Other To the norms costs

Other Labor standards include, first of all, norms for the expenditure of working time - norms of duration, norms of labor intensity and norms of number. labor results

– production standards, standardized tasks. Duration norm (Nd)

determines the time in which a unit of work can be completed on one machine or one workplace. The duration norm is measured in time units: minutes, hours. Norm of labor intensity of the operation (Nt) defines necessary costs

the time of one or more workers to complete a unit of work or produce a unit of product for a given operation. These costs depend not only on the duration of the operation, but also on the number of workers involved in its implementation. The labor intensity of an operation is measured in man-minutes (man-hours) Most common form of expression The standard labor cost is the time standard. Time standards take central place in common system

labor costs, since all other types of standards are determined on their basis. I). Standard time

– determines the required time expenditure of one employee or team to complete a unit of work. It is measured in man-minutes or man-hours.

The size and quality of standards for production, service, numbers, and controllability depend on its quality.

To determine the standard time, it is necessary to establish the composition of working time costs and their specific values ​​for performing this work. The composition of the time norm can be represented by the following formula: T pz

– preparatory and final time;T op;

operational time T obs

– workplace servicing time; T excellent

– time for rest and personal needs; T Fri – time of regulated breaks caused by technology and organization;

production process t 0

– main time;- auxiliary time.

The specific amount of normal time spent is influenced by a number of factors: the nature of the equipment used; type and physical and chemical properties of the subject of labor, organization of labor and production.

Time standards apply where the work of an individual worker or group of workers is diversified, i.e. there is a change in labor (transition to the manufacture of other products or performance of other operations to produce the same product)
Time standards, depending on the degree of enlargement, are divided into:

- operating standards- installed on individual technological operations (for example, operations for processing parts on lathes)

- consolidated standards– installed for a set of operations of one type of work (for example, for a set of turning operations within a brigade set)

- comprehensive standards– installed on a completed complex various works for the production of a brigade kit, unit, execution of the construction stage

- labor intensity standards (labor intensity) – the totality of labor costs for producing a unit of product or performing a completed set of works.

Depending on the composition of labor costs and their roles in the production process, the following are distinguished: types of labor intensity:

- technological labor intensity - takes into account labor costs carried out by the main workers.

- labor intensity of maintenance takes into account the labor costs of workers serving the main workers and all workers in auxiliary workshops and services

- production labor intensity - takes into account the labor costs of all workers

- management complexity– includes labor costs of all categories of industrial production personnel.

b) Production rate– the number of units of product (established scope of work) that must be manufactured over a certain period of time.

Used where a worker (group of workers) constantly performs the same operation or group of operations.

The production rate can be determined based on the time rate using the formula:

Nvyr. = Tcm / Nvr

Where is Tsm. – duration of the shift.

Based on this, the size of the change in the production rate (by X%) depending on the change in the time rate (by Y%) and vice versa are determined by the formulas:

X = 100y\(100 – y)

Y = 100x\(100x)

V). Standard of servicerequired amount machines, workplaces, units production area and other objects assigned for maintenance to one worker or team.

G). Controllability norm is a type of service norm

d). Standardized task– determines the required range and volume of work that must be performed by the team over a certain period. Like the production norm, the standardized task determines the required result of the workers’ activities, but unlike the production norm, it can be established not only in natural units, but also in standard hours and standard rubles.

e) population norm– the reciprocal value of the service norm. This is an established number of employees of a certain professional qualification required to perform specific functions or volumes of work in given organizational and technical conditions.
II. By Standardization methods distinguish between technically justified standards and experimental-statistical standards.

Technically based standards mean standards established by analytical methods.

Experimental-statistical standards include those established in aggregate for the entire work, without dividing it into its component elements, based on data on the time spent on data or similar work, or by expert means. They record the actual state of production with all the existing shortcomings and therefore do not contribute to the growth of labor productivity and the improvement of its organization.
III. By time period distinguish between standards

a) without a specific validity period and

b) norms that are in force for a certain time.

The first type of norms applies to those that are stable in terms of organizational and technical standards. conditions of enterprises. With changes in these conditions, existing standards are replaced or revised.

The second type of norm is valid for a certain period. Their use may be due to:

The need to develop new products, new technology and technology, organization of production and labor

Seasonal nature of some types of work

The emergence of a need to carry out emergency, accidental and other work not provided for by the technology and work plan

2.9.1 Standardization of operations on universal manually operated machines.

Determination of basic (technological) time.

The main time is determined by calculation formulas for the corresponding type of work and for each technological transition (T o1, T o2, ..., T o n).

Basic (technological) time for the operation:

where n is the number of technological transitions.

Definition of auxiliary time.

For equipment designed to perform single-transition work with constant modes in one operation (multi-cutting machines, hydrocopying machines, gear-processing machines, broaching machines, thread-processing machines), the auxiliary time T in is given for the operation, including the time for installing and removing the workpiece.

Auxiliary time for an operation is determined by the formula:

where t mouth is the time for installing and removing the part, given by type of device, regardless of the type of machine, min;

t per – time associated with the transition, given by type of machine, min;

t’ per – time not included in the time complex associated with the transition, min;

tmeas – time for control measurements after completion of surface treatment. The time for control measurements is included only in cases where it is not covered by the main time or is not included in the time complex associated with the transition, min;

Kt in – correction factor for auxiliary time, min.

Determination of operational time:

, min

where T o is the main processing time;

T in – auxiliary time for processing, min.

Determining time for workplace maintenance and personal needs.

Time for workplace maintenance, rest and personal needs is determined as a percentage of operational time according to regulatory reference books.

Piece time norm:

where α obs and α oln are the time for servicing the workplace and time for rest and personal needs, expressed as a percentage of operational time.

Determination of preparatory and final time.

Preparatory and final time T pz is normalized for a batch of parts, and part of it per part is included in the standard piece-calculation time:

, min

where n d is the number of parts in the batch.

2.9.2 Standardization of operations on universal and multi-purpose CNC machines.

Standard time and its components:

, min

where Tca is the cycle time of automatic operation of the machine according to the program, min.

, min

where T o – the main (technological) time for processing one part is determined by the formula:

, min

where L i is the length of the path traversed by a tool or part in the feed direction during processing of the i-th technological section (taking into account plunge-in and overtravel), mm;

S mi – minute feed at the i-th technological section, mm/min;

Т m-v – machine-auxiliary time according to the program (for supplying a part or tool from the starting points to the processing zones and removal, setting the tool to size, changing the tool, changing the value and direction of feed), time of technological pauses, min.

, min

where Тв.у – time for installing and removing the part manually or with a lift, min;

Tv.op – auxiliary time associated with the operation (not included in the control program), min;

T v.meas – auxiliary non-overlapping time for measurements, min;

K t in – correction factor for the time of performing manual auxiliary work, depending on the batch of processed parts;

α tech, α org, α department – ​​time for technical, organizational maintenance of the workplace, for rest and personal needs during single-machine maintenance, % of operational time.

The standard time for setting up a machine is presented as the time for preparatory and final work on processing batches of parts, regardless of the size of the batch, and is determined by the formula:

where T p-31 is the standard time for receiving a work order, technological documentation at the beginning of work and delivery at the end of the shift, min; T p-31 = 12 min;

T p-32 – standard time for setting up a machine, fixture, tool, software devices, min;

T sample – standard time for trial processing (first part), min.

Technical standardization is carried out for operation 015 “Lathe with PU” and operation 025 “Complex with PU”.

The main (technological) processing time for each transition is determined by the formula:

, min

, min

, min

where l cut – cutting length, mm

y, ∆ - amount of infeed or overtravel, mm

L – path length of the cutting part of the tool, mm.

i number of passes.

L 1 =45 + 4 = 49mm;

L 2 =45 + 4 = 49mm;

T o1 = 49/(750 × 0.19) ×2 = 0.68 min;

T o2 = 49/(1000 × 0.19) ×2 = 0.51 min;

T o 3 = 10 × 12/(1600 × 0.16) = 0.46 min;

T o 4 = 8.5 × 12/(800 × 0.16) = 0.79 min;

The main processing time for an operation is determined by the formula:

0.68 + 0.51 + 0.46 + 0.79 = 2.44 min.

Auxiliary time for the operation is determined:

, min

where t в.у – auxiliary time for installation and removal of the part, min;

t v.meas – auxiliary non-overlapping time for measurements, includes time for measuring with staples 0.14 min, time for measuring with a bore gauge 0.24 min, time for measuring with plugs 0.2 min, time for measuring with a template 0.11 min , t in.meas. = 0.14+0.24+0.2+0.11=0.69 min;

t mv – machine auxiliary time associated with performing auxiliary moves and movements when processing surfaces and turning the turret, min.

t v.u =0.7 min;

t mv1 =0.38min;

t mv2 =0.38 min;

t mv3 =0.26 min;

t mv4 =0.26 min;

0.7 + 0.69 + 0.38 + 0.38 + 0.26 + 0.26 = 2.67 min.

The time for servicing the workplace and the time for breaks for rest and personal needs is 5% and 4% of the operational time, respectively:

α obs =5% α oln =4%

Piece time is determined by the formula:

T pcs = (2.44 + 2.67) × (1 + (5 + 4)/100) = 5.5 min

The preparatory and final time is determined by the formula:

where T p-31 is the time to obtain the tool, T p-31 = 12 minutes;

T p-32 – time to set up the machine, T p-32 = 24 minutes;

T sample – standard time for trial processing (of the first part),

T arr. = 14 min.

T pz =12 + 24 + 14 = 50 min.

Calculation and design of machine tools.

When performing a complex operation with PU on a machining center

IR500ПМФ4 a torque is applied to the “Case” part.

The magnitude of the clamping forces of the part in the fixture can be determined by solving the statics problem for equilibrium solid, under the influence of all forces applied to it and moments arising from these forces - cutting and others tending to move the installed part (weight forces, inertial centrifugal forces), clamping and reaction of supports.

The magnitude of cutting forces and their moments are determined using the formulas of the theory of metal cutting or selected from regulatory reference books. The found value of the cutting forces for the reliability of clamping the part is multiplied by the safety factor K=1.4÷2.6.

Calculation of clamping force.

In our case, the workpiece is mounted on the fixture mandrel and pressed with the bottom plane to the plate with an M16 nut through a quick-release washer. During processing, the part is subject to a shear moment M cr and an axial force P o. The workpiece is kept from displacement by frictional forces that arise between the surfaces of the mounting and clamping elements of the fixture. With this fastening scheme given in Figure 2, the required clamping force is determined by the formula:

When boring.

Force applied on the threaded clamp wrench with nut:

Where: D H outer diameter of the nut support end D H = 24 mm;

D IN internal diameter of the nut support end D IN = 16 mm;

r cp– average screw thread radius r cp= 7.513 mm;

l distance from the screw axis to the point of force application Q

(mm) ;

d nominal outside diameter of thread d= 16 mm;

α – screw thread angle α= 3°;


s thread pitch s= 1.5 mm;

- the propeller self-braking condition is met;

φ etc reduced friction angle in a threaded pair φ etc 6°40’ ;

f - coefficient of friction for flat contact of two mating parts at the lower end of the nut f= 0,1 ;

β 1 half the angle at the top of a metric thread profile at f= 0,1β 1 = 30°;

l – length of the mounting plate

e – distance between screws

a – distance between the screw and the cutting area

K - safety factor, K=1.95

Q=40 N, which corresponds to the basic requirement for clamping mechanisms with manual drives - the hand fastening force is no more than 145-195 N;

b) Moment from force Q, attached key threaded clamp with nut:

c) Clamping force:

Calculation of the device for strength.

The most loaded link in the fixture is the M16 pin, since it constantly works in tension when it holds the workpiece in the fixture. In order to find out whether the strength condition is met, it is necessary to check the strength condition of the stud:



where: N – normal force, N=W=1541N (tensile strain)

A – cross-sectional area of ​​the finger, mm 2;

σ limit – ultimate stress of the stud material; for structural steel σ pre = σ t =360 N/mm 2 ;

s – safety factor.


where: D 1 =13.835 mm, internal diameter of the screw.

mm 2;

N/mm 2 ;


Allowable strength factor [s]=2.


The strength condition is met.

Also, to calculate the strength of the stud, it is necessary to perform a calculation for thread collapse. Since the main reason for thread failure is its wear. Calculation of thread wear resistance is determined by the permissible value of bearing stress [σ cm ]=60 N/mm 2


where: F – compressive force, F=W=1761.2N;

A cm – contact area, mm 2;

[σ cm] – permissible bearing stress, [σ cm]=60N/mm 2.


where: d – hole diameter, d=13.835mm;

δ – nut height, δ=24mm.

N/mm 2 ;


σ cm<[σ см ];

5.3 N/mm 2<60 Н/мм 2 .

The conditions for the crushing strength of the pin have been met. Consequently, the selected pin will withstand the loads during operation of the device.

Calculation of devices for accuracy.

The installation error ξ y depends on the basing error ξ b, the fastening error ξ з and the device error ξ pr

,mm ;

where: s max – maximum radial clearance between the part and the fixture mandrel, mm.

,mm ;

where: D max – largest diameter of the base hole of the part, mm; D max = 100.0095 mm;

d min – smallest diameter of the installation pin, mm; d min = 67.94 mm.


The fastening error ξ з is equal to zero, since the contact movements at the joint “workpiece – fixture supports” practically do not change. Also in this case, the fastening forces are constant, the supports practically do not wear out, the roughness and waviness of the bases of the workpieces is uniform, since the mounting bases of the workpiece were processed before drilling.

The device error ξ pr consists of several errors:

ξ ус – errors in manufacturing and assembly of installation elements and fixtures.

ξ n – progressive wear.

ξ с – errors in installation and fixation of the device on the machine.

ξ ус =0.01 mm, since the device is manufactured in workshops equipped with the necessary equipment.

ξ and tends to zero, since the wear of the mounting pins is not intense.

ξ с also tends to zero, since the installation of the fixture on the machine table is carried out once per batch of parts.



The permissible error in the location of holes with a diameter of 100 mm is 0.25 mm, with a diameter of 125 mm is 0.1

0.1mm > 0.0795mm

Since the error in the location of holes with a diameter of 100mm and 125mm is dependent, it increases by the tolerance of the base hole. Consequently, the permissible error is greater than the error of the device, which means that processing of holes with the required accuracy of relative position on a given device is possible.

Design of reference gauge

This device is a gauge designed to measure the center distance of 200 mm between two holes with a diameter of 100H8 and 125H8. It consists of a body measuring 332.5h14 and height 25js14/2 with a hollow plug with a diameter of 100 pressed into it with a threaded end M12-6N on which a handle with a diameter of 24h14 and a control roller with a diameter of 20 are installed, which is needed to measure the center distance.

The body of the device is installed on the surface of the part in size 580H14, based on a hole with a diameter of 100H8, a control roller is inserted into a through hole with a diameter of 125H8, with the help of which we control the center-to-center distance of 200±0.05 and the symmetrical arrangement of holes with a diameter of 100H8 and 125H8. Dimensions are considered acceptable if the gauge and the control roller passing through a hole with a diameter of 125H8 in the gauge are simultaneously installed in holes with a diameter of 100H8 and 125H8.

D nom – size according to drawing

The TP tolerance field is determined from the formula

where D max,dmax – largest limit size, mm

D min ,dmin – smallest limit size, mm

ES,es – upper limit deviation, mm

EI,ei – lower limit deviation, mm

Positional tolerance T Pk =0.006mm

Limit deviations between the axes of two elements

Limit dimensions of caliber

Depending on the type of production, the calculation formula for piece time Tsht based on the differentiation of its elements can be expressed as follows.

In conditions of mass and large-scale production when rationing for machine-manual work:

where , - respectively, the time of organizational maintenance of the workplace, time for rest and personal needs, expressed as a percentage of operational time;

Workplace maintenance time, expressed as a percentage of the main time;

Time of breaks due to technology and production organization, expressed as a percentage of operational time.

In conditions of serial and small-scale production when standardizing for machine-manual work:

where is the total service time, defined as a percentage of operational time, = + .

In single production conditions:

where K is the amount of time for servicing the workplace, rest and personal needs, expressed as a percentage of operational time.

In all cases, when determining the amount of auxiliary time that should be included in the time standard, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the combination of technological (machine) and labor (manual) processes. There are three possible combinations:

1. technological and labor processes are performed sequentially, then the duration of execution and, accordingly, the norm
time will be the sum of the main (technological) and auxiliary time (in this case, the auxiliary time
can be either manual or machine-manual);

2. technological and labor processes are carried out in parallel and sequentially, while part of the auxiliary (manual) work is performed while the machine is operating, i.e. partially overlapped by machine time; taking this into account the execution time
transaction will include the amount of the main and auxiliary (not
overlapped) time;

3. technological and labor processes are carried out in parallel; in this case, auxiliary (manual) time is completely covered by machine time and, therefore, auxiliary time should not be included in the time standard.

These remarks apply not only to auxiliary time, but also to the time spent servicing the workplace, which should also be included in the time standard only to the extent that it does not overlap with machine time.

The rate of labor costs, expressed by the number of products manufactured per unit of working time, called production norm , is defined:

In those industries where preparatory and final time, time for servicing the workplace, rest and personal needs are standardized per shift, the production rate is calculated using the formulas:

The time norm and the production norm are related to each other by an inverse relationship - as the time norm decreases, the production norm increases. It should be noted that the production rate increases to a greater extent than the time rate decreases.

The relationship between these norms is determined by the formulas

where x is the percentage of reduction in the time norm;

y – percentage increase in production rate.

The percentage of fulfillment of production standards is determined by one of the formulas

where is the actual output in physical terms, pcs.;

Amount of standard hours for the completed volume of standardized work, n/h;

Actual time worked;

Time to correct defects that were not the fault of the workers;

Additional time costs caused by reasons beyond the control of workers.

A tech=3%, Aotl=6%, Ant=2%.

Task 2. Calculate Tsht and Nvyr cm for assembling a part for mass production conditions, if Top for assembling a part is 12 +B min, time for servicing the workplace Tobs = 2%, time for rest and personal needs, according to the standards, is 4%.

Task 4. Determine the time required to produce a batch of parts in 45 +B PC. Preparatory and final time is 10 minutes, Tsht = 3.9 minutes.

Task 6. Determine the shift production rate for mass production conditions, if Tsht = 8 +B min, Tpz = 20 min.

Task 8. As a result of the modernization of the machine, the standard time for operations, which was 0.4 +B h, revised and reduced by 8%. Determine what the production rate was and how much it will increase.

Task 9. During a shift (8 hours), a pieceworker produced and passed Quality Control Standard 570 +B details. Tsht for the operation he performs is 0.88 min. Determine Pvn.

Production rate. Technical time standard. Auxiliary time. Basic (technological) time.

Technical standardization establishes a time standard, i.e., the time required to perform a given operation under certain production conditions.

According to the time standard for an operation, the time spent on the entire program for producing parts is calculated, the required number of workers, machines, the amount of electricity is determined, the needs for grinding wheels are determined, etc.

In accordance with time standards, a production plan for the site, workshop, and plant as a whole is drawn up. Workers are paid based on time spent. The time spent on an operation characterizes labor productivity. The less time spent on one operation, the more parts will be processed per hour or shift, i.e., the higher labor productivity.

The production rate is understood as the number of operations (volume of work) that a worker can perform per unit of time (per shift, per hour). Knowing the duration of the shift (420 minutes, with a 7-hour working day or 480 minutes, with an 8-hour working day) and the standard time for one operation (T), determine the production rate (420: T or 480: T).

The time standard is not a constant value, since with an increase in labor productivity the time standard decreases and the production rate increases.

When determining the norm, the best organization of labor and maintenance of the workplace is provided for, i.e., the norm should not include loss of time due to organizational problems in servicing the workplace.

The worker's qualifications must correspond to the work performed; The machine operator must not perform the kind of work that auxiliary workers are required to do.

The norm should also not include wasting time on correcting defects or manufacturing parts to replace rejected ones.

When calculating the time standard, the actual cutting conditions for a given operation, normal processing allowances, and the use of a specific tool and device must be taken into account.

The technical time standard for an operation consists of two main parts: the piece time standard and the preparatory-final time standard.

The standard piece time refers to the time spent processing a part on a machine.

The norm of preparatory-final time is understood as the time spent on familiarization with the drawing or operational sketch and the technological process of performing the operation, on setting up the machine, installing and removing tools (grinding wheels) and devices, as well as on performing all the techniques associated with completing a given task. work - handing over finished products to the inspector, handing over tools to the tool store, etc.

Preparatory and final time is spent once for the entire batch of simultaneously processed parts. In mass production, the same operations are performed on machines. Therefore, the worker should not change the device, tools, or familiarize himself with the drawings and technological maps for the manufacture of the part multiple times. He does this once before performing this operation.

Consequently, in mass production, the preparatory and final time is not included in the technical norm. The processing time for a batch of parts in mass production is determined by the formula

T desks =T pcs n +T pz,

where T desks is the time limit for a batch, min; T piece - piece time, min;

n - number of parts in the batch, pcs.; T pz - preparatory and final time, min. From this formula you can determine the time to manufacture one part by dividing the right and left parts by the number of parts in the batch

where T pcs is the norm of piece-calculation time, i.e., the time for the operation, taking into account the preparatory and final time. The value of T pz can be taken from standardization reference books.

From the formula it is clear that the larger the batch of parts processed on the machine, the smaller the fraction and, therefore, the smaller the T piece.

The standard piece time includes the following values:

T pcs =T o +T in +T obsl + T from,

where T o - main (technological) time, min; T in - auxiliary time, min; T service - workplace service time, min; T from - time of breaks for rest and natural needs, min.

The main (technological) time T o is the time during which the shape and dimensions of the workpiece change.

The main time can be:

a) machine, if the change in shape and size is carried out on a machine without the direct physical influence of the worker, for example, grinding on a machine with automatic feed of the grinding head;

b) machine-manual, if the change in shape and size is carried out on equipment with the direct participation of a worker, for example, grinding on a machine with manual feed of the grinding head;

c) manual, if changing the shape and dimensions of the part is done manually by a worker, for example, metalwork - scraping, filing the surface, etc.

The main machine time when grinding using the multiple passes method is calculated using the formula

The main machine time when grinding using the plunge method is determined by the formula

K - coefficient taking into account the time to produce a spark, is taken from 1.1 to 1.5. The length of the working stroke l when grinding with longitudinal feed is determined by the formula l=l d -(1-2m)*B, where l d is the length of the grinding surface in the direction of the longitudinal feed, mm; m is the overtravel of the wheel beyond the surface being ground in fractions of the wheel height;

B - height of the circle, mm. If you need to determine the number of double table strokes per minute n dx, then you need to find the minute longitudinal feed and the length of the working stroke, and then use the formula

where s pr is the longitudinal feed per revolution of the part; n d - number of revolutions of the part. In turn, between the reverse feed s in mm/rev and the feed in fractions of the circle height s d for one revolution of the part there is a relationship s in = s d B.

Substituting the indicated values ​​into the formula, for s m we obtain:

s m =s pr *n d =s d *B*n d mm/min.

When determining the number of revolutions of a part, when its diameter and rotation speed are known, use the formula

where v d is the rotation speed of the part, m/min;

d d - part diameter, mm.

Auxiliary time T in is the time spent on various techniques used in performing the main work and repeated with each workpiece, i.e., feeding the workpiece to the machine, installing, aligning and clamping the workpiece, unclamping and removing the part, controlling the machine, control measurements of the part.

Auxiliary time is determined by timing. There are reference books that indicate auxiliary time for various cases of processing parts.

According to the Experimental Research Institute of Metal-Cutting Machine Tools (ENIMS), auxiliary time is distributed approximately as follows:

For supplying blanks to the machine 5-10%

For installation, fastening, unfastening and removal of parts 15-25%

For machine control, including manual supply (retraction) of the grinding headstock 35-50%

For measuring a part on a machine 20-40%

Workplace maintenance time T serv is the time that a worker spends on caring for his workplace throughout the entire shift. It includes the time for changing the tool (grinding wheel), which, according to ENIMS, is 5-7% of the total amount of time spent on adjusting and adjusting the machine during operation, and for dressing the grinding wheel with diamond or diamond substitutes, which is 5-10% of the total amount of working time spent on removing chips during work, on arranging and cleaning cutting and auxiliary tools at the beginning and end of a shift, on lubrication and cleaning of the machine.

To reduce maintenance time, it is essential to reduce the time for editing, achieved by using diamond mandrels, pencils, plates, rollers, disks, automatic devices for sending commands for editing and automation of editing (automatic adjusters).

Time for rest and breaks from work for natural needs is determined for the entire shift. The time for servicing the workplace and for natural needs is set as a percentage of operational time, i.e., the sum of T o + T c.

Based on a study of the work experience of grinders, it has been established that from 30 to 75% of the total working time is spent on the main time. The rest consists of auxiliary time, time for maintaining the workplace, natural needs and preparatory and final time.

With a decrease in T in, T obs, T from, T pz, T pcs and T pcs decreases, labor productivity increases.

Having calculated all the components of the time standards T o, T in, T obsl, T from, T pz and knowing the batch of simultaneously processed parts, T pieces are determined.

Knowing T pcs and the number of hours of work per shift, you can set the production rate per shift:

where 480 is the number of minutes in a shift for an 8-hour working day.

From these formulas it is clear that the lower the time standard T pcs, the greater the output per hour and shift. With well-organized work, workers meet and exceed production standards, which leads to the fulfillment and overfulfillment of the production plan and an increase in labor productivity.

In addition to the design and technical time standards, experimental statistical time standards are used in individual production. Such standards are obtained as a result of mathematical processing of the actual time spent on performing the entire operation. These time standards do not take into account all the possibilities for increasing labor productivity, and therefore it is not recommended to use them.

Labor rationing, its main tasks

Working time structure

Methodology for recording working hours

Labor rationing- one of the main functions of production management, which includes establishing the time required to perform work by specific workers and establishing labor standards, that is, time standards, output standards, number standards, etc., established in accordance with the achieved level of technology, technology, organization of production and labor .

The most important tasks of labor standardization are:

  • improving organization and productivity;
  • reducing the labor intensity of products;
  • increase in production volumes;
  • effective use of the labor potential of employees, etc.

Labor rationing also makes it possible to determine the amount of individual remuneration for each employee, taking into account the quality of the work he performs and to assess the loss of working time and their impact on the performance of the employee’s main tasks.

Before moving on to studying the methodology for calculating time standards for performing a particular job, it is necessary to understand the structure of working time.

Work time- this is the time during which the employee must perform his job duties in accordance with the work schedule and his job description (the structure of working time is shown in the figure).

Working time structure

Working time consists of work time and break time.

Working hours- this is the part of the working time during which the employee performs certain work in accordance with the order of management or according to the job description.

3 components of operating time:

1) preparatory and final time;

2) operational time;

3) workplace servicing time.

Preparatory and final time- this is the time spent by a worker preparing to perform a given job and the actions associated with its completion. The peculiarity of the preparatory-final time is that its value does not depend on the volume of work, therefore, when the same work is being performed for a long time, the preparatory-final time per unit of work will be insignificant.

Operating time- this is the time spent directly on performing a given job. It is divided into main and auxiliary time.

Main time- This is the time spent by a worker on performing his main job. Moreover, this process can be performed directly by the worker or under his supervision (for example, time for lifting, moving and lowering a load; time for actively monitoring the progress of the instrumental process and adjusting it).

Auxiliary time- this is the time spent by a worker on activities that ensure the completion of the main job. It is repeated with a certain amount of work. The time spent on the worker’s movements necessary to perform operations and other similar work is also auxiliary.

Workplace service time- This is the time spent by a worker on caring for the workplace and maintaining it in a condition that ensures productive work during the shift.

Break times— time, which includes regulated (time for rest and personal needs) and unregulated breaks (violations of labor discipline, violations of the sequence of the production process, etc.).

You can organize the recording of working time using a methodology that is designed to calculate the labor intensity of work performed at enterprises, is based on the study of working time costs through observations and includes time-keeping observations and photographic observations (photography of working time).

For your information

The lunch break is not included in working hours.

Timing observations- this is the study of an operation by observing and studying the cost of working time to perform individual components of the operation, which are repeated many times during the work.


The purpose of timekeeping is to obtain initial data for developing time standards and establishing time standards for individual operations.

Photo surveillance (working time photography)- observation and measurements of all working time costs without exception during a shift in the order of the actual sequence of these costs. A photograph of working time allows you to accumulate the necessary material for standardizing preparatory and final time, time for servicing the workplace, and rest time.

Time tracking: methods and stages

Tracking working hours using a photo of the working day

Let's consider the features of using a photograph of a working day to standardize the work of the main production workers of industrial enterprises.

Stage 1. Determine the purpose of photo surveillance

The purpose of photo surveillance is to establish standards for preparatory and final time, time for servicing the workplace and time for rest and personal needs.

For your information

Photographs of working time are not used to standardize operational time - time-keeping observations are used for this.

Stage 2. Select the object of observation

It is important to choose the right employees when conducting observations, on the basis of which standards will be established and standards will be developed. The intensity of work varies among different employees due to their psychophysical characteristics, and the standard should provide for an average intensity of work.

Observations should be carried out on employees whose qualifications correspond to the type of work and who have work experience of at least 2 years.

Stage 3. Determine the number of observations

To ensure sufficient accuracy of the results, depending on the type of production, it is recommended to carry out from 5 (for single and small-scale) to 20 (for mass) photo observations, summarizing the results obtained.

Stage 4. We carry out photo surveillance

Carrying out photographic surveillance involves a detailed and consistent declaration of all operations performed by an employee in the workplace. Photographing is carried out from the moment the work shift begins, and the start time and end time of the observed operations are recorded. Recording can also be done using a video surveillance system.

To obtain results with a high degree of reliability, it is recommended to conduct observations on different performers.

Stage 5. Processing the results of the working time photograph

Processing the results of photographs of working hours involves analyzing the material, as well as entering the results of the observation into an observation sheet (Table 1).

Table 1

Observation sheet No. 1


Current time

Duration in minutes




Preparation of tools and equipment.

Cleaning the workplace at the end of the working day

Time for natural needs

The observation sheet indicates all the actions of the performer and breaks in work in the order in which they actually occurred, while simultaneously recording the current end time of each type of time expenditure, which, in turn, is the beginning of the next type of expenditure. Each entry shows either what the performer did or what caused his inaction.

Paragraphs 1, 7, 23, 24, 25 reflect preparatory and final work, work to maintain the workplace, and time for personal needs. All other time costs relate to operational time. These points are needed to determine the ratio of these types of time to operational time.

After filling out columns 1-4 of the observation sheet, the duration of each element is calculated by subtracting the previous measurements from each subsequent measurement of the current time. The results are entered in column 5. Column 6 indicates the time expenditure index, that is, a characteristic of the type of working time expenditure in accordance with the classification (Table 2).

table 2

Indexation of working time costs



Time (duration) of work

Time (duration) of breaks

Preparatory and final time

Operating time

Main time

Auxiliary time

Workplace service time

Time to rest

Time for natural needs

Time for rest and natural needs

Time of breaks due to reasons beyond the control of the worker

Break times due to work-related reasons

Based on the results of observations, a summary of the elements of preparatory and final time, time for servicing the workplace and time for rest and personal needs is compiled (Table 3).

Table 3

Summary of elements of preparatory and final time (time for maintaining the workplace, time for rest and personal needs)



Name of working time costs

Observation sheet no.

Average value






Duration, min

Preparation of tools and equipment

Cleaning the workplace

Cleaning tools and equipment. Delivery to warehouse

Time for natural needs (total per day)

Using a photograph of working time, the percentage of preparatory and final time (time for servicing the workplace and time for rest and personal needs) of operational time is determined.

Let us carry out calculations based on the fact that the working day is 8 hours:

  • preparatory and final time - 0.11 of operational time:

45 min. / (8 hours - 30 minutes - 15 minutes - 15 minutes - 10 minutes);

  • time for servicing the workplace - 0.037 of the operational time:

15 minutes. / (8 hours - 30 minutes - 15 minutes - 15 minutes - 10 minutes);

  • time for personal needs - 0.024 of operational time:

10 min. / (8 hours - 30 min. - 15 min. - 15 min. - 10 min.

Working time recording using time-keeping observations

Stage 1. We analyze the list of work performed and divide the studied standardized types of work into their component elements - operations, elements of operations, techniques, sets of techniques, actions, etc.

Stage 2. Establishing precise boundaries (fixing points) for the operations being studied

Fixing points— these are the moments of the beginning and end of the execution of an operation (operation element). It is at these moments that time measurements begin and end.

Fixation points must be clearly identified by external signs (visible or audible).

Stage 3. Determine the number of time-lapse observations

The number of necessary observations depends on the serial production:

  • mass - 8-12 observations;
  • large-scale - 6-10 observations;
  • serial - 5-8 observations;
  • small-scale - 4-6 observations.

Stage 4. Determine the object of observation

To identify the best practices, frontline employees should be observed.

If it is necessary to establish time standards for work performed by several employees, then from among them several people are selected who have an average level of fulfillment of production standards for the group and work experience in their specialty of at least 2 years.

If there are 2-3 people in a group, it is enough to watch one; if there are 4-5 people - two; if there are 6-8 people, then three, etc.

Stage 5. Timing observations

They should be carried out every 50-60 minutes. after the start of work and 1.5-2 hours before the end of work. It is not advisable to take measurements on the first and last day of the work week.

Let us consider the procedure for conducting timing observations using the example of small-scale production with an average number of observations of 5.

The observer counts the results of measurements visually according to the indicators of the stopwatch hand and enters the results of the observations into a time map (Table 4).

Primary data is entered in the “hours:minutes:seconds” format. Later, when processing the observation results, they are converted into decimal format (person-hour; person-minute; person-sec.).

Table 4

Time card


Name of the operation (operation element)

Results of timing observations (hour:min:sec)

Number of results taken into account

Defective measurements, their cause and duration

Average operation time (hour:min:sec)

Stability coefficient, K mouth



Operation: Removal of sensor A-712.11

Unscrew the 4 bolts and open the compartment hatch

Disconnect the electrical connector cable from the sensor

Unscrew the 12 sensor mounting screws

Remove the sensor along with the rubber gasket

Install the plug where the sensor was removed

Wrap the sensor with plastic film

Close the compartment hatch

TOTAL average duration of the operation “Removal of sensor A-712.11”:

After all measurements are taken, a number of values ​​are obtained characterizing the duration of operations (elements of operations), which is usually called time series.

Stage 6. Analyze the quality of the results obtained

First, we identify and exclude erroneous (defective) measurements from further analysis.

For your information

Erroneous (defective) measurements are those measurements whose duration is much longer than the average duration of the operation or, conversely, much less than its value.

Secondly, we analyze the quality of the results obtained through the magnitude of fluctuations in values ​​- through the stability coefficient (K st), which shows the ratio of the maximum and minimum measurement results:

To mouth = T max / T min,

where T max is the maximum duration of execution of this element of the operation;

T min - the minimum duration of execution of this element of the operation.

By comparing the actual values ​​of the stability coefficients for each element of the operation with its standard value, the quality of the timing is determined:

if K mouth fact ≤ To mouth standards, observation was performed qualitatively;

if K mouth fact > By mouth norms, then from the series of observational results obtained it is necessary to exclude one or both extreme values ​​(maximum or minimum), provided that they were not repeated more than once.


The number of excluded values, including erroneous (defective) ones, cannot exceed 15%. If the number of exceptions is exceeded, observations should be made again.

After excluding one or two extreme observation values, it is necessary to re-calculate K mouth and compare it with the standard value. If these results show that the observations were performed poorly and K mouth. fact ≤ To mouth norms, observations must be repeated first, further exclusion of values ​​is impossible.

Standard values ​​of the stability coefficient are presented in table. 5.

Table 5

Standard values ​​of the stability coefficient depending on the serial production and duration of the operation

Duration of the studied element of the operation, seconds.

Standard values ​​of the stability coefficient

during machine operation

with machine- handmade

when working manually

Mass production

From 6 sec. up to 15 sec.

Over 15 sec.

Large-scale production

From 6 sec. up to 15 sec.

Over 15 sec.

Mass production

Over 6 sec.

Small batch production

Small batch production

For the small-scale production we are analyzing with manual work, the standard value of Kst = 3, its calculated value does not exceed 1.9 (0:02:30 / 0:01:19).

Thus, timing observations make it possible to establish the average value for the operational time of work performed by production workers for the operation “dismantling the A-712.11 sensor” - 0:12:00, or 0.2 man-hours.

Stage 7. Process the results obtained

Based on the remaining observation results (except for erroneous ones), it is necessary to establish the average duration of the operation elements by adding up the recorded results and dividing them by the number of observations made.

The classification of working time is presented in table. 6.

Table 6

Classification of time


Types of jobs

Preparatory and final time t pz

  • Receiving tools, preparing them for work at the beginning of the shift and handing them over at the end of the shift;
  • preparation of documentation necessary to perform the operation;
  • receiving Supplies and spare parts needed to complete the operation.
  • Preparatory and final time is determined based on photo surveillance data and is set as a percentage of operational time

The main execution time of the operation is t O

The list of works related to the section “Main time for performing work” is determined by the technology for performing the work.

The main time for performing the operation is determined according to timing observations

Auxiliary operation time, t V

The time required for the worker to move to perform the operation.

The auxiliary time for performing the operation is determined from photographic observations.

Workplace service time, t orm

  • Inspection;
  • cleaning the workplace after work is completed.

Workplace maintenance time is determined based on photo surveillance data and is set as a percentage of operational time

Time for rest and personal needs, t He

Time for rest and personal needs is determined based on photographic surveillance data and is set as a percentage of operational time.

In addition, rest time is also provided in accordance with the nature of the work performed:

  • performing work in cramped conditions;
  • taking into account temperature when performing work;
  • taking into account the explosive hazard of the environment when performing work;
  • working posture;
  • pace of work, etc.

We determine the norms for spending time on regulated breaks

Rest time should not be less than 10 minutes. per shift. In addition, all workers, regardless of the type of work, are allocated 10 minutes. for personal needs. Where public areas are located at a distance, the time for personal needs increases to 15 minutes. per shift.

Thus, without applying correction factors to take into account working conditions, time for rest and personal needs should not be less than 20 minutes. per shift.

The time for regulated breaks, allocated depending on working conditions, is determined as a percentage or in minutes for an 8-hour work shift.

For your information

With a shorter or longer work shift, the time for regulated breaks increases or decreases proportionally.

Rest time allocated for nervous tension. Nervous tension is caused by nervous stress, one of the psychophysiological elements of working conditions, and is caused by a high pace of work, the need for concentration and constant attention, lack of time to complete work, the need to ensure safe work, etc. (Table 7).

Table 7

Rest time allocated for nervous tension

Characteristics of work

Rest time per shift

% of operational time

Medium precision work. The size of the discrimination object is 1.1-0.51 mm

Work on scaffolds with fencing

Work related to hearing strain (radio operators, telephone operators, etc.)

Work in underground mines

High precision work. The size of the discrimination object is 0.5-0.31 mm

Works with responsibility for material values

Driving work

Work at low heights without fencing, or with fencing above molten metal, the red-hot hearth of metallurgical units

Work on downloading slag, draining and pouring hot metal, marking, cutting hot metal in a rolling stream

Works of special precision. The size of the discrimination object is 0.3-0.15 mm

Work at heights or on scaffolds without guardrails, when the use individual funds safety is not taken into account by labor standards

Work with responsibility for the safety of others, with the risk of injury

Works of the highest precision. The size of the discrimination object is less than 0.15 mm

Work involving high personal risk

For an uncomfortable working position time is also allocated for rest (Table 8).

Table 8

Rest time allocated for a working position

Characteristics of the main working postures and movements in space

Rest time per shift

% of operational time

Fixed, "sitting"

Standing, frequent bending and turning of the body

Standing with arms outstretched

Huddled in tight places, lying down, on your knees, squatting

Walking from 11 to 16 km per shift

Walking over 16 km per shift

Rest time allocated due to meteorological conditions. Meteorological conditions at work include:

  • temperature (in °C);
  • humidity (in%);
  • air mobility (m/sec);
  • infrared (thermal) radiation (cal/cm 2 × min.).

Rest time is allocated for work with elevated air temperatures (Table 9).

Table 9

Rest time depending on the air temperature in the work area

Air temperature, ºС

Rest time per shift

% of operational time

When the relative humidity decreases to 20% and increases to more than 75%, the time for rest should be increased by 1.2 times; when humidity decreases to 10% and increases above 80% - 1.3 times.

During heavy physical work, the rest time allocated for elevated temperature increases by 4 times.

Those working in open work areas at low temperatures are provided with breaks to warm up. During this period, the employee naturally rests. Therefore, additional breaks are not advisable. It is recommended to allocate time for heating for those working in conditions that cause hypothermia.

Time to rest when working with hazardous substances. Harmful substances are substances that, when in contact with the human body, in case of violation of safety requirements, can cause work injuries, occupational diseases or health conditions detected modern methods both in the process of work and in the long term of the life of the present and subsequent generations (GOST 12.1.007-76).

Rest time allocated for lighting. There is no time for rest due to insufficient lighting, with the exception of work performed in complete darkness - in this case, 15-20 minutes are allocated for rest. per shift.

Rest time allocated to employees of mental activities with varying work intensity. At 5 days working week and an 8-hour shift, the duration of the lunch break is 30-60 minutes, and it is recommended to set regulated breaks 2 hours from the start of the work shift and 2 hours after a lunch break lasting 5-10 minutes. each (Table 10).

During regulated breaks, in order to reduce neuro-emotional stress, fatigue of the visual and other analyzers, it is advisable to perform sets of physical exercises, including eye exercises.


Time spending


% of operational time

Morning shift

Regulated break

2 hours after the start of work

Lunch break

4 hours after the start of work

Regulated break

6 hours after the start of work


40 sec.-3 min.

Evening shift

Regulated break

After 1.5-2 hours from the start of work

Lunch break

After 3.5-4 hours from the start of work

Regulated break

6 hours after the start of work


Individually as needed

40 sec.-3 min.

Night shift

Meal break

After 2.5-3 hours from the start of work

Regulated break.

Alternate individual rest when replacing the resting person with an adjuster or another operator

Deep hours of the night


Individually as needed. Every hour (one and a half) of work

40 sec.-3 min.

The organization of work and rest regimes when working with a PC is carried out in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 “Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and work organization: sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards” depending on the type and category labor activity.

Types of work activities are divided into 3 groups:

  • group A - work on reading information from the screen;
  • group B - work on entering information;
  • group B - creative work in dialogue mode with a personal computer.

When performing functions related to different types work activity, the main work with a PC should be taken to be that which takes up at least 50% of the time during a work shift or working day.

For types of work activities, 3 categories of severity and intensity of work with a PC are established, which are determined:

  • for group A - according to the total number of characters read per work shift, but not more than 60,000 characters per shift;
  • for group B - according to the total number of characters read or entered per work shift, but not more than 40,000 characters per shift;
  • for group B - based on the total time of direct work with a PC per work shift, but not more than 6 hours per shift.

Table 11

Total time of regulated breaks depending on the duration of work, type and category of work activity with a PC

Load level per shift when working with a PC

Total break time

group A, number of characters

group B, number of characters

group B, h

% of operational time

For your information

When working with a PC on the night shift (from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.), regardless of the category and type of work activity, the duration of regulated breaks should be increased by 30%.

At general mode work should adhere to the following regulations: at 120 min. 10 minutes of work are provided. break for rest and personal needs.

Calculation of indicators of standard time standards

Indicators of standard time standards are calculated using the following formula:

N in = t pz + t o + t in + t orm + t he + t y,

where N in is the time standard;

t pz - preparatory-final time;

t o is the main time for performing the operation;

t c - auxiliary time for performing work;

t orm - workplace servicing time;

t he is time for rest and personal needs;

t y is the time for rest allocated depending on working conditions.

Preparatory and final time, time for servicing the workplace and time for rest and personal needs are determined according to the photograph of working time as a percentage of operational time.

Rest time allocated depending on working conditions can be determined as a percentage of operational time:

t y = t op × K he,

Where t op - operational time for completing work ( t op = t o + t V);

K is a coefficient that takes into account the time for rest allocated depending on working conditions.

Based on the results of the research, indicators of the labor intensity of each operation within the work are determined. In this case, the total coefficient taking into account the conditions of work (∑K ur), which is calculated using the following formula, is applied to the results obtained:

∑K control = K 1 + K 2 + K 3 + . . . + K n,

where K 1, K 2, K 3, ..., K n are coefficients for taking into account the conditions of work.

Let us apply coefficients taking into account the conditions of work. Then the formula for calculating the time norm will take the following form:

N in = t pz + t o + t orm + t he + ( t op × ∑K control).


Let us calculate the time standard for the operation “dismantling unit A-712.11”:

  • operational time - 12 minutes. (0.2 person-hour), established by conducting time-lapse observations;
  • preparatory and final time - 0.11 of the operational time, established by conducting photo observations; 0.11 × 0.2 = 0.022 person-hour;
  • time for servicing the workplace - 0.037 of the operational time, established by conducting photographic observations; 0.037 × 0.2 = 0.0074 person-hour;
  • time for rest and personal needs - 0.024 of operational time, established by conducting photo observations; 0.024 × 0.2 = 0.0048 person-hours

Now let's apply increasing coefficients to take into account working conditions.

The work of dismantling the A-712.11 unit involves:

  • work with responsibility for material assets (from the section “Rest time allocated for nervous tension”), which is 2% of operational time;
  • work standing with arms extended upward (from the section “Rest time allocated for working position”) - 2.5% of operating time;
  • work at a temperature of 25 ºС (from the section “Rest time depending on the air temperature in the work area”) - 1% of the operating time.

The total factor taking into account working conditions is:

0,02 + 0,025 + 0,01 = 0,055.

Thus, the standard time for dismantling the A-712.11 unit will be:

0.022 + 0.2 + 0.0074 + 0.0048 + (0.2 × 0.055) = 0.25 person-hour, which is approximately 15 minutes.

Thus, the operational time for dismantling work spent production worker and associated with the direct implementation of dismantling work is 12 minutes, and the remaining 3 minutes. distributed among work site maintenance, preparatory and final work, rest time, personal needs, etc.


Accounting labor resources mandatory, but impossible without a labor standardization system.

Using the considered methodology for accounting for working time costs, it is possible to determine reasonable and, most importantly, labor standards that are closest to reality.

In conclusion, let us summarize the basic principles of labor regulation:

  • proper organization of work and rest schedules for enterprise employees;
  • mandatory classification of working time with a clear definition of the list of works belonging to each group;
  • determination of the type of enterprise depending on the serial production of products;
  • determination of working time groups that will be standardized using photo and timing observations;
  • determination of a group of specialists who will be monitored;
  • conducting observations with a clear recording of their results minute by minute in the appropriate document forms (you can use those presented in the article or develop your own forms, securing them in a regulatory act of the enterprise);
  • analysis of results with an emphasis on average values ​​of indicators.

A. N. Dubonosova,
Deputy Head of PEO