, electrical appliances for heating the engine room, crane cabin.

3.20. Electricians with qualification groups I and II must perform work on servicing electrical equipment of cranes and material handlers only under the guidance of an electrician with a qualification group in safety (electrical safety) of at least III.

3.21. Determining faults in the electrical equipment of cranes or material handlers is permitted by a group of workers, which must consist of at least two people, under the guidance of an electrician with a safety qualification group of at least IV.

3.22. Work on setting up and adjusting energized electrical equipment must be carried out by order of the group (shift) electrician, which must be recorded in the crane logbook. This work is permitted to be carried out by at least two electricians under the supervision of one of them, having a qualification group of at least IV, with mandatory use basic and additional insulating means (dielectric gloves, mats, boots).

3.23. Test switching on of electric drives should be carried out with the participation of at least two persons: a driver and an electrician, and the switching commands are given by the electrician. If the person checking the electrical equipment is out of sight and hearing of the driver, then an additional person is posted to transmit commands.

3.24. Test switching on of electric drives should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

3.25. The transition from the fixed ladder of the main bridge to the movable ladder of the cargo trolley or console is carried out only when they are completely combined.

There should be no foreign objects on walkways, ladders and other structural elements.

3.26. It is prohibited to lift or move people with a crane, except in special cases to provide assistance to victims.

3.27. Without instructions from engineering and technical workers, it is prohibited:

disassemble automation, protection, interlocking, security, alarm and voice communication devices;

open current collectors;

disassemble and adjust the device for heating and cooling hydraulic system oil and heating control cabins;

disassemble control equipment.

3.28. Report all breakdowns, breakdowns, and accidents involving people to the group (shift) electrician. Take measures to preserve the situation in which the accident occurred.




4.1. To perform work while completely removing voltage from the power supply columns, you must:

formalize the work by order with an entry in the operational journal;

make the necessary shutdowns and take measures that would prevent the supply of voltage to the place of work due to erroneous or spontaneous switching on of switching equipment (turning off circuit breakers, switches - supplying and discharging);

install fences and hang posters “DO NOT TURN ON - PEOPLE ARE WORKING”;

install portable grounding connections; check the absence of voltage on live parts that must be grounded;

carry out grounding immediately after checking the absence of voltage: connect the grounding to each phase separately with a clamp. Removal of grounding should be done in the reverse order: first from the phases, then from the ground.

4.2. Without removing the voltage from the power supply columns, it is allowed to perform the following work:

tightening, cleaning the contacts of the movable carriage, adjusting and replacing them;

lubricating the pins of the connections of the covers and counterweights.

When performing the above work, the cover of the supply column must be placed on a stopper to prevent its spontaneous closing. Work should be carried out using dielectric protective equipment (dielectric mats, gloves, galoshes).

4.3. It is prohibited to replace hot vulcanization of damaged areas of the hose cable with other types of repair.

4.4. When performing work involving the use of cable mass, it is necessary to use respirators, safety glasses, canvas gloves and aprons. When heating the cable mass, do not bring it to a boil. It is prohibited to heat unopened cans of cable compound or to pass containers with heated cable compound from hand to hand; When transferring, they must be placed on the ground.

4.5. Pumping water from the supply (tap) electric pumps should be carried out with complete removal of voltage from the supply fixed buses by at least two persons, one of whom must have a safety qualification group of at least III.


5.1. Put the workplace in order, remove portable grounding connections, remove all materials, unnecessary items, tools and accessories, and also check the electrical installation and make sure it complies with the safety regulations for electrical installations.

5.2. Report the completion of the work to the group (shift) electrician from whom you received the task, make an entry in the crane's logbook about the elimination of malfunctions and the technical condition of the crane.


An electrician performing maintenance and repair of cranes and container handlers is responsible for violating this instruction in accordance with the Charter on Discipline of Maritime Transport Workers and current legislation.

The association assists in providing services in the sale of timber: favorable prices on an ongoing basis. Forest products of excellent quality.

January 15, 2016

OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS for electricians servicing cranes. Chapter 1. General requirements on labor protection. To perform the duties of an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines, persons no younger than 1 are allowed.

An electrician authorized to independently work on the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines must know: - labor safety instructions for electricians when servicing electrical equipment with voltage up to 1. V; - basic provisions of general electrical engineering; - purpose, structure and principle of operation of individual components, mechanisms and electrical equipment of lifting machines; - electrical diagrams of machines assigned for servicing; - relevant sections of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations; - the main causes of damage and accidents on electrical equipment of lifting machines, be able to find and eliminate them.

An electrician authorized to independently work on the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of lifting machines must: - inspect and repair electrical equipment of lifting machines; - prepare electrical equipment of lifting machines for technical examination. An electrician authorized to repair and maintain lifting machines must have an electrical safety qualification group of at least third. The employee is obliged to: · comply with the internal labor regulations of the organization; · know and comply with the requirements of these instructions; · know the techniques of providing first aid in case of accidents; · know and follow the rules of personal hygiene; · be careful when walking on stairs while on the territory of the organization; · comply with fire safety requirements, know the procedure for action in case of fire, be able to use primary fire extinguishing agents; · immediately report to the immediate supervisor about each accident or illness; · correctly use the personal protective equipment (PPE) provided to him. An employee is prohibited from performing work while intoxicated or in a state caused by the use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic or toxic substances, as well as drinking alcoholic beverages, consuming narcotic drugs, psychotropic or toxic substances in the workplace or working hours. Smoking on the territory of the organization is permitted only in designated smoking areas.

During the work process, an electrician may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors: · increased voltage in the electrical circuit; · an electric arc that occurs during switching in electrical installations or in emergency situations; · work at height; · insufficient illumination of the working area; · increased or decreased air temperature in the working area, as well as equipment surfaces; · increased or decreased air humidity, as well as strong wind when working outdoors; · moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts of production equipment. The employee is responsible for violating the requirements of this instruction in the manner established by the internal labor regulations of the organization and current legislation.

Instructions for the responsible person, pavement, gantry crane operator,

electrician, crane operators, gantry operators.

CHAPTER 2. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS BEFORE STARTING WORK9. Put on the workwear and safety shoes required by the standards, fasten the sleeves of the workwear, tuck it in so that there are no dangling ends, put on a headdress and match your hair to it, prepare and check the serviceability of protective equipment (dielectric gloves, galoshes or boots, rugs that should be dry and clean). Check whether the working tool is in working order and arrange it in a convenient and safe order for use. Check the serviceability of the control system measuring instruments. Inspect and prepare the workplace, check whether it is sufficiently lit. The voltage on the lamps of stationary local lighting lamps, as well as general purpose lamps with a suspension height above the floor or working platform of less than 2.5 m should be no more than 4. V. 1. 3. Operate only with tools that meet the following requirements: - plier handles and cutters must have protective insulation; - the working part of the screwdriver must be well sharpened, the handle must be made of insulated material, an insulating tube must be placed on the screwdriver shaft, leaving only the working part of the screwdriver open. Store working tools in a portable tool box or bag.

Before starting work with voltage relief, the following technical measures are carried out: - the necessary shutdowns are made and measures are taken to prevent the supply of voltage to the work site due to erroneous or spontaneous switching on of switching equipment; - prohibitory posters “Do not turn on!” are posted on manual drives and on remote control keys of switching equipment. People are working." For single-pole disconnectors, posters are hung on the drive of each pole, for disconnectors controlled by an operating rod - on the fences. On the valves that block air access to the pneumatic drives of the disconnectors, a poster “Do not open! People are working." At connections with voltages up to 1. V that do not have switching devices, the poster “Do not turn on! People are working” should be posted near the removed fuses.

Posters must be posted on keys and buttons of remote and local control, as well as on automatic machines or at the location of removed fuses of control circuits and power supply circuits of switching device drives; - the absence of voltage on live parts is checked using a voltage indicator, the serviceability of which must be established before use; - grounding of disconnected live parts is carried out - grounding blades are turned on, and where they are missing, portable grounding connections are installed. Portable grounding must first be connected to a grounding device, and then, after checking that there is no voltage, installed on live parts. It is necessary to remove portable grounding in the reverse order: first remove it from live parts, and then disconnect it from the grounding device. Installation and removal of portable grounding connections must be carried out wearing dielectric gloves using electrical equipment with a voltage higher than 1. In an insulating rod. It is not allowed to use conductors for grounding that are not intended for this purpose; - warning and ordering posters are posted, workplaces and live parts remaining under voltage are fenced, if necessary. Before starting work, you must read the installation and operating instructions for the crane and the electrical diagram. CHAPTER 3. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS WHEN PERFORMING WORK1. Find out where the tap is connected from and make the necessary shutdown.

Smoking in production and auxiliary premises and on

territories. Electrician for repair and maintenance of lifting equipment

cars To perform electrician repair and maintenance work

persons are not allowed to operate electrical equipment of lifting machines. For

slingers are developing production instructions for

based on the Standard. Manufacturing instructions for a mechanic for the repair and maintenance of gas and hydraulic machinery. Electrician's production instructions for repair and maintenance. Smoking in production and auxiliary premises and on the territory of an electrician for the repair and maintenance of lifting machines.

Check that there is no voltage in the disconnected area and that the grounding is working properly. It is prohibited to use any conductors for grounding that are not intended for this purpose, as well as to make grounding connections by twisting them. Hang up a warning poster “Do not turn on - people are working!” Ensure reliable disconnection, preventing voltage from reaching the disconnected section of the crane's electrical equipment. Repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of the crane should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the PUE and PTB and PTE during the operation of consumer electrical installations.

When inspecting, adjusting and repairing electrical equipment on cranes, operating personnel must use personal protective equipment (insulating gloves, galoshes, mats, stands, safety belt). It is prohibited to use untested protective insulating equipment, as well as protective equipment whose next test period has expired. Installation tools should only be used with insulated handles. Inspection and repair of electrical equipment should be carried out with the switch on the power cable of the crane turned off and the switch on the crane turned off. While the mechanisms are operating, maintenance personnel are prohibited from performing any work on them. When inspecting electrical equipment of cranes, adjustment and activation of mechanisms must be carried out at the signal of the person performing the inspection.

For portable tools and portable lamps, use a safe voltage of no higher than 4. V. 3. 0. When inspecting and checking the electrical equipment of lifting machines and safety devices, it is necessary to check: - serviceability of locking hatches, doors, crane guards, which should disconnect unprotected trolley wires to prevent danger associated with accidental contact with them; - serviceability of safety devices (limit switches, load limiter, locking devices and alarms, boom reach and load capacity indicator); - fencing of all live parts accessible to touch; - action of contactors; - state of resistance; - fuses; - fit of brushes, cleanliness of contacting rings of electric motors and current collectors; - fastening of electrical wiring and insulation condition; - insulation resistance of the stator and rotor windings of electric motors; - operation of electrical protection devices; - serviceability of the tool and the supplied protective equipment (mat, fence, posters, etc.); - the presence of seals on the relay blocks of the OGP, anemometer, etc. Upon completion of the repair and inspection, all removed fences on electrical equipment and electrical devices must be put back in place and secured. CHAPTER 4. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS AFTER WORK3.

Job description electrician repairing electrical equipment. Job descriptions Open in WORD format This job description has been developed and approved on the basis of employment contract with ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ (name of the position of the person for whom this job description was drawn up) and in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation. I. General provisions 1. An electrician belongs to the category of workers. A person with secondary education is appointed to the position of electrician special education. Appointment to the position of electrician and dismissal from it are made by order of the manager upon submission of ________________________________________________________________.

An electrician must know: - orders, instructions, instructions, instructions and other regulatory and administrative documents regulating the work of an electrician; - fundamentals of electrical engineering, radio engineering, telemechanics, electronics, design and electrical circuits of various electric machines, apparatus, measuring instruments; - device, principle of operation, technical specifications And design features serviced devices and equipment; - design, methods and rules for checking the accuracy of various electrical machines, electrical devices and devices of any power and voltage; - remote control circuits and automatic regulation, methods of their adjustment and repair; - rules for servicing complex logic circuits; - methods of comprehensive testing of electrical machines, electrical devices and instruments; - technology for working with epoxy materials; - rules for repair and installation of cable networks in explosive, fire hazardous and other complex areas. Russian Federation; - internal labor regulations; - rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection; - ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________.

The electrician reports to ______________________________________________________________. II. Job responsibilities 2. The electrician performs the following functions: 2. B; - adjustment, repair and regulation of critical, particularly complex experimental circuits technological equipment, complex electrical circuits automatic lines, as well as responsible and experimental electrical machines, electrical devices, electrical appliances and electrical circuits of unique and precision metalworking equipment; - maintenance, adjustment and regulation of electrical recording and electronic devices; - maintenance and adjustment of ignitron welding machines with electronics, ultrasonic, electronic, electric pulse installations, particularly complex distance protections, automatic reserve switching devices, as well as complex circuits using semiconductor installations on transistor and logical elements; - checking the accuracy classes of instrument transformers; - performing work on repair, installation and dismantling of cable lines in special pipelines filled with oil or gas under pressure; - complex epoxy terminations in high-voltage cable networks, as well as installation of couplings between copper and aluminum cables; - comprehensive testing of electric motors, electrical devices and transformers of various capacities after overhaul; - preparation of repaired electrical equipment for commissioning; 2. Prepares repaired electrical equipment for commissioning; 2.III. Rights 3. 1. An electrician has the right: 3.

IV. Responsibility 4. The electrician is responsible: 4. Russian Federation; 4. Russian Federation; 4. Russian Federation.