Why are people still being fooled?

Such advertisements are aimed at vulnerable citizens - pensioners, students, schoolchildren or mothers on maternity leave, who are looking for any income without leaving home. Any opportunity to make money attracts them, and this is exactly what scammers take advantage of. Often they write right in the advertisement “work for pensioners and women on maternity leave.”

No skills are required, which means anyone can do it. It is enough to take a blank with glued strips, fasten the sides together and get a finished envelope. It only takes a few seconds, and for each finished product they promise about 0.5-3 rubles (the amount varies). A trifle, of course, but the work is very dust-free and saves a penny on the ruble.

In addition, custom articles have appeared on the Internet about how to make good money by gluing envelopes. Only the cost for one envelope of 30-60 rubles is a little confusing.

Why is this not true?

Do you remember how much an envelope costs in a store? Compare the promised amounts and the cost of the final product. Delivery to employees’ homes + payment for manual labor+ shipping to stores results in quite large expenses, and no one would raise the cost of envelopes by hiring workers at home. This sounds especially incredible if someone is looking for workers from other cities.

It's especially ironic that an envelope assembly company asks you to send them an envelope. And the letters are sent to a post office box so that deceived citizens cannot track them and come home.

Regular envelopes for letters have been collected for a long time automated systems, which definitely will not allow crooked bends or bevels. By using mechanical labor the cost of production can be kept low.

It was quite difficult to find reviews, mostly questions about this work in the style of “is this definitely not a scam?” But I couldn’t find any positive reviews (not taking into account the sales pages of such a scam). The comments are basically the same:

I would like to especially warn you: pochta1.eu is 100% a scam! At first everything looks good and on the main page they promise not to charge you any fees, but they don’t need to. When you fill out the form, you will give them all necessary information:

You do not need to provide such information to receive payment on your card. Therefore, you can be sure that this site is aimed at getting your money. They use the information they receive to charge your card.

Any other sites that ask for this information to transfer money to you are also deceiving.

I hope my explanations and the reviews provided have convinced you that gluing envelopes at home is a scam and extortion. Do not get involved with such work, it is better to try to earn money on the Internet or at home, but in honest ways.

Home-based work scams, which originated during perestroika, are still thriving today. Let's give examples of some of them. Let’s say right away that these are just general scenarios; there can be a lot of variations. In this case, you need to understand the principles and main signs of scams, because scams also mimic and change.

1) Processing correspondence or letters at home. The content is approximately as follows: “Work from home is offered for processing correspondence / letters. Working several hours a day wages from 1000 dollars! You write a letter expressing your desire to work, they send you a response asking you to transfer the required amount for “technology”, “contract”, “work scheme”, etc. You pay and receive instructions. It turns out that the whole job is that you publish advertisements about work from home, indicate your email, and respond to incoming letters with a requirement to transfer the Nth amount and then enclose exactly the same instructions. As you can see, this is a circular scam. They deceived you, and for money they told you how to deceive you.

2) Gluing envelopes at home. You are required to order and purchase printed envelope blanks and glue them together. Then send the “employer” glued envelopes, which he undertakes to buy. The work is very painstaking and requires jewelry precision, since the letter from the “employer” states that the envelopes are rejected due to the slightest defects (even a millimeter speck). However, no one will buy the envelopes from you.

3) Assembling handles at home. You need to buy (traditionally) from the “employer” five parts to assemble one whole pen, and he buys the finished pens back from you. As the “employer” states, it only takes about ten seconds to assemble one handle. Thus, in 3 hours, you will “prick” 1000 pens. The minimum quantity is 10,000 pens. With a conditional payment of 1 ruble per pen and working only 3 hours a day, you earn about 30,000 rubles per month. Nobody will buy your pens back (again).

4) Making soap at home. You buy back (well, where without it, as you understand) from the “employer” the necessary ingredients, “technology” and all sorts of “secrets” and start cooking at home beautiful soap. For the most part, this soap will not do any harm - soap is just like soap. Having brewed a “minimum batch”, you are again “left with your nose” - no one was going to buy them back. Even if the “employer” has an office, and even if you bring your creation there. They will show you a microscopic air bubble and send you on your way.

5) Making candles. Completely similar scam. You buy the raw materials: paraffin, ingredients, wicks, molds, etc. You pour beautiful candles in the hope of also making money, but in vain - no one will buy anything from you.

Main signs of fraud: no registration employment contract, you are asked for an advance payment, there are no age or qualification requirements.

Morality: Before you do anything after seeing such advertisements, it’s a good idea to just think about it. For example, is a company that produces pens really not able to acquire a line for their assembly? Or does the printing house that stamps envelopes not have a machine for gluing them? Of course this is nonsense. Handles have been collected for a long time automatic lines at a speed of a thousand per minute, the same with envelopes... Agree, it’s enough just to think and the fraud manifests itself in all its glory.

Home work is gaining immense popularity today. Earning money without leaving home has become possible thanks to work such as gluing postcards or shopping bags self made etc. Such work is especially relevant for mothers in maternity leave. After all, state benefits are not always enough to provide a child with everything necessary.

Why do envelopes remain in demand?

Many will say that with development information technology the need for postal correspondence disappeared almost completely. After all, any advertising letter can be sent by email or sent via SMS. Many companies do this. But a letter received by mail attracts much more attention. Unlike spam, an advertisement in an envelope will definitely be viewed.

Taping envelopes at home can be beneficial for both the employer and the employee. The first will be given to workers who carry out orders efficiently for a small amount, and the second will have the opportunity to earn money without leaving their apartment.

How not to be deceived?

In every field there are scammers who seek to make money from human needs. Home work is no exception. Many people who needed urgent part-time work had to fall for the bait of unscrupulous “employers”.

The scam, according to which those wishing to make money were offered to glue envelopes at home, appeared at the beginning of the last century in America. Workers were required to glue the envelopes at home and were paid $2 per item. But initially it was necessary to send the same 2 dollars to the employer for consumables. Of course, no materials came in response. The same pattern has continued to this day. And still, despite huge amount negative reviews about such work, many again and again fall for the bait of scammers.

How, when starting to work from home, not to become a victim of deceivers? First of all, you need to remember that work involves earning money, not spending. Investment of money is unacceptable. If an employer asks you to send a small contribution to start work, you should not contact them.

Gluing envelopes at home

Despite the huge number of scammers, many honest companies also offer work. You can find many similar advertisements on the Internet. They offer a variety of work from home jobs. It does not require special skills and is completely uncomplicated. Earnings directly depend on the number of products manufactured. The more done, the more income the employee will be able to receive.

Gluing envelopes at home is extremely popular. Reviews show it brings great pleasure. Everyone can plan their own time. Even a schoolchild on vacation can cope with a simple task. This is a unique opportunity to earn money for your own needs. Many children dream of becoming more independent and no longer depending on their parents. After all, there are no age restrictions. Education doesn't matter either. The employer will first of all pay attention to the quality of the envelopes and the speed of work.

We conclude an agreement with the employer

A guarantee that the employer is honest and all money earned will be paid in full can be special agreement, concluded between two parties. It will describe home work with all conditions. The employee's responsibilities will also be described here. The contract is sent by mail or to email address. It is considered valid only if there are signatures of both parties.

The contract must indicate the form of payment. Work from home can be paid by postal order or by bank transfer. In addition, immediately after signing the contract, the employer can offer the employee to issue a plastic card for payments. It's very convenient. After all, every time you receive a salary, you will not need to go to a bank branch. You can withdraw your salary from the nearest ATM.

How to organize your workplace?

Despite the fact that work from home is expected, gluing envelopes will be done better if it is organized correctly workplace. You should take care of proper lighting in advance. If your eyes and back don't get tired, you can glue many more envelopes. The amount of earnings directly depends on a comfortable workplace.

The most suitable place to work may be a desk with a bright lamp. Everything unnecessary should be removed from the table so that nothing interferes with doing the work efficiently. An important point is the organization of your working time. You definitely need to take short breaks to make your work more productive. It is not advisable to glue envelopes for more than eight hours a day. Home work should not differ from office work in terms of daily routine.

For mothers who are on maternity leave, it is advisable to organize work while the child is sleeping. In this case, you won’t have to be distracted by the baby, which means the products will be made to a higher quality.

How much can you earn from envelopes?

When working at home without certain skills and education, you should not count on high pay labor. Different companies offer from 0.5 to 1 dollar for one glued envelope. Final salary will depend on production. Some manage to earn up to $300 a month. Others barely have enough for 100 dollars. Gluing envelopes at home is considered very popular. Feedback from workers shows that the products are produced with great enthusiasm only for the first few days. Then it becomes more and more difficult to do the same work.

The employer is ready to pay for labor only after he sees quality work done. This is absolutely correct. But working a month before your first paycheck, not knowing whether the employer will be conscientious, is quite difficult. Therefore, initially it is advisable to take work in small batches. And after payment you can take on more significant volumes.

How else can you make money at home?

Home work, gluing envelopes, is far from the only type of income that pensioners or women on maternity leave can afford. There are a huge number of activities that allow you not only to earn good money, but also to develop your creative abilities. This is decoupage, handmade, shopping bags, etc. Such work requires more than just automation. To create a real masterpiece, you will have to use your imagination. And the more original the product, the more expensive it can be valued.

Making money from decoupage

Decoupage is not just a job, but a real art that arose back in the 17th century. It involves decorating household items with various fabric and paper cutouts. Additionally, the product can be decorated with small inscriptions or drawings. Real professionals manage to earn good money from decoupage.

Who might need the services of a decoupage specialist? Such home work without investment is in great demand today. People order handmade products to decorate their own homes or as gifts to their relatives. It is noteworthy that one product made by the hand of a master will not be similar to another. Each decorated item turns into a masterpiece.

In order to start making money at home using decoupage, you will have to practice a little for free. Today you can find a lot useful information and master classes. Having gained experience, you can already take orders or put your finished products up for sale.

We make handmade cards

Handmade cards are always highly valued. On the Internet you can find many employers who recruit employees to make postcards according to a certain scheme. These products are then sold to supermarkets or bookstores. This kind of home work without investment is suitable for almost everyone. It does not require special skills. All you need to do is follow a certain pattern. The earnings will not be too big.

You can earn much more if you make cards yourself and sell them online. A finished card will cost about $5. The employer will offer no more than $1 for making one postcard according to the scheme.

You can offer ready-made postcards online. Those who managed to promote themselves in this area have created their own websites and are excellent at selling their creations via the Internet throughout the country. This is a home-based job without cheating, which brings not only good profits, but also great pleasure.

Professional skills to help

At-home envelope gluing or other similar work is an ideal option for those who do not have special education. Those who have certain skills in one field or another can also make excellent money at home. So, the accountant will be able to draw up reports without leaving home computer, and the teacher does tutoring.

Today there are many freelance exchanges where everyone can find a job that suits them. Web designers, programmers, lawyers, journalists and teachers successfully earn money at home. A virtual network provides unique opportunities.

In fact, education is of less and less interest to employers who offer online jobs. Quality comes first. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s gluing envelopes at home or making thesis to order. It is worth taking any work responsibly. In this case, the number of orders will increase significantly. This means that earnings will also increase.

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