PERM, August 27 - RIA Novosti. The head of the Roscosmos state corporation, Dmitry Rogozin, announced his intention to open the production of environmentally friendly RD-191 engines for Angara rockets in the Perm region, according to the website of the governor and government of the region.

Rogozin’s statement was made on Tuesday during a working meeting with the Governor of the Perm Territory, Maxim Reshetnikov, held as part of the MAKS-2019 aerospace salon in Zhukovsky. According to the regional government, one of the main topics of the meeting was the development of the New Star technopolis in the Perm region and the associated modernization of the Proton-PM enterprise (part of Roscosmos), where it is planned to launch serial production RD-191 rocket engines using environmentally friendly fuel components.

“I hope this will have a beneficial effect on the region. If there are any tests of production in the Perm region, it will be the RD-191 under the Angara. And this is an oxygen-jet engine, clean components. We love the Perm region, we love the Kama, not I want to leave a bad mark in such a beautiful region,” the press service of the Perm governor quotes Rogozin.

As the report says, Rogozin clarified that the production of RD-191 engines for Angara launch vehicles will increase manifold from 2023 with the start of serial production of rockets. In this regard, Rogozin drew attention to the development social infrastructure cluster "New Star". “Here I am very grateful to the governor for all his efforts related to the development of infrastructure. Previously, we came to Perm - the working-class town was just developing. Now new jobs and specialists will appear, and it is necessary for them to have not only a road, but also a good school "- said Rogozin.

Governor Reshetnikov, for his part, noted that PJSC Proton-PM has created a master plan, according to which infrastructure is being developed in the New Lyady microdistrict, a territory for the promising development of a technopolis.

According to the government of the Perm region, by 2025 it is planned to create a modern sports infrastructure and build a swimming pool in Novye Lyady. The buildings of the local clinic for 150 visits per day and the technical school named after. V.P. Savinykh for 1 thousand places. In addition, it is planned to reconstruct the treatment facilities and the local filtration station.

"Angara" is a family of environmentally friendly launch vehicles of various classes. It includes light carriers "Angara-1.2", medium - "Angara-A3", heavy - "Angara-A5" and a modernized "Angara-A5M", with increased carrying capacity - "Angara-A5B". The RD-191 engine is used as part of the URM-1 universal rocket module of the Angara missiles. The light class Angara-1.2 missile uses one URM-1, the medium Angara-A3 - three, the heavy Angara-A5 - five.

MIA "Russia Today" is the official information partner of the MAKS-2019 aviation and space salon.

2019-07-23. The new Perm production site will increase the efficiency of production of rocket and space products.
In July, at the suburban site of Proton-PM PJSC (part of the integrated structure of NPO Energomash JSC), as part of the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the enterprise, a sheet cutting and painting section was organized. The amount of investment in creating production amounted to more than 76 million rubles.
The new site produces land-based products: parts and assembly units of gas turbine power plants of the Ural series, as well as equipment. In the near future, the site will be used in the production of combustion chambers for rocket engines and other space-related products.
Earlier, Governor of Prikamye Maxim Reshetnikov noted that the production of rocket engines is the pinnacle of scientific and technological progress and an important factor in the development of the region. According to the head of the region, Perm rocket and engine-building enterprises enjoy great confidence from the country's leadership, and the quality of the products is assessed as very high. Everyone understands that Perm enterprises are a guarantor of reliability.
Executive Director of Proton-PM PJSC Dmitry Shchenyatsky noted that the creation of a cutting section is the next stage in organizing a modern procurement production full cycle at the enterprise’s suburban site in Novye Lyady. “This is a step forward that will optimize production process, use new capacities in the development of promising rocket and space products and the transition to their serial production. Next year we plan to ensure 100% utilization of the equipment put into operation,” the top manager emphasized.
In the sheet cutting and painting area with a total area of ​​more than 2 thousand square meters. m housed four units of modern technological equipment: installation laser cutting and a waterjet cutting installation for cutting sheet material, a shot blasting chamber for preparing metal for coating, and a painting and drying chamber. In addition, guillotine shears for cutting and chopping metal are installed on the site, and a warehouse for sheet material is located here.
The technical characteristics of the laser system allow you to cut out a contour part up to 12 mm thick in just one and a half minutes. In turn, the waterjet cutting installation is capable of cutting various materials with a thickness of up to 300 mm with a stream of water, performing cuts at an angle, ensuring the necessary accuracy and cleanliness of the processed surface. No harmful oils, liquids or gases are used, which increases productivity and safety.
New procurement capacities are being created within the organization in the Perm region production complex for serial production of RD-191 and other promising liquid engines. This project has the status of a priority regional investment project and includes reconstruction and optimization production areas PJSC "Proton-PM" with their concentration in the territory of New Lyady, the enterprise's development of the full cycle of production of RD-191 engine units in the Perm region and others new technology, creation of high-quality social, educational and housing infrastructure. The total investment will be 10.8 billion rubles, and about 250 jobs will be created. The project started in 2018 and is scheduled to run until 2025.

A unique engine has been created in the Russian Federation. Russia has begun to use a new generation of Angara launch vehicles, the most economical and durable. The new RD-191 rocket engine developed by NPO Energomash named after. Academician V.P. Glushko"

“Angara” is created on the basis of a universal rocket module with an oxygen-kerosene engine, which is Russian know-how. The family of these engines includes carriers from light to heavy duty and has a unique payload range from 1.5 to 25 tons. It is with such rockets that experts associate the development of Russian cosmonautics in the coming decades. The new RD-191 rocket engine developed by NPO Energomash named after academician V.P. Glushko, intended for the promising Angara launch vehicles and reusable Baikal booster rockets, has been delivered for installation on an existing product, the press service of the Russian Space Agency reports. "Technology development reuse the most expensive part of the rocket will reduce the cost of launching cargo into space." Since the engine belongs to the middle class, in addition to its main application, it can be used as the first stage in launch vehicles (LV) when launching telecommunications spacecraft. RD-191 is further development engines of the RD-170/171 family, which were developed for universal transport system"Energia", and are now used as part of the Zenit launch vehicle. The family developed in the direction of creating lighter engines: if the RD-170, used in the first stage of the heavy Energia launch vehicle, was four-chamber, then the export engine created on its basis for the modernized American carriers of the Atlas III/IV family RD-180 is, as it were, its “half” with two combustion chambers. The RD-191 is actually a “quarter” of the Energia engine: it has only one combustion chamber. However, it develops a record thrust in its class - 221 tons with a dead weight of 2.2 tons. This figure was achieved by combining a solution well-developed by Soviet rocket science, called “afterburning of oxidizing gas” (consists of feeding the exhaust of turbopump units into the combustion chamber instead of throwing it away uselessly) with new form combustion chamber worked out on three-dimensional mathematical models and ensuring more optimal use of combustion energy rocket fuel. The scheme with afterburning of oxidizing gas is “ business card » "Energomash": it has been used in all NPO developments since 1965. Another feature of the engine, which is extremely rare in rocket science and makes its characteristics unique, is the ability to smoothly regulate thrust from 38% to nominal. Indeed, to ensure the necessary acceleration dynamics, full thrust is necessary in the initial stages of the flight, when the fuel supply has not yet been used up and the rocket mass is close to the launch mass. As the fuel and oxidizer burn out, the thrust can be reduced, which saves fuel needed, for example, for orbital maneuvering. It should be noted that the development of the engine has been going on since 1998. The first weight and size mockup of the RD-191, designed to link the rocket and engine interface, was delivered by NPO Energia in 1999, and the first fire test on a ground stand took place in July 2001. With the adoption of a government decision in September 2004 to accelerate work on the Angara program, work on the propulsion system was also intensified, which actually came down to a large series of ground fire tests (more than 100 fire cycles) with subsequent analysis and elimination of identified deficiencies, because a large resource - one of the most important indicators for RD-191. The fact is that the engine was originally conceived as reusable. Traditionally, when a rocket is launched, the spent first stage always falls to Earth, which creates a certain environmental and physical hazard in the area of ​​the fall. The stage for the "Angara" called "Bike" is made controllable, returnable and reusable. The development of a technology for returning and reusing the most expensive parts of a rocket will reduce the costs of launching payloads into space several times. Given the limited financial capabilities of our enterprise, the development of such technology seems to be the most economically feasible. However, the tradition of making statements dedicated to dates is ineradicable in Russia. Thus, the “completion of the creation” of the rocket engine was announced on September 2, the day of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the developer of rocket engines, academician Valentin Petrovich Glushko, whose name NPO Energomash bears. Valentin Petrovich’s joke, which has already entered the annals of history, and is still widely quoted by many leaders, by the way, not only in the rocket and space industry, but also in aviation, sounds like this: “If you have a rocket engine, then even tie a fence to it - it will fly.” ! However, the engine exists in metal, it successfully passed full cycle ground tests, well, no one has canceled PR campaigns yet.


Marat Seydagaliev

Russia, Baikonur

Nikolay Ilyushenko

5th year student of the department “Design and testing of aircraft” branch “Voskhod” of MAI,

Russia, Baikonur

Olga Shestopalova

candidate of Science, assistant professor of branch “Voskhod”

of the Moscow aviation institute (national research university),

Russia, Baikonur


Modern rocket engines have almost reached the limit of the fuel's energy capabilities, so increasing the efficiency of a rocket engine even by small amounts is a difficult task. The work proposes a solution to this problem by using a sliding nozzle. To carry out the calculations, the most efficient and promising single-chamber liquid rocket engine RD-191 was taken as an example for domestic cosmonautics.


Modern rocket engines have almost reached the limit of energy fuel capabilities so increasing the efficiency of rocket engine even for small values ​​is a big problem. There is a solution which suggests to use of nozzle extension. As an example for the calculations was taken RD-191 – the most effective and perspective liquid propellant rocket engine by now.

Key words: launch vehicle (LV), propulsion system (PS), nozzle nozzle, liquid rocket engine (LPRE), jet thrust, specific impulse.

Keywords: launch vehicle, nozzle extension, liquid propellant rocket engine, jet thrust, specific impulse.

Today, the most promising launch vehicle for the domestic cosmonautics is the Angara family of launch vehicles, which are based on the universal rocket module - 1 (URM-1). The URM-1 propulsion system is a liquid-propellant rocket engine RD-191. This paper provides an assessment of the effectiveness of using a nozzle attachment for the RD-191 engine. Nozzle nozzle - a retractable part of the rocket engine nozzle, installed in working position which provides an increase in the output area of ​​the nozzle, as a result, increases efficiency in rarefied layers of the atmosphere or in a vacuum.

The following assumptions were made in the calculation:

  • the engine operates in normal mode (with constant mass flow);
  • the launch vehicle flies along a straight trajectory at a constant speed;
  • losses due to friction and velocity dissipation at the nozzle exit are not taken into account.

Necessary for calculation technical specifications The RD-191 liquid rocket engine is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 .

Characteristics of the RD-191 liquid rocket engine




Thrust (Earth), tf

Thrust (emptiness), tf

Specific impulse (Earth), s

Specific impulse (void), s

Pressure in the combustion chamber, kgf/cm in sq.

Pressure at the nozzle exit, kgf/cm in sq.

Temperature in the combustion chamber

Nozzle expansion ratio

Nozzle outlet diameter, mm

Diameter of the minimum nozzle cross-section, mm

For calculations, it is proposed to use the formula for jet engine thrust, assuming that the gas flow through the nozzle is one-dimensional:

where: µ – second mass flow; – pressure, speed and cross-sectional area at the nozzle exit, respectively; - pressure environment, (depending on the lift height h).

The flow velocity at the nozzle exit is determined by the relation known from gas dynamics:


where: – gas constant of combustion products; – temperature and pressure in the combustion chamber, respectively; – adiabatic index.

The adiabatic index depends on the fuel components used, for the kerosene-oxygen pair; =1.11.

From expressions (1) and (2) we obtain the final expression for calculating the thrust of a jet engine:


Obviously, the engine thrust changes as you rise to altitude. The reason for this is that the ambient pressure is a continuously changing quantity.

Equation (3) describes the thrust of an engine with a constant degree of geometric expansion. Let us consider the case in which the design operating mode of the engine () is implemented at each moment of time. Then equation (3) will take the form:


To calculate the average thrust of an engine using a sliding nozzle, it is necessary to determine the geometric characteristics of the nozzle nozzle. Calculations have shown that the optimal radius of the nozzle nozzle, at which the average thrust will be greatest throughout the entire period of engine operation, exceeds the radius of URM-1 (1.45 m), based on this we accept the radius of the sliding nozzle equal to 1.20 m, this will allow the use nozzle nozzles in a package design and layout scheme (Angara-A3, Angara-A5, Angara-A5B). Based on the radius of the nozzle, we determine the pressure at the nozzle exit and calculate the engine thrust according to equation (1).

Below are the results of calculations (Fig. 1) of engine thrust according to equations (3), (4) for three cases:

  • motor with a non-adjustable nozzle;
  • engine with a perfectly height-adjustable nozzle;
  • engine with single-stage adjustable nozzle.

Figure 1. Change in engine thrust depending on flight altitude: 1 – non-adjustable nozzle, 2 – single stage adjustable nozzle; 3 – ideally height-adjustable nozzle

The calculation results showed that the use of a nozzle attachment for the Angara family of launch vehicles, made in a package design, makes it possible to increase the average thrust of each URM-1 by 9.28 tf, taking into account losses due to friction in the nozzle. When using a sliding nozzle nozzle on light-class launch vehicles made in a tandem configuration (Angara 1.1 and 1.2), the thrust increase will be 17.5 tf due to the absence of restrictions on the radius of the nozzle nozzle. When making design changes to the RD-191 nozzle (in order to increase the pressure at the nozzle exit), it seems possible to increase the thrust by 24.4 tf for the packet and 35.7 tf for the tandem design.

Regulating the height of the nozzle by using a nozzle attachment is not a fundamentally new engineering solution, but practical implementation this decision never found due to the difficulty of ensuring cooling of the nozzle. Today, this problem is removable due to the emergence of fundamentally new materials that were not previously available, having high temperature swimming, strength, wear resistance, etc. That is why the presented work is relevant and practically feasible.


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