In this article you will find information about the new variety paving slabs based on plastic and sand. We will conduct comparative analysis quality properties of similar materials, and also compare their prices. The article contains video tests, production technologies and installation instructions.

Polymers have firmly established themselves among the most commonly used materials. They are used to produce almost everything - furniture, dishes, coatings, household products, auto parts and industrial equipment. At the same time, their unsurpassed consumer and performance properties are constantly being improved, opening up new facets of these substances.

What is a polymer

Without going into chemical details, we can say that a polymer is a plastic (petroleum product) in one form or another. In a cold and solid state of aggregation, it is chemically inactive and harmless to such an extent that bathtubs are made from it for bathing children. The polymer enters into a chemical reaction only in two cases - the use of a strong solvent or heating. Heating is used in the production of polymer sand tiles. When molten, it becomes a plastic mass or thick liquid that readily reacts, mixes, adheres, vulcanizes, and generally exhibits chemical and physical activity. It is this property that is used in manufacturing.

What is special about polymer sand tiles?

When manufacturing products, instead of cement, dry plastic mass is used - ground waste. Then the polymer is mixed with sand and preheated to 180 °C. The cooled molten mass is sent under a heat press, which forms it in the form of a tile. In the cement-sand mortar, mixing occurs due to the chemical activity of cement. The polymer, in turn, simply solders the sand grains together. The reaction doesn't even require water.

Video about the production and testing of polymer sand tiles

Which is better - polymer or cement tiles?

A popular and long-known “substitute” for natural granite paving stones - paving slabs based on cement mortar - is an extremely simple and relatively cheap solution. However, this simplicity and cheapness result in inconsistency modern requirements- durability, convenience, environmental friendliness. There are a number of disadvantages of cement tiles and asphalt that are eliminated in polymer sand tiles:

  1. Impact resistance. It is impossible to split polymer tiles on purpose even with a sledgehammer. Its strength is 250 kg/cm 2.
  2. Wear resistance. The polymer solders the sand so tightly that the material can only be treated with special processing (grinder, hammer drill, milling cutter). Cement tiles wear away over time and form dust due to the low relative adhesion of the particles.
  3. Environmental safety. This claim applies to asphalt, which releases harmful substances when heated to 45 °C. As mentioned above, in order to react (with atmospheric oxygen), the polymer must be heated to 120 °C, which is impossible without special equipment.
  4. Saving natural resources. Cement production means factories, quarries, emissions. Extraction of crushed stone - subsoil removal, screening, transportation. Asphalt requires petroleum products, and powerful emissions of toxic gas occur during installation. The raw materials for polymer paving slabs are sand, plastic waste (bottles, bags) and dye. At the same time, waste is recycled.

Testing the strength of polymer sand tiles, video

Do polymer sand tiles have any disadvantages?

Of course, in addition to the obvious advantages, there is also a downside to the coin. Production process is a cross between the production of cement tiles and asphalt. The simplicity and low cost of producing cement tiles affects its unreliability. At the same time, the durability of asphalt requires a complex and expensive process that involves: an asphalt plant, heavy vehicles, expensive special equipment (pavers, rollers) and many workers.

Disadvantages of polymer tiles:

  1. Limited shapes and sizes. Polymer sand tiles are produced in workshops at relatively simple equipment, but it requires powerful steel molds. They last a long time, but are quite expensive. A new mold is a significant cost for the enterprise.
  2. High cost (relative to cement tiles). Expensive equipment and machines require careful handling. In addition, the process is partially automated and consumes a lot of energy. This results in high costs for personnel and the production process.

Price of polymer sand tiles

One square meter of such tiles costs about 15 USD. e. For comparison, a concrete analogue costs 10 USD. e. (per 1 m2), vibration-pressed - 12 USD. e. We will not mention the cost of asphalt; it is too high. Undoubtedly, polymer tiles will “work out” every penny they add due to their quality and safety margin. Moreover quality characteristics built into the technology, and the cost of raw materials is so low (some of the raw materials are waste) that saving on proportions makes no sense. The same cannot be said about the consumption of expensive cement, the shortage of which in products gives concrete paving slabs a bad reputation.

Laying polymer sand tiles

The procedure for laying polymer products is not fundamentally different from other piece elements. To do this, you will need the usual set of paver: a mallet, a cord, a spatula, buckets, a wheelbarrow and a shovel. Preparation will take most of your time and effort - you will need a tamping machine.

Operating procedure:

  1. Determine the level horizon of the top of the laid tiles.
  2. Divide the “pie” of the base into layers - soil, drainage (crushed stone), preparation (sand or prancing), base (prancing).
  3. If necessary, remove soil to the required level.
  4. Fill in crushed stone (150-300 mm) and compact it with a vibrating rammer.
  5. Fill in the preparation with sand or sandstone (50-70 mm) and compact it.
  6. Install curbs (if any).
  7. Lay the tiles on a loose surface using a mallet along a cord.
  8. After installation, insert the beading into the cracks and joints.
  9. Spill water on the surface.

You can fully exploit the laid area (park the car) after 3 days.

Replacing familiar and proven products and materials with new ones is not always justified. The new product must prove its right to life. In the case of polymer sand tiles, this was achieved through strength tests; they demonstrated advantageous differences from analogues. The reliability and durability of this tile ensures the integrity of the coating and a beautiful and unchanged appearance for many years.

Having recently appeared on Russian market, polymer-sand paving slabs, immediately won the trust and love of customers. Thanks to its characteristics, it has become a worthy replacement cement tiles. Polymer tiles, which are produced using modern methods, easily competes with classic concrete products.

The following characteristics are considered to be the advantages of this material:

  • strength;
  • ease;
  • variety of forms;
  • wide scope of application;
  • durability.

The demand for this material is constantly growing, so making polymer tiles with your own hands will soon become a “gold mine” for businessmen. The main thing is the right approach and a sober assessment of all the advantages and possible risks in this business.

Advantages of polymer tiles

Polymer sand tiles consist of the following components:

  • quartz sand (3/4 of the composition);
  • high-density polyethylene (25% of the composition);
  • a small part of other petroleum products.

This composition makes the material plastic and resistant to negative external influences.

The advantages of the product include

  • durability – the polymer coating lasts up to 30 years;
  • stability - the material is not afraid of frost, moisture, heavy loads, liquids containing acid and oil;
  • Decorative – tiles are often made in any shape. Moreover, it often has a glossy, matte or structured surface. And also when making polymer tiles, craftsmen can use a wide range of colors;
  • no toxic fumes when exposed to direct sunlight;
  • reusable and easy to repair if damaged;
  • ease of cleaning the coating (tiles are easy to clean);
  • wide scope of application. Polymer sand tiles are used as a decorative covering for private courtyards, parking lots, playgrounds and sidewalks in public places.

Production of material

The raw materials for the manufacture of polymer tiles are simple and affordable components:

  • various pigments;
  • polymers;
  • quartz sand.

To reduce the cost of purchasing components, you should use secondary raw materials, which will be cheaper, but will not spoil the quality of the products.

There is simply no exact recipe for making sand tiles as such. Each manufacturer independently develops its composition. The best option is to make a recipe for own experience, but experts also recommend seeking the help of a technologist.

The tile production technology is quite simple. To comply with it you do not need any special knowledge or skills.

Since the polymer included in the tiles has a neutral chemical composition, then only nitric acid serves as a solvent under certain conditions. To form a homogeneous mixture with sand, the polymer must be melted at a temperature of 180 degrees and atmospheric pressure. This process is called extrusion.

To color tiles in different colors, I use various inorganic substances: iron oxide to produce brown, red or orange color, chromium oxide to produce green, titanium dioxide to give the product a white color.

Do-it-yourself production of polymer sand tiles is carried out as follows:

  • crushing or agglomeration of raw materials. But if you purchase polymer chips, then this stage can be easily avoided;
  • mixing components using a concrete mixer;
  • melting the mixed mass in the APN (extruder);
  • pressing products into molds;
  • moving and storage finished products.

Required Equipment

To produce polymer sand tiles at home, you will need to purchase special equipment:

  • crushing device;
  • scales;
  • concrete mixer;
  • press;
  • molds;
  • cooling system finished products;
  • loader for moving finished products.

The total cost of equipment and its installation depends on the power and configuration of the machines. With a minimum configuration, the amount will be 800 thousand rubles.

Polymer-sand paving slabs

Work room

The premises for the production of sand tiles must be at least 100 square meters. Of these, 30 will be occupied by the raw material storage area and 70 by the equipment installation area.

It is also necessary to provide a place for storing finished products. It is often recommended to store this material outdoors.

Labor force

Even to produce tiles with your own hands, a craftsman will need labor force. The best option would be to launch continuous production (in two shifts). To do this, you will have to hire one foreman, two APN operators and one auxiliary batch worker. It will cost the master about one hundred thousand rubles to pay for one month’s labor.

Electricity and heating

On average, to produce 1 square meter of tiles, it will cost about 8 rubles to pay for electricity. But this will help save on heating costs. When the APN operates, a large heat transfer occurs, which replaces the heating pipes.

Sales market

High performance characteristics sand tiles significantly expand the scope of its application, thanks to this, sand tiles confidently displace materials such as concrete tiles, asphalt, concrete, natural and artificial stone.

The demand for tiles is constantly growing. And what is more profitable than buying materials from the manufacturer itself?

It will be quite easy to start selling your own products.

But to do this, you should monitor existing buyers of these products.

These could be:

  • various building materials stores;
  • companies that lay tiles;
  • owners of private houses, summer cottages, cafes;
  • owners of restaurants, service stations, warehouses, public buildings;
  • landscape designers.

It's best to decide on your target audience even at the production planning stage in order to please its customers and differentiate itself from competitors.


The success of any production, even the most modern and high-quality one, completely depends on the number of clients.

And the production of polymer sand tiles is attracting more and more businessmen, which increases competition in this area.

To stay afloat and make high profits you need to be radically different from your competitors. The main advantages are:

  • high quality products. The sole goal of the manufacturer must be to satisfy all the needs of its buyer. There should be an individual approach to everyone;
  • fulfillment of obligations. This means respecting the client. Do not let him down by missing the agreed deadlines, do not increase the prices of products without warning him in advance;
  • good advertising. There is no need to explain anything here. Everyone knows that advertising is the main engine of sales. Be sure to participate in exhibitions, create product samples, and collect a portfolio of photographs of completed work.

Profitability and payback of production

In practice, the production of polymer tiles pays for itself very quickly. It will take about one and a half million rubles to launch the production line. This includes:

  • expenses for equipment, raw materials;
  • rent;
  • preparation of the premises;
  • registration of an enterprise.

Even the smallest tile production workshop can easily produce a thousand square meters of tiles per month. One square meter on the market costs from 250 to 500 rubles. That is, on average, with full sales of products, the profit will be 500 thousand rubles.

Business brings decent income

This is a fairly high ROI for a small business.

To calculate revenue, you need to subtract the following indicators:

  • taxes and wages;
  • rental of premises;
  • public utilities;
  • purchase of new raw materials;
  • transportation costs.

If we take into account all expenses, then, subject to full sales, the monthly profit will be equal to 60 thousand rubles. Production of polymer sand tiles - profitable business. The main thing is compliance with technology, production of high-quality material and active promotion of business on the market. For the active production of polymer sand tiles you will need initial capital, a small tile shop, workers and accounting. Do-it-yourself tiles always have a high price.

At modern approach for the production of polymer tiles, production will make a profit from the first month.

Video: Polymer sand tiles

The demand for polymer-sand tiles is constantly growing. This one is comparatively new material purchased great popularity due to its practicality, durability and aesthetic appearance. It replaced conventional cement tiles, the disadvantages of which were: low frost resistance; high depreciation; unsightly appearance.

Another advantage of polymer-sand tiles is the almost complete absence of scrap during transportation. This article will discuss how to set up the production of this material, what the costs will be, and what equipment will be needed for this.

Tile production equipment

Of course, today you can find a wide variety of units that are suitable for this purpose. But if you are selecting equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles, then you should remember about its modernity and high quality.

For full production you will need specialized equipment. Its cost depends on the expected production volumes and the degree of wear of the machines. Minimum set of equipment:

  • Extruder, or melting and heating unit.
  • Press for working with polymer sand materials.
  • Mold made of special hardened steel.
  • Concrete mixer, volume 500 l.

Manufacturing process.

  1. Agglomeration of polymers. This step applies if production involves recycling plastic waste. If the company purchases ready-made polymer chips, then there is no need for processing.
  2. Mixing of raw materials. This is done using a concrete mixer.
  3. Heating the polymer-sand composition with an extruder.
  4. Pressing tiles and giving them shape.
  5. Cooling and storage of finished products.

Premises and warehouse

Polymer sand production takes up relatively little space and includes three zones:

Costs and ways to save

Now the state is allocating large amounts of money to support and develop small and medium-sized businesses, especially in the manufacturing sector.

Therefore, before starting the production of polymer sand tiles or any other, it is worth inquiring about competitions held in your region to receive a grant from the state.

Of course, winning a grant is not an easy matter. You will need to meet many conditions and go through a number of bureaucratic procedures. If you manage to win the competition, the state will be able to cover more than 50% of the costs of starting a business. The grant can also help receiving various types of subsidies and discounts, for example, to pay for electricity or to rent premises.

Costs can be significantly reduced if recycled materials are used in production. Such production will be environmentally friendly. Anyway without fixed costs can't do without. They include:

  • payment for electricity;
  • employees' salaries;
  • taxes;
  • rental of premises;
  • purchase and supply of raw materials.

Sales of finished products

There are several options for selling products. First of all, it will be necessary to target wholesale and retail construction networks (construction bases, wholesale warehouses, markets, construction stores).

Also worth finding ways to interact with construction teams, which specialize in laying polymer-sand paving slabs.

Production involves low price sales It is the price that is the main argument in negotiations with potential buyers.

Tiles can be sell through an agent network. This is a network of intermediaries who sell goods at their own markup on your behalf. Simply put, these are freelance sellers with whom agency agreement. The contract specifies all the terms of cooperation with the agent: markup percentage, options for sales locations, etc.

When working with an agent, it is worth considering that all responsibility for controlling payment, delivery of goods and deadlines lies with you. Selling goods through an agent network is good option sales, but should carefully select intermediaries and strictly regulate work with them in the contract.

There are a lot of materials on the construction market that are characterized by the most different properties. And many of them can become a source high income for the enterprising person. We include here the production of polymer sand tiles. And the main advantage of the organized business will be not only the high demand for products on the market, but also the fact that they can be manufactured on relatively inexpensive mobile equipment. Polymer sand tiles – construction and finishing material, made on the basis of sand and polymers. We have several positive qualities, for which it won the trust of customers - strength, frost resistance, durability.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 1,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 5/10.

Opening the production of polymer-sand tiles is not difficult - no huge capital investments, no hiring of highly qualified personnel. What should an entrepreneur take into account here?

Process of receiving products

The raw materials for the manufacture of finished tiles are publicly available and inexpensive components. You can get them in every region of the country.

Technological scheme for the production of polymer sand tiles

These include:

  • purified sand,
  • polymers,
  • pigments.

To reduce the cost of purchasing all the necessary components, you can purchase secondary raw materials - they are much cheaper.

As for the exact recipe, everything is strictly individual - each manufacturer works with its own composition. You can develop the recipe yourself, or you can invite an experienced technologist for consultation.

The technology for producing polymer sand tiles is extremely simple and does not require any specific skills and knowledge from the entrepreneur (if he decided to do all the work himself).

Making polymer sand tiles with your own hands is as follows:

  • Prepare all components and mix them.
  • Melting of the raw material mass.
  • Pressing of products.
  • Storage of finished products.

Business prospects.

Purchase of equipment for receiving products

The next thing the entrepreneur will need to do is buy equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles. And even home production will require certain machines.

Polymer sand tile production line

The technical equipment includes the following names of equipment:

  • Dispenser – from 30,000 rub.
  • Concrete mixer - from 40,000 rubles.
  • Melting and heating machine - from 350,000 rubles.
  • Press – from 150,000 rub.
  • Molds – from 1500 RUR/piece.

The final price of equipment for polymer sand tiles will depend on the power of the machines, their configuration and the degree of automation. The minimum cost of a production line for a mini-workshop and its commissioning is ≈800,000 rubles. And this figure can be significantly higher if we talk about a more powerful enterprise.

Sales of finished products and workshop profitability

The sale of polymer sand tiles, with established sales channels, should bring high profits to the entrepreneur. And given the demand for products, there is no doubt that many customers will be interested in purchasing high-quality tiles from a direct supplier. It is used for paving roads, internal and external cladding.

Products can be sold:

  • construction stores and warehouses,
  • developers,
  • repair companies,
  • private buyers.

Despite the fact that the bulk of the profit will come from wholesalers, private buyers should not be discounted. To do this, you can organize a small pavilion in the workshop where manufactured products will be displayed in front of customers.

The production of polymer-sand paving slabs, as practice shows, will begin to pay for itself quite quickly. Starting a small workshop will require an investment of at least 1,000,000 rubles. This will include the following costs:

  • purchase of the most basic equipment,
  • preparing the premises for operation (providing light, water and sewerage),
  • providing a raw material base for the release of the first batch of goods,
  • registration of an enterprise.

To calculate the profitability of the planned enterprise, let’s take as an example a low-power line with a productivity of up to 50 m 2 of finished tiles per 8-hour shift. It turns out that over 1000 m2 of products can be produced monthly. Polymer sand tiles for the plinth stand today at wholesale market 250-500 rub./m2. This means that if you immediately sell all the products produced, the entrepreneur can receive revenue in the amount of 500,000 rubles. And these are excellent profitability indicators for a workshop in the small business segment.

To calculate net income and total revenue, variable costs should be subtracted:

When the need arises to somehow cultivate the area around your home, the natural desire is for the materials purchased for laying paths and platforms to last a long time and be attractive. It is for these purposes that polymer sand paving slabs are produced.

General concepts about polymer sand tiles

Polymer tiles used for arranging paths look like a flat product with different shapes and sizes. Its purpose is to create a flat and durable surface for the movement of people and machines. The product can withstand heavy loads and does not crack. The tile consists of:

How to prepare raw materials?

Sand moisture according to technical standards should not exceed 10%, and there should be no foreign inclusions in its structure. To do this, it is sifted and dried.

Polymers use primary ones in the form of granules and secondary ones, which are more attractive from an economic point of view. Using polyethylene waste as a raw material, it is crushed literally to dust, which facilitates uniform mixing of the components. Plastic waste is carefully sorted, washed and dried.

Iron oxide pigment added to the tile mass gives it an orange or red-brown color, chromium oxide gives it a green color, and titanium dioxide gives it a white color.

Positive qualities

Composite tiles differ from cement-based tiles in their higher elasticity and strength. It is almost impossible to split it; it can be laid on an uneven substrate. There are other advantages:

Tile manufacturing technology

The process of producing polymer tiles is simple and consists of:

Mechanisms used and required premises

To organize the production of tiles, you need a certain list of equipment:

  • dispensers;
  • shredders RRM-1 for grinding secondary waste;
  • agglomerators AGL-01 for grinding plastic;
  • mixing plants;
  • heating and melting unit;
  • press and molds.

The use of specialized equipment makes it possible to produce products of any shape and color with or without a pattern. Purchasing a crusher will make it easier to crush plastic.

The use of technical means has a number of advantages:

  • saving. Possibility of using inexpensive material in the form of waste;
  • because of high profitability quick payback products;
  • reliable operation of the equipment.

To organize a business producing polymer-sand paving slabs, you need to own or rent heated production premises. The workshop where the equipment will be located, minimum area 70 m2. A warehouse for storing raw materials and materials 35 m2, a warehouse for finished products 100-200 m2, can be equipped in an open area.

Business profitability

Most of the profit will come from wholesale but, despite this, we should not forget about retail trade. For these purposes, a small store is installed near the main production, where summer residents can purchase manufactured products.

As can be seen from practice, the payback of such production is quite fast. To put into operation a small workshop for the production of tiles, you need to invest about 1 ml rubles in it. Investments consist of the following amounts:

  • registration of title documents;
  • purchasing or renting necessary equipment;
  • purchase or lease of production space;
  • arrangement of premises with engineering and technical communications;
  • procurement of raw materials;

To calculate the profitability of a tile production enterprise, we take as an example a small workshop with a productivity of 60 m2 per 8 hours of work. The workshop will produce about 1200 m2 of tiles per month. The average cost of a product on the market is up to 500 rubles per m 2. If all manufactured products are sold, the revenue will be 600,000 rubles. To calculate net income, total revenue is reduced by current costs:

  • wages and taxes;
  • rent;
  • payments for electricity and water;
  • depreciation of equipment.

After deducting current costs, net revenue will be 60,000 rubles per month.