There are different people: some are sculpted from wax, others are carved from stone; it is not a matter of belief, but of nature, and often a person chooses a path that is little suited to the material from which he is made.

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Ilya Grigorievich Erenburg

Sometimes a blind person can be a guide to the sighted.

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Baurzhan Toyshibekov

It is difficult to show the way to a short-sighted person.

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Ludwig Wittgenstein

The right way is this: learn what your predecessors did and move on.

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Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

For a briskly walking traveler, all objects that were just in front of him disappear behind him, while the continuity of the landscape is not broken.

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Wilhelm Dilthey

The only way to achieve lasting stability in life is to continually move forward.

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Henry Wales

In complete darkness, a blind person is the best guide - he distinguishes the road and paths better than a sighted person. However, it is truly stupid, when the day has already come, to still use old blind people as guides.

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Unknown author ()

I will only walk this path once. So let me now perform some worthy act or show kindness towards some human being. Let me not delay or miss the opportunity to do this, for I will never go down this path again.

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Unknown author ()

When you walk under the scorching sun, you don’t stop on the way to pick even the most beautiful flower...

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Honore de Balzac (The brilliance and poverty of courtesans; part p

Whoever has not weakened in spirit from acquisitions,
He doesn’t write to anyone: “I am your slave!”

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Muslihaddin Saadi

People are looking for ways to heaven for the simple reason that they have lost their way on earth.

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Georgy Valentinovich Plekhanov

If your path leads to knowledge of the world,
No matter how long and difficult it may be - forward!

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Abulqasim Ferdowsi

The stages of the long journey are best known to the guards.

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Vladimir Turovsky

No matter how far you go down the wrong path, come back.

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Turkish proverb

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Tatiana Viktorova Levitskaya

I showed them the path of glory: they did not want; I opened my halls to them: they rushed in a crowd.

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Napoleon I (Bonaparte)

The way to a man's heart is not through his stomach. Otherwise, every man would still live with his mother, eating milk soup.

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Martha Plimmer

One who is flying overtakes one who is walking, one who is walking overtakes one who is crawling, and one who is crawling overtakes one who is standing still.

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Baurzhan Toyshibekov

We... find our way through trial and error, building our path behind us as we move forward.

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M. Born

Almost everyone chooses a path that is not theirs and goes to the opposite extreme to what could be expected from them. The fool becomes vain, the scientist pretends to be ignorant; a coward fancies himself a brave man and talks only about pistols and fights, while a true brave man does not remember them; those who have do not like to give, and those who do not have, waste money; the beauty is deliberately careless in the toilet, and the ugly woman is recklessly dandy; the monarch strives to be a simple man, the noble imagines himself to be a deity; the eloquent is silent, but the ignorant rants; those who know how do not dare to act, and those who do not know how to act in vain. And everyone, as you see, follows the path of extremes, not the path of moderation... The more reliable path, although not so tempting, is the path of a reasonable and blissful middle: it is less dangerous, because it gives moderate and sustainable well-being.

We bring to your attention aphorisms and quotes from great philosophers and thinkers about the path of life, purpose, meaning of life, success, self-realization:

1. If you know your path, then successes and failures equally move you forward. (Laws of the Universe)

2. All paths are the same - they lead to nowhere. Ask yourself, does this path have a heart? If there is, the path is good; if not, it is useless. All paths lead to nowhere, but one path has a heart and the other does not. One path brings joy, and while you walk along it, you are inseparable from it; and the other way makes you curse your whole life. One path gives you strength, the other deprives you of it. (Carlos Castaneda)

3. There is no single path for all living things. There are many paths in the world and everyone has their own. The path that brought you happiness may be disastrous for someone else. Don’t drag yourself along, but if anyone has a desire to follow the same path, be a good fellow traveler. (Amu Mom)

4. To reach the goal, a person needs only one thing. Go. (Honore de Balzac)

5. Difficulties increase as you approach your goal. But let everyone make his way like the stars calmly, without haste, but constantly striving towards the intended goal. (Johann Goethe)

6. A man can make great the path he follows, but the path cannot make a man great. (Confucius)

7. Each of us has only one true calling - to find the path to ourselves. (Herman Hesse)

8. He who hobbles along a straight road will outstrip a runner who has lost his way. (Francis Bacon)

9. He who begins to walk with confidence will end with doubts, and he who begins his journey with doubts will end with confidence. (Jonathan Swift)

10. When you reach a goal, you realize that the path was the goal. (Paul Valery)

11. Always choose the most difficult path - you will not meet competitors on it. (Charles de Gaulle)

12. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. (Lao Tzu)

13. Any path is just one in a million possible ways. Therefore, a warrior must always remember that the path is only a path; if he feels that it is not to his liking, he must leave it at any cost. Any path must be looked at directly and without hesitation. (Carlos Castaneda)

14. Either I will find my way, or I will pave it myself. (Philip Sidney)

15. On the path of attaining wisdom, there is no need to be afraid that you will take a wrong turn. (Paulo Coelho)

16. A person with a clear goal will move forward even along the most difficult road. A person without any goal will not advance even on the smoothest road. (Thomas Carlyle)

17. The main thing in this world is not where we stand, but in which direction we are moving. (Oliver Holmes)

18. The one who carries a lantern stumbles more often than the one who follows. (Jean Paul)

19. He who walks slowly and leisurely, no road is long; He who patiently prepares for the journey will certainly reach his goal. (Jean Labruyère)

The collection includes quotes about the path, the road and travel:

  • I travel not to arrive somewhere, but to go. The main thing is movement. Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Astro consultation will help you “get rid” of life’s troubles... By plunging into disasters. Darius
  • To make our way in the world, it is useful to take with us a large supply of forethought and forbearance: the first will protect us from losses and losses, the second - from disputes and quarrels. Arthur Schopenhauer
  • In life as immortals, nothing is precisely indicated to us, And the path to please the deity is unknown to us. Theognis
  • In twenty years, you will regret more not what you did, but what you didn’t do. So throw off the knots and sail out of the quiet harbors. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Open it up. Mark Twain
  • There are ten thousand things in the world, ten thousand feelings in the human soul, ten thousand affairs on earth. If you look at them with a darkened eye, they will appear as a meaningless confusion. And if you look at them with a clear eye, an unshakable order will be revealed in everything. Why worry about differences? Why choose and win? Hong Zichen
  • Man is free because God's ways are inscrutable and man is given the choice to choose his own path. Vladimir Mikushevich
  • In the event of a clash of motives, the choice is always made in the direction of the strongest motive. Nikolai Onufrievich Aossky
  • A man can make great the path he follows, but the path cannot make a man great. Confucius
  • Guilt and unhappiness are not the end, but only a possible path to a new beginning. Lion Feuchtwanger
  • Traveling has its benefits. If a traveler visits the best countries, then he can learn how to improve his own. If fate takes him to worse countries, he can learn to love his country. Samuel Johnson

  • All crimes first mature in people’s heads and only then are they brought to life. The invisible line that a person crosses when deciding to take this path lies precisely there. Ali Absheroni
  • Each journey has its own secret destination, about which the traveler himself has no idea. Martin Buber
  • You can only choose between unnecessary things. Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)
  • The path to the ability to live in peace with the world, but not to submit to it, is hard. Lion Feuchtwanger
  • Stupidity, lack of development, inexperience, lack of education are the conditions that create restrictions on freedom of choice. Nikolai Onufrievich Aossky
  • Can he who becomes a creeping worm then complain that he has been crushed? Immanuel Kant
  • For a hungry child, the best fruit is the biggest. Gaston Bachelard
  • No matter how much a person rushes in one direction or another, no matter what he does, he will still return to the path destined for him by nature. Johann W. Goethe
  • If the road runs into a wall, don’t argue with the wall, indifferently smash your body against a stone. And move on yourself. Leonid Latynin, “The Makeup Artist and the Muse”
  • The most reliable compass on the path of life is the goal. Boris Krutier
  • If you are asked: what is healthier, the sun or the month? - answer: month. For the sun shines during the day, when it is already light; and the month is at night. But on the other hand: the sun the better that shines and warms; and the moon only shines, and then only on a moonlit night! Kozma Prutkov
  • The distance between the first and last day of life is variable and unknown; If you measure it by the hardships of the journey, it is long even for a child; if you measure it by speed, it is short even for an old man.
  • There are two paths: one is life and one is death; the difference between both paths is great. "Didache"
  • The path to God is a calm life. Vadim Mozgovoy
  • Life is the path to happiness, but not everyone is able to overcome all stages of this path. Ilya Shevelev
  • Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness. Mark Twain
  • Life is like a labyrinth with transparent walls. “But necessity always takes the shortest route.” Evgeniy Bagashov
  • Traveling is about more than just taking in the sights; these are changes that occur deep inside and constantly, in the idea of ​​life. Miriam Beard
  • The fallback route to hatred is contempt. Herve Bazin
  • A traveler without observation is like a bird without wings. Muslihaddin Saadi
  • Have the strength to choose what you like and not give up. Otherwise it's better to die. Albert Camus
  • Why not increase the life sentence by artificially prolonging life? Stanislav Jerzy Lec
  • When we come out of the bottles of our egos and, like squirrels from a wheel, we escape from the cages of our personalities, and again find ourselves in a dense forest, we will be there trembling with cold and fear until something happens to us such that we do not recognize ourselves. And fresh, immortal life will burst in. — David Herbert Lawrence
  • The benefit of traveling is the opportunity to adapt your imagination to reality, and, instead of thinking about how things should be, see everything as it is. Samuel Johnson
  • Those who have not traveled do not know the value of people. Moorish proverb
  • Distinguish truth from lies.
  • What seems best to everyone is what he has a desire for. Kozma Prutkov

  • No one will understand how wonderful it is to travel until they come home and lay their head on their old familiar pillow. Lin Yutang
  • People come to distant places to gaze in fascination at the people they ignore in their own country. Dagobert D. Runes
  • Nobody has freedom of choice. Oswald Spengler
  • The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page of it. Aurelius Augustine
  • Don't go where the road leads. Go where there is no road and leave your mark. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • The world is populated by people who, out of habit, compare themselves with others, always give preference to themselves and act accordingly. Jean de La Bruyère
  • Our battered suitcases were again piled on the sidewalk; we still had to go and go. But what difference does it make, the road is life. Jack Kerouac
  • We move towards the desired goal without noticing practically nothing on the way and only at the end do we realize that this path was our life.
  • In my opinion, the greatest reward and richness of travel is being able to experience everyday things as if for the first time and being in a state where almost nothing is so familiar and goes without saying. Bill Bryson.
  • We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them. Kahlil Gibran Gibran
  • On the path of life, just like on an ordinary road, in inclement weather you are sometimes dashingly overtaken, splashing you with mud. Alexander Tsitkin
  • We can see or not see - as we like; we may or may not hear. Alfred North Whitehead
  • A true traveler finds boredom pleasant rather than painful. It contains a symbol of his freedom - his unlimited will. Therefore, when boredom overtakes him, he accepts it not just philosophically, but almost with pleasure.” Aldous Huxley
  • We live in an amazing world, full of beauty, charm and adventure. And there is no end to the adventures that can happen to us if only we look for them with open eyes. Jawaharlal Nehru
  • I don’t know which is better—evil, which brings benefit, or good, which brings harm. Buonarroti Michelangelo
  • The world is filled with light for the one who knows this, and covered in darkness for the one who loses his way. Rabbi Baruch
  • There are no foreign countries. There is only a traveler who is a stranger there. Robert Louis Stevenson
  • The magnet points north and south; It is up to a person to choose a good or bad path in life. Kozma Prutkov
  • No reasoning can show a person a path that he does not want to see. Romain Rolland
  • Any path is just one of a million possible paths. Therefore, a warrior must always remember that the path is only a path; if he feels that it is not to his liking, he must leave it at any cost. Any path must be looked at directly and without hesitation. Carlos Castaneda

  • It's not easy to blow and swallow at the same time. Plautus Titus Maccius
  • Only at the moment of death will each of us understand how correct the chosen path in life was. Our life without black stripes would become transparent and intangible. A person who gives the present for the future is dead. Our life's path is strewn with the fragments of what we began to be and what we could become. Henri Bergson
  • Fortunately, life is not yet too serene, otherwise we would travel the path from cradle to grave much faster. Winston Churchill
  • When a person is born, life gives him all the paths at once, without prompting him. the best option. Valentina Bednova
  • You will lose more if you don't save less.
  • Everyone likes their own. Pliny the Elder
  • Waking up completely alone in an unfamiliar city is one of the most pleasant feelings in the world. Freya Stark
  • Slander and slander would not have such power if stupidity did not pave the way for them. Alexander Dumas son
  • Travel is brutal. It causes you to trust strangers and lose sight of everything that is familiar to you: home and friends. You are constantly looking for balance. Nothing belongs to you except the most important things - air, sleep, dreams, sea, sky - all this is akin to eternity, as we imagine it. Cesare Pavese
  • Around every turn new crossroads await. Jerzy Lec
  • Travel is like marriage. It would be a mistake to think that you can control it. John Steinbeck
  • Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease.
  • The path of a noble man is born within himself, but is tested by the people. Confucius
  • Life is a rough thing. You set out on a long journey, which means that somewhere you will slip, and get kicked, and fall, and get tired, and exclaim “I wish I could die!” - and, therefore, you will lie.
  • The way you got your millions is indifferent in America. Everything - “business”, business - everything that grows the dollar. I received interest from a poem that sold out - business, robbed, didn’t get caught - too. V.V. Mayakovsky, “My discovery of America”
  • If, out of the simplicity of your soul, you begin to blindly fulfill wishes, then you will spend a significant part of your life on the road - along a road that leads to nowhere. Yuri Tatarkin
  • The Rubicon has been crossed. Caesar Gaius Julius
  • If you have something better, offer it, and if not, submit. Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)
  • Freedom of choice in a competitive society is based on the fact that if someone refuses to satisfy our needs, we can turn to someone else. Friedrich August von Hayek
  • The only honest road is the path of mistakes, disappointments and hopes. Life is revelation own experience boundaries of good and evil. Sergey Dovlatov
  • That captive duke, who was given the choice of being drowned in Madeira or in sherry, was unlikely to rejoice in his freedom of choice. Wilhelm Windelband
  • Two guests, entering the office of their friend, each see the room in their own way; one immediately notices a bottle of liquor on the table, and the other a new art publication. Nikolai Onufrievich Aossky

Eh, the path is early, winding, long. Everyone has their own path in life, but not everyone follows it as it should and to the end. There are obstacles everywhere - both in material and spiritual forms. The essence of the truth of overcoming the route of fate is the wisdom of the human cycle of existence. And who will pave this path and how and where the curve or straight will lead - priceless quotes and aphorisms about the road and the path will help answer these questions.

Quotes about the beginning of the journey

The most important, of course, are the wise sayings about the beginning of the march to your destiny. “Where to go, where to go, who to find, to whom to surrender?” - asks a funny saying about an obscure traveler who has just begun his movement towards self-knowledge. And there is a deep meaning here. He is looking for direction and a master mentor who will point him in the right direction. And then, having collected his belongings, the traveler exclaims: “Oh, the path is a road, like a tripod, swing me a little.” And his path of knowledge begins with the first more or less confident step.

Now let's move on to the quotes:

  1. A long and long journey always begins with the first step. (Lao Tzu)
  2. There is only one true calling - to find the path to your true self. (Herman Hesse)
  3. If you fasten the first button incorrectly, it will no longer be possible to fasten it well. (Johann Goethe)
  4. The worthy path of a person is not to follow the trail of others. (Confucius)
  5. Whoever begins the journey with confidence will end it in doubt, and whoever doubts at the beginning will come to confidence. (Jonathan Swift)
  6. Always choose where it is more difficult - there will be no competitors on this path. (Charles de Gaulle)
  7. Either I will find my way, or I will pave it myself. (F. Sydney)
  8. Spontaneous travel is like a dance invited by God. (Kurt Vonnegut)
  9. He who does not know the hardships of the path will not truly appreciate human life. (Moorish proverb)
  10. Patience comes along the way. (Benjamin Disraeli)
  11. What's the point of sitting in a hut? (Fyodor Konyukhov)
  12. Along the way, the wise become better, and the fool becomes even more stupid. (Thomas Fuller)
  13. Living is not at all necessary, traveling is necessary. (William Burroughs).
  14. After decades comes disappointment from things not done. So break away from the quiet pier. Be filled with a fair wind, like a sail. Go forward to act, to open! (Mark Twain)
  15. A train ticket raises expectations, unlike a lottery ticket. (Paul Moran)
  16. To change something in the world, you need to see it with living eyes. (From the movie "Lost")
  17. I don’t want to be born a tree, to stand at one point and not know about the beauty that lies behind the nearby mountain. (Jack London)
  18. The hardest part has already been done by the one who just walked out the door. (Dutch proverb)
  19. Don't follow the beaten path - make your way further, to where there are no traces yet. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
  20. To reach your goal, the only thing you need is to go. (Honore de Balzac)

To start your journey, you need three things - desire, goal and aspiration. Many people prefer solitude and a monastic lifestyle, while others love cheerful company. In any case, quotes about the journey will help you decide and choose in what capacity it is better to travel. And on the road, favorable thoughts and wisdom of life are born. But let us continue to study the philosophy of wandering personalities.

Quotes about the path

Let's read selected quotes:

  1. Until a person sees the path for himself, others cannot convince him with any words. (Romain Rolland)
  2. A person can make his path great, but no path can make a person great. (Confucius)
  3. One comes to knowledge in three ways: by reflection - this is noble, by imitation - this is easy, through experience - this is the most difficult and painful. (Confucius)
  4. Only achieving a goal shows the correctness of the path. (Paul Valery)
  5. Go your own way and don't listen to what people say. (Dante Alighieri)
  6. It is not noisy excursions that lead to God, but solitary travel. (Vladimir Nabokov)
  7. By hobbling along a straight path, you can overtake a runner who has lost his way. (Francis Bacon)
  8. We find fate on the path we choose to escape from it. (Jean Lafontaine)
  9. All evil paths go nowhere. (Carlos Castaneda)
  10. Often, having wandered far along the path of life, you realize that you are standing on the wrong road. (Pierre Buast)
  11. You can’t get away from yourself, but strangers won’t let you in. (Pavel Sharpp)
  12. Do not come back along the road paved from yourself. (Pavel Sharpp)
  13. Either find your own path, or pave it yourself. (F. Sydney)
  14. More convolutions - a smoother path! (Sergey Fedin)
  15. He who knows the harbor always catches a fair wind. (Robert Benchley)
  16. It’s better to travel and never reach your destination. (Buddha)
  17. A good path does not have an exact plan, but it also does not have a goal. (Lao Tzu)
  18. Living is when you move, breathe, soar, swim, give, explore, travel. (Hans Christian Andersen)
  19. Don’t think about how you will talk about your impressions along the way. Life is here and now. That very moment. (Paulo Coelho).
  20. Travel can sometimes save you from loneliness. (Michelle Williams)

Quotes about the path inspire and help you understand what the path means in your personal life and how true it is.

May the path be easy

Travel anytime, anywhere. Go on long distance walks with family and friends. And don’t forget to take with you on the road great tips for all cases of wandering, which are called quotes about the path. And let your directions always be easy and pleasant.