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Mineral fertilizers The work was carried out by R.S. Sidorova, a chemistry teacher at the Volovskaya Secondary School.

Justus Liebig (1803-1873) - the largest German chemist, one of the founders of agronomic chemistry. In 1840, Liebig published his book “Organic Chemistry as Applied to Agriculture and Physiology,” which played a huge role in agronomy. In it, Liebig brilliantly summarized all the chemical knowledge accumulated by that time about the patterns of plant nutrition and outlined a new theory of mineral nutrition of plants.

Nutrients and their role in plant life. Nitrogen N The main nutrient for all plants: without nitrogen, the formation of proteins and many vitamins, especially B vitamins, is impossible. Lack of nitrogen primarily affects plant growth: the growth of lateral shoots is weakened, leaves, stems and fruits are smaller.

Phosphorus P Accelerates plant development, stimulates flowering and fruiting, and promotes intensive growth of the root system. With a lack of phosphorus, suppressed growth is observed (especially in young plants), short and thin shoots, small, prematurely falling leaves. Signs of phosphorus deficiency on tomato leaves.

Potassium K Accelerates the process of photosynthesis, maintains the necessary water regime in plants, reduces the incidence of diseases, promotes metabolism and the formation of carbohydrates - the accumulation of starch in potato tubers, sucrose in sugar beets, increases drought resistance and frost resistance of plants. Potassium deficiency usually causes retardation of growth, as well as the development of buds or rudimentary inflorescences. Yellowing and dying of leaf tips are signs of potassium deficiency.

Chlorosis on the edges of poinsettia leaves is a sign of magnesium deficiency. Damaged upper leaves of the plant reflect calcium deficiency. Yellowed top leaves of cabbage are a sign of sulfur deficiency. Chlorosis on the upper leaves of the plant is a sign of iron deficiency. Small and curled young tobacco leaves are a sign of boron deficiency.

Spot chlorosis of cherry leaves is a sign of manganese deficiency. The disappearance of turgor in tomato leaves indicates a lack of copper. Shortened lemon shoots with small leaves indicate a lack of zinc. Pale green cucumber leaves with marginal necrosis are a sign of molybdenum deficiency.

These are substances containing three nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium - and are capable of dissociating into ions in the soil solution. Mineral fertilizers -

Fertilizers Simple Complex nitrogen phosphorus potassium complex mixed Fertilizer classification

Permissible daily intake of nitrates for an adult: human - 5 mg/kg. When nitrogen fertilizers are applied excessively to the soil, nitrate and nitrite ions accumulate in excess. environmental consequences associated with the use of mineral fertilizers Under the influence of a large dose of nitrates, acute poisoning is observed (allergic pulmonary edema, shortness of breath, pain in the heart, cough, vomiting, etc.). The lethal dose is 8-15 g.

PO 4 3- , NO 3 - , K + Overgrowing of lakes Fish death

Describe the role of the main nutrients (N, P, K) in plant life. 2. What substances are used as mineral fertilizers? 3. Is it possible to believe the signs on the vegetable stalls of the markets “Products without nitrates”? Give an explanation. 4. Do you think it is advisable to use ammonium sulfate while simultaneously liming the soil? Explain your answer, create a reaction equation. Test questions

Thanks for the lesson!

Without fertilizers, especially in the non-chernozem zone, it is impossible to grow crops. They require constant application to the soil. It is very important to comply with standards and demonstrate environmental culture in the use of fertilizers. The production of mineral fertilizers is the most important task chemical industry. It is especially important to improve the quality of fertilizers, to increase the share of concentrated, complex, granular fertilizers. Conclusions

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Lesson plan:1. Classification of mineral fertilizers.2. Placement of raw materials. 3. Laboratory work to determine the composition of mineral fertilizers.4. Practical application.

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Lukhovitsky district has been part of the Moscow region since 1929.

He was a supplier of agricultural products for Moscow and the region. 3

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Mineral fertilizers are inorganic compounds containing nutrients necessary for plants.

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Classification of fertilizers.

Organic Mineral compost peat manure Nitrogen Liquid ammonia, NH4CI-ammonium chloride Phosphoric Simple superphosphate, Ca3(PO4)2-phosphorite flour Potassium KCI-potassium chloride Microfertilizers ZnSO4 5

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Raw materials.

Apatite Ca5(PO4)3(F,OH) Potassium salt Phosphorite - Coke oven gas P P N K 6

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Production of mineral fertilizers.

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    Apatite Ca5(PO4)3(F,OH)

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    Mining of phosphorites in the Voskresensky district

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    Phosphorus fertilizers. 11

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    JSC Voskresensk mineral fertilizers.

    "White Mountain" in the vicinity of Voskresensk. The mountain represents waste from the Voskresensky chemical plant. Over many years, the plant created a pile 80 meters high and about 700 meters in diameter. Even at the entrances to Voskresensk it is clearly visible. This material can be used to make building plaster, but... 12

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    KCI-potassium chloride In nature in the form of the mineral sylvinite (KCI + NaCI) It was salt - “Permian”, along with valuable furs that constituted the main source of income for “Mr. Veliky Novgorod”. Salt formed the basis of the wealth of the Stroganovs, Golitsyns, and Shakhovskys. Perm salt – “Permyanka” – was traded not only in Russia, but also in other European countries.

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    Potash fertilizers. 14

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    Salt dumps in Solikamsk

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    The main source of raw materials is natural and coke oven gas. Metallurgical plants They are also suppliers of raw materials. 16

    “Mineral fertilizers” - Phosphorus plays an important role in the life of fruit and berry crops. Production of mineral fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers promote the development of the green part of the plant. Calculation of the nutritional value of fertilizers. Phosphorus Superphosphate simple, Ca3(PO4)2-phosphorite flour. Nitrogen. Other industries (photochemistry, paint and varnish).

    "Chemical industry" - Natural. Synthetic fibers Resins Plastics Rubber Rubber. Chemistry of organic synthesis. Rayon. Polyethylene. Moscow Voronezh Yaroslavl Togliatti Krasnoyarsk. Carpets. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium are biogenic (“life-giving”) elements. Rubber. Conventional rubbers are produced in Voronezh, Yaroslavl, Tolyatti, Krasnoyarsk.

    “Coloring of plastics” - Repair of plastics. Durability characteristics. Plastic and environment. Advances in plastic coloring. Fuel economy. Color selection. What is plastic? Why are plastics used in automotive industry? Removing parts to be repaired from the vehicle. Improved comfort.

    “Glass” - Quartz glass has the highest thermal conductivity. Chemical laboratory glass is glass with high chemical and thermal resistance. Optical glass. Sulfur, selenium, arsenic, and phosphorus can be obtained in a glass-like state. Quartz glass. Normal window glass has 0.97 W/(m. Thermal conductivity.

    “Geography of the chemical industry” - Geography of the chemical industry. Chemical industry. Industry composition. In the era of scientific and technological revolution, production continues to grow in the lower levels of the chemical industry, producing sulfuric acid, mineral fertilizers, various pesticides. Growth rates of the world chemical industry.

    “Ammonia production” - Tasks. The resulting mixture of NH3, N2, H2 passes through the heat exchanger pipes. Raw materials for ammonia production. Classification of plants for ammonia synthesis. Systems operating at high pressures (450-1000 at). Having passed between the heat exchanger pipes, the heated mixture of gases enters the catalyst. The unreacted mixture of N2 and H2 enters the synthesis column using a circular compressor.

    Mineral fertilizers are inorganic compounds containing nutrients necessary for plants. inorganic plant compounds Mineral fertilizers contain nutrients in the form of various mineral salts. Depending on what nutritional elements they contain, fertilizers are divided into simple and complex. Simple fertilizers contain one nutrient element. These include phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and microfertilizers. Complex fertilizers simultaneously contain two or more basic nutrients. phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium microfertilizers

    Soils usually contain all the nutrients a plant needs. But often individual elements are not enough for satisfactory plant growth. On sandy soils, plants often lack nitrogen and magnesium, on peat soils, molybdenum and copper, on chernozems, manganese, etc. The use of mineral fertilizers is one of the main methods of intensive farming. With the help of fertilizers, you can dramatically increase the yields of any crops on already developed areas without additional costs for cultivating new lands. soils

    Nitrogen fertilizers Nitrogen is one of the main elements necessary for plants. It is part of all proteins (its content ranges from 15 to 19%), nucleic acids, amino acids, chlorophyll, enzymes, many vitamins, lipoids and other organic compounds formed in plants. The total nitrogen content in the plant is 0.2 - 5% or more of the air-dry matter mass. In the free state, nitrogen is an inert gas, of which the atmosphere contains 75.5% of its mass. However, in elemental form, nitrogen cannot be absorbed by plants, with the exception of legumes, which use nitrogen compounds produced by nodule bacteria developing on their roots, which are capable of assimilating atmospheric nitrogen and converting it into a form accessible to higher plants. Nitrogen is absorbed by plants only after combining it with other chemical elements in the form of ammonium and nitrates - the most available forms of nitrogen in the soil. Ammonium, being a reduced form of nitrogen, when absorbed by plants, is easily used in the synthesis of amino acids and proteins. The synthesis of amino acids and proteins from reduced forms of nitrogen occurs faster and with less energy than the synthesis from nitrates, for the reduction of which to ammonia the plant requires additional energy. However, the nitrate form of nitrogen is safer for plants than the ammonia form, since high concentrations of ammonia in plant tissues cause poisoning and death.

    Ammonia accumulates in the plant when there is a lack of carbohydrates, which are necessary for the synthesis of amino acids and proteins. A deficiency of carbohydrates in plants is usually observed in the initial period of the growing season, when the assimilation surface of the leaves has not yet developed sufficiently to satisfy the plants' need for carbohydrates. Therefore, ammonia nitrogen can be toxic to crops whose seeds are low in carbohydrates (sugar beets, flax, etc.). As the assimilation surface develops and the synthesis of carbohydrates, the efficiency of ammonia nutrition increases, and plants assimilate ammonia better than nitrates. During the initial growth period, these crops must be provided with nitrogen in the nitrate form, while crops such as potatoes, whose tubers are rich in carbohydrates, can use nitrogen in the ammonia form. With a lack of nitrogen, plant growth slows down, the intensity of tillering of cereals and flowering of fruit and berry crops weakens, the growing season is shortened, the protein content decreases and the yield decreases.

    Ammonium nitrate Ammonium nitrate or ammonium nitrate is a chemical compound NH4NO3, a salt of nitric acid. First obtained by Glauber in 1659. Content of elements in ammonium nitrate in mass percent: O 60%, N 35%, H 5%. IN industrial production anhydrous ammonia and concentrated nitric acid are used.NH4NO3 nitric acid Glauber 1659 ONHammonium nitric acid The reaction proceeds violently with the release of a large amount of heat. Carrying out such a process in artisanal conditions is extremely dangerous (although ammonium nitrate can be easily obtained under conditions of large dilution with water). After forming a solution, usually with a concentration of 83%, excess water is evaporated to a melt, in which the ammonium nitrate content is 9599.5%, depending on the grade of the finished product. For use as a fertilizer, the melt is granulated in sprayers, dried, cooled and coated with compounds to prevent caking. The color of the granules varies from white to colorless.

    Urea (urea) is produced by the synthesis of gaseous ammonia and carbon dioxide under the influence of high pressure of 200 atm. and temperature degrees. Its chemical formula is CO(NH2)2. Of all nitrogen fertilizers, urea has the highest nitrogen content - 46%. It is water soluble, contains no nitrates and is almost neutral. When urea is added to the soil, under the influence of soil urobacteria, urea is converted into ammonium carbonate. This process takes about three days. Upon contact with air, ammonium carbonate disintegrates and ammonia gas evaporates. As a result, the nitrogen contained in the urea is lost. To prevent this, adding urea in a superficial way allowed only if it is subsequently incorporated into the soil. Like all nitrogen fertilizers, urea can be used on any type of soil to feed plants and feed them. The advantage of urea over ammonium nitrate is that the nitrogen it contains is better retained by the soil and is not so easily washed out by groundwater. Therefore, its use is preferable on soils prone to waterlogging. Urea contains the amide form of nitrogen, which is well absorbed by plant leaves. Therefore, the fertilizer is especially effective for foliar feeding of grain crops. Treating plants with urea solution does not threaten the plant with burns. At the same time, as a result of spraying, the quality of nitrogen consumption by the plant increases, and the protein content in it increases by 1 - 3%.

    To feed spring grain crops, urea is applied during pre-sowing cultivation. Good results achieved by using urea for potatoes, beets, corn and other crops with a long growing season. When urea enters the soil, the amide form of the nitrogen it contains is converted to ammonium and then to nitrate form. This happens quite slowly, so nitrogen is absorbed evenly. Urea has one feature that should not be overlooked. The fact is that during granulation, biuret is formed in it. Biuret levels above 0.8% are toxic to plants. The period of its decomposition in the soil is days. Therefore, if urea with such a biuret content is added before planting, plant growth will be inhibited. In this case, urea is applied at least two weeks before planting. If the content of biuret in urea is less than 0.8%, it can be added at any time. The digestibility of nitrogen contained in urea depends on soil temperature. The higher the temperature, the better it is. The rate of one-time application of urea as the main nutrition cannot exceed 2.5 c/ha. When foliar feeding, the concentration of urea solution can be 5 – 30%. Another area of ​​application for urea is its use by gardeners and vegetable growers against harmful insects such as the apple blossom beetle, weevils, copperheads, and aphids. For this, a concentrated solution of urea is used at the rate of 500 g per 10 liters of water. Spraying is carried out after the average air temperature rises above + 5 degrees, but before the buds begin to open. The basis for such treatment may be a large number of harmful insects in the previous year. In addition, urea is also used as a remedy against diseases such as scab, purple spot and monilial burn.

    Phosphorus fertilizers Phosphorus Phosphorus, like nitrogen, is an important element for ensuring the growth and vital activity of plants, like all other living organisms. Plants gradually extract phosphorus from the soil, so its reserves must be replenished in a timely manner by periodically adding phosphorus fertilizers. Phosphorus fertilizers are produced mainly from calcium phosphate, which is part of natural apatites and phosphorites.

    Phosphorus Phosphorus is involved in metabolism, cell division, reproduction, transmission of hereditary properties and other complex processes occurring in the plant. It is part of complex proteins (nucleoproteins), nucleic acids, phosphatides, enzymes, vitamins, phytin and other biologically active substances. A significant amount of phosphorus is found in plants in mineral and organic forms. Mineral phosphorus compounds are found in the form of orthophosphoric acid, which is used by the plant primarily in the processes of converting carbohydrates. These processes affect the accumulation of sugar in sugar beets, starch in potato tubers, etc. The role of phosphorus, which is part of organic compounds, is especially important. A significant part of it is presented in the form of phytin - a typical reserve form of organic phosphorus. Most of this element is found in the reproductive organs and young plant tissues, where intensive processes synthesis. Experiments with labeled (radioactive) phosphorus revealed that there is several times more of it at the growing points of the plant than in the leaves.

    Phosphorus can move from old plant organs to young ones. Phosphorus is especially necessary for young plants, as it promotes the development of the root system and increases the intensity of tillering of grain crops. It has been established that by increasing the content of soluble carbohydrates in cell sap, phosphorus increases the winter hardiness of winter crops. Like nitrogen, phosphorus is one of the important elements plant nutrition. At the very beginning of growth, the plant experiences an increased need for phosphorus, which is covered by the reserves of this element in the seeds. On soils poor in fertility, young plants, after consuming phosphorus from the seeds, show signs of phosphorus starvation. Therefore, on soils containing a small amount of available phosphorus, it is recommended to apply granular superphosphate in rows simultaneously with sowing. Phosphorus, unlike nitrogen, accelerates the development of crops, stimulates the processes of fertilization, formation and ripening of fruits. The main source of phosphorus for plants are salts of orthophosphoric acid, usually called phosphoric acid. Plant roots absorb phosphorus in the form of anions of this acid. The most accessible to plants are water-soluble monosubstituted salts of orthophosphoric acid: Ca (H2PO4)2 - H2O, KH2PO4 NH4H2PO4 NaH2PO4, Mg(H2PO4)2.

    Phosphorite flour Phosphorite flour is a finely dispersed gray or brown powder, insoluble in water, poorly soluble in weak acids and obtained by fine grinding of phosphate rocks. Contains % P2O5 in the form of calcium orthophosphate Ca 3(PO4)2 and Ca 3(PO4)2CaCO3, which is inaccessible to plants. This fertilizer is classified as sparingly soluble; it can be fully absorbed by plants only on acidic podzolic and peat soils, in which calcium phosphate, under the action of acids, gradually turns into calcium dihydrogen phosphate Ca(H2PO4)2H2O, which is available to plants. The fineness of grinding favors the absorption of phosphate rock. Since even on acidic soils the effect of phosphate rock occurs after a significant period of time after application, it is applied before planting crops: for digging, plowing and other operations with the soil or under steam. for the preparation of acidic composts. composts The main advantage of phosphate rock as a fertilizer is its low cost; It can also be noted that it is environmentally friendly and has a mild, long-lasting effect. When used, the acidity of the soil is reduced. Ecological harmlessness. Acidity. The main disadvantage of the fertilizer is its slow action and delayed onset, as well as the low concentration of the active substance, which increases transportation costs.

    Superphosphate Simple superphosphate. It is obtained by the action of sulfuric acid on calcium phosphate (phosphorites, phosphate rock), resulting in the formation of calcium dihydrogen phosphate Ca(H2PO4)2 as the active component. In addition to this main component (14-19.5% P2O5 assimilable by plants), superphosphate contains up to 50% calcium sulfate (gypsum), which is a ballast substance and a by-product of the hydration reaction of calcium phosphate. Superphosphate dissolves quite slowly, but still much faster than phosphate rock. Well absorbed by plants. calcium phosphate, calcium dihydrogen phosphate, calcium sulfate, double superphosphate. By treating phosphorites with orthophosphoric acid, a fertilizer is obtained that is similar in composition to simple superphosphate, but contains a larger percentage of the active substance. The resulting fertilizer is called double superphosphate orthophosphoric acid

    Other phosphorus fertilizers Another phosphorus fertilizer with a high phosphorus content is precipitate CaHPO42H2O (calcium monohydrogen phosphate). Highly concentrated phosphorus fertilizers are prepared on the basis of polyphosphoric acids. When polyphosphoric acids interact with ammonia, ammonium polyphosphates are formed, which are used as complex nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers.

    Complex fertilizers Complex fertilizers contain several elements as part of one compound or in the form of a mechanical mixture of specially selected substances or individual single-element fertilizers. elements compounds mixtures They are divided according to their composition into double (for example, nitrogen-phosphorus, nitrogen-potassium or phosphorus-potassium) and triple (nitrogen -phosphorus-potassium). According to the production method, they are divided into complex and mixed fertilizers. Nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium Complex fertilizers contain two or three nutritional elements in one chemical compound. For example, amophos ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate (NH4H2PO4) is a nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer (with nitrogen in ammonium form); potassium nitrate (KNO3) nitrogen-potassium fertilizer (with nitrogen in nitrate form). The ratio between the nutritional elements in these fertilizers is determined by the ratio of the elements in the molecule of the main substance. amophosdihydrogen orthophosphate ammonium ammonium potassium nitrate nitrate

    Complex mixed or combined fertilizers include complex fertilizers obtained in a single technological process and containing several plant nutrients in one granule, although in the form of different chemical compounds. They are produced by special both chemical and physical processing primary raw materials or various one- and two-component fertilizers. This class includes: nitrophos and nitrophoska, nitroamophos and nitroamophoska, ammonium and potassium polyphosphates, carboamophos and numerous other fertilizers. The ratio between nutrients in these fertilizers is determined by the amount of starting materials when they are received, so it can vary arbitrarily. Complex and combined fertilizers are characterized by a high concentration of basic nutrients and the absence or small amount of ballast substances, which provides significant savings in labor and money on their transportation, storage and use. amophos, nitroamophos and nitrophos and double phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, potassium phosphates, triple complex fertilizers amophoska, nitroamophoska and nitrophoska, magnesium ammonium phosphate. Mixed fertilizers are mixtures simple fertilizers, obtained in the factory or at fertilizer mixing plants at the sites where fertilizers are used by dry mixing.

    Ammophos Ammophos is a concentrated nitrogen-phosphorus complex water-soluble fertilizer obtained by neutralizing orthophosphoric acid with ammonia. The basis of amophos is ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate NH4H2PO4 and partially ammonium hydrogen phosphate (NH4)2HPO4. The fertilizer is slightly hygroscopic, highly soluble in water. Amophos contains 912% N and 4252% P2O5, so it contains 4 times less nitrogen than phosphorus). This is a highly concentrated fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus in a form that is easily absorbed by plants. 1 unit amophos replaces at least 2.5 units. simple superphosphate and 0.35 units. ammonium nitrate. P2O5 superphosphate ammonium nitrate The disadvantage of this fertilizer is that it contains significantly less nitrogen than phosphorus, whereas in practice it generally requires application in equal doses.

    Potassium Potassium is not part of the organic compounds of plants. However, it plays a vital physiological role in the carbohydrate and protein metabolism of plants, activates the use of nitrogen in ammonia form, affects the physical state of cell colloids, increases the water-holding capacity of protoplasm, plant resistance to wilting and premature dehydration, and thereby increases plant resistance to short-term droughts. With a lack of potassium (despite a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and nitrogen), the movement of carbohydrates in plants is suppressed, the intensity of photosynthesis, nitrate reduction and protein synthesis decreases. Potassium affects the formation of cell walls, increases the strength of cereal stems and their resistance to lodging.

    The quality of the crop significantly depends on potassium. Its deficiency leads to weak seeds, decreased germination and vitality; plants are easily affected by fungal and bacterial diseases. Potassium improves the shape and taste of potatoes, increases the sugar content in sugar beets, affects not only the color and aroma of strawberries, apples, peaches, grapes, but also the juiciness of oranges, improves the quality of grain, tobacco leaves, vegetable crops, cotton fiber, flax , hemp. Largest quantity Potassium is required by plants during their period of intensive growth. Increased demand for potassium nutrition is observed in root crops, vegetables, sunflower, buckwheat, and tobacco. Potassium in a plant is found predominantly in cell sap in the form of cations bound by organic acids and is easily washed out of plant residues. It is characterized by repeated use (recycling). It easily moves from old plant tissues, where it has already been used, to young ones. A lack of potassium, as well as its excess, negatively affects the quantity of the crop and its quality.

    Potassium nitrate Among the potassium fertilizers used in agriculture, potassium nitrate fertilizer has the widest application. This popularity is due to the fact that potassium nitrate fertilizer does not contain chlorine, to which many plants react negatively. Potassium nitrate is a complex fertilizer that contains two elements: 13% nitrogen and 46% potassium, and is used as root and foliar fertilizer for a number of vegetable, ornamental, flower and fruit crops. Crops susceptible to chlorine such as grapes, potatoes, cabbage, onions, flax and tobacco respond especially well to potassium nitrate fertilizer.

    Nitrophos is a double nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer containing nitrogen - 22%, phosphorus - 22%. Unlike nitroamophos, about 50% of phosphorus is in water-insoluble form, therefore it is used only as the main fertilizer in spring or autumn when digging the soil. In this case, all phosphorus is well absorbed by plants. Feeding is not practical. Nitrophos is used in all regions of the country, on all types of soil for potatoes, vegetables, fruits and berries and ornamental crops together with potassium fertilizers (potassium chloride, potassium sulfate or potassium magnesium). For one volume of nitrophos, take 1/2 the volume of potassium fertilizer. Nitrophos is low-hygroscopic and does not caking. Afraid of dampness!

    Nitrophoska In nitrophoskas, nitrogen and potassium are in the form of readily soluble compounds (NH4NO3, NH4Cl, KNO3, KCl), and phosphorus is partly in the form of dicalcium phosphate, insoluble in water, but available to plants, and partly in the form of water-soluble ammonium phosphate and monocalcium phosphate. Depending on technological scheme process, the content of water-soluble and citrate-soluble phosphorus in nitrophoska may vary. Carbonate nitrophoska does not contain water-soluble phosphorus, therefore it is used only as a basic fertilizer on acidic soils. Nitrophoska is applied as the main fertilizer before sowing, as well as in rows or holes during sowing and as top dressing. Its effectiveness is almost the same as equivalent amounts of a mixture of simple fertilizers. Nitrophoska has a certain ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and since different soils differ in the content of individual nutrients and the plants’ need for them is also different, then when applying nitrophoska (as well as other complex and combined fertilizers), there is often a need for some adjustment, that is, the additional application of one or another missing element in the form of simple fertilizers.

    Nitroamophoska is a highly effective, complex mineral fertilizer with sulfur. Chemical composition fertilizers: nitrogen 21%, easily digestible phosphorus 10%, potassium 10%, sulfur 2%. All components are present in one granule, thanks to this a more uniform distribution of all active substances in the soil is possible. The high content of nitrogen in nitroamophoska and the average content of phosphorus and potassium determine the effectiveness of the fertilizer on soils with an average concentration of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium. The ratio of KR and KK is 2:1, which allows the use of nitroamophoska as a good pre-sowing fertilizer for grain and row crops. Sulfur, together with nitrogen, participates in the synthesis of proteins, increasing their content in the grain and improving the nutritional value of the crop. Sulfur also increases the oil content in seeds and provides higher plant resistance to low temperatures, drought and disease. Can be used in the production of fertilizer mixtures. Nitroamophoska does not cake and is non-hygroscopic.

    Magnesium ammonium phosphate MgNH4PO4H2O is a triple complex fertilizer containing 1011% nitrogen, 3940% available phosphorus and 1516% magnesium. The fertilizer is slightly soluble in water and slow-acting. However, N, P and Mg fertilizers are available for plants. Fertilizer can be applied as a base fertilizer for all crops in large doses without harm to plants. The fertilizer is effective when growing vegetables in protected soil conditions. Complex or combined fertilizers. Nitrophos and nitrophoska, respectively, double and triple fertilizers are obtained by decomposing apatite or phosphorite with nitric acid. This produces calcium nitrate and dicalcium phosphate (with an admixture of monocalcium phosphate): Ca 3(PO4)2 + 2HNO3 = Ca(NO3)2 + 2CaHPO4.

    Due to the strong hygroscopicity of Ca(NO3)2, such a mixture quickly becomes damp. To improve physical properties Fertilizers remove excess calcium from solution, for which calcium nitrate is converted into other compounds. This is achieved in various ways. Ammonia and sulfuric acid or ammonium sulfate are added to the hot pulp mixture (sulfuric acid and sulfate schemes). In this case, instead of Ca(NO3)2, less hygroscopic ammonium nitrate and gypsum are formed. In another method, ammonia and cheaper carbonic acid are added to the pulp to separate excess calcium from the solution. The result is carbonate nitrophoska. Freezing calcium nitrate is also used, followed by treating the mixture with ammonia and sulfuric acid to obtain frozen nitrophos. When KCl is added to nitrophos, triple fertilizers called nitrophos are obtained. A promising method is to obtain phosphorus nitrophoska. In this case, ammonia, phosphoric acid and potassium chloride are added to the mixture of Ca(N03)2, CaHPO4 and Ca(H2PO4)2 obtained after the decomposition of apatite or phosphorite with nitric acid. Phosphorus nitrophoska is a ballast-free and highly concentrated fertilizer containing 50% nutrients. Up to 50% of the phosphorus it contains is in water-soluble form. It can be used for pre-sowing and pre-sowing application. Nitroamophos and nitroamophos are obtained by neutralizing mixtures of nitric and phosphoric acids with ammonia.

    The fertilizer obtained on the basis of monoammonium phosphate is called nitroamophos, with the introduction of potassium nitroamophos. These complex fertilizers are distinguished by a higher nutrient content than nitrophoskas, and when they are produced there is ample opportunity to change the relationships between N, P and K in their composition. Nitroamophos can be produced with a N content of 3010% and P2O%. In nitroamophoskas, the total content of nutrients (N, P and K) is 51% (in brands 17:17:17 and 13:19:19). Nutrients, not only nitrogen and potassium, but also phosphorus, are contained in water-soluble form and are easily available to plants. The effectiveness of nitroamophoskas is the same as mixtures of simple water-soluble fertilizers. Liquid complex fertilizers (LCF) are obtained by neutralizing ortho- and polyphosphoric acids with ammonia with the addition of nitrogen-containing solutions (urea, ammonium nitrate) and potassium chloride or sulfate, and in some cases, microelement salts. When orthophosphoric acid is saturated with ammonia, amophos and diamophos are formed.

    The total nutrient content in liquid complex fertilizers based on orthophosphoric (extraction or thermal) acid is relatively low (2430%), since in more concentrated solutions at low temperatures salts crystallize and precipitate. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in liquid liquids can be different, the N content is 510%, P2O5 from 5% and K2O 610%. In Russia, liquid and liquid fertilizers are mainly produced with a nutrient ratio of 9:9:9, as well as with other ratios (7:14:7; 6:18:6; 8:24:0, etc.). Based on polyphosphoric acids, liquid fertilizers with a higher total nutrient content (more than 40%) are obtained, in particular fertilizers with the composition 10:34:0 and 11:37:0, which are obtained by saturating superphosphoric acid with ammonia. These basic fertilizers are used to produce triple liquid fertilizers of various compositions by adding urea or ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride.

    To increase the concentration of nutrients in liquid complex fertilizers, add stabilizing additives of 23% colloidal bentonite clay or peat. These fertilizers are called suspended. The basic suspended fertilizer has a composition of 12:40:0, on its basis it is possible to prepare triple liquid fertilizers of various compositions (15:15:15; 10:30:10; 9:27:13, etc.) Colloidal clay or peat keep salts from precipitation. Liquid complex fertilizers are not inferior in efficiency to a mixture of solid one-sided fertilizers and complex fertilizers such as nitroamophoska. Their use on carbonate chernozems and gray soils is especially effective. When using liquid complex fertilizers, a set of special equipment is required for their transportation, storage and application. They can be used in the same ways as solid ones: continuous distribution over the soil surface before plowing, cultivation and harrowing, during sowing, as well as in fertilizing during inter-row cultivation of row crops or superficially on continuous sowing crops. Complex granular fertilizers are prepared by mixing simple and complex powdered fertilizers (amophos, simple or double superphosphate, ammonium nitrate or urea, potassium chloride) in a drum granulator with the addition of ammonia to neutralize the free acidity of superphosphate and phosphoric acid (or amophos) to enrich the mixture with phosphorus. Produced in industrial scale in our country, complex mixed granular fertilizers have the following composition: 10:10:10; 12:8:12; 10:10:15; 9:17:17. The total nutrient content in them is from 30 to 45%. Microelements, as well as herbicides and pesticides can be added to complex solid and liquid fertilizers during their production process.

    Magnesium Magnesium is part of chlorophyll and is directly involved in photosynthesis. Chlorophyll contains about 10% of the total amount of magnesium in the green parts of plants. Magnesium is also associated with the formation of pigments such as xanthophyll and carotene in leaves. Magnesium is also part of the reserve substance phytin, contained in plant seeds and pectin substances. About % of magnesium in plants is in mineral form, mainly in the form of ions. Magnesium ions are adsorptively associated with cell colloids and, along with other cations, maintain ionic balance in the plasma; like potassium ions, they help compact the plasma, reduce its swelling, and also participate as catalysts in a number of biochemical reactions occurring in the plant. Magnesium activates the activity of many enzymes involved in the formation and transformation of carbohydrates, proteins, organic acids, fats; affects the movement and transformation of phosphorus compounds, fruit formation and seed quality; accelerates the ripening of grain seeds; helps improve the quality of the crop, the content of fat and carbohydrates in plants, and the frost resistance of citrus fruits, fruit and winter crops. The highest magnesium content in the vegetative organs of plants is observed during the flowering period. After flowering, the amount of chlorophyll in the plant sharply decreases, and magnesium flows from the leaves and stems into the seeds, where phytin and magnesium phosphate are formed. Consequently, magnesium, like potassium, can move in a plant from one organ to another. At high yields agricultural crops consume magnesium up to 80 kg per 1 ha. Potatoes, fodder and sugar beets, tobacco, and legumes absorb the largest amounts of it. The most important form for plant nutrition is exchangeable magnesium, which, depending on the type of soil, constitutes % of the total content of this element in the soil.

    Calcium Calcium is involved in the carbohydrate and protein metabolism of plants, the formation and growth of chloroplasts. Like magnesium and other cations, calcium maintains a certain physiological balance of ions in the cell, neutralizes organic acids, and affects the viscosity and permeability of protoplasm. Calcium is necessary for the normal nutrition of plants with ammonia nitrogen; it makes it difficult to reduce nitrates to ammonia in plants. From calcium to to a greater extent depends on the construction of normal cell membranes. Unlike nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are usually found in young tissues, calcium is found in significant quantities in old tissues; Moreover, there is more of it in leaves and stems than in seeds. Thus, in pea seeds, calcium makes up 0.9% of the air-dry matter, and in straw - 1.82%. The largest amount of calcium is consumed by perennial leguminous grasses - about 120 kg of CaO per 1 ha. Lack of calcium in field conditions is observed on very acidic, especially sandy, soils and solonetzes, where the supply of calcium to plants is inhibited by hydrogen ions on acidic soils and sodium on solonetzes.

    Sulfur Sulfur is part of the amino acids cystine and methionine, as well as glutathione, a substance found in all plant cells and plays a role in metabolism and redox processes, as it is a carrier of hydrogen. Sulfur is an essential component of some oils (mustard, garlic) and vitamins (thiamine, biotin), it affects the formation of chlorophyll, promotes the enhanced development of plant roots and nodule bacteria that absorb atmospheric nitrogen and live in symbiosis with legumes. Some sulfur is found in plants in inorganic oxidized form. On average, plants contain about 0.2 - 0.4% sulfur from dry matter, or about 10% in ash. Crops from the cruciferous family (cabbage, mustard, etc.) absorb the most sulfur. Agricultural crops consume next quantity sulfur (kgga): grains and potatoes, sugar beets and legumes, cabbage Sulfur starvation is most often observed in the poor organic matter sandy loam and sandy soils of the non-chernozem zone.

    Iron Iron is consumed by plants in significantly smaller quantities (kg per 1 ha) than other macroelements. It is part of the enzymes involved in the creation of chlorophyll, although this element is not included in it. Iron is involved in redox processes occurring in plants, since it is able to pass from the oxidized form to the ferrous form and back. In addition, without iron the process of plant respiration is impossible, since it is integral part respiratory enzymes. Lack of iron leads to the breakdown of growth substances (auxins) synthesized by plants. The leaves become light yellow. Iron cannot, like potassium and magnesium, move from old tissues to young ones (i.e., be reused by the plant). Iron starvation most often occurs on carbonate and heavily limed soils. Fruit crops and grapes are especially sensitive to iron deficiency. With prolonged iron starvation, the apical shoots die off.

    Boron Boron is found in plants in negligible quantities: 1 mg per 1 kg of dry matter. Various plants consume from 20 to 270 g of boron per 1 ha. The lowest boron content is observed in cereal crops. Despite this, boron has great influence on the synthesis of carbohydrates, their transformation and movement in plants, the formation of reproductive organs, fertilization, root growth, redox processes, protein and nucleic acid metabolism, on the synthesis and movement of growth stimulants. The presence of boron is also associated with the activity of enzymes, osmotic processes and hydration of plasma colloids, drought and salt tolerance of plants, and the content of vitamins in plants - ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin. Plant uptake of boron increases the uptake of other nutrients. This element is not able to move from old plant tissues to young ones. With a lack of boron, plant growth slows down, the growth points of shoots and roots die off, buds do not open, flowers fall off, cells in young tissues disintegrate, cracks appear, plant organs turn black and take on an irregular shape. Boron deficiency most often occurs on soils with a neutral and alkaline reaction, as well as on limed soils, since calcium interferes with the entry of boron into the plant.

    Molybdenum Molybdenum is absorbed by plants in smaller quantities than other trace elements. There are 0.1 - 1.3 mg of molybdenum per 1 kg of plant dry matter. The largest amount of this element is contained in the seeds of legumes - up to 18 mg per 1 kg of dry matter. From 1 hectare of plants, grams of molybdenum are harvested. In plants, molybdenum is part of the enzymes involved in the reduction of nitrates to ammonia. With a lack of molybdenum, nitrates accumulate in plants and nitrogen metabolism is disrupted. Molybdenum improves calcium nutrition of plants. Due to the ability to change valency (by giving away an electron, it becomes hexavalent, and by adding it - pentavalent), molybdenum participates in the redox processes occurring in the plant, as well as in the formation of chlorophyll and vitamins, in the exchange of phosphorus compounds and carbohydrates. Molybdenum is of great importance in the fixation of molecular nitrogen by nodule bacteria. With a lack of molybdenum, plants are stunted in growth and reduce productivity, the leaves become pale in color (chlorosis), and as a result of disturbances in nitrogen metabolism they lose turgor. Molybdenum starvation is most often observed on acidic soils with a pH less than 5.2. Liming increases the mobility of molybdenum in the soil and its consumption by plants. Legumes are especially sensitive to the lack of this element in the soil. Under the influence of molybdenum fertilizers, not only does the yield increase, but also the quality of products improves - the content of sugar and vitamins in vegetable crops, protein in leguminous crops, protein in the hay of legumes, etc. increases. An excess of molybdenum, as well as its deficiency, affects plants negative - leaves lose their green color, growth is delayed and plant yield decreases.

    Copper Copper, like other trace elements, is consumed by plants in very small quantities. There are mg of copper per 1 kg of plant dry weight. Copper plays an important role in redox processes, having the ability to transform from monovalent to divalent forms and back. It is a component of a number of oxidative enzymes, increases the intensity of respiration, and affects the carbohydrate and protein metabolism of plants. Under the influence of copper in the plant, the chlorophyll content increases, the process of photosynthesis intensifies, and plant resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases. Insufficient supply of plants with copper negatively affects the water-holding and water-absorbing capacity of plants. Most often, copper deficiency is observed in peat-bog soils and some soils of light mechanical composition. At the same time, too high a content of copper available to plants in the soil, as well as other microelements, negatively affects the yield, since the development of roots is disrupted and the supply of iron and manganese to the plant is reduced.

    Manganese Manganese, like copper, plays an important role in oxidative recovery reactions, occurring in the plant; it is part of the enzymes with the help of which these processes occur. Manganese is involved in the processes of photosynthesis, respiration, carbohydrate and protein metabolism. It accelerates the flow of carbohydrates from the leaves to the root. In addition, manganese is involved in the synthesis of vitamin C and other vitamins; it increases the sugar content in the roots of sugar beets and proteins in grain crops. Manganese starvation is most often observed on carbonate, peat and heavily limed soils. With a deficiency of this element, the development of the root system and plant growth slows down, and productivity decreases. Animals that eat food low in manganese suffer from weakened tendons and poor bone development. In turn, excess amounts of soluble manganese, observed in highly acidic soils, can have a negative effect on plants. The toxic effect of excess manganese is eliminated by liming.

    Zinc Zinc is part of a number of enzymes, for example, carbonic anhydrase, which catalyzes the breakdown of carbonic acid into water and carbon dioxide. This element takes part in the redox processes occurring in the plant, in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, phosphorus and sulfur, in the synthesis of amino acids and chlorophyll. The role of zinc in redox reactions is less than the role of iron and manganese, since it does not have a variable valency. Zinc affects the processes of plant fertilization and embryo development. Insufficient provision of plants with assimilable zinc is observed on gravel, sandy, sandy loam and carbonate soils. Vineyards, citrus fruits and fruit trees in dry areas of the country on alkaline soils are especially affected by zinc deficiency. During long-term zinc starvation fruit trees dryness is observed - the death of the upper branches. Of the field crops, the most acute need for this element is corn, cotton, soybeans and beans. The disruption of chlorophyll synthesis caused by a lack of zinc leads to the appearance of chlorotic spots of light green, yellow and even almost white on the leaves.

    Cobalt In addition to all the microelements described above, plants also contain microelements whose role in plants has not been sufficiently studied (for example, cobalt, iodine, etc.). However, it has been established that they have great value in the life of humans and animals. Thus, cobalt is part of vitamin B12, the deficiency of which disrupts metabolic processes, in particular, the synthesis of proteins, hemoglobin, etc. is weakened. Insufficient supply of cobalt in feed with a content of less than 0.07 mg per 1 kg of dry weight leads to significant a decrease in animal productivity, and with a sharp lack of cobalt, livestock gets sick with tabes.

    Iodine Iodine is a component of the thyroid hormone - thyroxine. With a lack of iodine, livestock productivity sharply decreases, the functions of the thyroid gland are disrupted, and its enlargement occurs (goiter appears). The lowest iodine content is observed in podzolic and gray forest soils; Chernozems and gray soils are better supplied with iodine. In soils of light mechanical composition, poor in colloidal particles, there is less iodine than in clayey soils. As shown chemical analysis, plants also contain elements such as sodium, silicon, chlorine, and aluminum.

    Sodium Sodium makes up 0.001 to 4% of the dry mass of plants. Of the field crops, the highest content of this element is observed in sugar, table and fodder beets, turnips, fodder carrots, alfalfa, cabbage, and chicory. With the sugar beet harvest, about 170 kg of sodium per 1 hectare is removed, and about 300 kg of fodder.

    Silicon Silicon is found in all plants. The greatest amount of silicon is found in cereal crops. The role of silicon in plant life has not been established. It increases the uptake of phosphorus by plants by increasing the solubility of soil phosphates under the action of silicic acid. Of all the ash elements, the soil contains the most silicon, and plants do not lack it.

    Chlorine Chlorine is found in plants large quantities than phosphorus and sulfur. However, its necessity for normal plant growth has not been established. Chlorine quickly enters plants, negatively affecting a number of physiological processes. Chlorine reduces the quality of the crop and makes it difficult for the plant to receive anions, in particular phosphate. Citrus crops, tobacco, grapes, potatoes, buckwheat, lupine, seradella, flax, and currants are very sensitive to high chlorine content in the soil. Cereals and vegetables, beets, and herbs are less sensitive to large amounts of chlorine in the soil.

    Aluminum Aluminum can be contained in significant quantities in plants: its share in the ash of some plants accounts for up to 70%. Aluminum disrupts the metabolism in plants, complicates the synthesis of sugars, proteins, phosphatides, nucleoproteins and other substances, which negatively affects plant productivity. The most sensitive crops to the presence of mobile aluminum in the soil (1 - 2 mg per 100 g of soil) are sugar beets, alfalfa, red clover, winter and spring vetch, winter wheat, barley, mustard, cabbage, and carrots. In addition to the mentioned macro- and microelements, plants contain a number of elements in negligible quantities (from 108 to %), called ultramicroelements. These include cesium, cadmium, selenium, silver, rubidium, etc. The role of these elements in plants has not been studied.

    Organic fertilizers are fertilizers containing plant nutrients mainly in the form of organic compounds. These include manure, composts, peat, straw, green manure, sludge (sapropel), complex organic fertilizers, industrial and household waste and other fertilizers manure compost peat straw propel complex organic fertilizers