Conflict situations occur in all areas human life, including conflicts in business communication .

In order for a person’s personal and work life to be successful, comfortable and interesting, it is important to be able to eliminate any social tension with maximum benefit for the parties.

Business conflict - what is it?

is an essential part of human existence.

They are not only a destructive link V social interaction, but also because they are able to push people to develop, improve communication skills and emotional intelligence in general.

Conflict- an extreme way to resolve the contradictions that have arisen between the parties. In turn, each side of the conflict has goals, interests and motives that they expect to realize.

To put it in a nutshell, business conflict- a variety in which people involved in the work process conflict.

In 80% of cases, the conflict appears in the absence of direct wishes of the participants regarding its occurrence, which is associated with:

  • insufficient ability of participants to use their own emotional intelligence;
  • inability to properly implement communication skills;
  • insufficient attention to the socio-psychological characteristics of social contacts.

business conflict. The main rules of business ethics:


Conflicts, depending on the position of the participants in the working hierarchy, are divided into:

Horizontal and vertical conflicts have different features and, as a rule, are not the same, since the participant who is higher in the social ladder has power and can use it influence the course more effectively conflict situation in an effort to get what you want.

Conflicts, depending on the number of participants, are divided into:

Also, conflicts, depending on the degree of openness, are divided into:

  1. Open. No one is trying to hide the existence of a conflict, so everyone around, including the authorities, knows about it. The methods used in open conflicts are more straightforward, expressed in the form of public quarrels and protests. In turn, the reaction of each side can also be open or hidden (ignoring the attacks of the side acting openly, refusing to enter into direct social contact). But, of course, a conflict cannot be called open if at least one side does not act directly.
  2. Hidden. All parties to the conflict try to hide from others that the conflict exists. The methods used in the process of developing a conflict situation are more indirect, for example, a boycott, ignoring the needs of one side, the desire to make opponents get the most disadvantageous position in the process of work (one side can intentionally throw off the most unpleasant part of the work on the other).

Depending on the ability to reach mutual understanding, conflicts are divided into:

  1. Agonistic. The parties may reach an understanding in various ways.
  2. Antagonistic. This type of conflict includes situations in which it is impossible for the parties to reach an understanding for various reasons. With the most successful combination of circumstances, the flame of conflict will simply decrease, and a kind of conflict between opponents may begin. cold war, at any moment capable of turning into a full-fledged one.



The main causes of conflicts in business communication:

Prerequisites for the emergence

Conflicts usually have a foundation, consisting of disagreements, differences in views, goals, motives, previous conflicts, quarrels, disputes. This foundation is called the "conflict preconditions".

The prerequisites are divided into:

  • internal. They are associated with the subjective perception of each participant in the conflict and his psycho-emotional characteristics;
  • external. These include premises that are not directly related to the subjective perception of the parties. Sometimes these are factors that cannot be fully controlled by the participants.

The main prerequisites for the emergence of conflict situations in business communication:

Resolution methods

The main ways to resolve conflicts:

  1. Normative. The parties to the conflict in the process of discussion build optimal rules for interaction with each other and try to follow them in the future. If one side notices that the other is ignoring the rules, the conflict may resume.
  2. Negotiation. In the process of discussion, the parties discuss the conflict situation, strive to find optimal solutions suitable for everyone, and look for compromises.
  3. Manipulative. In the process of resolving the conflict, one of the parties behaves deliberately mildly, trying to get what they want with the help of careful manipulations.
  4. Confrontation. When resolving the conflict, the party behaves harshly, categorically defends its own point of view and offers its own way out of the conflict situation, which suits it.

Psychological mechanisms for overcoming business conflicts:

  • the need for consistency in the goals, motives and interests of all parties;
  • the importance of the desire of the parties for a peaceful settlement of the conflict, the desire to better understand the perception of the other side;
  • the existence of trust between the parties;
  • the desire to find the optimal balance between softness and rigidity on the part of management.

Guidelines for resolving conflicts in the company:

The importance of a business conversation

Polite, open, constructive conversation between opponents - the key to resolving most conflict situations arising in the course of business interaction.

There are five stages in a business conversation:

If the business conversation is successful, the conflict will disappear. Therefore, it is important that the participants in the dialogue have developed communication skills, respect opponents and be ready for a comprehensive discussion of problems.

Conflicts and stresses in business communication and ways to prevent them:


in the discipline "Pedagogy of the Higher Technical School ( business rhetoric at a technical university)

on the topic "Conflicts in business

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ........... 3

1. Theoretical basis business communication ................................................................ ..... 4

1.1. General concepts business communication ................................................................ .......... 4

1.2. Problems and forms of business communication .............................................. ...... 6

1.3. The need for knowledge of business communication .............................................. 13

2. Conflicts as an element of business communication .............................................. ...... 24

Conclusion................................................. ................................................. ..... 29

Bibliographic list .................................................................. .............................. thirty

The human essence is determined only in communion, in the unity of man with man, in unity based on the reality of the difference between I and You.

L. Feuerbach

In the context of Russia's transition to a market economy, a significant part of the population is increasingly involved in economic activity. Many people appeared whose main profession was entrepreneurship, which allows them to develop their creative abilities and business qualities.

However, these abilities and qualities, as the practice of modern Russian business shows, give the greatest return only with the ability to conduct a business conversation - one of the most important conditions for commercial success.

"What is business communication?" - sometimes many have heard this phrase, but not every one of us understands what it means.

Business communication is a complex multifaceted process of developing contacts between people in the official sphere. Its participants act in official statuses and are focused on achieving the goal, specific tasks. A specific feature of this process is regulation, i.e., submission to established restrictions, which are determined by national and cultural traditions, professional ethical principles.

The ability to behave with people during a conversation is one of the key factors that determine your chances of success in business, career or entrepreneurial activity. The success of a person in his affairs, even in the technical field or the scientific field, only fifteen percent depends on his professional knowledge and eighty-five percent on his ability to communicate with the people he works with.

Communication is characteristic of all higher living beings, but at the human level it acquires the most perfect forms, becomes conscious and mediated, that is, speech. There is not even the shortest period of time in a person's life when he would be outside this process of vital activity, outside interaction with other objects of society. Business communication is usually included as a private moment in any joint productive activity of people and serves as a means of improving the quality of this activity, informative accompaniment to it. Its content is what people are doing, and not those problems that affect their inner world, in contrast to personal communication between close people, friends, relatives.

Means of the communication process:

Components of the communication process:



point of view;


Business communication is a process in which business information and work experience are exchanged, involving the achievement of a certain result in joint work, the solution of a specific problem or the implementation of a specific goal. The specificity of this process is the moment of regulation, that is, the obedience to the established restrictions, which are determined by the national and cultural traditions adopted in the given territory, professional ethical principles adopted in this professional circle of people. Business communication is conditionally divided into direct (direct contact) and indirect (when during communication there is a certain spatio-temporal distance, that is, letters, telephone conversations, business notes, etc.).

Direct communication has a greater effectiveness, the power of emotional impact and suggestion, while indirect communication does not have such a strong result, some socio-psychological mechanisms directly operate in it. In general, business communication differs from informal communication in that its process sets specific tasks and specific goals that require a certain resolution, which does not allow us to stop the negotiation process with a partner or negotiating partners at any time (at least without certain losses in obtaining information for both parties). In an ordinary friendly one, questions such as specific tasks and goals are most often not raised, so such communication can be stopped (at the request of both parties) at any time without fear of losing the opportunity to restore the communication process again.

Types of business communication:




public performance.

Business communication as a process involves establishing contact between participants, exchanging certain information to build joint activities, establish cooperation, etc. In order for communication as a process to occur without problems, it must go through the following steps:

establishing contact;

orientation in the situation of communication;

discussion of the task;

search for a solution to the problem;

end of contact.

Service contacts are built on a partnership basis, proceeding from mutual needs, from the interests of a common cause. Undoubtedly, such communication increases labor and creative activity, is an important factor in a successful business.

The exchange of information between people, the establishment of communication links is a complex and responsible process. This is not only a way of communication or a form of communication (transport communications, radio, television, mail, telegraph, Internet), but also communication is a specific form of interaction between people in the course of their labor and social activities. Communication is defined as the process of transmitting and receiving informational, emotional or intellectual content. Optimization of the forms of social communications is aimed at achieving mutual understanding between people, identifying common interests, and a more complete exchange of information. Human communication determines the moral climate of the team, its psychological stability, the dynamics of its cohesion or disunity, the interaction between I and You. The life of a big city contributes to the intensity of contacts, but also to the reduction of traditional areas of communication. Only 9% of contacts are established on the basis of neighborhood, while at work and school more than 38%.

A man came up to you and said, "Hello." All. Enough. Your super-powerful internal computer, with amazing speed, meticulousness and scrupulousness in hundreds of parameters, instantly assessed this person and prepared you for a complex and responsible act of communication. Not only Sherlock Holmes, but also any professional, specialist in the delicate art of management can tell a lot of interesting things about a person he has just seen - about his culture, profession, education, habits, about his strengths, weaknesses and vices. These assessments, which are fundamental for establishing contacts with a partner, will, of course, be clarified later, sometimes even very significantly, but the general communication strategy has already been developed and it is very important not to make mistakes in your assessments, to ensure the fullest possible intellectual and emotional understanding.

The logical methods by which a person forms his conclusions can be divided into inductive (from the particular to the general) and deductive (from the general to the particular, to a specific conclusion). Using any of these methods, it is possible to obtain an estimate of the phenomenon under study with varying accuracy and probability and make the necessary decision. Methods of induction allow you to generalize information, compare individual facts, discard atypical ones and determine the similarity, the general trend in the development of the process under study. The mathematical apparatus of induction is the numerous methods of mathematical statistics (least squares, correlations, etc.) and probability theory - the science of massive random events. The researcher is not interested in individual, but in the most general properties that are equivalent to each other. Apparatus of modern mathematical modeling relies on induction methods. Survey public opinion- a typical example of using induction methods to determine general trend phenomenon under study. Deduction, i.e. a method of finding a solution from the general to the particular, a simpler, shortest way to form a conclusion. The logical system of deduction, based on the concept of syllogism, was formulated by Aristotle and consists of three judgments: two premises and a conclusion. The rigor and consistency of syllogistics are used in the methods of mathematical logic. The deduction method can be illustrated with an example: "The State Duma of Russia consists of honest people's representatives. Ivanov is a dishonest person. Therefore, he will not be elected to the State Duma." Well, let's believe in the infallibility of this syllogism...

There is, perhaps, nothing more difficult than the art of dialogue. The assessment of a person in society and objective self-assessment (which is especially difficult!) most often depend on where, how and what was said, although the meaning of an act, act, action is immeasurably more important. Dialogue, in addition to the exchange of information and emotions, contributes to socio-psychological adaptation, forms an attitude towards oneself and towards society. In the process of communication, the ability to listen, prove, resolve a conflict, create a trusting and meaningful atmosphere during a conversation is developed. Possession of all the possibilities and features of the dialogue, communication technology- an important sign of professionalism. A specialist in the science and art of management must:

be able to formulate goals and objectives of the dialogue;

master all forms of business communication: conversation, dispute, controversy, discussion, debate, dispute, business meeting, " round table", command business game, negotiations, auctions;

have the skill to prove and substantiate, clearly argue and unobtrusively convince, criticize and refute, reach agreements, compromises, correct the opponent’s behavior and his assessments;

to speak and office etiquette and be able to use it.

The art of management focuses on speech (verbal) communication and the ability to organize it in various forms, using in each case its own special methods and procedures.

Conversation. Perhaps a conversation is one of the most common forms of communication between people, and each case has its own specifics, a certain methodology, implementation rules. A conversation can take place between partners equal in their social and intellectual level, between a boss and a subordinate, a man and a woman, a teacher and a student, an adult and a child. And each time, in each specific case, there is a style, script and drama, proven by all the experience of mankind. Even the most "empty, secular" conversation should have a clear goal - this is a general rule for any form of communication. Obviously, the purpose of a casual, unplanned conversation can be just a pleasant, easy dialogue, when each of the interlocutors tries to be a polite, courteous interlocutor and the topic of their casual conversation should be interesting for each of them. It is especially important to observe this simple rule in a conversation with a woman. Professionalism, good education, a high level of intelligence, knowledge of the rules of etiquette make it possible to avoid vulgarity, a stereotype in the choice of topics and in the manner of conducting a conversation. A sad impression is made by a home-grown "secular lion" who starts a conversation with a well-aimed remark: "The weather is fine today, isn't it?"

Special art and tact require a conversation between a senior and a junior, and few of their masters can avoid the temptation to speak in a condescending mentoring tone, teach and instruct, switch to a one-sided "you", raise their voice and, enjoying the opponent's defenselessness, exercise wit and sarcasm. The tone of the order is appropriate only in extreme situations; a request or instruction is more effective than an order. The success of a business conversation largely depends on the knowledge of the mental and intellectual characteristics of the interlocutor, his problems and desires. Usually the interlocutor reacts to the word emotionally - facial expressions, gestures, intonation, facial expressions allow you to determine his reaction to what was said and make the necessary adjustments. You should never be absolutely sure of the strength of your argument and, even more dangerous, underestimate the intelligence and professionalism of your opponent. Obsession, immoderate pathos, familiarity, hidden threats, blackmail usually have the opposite effect, cause overt or covert opposition.

business conversation. Usually conversation business partners appears ostensibly by chance, along the way, as a reaction to the current situation, sometimes to a provoked incident. The purpose of a business conversation is to reach an agreement based on the exchange of information, determine positions or obtain additional information on the merits of the issue. But this conversation is always preceded by a long period of reflection, studying the situation, the position of the opponent, and the desire to discuss the problem with him does not appear spontaneously. A specialist conducting a business conversation always tries to prepare the interlocutor for communication, remembering the importance of creating an atmosphere of trust, sympathy (what psychologists call attraction), and starts a conversation with general provisions which cannot cause negative reactions in the interlocutor. It is important to emphasize again that any business communication should have a clear purpose, even better if this purpose is formulated in such a way that it becomes common for both parties. The reasonableness of the decision to be made largely depends on the objective statement of strong and weaknesses their position, as well as the opinions of other participants in the conversation. Knowing or finding out the differences in the understanding of the goal (or the paths leading to it) and emphasizing respect for the opponent's right to have his own opinion, various options reaching a parity agreement. If several people take part in a conversation, a meeting, then it is more reasonable to first listen to the opinion of the one who occupies a lower official position, i.e. give the floor in the reverse order of the official status of the meeting participants.

Irreparable damage to business communication will be inflicted if the solution of the problem under discussion depends not on objective criteria, but on sympathy or antipathy, on interpersonal relationships from the standpoint of personal benefits and ambitions, when in fact "It is not the problem that is condemned, but its carrier. A business conversation will be constructive only when the subject of discussion is the precedent under study, and not the attitude towards the partner. Even Roman law, considering aspects of the objectivity of solving the problem, raised the question cui prodest – who benefits? observations, being wary of peremptory assessments, conclusions and final conclusions.Special tact should be shown if it is necessary to give advice, plan joint actions.But pragmatically thinking experts believe that conversation is effective if it is a means of obtaining, not issuing information.

Dispute. "Truth is born in a dispute" - is it so? It is difficult to recall a case where, as a result of controversy during the election campaign, disputes between football fans, religious fanatics, or, finally, family battles, this very truth came to light. After all, most often the purpose of the dispute is not to find a solution to the controversial problem, but to assert, defend one's own, undoubtedly, the only correct opinion on this issue. The methods of argumentation, the establishment of any rules and procedures are considered completely superfluous by the arguing, and the logic of the dispute leads to a conflict, to an indiscriminate war of opinions, because it is known that a person believes in what he wants to believe.

Each new argument in the dispute is aimed at denying the argument of the opponent, sometimes the controversial thesis itself is forgotten in the heat of controversy, new and new irreconcilable positions and nuances appear. The dispute is characterized by any method of refutation, negation of the opponent's theses, conflict and antagonism of opinions, but not the search for a compromise. And if one of the arguing, more prepared or more vocal, finally takes possession of the battlefield of the dispute, then disgraced, having exhausted all his arguments and hoarse in the heat of battle, in the end he still remains of his opinion, but at the same time acquiring a staunch dislike for the enemy.

And yet, despite the irreconcilability of the dispute and the importance of the upheld principle, a cultured, educated and experienced person must try not to overstep the boundaries of an acceptable tone, not offend a partner and not make an enemy in his face. A noble person will not mercilessly shame, "drive into a corner" an opponent who is sick or has suffered mental trauma, and will spare his pride. By the way, such delicacy often leads to a complex internal conflict: the desire to win spectacularly using harsh and strong arguments struggles with the fear of causing irreparable damage to the opponent's reputation and one's relationship with him. But the rejection of a clear and quick victory in the dispute, the rigid use of one's undoubtedly winning position gives immeasurably more - the preservation of self-esteem.

Speaking about the ethics of the dispute, it is appropriate to recall the recommendations of Aristotle ("Topic"), who argued that one can argue only with those who listen to the arguments of the opponent, rely on arguments, and not on maxims, and avoid a dispute if the opponent is so stupid that instead of arguments will have to listen to such insulting absurdities that in the end you will be ashamed of your participation in this squabble.

Later, exploring the methods of the art of management, we will return to the problem of the dispute again and consider specific methods of conducting it (the Socrates method, the three-round method, etc.) and think about when it is more reasonable to avoid the dispute and when, alas, it is impossible to do so. . And if it is necessary to argue, then since the time of ancient rhetoric, some practical advice: active position (preferably in a correct, loyal form), in which the opponent is forced to justify himself, give explanations and answer questions; each stage of the dispute should (as in a chess game) bring tactical advantages, strengthen and seize the initiative - a sharp attack on a weak thesis or bringing this thesis to absurdity, etc.; addressing a statement not to an active participant in the dispute, but to the informal leader of the opposite side, which can lead to a micro-conflict in the opponent's camp; raising the tone of the dispute to a certain limit, shifting emphasis in assessing the position of the opponent, maneuver, leaving a weak position for another, well-argued element of the problem, and, finally, with equal positions, the ability to take the first step towards an agreement (in chess terminology - to offer a draw) and worthy of getting out of the dispute.

It is difficult to maintain objectivity in a dispute, to understand the point of view of the opponent. The reason for this is most often the belief in the infallibility of one's position, in the undoubted nobility of one's goals and thoughts. This illusion implies the doubtful moral principles of the enemy, his selfishness and uncleanliness. And confidence in one's own nobility allows one to conduct this with a clear conscience and an open visor. Knight Tournament to the complete disgrace of the enemy. Moreover, the shortcomings and mistakes of the opponent are so obvious ("a straw in the eye of another") that some incorrectness of one's behavior is quite justified.

Not a single person from the field of business and entrepreneurship can currently avoid the process of communicating with their own staff of their company and trading partners, with representatives of the authorities, employees of legal or judicial authorities, with agents or contractors, which requires certain skills and knowledge from the field of business psychology. communication.

The ability to behave correctly and adequately during business communication is one of the main components of success. business man and leader. The ability to conduct this process without conflict and productively is one of the most necessary qualities for someone who wants to achieve success in the business field. That is, you must have knowledge of areas such as ethics and etiquette, which will allow you to get out of any negotiations and business contacts with a "face".

It is also necessary to be able to manage the process, influencing people in such a way that there is no tension or conflict situation. Public life is unthinkable without a clash of ideas, life positions, goals of both individuals and small and large groups, other communities. In the workplace, there are often discrepancies and contradictions of various parties, often developing into industrial conflicts.

Business lives on decision-making and interaction between people. From the strategic decisions of the board of directors to the day-to-day decisions of managers and employees, the well-being of any organization depends on the quality of communication and decision-making. As a manager, you have specific responsibilities, and your responsibilities depend on what specific business and personal goals you achieve.

As the work environment becomes less structured and a person is judged not by position in the organization but by contribution to the work, the command-and-control leadership style quickly becomes unnecessary. The time is almost gone when a manager could use his position to enforce obedience to his instructions. These days, obedience is a rusty tool of government - best left to law enforcement agencies. Fortunately, subordination is rapidly being replaced by more humane strategies of participation and engagement. Along with these changes in leadership style, methods of influence also change.

The science of influencing others has gone through two stages in its development; the first is submission to authority, the second is the skills of perseverance. In order for impact in today's organizations to be congruent with empowerment-style management, a third step is now needed, a more subtle approach offered by NLP.

To be part of an organization and not to influence its work is to submit to the ideas of others. These are people of the “I agree” type, obedient, passive and compliant. Today, businesses need fewer “I agree” people and more creative people who are willing to take risks, try new approaches, and expand the range of possibilities. This requires an inquisitive mind, enthusiasm for new changes, and the ability to organize others in accordance with their thinking.

Still, curiosity and enthusiasm alone is not enough if you can't generate interest in it from other people in the organization. A great idea like selling sliced ​​bread is useless if you can't convince others to buy it. Galileo was a brilliant scientist, and thanks to his curious mind, he discovered that contrary to the views of the 17th century Catholic Church, the Earth is not at the center of the universe as a stationary mass. Unfortunately, Galileo did not have the ability to influence his contemporaries and his published Dialogue Concerning the Two Systems of the World led to him being placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.

To influence another person, respect for his model of the world is necessary. It also requires honesty, patience and understanding. Without these qualities, your attempts to influence others may be perceived as manipulative, and then your proposals may hit a blank wall. Here we return again to intention and purpose. If you have a worthwhile goal with well-formed desired results, and if your intent is for business benefits, not tactical benefits, then you have the necessary guidelines to impact with respect.


People allow themselves to be influenced by the people they trust. The reverse is also true. Have you ever made a big purchase from someone you didn't trust? I doubt. In fact, most people would rather buy a product that doesn't meet their needs from someone they trust than buy a perfect product from someone they don't trust.

Honesty of purpose and intention will be rewarded with trust, and yet that alone is not enough. There is one ability that you can develop; the ability, which is as fundamental and important as trust, is to "like". It is possible to trust someone and dislike them, although trust and liking are usually closely related. Do you have friends you don't trust, will they return what they borrowed? If a person trusts you and likes you, the basic prerequisites for influence have been created.

Looks like me - I like you

A good friend of mine is very good at imitating the person or group he is interacting with. I've seen him discuss strategy with company presidents, gossip with a cleaning lady, tell dirty jokes to engineers, and talk to a Chinese chef about the culinary intricacies of Cantonese delicacies. Like a chameleon that changes color to blend in with its surroundings, it has the behavioral flexibility to blend in with whoever it interacts with.

People like those who look like them, and they are wary of those who do not look like them. The more you look like someone, the better you will understand that person's model of the world. It is the principle on which people base their relationships and social activities- it is deeply rooted in our psyche. Affection and trust can be left to chance, or one can be so flexible in behavior that one can generate likeness and trust with intent and purpose.

Rapport (mutual understanding)

Building rapport with the people in your organization is one of the most productive types of work you can do. Good rapport with people makes things a lot easier. If one of your desired outcomes requires the influence of a certain person, then nothing is more result-oriented than building rapport with that person, even if it means doing something out of the ordinary. Like trust and affection, rapport can also be created intentionally.

Yet rapport is much more than earning trust and good attitude; rapport means being like others. Rapport is associated with similarity, and for such flexibility, to be the same as others, you need the qualities of a chameleon - to be able to be like anyone in order to build rapport. If you encounter resistance in any interaction, this is a sign of a lack of rapport. Before continuing the story of constituent parts rapport, I will describe to you a few key skills that need to be mastered.

sensory information

In your desired outcome, there are always perceived signs of how close you are to achieving it. You already know how a person's behavior provides clues about their thought processes, and you know that there is much more meaning behind the mask of words than meets the eye. In addition, it must be remembered that 55 percent of the message is contained in human physiology, and 38 percent in the features of the voice. In addition to the words that a person uses, there are a huge number essential information, which is needed in order to understand a person, earn his trust, build rapport and influence him.

Sharpness of perception. Collecting sensory information requires training, and training itself is also building rapport. You show interest in people, and most people enjoy talking to someone who is interested in them. In the sensory state, you need to focus your attention completely outward - this is called the "uptime" state - when you are completely alert, and all your senses are watching, listening, smelling, tasting and feeling the changes taking place in the world around you.

The opposite of this is downtime, when your attention is directed inward and you are engaged in reflective visualization, internal dialogue and sensations. When you are in "downtime" you miss sensory cues from the outside world.

For the sharpness of perceptions, intensive states of “uptime” are needed. Since most people have certain preferences in how they use their senses and prefer the basic modality the most, it's helpful to start developing the senses that you use the least. After prolonged practice, your visual acuity will improve greatly.

It is often the subtle changes that provide the most important signals about a person's thinking process. The English poet Siegfried Sassoon once said: “In me the tiger smells the rose.” This is a great metaphor for the sharpness of perception.

Calibration. This term refers to detecting changes in the state of other people, and paying attention to specific details of posture, breathing, skin tone, expression, voice features, etc. To notice subtle changes in a person's state, you need to be in "uptime", using your sharpness of perception. As long as we exist and have form, we have a constantly changing state. It's easy to notice the change from smiling to crying - you don't need to be very perceptive for this, but there are many much more subtle signals.

Calibration means noticing exactly what you perceive and nothing else. For example, you notice in a meeting that the chairman is looking at you, his brows are furrowed, his face is flushed, his breathing is fast, and his hands are clenched into fists on the table. This is calibration. On the other hand, you may notice these things and think: "he is upset about something - he will find fault with me now." This is called mind reading. Later in this chapter, I will describe to you a few examples of state calibration.

Adjustment. If you sit on a bench in a big city and watch passers-by, you will notice many differences between them. Observing their walking pace, step size, breathing rhythm, facial expressions, eye movements, gestures, and drawing graphs showing these differences, one would get a wide range of graphs with two extreme cases.

If you imagine that two people with extremely different schedules are brought together. How would you describe their communication? Rapport was out of the question; for rapport, they would need to get closer in rhythm to each other.

Graph 1 depicts a person who moves quickly, breathes quickly, makes jerky gestures and lightning-fast eye movements.

Graph 2 depicts a person who moves slowly, breathes slowly and makes smooth movements with slow eye movements.

Rapport can be built by adjusting to a variety of physical and mental states. Breath alignment is very powerful because breathing is associated with visual, auditory, and kinesthetic modalities (described in Chapter 7). In addition, you can adapt to body language using attachment and mirroring.

Attaching and mirroring

Accession is an unconscious form of communication that cements relationships by deepening rapport.

If you've ever observed people who have deep rapport with each other, you may have noticed how similar their body postures, gestures, and voice features are, for example, lovers in a restaurant, a group of managers in a meeting.

Accession is an unconscious form of communication that cements relationships by deepening rapport. Joining means doing the same, for example, if you are sitting opposite someone and he is leaning to the right, you can join this by leaning to the right yourself. mirroring means to adjust to something left with your right, in a mirror way. Do it discreetly. If you adjust too closely to the other person, he may notice this on a conscious level and accuse you of mimicking.

The purpose of attachment and mirroring is to communicate with the subconscious by entering the same "state" that the other person is in. The easiest way to do this is to join physiology. It is almost impossible to enter a state of strong self-confidence when your body is hunched over, your head is down, your facial muscles are relaxed, and your eyes are looking down.

When you join gestures, you must do so when it is your turn to speak, not when someone else is gesturing. Shrug, hand on chest open hand pointing finger - these are all subconscious communication signals that you can copy or mirror. When joining the voice, you need to listen to the rhythm, volume, speed, tone and pitch. People who speak fast (very visual) are quickly confused by people who speak slowly (very kinesthetic), and vice versa, those who speak slowly find it difficult to follow those who speak quickly. Visual people can slow down their speech by breathing more slowly in the abdomen, and kinesthetic people can speed up their speech by increasing the rate of breathing and moving it to the upper chest.

In addition, it is necessary to notice the sensory predicates used by people. If you want to break rapport with the person who tells you, “It was hard for us to take on Project Alpha because of the designers,” say, “I can imagine how they fell in your eyes.” When you use predicates from your preferred sensory system, you are easier to listen to and understand.

Attachment to values. Anyone who has worked abroad in different cultures understands the importance of values. In Arab countries, when you arrive at a meeting, you can often wait for hours and even days, along with other invitees, until you are received. The better you can connect with the values, the closer you will be to the person with whom you communicate, and the deeper the rapport will be. Here is a list of contexts to help you notice values.

Cultural values. These may be the values ​​of the national culture, as in the example of the Arabs, or the culture of the organization. Some companies are introducing a "casual wear" day for their employees. Some people believe that a classic business suit is not needed, while others argue that it expresses the traits of professionalism and the desire for order in character. When a customer in a suit meets a supplier in casual wear, there is a cultural mismatch.

organizational values. These are not so much cultural human rituals, such as the wearing of costumes, but values ​​that are intrinsic to staging a case. Sales managers are well aware of these values. They can be found in reception areas and meeting rooms; framed certificates for "commitment to quality" and engraved decorative plaques for "service to the community" or "contribution to the defense environment". Whatever product salespeople want to sell to the firm, make sure that it is in line with the firm's values. Other values ​​can also be encountered, such as "innovation", "leaders in the market", "best partners", "more and better", and "investment in people". These values ​​are often the key to successful sales and negotiation campaigns. The discrepancy with the values ​​of the organization is probably the most fast way lose rapport and business.

group values. In any organization, at the group level, one can encounter a variety of value systems operating simultaneously. Groups working together in the same building can have very different values. The manufacturing group's values ​​may be about teamwork and efficiency, and the research and development group may advocate the value of innovation.

Role values. People attach a certain importance to their roles. That is why a person chooses a certain role for himself, and values ​​in different roles can be radically different.

Personal values. Their range is almost endless, covering values ​​related to family, money, intelligence, relationships, work style, entertainment, recreation, social circle, hobbies, interests, and sports. These values ​​are often revealed in informal conversation while waiting for a meeting to begin or during lunch. Therefore, it is very important to keep this conversation going for a while, at least until you join the person. These values ​​are also manifested in the elements of a person's home and work environment - a prize for playing golf, a club tie, a sticker on a car, family photo, key chain, etc. etc. These accessories are additional parts of our identity, and are very important to us.

Values ​​are hierarchical and vary in strength. Almost always, when it comes to making a choice, group values ​​are more important than personal values, although most people join groups with values ​​similar to their own.


By joining, you can build rapport, be trustworthy, and come off as a nice person. Once you have mastered the art of joining, you can begin to influence people in the direction you desire. Some people are natural leaders who stick firmly to their chosen direction, while others agree to follow them because they trust and treat them well. Of course, the offers must be reasonable - don't expect people to follow you if you offer inappropriate plans.

The key to joining and leading is smooth transition from one to another. You can simply check if you joined enough by changing your body position and noticing if the other person (or other people) followed you. If yes, keep going. If not, you need more rapport.


Many of our memories are anchored to external stimuli. The sound of a call can take you back to school days. An external stimulus includes an emotional state retrieved from memory. Some of our anchors elicit pleasant emotions, while others elicit unpleasant ones. Knowing about anchors and how the anchoring process works, we can use them to our advantage. We all unconsciously anchor each other's states every day. A visual anchor can be a facial expression, a photograph, or a picture. The kinesthetic anchor can be a pat on the back or a handshake. There are times when it is desirable to use "feel good" anchors, and times when it is desirable to bring out states of "creativity," "critical analysis," or "strong focus."

Anchors can be placed in any modality - visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory or gustatory. The way to set the anchor is simple:

1. Calibrate the state you want to anchor.

2. Anchor the state with a unique stimulus (B, A, K, or any combination of them).

3. Change the state of what is being calibrated.

4. Turn on your own anchor and calibrate again to see if the desired change has taken place.

The main factors for successful anchoring are:

1. The uniqueness of the stimulus. A combination of tone of voice, gesture, and visual anchor works well. Kinesthetic anchoring is strong, but in some business situations, touching a person can break rapport.

2. Binding in time. The intensity of the state varies, it usually rises to a peak and then subsides. Sometimes the ups and downs happen so fast that you can miss them. This is where sharpness of perception can come in handy. It is advisable to anchor just before the peak of the state. Conditions with low intensity should not be anchored, as they will not give the desired effect. Examples of states that it may be desirable to anchor in others are agreement, joy, focus, creativity, relaxation, mindfulness, learning.

3. Easy to repeat anchor. The anchor must be unique, and when you use it, you need to repeat exactly what you were doing when you placed it.

Public life is unthinkable without a clash of ideas, life positions, goals of both individuals and small and large groups, other communities. In the workplace, there are often discrepancies and contradictions of various parties, often developing into industrial conflicts. The need for appropriate management of this process becomes urgent, the task of which should be to prevent the emergence of undesirable, negative conflicts, to give the inevitable conflict situations a constructive character.

Conflict is an almost inevitable part of interpersonal relationships at work. Their negative nature is manifested in a decrease in the degree of staff loyalty. Incorrect and illiterate reaction of the leader to the conflict between subordinates and the leader related to the solution of the issue work motivation personnel, provokes a decrease in the degree of loyalty in production.

Given the relevance of the problem and its eternal nature, psychologists have tried to thoroughly explore the conflict as a phenomenon. It is necessary to answer the question, what are the causes of such conflicts in practice. Psychologists M. Meskon, M. Albert, F. Khedouri identified the main destabilizing factors that are the causes of conflicts:

1. War for resources. In any firm (especially in the manufacturing industry) there is a constant war for resources. Structural units firms may experience severe resource shortages. But qualified personnel, office equipment, and work tools also appear as the latter.

2. Interdependence of tasks. A conflict in this case is possible if the task is not completed by the department A losing department B. Any company is a living organism with rigidly interconnected separate elements. If for some reason one of the mechanisms breaks down, the entire system fails.

3. Differences in purpose. A business cannot exist without a specific purpose. That goal is profit. But on the way to global goal there are many intermediate tasks. First, they seek access to regional market, then enter the federal market. The most important thing is to correctly calculate your strength. But the managers of the company, and even the heads of departments, have their own vision of what intermediate tasks should be, what can be done in the first place, what in the second, and what not to do at all.

4. Differences in ideas and values. Usually, this conflictogen includes the reasons that cause aggravation of relations between employees. different ages. But in order to hold different views on life and have a different value system, it is not necessary to have a difference in age. How many people, so many opinions.

5. Differences in behavior and life experience. Each person has certain ideas about how to behave in society, what rules are best to follow. If we encounter individuals who are on a different scale life values, then conflict, even at the subconscious level, cannot be avoided.

6. Dissatisfaction with communications. In business, when solving numerous problems, it is important not so much to speak as to hear your interlocutor. You need to be able to hear. It happens that two people talk about the same thing, but they do not hear each other, because initially they are trying to subjugate the participant in the conversation.

Very often the causes of conflict situations are stress. Stress can paralyze a company if top and middle managers are afraid to make decisions. When this happens, stress spreads through the organization like a malignant fungus, and conflicts begin to become very acute. As a result, many firms began to deal with stress in the workplace as one of the factors that arise within the organization of conflict. Nearly 80% (In America) of large companies have employee assistance programs and health programs. Designed to address alcohol and drug abuse, these programs increasingly included other mental health issues. They help individuals cope with stress through counseling and appropriate exercises. However, they are not focused on changing the organizations themselves.

The very first step in managing stress is to acknowledge that it exists. Any problem solving program must proceed from the fact that there is stress, what causes it. To do this, it is necessary to collect and analyze data on the state of the current stressful environment in an organization or a separate unit. Having identified the very fact and causes of stress, it is necessary to assess the possible consequences of such a state. The next step in the program will be to determine if the stress has led to a conflict situation, and if the response to this question affirmative - to determine the type of conflict that has arisen and its direction, that is, to assume whether it will be constructive in a given situation or cause destruction.

The next step should be the choice of a stress neutralization method corresponding to the current stressful and conflict situation in an organization or a separate unit (Fig. 1).

The final event (as in any other program) is summing up, comparing them with the desired results, and evaluating their effectiveness. If the measures taken did not give positive results, it is necessary to make a choice:

other methods of neutralizing stress;

or reconsider possible reasons situation (possibly:

the results of the study are inaccurate;

the causes of stress and its consequences are incorrectly or inaccurately identified;

the conflict turned out to be false / was not noticed).

Fig.1. Stress management technology

The main advantages of the developed technology are:

its consistency;

ease of use;

taking into account not only personal stressors, but also organizational factors;

expediency of application both for workers of leading specialties and for working personnel;

requires minimal financial outlay.

The only disadvantage of this system, I see the impossibility of a quick, prompt decision. This means that the causes of stressful conditions can change over time at an incredibly fast rate, making a decision, in turn, requires time to collect and analyze information about the situation, as well as to take measures to eliminate negative factors. All this can lead to the fact that stresses will not be eliminated, but on the contrary, they will be aggravated, and the conflict situation will grow more and more.

Hence, it should be concluded that the proposed technology will be effective if it is applied periodically and as a prevention of stress and, as a result, conflicts.

Numerous tests, surveys, experiments have shown that a person is most concerned about two questions: his health and the question of how to understand people, how to influence them, how to guide them, their actions?

Business communication is, first of all, communication, i.e. exchange of information that is significant for the participants in the communication. To succeed in negotiations, you must master their subject to perfection. And although specialists of various professions usually participate in negotiations, high competence is required from each.

Business communication today penetrates into all spheres. public life society. Enterprises of all types and forms of ownership, as well as individuals as private entrepreneurs, enter the commercial, business spheres of life. Competence in the field of business communication is directly related to success or failure in every field: in the field of science, art, production, trade. As for managers, businessmen, production organizers, people employed in the field of management, private entrepreneurs, communicative competence, that is, the ability to adequately respond in any situation in the process of communication, for representatives of these professions is one of the most important components of their professional image.

1. Gutbrod G. Professional business communication: Translation from English. – M.: Wolters Kluver, 2007.

2. Business communication: Guidelines To practical training/ Samar. state tech. un-t; PIB; Comp. O.Yu. Kalmykov. Samara, 2006.

3. Kibanov A.Ya., Vorozheikin I.E., Zakharov D.K., Konovalova V.G. Conflictology: Textbook / Ed. AND I. Kibanova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2005.

4. Knorring V.I. Theory, practice and art of management. - M.: 2001.

5. Kovalchuk A.S. Fundamentals of imageology and business communication. M.: TD "Phoenix", 2006.

6. Malkhanova I.A. Business conversation. 5th ed. – M.: Academic project, 2007.

7. Reznik S. G. Always win business meeting. - M .: TD "Phoenix", 2006.


Obviously, each of us had to deal with conflict situations. Conflicts are manifested in the activities of all social institutions, social groups in relationships between people. There is nothing strange in this. As the American psychologist B. Wool figuratively noted, “life is a process of solving an infinite number of conflicts. Man cannot avoid them. He can decide whether to participate in decision making or leave it to others.” Therefore, the leader and every cultured person needs to have at least elementary ideas about conflicts, ways of behaving when they arise; Unfortunately, for most people, the inability to find a worthy way out of them is characteristic. In addition, as soon as a conflict arises, and it is always associated with emotions, we begin to experience discomfort, tension, which can even lead to stressful situations, thereby damaging our health.

IN social psychology there is a multivariate typology of the conflict, depending on the criteria that are taken as a basis.

1. So, for example, a conflict can be intrapersonal, interpersonal, between the individual and the group, in which the individual is between organizations or groups the same or different status.

intrapersonal conflict. This type of conflict does not meet the definition given above. However, its potential dysfunctional consequences are similar to those for other types of conflict. It can take many forms, one of the most common being role conflict. Most often, it occurs when contradictory or mutually exclusive requirements are presented to the employee. For example, the head of a department in a store requires the salesperson to be in the department at all times. Later, he makes claims to him that the seller spends all his time on customers and does not care about replenishing the department with goods. Similarly, from the foreman of the site, his immediate supervisor requires an increase in output, and the head of the firm for quality simultaneously requires an increase in the quality of products.

Intrapersonal conflict can also arise due to the fact that personal needs are not consistent with production requirements(the need to work on weekends when a family event is scheduled, the need to move to another city when other family members lose their jobs, etc.).

Interpersonal conflict. Perhaps the most common type of conflict. In organizations, it manifests itself in different ways, most often it is the struggle of managers for limited resources: capital, premises, labor force etc. Each of them believes that since resources are limited, he must convince the higher authorities to allocate these resources to him, and not to another leader.

Interpersonal conflict can also arise, for example, between two candidates for promotion in the presence of one vacant position. In this case, the conflict can be subtle and long-lasting. Interpersonal conflict can also manifest itself as a clash of personalities. People with different personality traits, attitudes and values ​​are sometimes just not able to get along with each other. As a rule, the goals of such people differ radically.

Conflict between the individual and the group. As E. Mayo's experiments at Hawthorne showed, production teams set standards for behavior and performance. Everyone must observe them in order to be accepted by an informal group and thereby satisfy their social needs. However, if the expectations of the group are in conflict with the expectations of the individual, conflict may arise. For example, someone wants to earn more by exceeding the norms, and the group considers such behavior as a negative phenomenon.

Conflict can arise between an individual and a group if that individual takes a position that differs from that of the group. For example, in a meeting discussing the possibility of increasing sales, when the majority believes that the problem can be solved by lowering the price, one of the participants in the meeting will firmly believe that such a policy will lead to a decrease in profits and will create the opinion that the company's product is worse than competitors' products. Although this person may sincerely support the interests of the organization, he will still be seen as a source of conflict because he goes against the opinion of the group.

A similar conflict may arise on the basis of the performance of official duties. For example, when a leader takes unpopular disciplinary action. The Group may respond to these measures with lower productivity.

Intergroup conflict. The organization is made up of many groups, both formal and informal. Even in the most the best organizations conflicts can arise between such groups. A typical example of an intergroup conflict is the confrontation between the administration of an organization, on the one hand, and the trade union, on the other.

An example of an intergroup conflict can also be the confrontation between line managers and functional service workers. Staff workers are usually younger and better educated than line managers. These latter (heads of shops, heads of sections, foremen) may reject the recommendations of staff specialists and express dissatisfaction with their dependence on them in everything related to information. In extreme situations, line managers may deliberately choose to implement the suggestions of staff specialists in such a way that the whole undertaking will end in failure. And all this in order to "put in place" specialists. Staff personnel, in turn, may be indignant that their representatives are not given the opportunity to implement their decisions themselves, and try to maintain the informational dependence of line personnel on them. These are prime examples of dysfunctional conflict.

Often, due to the difference in goals, they begin to conflict with each other. functional groups within the organization. For example, the sales department is focused on the buyer, and production units care more about the cost-benefit ratio.

2. Classifications of conflicts are also possible horizontally (between ordinary employees who are not subordinate to each other), vertically (between people who are subordinate to each other) and mixed, in which both are presented. The most common conflicts are vertical and mixed. On average, they make up 70-80% of all conflicts, they are undesirable for leaders, since in them they are, as it were, bound hand and foot. The fact is that in this case, every action of the leader is considered by all employees through the prism of this conflict.

3. Classification according to the nature of the reasons that caused the conflict. It is not possible to list all the causes of the conflict, but in general it is caused, as R.L. Krichevsky in the book "If you are a leader ...", three groups of reasons due to:

a) labor process;

b) the psychological characteristics of human relationships, i.e. their likes and dislikes, cultural, ethnic differences of people, the actions of leaders, poor psychological communication, etc.;

c) the personal originality of the members of the group, for example, the inability to control their emotional state, aggressiveness, lack of communication skills, tactlessness, etc.

4. Conflicts are distinguished by their significance for the organization, as well as by the way they are resolved into constructive and de-constructive.

For constructive conflicts are characterized by disagreements that affect the fundamental aspects, the problems of the life of the organization and its members, and the resolution that brings the organization to a new, higher and more effective level of development; there are conditions for cooperation, mutual understanding. Constructive conflicts perform the following functions:

Conflict promotes a certain movement forward, preventing stagnation;

In the process of conflict, the objectification of the source of disagreement occurs and, perhaps, its resolution, “removal”, means are found to prevent new conflicts;

Conflict is a certain denial of old, “obsolete” relationships, which leads to the formation of new relationships, correction of interaction;

In a conflict, internal tension is “eliminated”, aggressive feelings “splash out”, frustrations, neuroses are “discharged”;

Conflict is a way of self-affirmation of personality, especially in a teenager. This is a necessary form of behavior to maintain status in a group;

Intra-group conflict in scientific activity creates the level of tension necessary for creative activity; Thus, the study showed that the productivity of creative scientific activity is higher in conflict personalities;

Intergroup conflicts can contribute to group integration, the growth of cohesion, solidarity of the group;

The need to resolve the conflict leads to cooperation, to the concentration of the efforts of the participants to resolve the conflict situation, to the involvement of group members in the common life of the group.

destructive conflicts lead to negative, often destructive actions, which sometimes develop into squabbles and other negative phenomena, which drastically reduces the effectiveness of the group or organization.

Signs of destructive conflict:

1) expansion of the conflict;

2) escalation of the conflict, when the conflict becomes independent of the original causes, and even if the causes are eliminated, the conflict itself continues;

3) increase in costs, losses incurred by the participants in the conflict;

4) the growth of situational statements, aggressive actions of the participants.

But let us return to the question of the usefulness or harmfulness of conflicts. We have already said that conflict is a way to identify and resolve contradictions. This is the root of the answer to the question. Conflict is useful in that one way or another resolves the contradiction. But the following question follows from this: what is the price of resolving the conflict through contradiction? She is usually very tall. In this case, the system is destroyed or seriously damaged. There is a social illusionism about which Pitirim Sorokin wrote. It seems that the best resolution of objectively existing contradictions is not a conflict method, but a peaceful, consensus option, which is achieved by peaceful, civilized ways and means, when the opposing parties and all participants in the conflict come to understand the need for this before the development of events goes along the conflict channel.

Despite their specificity and diversity, conflicts have common stages of flow:

Potential formation of conflicting interests, values, norms;

The transition of a potential conflict into a real one, or the stage of awareness by the participants in the conflict of their correctly or falsely understood interests;

conflict actions;

Removal or conflict resolution.

In addition, each conflict reveals a more or less clearly defined structure. In any conflict there is an object conflict situation, associated either with organizational and technological difficulties, peculiarities of wages, or with the specifics of business and personal relations of the conflicting parties.

The next element of conflict is subjective goals its participants, due to their views and beliefs, material and spiritual interests. Further, the conflict implies the presence opponents, individuals, being its members. Finally, in any conflict it is important to distinguish between the immediate occasion clashes from genuine it reasons often hidden.

It is important for a practitioner to remember that as long as all the listed elements of the conflict structure exist (except for the reason), it cannot be eliminated. An attempt to end the conflict situation by forceful pressure or persuasion leads to its growth and expansion by attracting new individuals, groups or organizations. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate at least one of the existing elements of the conflict structure.

All conflicts have multiple causes. The main ones are the limited resources to be shared, the interdependence of tasks, the difference in goals, the differences in ideas and values, in the manner of behavior, in the level of education, as well as poor communication.

Resource allocation. Even in the largest organizations, resources are limited. Management must decide how to allocate materials, people, finances, and other resources to different groups in order to effectively achieve the organization's goals. To allocate a larger share of resources to one leader or group is to allocate a smaller share to others. People always want more resources, not less. Thus, the need to share resources leads to the possibility of conflict.

Interdependence of tasks. The possibility of conflict exists wherever a person or group is dependent on another person or group for a task. Since organizations are systems consisting of interdependent elements, the failure of any specialist or group of their tasks can cause conflict.

Some types organizational structures and relations, as it were, contribute to the conflict arising from the interdependence of tasks. The intergroup conflict between line managers and staff personnel is considered above. The cause of this conflict is often the interdependence of industrial relations. On the one hand, line personnel depend on the staff, as they must use the knowledge and skills of specialists. On the other hand, the staff staff depends on the line staff, as they need their support at the moment when they find out problems in manufacturing process or act as a consultant. Moreover, the staff at the implementation of their recommendations usually depends on the line.

Certain types of organizational structures increase the potential for conflict. This possibility increases with the matrix structure of the organization, where the principle of unity of command is deliberately violated. The potential for conflict is also great in purely functional structures, since each major function focuses primarily on its own area of ​​specialization. In organizations where departments are the basis of the organizational chart (no matter what criteria they are created for: product, consumer or territorial), the heads of interdependent departments report to one common head of a higher level, thereby reducing the possibility of conflict for purely organizational reasons.

Differences in values is a very common cause of conflict. For example, highly educated R&D personnel value freedom and independence. If their boss finds it necessary to closely monitor the work of their subordinates, differences in values ​​are likely to cause conflict.

Differences in behavior and life experience. Studies show that people who are authoritarian, dogmatic with character traits, indifferent to such a concept as self-respect, are more likely to come into conflict. Other studies show that differences in life experience, values, education, seniority, age, and social characteristics reduce the degree of mutual understanding and cooperation between representatives of different departments.

Poor communications. Poor communication is both a cause and a consequence of conflict. It can act as a catalyst for conflict, making it difficult for individuals or groups to understand the situation or the perspectives of others. If, for example, management fails to communicate to workers that new system performance-related wages are not intended to "squeeze juice" but to increase the company's profits, improve its position among competitors, which will ultimately lead to higher wages, workers may react by slowing down the pace of work. Other common communication issues that cause conflict are ambiguous quality criteria, failure to clearly define the responsibilities and functions of all employees and departments, and mutually exclusive job requirements.

Disagreements due to inconsistencies in the reasoning of the parties. Your view of the problem depends on which bell tower, figuratively speaking, you look at it from. People tend to see what they want to see. From a mass of facts, we choose those that confirm our views, ideas, and beliefs, and ignore or misinterpret those that challenge our ideas. However, it should be borne in mind that understanding the point of view of another does not mean agreeing with it. This will only help narrow the area of ​​conflict. Also, one should not interpret the statements or actions of the other party in a negative way, because this causes negative emotions. But we are irritated by negative emotions addressed to us, and we have a desire to compensate for our psychological loss by responding with insult for insult. In this case, the answer should not be weaker, but with a “margin”. A condescending attitude, categoricalness, joking, a reminder of some kind of losing situation, etc. - all this causes a negative reaction from others and serves as a breeding ground for a conflict situation.

People very often, when talking, do not understand each other. There are many reasons for this. Yes, at interpersonal communication a significant part of the information exists at the level of the unconscious and cannot be fully expressed in words. Due to a limited vocabulary, lack of time, or for other reasons, it is not considered necessary to say everything, and therefore information is sometimes perceived by the interlocutor at the expense of non-verbal means communication (facial expressions, intonation, gestures, postures, etc.).

In addition, each person has their own characteristics in the perception of another person. In one of the areas of modern psychology - neurolinguistic programming - these differences are the basis for classifying people into visuals, audialists and kinesthetics.

visuals they love the visually presented, concreteness, they do not tolerate walking in front of them during communication, they are prone to accusatory statements. Audials everyone perceives through auditory images, music, speech; kinesthetics - through the states of your body. All this taken together creates the prerequisites for conflict and difficulties in managing it.

It is also useful for a manager to know what individual personality traits (character traits) create in a person a tendency or predisposition to conflict relations with other people.

Often, specific situations create a kind of barrier to the satisfaction of our aspirations, desires, interests. We calmly put up with many of them, considering them natural and inevitable. The problem begins when these barriers cause us to protest: decision seems erroneous, the behavior of one of the colleagues is unacceptable, the assessment of our work is incorrect, etc.

Suppose the institute decided to start research work on new promising topics. In the course of preliminary discussions with the leadership of the institute, the head of one of the laboratories insisted on including this topic in the work plan of his laboratory, which did not meet with serious objections. However, the final decision was made in favor of another laboratory. If the manager, after analyzing the situation, comes to the conclusion that there are grounds for such a decision and the case will not lose, but will benefit from this, then he will evaluate the decision made as justified and there will be no conflict. If he considers that the decision is wrong, made for some unclear or non-business reasons, then the situation will become a conflict.

The beginning of the conflict, as a rule, is connected with the fact that a person is trying to prove his point of view, gives arguments in favor of his position, convincing the opponent.

Who is this opponent? A specific person or (more rarely) a protest group, a leader who made the appropriate decision, an employee who let his comrades down, etc. The opponent may also be a person on whom the conflicting person holds responsibility for the situation, although the measure of his “guilt” is problematic.

A manager often has to deal with conflicts of this type, when a subordinate makes claims to him for some circumstances that do not satisfy him, poor working conditions, the inability to get a vacation at a convenient time, lack of promotion prospects, etc. In this situation, the manager often has a response a protest reaction related to the fact that we are talking about circumstances beyond his control, and he considers the claims of the subordinate unfair. However, in the eyes of subordinates, the leader is perceived not only as a specific person at a specific workplace, but also as a representative of the entire administration. That is why he acts for his subordinates as a person, responsible for the working situation in general.

In turn, the leader often places responsibility for a situation that does not satisfy him (poor work of the team, unhealthy atmosphere) on one of his subordinates, seeing him as a source of problems, which determines his behavior and actions in relation to this person, although, perhaps , even removing him from the team will not change the situation.

Conflicts of this type are potentially fraught with serious complications, since the opponent perceives the claims made against him as unfounded accusations, and this causes a conflict response. In its extreme expression, situations of this type can resemble the search for a “scapegoat”, when a person who finds himself in a difficult situation for him realizes his feelings about it by “venting anger” at the first thing that comes to hand.

It should be emphasized that in most cases a person first tries to resolve the situation that has arisen “peacefully”. The ability to resolve a difficult situation without bringing it to conflict is a sign of a person's socio-psychological culture. At the same time, purely personal adverse manifestations in a difficult situation can sharply aggravate it, causing a conflict. Among these personal characteristics that complicate the settlement of difficult situations are the tendency to insist on one's own, not to reckon with the arguments of others, categorical and peremptory judgments, impulsiveness, thoughtlessness of words and actions, a tendency to accuse a partner, attributing malicious and selfish motives to him.

A psychological examination was conducted of female workers with a pronounced tendency to conflict behavior (according to experts from their environment) and - in contrast to them - those who were characterized by others in the best possible way. It could be assumed that people with a favorable communication style tend to avoid conflict situations, that they are more likely to give in, etc. Nothing of the sort. They also got into conflict situations, discovered their reasoning and disagreements with others, sorted out relations, etc. But in one thing they clearly differed from the “conflict-positioned” ones: in a difficult situation of a conflict of interests, they were determined to resolve the situation, taking into account not only their own interests, but also the interests of the partner, sought to find a solution that, if possible, would satisfy the interests of both parties. "Conflict-positioned" in difficult situations showed a pronounced tendency to resolve the situation only in their favor, and at any cost, neglecting the interests of the partner.

In psychology, the following types of conflict personalities are distinguished:

"demonstrative" - most often it is a choleric and those who are characterized by violent activity in a wide variety of directions. They like to be seen, have high self-esteem;

"rigid" (inert) - people who do not know how to rebuild, take into account the opinions and points of view of others; they are ambitious, show painful resentment, suspicion;

"pedant" - a person who is always punctual, picky, albeit executive, a bore, repels people from himself;

"conflict-free" - a person who consciously avoids conflict, shifting responsibility for decision-making to others (if this is a leader, then to his deputy). Meanwhile, the conflict grows like a snowball and falls on such a person;

"practitioner" - operating under the slogan "The best defense is an attack." For such a person, the most important thing is the transformation of the environment, the external environment, changes in the positions of other people, which can lead to various clashes, tensions in relationships.

There are other typologies of difficult people. For example, Robert Bramson in his book Dealing with Difficult People identifies the following types of difficult people with whom he had to work in various firms:

"aggressor" - speaking rude and unceremonious, bullying others with barbs and irritated if they do not listen to him. As a rule, behind his aggressiveness lies the fear of revealing his incompetence;

"complainant" - a person who is seized by some idea and accuses others (someone in particular or the whole world as a whole) of all sins, but does nothing himself to solve the problem;

"angry child" - man is not evil by nature, but an explosion of emotions reflects his desire to take control of the situation. For example, a boss may flare up when he feels that his subordinates have lost respect for him;

« maximalist" - a person who wants something without delay, even if it is not necessary;

"silent" - keeps everything in himself, does not talk about his grievances, and then takes out the evil on someone;

"secret avenger" - a person who causes trouble with the help of some kind of intrigue, believing that someone did wrong, and he restores justice;

"false altruist" - supposedly doing you good, but deep down regretting it, which can manifest itself in the form of sabotage, demands for compensation, etc .;

"chronic accuser" - looking for the mistakes of others, believing that he is always right, and blaming, you can solve the problem.

Other types of difficult people can be distinguished, but the rules of behavior with them are generally the same.

How to deal with a conflict personality?

1. It must be borne in mind that such people have some hidden needs, which, as a rule, are associated with past losses and disappointments, and they satisfy them in this way. For example, a super-aggressive person tries to suppress cowardice and fearfulness with his aggressiveness.

2. You need to take control of your emotions and give vent to this person's emotions if you intend to continue to communicate with him.

3. Do not take personally the words and behavior of this person, knowing that in order to satisfy his interests, a difficult person behaves this way with everyone.

4. When choosing the appropriate style of action in a conflict situation, you should consider what type of people he belongs to.

5. If you find it necessary to continue associating with a difficult person, you must insist that the person tell the truth, no matter what. You must convince him that your attitude towards him will be determined by how truthful he is with you and how consistently he will act in the future, and not by the fact that he will agree with you on everything.

Summarizing the research of psychologists, we can indicate the following personal characteristics that give rise to conflicts:

Inadequate self-esteem of one's capabilities and abilities, which can be both overestimated and underestimated. In both cases, it will contradict the adequate assessment of others - and the ground for conflict is ready;

The desire to dominate at all costs where possible and impossible; say your word last;

Conservatism of thinking, views, beliefs, unwillingness to overcome outdated traditions;

Excessive adherence to principles and straightforwardness in statements and judgments, the desire to tell the truth at all costs;

Critical attitude, especially unreasonable and unreasoned;

A certain set of emotional qualities of a person - anxiety, aggressiveness, stubbornness, irritability, suspicion, painful resentment.

But a conflict arises if the personal characteristics of a person or group come into conflict with the above-mentioned characteristics of a person prone to conflicts, that is, in the presence of interpersonal or socio-psychological incompatibility. As an example, consider incompatible types of temperament under certain conditions: in a normal, calm environment, the choleric and the phlegmatic successfully cope with the work entrusted to them, but in an emergency, the slowness of the phlegmatic, his desire to think about the course of activity and the irascibility, imbalance and fussiness of the choleric can cause conflict relationships between them.

Often the basis for interpersonal incompatibility is the differences in the needs, interests, goals of various people interacting. The main interest, for example, for the head of a newly established company or enterprise is to expand the business, and for employees, so that as much money as possible is allocated for salaries. This creates friction between them, which can lead to conflict even among close people.

Socio-psychological incompatibility can also arise due to the fact that the group, the environment make demands on the individual that are at odds with the person's own orientation.

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Causes of conflicts Causes of conflicts reveal the sources of their occurrence and determine the dynamics of the flow. Table 2.1 Classification of conflicts Causes of conflict are phenomena, events, facts, situations that precede the conflict and, under certain conditions

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Sources of conflicts in the field of management The source of any conflict, including those related to management, are contradictions, which, under certain conditions, turn into a conflict. Each type and type of conflict has its own contradictions, the objectivity of which

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Classification of conflicts in the field of management Classification of managerial conflicts can be made for various reasons (Table 14.1).

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Business Relationship Strategy B real life most attempts to convince each other of something end in failure, since both sides do very little to come to a solution that suits everyone. A bet to win on all counts can lead you to

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22. Causes of Conflict Once Tara magazine published the results of a study on the most common causes of quarrels between partners, the leading positions in the list were occupied by the following

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Causes of interpersonal conflicts They can be divided into two types - objective and subjective. In most cases, interpersonal conflicts are generated objective reasons, sometimes not even realized by the conflicting parties and their environment. However, refracting

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Causes of intra-group conflicts The most typical cause of conflicts in a group is a violation of group norms by one of its members. This is contrary to the interests of the other members, therefore it is strictly suppressed. The next reason, which is precisely

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5.3. Causes of intrapersonal conflicts The occurrence of any intrapersonal conflict is due to the influence of two factors that are closely related: external environment and personal psychological characteristics of the individual. At the heart of any conflict, including

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From the author's book

CAUSES OF CONFLICTS The causes of conflicts are an important component in the resolution of any conflict. The causes of conflict are driving force development and escalation of the conflict. The nature of causes may be objective or subjective.

Any conflict - ϶ᴛᴏ lack of agreement between two or more parties (individuals or groups of people), as a result of which they cannot normally satisfy ϲʙᴏ and needs. The conflict is based on a situation that includes either conflicting positions of the parties on any occasion, opposite goals or means of achieving them, or a mismatch of interests, desires, inclinations, etc.

In order for the conflict to grow, an incident (i.e., a reason) is needed when one side begins to act, infringing (even unintentionally) on the interests of the other side. An incident leads to a conflict only if there are contradictions waiting for its resolution. It can be provoked by any carelessly spoken word or any action.

By value, conflicts are divided into constructive (creative) and destructive (non-constructive, destructive)

A CONSTRUCTIVE CONFLICT happens when the opponents, having their own position, do not go beyond data norms, business relations and reasonable arguments. It must be remembered that such conflicts are fruitful. Here the parties put forward ϲʙᴏ and arguments, their points of view are equally taken into account. There is an open exchange of views and a joint search for a solution. Emotions are kept in check and all points of view are calmly considered. The resolution of such a conflict leads to the development of relations between people and the development of the group - in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙii with one of the laws of dialectics, stating that the struggle of opposites is the source of development.

NON-CONSTRUCTIVE CONFLICT arises in two cases: when one of the parties stubbornly and rigidly insists on its position and does not want to take into account the interests of the other side; when one of the opponents resorts to morally condemned methods of struggle, seeks to psychologically suppress the partner, discrediting and humiliating him.

According to the nature of the causes, conflicts can be divided into objective and subjective. The former are generated by objective reasons, the latter by subjective ones.

Conflicts differ in the scope of their resolution - business or personal-emotional.

In business, conflicts will most often take the form of clique formation or the spread of intrigue. According to the definition of the famous domestic psychologist V.R. Vesnina, a clique is a group of employees who actively oppose the official line in order to seize formal or informal power. Its members are closely connected with each other by official relations and do not allow outsiders into the ϲʙᴏ and the ranks without universal consent. In addition to ϶ᴛᴏgo, there are subclients. They consist of people working not only in this company, but also outside it. Sometimes such a subclique can even control the entire clique, and through it the firm as a whole. Intrigue - ϶ᴛᴏ deliberate dishonest confusion of people in order to force them to certain actions that harm others, and also to demonstrate to others ϲʙᴏ its significance. The instrument of intrigue is most often information disseminated “through third parties”. It is worth noting that it is characterized by the prejudice of the person transmitting this information, a special denigration or whitewashing of facts and people, the tendency of the conveyor to exaggeration, the desire to flatter himself. True, whatever this information may be, in any case, you need to pay attention to it.

In a conflict situation, opponents can aggressively attack each other, evade a collision, retreat, losing positions one by one, hide, or even completely “change color”. Often, powerful alliances are formed to conduct hostilities.

The correct assignment of a particular conflict to a particular type helps to make an accurate “diagnosis” and prescribe adequate treatment. And in order to foresee and treat them (when it is impossible to prevent), it is extremely important to know the causes leading to conflict situations. The causes of constructive conflicts most often lie in shortcomings in the organization of production and management. These can be unfavorable working conditions, poor work organization, lack of resources for tasks, lack of rights and obligations, an imperfect remuneration system, delayed payment of wages, lack of clarity in the distribution of responsibilities, etc.

It is worth saying - a positive resolution of a constructive conflict - first of all, the elimination of shortcomings, the reasons that led to it. And since these reasons are objective, reflecting the imperfection of the organization of production and management, their elimination means the improvement of production. And the business solution of constructive conflicts is one of the ways to develop the organization's team.

Destructive conflicts are generated most often by subjective reasons. These include the wrong actions of the leader and subordinates, as well as the psychological incompatibility of individuals. The leader usually sees the illegal actions of subordinates better than ϲʙᴏ and erroneous actions (most people are so arranged that they see mistakes first of all in others)

Excluding the above, the leader will be the authority that must neutralize the mistakes of subordinates. Therefore, let us dwell on the erroneous actions of leaders that lead to destructive conflicts.

The erroneous actions of managers can be grouped into three areas: violations of service data, violations of labor laws and an unfair assessment by the head of subordinates and the results of their work.

Violations of official data include: - all kinds of manifestations of rudeness, arrogance, disrespectful attitude towards subordinates;

Deception of subordinates (explicit and implicit), failure to fulfill promises;

Intolerance of opinions other than one's own, clamping down on criticism;

Infringement of the rights of subordinates;

Abuse of the position of the boss (for example, using the dependence of a subordinate to impose on him assignments of an off-duty nature);

Instructions to the performer "over the head" of the immediate supervisor (and in general work with the performer without the knowledge of the immediate supervisor);

Withholding information (including unconscious), putting the subordinate in a position of uncertainty (especially in the face of downsizing and reorganization);

Criticism that belittles the dignity of a person.

Conflicts have the most adverse consequences for business communication. These are people's dissatisfaction, bad state of mind, increased staff turnover, reduced labor productivity, lack of desire to work and cooperate in the future, the formation of an image of the enemy, ϲʙᴏ ending interaction and communication with the conflicting party and increasing hostility, striving for victory at any cost instead of actually resolving the problem. Therefore, any conflict is extremely undesirable, and it should not be allowed, and if it does arise, you need to be able to resolve it. This is usually done in stages in the following sequence.

1. CREATE A GOOD PSYCHOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT FOR COOPERATION. During the first meeting of the conflicting parties, and then at each subsequent meeting, it is worth spending a few minutes in an informal conversation. It is not bad to organize tea, a joint meal or other event.

2. STRIVE FOR CLARITY OF COMMUNICATION. Prepare the necessary information for the negotiations. From the very beginning, agree on terminology, ɥᴛᴏto exclude different understandings of the same words.

3. RECOGNIZE THE CONFLICT. Oddly enough, ϶ᴛᴏ is the most difficult. Unfortunately, human nature has such a feature: to put up with the intolerant and not recognize the obvious. Instead of continuing the "ostrich" policy, declare openly and honestly about the existence of the conflict. This will immediately save you from wrong reasoning and open the way to negotiations.

4. AGREE ON THE PROCEDURE. If the conflict is recognized and it is obvious that it is not resolved “on the fly”, then instead of continuing fruitless disputes, agree on where, when and how you will start working together to overcome it. It is best to specify in advance who will take part in the discussion. Since "houses and walls help," it is good to gather either in a neutral place or in turn at each side.

5. DEFINE THE BORDERS OF THE CONFLICT. Both parties must speak out: what they see as a conflict, how each side evaluates its "contribution" to the conflict situation. It is equally important to find out also what each of the parties does not see and does not recognize. As far as possible, try to identify "hidden interests", personal ambitions or grievances that can obscure the real essence of the conflict and prevent its settlement. For the ϶ᴛᴏth purpose, focus on specific actions, demands of the parties and contentious issues.

6. EXPLORE POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS. The widely known technique brainstorming»: any sentences are expressed, which are fixed regardless of who their author is. None of the proposals are criticized. The goal is to develop as many options for solving problems as possible. A “wild” idea after discussion may turn out to be fruitful, or, on the contrary, turn out to be so wild that it will unite the parties in its denial, i.e. in the end it will be useful, because it will help mutual understanding and convergence of positions.

7. GET AN AGREEMENT. At the ϶ᴛᴏm stage, it is necessary to discuss and evaluate the proposals made, and then choose the most acceptable one. Naturally, it must take into account the requirements of both parties, i.e. be an agreement. It is desirable to document the obligations of the parties in the form of a resolution, protocol or agreement.

8. SET A TIME FOR RESOLUTION. If no deadlines for decisions are set, negotiations on the conflict can drag on for a very long time. Do not forget that it is important that the terms are agreed and accepted by all parties.

9. PUT THE PLAN INTO LIFE. Measures to implement the solution should be included in the final document of the negotiations. It is advisable to start measures to resolve the conflict immediately after the conclusion of the agreement. Postponements can cause doubts and mutual suspicions of the parties.

In all conflict situations, before taking decisive action, it is extremely important to clarify the positions of both sides, i.e. what they insist on. Then reveal their intentions, goals, interests. Position is ϶ᴛᴏ what you are offered, and interests are ϶ᴛᴏ what the opponent wants to achieve in the end. You should also try to understand the reasons for the excited state of the interlocutor and try to calm him down. Only then can one begin to clear up the deadlocked situation by asking clarifying questions in the most polite and tactful way possible, for example: “I beg your pardon for my inattention, but I did not quite understand your point of view. Could you clarify it in a more popular form?

The next step is to clarify what is in common in the interests of the parties. If the positions are incompatible, then the positional struggle can be resolved in different ways:

Look for a third option (position), which would suit both parties and satisfy their interests.

One side should make a compromise, but with ϶ᴛᴏm it receives additional benefits (compensation)

If the positional struggle takes sharp forms, one should move away from the ϲʙᴏ position and try to convince the opponent that any position is ϶ᴛᴏ only one of the possible ways to solve the problem.

And now let's consider the procedure for dealing with clicks and eliminating intrigues. On the recommendation of the already mentioned V.R. Vesnin, the fight against cliques should begin with the fact that their members in a dramatic form outline the futility of actions and the impossibility of achieving their goals. After ϶ᴛᴏ it is extremely important to sow discord and distrust among the members of the clique, and above all in relation to the leader. On the basis of ϶ᴛᴏgo, several schismatic groups are created, defectors are activated, from which one can later grow “ϲʙᴏ their” leaders. It is necessary to convince the rank and file members of the clique that belonging to it brings discontent and disappointment, fatigue from the endless, senseless struggle with windmills. When the moral decay of the members of the clique reaches the desired degree, they are offered a "ϲʙᴏy" leader.

The initiators of the intrigue must be called to a frank conversation, making it clear that all persons involved in it can be invited to it. A person should not be accused from the threshold of all mortal sins, it is important to understand what guides him. Most likely, it will turn out that he wants to draw attention to himself and become the hero of the day. By identifying the problems that torment him, you can jointly determine how serious they are and what possible ways their decisions. Of course, you should be careful with "hot" employees, not succumbing to blackmail and provocations.

When helping people to resolve conflicts, it is extremely important to show them that ϶ᴛᴏ is a completely natural phenomenon, which should not be feared, but can and should be overcome. And for the ϶ᴛᴏgo, the parties must recognize each other, understand mutual interests, sit down at the negotiating table and carefully listen to the claims. This will allow you to look at the problem through the eyes of another, clearly define the subject of the conflict, identify the commonality and differences of views on it, and begin to search for common solutions and choose the most optimal of them.

This is the sequence of actions in resolving conflict situations.

Note that now let's talk about specific tactical methods of behavior in conflict situations, which are recommended by the well-known domestic consultant-psychologist on management N. M. Vlasova.

1. First of all, try to get your partner to understand that the continuation of the conflict is ϶ᴛᴏ "rocking the boat, in which everyone is sitting."

2. Let an irritated opponent blow off some steam. Until ϶ᴛᴏ does not happen, it is very difficult to agree with him. During his "explosion" you should behave calmly, confidently, but not arrogantly and give him the opportunity to speak out to the end. Do not forget that your heightened and calm attention will help him reduce his inner tension.

3. Ask him to calmly justify ϲʙᴏand claims, but with ϶ᴛᴏm, emphasize that you will take into account only facts and objective evidence. People tend to confuse facts and emotions. Therefore, try to dismiss emotions with a question: “Does what you say refer to facts or only to your opinion, your guess?”

4. Try to bring down the opponent's aggression with unexpected tricks. For example, ask him for advice. Ask an unexpected question about something completely different, but meaningful to him. Remind that you connected with him in the past and it was very pleasant. Give a compliment or express sympathy, for example, that he has lost a lot. The main thing is that your requests, memories, compliments and sympathy switch the mind of your angry opponent from negative emotions to positive ones.

5. Do not give your opponent negative ratings, try to speak to him as politely as possible. For example:

Instead of: "It's not like that ..." - "I see ϶ᴛᴏ differently .."

Instead of: "That won't work..." - "Let's approach ϶ᴛᴏ a little differently..."

Instead of: "Don't forget that your point of view is wrong..." - "Let's look at ϶ᴛᴏ from a slightly different angle..."

Instead of: "You are deceiving me" - "I feel deceived."

Instead of: "You are a rude person" - "I am very upset by the way you talk to me."

6. Ask to formulate the desired final result and the problem as a chain of obstacles. Problem - ϶ᴛᴏ something that needs to be solved. Attitude towards a person - ϶ᴛᴏ background or conditions in which one has to solve it. An unfriendly attitude towards a partner or client can make you not want to solve the problem that has arisen. Don't let your emotions rule you. Try to identify the problem with your opponent and focus on it.

7. Invite the opponent to express ϲʙᴏ and considerations for resolving the problem that has arisen and ϲʙᴏ and solutions. Do not look for the guilty and do not explain the situation, but try to find a way out of it. Do not stop at the first acceptable option, but create several of them. Then you can choose the best one from them. With ϶ᴛᴏm, one should look for only mutually acceptable solutions.

9. At every crucial moment, try to repeat his statements and claims in their own words. It is worth saying that it seems that everything is clear, and yet: “Did I understand you correctly?”, “By this you mean that ...” It is this tactic that eliminates misunderstandings and, in addition, demonstrates attention to the opponent. And ϶ᴛᴏ also helps to reduce his aggression.

10. Always try to stay "on an equal footing." It is important to know that most people, when they are shouted at or blamed, also shout back or try to yield and remain silent in order to extinguish the anger of the other person. Both of these positions are ineffective. We must maintain a position of calm confidence. It is worth noting that it keeps the opponent from aggression and helps both "not lose face."

11. Don't be afraid to apologize if you feel guilty. Firstly, ϶ᴛᴏ disarms your opponent, and secondly, it earns respect from him. After all, only confident and mature individuals are capable of an apology.

12. Regardless of the outcome of conflict resolution, try not to destroy the relationship. Express your respect and disposition to your opponent and express regret about the difficulties that have arisen. And if you save the relationship and let your opponent "save face", you will not lose him as a future partner or client.

Practice shows that there are no irresolvable conflicts that could not be settled without the use of force. Therefore, any attempt to resolve the conflict situation “peacefully” must be used. At the same time, there are different approaches. Such approaches that determine the style of behavior in a conflict situation will be: 1) adaptation; 2) compromise; 3) cooperation; 4) ignoring; 5) rivalry. Let's study these approaches and list the situations in which this approach is the most appropriate.

ADJUSTMENT - ϶ᴛᴏ change ϲʙᴏ her position, restructuring of behavior, smoothing out contradictions - sometimes to the detriment of ϲʙᴏ their interests. This approach should be applied in the following cases:

It is very important to admit that you are wrong.

When it is more important to restore calm, rather than resolve the conflict;

Defending her point of view takes time and considerable effort;

You don't particularly care what happened;

COMPROMISE - ϶ᴛᴏ settlement of disagreements through mutual concessions, which allows the parties to share profits and losses acceptable to the parties. It is worth noting that it means accepting to some extent the position of the other side. An agreement is reached when both parties consider the chosen option to be fair, although it is not necessarily the best. A compromise approach involves giving in to the other side, which reduces mutual hostility and helps to relieve, at least temporarily, the accumulated tension. At the same time, compromise prevents a real solution to the conflict, since it does not eliminate the causes that gave rise to it. A compromise approach is advisable to use in cases where:

Both parties have mutually exclusive interests;

You prefer to gain at least something than to lose everything;

The parties have equally persuasive arguments;

Time is critical to resolve more complex issues;

With a lack of time, when it is extremely important to make an urgent decision;

Cooperation does not lead to success;

You may be satisfied with a temporary solution;

The result is of no great importance to you.

COOPERATION as an approach to conflict resolution involves the joint development of a solution that satisfies the interests of all parties. This approach is preferred in cases where:

Integration of points of view and convergence of opinions of the parties is necessary;

It is required to find a common solution if each of the proposed solutions to the problem is too important and does not allow for compromise;

The main purpose of the discussion will be to obtain broad information;

You have a long-term and mutually beneficial relationship with the other party. COMPETITION as an approach in a conflict situation is used when:

The outcome is very important to you, and you make a big bet on the ϲʙᴏe solution to the problem that has arisen;

You feel that you have no other choice, you have nothing to lose;

If the approaches discussed above allow conflict resolution with varying degrees of efficiency, then rivalry as an approach to resolving a conflict situation will be completely unacceptable. The most effective way to resolve any conflict is to eliminate or change the causes that give rise to it in such a way that it automatically disappears.

Conflict, like a disease, is easier to prevent than to cure. There are quite a lot of means for the prevention of pre-conflict and conflict situations. Let's study some of them.

The most effective means should be recognized as the elimination from business communication of judgments and assessments that could infringe on the honor and dignity of the interlocutor. Very undesirable and patronizing judgments and assessments, expressed with a sense of ill-concealed superiority or neglect. Of course, it is practically impossible to completely eliminate the evaluative approach to the subjects of conversation from business communication. Therefore, one should try to focus on positive judgments and assessments, remembering that all people more favorably accept positive information, rather than negative, which often leads to conflict situations. Assessments should be as tactful as possible and not touch the interlocutor himself.

Another effective means of preventing conflict situations will be to prevent a dispute in business communication, since during a dispute a person rarely manages to maintain self-control and dignity. Arguing, we begin to get excited and, without noticing it ourselves, make insulting remarks and allow annoying rudeness. In connection with this, I would like to once again recall the words of Dale Carnegie, an ardent opponent of any dispute, who convincingly proves that “in nine cases out of ten disputes end with the fact that each of its participants, even more than before, is affirmed in her absolute rightness. .. You can't win an argument. You can’t because if you lost the argument, then you lost, but if you won, then you also lost ... You can be absolutely right in proving your point of view, but all your attempts to convince the interlocutor will probably remain just as futile, as if you were wrong."

A good means of preventing conflicts is the ability to listen to the interlocutor, since it will be a criterion for sociability. Material published on http: // site
The extent to which the interlocutor is given the opportunity to speak largely depends on his disposition and confidence.

At the same time, the most reliable means of preventing a conflict situation will be a conscious rejection of any conflict. It is worth saying that for ϶ᴛᴏ you need to learn how to avoid them. It is worth saying, for starters, consciously refuse to participate in quarrels. This refusal must be translated into the subconscious, that is, it must become a principle in your behavior, your psychological attitude.

In any conflict, no one can ever prove anything to anyone. Even by force. Negative emotional impacts block the ability to understand, take into account and agree with the opponent. The work of thought stops. And if a person is not able to think, the rational part of the brain is turned off, then there is no need to try to prove something. It just doesn't make sense.

If you still lost control of yourself and did not notice how you were drawn into the conflict, try to do the only right thing in this case - shut up. Do not forget that your silence will allow you to get out of the quarrel and stop it. Indeed, two parties usually participate in any conflict, and if one of them has disappeared, then there will simply be no one to quarrel with.

In the event that neither of the participants in the conflict is inclined to stop, both are very quickly captured by negative emotional arousal. The tension is rising rapidly. In such a “dialogue”, the mutual remarks of the participants only “add fuel to the fire”.

At the same time, silence should not be offensive to the opponent. If it is colored with mockery, gloating or defiance, then it can act like a red rag on a bull. In order for the scandal to stop, it is necessary to ignore the very fact of the quarrel in silence, and then the negative excitement of the opponent will decrease sharply.

It should be avoided in every possible way to state the negative emotional state of the opponent: “Well, why are you nervous”, “Calm down, please”, etc. Such “calming” words only intensify the development of the conflict.

The quarrel can be stopped if you calmly and without any words leave the room. But if you slam the door with ϶ᴛᴏm or say something offensive before leaving, you can cause the effect of a terrible destructive force.

If you are silent, and the opponent regarded the refusal of the quarrel as capitulation, it is better not to refute ϶ᴛᴏgo. Keep pausing until it cools down. The position of one who refuses to quarrel must completely exclude anything offensive and insulting to the opponent. The winner is not the one who leaves the last smashing blow behind him, but the one who ^ manages to stop the conflict at the beginning, does not give him acceleration.

So far, we have considered ways to prevent and resolve conflicts related to the business sphere. But, unfortunately, the leader often has to deal with destructive conflicts that lie in the personal-emotional sphere.

In their analysis, completely different categories are used, since in these conflicts a goal is not set in advance, it is difficult to single out the object of disagreement, and there is no conflict of interest. They have only opponents, and the cause of the conflict is their psychological incompatibility. In other words, if in a constructive conflict the situation generates an incident, then in an emotional conflict the incident generates an object and a conflict situation.

What should a leader do if he encounters a conflicting personality? Reasonable arguments do not work on such people, since conflict is their way of existence. To calls for consent, they can answer: “I don’t want to, that’s all!” It is worth noting that they begin to defend themselves where no one attacks them. It constantly seems to them that the environment consists of enemies who use and exploit them. It is also useless to try one way or another to change the conflict situation, since a new object of contention will immediately be found.

But the situation is not entirely hopeless. Probably, you have met groups that groan from conflicting personalities, and only in relation to one of the group ϶ᴛᴏt "scandalist" behaves "humanly". Why? It's just that someone from the team found an approach to him, established contact with him. This magical word "contact" provides us with a way out of a seemingly dead-end emotional conflict.

Conflicts are manifested in the activities of all social institutions, groups, in relationships between people. The American social psychologist B. Wool said this: “life is a process of solving an infinite number of conflicts, a person cannot avoid them. He can only decide whether to participate in decision making or leave it to others.” Therefore, the leader, and indeed every cultured person, needs to have at least elementary ideas about conflicts, ways of behaving when they arise. Unfortunately, most people are characterized by the inability to find a worthy way out of them. In addition, as soon as a conflict arises, and it is always associated with emotions, we begin to experience discomfort, tension, which can even lead to stress and damage the health of the participants in the conflict.

Conflicts: types, structure, stages of flow.

What is conflict? In psychology, conflict is defined as a collision of oppositely directed, incompatible tendencies in the mind of a single individual, in interpersonal interactions or interpersonal relationships of individuals or groups of people, associated with negative emotional experiences. (A Brief Psychological Dictionary. / Under the editorship of A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky. - M., 1985). The basis of conflict situations in groups between individuals is the clash of opposing interests, opinions, goals with different ideas about how to achieve them.

In psychology, there is a multivariate typology of conflicts, built depending on the criteria that are taken as a basis. For example, the conflict might be intrapersonal(between kindred sympathies and a sense of official duty of the leader); interpersonal(between the head and his deputy regarding the position, bonuses to employees); between the individual and the organization in which it is included; between organizations or groups of the same or different status.

The following classification of conflicts is possible: 1) horizontally (between ordinary employees who are not subordinate to each other); 2) vertically (between people who are subordinate to each other) and 3) mixed, in which both are represented. The most common are 2) and 3) conflicts. They make up approximately 70-80% of all conflicts, are undesirable for the leader, since each of his actions is viewed through the prism of this conflict.

Classification according to the nature of the causes that led to the conflict. There are three groups of reasons that are due to:

labor process;

Psychological features of human relationships: their sympathies, antipathies; cultural, ethnic differences of people; actions of the leader, poor psychological communication;

The personal originality of the members of the group, for example, the inability to control their emotional state, aggressiveness, lack of communication skills, tactlessness.

Conflicts are distinguished by their significance for the organization, as well as by the way they are resolved. Distinguish constructive And destructive conflicts. The former are characterized by disagreements that affect the fundamental aspects, the problems of the organization's life and the resolution of which brings the organization to a new, higher and more effective level of development. The latter lead to negative, often destructive actions, which sometimes develop into squabbles and other negative phenomena, which drastically reduces the effectiveness of the group or organization.

Strategy of behavior in a conflict situation.

Since in real life it is not easy to find out the true cause of the conflict and find an adequate way to resolve it, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the strategy of behavior in a conflict situation and consciously choose a certain style of behavior depending on the circumstances.

There are 5 main styles of behavior in conflict:

competition or rivalry;




Ignore or avoid.

The style of behavior in a particular conflict is determined by the extent to which you want to satisfy your own interests, while acting passively or actively, and the interests of the other side, acting jointly or individually.

Style of competition or rivalry. This style is most typical for behavior in a conflict situation. According to statistics, more than 70% of all cases in the conflict is the desire for a unilateral gain, for victory, for the satisfaction of one's own interests. This results in a desire to put pressure on a partner, to impose their interests, ignoring the interests of the other side. It can be used by a person with a strong will, sufficient authority, power. At the same time, such a person:

Considers it obvious that the solution he proposes is the best;

Feels that he has no other choice and has nothing to lose;

Must make an unpopular decision and has sufficient authority to choose this move;

Interacts with subordinates who prefer an authoritarian style.

This strategy rarely brings long-term results, as the losing party may not support a decision that is made against its will, or even try to sabotage it. In addition, the one who lost today may refuse to cooperate tomorrow.

This style cannot be used in personal relationships, as it will not cause anything other than alienation. A marriage in which one side suppresses the other leads to irresolvable contradictions and even a complete break. You should not use this style in a situation where you do not have enough power, and your point of view on the issue is at odds with the point of view of the boss, and there are not enough arguments to prove it.

Collaboration Style- the most difficult of all styles, but it is most effective in resolving a conflict situation. Its advantage is that you find the most acceptable solution for both sides and make partners out of opponents. It means finding ways to involve all participants in the conflict resolution process and striving to satisfy the interests of all. This approach leads to success in business and personal life. The best way to start implementing this strategy is with the phrase: "I want a fair outcome for both of us", "Let's see how we can both get what we want", "I came to you to solve our problem." Penetrating deep into the differences, you should establish what need is behind the desires of the other side, find out how your differences compensate for each other.

It was found that if both parties win, they are more likely to implement the decisions made, since they are acceptable to them, and both parties took part in the entire conflict resolution process. However, this style requires the ability to explain your decisions, listen to the other side, and restrain your emotions. The absence of one of these factors makes this style ineffective. This style can be used to resolve a conflict in the following cases:

If each of the approaches to the problem is important and does not allow compromise solutions, however, a common solution must be found;

The main goal is to acquire joint work experience; the parties are able to listen to each other and state the essence of their interests;

There is a long, strong and interdependent relationship with the conflicting party;

It is necessary to integrate points of view and strengthen the personal involvement of employees in activities.

compromise style. The parties are trying to resolve differences by making mutual concessions. In this respect, it resembles the style of cooperation, but is carried out at a more superficial level. This style is most effective when both parties desire the same thing but know that the desires are unfulfillable, such as striving for the same position or the same work space. When using this style, the emphasis is not on a solution that satisfies the interests of the parties, but on the option: "We cannot fully fulfill our desires, therefore, it is necessary to come to a solution that each of us could agree on." Each participant must remember that some finite amount is being divided, and that in the process of dividing it, the needs of all participants cannot be completely satisfied.

One of the disadvantages of the style is that one side may, for example, exaggerate its demands in order to later appear generous or give in to the other. In such a situation, it is possible that neither party will stick to a solution that does not satisfy its needs. It should also be taken into account that if a compromise was reached without a thorough analysis of other possible solutions, then it may not be the most optimal outcome of the conflict situation.

Ultimately, the style of compromise in conflict resolution can be used in the following situations:

Both sides have equally persuasive arguments and wield the same power;

Satisfying the desire of one of the parties is of little importance to her;

Perhaps a temporary solution, as other approaches to solving the problem were ineffective;

Compromise allows at least something to gain than to lose everything.

Evasion Style implemented if the conflict does not affect the direct interests of the parties or the problem that has arisen is not so important for the parties and there is no need to defend their rights; or the party is not cooperating with anyone for you

working out a solution, and non-involvement in it does not affect the development of the conflict; or simply the party does not want to spend time and effort on its solution. This style is also recommended in cases where one of the parties has more power or feels that they are not right, or believes that there is no good reason to continue contacts. The style is also applicable when a party has to deal with a conflicting personality.

The conflicting party may use the evasion style if it:

Believes that the source of disagreement is trivial and insignificant compared to other, more important tasks;

Knows that he cannot or even does not want to resolve the issue in his favor;

Has little power to solve a problem in the way she wants;

Wants to buy time to study the situation and get more information before making any decision;

Believes that it is dangerous to solve the problem immediately, since open discussion of the conflict can only worsen the situation;

Subordinates themselves can resolve the conflict;

Solving the problem can worsen your health;

When people who are difficult from the point of view of communication are involved in the conflict - rude people, complainers, whiners.

It should not be thought that this style is an escape from a problem or an evasion of responsibility. In fact, leaving or postponing may be a very appropriate response to a conflict situation, as it may resolve itself during this time, or you can deal with it when you have sufficient information and a desire to resolve it.

Fixture Style means that you are acting in concert with the other party, but not trying to defend your own interests in order to improve the atmosphere and restore a normal working environment. Sometimes this is the only way to resolve the conflict, because by the time it arises, the needs of the other person may be more vital than yours, or their experiences may be stronger. In this case, you sacrifice your own interests in favor of the other side. But this does not mean that you should give up your interests. You are forced to postpone their implementation for a while, and then, in a more favorable environment, return to their satisfaction through concessions from your opponent or in some other way.

The fixture style can be applied in the following most typical situations:

When the most important task is to restore calm and stability, and not to resolve the conflict;

The subject of the disagreement is not important to you or you do not particularly care about what happened;

You realize that the truth is on your side;

You feel like you don't have enough power or a chance to win.

Just as no single leadership style can be effective in all situations without exception, so none of the conflict resolution styles discussed can be singled out as the best. We must learn how to effectively use each of them and consciously make one or another choice, taking into account specific circumstances.

Rules of conduct in a conflict.

Since conflicts often give rise to such an emotional state in which it is difficult to think, draw conclusions, and be creative in solving a problem, then when resolving a conflict situation, adhere to the following rules.

1. Remember that in a conflict a person is dominated not by reason, but by emotions. This leads to affect, when consciousness simply turns off, and a person is not responsible for his words and deeds.

2. Take a multi-alternative approach and, while insisting on your proposal, do not reject the partner’s proposal by asking yourself the question: “Am I never wrong?” Try to analyze both proposals and find out what amount of benefits and losses they will bring in the near future and in the long term.

3. Recognize the significance of conflict resolution for yourself by asking the question: “What will happen if a solution is not found?”. This will shift the focus from the relationship to the problem.

4. If you and your employee are irritated and aggressive, then you need to reduce internal tension by “letting off steam”. However, discharged on others is not an option, but a trick. But if it really happened, try to do the only thing: shut up yourself, and do not demand this from your partner. Avoid stating negative emotional states of your partner.

5. Focus on the positive, the best in a person. Then you oblige him to be better.

6. Invite the interlocutor to take your place and ask: “If you were in my place, what would you do?” This removes the critical attitude and switches the interlocutor from emotions to understanding the situation.

7. Do not exaggerate your merits and do not show signs of superiority.

8. Don't blame or make your partner responsible for the situation.

9. Regardless of the outcome of conflict resolution, try not to destroy the relationship.