

  • public authorities

What is Rospotrebnadzor


They will amount to 10-20 minimum wages.

  • no pediculicidal drugs
  • incomplete set of HIV first aid kit

It must be said that Rospotrebnadzor pays the greatest attention to catering and food trade enterprises.

What to expect from a Rospotrebnadzor inspection and how to pass it?

And this is understandable - what we eat must be tested and safe for health.

In short, these are the company’s constituent documents, documents related to the functioning of the building, premises, contracts (for waste removal, etc.) and logs of sanitary procedures and bacteriological examinations.

Depending on the specifics of the organization’s activities and the SES requirements for the type of activity, the main list is supplemented.

Scheduled inspections of Rospotrebnadzor

Conducted according to the schedule, the frequency of Rospotrebnadzor inspections is every 3 years (except for medical enterprises). Also, if the supervisory authorities have received a notification about new types of activities that require a commission.

The schedule (plan) of inspections can be found on the official website. Supervisory authorities must warn in advance about the visit of the individual entrepreneur or the head of the company (at least 3 days in advance). This is due to the fact that in the absence of the head of the enterprise or a senior employee at the workplace, an inspection cannot be carried out.

Scheduled inspections are inevitable for all newly created entrepreneurs and companies.

There are visiting and documentary (office) commissions.

Find out if your organization falls under scheduled inspections for 2017 Rospotrebnadzor can be found here - Rospotrebnadzor inspection schedule for 2017

Unscheduled inspections of Rospotrebnadzor


Since 2015, Rospotrebnadzor has the right to conduct unscheduled inspections without warning!

Unscheduled Rospotrebnadzor inspections without warning possible since 2015 after changes to the federal law “On the quality and safety of food products”. Without warning, an on-site inspection by state supervisory authorities may threaten any catering enterprise, manufacturer or organization selling food products.

Rospotrebnadzor commissions are outside the deadline specified in the schedule.

Grounds for an unscheduled inspection by Rospotrebnadzor:

  • poor quality of products and services provided
  • unscheduled on-site inspection by Rospotrebnadzor based on a buyer (consumer) complaint

The following have the right to file such complaints:

  • ordinary consumers
  • employees of self-government bodies following civil initiative
  • public authorities

These checks are intended to confirm or refute the facts, the violation of which is indicated in the complaint.

Owners of enterprises are also notified about these inspections - no later than 24 hours in advance. Exceptions occur when urgent measures are needed, for example, if there is reason to suspect serious forms of poisoning or dangerous infections.

What is Rospotrebnadzor

Rospotrebnadzor is a government agency that monitors the work of organizations in order to protect consumer rights and human health. The composition of Rospotrebnadzor includes the Hygiene and Epidemiology Centers it supervises and all territorial SES that carry out commissions and respond to citizens’ complaints about cases of non-compliance with sanitary standards.

Some of the functions for sanitary control of enterprises and other measures to protect consumer rights are carried out by the Center for State Hygiene and Epidemiology, and some are carried out by territorial bodies.

Rospotrebnadzor monitors the sanitary and epidemiological situation:

  • at catering outlets (all cafes, restaurants, canteens)
  • at any production enterprises related to food products and not only (working conditions, condition of premises, also residential)
  • during the development of construction schemes, during the construction process

Functions and powers of Rospotrebnadzor

Powers of Rospotrebnadzor during an inspection include:

  • checking all documents of an organization of any form of ownership, employment contracts, medical records, conclusions of the fire service and sanitary authorities,
  • keeping logs of necessary sanitary measures, licenses for goods and services, certificates, operation of cash register machines at retail enterprises
  • issuing instructions to correct identified violations, checking compliance with instructions
  • drawing up protocols, assigning fines
  • monitoring the implementation of the law on the protection of consumer rights
  • issuance of SEZ upon successful completion of the commission
  • checking the sanitary and hygienic condition of objects
  • certification of employees involved in the production, sale, etc. of food and drinking water
  • accounting, statistics, coordination of departments
  • monitoring the condition of air, soil, waste disposal
  • checking the availability and timeliness of sanitary measures

Rospotrebnadzor has the right to study the sanitary documentation of companies, conduct visual inspections and other surveys.

Types of Rospotrebnadzor (SES) inspections

What threatens an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor - sanctions for violations

The supervisory service, in case of detection of non-compliance with the requirements of the law, may take the following measures:

  • issuing an order to correct detected violations
  • imposition of fines for violations within the competence of the SES
  • suspension of the entrepreneur’s activities for the period necessary to correct violations
  • filing an application with the court (in case of a threat or accomplished fact of mass disease due to the fault of the enterprise)

Actions that cause the spread of infection are punishable by fines (from 100 to 200 minimum wages), as well as possible imprisonment (from 2 to 5 years, depending on the scope of the epidemic).

If non-compliance with sanitary standards is detected, the fine is not so large - 5-10 minimum wages (minimum wage) or suspension of activities for 3 months to allow for correction. If the violations found concern premises, operational standards identified during Rospotrebnadzor inspections inspection fines will amount to 10-20 minimum wages.

In case of gross violations, when a fine is not a sufficient measure, the perpetrator risks going to prison by a court decision.

So, the average fine is 20-200 thousand rubles. Often it is necessary to provide an explanatory statement to the supervisory authorities, along with the provision of the necessary documentation. A protocol on bringing to administrative responsibility is drawn up.

The amount of the fine is determined, among other things, by those who are guilty - officials of the institution, the company itself, ordinary employees. The fine for a legal entity will be greater than the amount of money collected from an individual (individual entrepreneur or, for example, a seller).

To ensure that your enterprise does not suffer from sanctions, comply with sanitary requirements, and remember - it is better to pay off fines immediately, and correct violations and inconsistencies without delay.

Common violations of organizations during Rospotrebnadzor inspections:

Inspection of beauty salons and hairdressing salons by Rospotrebnadzor

Frequently encountered inconsistencies when checking beauty salons by Rospotrebnadzor:

  • mismatch of room areas
  • no ultraviolet bactericidal irradiators (for air disinfection)
  • lack of accounting for the functioning of irradiators
  • not following the rules for handling tools
  • manicure and pedicure are done in the same room
  • there is no room for storing hair, waste, or a designated place for washing clothes
  • rules for storing fluorescent light bulbs are not followed
  • no foot bath in the pedicure room
  • no triple tool kit installed
  • no pediculicidal drugs
  • poor sanitary condition of premises
  • There are no markings on the containers containing disinfectants about their intended use.
  • employees have not undergone medical examinations
  • no sign at the entrance to the hairdresser or beauty salon

Documents for a beauty salon and hairdresser required for Rospotrebnadzor inspections

Inspection of medical institutions by Rospotrebnadzor. Common violations

  • contracts for the provision of paid services (for example dentistry) do not indicate warranty periods, terms of service provision and other necessary information
  • lack of information about the qualifications of doctors at the information stand in the clinic
  • failure to comply with the norms of the anti-epidemiological regime, equipment processing, sterilization of consumables (dentistry)
  • equipment is not disinfected, the concentration of disinfectants is incorrectly chosen
  • there is no independent exhaust system in the bathroom
  • personal hygiene of workers – lack of conditions for compliance
  • incomplete set of HIV first aid kit
  • disposable instruments are not disinfected before removal and destruction
  • no markings on containers for surface disinfection
  • The dimensions and decoration of the premises do not correspond to the standards of a hospital or clinic
  • absence or incorrect design of price tags for related products on sale
  • workers do not receive proper training before working with sources of ionizing radiation
  • there is no individual dosimetry check of employees, dose cards are not filled out

Package of documents for inspection by Rospotrebnadzor of a medical center

Pharmacy establishments. Common violations during inspection of pharmacies by Rospotrebnadzor

  • violations of SanPin regulations regarding microclimate (temperature and humidity conditions)
  • The process of washing linen and workwear is not organized correctly
  • failure to undergo preliminary and regular medical examinations of employees on time
  • storage conditions for medicinal products and their sales deadlines are violated
  • thermolabile drugs are stored at unacceptable temperatures
  • the client does not receive complete information about the drugs, such as: composition, indications, price, side effects

What documents are required when checking pharmacies by Rospotrebnadzor

Inspection of public catering organizations by Rospotrebnadzor. Common violations

The main violations detected in catering establishments:

  • The organization's space does not correspond to the assortment that is declared
  • the requirements for the operation and maintenance of ventilation systems are not met
  • the flow of the technological process is disrupted (finished products “intersect” with raw and semi-finished products, clean dishes with dirty ones)
  • people working who have not undergone a medical examination
  • there is no marking on the cutting equipment, there is no necessary equipment and personnel for cleaning and cleaning
  • non-compliance with food manufacturing technology (repeated freezing of fish or meat), violation of shelf life of semi-finished products during storage, food processing regime does not meet standards
  • there is no timely rejection of manufactured food products
  • acceptance and sale of expired products, without documentation (confirmation of safety, quality), labeling; or the markings on the products contain a future date
  • work is carried out with equipment without hygienic coverings convenient for sanitary treatment
  • laboratory and production control of products is not implemented properly

Documents for public catering (cafe, restaurant, canteen, hookah bar), required for inspection by Rospotrebnadzor

Inspection of the store by Rospotrebnadzor. Common violations

  • sanitary and technical characteristics of the premises do not meet the requirements
  • there are no measuring instruments to control temperature and humidity conditions for storing products in warehouses
  • food products are stored in unauthorized places, outside the warehouse
  • disorganization of production control, failure to follow the CPD program
  • lack of examination reports
  • volume and frequency of studies not observed
  • storage and sale of products without markings, Russian-language information, or with markings that do not comply with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation
  • incorrect design of price tags, lack of complete information on them

Store documents required for Rospotrebnadzor inspections

In addition to these organizations, private kindergartens and schools, car washes, gas stations are also significantly subject to inspections by Rospotrebnadzor, regardless of the organizational form of the enterprise - LLC, individual entrepreneur, etc.

What documents are drawn up based on the results of Rospotrebnadzor inspections?

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. It is necessary as an indicator of product compliance with all necessary sanitary standards. Many product customers prefer to work only with those supplies whose goods have a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion. The examination is carried out at the request of the supplier or manufacturer of the product.

Rospotrebnadzor inspection report. The inspection algorithm of Rospotrebnadzor involves filling out a document that reflects the results of the SES commission. One copy of the report remains with the inspectors, the second is issued to the enterprise or individual entrepreneur who conducted the inspection. A receipt is issued to the enterprise regarding the presence and transfer of the act, and an entry is made in the inspection control log.

If inconsistencies and violations are found, they are recorded in a protocol certified by Rospotrebnadzor employees and the representative of the company being inspected responsible for the violations.

What Rospotrebnadzor has no right to do

According to the regulations, those conducting an audit are not required to:

  • go beyond the limits of your competence when checking mandatory requirements
  • conduct an on-site inspection in the case of the head of the organization, his deputy or an authorized person (except for situations where the need for inspection is due to a direct danger to life, public health, harm to the environment and various emergency situations).
  • request irrelevant information, any documents, and even more so, take away such documents
  • conduct surveys and take product samples, environmental samples, without logging your actions, or exceed the established number of required samples
  • information based on the results of the inspection is a state secret and is protected by law - it cannot be distributed
  • go beyond the deadlines when conducting an inspection

Any inspection must be carried out in strict adherence to inspection regulations.

Download pdf official inspection regulations of Rospotrebnadzor (opens in a new window)

How to prepare for a Rospotrebnadzor inspection

The best option is constant compliance and maintenance of sanitary standards and rules in the company, control of proper documentation. Then you won’t have to hastily think about how to eliminate the shortcomings.

If there are still inconsistencies, or you want to be one hundred percent sure of successfully passing the test, you can contact a specialized organization. The SES-DOK company will help at all stages preparation for Rospotrebnadzor inspection and collecting documents, carrying out sanitary measures, consulting personnel in connection with the inspection.

How to behave during an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor

So, you have prepared for the test as best you could, and the hour has come. Carefully check the permitting documents for the commission - any violations or lack of information give you the right not to accept the inspection.

Rospotrebnadzor inspections in 2018: what they check, how to prepare, what they’re fined for

Read the regulations in advance. And remember, the procedure for conducting an SES inspection dictates that only the manager or a person who has received a power of attorney can represent the organization. If, for example, an inspection comes to a store, and there is only a salesperson there who is not authorized by management to receive an inspection from Rospotrebnadzor, this is grounds for refusal by officials. You can state in advance in the employee’s job description that he does not have the right to represent the organization during inspections.

If an inspection arrives and the employee is not supposed to meet it, he should immediately present the relevant documents to the commission, notify his management and offer to wait for the director or authorized person to arrive. The employee should not sign any documents. If there is no other way, you need to study them thoroughly, not acknowledge possible accusations and negative circumstances, perhaps use general phrases “with comments, objections that will be provided later.”

Don’t be nervous, communicate with the commission in a calm, business-like manner, be open, but do not provide excessive information that may inadvertently give rise to speculation. This applies to both management and employees, who should be instructed in advance how to behave during an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor, about the best course of action. Remember, the overall purpose of the inspection visit is to ensure the sanitary well-being of the enterprise, and not to find a reason for sanctions. But be prepared for the commission to approach the matter scrupulously.

You also need to defend your rights in a calm and confident manner - knowledge of your rights will give you confidence; you should not turn the situation into a conflict. Remember that the decision on fines must be reasoned and recorded, otherwise it is bribery, which is a crime.

Important: the enterprise must have a standard inspection log, where detailed information about the event, data of participants, and the results of the inspection of the company are entered. This will benefit your organization, first of all - for example, if you need evidence that an inspection has already come.

Documents for Rospotrebnadzor in 2017

The SES-DOK service will provide you with a list of documents for the SES for any type of activity, as well as a general list of documents.

What interests sanitary doctors

  • a complete and correctly executed package of company sanitary documents
  • maintaining proper sanitary conditions at the enterprise, working conditions
  • regularity of necessary sanitary procedures, examinations, events

    The company SES-DOK Moscow offers highly qualified assistance in preparing for an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor at any stage of your activity

  • What and how Rospotrebnadzor checks. Violations and fines during inspections

    Scheduled inspections of Rospotrebnadzor

    Conducted according to the schedule, the frequency of Rospotrebnadzor inspections is every 3 years (except for medical enterprises). Also, if the supervisory authorities have received a notification about new types of activities that require a commission.

    The schedule (plan) of inspections can be found on the official website. Supervisory authorities must warn in advance about the visit of the individual entrepreneur or the head of the company (at least 3 days in advance). This is due to the fact that in the absence of the head of the enterprise or a senior employee at the workplace, an inspection cannot be carried out.

    Scheduled inspections are inevitable for all newly created entrepreneurs and companies.

    There are visiting and documentary (office) commissions.

    Find out if your organization falls under scheduled inspections for 2017 Rospotrebnadzor can be found here - Rospotrebnadzor inspection schedule for 2017

    Unscheduled inspections of Rospotrebnadzor


    Since 2015, Rospotrebnadzor has the right to conduct unscheduled inspections without warning!

    Unscheduled Rospotrebnadzor inspections without warning possible since 2015 after changes to the federal law “On the quality and safety of food products”. Without warning, an on-site inspection by state supervisory authorities may threaten any catering enterprise, manufacturer or organization selling food products.

    Rospotrebnadzor commissions are outside the deadline specified in the schedule.

    Grounds for an unscheduled inspection by Rospotrebnadzor:

    • poor quality of products and services provided
    • unscheduled on-site inspection by Rospotrebnadzor based on a buyer (consumer) complaint

    The following have the right to file such complaints:

    • ordinary consumers
    • employees of self-government bodies following civil initiative
    • public authorities

    These checks are intended to confirm or refute the facts, the violation of which is indicated in the complaint.

    Owners of enterprises are also notified about these inspections - no later than 24 hours in advance.

    Rospotrebnadzor inspections: reasons, procedure, consequences

    Exceptions occur when urgent measures are needed, for example, if there is reason to suspect serious forms of poisoning or dangerous infections.

    What is Rospotrebnadzor

    Rospotrebnadzor is a government agency that monitors the work of organizations in order to protect consumer rights and human health. The composition of Rospotrebnadzor includes the Hygiene and Epidemiology Centers it supervises and all territorial SES that carry out commissions and respond to citizens’ complaints about cases of non-compliance with sanitary standards.

    Some of the functions for sanitary control of enterprises and other measures to protect consumer rights are carried out by the Center for State Hygiene and Epidemiology, and some are carried out by territorial bodies.

    Rospotrebnadzor monitors the sanitary and epidemiological situation:

    • at catering outlets (all cafes, restaurants, canteens)
    • at any production enterprises related to food products and not only (working conditions, condition of premises, also residential)
    • during the development of construction schemes, during the construction process

    Functions and powers of Rospotrebnadzor

    Powers of Rospotrebnadzor during an inspection include:

    • checking all documents of an organization of any form of ownership, employment contracts, medical records, conclusions of the fire service and sanitary authorities,
    • keeping logs of necessary sanitary measures, licenses for goods and services, certificates, operation of cash register machines at retail enterprises
    • issuing instructions to correct identified violations, checking compliance with instructions
    • drawing up protocols, assigning fines
    • monitoring the implementation of the law on the protection of consumer rights
    • issuance of SEZ upon successful completion of the commission
    • checking the sanitary and hygienic condition of objects
    • certification of employees involved in the production, sale, etc. of food and drinking water
    • accounting, statistics, coordination of departments
    • monitoring the condition of air, soil, waste disposal
    • checking the availability and timeliness of sanitary measures

    Rospotrebnadzor has the right to study the sanitary documentation of companies, conduct visual inspections and other surveys.

    Types of Rospotrebnadzor (SES) inspections

    What threatens an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor - sanctions for violations

    The supervisory service, in case of detection of non-compliance with the requirements of the law, may take the following measures:

    • issuing an order to correct detected violations
    • imposition of fines for violations within the competence of the SES
    • suspension of the entrepreneur’s activities for the period necessary to correct violations
    • filing an application with the court (in case of a threat or accomplished fact of mass disease due to the fault of the enterprise)

    Actions that cause the spread of infection are punishable by fines (from 100 to 200 minimum wages), as well as possible imprisonment (from 2 to 5 years, depending on the scope of the epidemic).

    If non-compliance with sanitary standards is detected, the fine is not so large - 5-10 minimum wages (minimum wage) or suspension of activities for 3 months to allow for correction. If the violations found concern premises, operational standards identified during Rospotrebnadzor inspections inspection fines will amount to 10-20 minimum wages.

    In case of gross violations, when a fine is not a sufficient measure, the perpetrator risks going to prison by a court decision.

    So, the average fine is 20-200 thousand rubles. Often it is necessary to provide an explanatory statement to the supervisory authorities, along with the provision of the necessary documentation. A protocol on bringing to administrative responsibility is drawn up.

    The amount of the fine is determined, among other things, by those who are guilty - officials of the institution, the company itself, ordinary employees. The fine for a legal entity will be greater than the amount of money collected from an individual (individual entrepreneur or, for example, a seller).

    To ensure that your enterprise does not suffer from sanctions, comply with sanitary requirements, and remember - it is better to pay off fines immediately, and correct violations and inconsistencies without delay.

    Common violations of organizations during Rospotrebnadzor inspections:

    Inspection of beauty salons and hairdressing salons by Rospotrebnadzor

    Frequently encountered inconsistencies when checking beauty salons by Rospotrebnadzor:

    • mismatch of room areas
    • no ultraviolet bactericidal irradiators (for air disinfection)
    • lack of accounting for the functioning of irradiators
    • not following the rules for handling tools
    • manicure and pedicure are done in the same room
    • there is no room for storing hair, waste, or a designated place for washing clothes
    • rules for storing fluorescent light bulbs are not followed
    • no foot bath in the pedicure room
    • no triple tool kit installed
    • no pediculicidal drugs
    • poor sanitary condition of premises
    • There are no markings on the containers containing disinfectants about their intended use.
    • employees have not undergone medical examinations
    • no sign at the entrance to the hairdresser or beauty salon

    Documents for a beauty salon and hairdresser required for Rospotrebnadzor inspections

    Inspection of medical institutions by Rospotrebnadzor. Common violations

    • contracts for the provision of paid services (for example dentistry) do not indicate warranty periods, terms of service provision and other necessary information
    • lack of information about the qualifications of doctors at the information stand in the clinic
    • failure to comply with the norms of the anti-epidemiological regime, equipment processing, sterilization of consumables (dentistry)
    • equipment is not disinfected, the concentration of disinfectants is incorrectly chosen
    • there is no independent exhaust system in the bathroom
    • personal hygiene of workers – lack of conditions for compliance
    • incomplete set of HIV first aid kit
    • disposable instruments are not disinfected before removal and destruction
    • no markings on containers for surface disinfection
    • The dimensions and decoration of the premises do not correspond to the standards of a hospital or clinic
    • absence or incorrect design of price tags for related products on sale
    • workers do not receive proper training before working with sources of ionizing radiation
    • there is no individual dosimetry check of employees, dose cards are not filled out

    Package of documents for inspection by Rospotrebnadzor of a medical center

    Pharmacy establishments. Common violations during inspection of pharmacies by Rospotrebnadzor

    • violations of SanPin regulations regarding microclimate (temperature and humidity conditions)
    • The process of washing linen and workwear is not organized correctly
    • failure to undergo preliminary and regular medical examinations of employees on time
    • storage conditions for medicinal products and their sales deadlines are violated
    • thermolabile drugs are stored at unacceptable temperatures
    • the client does not receive complete information about the drugs, such as: composition, indications, price, side effects

    What documents are required when checking pharmacies by Rospotrebnadzor

    Inspection of public catering organizations by Rospotrebnadzor. Common violations

    It must be said that Rospotrebnadzor pays the greatest attention to catering and food trade enterprises. And this is understandable - what we eat must be tested and safe for health.

    The main violations detected in catering establishments:

    • The organization's space does not correspond to the assortment that is declared
    • the requirements for the operation and maintenance of ventilation systems are not met
    • the flow of the technological process is disrupted (finished products “intersect” with raw and semi-finished products, clean dishes with dirty ones)
    • people working who have not undergone a medical examination
    • there is no marking on the cutting equipment, there is no necessary equipment and personnel for cleaning and cleaning
    • non-compliance with food manufacturing technology (repeated freezing of fish or meat), violation of shelf life of semi-finished products during storage, food processing regime does not meet standards
    • there is no timely rejection of manufactured food products
    • acceptance and sale of expired products, without documentation (confirmation of safety, quality), labeling; or the markings on the products contain a future date
    • work is carried out with equipment without hygienic coverings convenient for sanitary treatment
    • laboratory and production control of products is not implemented properly

    Documents for public catering (cafe, restaurant, canteen, hookah bar), required for inspection by Rospotrebnadzor

    Inspection of the store by Rospotrebnadzor. Common violations

    • sanitary and technical characteristics of the premises do not meet the requirements
    • there are no measuring instruments to control temperature and humidity conditions for storing products in warehouses
    • food products are stored in unauthorized places, outside the warehouse
    • disorganization of production control, failure to follow the CPD program
    • lack of examination reports
    • volume and frequency of studies not observed
    • storage and sale of products without markings, Russian-language information, or with markings that do not comply with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation
    • incorrect design of price tags, lack of complete information on them

    Store documents required for Rospotrebnadzor inspections

    In addition to these organizations, private kindergartens and schools, car washes, gas stations are also significantly subject to inspections by Rospotrebnadzor, regardless of the organizational form of the enterprise - LLC, individual entrepreneur, etc.

    What documents are drawn up based on the results of Rospotrebnadzor inspections?

    Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. It is necessary as an indicator of product compliance with all necessary sanitary standards. Many product customers prefer to work only with those supplies whose goods have a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion. The examination is carried out at the request of the supplier or manufacturer of the product.

    Rospotrebnadzor inspection report. The inspection algorithm of Rospotrebnadzor involves filling out a document that reflects the results of the SES commission. One copy of the report remains with the inspectors, the second is issued to the enterprise or individual entrepreneur who conducted the inspection. A receipt is issued to the enterprise regarding the presence and transfer of the act, and an entry is made in the inspection control log.

    If inconsistencies and violations are found, they are recorded in a protocol certified by Rospotrebnadzor employees and the representative of the company being inspected responsible for the violations.

    What Rospotrebnadzor has no right to do

    According to the regulations, those conducting an audit are not required to:

    • go beyond the limits of your competence when checking mandatory requirements
    • conduct an on-site inspection in the case of the head of the organization, his deputy or an authorized person (except for situations where the need for inspection is due to a direct danger to life, public health, harm to the environment and various emergency situations).
    • request irrelevant information, any documents, and even more so, take away such documents
    • conduct surveys and take product samples, environmental samples, without logging your actions, or exceed the established number of required samples
    • information based on the results of the inspection is a state secret and is protected by law - it cannot be distributed
    • go beyond the deadlines when conducting an inspection

    Any inspection must be carried out in strict adherence to inspection regulations.

    Download pdf official inspection regulations of Rospotrebnadzor (opens in a new window)

    How to prepare for a Rospotrebnadzor inspection

    The best option is constant compliance and maintenance of sanitary standards and rules in the company, control of proper documentation. Then you won’t have to hastily think about how to eliminate the shortcomings.

    If there are still inconsistencies, or you want to be one hundred percent sure of successfully passing the test, you can contact a specialized organization. The SES-DOK company will help at all stages preparation for Rospotrebnadzor inspection and collecting documents, carrying out sanitary measures, consulting personnel in connection with the inspection.

    How to behave during an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor

    So, you have prepared for the test as best you could, and the hour has come. Carefully check the permitting documents for the commission - any violations or lack of information give you the right not to accept the inspection. Read the regulations in advance. And remember, the procedure for conducting an SES inspection dictates that only the manager or a person who has received a power of attorney can represent the organization. If, for example, an inspection comes to a store, and there is only a salesperson there who is not authorized by management to receive an inspection from Rospotrebnadzor, this is grounds for refusal by officials. You can state in advance in the employee’s job description that he does not have the right to represent the organization during inspections.

    If an inspection arrives and the employee is not supposed to meet it, he should immediately present the relevant documents to the commission, notify his management and offer to wait for the director or authorized person to arrive. The employee should not sign any documents. If there is no other way, you need to study them thoroughly, not acknowledge possible accusations and negative circumstances, perhaps use general phrases “with comments, objections that will be provided later.”

    Don’t be nervous, communicate with the commission in a calm, business-like manner, be open, but do not provide excessive information that may inadvertently give rise to speculation. This applies to both management and employees, who should be instructed in advance how to behave during an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor, about the best course of action. Remember, the overall purpose of the inspection visit is to ensure the sanitary well-being of the enterprise, and not to find a reason for sanctions. But be prepared for the commission to approach the matter scrupulously.

    You also need to defend your rights in a calm and confident manner - knowledge of your rights will give you confidence; you should not turn the situation into a conflict. Remember that the decision on fines must be reasoned and recorded, otherwise it is bribery, which is a crime.

    Important: the enterprise must have a standard inspection log, where detailed information about the event, data of participants, and the results of the inspection of the company are entered. This will benefit your organization, first of all - for example, if you need evidence that an inspection has already come.

    Documents for Rospotrebnadzor in 2017

    The SES-DOK service will provide you with a list of documents for the SES for any type of activity, as well as a general list of documents.

    In short, these are the company’s constituent documents, documents related to the functioning of the building, premises, contracts (for waste removal, etc.) and logs of sanitary procedures and bacteriological examinations. Depending on the specifics of the organization’s activities and the SES requirements for the type of activity, the main list is supplemented.

    What interests sanitary doctors

  • a complete and correctly executed package of company sanitary documents
  • maintaining proper sanitary conditions at the enterprise, working conditions
  • regularity of necessary sanitary procedures, examinations, events

    The company SES-DOK Moscow offers highly qualified assistance in preparing for an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor at any stage of your activity

  • What and how Rospotrebnadzor checks. Violations and fines during inspections

    Scheduled inspections of Rospotrebnadzor

    Conducted according to the schedule, the frequency of Rospotrebnadzor inspections is every 3 years (except for medical enterprises). Also, if the supervisory authorities have received a notification about new types of activities that require a commission.

    The schedule (plan) of inspections can be found on the official website. Supervisory authorities must warn in advance about the visit of the individual entrepreneur or the head of the company (at least 3 days in advance). This is due to the fact that in the absence of the head of the enterprise or a senior employee at the workplace, an inspection cannot be carried out.

    Scheduled inspections are inevitable for all newly created entrepreneurs and companies.

    There are visiting and documentary (office) commissions.

    Find out if your organization falls under scheduled inspections for 2017 Rospotrebnadzor can be found here - Rospotrebnadzor inspection schedule for 2017

    Unscheduled inspections of Rospotrebnadzor


    Since 2015, Rospotrebnadzor has the right to conduct unscheduled inspections without warning!

    Unscheduled Rospotrebnadzor inspections without warning possible since 2015 after changes to the federal law “On the quality and safety of food products”. Without warning, an on-site inspection by state supervisory authorities may threaten any catering enterprise, manufacturer or organization selling food products.

    Rospotrebnadzor commissions are outside the deadline specified in the schedule.

    Grounds for an unscheduled inspection by Rospotrebnadzor:

    • poor quality of products and services provided
    • unscheduled on-site inspection by Rospotrebnadzor based on a buyer (consumer) complaint

    The following have the right to file such complaints:

    • ordinary consumers
    • employees of self-government bodies following civil initiative
    • public authorities

    These checks are intended to confirm or refute the facts, the violation of which is indicated in the complaint.

    Owners of enterprises are also notified about these inspections - no later than 24 hours in advance. Exceptions occur when urgent measures are needed, for example, if there is reason to suspect serious forms of poisoning or dangerous infections.

    What is Rospotrebnadzor

    Rospotrebnadzor is a government agency that monitors the work of organizations in order to protect consumer rights and human health. The composition of Rospotrebnadzor includes the Hygiene and Epidemiology Centers it supervises and all territorial SES that carry out commissions and respond to citizens’ complaints about cases of non-compliance with sanitary standards.

    Some of the functions for sanitary control of enterprises and other measures to protect consumer rights are carried out by the Center for State Hygiene and Epidemiology, and some are carried out by territorial bodies.

    Rospotrebnadzor monitors the sanitary and epidemiological situation:

    • at catering outlets (all cafes, restaurants, canteens)
    • at any production enterprises related to food products and not only (working conditions, condition of premises, also residential)
    • during the development of construction schemes, during the construction process

    Functions and powers of Rospotrebnadzor

    Powers of Rospotrebnadzor during an inspection include:

    • checking all documents of an organization of any form of ownership, employment contracts, medical records, conclusions of the fire service and sanitary authorities,
    • keeping logs of necessary sanitary measures, licenses for goods and services, certificates, operation of cash register machines at retail enterprises
    • issuing instructions to correct identified violations, checking compliance with instructions
    • drawing up protocols, assigning fines
    • monitoring the implementation of the law on the protection of consumer rights
    • issuance of SEZ upon successful completion of the commission
    • checking the sanitary and hygienic condition of objects
    • certification of employees involved in the production, sale, etc. of food and drinking water
    • accounting, statistics, coordination of departments
    • monitoring the condition of air, soil, waste disposal
    • checking the availability and timeliness of sanitary measures

    Rospotrebnadzor has the right to study the sanitary documentation of companies, conduct visual inspections and other surveys.

    Types of Rospotrebnadzor (SES) inspections

    What threatens an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor - sanctions for violations

    The supervisory service, in case of detection of non-compliance with the requirements of the law, may take the following measures:

    • issuing an order to correct detected violations
    • imposition of fines for violations within the competence of the SES
    • suspension of the entrepreneur’s activities for the period necessary to correct violations
    • filing an application with the court (in case of a threat or accomplished fact of mass disease due to the fault of the enterprise)

    Actions that cause the spread of infection are punishable by fines (from 100 to 200 minimum wages), as well as possible imprisonment (from 2 to 5 years, depending on the scope of the epidemic).

    If non-compliance with sanitary standards is detected, the fine is not so large - 5-10 minimum wages (minimum wage) or suspension of activities for 3 months to allow for correction. If the violations found concern premises, operational standards identified during Rospotrebnadzor inspections inspection fines will amount to 10-20 minimum wages.

    In case of gross violations, when a fine is not a sufficient measure, the perpetrator risks going to prison by a court decision.

    So, the average fine is 20-200 thousand rubles. Often it is necessary to provide an explanatory statement to the supervisory authorities, along with the provision of the necessary documentation. A protocol on bringing to administrative responsibility is drawn up.

    The amount of the fine is determined, among other things, by those who are guilty - officials of the institution, the company itself, ordinary employees. The fine for a legal entity will be greater than the amount of money collected from an individual (individual entrepreneur or, for example, a seller).

    To ensure that your enterprise does not suffer from sanctions, comply with sanitary requirements, and remember - it is better to pay off fines immediately, and correct violations and inconsistencies without delay.

    Common violations of organizations during Rospotrebnadzor inspections:

    Inspection of beauty salons and hairdressing salons by Rospotrebnadzor

    Frequently encountered inconsistencies when checking beauty salons by Rospotrebnadzor:

    • mismatch of room areas
    • no ultraviolet bactericidal irradiators (for air disinfection)
    • lack of accounting for the functioning of irradiators
    • not following the rules for handling tools
    • manicure and pedicure are done in the same room
    • there is no room for storing hair, waste, or a designated place for washing clothes
    • rules for storing fluorescent light bulbs are not followed
    • no foot bath in the pedicure room
    • no triple tool kit installed
    • no pediculicidal drugs
    • poor sanitary condition of premises
    • There are no markings on the containers containing disinfectants about their intended use.
    • employees have not undergone medical examinations
    • no sign at the entrance to the hairdresser or beauty salon

    Documents for a beauty salon and hairdresser required for Rospotrebnadzor inspections

    Inspection of medical institutions by Rospotrebnadzor. Common violations

    • contracts for the provision of paid services (for example dentistry) do not indicate warranty periods, terms of service provision and other necessary information
    • lack of information about the qualifications of doctors at the information stand in the clinic
    • failure to comply with the norms of the anti-epidemiological regime, equipment processing, sterilization of consumables (dentistry)
    • equipment is not disinfected, the concentration of disinfectants is incorrectly chosen
    • there is no independent exhaust system in the bathroom
    • personal hygiene of workers – lack of conditions for compliance
    • incomplete set of HIV first aid kit
    • disposable instruments are not disinfected before removal and destruction
    • no markings on containers for surface disinfection
    • The dimensions and decoration of the premises do not correspond to the standards of a hospital or clinic
    • absence or incorrect design of price tags for related products on sale
    • workers do not receive proper training before working with sources of ionizing radiation
    • there is no individual dosimetry check of employees, dose cards are not filled out

    Package of documents for inspection by Rospotrebnadzor of a medical center

    Pharmacy establishments. Common violations during inspection of pharmacies by Rospotrebnadzor

    • violations of SanPin regulations regarding microclimate (temperature and humidity conditions)
    • The process of washing linen and workwear is not organized correctly
    • failure to undergo preliminary and regular medical examinations of employees on time
    • storage conditions for medicinal products and their sales deadlines are violated
    • thermolabile drugs are stored at unacceptable temperatures
    • the client does not receive complete information about the drugs, such as: composition, indications, price, side effects

    What documents are required when checking pharmacies by Rospotrebnadzor

    Inspection of public catering organizations by Rospotrebnadzor. Common violations

    It must be said that Rospotrebnadzor pays the greatest attention to catering and food trade enterprises. And this is understandable - what we eat must be tested and safe for health.

    The main violations detected in catering establishments:

    • The organization's space does not correspond to the assortment that is declared
    • the requirements for the operation and maintenance of ventilation systems are not met
    • the flow of the technological process is disrupted (finished products “intersect” with raw and semi-finished products, clean dishes with dirty ones)
    • people working who have not undergone a medical examination
    • there is no marking on the cutting equipment, there is no necessary equipment and personnel for cleaning and cleaning
    • non-compliance with food manufacturing technology (repeated freezing of fish or meat), violation of shelf life of semi-finished products during storage, food processing regime does not meet standards
    • there is no timely rejection of manufactured food products
    • acceptance and sale of expired products, without documentation (confirmation of safety, quality), labeling; or the markings on the products contain a future date
    • work is carried out with equipment without hygienic coverings convenient for sanitary treatment
    • laboratory and production control of products is not implemented properly

    Documents for public catering (cafe, restaurant, canteen, hookah bar), required for inspection by Rospotrebnadzor

    Inspection of the store by Rospotrebnadzor. Common violations

    • sanitary and technical characteristics of the premises do not meet the requirements
    • there are no measuring instruments to control temperature and humidity conditions for storing products in warehouses
    • food products are stored in unauthorized places, outside the warehouse
    • disorganization of production control, failure to follow the CPD program
    • lack of examination reports
    • volume and frequency of studies not observed
    • storage and sale of products without markings, Russian-language information, or with markings that do not comply with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation
    • incorrect design of price tags, lack of complete information on them

    Store documents required for Rospotrebnadzor inspections

    In addition to these organizations, private kindergartens and schools, car washes, gas stations are also significantly subject to inspections by Rospotrebnadzor, regardless of the organizational form of the enterprise - LLC, individual entrepreneur, etc.

    What documents are drawn up based on the results of Rospotrebnadzor inspections?

    Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

    How often and what does Rospotrebnadzor have the right to check?

    It is necessary as an indicator of product compliance with all necessary sanitary standards. Many product customers prefer to work only with those supplies whose goods have a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion. The examination is carried out at the request of the supplier or manufacturer of the product.

    Rospotrebnadzor inspection report. The inspection algorithm of Rospotrebnadzor involves filling out a document that reflects the results of the SES commission. One copy of the report remains with the inspectors, the second is issued to the enterprise or individual entrepreneur who conducted the inspection. A receipt is issued to the enterprise regarding the presence and transfer of the act, and an entry is made in the inspection control log.

    If inconsistencies and violations are found, they are recorded in a protocol certified by Rospotrebnadzor employees and the representative of the company being inspected responsible for the violations.

    What Rospotrebnadzor has no right to do

    According to the regulations, those conducting an audit are not required to:

    • go beyond the limits of your competence when checking mandatory requirements
    • conduct an on-site inspection in the case of the head of the organization, his deputy or an authorized person (except for situations where the need for inspection is due to a direct danger to life, public health, harm to the environment and various emergency situations).
    • request irrelevant information, any documents, and even more so, take away such documents
    • conduct surveys and take product samples, environmental samples, without logging your actions, or exceed the established number of required samples
    • information based on the results of the inspection is a state secret and is protected by law - it cannot be distributed
    • go beyond the deadlines when conducting an inspection

    Any inspection must be carried out in strict adherence to inspection regulations.

    Download pdf official inspection regulations of Rospotrebnadzor (opens in a new window)

    How to prepare for a Rospotrebnadzor inspection

    The best option is constant compliance and maintenance of sanitary standards and rules in the company, control of proper documentation. Then you won’t have to hastily think about how to eliminate the shortcomings.

    If there are still inconsistencies, or you want to be one hundred percent sure of successfully passing the test, you can contact a specialized organization. The SES-DOK company will help at all stages preparation for Rospotrebnadzor inspection and collecting documents, carrying out sanitary measures, consulting personnel in connection with the inspection.

    How to behave during an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor

    So, you have prepared for the test as best you could, and the hour has come. Carefully check the permitting documents for the commission - any violations or lack of information give you the right not to accept the inspection. Read the regulations in advance. And remember, the procedure for conducting an SES inspection dictates that only the manager or a person who has received a power of attorney can represent the organization. If, for example, an inspection comes to a store, and there is only a salesperson there who is not authorized by management to receive an inspection from Rospotrebnadzor, this is grounds for refusal by officials. You can state in advance in the employee’s job description that he does not have the right to represent the organization during inspections.

    If an inspection arrives and the employee is not supposed to meet it, he should immediately present the relevant documents to the commission, notify his management and offer to wait for the director or authorized person to arrive. The employee should not sign any documents. If there is no other way, you need to study them thoroughly, not acknowledge possible accusations and negative circumstances, perhaps use general phrases “with comments, objections that will be provided later.”

    Don’t be nervous, communicate with the commission in a calm, business-like manner, be open, but do not provide excessive information that may inadvertently give rise to speculation. This applies to both management and employees, who should be instructed in advance how to behave during an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor, about the best course of action. Remember, the overall purpose of the inspection visit is to ensure the sanitary well-being of the enterprise, and not to find a reason for sanctions. But be prepared for the commission to approach the matter scrupulously.

    You also need to defend your rights in a calm and confident manner - knowledge of your rights will give you confidence; you should not turn the situation into a conflict. Remember that the decision on fines must be reasoned and recorded, otherwise it is bribery, which is a crime.

    Important: the enterprise must have a standard inspection log, where detailed information about the event, data of participants, and the results of the inspection of the company are entered. This will benefit your organization, first of all - for example, if you need evidence that an inspection has already come.

    Documents for Rospotrebnadzor in 2017

    The SES-DOK service will provide you with a list of documents for the SES for any type of activity, as well as a general list of documents.

    In short, these are the company’s constituent documents, documents related to the functioning of the building, premises, contracts (for waste removal, etc.) and logs of sanitary procedures and bacteriological examinations. Depending on the specifics of the organization’s activities and the SES requirements for the type of activity, the main list is supplemented.

    What interests sanitary doctors

  • a complete and correctly executed package of company sanitary documents
  • maintaining proper sanitary conditions at the enterprise, working conditions
  • regularity of necessary sanitary procedures, examinations, events

    The company SES-DOK Moscow offers highly qualified assistance in preparing for an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor at any stage of your activity

  • What and how Rospotrebnadzor checks. Violations and fines during inspections

    Scheduled inspections of Rospotrebnadzor

    Conducted according to the schedule, the frequency of Rospotrebnadzor inspections is every 3 years (except for medical enterprises). Also, if the supervisory authorities have received a notification about new types of activities that require a commission.

    The schedule (plan) of inspections can be found on the official website. Supervisory authorities must warn in advance about the visit of the individual entrepreneur or the head of the company (at least 3 days in advance). This is due to the fact that in the absence of the head of the enterprise or a senior employee at the workplace, an inspection cannot be carried out.

    Scheduled inspections are inevitable for all newly created entrepreneurs and companies.

    There are visiting and documentary (office) commissions.

    Find out if your organization falls under scheduled inspections for 2017 Rospotrebnadzor can be found here - Rospotrebnadzor inspection schedule for 2017

    Unscheduled inspections of Rospotrebnadzor


    Since 2015, Rospotrebnadzor has the right to conduct unscheduled inspections without warning!

    Unscheduled Rospotrebnadzor inspections without warning possible since 2015 after changes to the federal law “On the quality and safety of food products”. Without warning, an on-site inspection by state supervisory authorities may threaten any catering enterprise, manufacturer or organization selling food products.

    Rospotrebnadzor commissions are outside the deadline specified in the schedule.

    Grounds for an unscheduled inspection by Rospotrebnadzor:

    • poor quality of products and services provided
    • unscheduled on-site inspection by Rospotrebnadzor based on a buyer (consumer) complaint

    The following have the right to file such complaints:

    • ordinary consumers
    • employees of self-government bodies following civil initiative
    • public authorities

    These checks are intended to confirm or refute the facts, the violation of which is indicated in the complaint.

    Owners of enterprises are also notified about these inspections - no later than 24 hours in advance. Exceptions occur when urgent measures are needed, for example, if there is reason to suspect serious forms of poisoning or dangerous infections.

    What is Rospotrebnadzor

    Rospotrebnadzor is a government agency that monitors the work of organizations in order to protect consumer rights and human health. The composition of Rospotrebnadzor includes the Hygiene and Epidemiology Centers it supervises and all territorial SES that carry out commissions and respond to citizens’ complaints about cases of non-compliance with sanitary standards.

    Some of the functions for sanitary control of enterprises and other measures to protect consumer rights are carried out by the Center for State Hygiene and Epidemiology, and some are carried out by territorial bodies.

    Rospotrebnadzor monitors the sanitary and epidemiological situation:

    • at catering outlets (all cafes, restaurants, canteens)
    • at any production enterprises related to food products and not only (working conditions, condition of premises, also residential)
    • during the development of construction schemes, during the construction process

    Functions and powers of Rospotrebnadzor

    Powers of Rospotrebnadzor during an inspection include:

    • checking all documents of an organization of any form of ownership, employment contracts, medical records, conclusions of the fire service and sanitary authorities,
    • keeping logs of necessary sanitary measures, licenses for goods and services, certificates, operation of cash register machines at retail enterprises
    • issuing instructions to correct identified violations, checking compliance with instructions
    • drawing up protocols, assigning fines
    • monitoring the implementation of the law on the protection of consumer rights
    • issuance of SEZ upon successful completion of the commission
    • checking the sanitary and hygienic condition of objects
    • certification of employees involved in the production, sale, etc. of food and drinking water
    • accounting, statistics, coordination of departments
    • monitoring the condition of air, soil, waste disposal
    • checking the availability and timeliness of sanitary measures

    Rospotrebnadzor has the right to study the sanitary documentation of companies, conduct visual inspections and other surveys.

    Types of Rospotrebnadzor (SES) inspections

    What threatens an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor - sanctions for violations

    The supervisory service, in case of detection of non-compliance with the requirements of the law, may take the following measures:

    • issuing an order to correct detected violations
    • imposition of fines for violations within the competence of the SES
    • suspension of the entrepreneur’s activities for the period necessary to correct violations
    • filing an application with the court (in case of a threat or accomplished fact of mass disease due to the fault of the enterprise)

    Actions that cause the spread of infection are punishable by fines (from 100 to 200 minimum wages), as well as possible imprisonment (from 2 to 5 years, depending on the scope of the epidemic).

    If non-compliance with sanitary standards is detected, the fine is not so large - 5-10 minimum wages (minimum wage) or suspension of activities for 3 months to allow for correction. If the violations found concern premises, operational standards identified during Rospotrebnadzor inspections inspection fines will amount to 10-20 minimum wages.

    In case of gross violations, when a fine is not a sufficient measure, the perpetrator risks going to prison by a court decision.

    So, the average fine is 20-200 thousand rubles. Often it is necessary to provide an explanatory statement to the supervisory authorities, along with the provision of the necessary documentation. A protocol on bringing to administrative responsibility is drawn up.

    The amount of the fine is determined, among other things, by those who are guilty - officials of the institution, the company itself, ordinary employees. The fine for a legal entity will be greater than the amount of money collected from an individual (individual entrepreneur or, for example, a seller).

    To ensure that your enterprise does not suffer from sanctions, comply with sanitary requirements, and remember - it is better to pay off fines immediately, and correct violations and inconsistencies without delay.

    Common violations of organizations during Rospotrebnadzor inspections:

    Inspection of beauty salons and hairdressing salons by Rospotrebnadzor

    Frequently encountered inconsistencies when checking beauty salons by Rospotrebnadzor:

    • mismatch of room areas
    • no ultraviolet bactericidal irradiators (for air disinfection)
    • lack of accounting for the functioning of irradiators
    • not following the rules for handling tools
    • manicure and pedicure are done in the same room
    • there is no room for storing hair, waste, or a designated place for washing clothes
    • rules for storing fluorescent light bulbs are not followed
    • no foot bath in the pedicure room
    • no triple tool kit installed
    • no pediculicidal drugs
    • poor sanitary condition of premises
    • There are no markings on the containers containing disinfectants about their intended use.
    • employees have not undergone medical examinations
    • no sign at the entrance to the hairdresser or beauty salon

    Documents for a beauty salon and hairdresser required for Rospotrebnadzor inspections

    Inspection of medical institutions by Rospotrebnadzor. Common violations

    • contracts for the provision of paid services (for example dentistry) do not indicate warranty periods, terms of service provision and other necessary information
    • lack of information about the qualifications of doctors at the information stand in the clinic
    • failure to comply with the norms of the anti-epidemiological regime, equipment processing, sterilization of consumables (dentistry)
    • equipment is not disinfected, the concentration of disinfectants is incorrectly chosen
    • there is no independent exhaust system in the bathroom
    • personal hygiene of workers – lack of conditions for compliance
    • incomplete set of HIV first aid kit
    • disposable instruments are not disinfected before removal and destruction
    • no markings on containers for surface disinfection
    • The dimensions and decoration of the premises do not correspond to the standards of a hospital or clinic
    • absence or incorrect design of price tags for related products on sale
    • workers do not receive proper training before working with sources of ionizing radiation
    • there is no individual dosimetry check of employees, dose cards are not filled out

    Package of documents for inspection by Rospotrebnadzor of a medical center

    Pharmacy establishments. Common violations during inspection of pharmacies by Rospotrebnadzor

    • violations of SanPin regulations regarding microclimate (temperature and humidity conditions)
    • The process of washing linen and workwear is not organized correctly
    • failure to undergo preliminary and regular medical examinations of employees on time
    • storage conditions for medicinal products and their sales deadlines are violated
    • thermolabile drugs are stored at unacceptable temperatures
    • the client does not receive complete information about the drugs, such as: composition, indications, price, side effects

    What documents are required when checking pharmacies by Rospotrebnadzor

    Inspection of public catering organizations by Rospotrebnadzor. Common violations

    It must be said that Rospotrebnadzor pays the greatest attention to catering and food trade enterprises. And this is understandable - what we eat must be tested and safe for health.

    The main violations detected in catering establishments:

    • The organization's space does not correspond to the assortment that is declared
    • the requirements for the operation and maintenance of ventilation systems are not met
    • the flow of the technological process is disrupted (finished products “intersect” with raw and semi-finished products, clean dishes with dirty ones)
    • people working who have not undergone a medical examination
    • there is no marking on the cutting equipment, there is no necessary equipment and personnel for cleaning and cleaning
    • non-compliance with food manufacturing technology (repeated freezing of fish or meat), violation of shelf life of semi-finished products during storage, food processing regime does not meet standards
    • there is no timely rejection of manufactured food products
    • acceptance and sale of expired products, without documentation (confirmation of safety, quality), labeling; or the markings on the products contain a future date
    • work is carried out with equipment without hygienic coverings convenient for sanitary treatment
    • laboratory and production control of products is not implemented properly

    Documents for public catering (cafe, restaurant, canteen, hookah bar), required for inspection by Rospotrebnadzor

    Inspection of the store by Rospotrebnadzor.

    Rospotrebnadzor will come with an inspection without warning

    Common violations

    • sanitary and technical characteristics of the premises do not meet the requirements
    • there are no measuring instruments to control temperature and humidity conditions for storing products in warehouses
    • food products are stored in unauthorized places, outside the warehouse
    • disorganization of production control, failure to follow the CPD program
    • lack of examination reports
    • volume and frequency of studies not observed
    • storage and sale of products without markings, Russian-language information, or with markings that do not comply with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation
    • incorrect design of price tags, lack of complete information on them

    Store documents required for Rospotrebnadzor inspections

    In addition to these organizations, private kindergartens and schools, car washes, gas stations are also significantly subject to inspections by Rospotrebnadzor, regardless of the organizational form of the enterprise - LLC, individual entrepreneur, etc.

    What documents are drawn up based on the results of Rospotrebnadzor inspections?

    Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. It is necessary as an indicator of product compliance with all necessary sanitary standards. Many product customers prefer to work only with those supplies whose goods have a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion. The examination is carried out at the request of the supplier or manufacturer of the product.

    Rospotrebnadzor inspection report. The inspection algorithm of Rospotrebnadzor involves filling out a document that reflects the results of the SES commission. One copy of the report remains with the inspectors, the second is issued to the enterprise or individual entrepreneur who conducted the inspection. A receipt is issued to the enterprise regarding the presence and transfer of the act, and an entry is made in the inspection control log.

    If inconsistencies and violations are found, they are recorded in a protocol certified by Rospotrebnadzor employees and the representative of the company being inspected responsible for the violations.

    What Rospotrebnadzor has no right to do

    According to the regulations, those conducting an audit are not required to:

    • go beyond the limits of your competence when checking mandatory requirements
    • conduct an on-site inspection in the case of the head of the organization, his deputy or an authorized person (except for situations where the need for inspection is due to a direct danger to life, public health, harm to the environment and various emergency situations).
    • request irrelevant information, any documents, and even more so, take away such documents
    • conduct surveys and take product samples, environmental samples, without logging your actions, or exceed the established number of required samples
    • information based on the results of the inspection is a state secret and is protected by law - it cannot be distributed
    • go beyond the deadlines when conducting an inspection

    Any inspection must be carried out in strict adherence to inspection regulations.

    Download pdf official inspection regulations of Rospotrebnadzor (opens in a new window)

    How to prepare for a Rospotrebnadzor inspection

    The best option is constant compliance and maintenance of sanitary standards and rules in the company, control of proper documentation. Then you won’t have to hastily think about how to eliminate the shortcomings.

    If there are still inconsistencies, or you want to be one hundred percent sure of successfully passing the test, you can contact a specialized organization. The SES-DOK company will help at all stages preparation for Rospotrebnadzor inspection and collecting documents, carrying out sanitary measures, consulting personnel in connection with the inspection.

    How to behave during an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor

    So, you have prepared for the test as best you could, and the hour has come. Carefully check the permitting documents for the commission - any violations or lack of information give you the right not to accept the inspection. Read the regulations in advance. And remember, the procedure for conducting an SES inspection dictates that only the manager or a person who has received a power of attorney can represent the organization. If, for example, an inspection comes to a store, and there is only a salesperson there who is not authorized by management to receive an inspection from Rospotrebnadzor, this is grounds for refusal by officials. You can state in advance in the employee’s job description that he does not have the right to represent the organization during inspections.

    If an inspection arrives and the employee is not supposed to meet it, he should immediately present the relevant documents to the commission, notify his management and offer to wait for the director or authorized person to arrive. The employee should not sign any documents. If there is no other way, you need to study them thoroughly, not acknowledge possible accusations and negative circumstances, perhaps use general phrases “with comments, objections that will be provided later.”

    Don’t be nervous, communicate with the commission in a calm, business-like manner, be open, but do not provide excessive information that may inadvertently give rise to speculation. This applies to both management and employees, who should be instructed in advance how to behave during an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor, about the best course of action. Remember, the overall purpose of the inspection visit is to ensure the sanitary well-being of the enterprise, and not to find a reason for sanctions. But be prepared for the commission to approach the matter scrupulously.

    You also need to defend your rights in a calm and confident manner - knowledge of your rights will give you confidence; you should not turn the situation into a conflict. Remember that the decision on fines must be reasoned and recorded, otherwise it is bribery, which is a crime.

    Important: the enterprise must have a standard inspection log, where detailed information about the event, data of participants, and the results of the inspection of the company are entered. This will benefit your organization, first of all - for example, if you need evidence that an inspection has already come.

    Documents for Rospotrebnadzor in 2017

    The SES-DOK service will provide you with a list of documents for the SES for any type of activity, as well as a general list of documents.

    In short, these are the company’s constituent documents, documents related to the functioning of the building, premises, contracts (for waste removal, etc.) and logs of sanitary procedures and bacteriological examinations. Depending on the specifics of the organization’s activities and the SES requirements for the type of activity, the main list is supplemented.

    What interests sanitary doctors

  • a complete and correctly executed package of company sanitary documents
  • maintaining proper sanitary conditions at the enterprise, working conditions
  • regularity of necessary sanitary procedures, examinations, events

    The company SES-DOK Moscow offers highly qualified assistance in preparing for an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor at any stage of your activity

  • What and how Rospotrebnadzor checks. Violations and fines during inspections

    Scheduled inspections of Rospotrebnadzor

    Conducted according to the schedule, the frequency of Rospotrebnadzor inspections is every 3 years (except for medical enterprises). Also, if the supervisory authorities have received a notification about new types of activities that require a commission.

    The schedule (plan) of inspections can be found on the official website. Supervisory authorities must warn in advance about the visit of the individual entrepreneur or the head of the company (at least 3 days in advance). This is due to the fact that in the absence of the head of the enterprise or a senior employee at the workplace, an inspection cannot be carried out.

    Scheduled inspections are inevitable for all newly created entrepreneurs and companies.

    There are visiting and documentary (office) commissions.

    Find out if your organization falls under scheduled inspections for 2017 Rospotrebnadzor can be found here - Rospotrebnadzor inspection schedule for 2017

    Unscheduled inspections of Rospotrebnadzor


    Since 2015, Rospotrebnadzor has the right to conduct unscheduled inspections without warning!

    Unscheduled Rospotrebnadzor inspections without warning possible since 2015 after changes to the federal law “On the quality and safety of food products”. Without warning, an on-site inspection by state supervisory authorities may threaten any catering enterprise, manufacturer or organization selling food products.

    Rospotrebnadzor commissions are outside the deadline specified in the schedule.

    Grounds for an unscheduled inspection by Rospotrebnadzor:

    • poor quality of products and services provided
    • unscheduled on-site inspection by Rospotrebnadzor based on a buyer (consumer) complaint

    The following have the right to file such complaints:

    • ordinary consumers
    • employees of self-government bodies following civil initiative
    • public authorities

    These checks are intended to confirm or refute the facts, the violation of which is indicated in the complaint.

    Owners of enterprises are also notified about these inspections - no later than 24 hours in advance. Exceptions occur when urgent measures are needed, for example, if there is reason to suspect serious forms of poisoning or dangerous infections.

    What is Rospotrebnadzor

    Rospotrebnadzor is a government agency that monitors the work of organizations in order to protect consumer rights and human health. The composition of Rospotrebnadzor includes the Hygiene and Epidemiology Centers it supervises and all territorial SES that carry out commissions and respond to citizens’ complaints about cases of non-compliance with sanitary standards.

    Some of the functions for sanitary control of enterprises and other measures to protect consumer rights are carried out by the Center for State Hygiene and Epidemiology, and some are carried out by territorial bodies.

    Rospotrebnadzor monitors the sanitary and epidemiological situation:

    • at catering outlets (all cafes, restaurants, canteens)
    • at any production enterprises related to food products and not only (working conditions, condition of premises, also residential)
    • during the development of construction schemes, during the construction process

    Functions and powers of Rospotrebnadzor

    Powers of Rospotrebnadzor during an inspection include:

    • checking all documents of an organization of any form of ownership, employment contracts, medical records, conclusions of the fire service and sanitary authorities,
    • keeping logs of necessary sanitary measures, licenses for goods and services, certificates, operation of cash register machines at retail enterprises
    • issuing instructions to correct identified violations, checking compliance with instructions
    • drawing up protocols, assigning fines
    • monitoring the implementation of the law on the protection of consumer rights
    • issuance of SEZ upon successful completion of the commission
    • checking the sanitary and hygienic condition of objects
    • certification of employees involved in the production, sale, etc. of food and drinking water
    • accounting, statistics, coordination of departments
    • monitoring the condition of air, soil, waste disposal
    • checking the availability and timeliness of sanitary measures

    Rospotrebnadzor has the right to study the sanitary documentation of companies, conduct visual inspections and other surveys.

    Types of Rospotrebnadzor (SES) inspections

    What threatens an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor - sanctions for violations

    The supervisory service, in case of detection of non-compliance with the requirements of the law, may take the following measures:

    • issuing an order to correct detected violations
    • imposition of fines for violations within the competence of the SES
    • suspension of the entrepreneur’s activities for the period necessary to correct violations
    • filing an application with the court (in case of a threat or accomplished fact of mass disease due to the fault of the enterprise)

    Actions that cause the spread of infection are punishable by fines (from 100 to 200 minimum wages), as well as possible imprisonment (from 2 to 5 years, depending on the scope of the epidemic).

    If non-compliance with sanitary standards is detected, the fine is not so large - 5-10 minimum wages (minimum wage) or suspension of activities for 3 months to allow for correction. If the violations found concern premises, operational standards identified during Rospotrebnadzor inspections inspection fines will amount to 10-20 minimum wages.

    In case of gross violations, when a fine is not a sufficient measure, the perpetrator risks going to prison by a court decision.

    So, the average fine is 20-200 thousand rubles. Often it is necessary to provide an explanatory statement to the supervisory authorities, along with the provision of the necessary documentation. A protocol on bringing to administrative responsibility is drawn up.

    The amount of the fine is determined, among other things, by those who are guilty - officials of the institution, the company itself, ordinary employees.

    Rospotrebnadzor inspection without warning

    The fine for a legal entity will be greater than the amount of money collected from an individual (individual entrepreneur or, for example, a seller).

    To ensure that your enterprise does not suffer from sanctions, comply with sanitary requirements, and remember - it is better to pay off fines immediately, and correct violations and inconsistencies without delay.

    Common violations of organizations during Rospotrebnadzor inspections:

    Inspection of beauty salons and hairdressing salons by Rospotrebnadzor

    Frequently encountered inconsistencies when checking beauty salons by Rospotrebnadzor:

    • mismatch of room areas
    • no ultraviolet bactericidal irradiators (for air disinfection)
    • lack of accounting for the functioning of irradiators
    • not following the rules for handling tools
    • manicure and pedicure are done in the same room
    • there is no room for storing hair, waste, or a designated place for washing clothes
    • rules for storing fluorescent light bulbs are not followed
    • no foot bath in the pedicure room
    • no triple tool kit installed
    • no pediculicidal drugs
    • poor sanitary condition of premises
    • There are no markings on the containers containing disinfectants about their intended use.
    • employees have not undergone medical examinations
    • no sign at the entrance to the hairdresser or beauty salon

    Documents for a beauty salon and hairdresser required for Rospotrebnadzor inspections

    Inspection of medical institutions by Rospotrebnadzor. Common violations

    • contracts for the provision of paid services (for example dentistry) do not indicate warranty periods, terms of service provision and other necessary information
    • lack of information about the qualifications of doctors at the information stand in the clinic
    • failure to comply with the norms of the anti-epidemiological regime, equipment processing, sterilization of consumables (dentistry)
    • equipment is not disinfected, the concentration of disinfectants is incorrectly chosen
    • there is no independent exhaust system in the bathroom
    • personal hygiene of workers – lack of conditions for compliance
    • incomplete set of HIV first aid kit
    • disposable instruments are not disinfected before removal and destruction
    • no markings on containers for surface disinfection
    • The dimensions and decoration of the premises do not correspond to the standards of a hospital or clinic
    • absence or incorrect design of price tags for related products on sale
    • workers do not receive proper training before working with sources of ionizing radiation
    • there is no individual dosimetry check of employees, dose cards are not filled out

    Package of documents for inspection by Rospotrebnadzor of a medical center

    Pharmacy establishments. Common violations during inspection of pharmacies by Rospotrebnadzor

    • violations of SanPin regulations regarding microclimate (temperature and humidity conditions)
    • The process of washing linen and workwear is not organized correctly
    • failure to undergo preliminary and regular medical examinations of employees on time
    • storage conditions for medicinal products and their sales deadlines are violated
    • thermolabile drugs are stored at unacceptable temperatures
    • the client does not receive complete information about the drugs, such as: composition, indications, price, side effects

    What documents are required when checking pharmacies by Rospotrebnadzor

    Inspection of public catering organizations by Rospotrebnadzor. Common violations

    It must be said that Rospotrebnadzor pays the greatest attention to catering and food trade enterprises. And this is understandable - what we eat must be tested and safe for health.

    The main violations detected in catering establishments:

    • The organization's space does not correspond to the assortment that is declared
    • the requirements for the operation and maintenance of ventilation systems are not met
    • the flow of the technological process is disrupted (finished products “intersect” with raw and semi-finished products, clean dishes with dirty ones)
    • people working who have not undergone a medical examination
    • there is no marking on the cutting equipment, there is no necessary equipment and personnel for cleaning and cleaning
    • non-compliance with food manufacturing technology (repeated freezing of fish or meat), violation of shelf life of semi-finished products during storage, food processing regime does not meet standards
    • there is no timely rejection of manufactured food products
    • acceptance and sale of expired products, without documentation (confirmation of safety, quality), labeling; or the markings on the products contain a future date
    • work is carried out with equipment without hygienic coverings convenient for sanitary treatment
    • laboratory and production control of products is not implemented properly

    Documents for public catering (cafe, restaurant, canteen, hookah bar), required for inspection by Rospotrebnadzor

    Inspection of the store by Rospotrebnadzor. Common violations

    • sanitary and technical characteristics of the premises do not meet the requirements
    • there are no measuring instruments to control temperature and humidity conditions for storing products in warehouses
    • food products are stored in unauthorized places, outside the warehouse
    • disorganization of production control, failure to follow the CPD program
    • lack of examination reports
    • volume and frequency of studies not observed
    • storage and sale of products without markings, Russian-language information, or with markings that do not comply with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation
    • incorrect design of price tags, lack of complete information on them

    Store documents required for Rospotrebnadzor inspections

    In addition to these organizations, private kindergartens and schools, car washes, gas stations are also significantly subject to inspections by Rospotrebnadzor, regardless of the organizational form of the enterprise - LLC, individual entrepreneur, etc.

    What documents are drawn up based on the results of Rospotrebnadzor inspections?

    Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. It is necessary as an indicator of product compliance with all necessary sanitary standards. Many product customers prefer to work only with those supplies whose goods have a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion. The examination is carried out at the request of the supplier or manufacturer of the product.

    Rospotrebnadzor inspection report. The inspection algorithm of Rospotrebnadzor involves filling out a document that reflects the results of the SES commission. One copy of the report remains with the inspectors, the second is issued to the enterprise or individual entrepreneur who conducted the inspection. A receipt is issued to the enterprise regarding the presence and transfer of the act, and an entry is made in the inspection control log.

    If inconsistencies and violations are found, they are recorded in a protocol certified by Rospotrebnadzor employees and the representative of the company being inspected responsible for the violations.

    What Rospotrebnadzor has no right to do

    According to the regulations, those conducting an audit are not required to:

    • go beyond the limits of your competence when checking mandatory requirements
    • conduct an on-site inspection in the case of the head of the organization, his deputy or an authorized person (except for situations where the need for inspection is due to a direct danger to life, public health, harm to the environment and various emergency situations).
    • request irrelevant information, any documents, and even more so, take away such documents
    • conduct surveys and take product samples, environmental samples, without logging your actions, or exceed the established number of required samples
    • information based on the results of the inspection is a state secret and is protected by law - it cannot be distributed
    • go beyond the deadlines when conducting an inspection

    Any inspection must be carried out in strict adherence to inspection regulations.

    Download pdf official inspection regulations of Rospotrebnadzor (opens in a new window)

    How to prepare for a Rospotrebnadzor inspection

    The best option is constant compliance and maintenance of sanitary standards and rules in the company, control of proper documentation. Then you won’t have to hastily think about how to eliminate the shortcomings.

    If there are still inconsistencies, or you want to be one hundred percent sure of successfully passing the test, you can contact a specialized organization. The SES-DOK company will help at all stages preparation for Rospotrebnadzor inspection and collecting documents, carrying out sanitary measures, consulting personnel in connection with the inspection.

    How to behave during an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor

    So, you have prepared for the test as best you could, and the hour has come. Carefully check the permitting documents for the commission - any violations or lack of information give you the right not to accept the inspection. Read the regulations in advance. And remember, the procedure for conducting an SES inspection dictates that only the manager or a person who has received a power of attorney can represent the organization. If, for example, an inspection comes to a store, and there is only a salesperson there who is not authorized by management to receive an inspection from Rospotrebnadzor, this is grounds for refusal by officials. You can state in advance in the employee’s job description that he does not have the right to represent the organization during inspections.

    If an inspection arrives and the employee is not supposed to meet it, he should immediately present the relevant documents to the commission, notify his management and offer to wait for the director or authorized person to arrive. The employee should not sign any documents. If there is no other way, you need to study them thoroughly, not acknowledge possible accusations and negative circumstances, perhaps use general phrases “with comments, objections that will be provided later.”

    Don’t be nervous, communicate with the commission in a calm, business-like manner, be open, but do not provide excessive information that may inadvertently give rise to speculation. This applies to both management and employees, who should be instructed in advance how to behave during an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor, about the best course of action. Remember, the overall purpose of the inspection visit is to ensure the sanitary well-being of the enterprise, and not to find a reason for sanctions. But be prepared for the commission to approach the matter scrupulously.

    You also need to defend your rights in a calm and confident manner - knowledge of your rights will give you confidence; you should not turn the situation into a conflict. Remember that the decision on fines must be reasoned and recorded, otherwise it is bribery, which is a crime.

    Important: the enterprise must have a standard inspection log, where detailed information about the event, data of participants, and the results of the inspection of the company are entered. This will benefit your organization, first of all - for example, if you need evidence that an inspection has already come.

    Documents for Rospotrebnadzor in 2017

    The SES-DOK service will provide you with a list of documents for the SES for any type of activity, as well as a general list of documents.

    In short, these are the company’s constituent documents, documents related to the functioning of the building, premises, contracts (for waste removal, etc.) and logs of sanitary procedures and bacteriological examinations. Depending on the specifics of the organization’s activities and the SES requirements for the type of activity, the main list is supplemented.

    What interests sanitary doctors

  • a complete and correctly executed package of company sanitary documents
  • maintaining proper sanitary conditions at the enterprise, working conditions
  • regularity of necessary sanitary procedures, examinations, events

    The company SES-DOK Moscow offers highly qualified assistance in preparing for an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor at any stage of your activity

  • The main function of Rospotrebnadzor is to monitor compliance by business entities with current legislation in the field of consumer protection. Within its own powers, Rospotrebnadzor has the right to conduct unscheduled inspections of organizations based on complaints received from the public. In the article we will examine whether an unscheduled inspection by Rospotrebnadzor without warning is possible, on what grounds an inspector can appear at enterprises without prior notice, what Rospotrebnadzor checks during an unscheduled inspection.

    Unscheduled inspections of Rospotrebnadzor: what, where, when

    Monitoring the activities of organizations and entrepreneurs for their compliance with legislative norms for the protection of consumer rights, Rospotrebnadzor conducts scheduled and unscheduled inspections:

    1. The organization of scheduled inspections is carried out on the basis of an approved schedule. The frequency of scheduled inspections for one enterprise (IE) should not exceed 1 time in 3 years. The schedule of scheduled inspections is publicly available and can be found on the official website of the Federal Service ( REGION
    2. The grounds for unscheduled inspections by Rospotrebnadzor may be a complaint received from a consumer of a product (service), as well as the expiration of an order regarding violations identified during a previous inspection.

    The order regulating the activities of Rospotrebnadzor stipulates that in the event of an unscheduled inspection, the Federal Service is obliged to notify the person being inspected of the upcoming visit at least 24 hours in advance. A message about an unscheduled inspection is sent to the organization (IP) in writing, in the form of a notification.

    At the same time, the approved notification procedure has caused a lot of complaints and indignation from consumers in recent years, because, having received a message about an upcoming inspection, the organization managed to thoroughly prepare for it and eliminate all evidence of violations. This fact was taken into account by legislators, and in 2015 legal provisions came into force according to which, under certain circumstances, Rospotrebnadzor employees can come to an enterprise for an unscheduled inspection without warning.

    Based on the amendments made to Federal Law No. 29 “On the quality and safety of food products,” the Federal Service has the right, without prior notice, to conduct unscheduled inspections of organizations and entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the production, sale, delivery, and storage of food products.

    Based on the complaint

    The following facts may serve as grounds for a complaint to order an unscheduled inspection without warning:

    • storing food products in inappropriate conditions (for example, dairy products should not be stored in refrigerators);
    • the rules for compatibility of food storage were violated (finished products are stored together with semi-finished products in the refrigerator of a catering establishment);
    • food is processed in an inappropriate manner (dirty tools are used when preparing dishes);
    • the retail outlet sells food products with damaged packaging (opened packages of dairy and other products);
    • transportation of products from the warehouse to the retail outlet is carried out without observing temperature conditions;
    • utensils used for storing food and prepared dishes do not meet sanitary standards;
    • the technical condition of the refrigeration equipment does not provide the necessary conditions for storing food;
    • employees involved in working with food do not have sanitary certificates or their validity has expired;
    • food processing is carried out by employees without the use of special tools; employees are not provided with special clothing;

    The basis for an unscheduled inspection by Rospotrebnadzor without warning may be other facts confirming the organization’s violation of the standards established in terms of ensuring the quality and safety of food products.

    Based on prescription

    An inspector from Rospotrebnadzor may appear at enterprises for an unscheduled inspection without warning if, during a previously conducted inspection, the Federal Service identified violations and issued an order to eliminate them.

    The period during which the enterprise is obliged to eliminate all identified violations is established by the text of the order in each specific case. After the expiration of the period specified in the order, an employee of Rospotrebnadzor has the right to appear at the enterprise without warning in order to monitor the elimination of violations.

    What Rospotrebnadzor checks during unscheduled inspections without warning

    If an unscheduled inspection is organized based on a consumer complaint, then the inspector carries out control measures based on the essence of the complaints received. At the same time, Rospotrebnadzor is assigned the right to verify compliance with other provisions of current legislation in the field of ensuring the quality and safety of food products.

    Control measures carried out by Rospotrebnadzor officials are shown in the table below:

    No. Control event of Rospotrebnadzor inspector Description
    1 Document verificationDuring the inspection, the inspector has the right to request the organization’s statutory and permitting documents, licenses, contracts with suppliers and contractors, and employment agreements with employees. Part of the documentary check also includes monitoring the presence of a sign, a buyer's corner, and a complaint book. Document verification is carried out on the basis of a written request drawn up by the inspector and submitted to the head of the organization being inspected.
    2 Inspection of premises and goodsThe inspector inspects warehouse, production, retail and other premises for compliance with the rules of storage and processing of products, compliance with sanitary standards. Also, the official has the right to inspect the goods in order to control the terms and conditions of storage.
    3 Interrogation of employeesAn official of Rospotrebnadzor has the right to interrogate employees to clarify the specifics of working with food products.
    4 Seizure of documents and goodsThe inspector has the right to seize documents and goods if this is necessary for further examination. The seizure is carried out on the basis of a report drawn up by the inspector in the presence of a representative of the organization being inspected and witnesses.

    Let's look at an example. Rospotrebnadzor received a complaint from a buyer regarding the sale of expired dairy products by the Alfa store.

    Based on the complaint, Rospotrebnadzor issued an order to conduct an unscheduled inspection without prior notification to the store management.

    On the day of the inspection, the Rospotrebnadzor inspector came to the store, presented his identification, familiarized the store management with the order to carry out the inspection against signature, and issued a written request requesting the necessary documents:

    • statutory documents of the company;
    • food supply agreements;
    • employee health records;
    • licenses and permits for food trade.

    After requesting documents, the inspector proceeded to directly inspect the sales area to verify the fact of sale of expired products. Products with expired expiration dates were seized for further examination.

    At the end of the inspection, the inspector drew up a report which recorded the following violations:

    • sale of expired food products;
    • Lack of health certificates for employees whose work requires them.

    The act was drawn up in 2 copies, in the presence of a store representative.

    The head of the enterprise (director of the Alpha store) was issued an inspection report and an order to eliminate the identified violations.

    A sample order from Rospotrebnadzor can be downloaded here ⇒.

    Rospotrebnadzor was created in order to monitor and suppress non-compliance with sanitary rules, as well as take epidemiological measures to prevent the spread of various diseases.

    We also associate Rospotrebnadzor as a federal body designed to protect consumer rights. This may include the following functions:

    • trade inspection;
    • organization of quality control of manufactured and sold goods;
    • monitoring that product manufacturers comply with sanitary standards;
    • consumer protection;
    • development of rules and regulations for hygiene and sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

    After the inspection, the structural unit of Rospotrebnadzor issues a conclusion recognizing sanitary and epidemiological safety. The purpose of such activities is to prevent infectious diseases.

    Even before crossing the border with Russia, goods are checked by Rospotrebnadzor.

    The list of such products is as follows:

    • food products;
    • children's products;
    • household chemicals;
    • tobacco;
    • perfumery;
    • raw materials.

    How to prepare for an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor - watch this video:

    The functions of this federal body, as well as its powers, are specified in the RF 2004 Regulations “Regulations on the service for supervision in the field of protection of consumer rights and human well-being.” The service exercises the following powers:

    • control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on sanitary standards, protection of consumer rights;
    • supervises the provision of sanitary and epidemiological conditions;
    • controls the sale of certain types of goods;
    • exercises control at border checkpoints;
    • control the creation of the country's food reserve;
    • implementation of licensing.

    Certain goods cannot be produced without a license; this can result in a significant fine. In these cases, an organization or enterprise obtains a license by applying to the government agency that has the right to issue it. Such bodies are called licensors.

    Rospotrebnadzor is also considered a licensor. This federal body is responsible for the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the country, therefore it issues licenses to the following enterprises, organizations and entrepreneurs:

    • those involved in production involving the use of substances that can cause infections;
    • those who work with sources of ionizing radiation.

    Thus, Rospotrebnadzor protects society from the adverse effects of the environment, low-quality products, and production processes. Protects against the destructive effects of viruses.

    For example, all flu vaccination companies are controlled by Rospotrebnadzor. That is, it looks after the interests of people, their safety and well-being.

    What is prohibited for inspectors

    From the previous section you can notice the variety of functions of Rospotrebnadzor. This includes issuing conclusions based on the results of inspections and monitoring compliance with consumer rights.

    All this diversity can be expressed briefly: consumer protection in a variety of areas. And since we are all consumers, in essence the work of this government body is connected with all of us.

    But although many areas of production and sales are controlled by Rospotrebnadzor, it has its limitations. The bans also apply to the technical side of activities such as inspections. What is prohibited:

    • if the case does not pose a clear threat, the check cannot be done without the person being checked;
    • in no case - to confiscate documents, you can only familiarize yourself with the originals;
    • Objects and documents not provided for in advance are prohibited from being checked;
    • carry out the inspection for an unreasonably long time, deliberately delaying time;
    • take samples larger than those specified in regulations;
    • pick up products for “study” without completing documents.

    Over the past 10 years, violations by Rospotrebnadzor employees have decreased sharply. This happened due to increased control and tougher penalties against employees of government agencies and officials.

    What is the procedure for checking LLCs and individual entrepreneurs?

    Types of checks for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

    The main types of Rospotrebnadzor inspections are set out in Federal Law No. 294. To carry out supervision of enterprises, organizations and individual entrepreneurs, inspections are carried out:

    • planned;
    • unscheduled.

    Sometimes such events are organized jointly with several structures:

    1. veterinary inspection;
    2. fire service;
    3. tax service.

    The main difference between scheduled and unscheduled inspections is the reason for them. In the first case, this happens according to a schedule, in the second, according to a received signal.

    – you can find out what the main differences are by following the link.

    Scheduled inspection - what to prepare for

    The changes that have occurred over the past 2 years in Russian legislation have also affected 294-FZ of the Russian Federation. The inspections will not affect those organizations that have been operating for less than 3 years. After this, they are included in the general schedule. The management of the enterprise is notified about the planned inspection in advance.

    It goes like this. A copy of the order of the head of the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor is sent to the organization's address by registered mail. The verification can begin no less than three days after the letter was received. According to the rules, the verification cannot last more than 20 days.

    For small companies, different conditions for the maximum duration of inspections are provided. There should be no more than 50 hours per year. In exceptional cases, it is possible to extend the inspection for another 20 days.

    The frequency of scheduled inspections is once every 3 years. During the inspection it is allowed:

    • check any documents that relate to the subject of the inspection and log books;
    • check compliance with the law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”;
    • monitor the availability of licenses and certificates. How to get a liquor license - read;
    • check the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological measures;
    • exercise control over the certification of employees;
    • suggest ways to eliminate violations;
    • check the implementation of corrections in work or paperwork;
    • take samples for testing.

    Regarding the last point, it is worth saying separately that the cost of the material taken for examination is not compensated, and the sample taking itself must be formalized. All documents regarding inspections must be available.

    When inspecting territories, Rospotrebnadzor checks:

    • buyer's corner;
    • design of the sign according to the rules;
    • presence of price tags on goods;
    • the price tags must contain the details of the organization with the signature of the manager;
    • availability of complete information about the product, including suppliers and manufacturers;
    • the room parameters must be normal;
    • illumination must meet the requirements;
    • compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules: lighting, noise, cleanliness and vibration standards.

    Any violation on the part of Rospotrebnadzor to comply with the rules of scheduled inspection may become grounds for refusal to conduct an inspection. Before allowing the inspector to check documents, you need to make sure that his documents are available.

    Any failure to comply with the inspection rules is grounds for termination.

    Sample inspection report from Rospotrebnadzor.

    Documents for verification

    Prepare in advance for the scheduled inspection, put all documentation in order. During the inspection process, the inspector has the right to require any of the following documents:

    1. Constituent (for example,). What is checked: relevance, compliance with the stated reality about the enterprise, its structure, types of activities, license.
    2. Property contracts. The check takes place: identification of premises according to documents, footage and other parameters are taken into account.
    3. Personnel documents. The data is checked: the number of employees, the creation of additional conditions in case of increased harm to health, including regular medical examinations. You can find out how to create a report on the average number of employees
    4. Availability of medical records (if necessary). Deadlines are being checked.
    5. Sanitary measures. Documents for disinfection, garbage removal, etc.
    6. Checking compliance with previous instructions. It is monitored what has been done to ensure that all shortcomings are eliminated.
    7. All product certificates.
    8. In retail outlets: location of all documentation of the sales floor in places accessible to people.
    9. Other documents are possible.

    There is no list of documents that may be requested in the legislation. The list is selected depending on the direction and specifics of the enterprise or organization’s work, and the purpose of the inspection.

    When preparing for the inspection, you must first take into account the previous comments.

    Grounds for an unscheduled inspection

    An unscheduled inspection can be organized based on a complaint received by the local office of Rospotrebnadzor. Most often, these claims relate to non-compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards or a threat to the life and health of the population. A complaint can be filed by:

    • citizens;
    • organizations.

    Anonymous complaints will not be considered. In the case of a scheduled inspection, one of the conditions for its conduct is the presence of the person being controlled. In an unscheduled inspection where there is a threat to health or safety, the organization is not notified three days in advance of the inspection.

    But the plan for the upcoming inspection must be agreed upon with the prosecutor's office. Otherwise, the check will not be considered valid. Both scheduled and unscheduled inspections must comply with deadlines: the duration is no more than 20 days.

    The documentation required is exactly the same, that is: constituent documents, licenses, property agreements, etc.

    What happens if violations are found?

    The result of the inspection is the drawing up of an act in two copies. An employee of Rospotrebnadzor takes one with him, the other remains at the enterprise.

    An order is also drawn up with identified deficiencies and proposals for eliminating them within a certain time. The document lists the results of the audit:

    • according to sanitary standards;
    • sales of goods;
    • quality of goods and services offered;
    • violations of the law;

    If violations are detected, an enterprise, organization or individual entrepreneur may face administrative penalties in the form of:

    • fine;
    • removal from office for a number of years specified by law;
    • confiscation of goods;
    • suspension of the company's activities.

    Fines are assigned depending on the violations. They can be minimal and amount to 500 rubles, or they can be 500 thousand. The disqualification of a manager can last up to 3 years.

    The order can be appealed within a certain period. No more than 10 days should pass from the date of receipt of a copy of the document.

    Is it possible to avoid verification?

    To avoid inspection, you must comply with the law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. Rospotrebnadzor employees do not have the right to exceed their powers, which is not difficult to verify. In other cases, you need to worry not about how to avoid inspection, but about putting all the documentation in order.

    You can find out how Rospotrebnadzor checks happen in practice here:

    Preparing employees for inspection

    The head of the company needs to study the rights and obligations of his organization and the rights and obligations of the inspection bodies, as well as take care of the necessary documents, certificates, and health records to ensure that the inspection is carried out in good faith by all participants.

    The legislation of the Russian Federation contains many regulations and rules, and an entrepreneur cannot keep everything in his head. Therefore, the head of the company should contact lawyers who will prepare the team. Otherwise, employees of the company being inspected may unknowingly interfere with the inspection by regulatory authorities, which is why they may be brought to administrative liability in accordance with the provisions, etc.

    We conduct training for employees of some factories and companies, and also draw up job descriptions and memos on how each employee should behave during an inspection. As a result, when Rospotrebnadzor employees appear on the doorstep of the office, employees do not get confused or panic, but follow the regulations.

    At least one company representative must be present during the inspection

    The company owner should choose a person who will communicate with inspectors. This could be himself, the manager or his deputy.

    The owner of the company being inspected has the right to call his lawyer, who will monitor the implementation of the inspection by the regulatory authorities, to involve in the inspection the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs or the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. We recommend that a lawyer be present during inspections.

    What documents should Rospotrebnadzor employees have?

    In the event of an on-site inspection, Rospotrebnadzor employees must present their official identification and an order (order) to conduct the inspection.

    The order must contain information about the inspectors who are conducting the inspection, the goals and objectives of the inspection, the grounds for conducting the inspection, the period of the inspection, the address and persons in respect of whom it will be carried out, the conditions of the inspection, the composition of experts and expert organizations involved in the inspection.

    It is important that the data of the inspectors who came to the company to conduct an inspection correspond to those specified in the order.

    An entrepreneur has the right to refuse to carry out an inspection, pointing out its illegality if, for example, you are being inspected by one inspector, but the order contains the details of another person.

    After the entrepreneur has checked the documents of the controllers and is convinced that everything is in order with them, it is better not to interfere with them, but, on the contrary, to assist them.

    If an employee of Rospotrebnadzor initiates a complete “audit” of all company documents and requests documents not related to the subject of the inspection specified in the order, this is considered an abuse of authority.

    The entire inspection should be recorded on a video camera, and all violations identified during the inspection should be recorded. This is necessary in order to appeal the actions of the inspectors and the legality of such an inspection. In most cases, the court sides with businessmen.

    What Rospotrebnadzor employees usually check

    Rospotrebnadzor exercises a wide range of powers, including sanitary and epidemiological supervision, issuing sanitary and epidemiological conclusions, conducting social and hygienic monitoring, monitoring compliance with the law on the protection of consumer rights, certification of workers involved in the production, transportation, storage, sale of food products and drinking water, accounting.

    Inspectors can take samples and samples of products for research, testing and measurements, if this is prescribed in the order (order).

    Possible results of the audit

    Based on the results of the inspection, a report is drawn up in two copies, in which a note must be made indicating that the person being inspected has read it or refused to read it. The entrepreneur has the right to indicate in the inspection report his agreement or disagreement with the results of the inspection and with individual actions of Rospotrebnadzor employees.

    If, based on the results of the inspection, the inspector reveals violations in your company, he can:

    • bring to administrative responsibility for identified violations in the form of a warning;
    • impose a fine;
    • suspend the activities of the enterprise until the violations are eliminated for a certain period;
    • If there is a threat to the life or health of people, transfer the case to court. Such cases threaten with imprisonment.

    Verification deadlines

    In terms of timing, the inspection should not last more than 20 days, on-site inspection of small enterprises no more than 50 hours per year, and micro-enterprises and individual entrepreneurs - no more than 15.

    Inspectors have no right

    • conduct an inspection in the absence of representatives of the legal entity being inspected (with the exception of cases of threat to the health of people, animals or state security);
    • carry out an inspection without warning the business owner (authorities are required to notify even unscheduled inspections one day before the inspection);
    • violate inspection deadlines;
    • collect original documents of the company being inspected;
    • demand information, documents or products not related to the subject of the inspection;
    • disclose the results of the inspection to third parties;
    • prescribe any control measures to be carried out at the expense of the company being inspected or demand money for the inspection carried out.

    The activities of Rospotrebnadzor are regulated by regulations approved by Government Decree No. 322 of June 30, 2005 of the Russian Federation.

    Ilya Savelyev, senior partner of the law firm "AVT Consulting"

    Which companies are audited most often?

    Most often, organizations engaged in the production and sale of food, medicine, and industrial goods encounter inspections by Rospotrebnadzor. These are shops, pharmacies, dairies, and feed factories. Rospotrebnadzor also often inspects schools, kindergartens, and boarding homes. Companies providing household services to the population will also not be able to avoid inspections. These are hotels, medical centers, diagnostic laboratories, cafes and restaurants.

    Why do you need scheduled inspections and an inspection plan?

    Small businesses are exempt from scheduled inspections in 2017-2018.

    The purpose of scheduled inspections is sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, monitoring the company’s compliance with consumer rights.

    As a general rule, scheduled inspections are carried out no more than once every 3 years (“On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control”).

    More often, scheduled inspections can be carried out in organizations in the fields of healthcare, education, heat supply, electricity, energy saving, as well as in the social sphere.

    A consolidated schedule of scheduled inspections is drawn up annually. This is a list of organizations that will be inspected this year, and information about the start date of the inspection and the timing of its implementation. The inspection plan is publicly available on the official website of Rospotrebnadzor and on the website of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

    Why are unscheduled inspections needed?

    Unscheduled inspections are carried out on complaints about violations of consumer rights, if a person has already contacted the company that violated his rights, and such a request was left without consideration or was not satisfied.

    If verification is required to grant legal status, license or permit, it will be carried out upon receipt of the company's application.

    Other reasons include the expiration of a previously issued order to eliminate violations, information about the threat of harm to the life and health of citizens.

    What documents need to be provided to controllers?

    These are the organization’s title documents (charter, TIN, OGRN certificates) and the availability of the necessary licenses and permits (for example, when selling alcoholic beverages).

    Companies should also take care of the presence of consumer corners with information stands, correctly issued price tags and price lists for goods and services signed by the manager, certificates for goods, information about the manufacturer and supplier of goods.

    Certificates of ownership of the premises or rental agreements, agreements for the removal of garbage and other waste, agreements for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization of premises will not be superfluous.

    Inspectors can check the availability of sanitary inspection logs, disinfectant logs, production control programs, and instructions for handling medical waste. Measure the footage of the premises, the height of the windows, the size of the doorways. Inspect ventilation and lighting.

    It should be remembered that all requested documents during verification are provided in the form of copies certified by the signature and seal of the company. Inspectors do not have the right to demand notarized copies and originals of documents.

    How and when should inspectors notify an entrepreneur about an inspection?

    Inspectors are required to notify the entrepreneur of a scheduled inspection 3 working days before the start of the inspection.

    The organization is notified of an unscheduled on-site inspection at least 24 hours before the start of the inspection by any available means.

    Preliminary notification of the organization is not required in case of harm to the life and health of citizens, in the event of emergency situations, or in case of violation of consumer rights.

    Zinnur Zinnyatullin, lawyer at the Moscow Bar Association “Knyazev and Partners”

    If you do not agree with the results of the review

    There are several ways to appeal the actions of a public authority in pre-trial and judicial proceedings; an inspection report or a decision on bringing to administrative liability is also subject to appeal.

    Pre-trial appeal procedure

    If an entrepreneur does not agree with the results of the inspection specified in the inspection report, or with the issued order to eliminate the identified violations, within 15 days from the date of receipt of the inspection report, he can send written objections to Rospotrebnadzor. Objections may be accompanied by documents confirming the validity of the objections or their certified copies.

    The complaint is considered no longer than 30 days, with additional documents - no longer than 60 days.

    Based on the results of consideration of the complaint in a pre-trial manner, the actions of the inspector may be declared illegal, the results of the inspection may be canceled if it was carried out with rude decisions, or the complaint may be refused if the law was not violated.

    Judicial appeal procedure

    An entrepreneur has the right to apply to an arbitration court to declare the decisions and actions of Rospotrebnadzor illegal if he believes that his rights in the field of entrepreneurial activity have been violated, responsibilities have been illegally assigned to him, or other obstacles to the implementation of business have been created.

    A complaint against a decision in a case of an administrative offense is submitted to the judge or official who made the decision on the case and who are obliged to send it with all the materials of the case to the appropriate court, a higher body, or a higher official within 3 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.

    A complaint against a decision in a case of an administrative offense can be filed within 10 days from the date of delivery or receipt of a copy of the decision and is subject to consideration within ten days from the date of its receipt with all materials.

    If Rospotrebnadzor issued an order to eliminate violations, then a decision to hold the person accountable for violations of the legislation on the protection of consumer rights, but it was the decision to hold the person accountable for violations of the law on the protection of consumer rights that was appealed and canceled due to (insignificance), then the order to elimination of violations remains in force and is still required to be enforced.

    The inspection report or order to eliminate violations must be appealed separately in pre-trial or judicial proceedings. Only in this case do they become optional for execution.

    What are test purchases and by what rules are they carried out?

    Test purchase allows you to simulate a situation in which the controller checks how goods are sold and services are provided to consumers.

    The test purchase is carried out without prior notification to the entrepreneur in agreement with the prosecutor's office. If violations of mandatory requirements are detected, information about the test purchase must be provided to the entrepreneur immediately after its completion. The official must present his official identification and an order to conduct a test purchase.

    The test purchase must be carried out in the presence of two witnesses or using video recording.

    Why are checklists introduced in October 2017?

    Since October 1, 2017, during scheduled inspections, checklists have been used - these are checklists with a list of requirements for the entrepreneur. Compliance with these requirements allows you to preserve the life and health of citizens.

    Checklists will have to make life easier for the companies being audited, since specific requirements will be established for the verification of legal entities depending on their type of activity, which should enable companies to prepare for the audit in more detail and know the immediate requirements presented during the audit. Currently there are no such specific requirements.

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    At all times, visits from Rospotrebnadzor (formerly SES) employees did not promise anything good. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements have been and remain very stringent and are often difficult to fully implement. As a result, many department officials, coming to the next “victim”, are pre-determined to leave empty-handed. By accepting their “game,” we ourselves have largely spoiled civil servants with all sorts of “offerings.” Feeling awe before inspections, most entrepreneurs completely forget that the inspector is just an official, and not the earthly incarnation of God, so it would not be superfluous to know his rights and responsibilities.

    Where does Rospotrebnadzor begin?
    With the powers that the state has given him, although very often the employees of Rospotrebnadzor themselves do not quite imagine them. As a result, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who do not even fall within the control zone of this department suffer. In accordance with the “Regulations on the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 322 of June 30, 2004, this service exercises the following powers that are of interest to us within the framework of this material:

    • state sanitary and epidemiological supervision over compliance with sanitary legislation;
    • state control over compliance with laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating relations in the field of consumer rights protection;
    • control over compliance with the rules for the sale of certain (provided for by law) types of goods, performance of work, provision of services;
    • sanitary and quarantine control at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation;
    • state supervision and control over the quality and safety of flour, pasta and bakery products during the procurement of these products for state needs, as well as during the supply (stocking) of flour to the state reserve, its storage as part of the state reserve and transportation;
    • state supervision and control over the quality and safety of flour, pasta and bakery products during the import (export) of these products into the territory of the Russian Federation.
    Another document that a potential auditee should pay attention to is the “Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for the performance of the state function of carrying out, in the prescribed manner, verification of the activities of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens to fulfill the requirements sanitary legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating relations in the field of protecting consumer rights, and compliance with the rules for the sale of certain types of goods provided for by law, performance of work, provision of services" (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Regulations). This document describes the verification procedure itself from start to finish. We recommend that you print it out and keep it on hand in case of a surprise visit.

    What types of inspections are Rospotrebnadzor employees entitled to conduct?

    Scheduled checks. In accordance with Art. 9 of the Federal Law can be carried out no more than once every 3 years according to a plan previously agreed upon with the prosecutor’s office. Information about the objects of inspection must be brought to their attention by posting it on the official website of the supervisory authority, or through the media.

    Unscheduled inspections. The basis for such a check is:

    • expiration of the deadline for execution by a legal entity, individual entrepreneur of a previously issued order to eliminate the identified violation of mandatory requirements and (or) requirements established by municipal legal acts;
    • appeal and application of citizens, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, information from government bodies, local governments, on issues falling within the competence of Rospotrebnadzor;
    • causing harm to the life and health of citizens, as well as the occurrence of natural and man-made emergencies;
    • violation of consumer rights (in the case of appeals from citizens whose rights have been violated).
    An unscheduled inspection must also be agreed upon with the prosecutor's office, except in cases of harm to the life and health of citizens, in which case the prosecutor's office is notified of the event within 24 hours.

    When someone came to check on you

    The first thing to do is to ask to see the official identification of all participants in the inspection and the order (order) to conduct the inspection. This is the main document at the initial stage of verification, so it is worth talking about its contents in more detail. The order must contain mandatory details (Article 14 of the Federal Law):

    • Full name, position of the official or officials authorized to conduct the inspection, as well as experts and representatives of expert organizations involved in the inspection;
    • name of the legal entity or full name of the individual entrepreneur whose verification is being carried out;
    • goals, objectives, subject of the inspection and the period for its implementation;
    • legal grounds for conducting an inspection, including mandatory requirements subject to inspection and requirements established by municipal legal acts;
    • timing and list of control measures necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the audit;
    • a list of administrative regulations for carrying out control measures, administrative regulations for interaction;
    • a list of documents the submission of which by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur is necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the audit;
    • start and end dates of the audit.

    When conducting an inspection, Rospotrebnadzor employees may present an order drawn up in accordance with the Administrative Regulations, which does not contain all the mandatory details provided for by Federal Law. Since the law in this case has greater legal force compared to the regulations, you have the right to refuse the inspectors to conduct an inspection until they eliminate all the shortcomings.

    Remember that you obliged hand over a copy of the order (order), certified by a seal, against signature.

    What usually interests sanitary doctors?

    Firstly, they will look at the availability of sanitary and epidemiological reports and certificates of conformity. The former are necessary when selling products and carrying out activities specified in Order of Rospotrebnadzor dated July 19, 2007 No. 224. Among others, it includes children's toys, food products, perfumes and cosmetics, and activities in the field of alcohol sales. The list of goods and services that are subject to mandatory certification is contained in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2009 No. 982. The abolition of mandatory certification for food and cosmetic and perfume products from February 15, 2010 does not mean a complete abolition of mandatory certification. The lack of a certificate of conformity for a product is one of the most common violations identified as a result of inspections.

    In addition, officials will check compliance with sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN). Let us remind you that an organization or individual entrepreneur working in the retail trade sector is required to have the full text of the current SanPiN for its type of activity. If we are talking about the sale of food products or the provision of catering services, then most often the subject of close attention of inspectors is the expiration dates of products, compliance with product proximity, compliance with temperature conditions for storing products, and compliance with hygienic standards for microbiological indicators.

    In addition, they can check the existence of a contract for disinfestation (extermination of insects - ed.) and deratization (rodents - ed.), as well as visual results of work under this agreement. Obviously, the contract will not save you if cockroaches are crawling on the walls, and traces of mice are visible everywhere in the pantry.

    And finally, all employees of the organization will be checked. Sellers must have medical records with notes on medical examinations; employees must be dressed in special clothing appropriate to their main activity.

    Registration of inspection results

    Based on the results of the inspection, a report is drawn up in two copies. It states:

    • date, time and place of drawing up the inspection report;
    • name of the state control (supervision) body;
    • date and number of the order or order to conduct the inspection;
    • Full name and position of the official or officials who conducted the inspection;
    • the name of the legal entity being inspected or full name, as well as the full name and position of the manager, other official or authorized representative of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) present during the inspection;
    • date, time, duration and place of the inspection;
    • information about the results of the inspection, including identified violations of mandatory requirements and requirements established by municipal legal acts, their nature and the persons who committed these violations;
    • information about familiarization or refusal to familiarize with the inspection report of the manager, other official or authorized representative of a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) present during the inspection, the presence of their signatures or refusal to sign, as well as information about entry into the inspection log records of the inspection carried out or the impossibility of making such a record due to the lack of the specified journal at the legal entity (individual entrepreneur);
    • signatures of the official or officials who conducted the inspection.
    Attached to this act are acts on the selection of samples (samples) of products, inspection of environmental objects, protocols (conclusions) of studies (tests) and examinations, explanations of Rospotrebnadzor officials, employees who are held responsible for violations of mandatory requirements, and other documents or copies of them related to the results of the control measures.

    One copy of the act with copies of the attachments is handed over to the head of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) or their representatives against signature or sent by post with a receipt receipt, which is attached to the copy of the act remaining in the file of the state control (supervision) body.

    In addition, inspectors will not miss the opportunity to draw up a protocol and issue you an order to eliminate violations if they identify one of the following administrative offenses:

    • “Violation of other consumer rights”;
    • Art. 14.15. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation "Violation of the rules for the sale of certain types of goods";
    • Art. 14.16. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation "Violation of the rules for the sale of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, as well as beer and drinks made on its basis."

    Appealing the inspection results

    If you do not agree with the results of the inspection, then you should not ignore them, otherwise you can wait until the moment when you are once again brought to administrative responsibility, but under Art. 19.5. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Failure to comply on time with a legal order (resolution, presentation, decision) of the body (official) exercising state supervision (control)”, Art. 19.6. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Failure to take measures to eliminate the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of an administrative offense” or Art. 20.25. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation "Failure to pay an administrative fine or unauthorized abandonment of the place of serving administrative arrest."

    You can express your disagreement with the results of the inspection in the form of a complaint, which should be sent either to the court or to a higher authority. At the same time, the complaint should pay attention to both procedural errors (for example, the participation of an unauthorized person on the part of the entrepreneur) and violations of substantive law, including their incorrect application, application of ineffective regulations, etc.

    Please note that different documents drawn up during the inspection have their own appeal procedure. Thus, the order is appealed in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Code of Civil Procedure, and the resolution in the case of an administrative offense - in accordance with