Production in the garage: ideas from Europe and China attract attention primarily because they promise a fairly high profitability of production in small areas with minimal investment.

The different ideological and cultural traditions of the peoples inhabiting China and the Europeans also determined slightly different views on production that can be organized in a garage. If it is traditional for Europeans to offer a completely finished product, then for the Chinese it is not unusual for personal production to be simply one of the links in a large chain of product creation. This ideological feature was used by Mao Tse Tung when, during the Great Leap Forward, smelting of metal from ore in primitive blast furnaces was organized in many farmsteads. Of course, the metal turned out to be of poor quality, but quite suitable for further processing in industrial plants.

If we compare the business ideas offered to the population in China and in Europe, one detail immediately catches the eye. If in the European mass media the description of a business idea generally begins with a description of the advantages of the product, the ease of its manufacture, and so on, then in the Chinese the first place is always the requirement - first find someone who will buy your product at a decent price, and then create production. If your product does not find demand, do not waste time - look for someone who needs premises with small areas and unskilled workers. When you find it, the time will come to set up your business.

The market for mini-production ideas in small garage-type spaces in China is more extensive. The reason is less stringent legislation. For example, in China you can install equipment for the production of cigarettes, which are then delivered to large factories, where they are already packaged into packs. Sanitary standards of the Russian Federation make it impossible to open such a business in Russia.

For example, a mini-business producing lighters is profitable. However, the strict fire safety requirements established in Russia for this type of production make independent production of such products unprofitable.

The idea of ​​making castings can be borrowed from the Chinese experience. In Russia, such mini-production is common only in relation to the production of fishing weights. In China, private manufacturers enter into contracts with enterprises to supply small parts.

In the article you can get acquainted with some of the most cost-effective options for using garage space from the experience of European and Chinese businessmen who have developed their business.

The advantage of organizing production in a garage

Organizing your own production using the space of your personal garage can become not only a source of additional funds for the family budget, but over time it can grow into a big business. Such production has a number of advantages:

  • you can use inexpensive equipment - mini machines;
  • a small production volume allows you to quickly rebuild clusters of the production process and respond sensitively to changing market demands;
  • at the initial stages of activity, you can postpone registration, saving on this, postponing legalization until you are confident in the demand for the business and create a database of information about customers;
  • practice ideas for increasing competitiveness without high costs;

When starting to think about ideas for using your garage for business purposes, you should first of all pay attention to its size. As a rule, modern garages are 25 mᵌ. In this space it will be necessary not only to place equipment, but also to provide space for storing finished products.

When considering what kind of business to organize in a garage, you should also take into account that the specifics of the structure will not make it possible to organize some of its types, even extremely profitable ones. So, for example, no matter how excellent the garage space is, the sanitary and epidemiological service will never give permission for the production of food group goods in the garage.

This idea originated and was put into practice in Europe, where more than one and a half billion such pallets are used annually. Pallets intended for storing and transporting goods must be very durable. Even small defects lead to the rejection of these products. Since you have to pay for disposal, in European countries it is not difficult to find used pallets.

Pallets are divided into four groups by size:

  • 1000x1200x145 millimeters;
  • euro 800x1200x145 millimeters;
  • lightweight 800x1200x145 millimeters;
  • non-standard.

Within each group there is a division according to the color and quality of the wood from which they are made.

Thus, by basing production on the use of pallet material, you immediately save on cutting processes to fit parts. At your disposal are ready-made elements of future products. If you have a designer's imagination, the range is almost limitless. You can make garden furniture, furniture for bedrooms, for the kitchen, for the living room.

Making toothpicks

This idea of ​​using a garage space originated in China. Toothpicks are one of those everyday items that people use all the time, so this group of products is always in demand.

Organizing such production will not require significant costs. The main ones are the purchase of equipment. As the experience of those who organized the production of toothpicks in their garage shows, all costs are recouped within a calendar year. At the same time, the production process itself is extremely simple and does not require special knowledge and skills.

Cost reduction in such production can also be achieved through the use of wood, which is wasted at wood processing enterprises and can be obtained for free or for a completely symbolic price.

Chinese lanterns

Another idea for organizing production in a garage that came from China is the production of flying lanterns.

Investments in this business are minimal, no special qualifications are needed to perform the work, the product is quite in demand, especially in the days leading up to the holidays.

The increase in sales will be facilitated by the conclusion of contracts with companies that organize weddings and other celebrations.

The main costs are the purchase of special paper impregnated with a fire-retardant solution. In appearance it is similar to tracing paper, but it is somewhat thinner and more durable. Impregnation with this solution reduces the vapor permeability of the paper, making it more resistant to fire and moisture resistant. If you use such paper, you can guarantee consumers the ability to launch flashlights even in light rain.

The color range of such paper is simply huge, so there is no point in listing it. The main requirement applies to its weight - it should not exceed 25 grams/m².

Chinese lanterns come in several forms. The simplest flashlights to manufacture are those that have a rectangular shape. Round shapes will require special paper cutting.

There are no special requirements for the wire from which the frame is made. Traditional bamboo can also be used as a frame material.

In the manufacture of burners, which are fixed in the center of the bottom of the flashlight, rags soaked in paraffin or wax are most often used.

You can increase the number of sales by showing customers how beautiful it looks to launch not one, but several flashlights. Since such goods are usually bought on the eve of any celebrations, people willingly buy several products.

Production of coatings for garden paths

The idea of ​​producing coatings for garden and park paths in small spaces originated in Europe. When thinking about developing such a business in your garage, you need to start from the presence or absence of free access to water supply. When producing tiles based on cement mixtures, you will need not only special equipment, but also a fairly large amount of water, both for preparing the material itself and for washing the equipment.

If access to water is limited, but you are convinced of the high demand for such products, you should not abandon the idea. Today, mini-equipment for the production of polymer sand tiles is produced for small industries. Compared to traditional ones, they have a number of advantages:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • a large selection of shapes, as well as colors, which are determined by the added piments;
  • accuracy of the geometry of the tile contours;
  • high frost resistance - the tiles can withstand 300 annual summer-winter cycles;
  • greater strength, GOST imposes strength requirements for paving surfaces of 400 kg/m², for polymer sand tiles the minimum strength is 500 kg/m².

In Europe, small spaces similar to a car garage are also used to produce coverings for garden paths, which are made from wood. The shape of such tiles can be completely different and depend only on your imagination or the imagination of the customer.

When considering the organization of such production, you should take into account that very good ventilation will be required; it would be best to install forced exhaust. In the process of preparing such tiles, the wood is treated with heated drying oil and antiseptic solutions. And if there is a need to decoratively artificially age the wood, then treatment with vitriol will be required. But by installing such equipment, you will significantly expand the range of tiles offered, both in shape, texture and color range.

When searching for future customers, you should not limit yourself to gardening and dacha partnerships and landscape companies that equip the territories of cottages. Wooden paths are also widely used in the design of large and small parks.

Production of building materials - ideas from Europe

If you have access to running water in your garage, you can take advantage of very cost-effective ideas for the production of building materials.

Lego brick production

Bricks of this type are becoming increasingly popular, and therefore in demand, both among builders and customers. The design features greatly simplify the work of masons, reduce construction time, and the use of various pigments allows us to offer bricks of absolutely any color.

To organize such production, any garage space that would preferably be insulated is suitable.

Lego bricks have gained such enormous popularity among those building individual houses that Chinese businessmen have specially developed technological mini-machines for the production of such building materials.

Machines for the production of Lego bricks can be purchased both manual and automatic. You can find a manual machine that costs about 100,000 rubles. These costs can be reduced - the design of the machine is quite simple. If you don’t have a welding machine, you can invite a professional welder - in any case, doing it yourself will help save your initial capital. The productivity of such a manual machine will be sufficient to provide building materials for the construction of one one-story house. The productivity of the automatic machine is 4,500 pieces of bricks in eight hours (shift).

The raw materials used are:

  • screening of limestone rocks (about 90% of the composition);
  • Portland cement (10% of the composition);
  • water;
  • pigments for coloring bricks.

The cost of producing 1 brick is about four rubles.

The introduction of such a business has some peculiarities. First of all, they are related to the seasonality of individual construction.

When planning a business for the production of Lego bricks, you need to take care of the place where it is stored so as not to stop production in the autumn-winter months. There is absolutely no need to use premises for storage. Products can be safely stored outdoors. But to attract the buyer with a “European” appearance, it is better to cover the cubed bricks with inexpensive plastic film.

There are a lot of opportunities to sell products. This:

  • construction stores where you can display product samples;
  • construction markets;
  • construction companies;
  • wholesale resellers;
  • individual developers.

Manual stamping of metal parts

This type of business is quite widespread in China, where the traditional idea of ​​individual labor activity is as a separate link in the technological chain.

Organizing manual stamping of metal products will not require large financial costs. The peculiarity of such a business is strict planning. Although manufactured products can be sold through stores, at the first stage you need to find a customer who will need your product. Having collected information on what prices wholesalers supply similar products at and reducing them slightly, it is quite easy to find buyers among builders, door installers, and so on.

Hand presses can also be used to produce various crafts, furniture parts, garden buildings, and so on.

The advantages of such production:

  • low cost of equipment;
  • low price for raw materials, the choice of which can be provided to customers;
  • small area for organizing production;
  • convenience - you can work practically without leaving your home if it is a built-in garage;
  • quite high profitability.

Those who are looking for mini-production options in small areas are often offered ideas for organizing home soap making. However, although the profitability of such a business is quite high, it will be difficult for you to compete with industrial manufacturers of similar products, since they are certified, and this is an expensive procedure. As an option, you can consider home-made so-called “individual soap” - products that are made specifically for a specific hotel, company, soap for children in the form of toys, cakes, and so on.

Production of product groups for animals

Business ideas for the production of goods for pets are very common in various materials devoted to how to quickly make money at low financial costs.

High-quality scratching posts are quite in demand among cat owners. You can easily fill this market niche if you offer consumers, that is, cat owners, scratching posts whose cords are made of high-quality material and do not quickly fray under the claws of users.

Such products can be stationary or portable. Scratching posts are very popular, they represent an element of an entire gaming complex.

Shelter houses for cats to relax are also in demand. There are quite a lot of them on the market. The success of such a business depends on how well thought out your products are in terms of convenience for pets, how much they can save living space and how original they will look.

When deciding to use your garage to organize such a workshop, first of all you should evaluate the purchasing power of the population in the place, city where you live. First of all, it should be taken into account that the great demand for goods for pets in Europe gained its right to life only after the standard of living of people, and primarily pensioners, became quite high. This also applies to ideas for the production of bird cages, aquariums, and clothing for animals.

In large cities, where there are fairly large pet markets and shops, quite a good profit can be brought by using a garage for breeding aquarium fish or as a workshop for making various aquarium products. When deciding to choose this path in business, carefully study the aquarium forums - there you will find a lot of useful information about improving the standard products that stores offer. This way, you will be able to offer a product that most closely meets the needs of customers, while the costs will be minimal.

In Southern China, growing aquarium fish in small spaces is quite widespread. One goldfish lays up to 5,000 eggs; half of the fry survive with proper care. If you are interested in such a business, please note that although goldfish and their variations do not require high standards of aquarium keeping, since they are essentially crucian carp, the room temperature should not fall below 17˚C. The use of fluidized bed filters will make it possible to contain a larger number of fish in the same volume as their competitors who use standard biofilters offered in stores.

Production of food group goods in a garage

In Russia, you can use the ideas of using a garage to grow food, namely mushrooms.

This is a fairly highly profitable business that does not require large investments.

When calculating the area for planting mushroom mycelium, do not forget that the bags in which you grow mushrooms can be placed on racks, using the entire space of the garage.

In the garage you can grow not only the usual champignons and oyster mushrooms, but also forest lamellar mushrooms (chanterelles, honey mushrooms), and medicinal mushrooms (Chinese imperial mushroom).

Setting up such a business will require, first of all, not equipment, but some alterations. Mushrooms are quite demanding in terms of living conditions. The garage will need to be completed so that there are no drafts and at the same time there is sufficient ventilation - the carbon dioxide content should not exceed certain indicators specific to different types of mushrooms.

If it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature, the garage may have to be insulated.

It is necessary to maintain a certain humidity. This can be achieved using sprayers or simply placing cuvettes with water.

If all conditions are met, an average of 20 kilograms of mushrooms are collected from one square meter of area. The crop growing cycle is 2-3 months.

There are a lot of ideas on how to use your spare garage so that it starts generating income. Guidance when choosing - do you have a real buyer? Labor skills are not the main thing. It is not the Gods who burn the pots and everything can be learned.

For many people, the main goal in life is complete financial independence - to work for themselves, have their own business and not obey picky bosses. A garage business is the perfect way to make this dream come true.

Converting a garage into an office space is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. Even with a small start-up capital and minimal effort, you can start a business that can provide good income in the future. The main thing is to bring one of your garage business ideas to fruition.

To begin with, entrepreneurs should decide on the specifics of their business project and its focus.. It is advisable to choose based on your own capabilities, skills and abilities - if you have creative potential and love collecting antiques, then you should not open a turning workshop, even if such a project can bring excellent profits in the future.

There are several main areas of garage business:

  • production of various goods;
  • provision of services;
  • processing of materials or raw materials.

Each of these areas requires certain equipment and capital investments. Moreover, newcomers to the business will have to develop their client base, which means they will have to conduct an advertising campaign.

Top 10 working ideas

1. Opening a retail outlet.

It is quite possible to open a grocery store in the garage

In accordance with current legislation, a garage is classified as a stationary retail facility, which means that a store can be organized in it. Before creating a business plan, it is advisable to analyze the demand for certain groups of goods. For example, in a large garage complex you can sell auto parts or consumables.

To organize a store, the premises need to be insulated and equipped with high-quality equipment, which will require quite a lot of money, time and effort.

2. Auto repair shop.

By opening a car repair shop, you can help your garage neighbors with repairs for a fee

If you are an experienced car enthusiast and are able to quickly fix even the most serious breakdown, then opening a car repair shop will be an ideal option to start earning money for yourself. To do this, you will need hand tools (spanner sets, screwdrivers, jacks, etc.) and a welding machine. Before starting work, it is advisable to also take care of the safety of the workplace and arrange the premises.

Forge - a promising and low-competitive option

Artistic forging is an extremely popular activity. This idea may seem quite expensive at first due to the need to purchase expensive materials, but, in fact, due to insignificant competition in the market, with the right approach it quickly pays off.

4. Car wash.

For a car wash inside a garage, there is no need to thoroughly re-equip the premises

A car wash can be organized in almost any garage; you just need to arrange the room and the area around it. Provide water and prepare a sewerage system, take care of fire safety and decide on equipment. Additionally, you can organize interior cleaning and engine washing services.

5. Production of decorative sculptures.

Making garden sculptures from plaster and concrete will require minimal costs, but will be an excellent way to create a profitable business. A beginner in this business will need to learn how to prepare a solution and buy molds for casting: foam, wood or cardboard.

6. Laundry.

By opening a laundry, you can attract the attention of students from dormitories who have problems with washing

In small towns it is very difficult to find a public laundry, so such a business, provided there is no competition, can pay for itself very quickly. First you need to acquire the necessary equipment and cleaning products, as well as conduct a competent advertising campaign. The best option would be to organize a laundry room in a garage near student dormitories.

7. Tire fitting.

If the garage is located next to a gas station or roadway, then it would be advisable to organize a tire service. The room must be heated, ventilated and well lit. You will also need expensive equipment (compressor, vulcanizer, jack, tire changer), which is better to rent at the initial stage of the business.

8. Car tuning.

Car tuning gives room for creativity, but is only relevant for big cities

Those who love creativity will love the prospect of creating something original and specific out of ordinary cars. But, unfortunately, this type of business will be relevant only for residents of megacities. In small towns, it will not be easy to find consumers for this service, which means, in addition to purchasing expensive materials, you will have to spend a lot on advertising.

9. Glass cutting.

In areas with a large concentration of industrial premises, the garage can be converted into a glass cutting workshop. The operating technology is quite simple, and even a beginner can master it if desired.

10. Fault diagnosis service.

Like its owner, the car also needs regular diagnostics.

This service is very popular among car enthusiasts, so you can make good money by diagnosing car problems. You will need to purchase special software, an adapter and a scanner to determine the machine block code and report errors. Remember that the computer program must be updated regularly, since new car brands appear every season.

Best Options for Beginners

1. Rental of children's goods and toys.

Children's toys are not cheap, so recently their rental services have become in great demand. You can purchase the most popular children's products, decorate your garage colorfully and brightly, and start promoting your services to your target group of consumers.

2. Antique shop.

The business of reselling antiques never loses its relevance. The main thing in this matter is knowing the real market value of an item, because you can earn up to 500% profit on transactions with those who want to get rid of stamps, coins or household items!

3. Pottery.

The pottery workshop may be interesting to visit for both adults and children

Creating clay products will not only increase your income, but also help relieve stress, relax and develop creativity. You should start by making molded ceramics, and after the first clients appear, buy a pottery wheel and molds for blanks. With successful business development, production can be expanded and master classes for children can be held.

4. Atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes.

A tailoring studio is a great business option for women

One of the best business ideas for women. All you need is a sewing machine, materials and the ability to sew efficiently and accurately.

5. Printing services.

A photocopier or a scanner will not surprise anyone these days, but the provision of printing services can bring significant profits in the shortest possible time. Especially if your garage is located next to educational institutions or administrative buildings.

6. Production of wooden pallets.

Due to the widespread use of pallets in various fields, such a business can be very promising

Pallets can be made manually and without special equipment. If you persistently search for reliable distribution channels, your business will quickly reach net profit.

7. Sharpening tools and knives.

In residential areas, the services of a sharpener will be in great demand. In addition to sharpening kitchen knives, you can also make money by processing tools for beauty salons (hairdressing scissors and nail clippers).

8. Mini-shop for furniture manufacturing.

Handmade furniture will always be in demand

Huge competition in the furniture business should not scare a novice businessman - with a well-chosen direction and a creative approach, you can develop a good client base in a short time. You can make custom-made cabinet furniture (cabinets, walls or beds) or frameless furniture (poufs, armchairs). Additional income can be obtained if you master decoupage, decorating or aging furniture.

9. Repair of household appliances.

This service will be relevant in any city and region. In order to start a business, you need to have the appropriate qualifications and have personal transport in which you could deliver large equipment.

10. Production of products on a lathe.

Turners, as a rule, do not sit idle

Turner services are in demand both from private companies that do not have a specialist on staff, and from car repair shops. To get started, you only need a lathe and a set of standard tools.

Ideas with minimal investment

1. Renting out premises.

This is the simplest and most effective way to receive passive income without investments - you can receive from 4,000 to 6,000 rubles per month. The specific rental cost will depend primarily on the location of the garage, the presence of communications in it and its size.

2. Temporary storage service.

A temporary storage service in your garage will help people avoid cluttering their balconies

Many residents of megacities are faced with the issue of storing things that they do not use in the summer - skis, sleds, winter car tires. The garage owner can benefit from this and make money by providing storage services. The profit, of course, will be insignificant, but it can be obtained after the first client.

3. Recycling collection point.

Some types of raw materials can be sold to organizations involved in production and processing. Such materials include paper, cardboard, glass, textiles, rubber and scrap metal.

4. Growing plants.

Growing vegetables or mushrooms in the garage can be put on commercial footing

A heated and well-lit garage makes it easy to grow plants and mushrooms. This line of business will not require significant investments, because it is not difficult for an experienced summer resident to equip a greenhouse indoors, and the harvest can be sold to small grocery stores.

5. Production of decorative products and souvenirs.

You can make festive New Year's goods (for example, Christmas tree balls), magnets, soap and candles, badges and souvenirs. The scale of production in this case does not depend on the amount of start-up capital, but only on your scope of imagination - the possibilities in this field of activity are almost limitless.

6. Sale of clothes.

Garage sales are still not very common in Russia

Garage sales have long gained popularity in the United States, and in recent years in our country, enterprising garage box owners have adopted this experience. Establishing a clothing sale (like a stock store or second-hand store) means providing yourself with year-round income.

7. Computer workshop.

Computer workshop - a win-win direction

If you are good with computers, you can try opening a computer repair shop in your garage. But keep in mind that for this the room must be dry, insulated and well lit.

8. Packaging of goods.

Owners of wholesale warehouses and stores often save on the services of packers, so if you wish, you can easily set up production for packaging bulk products and cooperate with large entrepreneurs, selling them ready-made packaged goods.

Who said that to conduct small-scale agriculture you have to live in a village?

The fashion for healthy eating makes many residents of big cities flock to markets in search of homemade and high-quality products. Caring for a chicken is not difficult, their diet is as simple as possible, and if the size of the garage allows you to accommodate a dozen laying hens, you will ensure a stable profit.

10. Personal trainer services.

Perhaps the most original way to provide yourself with additional income is to organize sports training in your garage. If you are an experienced athlete and can offer original training methods, then you will not have to compete with large gyms - you will be able to quickly develop a client base.

How not to make a mistake when choosing a direction of activity

In order to choose the right direction for your business project and not go into the red, you should follow just a few simple recommendations:

  • Choose the idea that can pay off as much as possible and bring profit in the shortest possible time;
  • Focus on customer needs;
  • Do not enter into competition with large entrepreneurs;
  • At the beginning of your project, try to do without hired labor to save money;
  • Don’t buy expensive equipment to start production;
  • Draw up a business plan, analyzing all upcoming expenses and expected income.

A business in a garage for aspiring entrepreneurs is a great chance to start their own business without significant expenses. In the garage it is possible to set up the production of goods, organize trade or arrange premises for the provision of services.

Don't forget that the success of your business depends solely on your desire and hard work. And if you still doubt whether it’s worth a try, then remember - the history of the famous Apple company began with the assembly of computers in the garage.

In order to open your own business it is not necessary to have significant capital.

As practice shows, it is often enough to have your own garage box, an idea and an unshakable desire to achieve your goal.

What type of business is best to organize in your own garage? Let's look at the most accessible and simple business ideas available to everyone.

“Garage business” in Russia today 2016: opportunities

Creating your own mini business in the garage is an effective way to make money when no other business ideas bring either cash or spiritual satisfaction. You can start a small business with production in a garage.

The easiest and most realistic way to start your own business in a garage is to open a car workshop. In this case, there is no need to hire staff or purchase expensive equipment. All that is required is your own skills.

Auto repair shop in a garage

As for the required documentation, initially, if you simply want to determine consumer demand for a car repair shop, it is not necessary to open a state of emergency.

In the future, when the business begins to gain momentum, paperwork will not require much effort and time.

How to use your garage to start your own business

What kind of business can you open in a garage? Ideas for garage production can be gleaned from Europe, as it is quite common among budding entrepreneurs there.

There are a huge number of ideas for developing a small business in your own garage, namely:

  • small car service;
  • opening a retail outlet;
  • creation of a workshop for the production of a wide range of furniture;
  • seasonal storage of bicycles, tires and tires (especially important in big cities);
  • garage box rental.

One of the striking examples of successfully starting a business in your own garage is a modern art gallery in St. Petersburg, founded in a simple garage. Taking into account the inexhaustible interest in art, a simple garage box could turn into a fairly profitable exhibition hall. All that was required was to clear the premises of everything unnecessary, prepare places for exhibits and conduct a small advertising campaign.

Business ideas with minimal investment in the garage are presented below.

Business idea - furniture production in your own garage

Opening a furniture assembly workshop requires certain financial costs and skills (in the absence of such, trained workers). However, the payback rate allows you to achieve a net profit in the first year of operation.

To open your own furniture assembly workshop, you should open an activity from Group 36.1. After this, all that remains is to assemble small equipment (machines for business in the garage) and, depending on desire and circumstances, support staff. Considering the often inflated prices in large furniture stores, many consumers prefer to shop from small entrepreneurs.

Production of cotton gloves

The production of gloves can become a profitable business idea if the real estate market grows steadily and the volume of construction projects increases every year. Advantages of producing cotton gloves in a garage:

  • There is no need to hire staff, one person is enough.
  • Low price threshold for the required equipment.
  • Electricity costs are negligible.
  • Simplicity and almost complete automation of the production process.

Real example of glove production and profitability level (per machine):

  • Consumables (replacing a bobbin of yarn): 150 rubles.
  • Electricity costs: less than seven kilowatts per shift (23.8 rubles).

On average, if you round up the figures, one work shift of a machine for the production of cotton gloves will cost 200 rubles. The daily output is two hundred pairs.

With an average wholesale price of 4.5 rubles per pair, you can calculate that the daily profit will be 700 rubles (subject to deduction of expenses of 200 rubles), per machine. Having developed a regular customer base, you can significantly expand production volumes and, as a result, business profitability.

Many businesses have long payback periods, but every entrepreneur is certainly looking for. Find out which areas are considered the most profitable and find your niche.

Online trading is gaining momentum every year. You might be interested in knowing how to open an online store from scratch and for free. Here you can get acquainted with the areas of trade, and also learn how to organize delivery.

Seasonal storage of tires, equipment and bicycles

With a properly constructed business plan, this type of entrepreneurship can bring considerable profit. The greatest consumer demand is observed in large cities, where there is simply no free space in the apartment for storing large items.

To open a warehouse for storing tires, bicycles and equipment you will need:

  1. Spacious garage.
  2. Remove all unnecessary things from the room.
  3. Install stands for storing tires and bicycles.
  4. Good security system.

There is practically no need to invest in a warehouse for storing things. Payment can be either one-time or for a certain time interval (week, month). The payback of a warehouse for storing tires, bicycles and equipment begins almost with the very first client. There is no need to prepare a package of documents or legal registration.

Opening a retail outlet

If the garage is located within the city limits, then it can be used as a retail space. All “stationary garage premises are classified as objects of a stationary retail chain that do not have their own sales floors.”

According to the current legislation (346.29 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), each taxpayer has the right to carry out retail trade (in garage boxes), calculating the tax base according to UTII.

A garage box can be easily converted into a warehouse for wholesale trade in food products. The required cash costs are minimal. To design a garage space you will need:

  • Shelves for storing all kinds of containers and boxes (depending on the type of product).
  • Availability of electricity.
  • Conducting a small advertising campaign to introduce potential buyers to the opening of a new retail warehouse.

The return on investment of this type of business directly depends on the initial investment.

For example, if to create a trading activity you need to purchase commercial equipment (for example, refrigeration chambers), then you should not count on a 100% payback and huge profits during the first year of operation. It all depends on what type of product will be offered to consumers.

Business plan for opening immersion hydrographic printing

As of today, this type of business such as aquaprint is one of the most promising and fastest-paying types of entrepreneurship.

With (one-time) costs of 500 rubles, profits can range from five to fifteen thousand rubles. Depending on the car brand and difficulty level.

To practice aquaprinting, it is enough to purchase the required equipment, and then divide the garage into three zones. The first room is for receiving and preparing parts, the second is for painting, and the third is for placing the bath in which the parts will be immersed.

Financial plan (initial investment)

Renting a garage box will cost (monthly) three thousand rubles. A bathtub for an aquaprint with water circulation, a temperature sensor and a heating element will cost from seventy to eighty thousand rubles. It will cost another twenty thousand rubles to buy paint, film, sandpaper and a compressor. In total, the initial investment will range from 100,000 to 105,000 rubles.

As for the risks, in the vast majority of cases they relate to the possible breakdown of parts during disassembly or assembly of the car (damage compensation). The return on investment for this type of business is quite high. Depending on the quality of the advertising campaign and the number of clients.

To prevent this from happening, regardless of the chosen direction of business, everything must be carefully calculated and checked.

At the initial stage of business development, greater attention should be paid to the marketing company. It is important to gather a customer base as quickly as possible, ensuring constant orders and, as a result, sufficient cash flow.

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If you have a garage, why not think about starting a business in it? has not bothered anyone yet, and it is quite possible that it will become the main one in the future. There are many examples of people who started their own business in this way and subsequently became successful entrepreneurs with several of their own firms and companies. In this article, we’ll look at what kind of business to start in a garage is the most reasonable. Below will be offered thoughts and ideas that many people are already implementing and making good profits.


At the very beginning, you should decide how to register your future company: individual entrepreneur or LLC. It is quite possible that at the initial stage you will be able to do without registration; most likely, your first clients will be friends, acquaintances, relatives, and various other individuals who will not need to prepare any documents.

In addition, there are many intermediary accounting firms that will be happy to take on all the paperwork. It is somewhat unreasonable to register a small business in a garage without receiving the first profit from your activities.

Considering that the premises are limited, it is difficult to create a business that will bring great profit, but it will be your first step in establishing your own enterprise. If you plan to work all year round, then the garage should be insulated, dry, ventilated and well lit. This is enough to start your own business.

Business ideas

Now let’s directly discuss the question of what business ideas exist that are actually feasible in a garage. Their number is constantly growing. It's no secret that the main thing in any activity is to find an opportunity to make more money where there is little competition. Providing services to the population, opening your own store - this can no longer surprise anyone. In business, the more original the idea, the higher the income.

Many people today want to start a business. And often their problems lie in the lack of the necessary start-up capital needed specifically for renting premises. That's when the idea comes to mind - why not start a mini-business in the garage. While other people are calculating rental costs, you will be thinking about calculations for purchasing products and how to sell your goods more profitably. Another question is what kind of business to organize in the garage. A lot of ideas have already been invented in this regard: starting with the sale of vegetables, raising ducks, chickens and ending with the organization of car washes and even car services. To begin with, we will offer in detail one promising and original idea of ​​​​what kind of business to open in a garage.

What is

As you know, you can add a pigment to any paint that glows by itself. Afterwards it can be applied to almost any surface: metal, concrete, plastic, glass, wood and even fresh flowers. The paint composition is prepared in the garage itself. Next, we need to spend money on advertising and convey to the population the information that we can paint absolutely anything our heart desires. For example, automotive casting.

Let's say we have already found the first customer who wanted to stand out with his car against the backdrop of the gray mass. We drive his car into our garage and get to work. The paint itself is mixed in the proportions needed for the specific type of surface to be applied to. We mix one kilogram of pigment with regular paint, and the result is from three to six kilograms of a luminous composition. To treat one square meter, approximately 50-60 g are used (one layer). Thus, using 1 kg of pigment, you can paint about six sets of car wheels.

Small accounting

Let's say you price your job (painting a set of wheels) at $200 or $300.

  • The finished paint is mixed based on the calculation: 1 part pigment to 3 parts regular paint.
  • 1 kg of pigment will cost approximately $260. Three parts acrylic based car clearcoat is rated at approximately 17 green.
  • To mix luminous paint for one set of discs, you will need 600 g of varnish and 200 g of pigment.
  • Thus, the cost of the finished paint (800 g) will be approximately 60 one-dollar pieces of paper with the American President ($60).
  • It turns out that your income from one machine will be approximately $140.

Not so bad, right?

If you think about it carefully, this idea is far from being limited to painting castings exclusively. You can choose a pigment that is harmless to others and successfully paint any thing: from concrete and facades to furniture and cell phones. Think about how many companies want to look original compared to their competitors. And all of them are your potential clients. Especially if you live in a small city and the niche of this type of business has not yet been occupied. This means you can pick up a bucket and shovel and feel free to go dig for money in this direction. But jokes aside, still think about this type of entrepreneurship.

In the future, you can expand your business in the garage and equip a mini-shop. Sell ​​things made of luminous plastic, wood, etc. in it. You can also sell such paint itself. It looks great in apartments on switches that will glow in the dark. You can apply different inscriptions through a stencil on T-shirts, denim clothes, etc. This will be very popular among young people.

The main thing in such a business is to develop your imagination. And then you will not have a shortage of clients.

What other business can be organized in a garage? Let's look at other interesting ways. This topic is so broad and diverse that you can come up with a great many options, and the ones below are an excellent example of this.

Auto repair shop

Your garage was originally designed to park a car. So why not use it to organize and provide car repair services? What can a budding entrepreneur do in such a room? For example:

Greenhouse production

There are now quite a lot of companies on the market that are engaged in such business. Therefore, if you do not have new ideas for a developed market, then it is better not to go in this direction. Your innovation could be to invent a durable greenhouse that is relatively inexpensive.

To start such a business in a garage, you will need the following tools: an angle grinder, a welding machine, a rolling machine, a milling machine. If you think about it, you can do without welding and rolling if you fasten metal structures with bolts.

Manufacturing of chairs, tables, beds from wood and metal

A very interesting way to make money. You can come up with many different models of beds, tables, chairs. A fairly large niche for a flight of fancy.

For example, you can make various frame bases for chairs and tables from the same section with a cross-section of 25 x 25 mm (if you have a welding machine).

Chipboard furniture

A lot of people are now engaged in the production of such furniture in garage conditions. There are not many difficulties in this business, and it does not require expensive equipment. You can order all the necessary parts from large companies that professionally produce furniture. They will cut everything themselves to the required sizes, you will just have to assemble the structure from the parts yourself.

Production of turning products

If you have experience working on a lathe, you can start making various parts. The business is very profitable. Custom parts are in great demand both among companies and among ordinary people. But large and reputable enterprises do not deal with such trifles.

Various other production ideas

Garage business can be different. You can make carports, garden furniture, gazebos for your dacha, and monuments. It is not difficult to start breeding chicken and quail eggs. The garage can be converted into a collection point for non-ferrous metals, scrap metal, a sewing workshop, or an office. Recently, the production of chain-link mesh, paving slabs and paving stones has been very developed. And also in Russia there are many factories that are aimed at people who want to start a small business. You can order a wide variety of machines from them, ranging from smoking machines for meat, fish and incubators for raising chickens from eggs.

Think carefully about all the nuances and calculate possible expenses and income. Choose an interesting and suitable type of income for you. Start your own business. And, having put effort into it, one day you will wake up as a successful entrepreneur. Never lose heart and believe in your strength. Good luck in your endeavors!