First, take a critical look at the things you consider unnecessary and want to sell: are they all worth the effort? For example, it is better to immediately send a worn T-shirt that you bought for 300 rubles to rags.

Place items for sale in salable condition. Wash the clothes, check the integrity of the seams and the presence of buttons, and eliminate any defects. Wash your shoes, clean the soles. For equipment, collect all components and, if available, a box. Your product should look as attractive as possible.

2. Take photos

The buyer will evaluate your item based on photos, so you need to make them high quality. You definitely need:

  • Bright light - ideally studio light, but also daylight without direct light sun rays will fit perfectly. In the dim light of a light bulb, everything will look worse than it really is. Make sure there are no unnecessary shadows in the photo.
  • Neutral background. If the item is small, make a plain backdrop from scrap materials, for example, using the back of a roll of wallpaper or fabric with a smooth texture (don't forget to iron it). If the item is large, at least remove unnecessary objects from the frame, choose a place where there are no colorful carpets or wallpaper, and the background is contrasting enough and does not merge with the item.

Take photographs of the product from all sides. Remove flaws close up so that the degree of wear can be seen - here best strategy there will be honesty, because the buyer will still notice the shortcomings. If there are still tags on things, you still have labels or warranty cards, take pictures of them too. Additional information will not be superfluous and will help the buyer make a decision faster.

Turn on the equipment to confirm its functionality, place cords, headphones and other components nearby. Be sure to wear clothes before shooting. Think about how best to present it. Perhaps you should put it on yourself and put together a set with suitable things. This will give the buyer an idea of ​​how the item of clothing can be worn, which will increase interest.

When showing your imagination, be careful. For example, you think that a photo of a baby stroller will be more attractive if you put a cat in it. But while some buyers will be touched, others will consider it unsanitary. Consider a neutral option in the form of a toy.

Photos with a horizontal orientation will look most advantageous, since most ad sites are designed specifically for such photos, although they post vertical ones.

If you have photos from the site where you bought the product, you can add them, but you shouldn’t limit yourself to them. Potential buyers want to see what the item looks like now. In addition, a photo that is too professional can scare off the client, as he will have the feeling that the ad was published by a commercial organization.

3. Create an ad

Come up with a short and succinct title

Focus on the site. On private classifieds sites, the user receives a list of products on the search results page, which has no description, only headings. Therefore, it is important for you to indicate in it the most important information, which will interest a potential buyer and show your product from its advantageous side. For example, you can indicate advantages such as complete set or perfect condition.

Do not waste marks on words like “for sale”, “cheap”, “inexpensive”.

Firstly, the user sees the price, and secondly, sites usually prohibit indicating contact information and cost characteristics in the title.

Write an informative description

Think in terms of the benefits the product provides. For example, if you are selling a child car seat, find information regarding its safety in authoritative sources; in an advertisement for the sale of a sofa, note that it is soft and comfortable.

If the buyer is not looking for a specific product model known to him, or he is not familiar with the functionality of your item, describe it in more detail. For example, specify that the fitness tracker shows your steps, time, Facebook message notifications, and tracks your heart rate in the background.

They come for used things hoping to buy good product By reasonable price- these factors are enough for success. The exception is the sale of antiques.

At the end of the ad, describe the defects, if any, but without being too zealous, just indicate their presence. To exclude flights of fancy from buyers, attach a photo.

If you're selling a gadget that doesn't work or is outdated, mentally break it down into its components and create an ad for each of them. It is possible that it will sell in parts faster.

Decide on the price

When selling a used item, it doesn’t really matter how much you bought it for. What’s more important is how much competitors sell analogues for. Study the market and determine how much you are willing to sell the product for. If you set the market average price, and your item is objectively in good condition, it will sell quickly. For those who are willing to wait, you can increase the price.

When ready, indicate this. But keep in mind that they will most likely do this to you anyway.

Specify delivery terms

Write whether you are ready to send the item by mail or courier, and who will pay for these services - you or the buyer.

4. Follow safety rules

Use a second SIM card

Register to submit advertisements private room phone: such platforms are actively used by scammers. Here are some common scenarios:

  1. Attackers find out your number and use it to make standard calls, supposedly from the bank. They say that your card is , and they try in every possible way to get its three-digit code located on the back side, or the password to enter the mobile application.
  2. The scammer introduces himself as the buyer and says that he will now transfer money to your card. To do this, he, of course, needs her full data or the code from SMS.
  3. The scammer asks you to go to an ATM and link his phone number to your card in order to transfer money to you.

Even if you know all the scam schemes like ABC and don’t fall for them, unnecessary calls will be annoying and distracting. So an additional SIM card is a great solution.

Do not provide bank card details

This logically follows from the previous point: in order to transfer money to you for goods, the client only needs to know the card number. Nothing more to tell him, no matter what convincing arguments he gives.

If you are told that the payment will come from an organization and they need details, then they still do not include either the information on the back of the card or the code from the SMS. And in this case, you must enter into a formal agreement.

Be careful when picking up

Be careful when inviting people over. Strangers will come to your apartment, and the result may be unpredictable. Robbers or gunners may come to you. Therefore, it is better to meet the buyer in neutral places equipped with video surveillance - at metro stations, at ATMs, and so on. Otherwise, you risk being left without goods and without money.

If the item is large, you don’t have to give the address and meet potential buyers in advance. This way you can assess whether there is a danger. Notify your loved ones in advance about the client's visit, provide them with the buyer's contact information. You can video call someone so they can monitor you in real time while clients are in the apartment. If something goes wrong, the observer will promptly call the police.

Eliminate the possibility of product substitution

Sometimes a buyer comes, twirls it in his hands, and then refuses. As a result, instead of a genuine iPhone, the seller ends up with a Chinese fake on Android or an original, but broken one. To avoid this, take photographs of data that allows you to identify the device.

After the potential buyer returns the product to you, be sure to make sure that you receive the same thing as you gave. And if they didn’t do this right away or the goods sent by mail were returned, photographs will help you prove the case to the police.

Before taking a photo of a product and posting it for sale on the Internet, it is advisable to conduct pre-sale preparation: wash, clean, wash, iron (sounds like the “4 P rule”). Luxury products require more complex procedures. For clothes - dry cleaning, for shoes - preventative maintenance, for expensive Birkin-class bags - SPA (this is a repair, during which the places where the delicate skin has been wiped are tinted and restored).

2. Take good photos

When selling online, the first place in importance comes not from the price of the product or the brand, but from the photograph. Something that will make your offer stand out from thousands of others in the catalog or social media page feed. In fact, you are not even selling the product itself, but the idea of ​​it that will be formed after viewing your picture. This requires “selling photographs.” Making them is not so difficult, just remember a few basic rules:

    For clear, high-quality photographs you need good camera. A smartphone is also suitable, but before each shooting you need to remember to wipe the lens from dust and fingerprints.

    You should always remove natural light: near the window and not against the light, avoid shadows.

    The ideal background is white or the color of baked milk (things look most advantageous against this background). It is convenient to use an Insta background (a special board or piece of plywood with a beautiful texture) or at least a plain light wall, sheet, table, floor, sofa. The main thing is no colorful prints, carpets, scattered things in the background, etc. “Creative” background in the form of natural or artificial grass, pebbles, etc. sometimes it looks fresh and original.

  • Filters, inscriptions, arrows and stickers on photographs add style to the design and also allow you to conveniently display key product parameters (brand, size, price). You can apply them to the photo using a smartphone and one of the popular applications:, etc.

    Clothes can be removed from above, laid out on a horizontal surface, or vertically - hung on a wall, rail or on a special mannequin. Taking a good selfie, showing off an item on yourself a la a model in an online store, is very difficult at home.

    Pets and children in the frame will not leave anyone indifferent (never use other people’s photographs and remember that any information you post on the Internet is potentially not protected from distribution).

    Always use real photos, not ones downloaded from the manufacturer's website.

    Never remove strollers and other large items on the landing or in the hallway; it is better to photograph them outside. The ideal place for this is a dacha or a city park. To film a car, you need a large empty space - a parking lot near the pier, an autodrome, an observation deck near Moscow State University. Optimal lighting is the same as for plein air photo sessions - evening around 18–20 o'clock or a bright sunset.

    The square photo format (1 x 1) is optimal: it is universally suitable for both selling through social networks (Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte) and for “sales” sites such as Yula and Avito (in most mobile applications the product card has the shape of a square).

    The optimal number of photographs of one product in a sales ad is 2–4. For sales on Instagram, it makes sense to spend time creating short videos, carousels and stories for additional promotion.

3. Offer reasonable prices

It's no secret that everyone loves branded items - both representatives of the middle class and those who cannot afford to buy expensive items in a boutique. Pricing for used luxury goods is reminiscent of selling premium cars: when you drive it out of the dealership, it’s minus 30% off the price of the car. Therefore, even if the product is in perfect condition (“only the tags have been cut off”), the price should be at least a third less than in a boutique. Otherwise, no one will buy your things. Those who can afford to buy in boutiques are better off buying a completely new item. And for those who do not have enough money for expensive brands, an item with a small discount will still be very expensive.

At the same time, the discount on the product is too big famous brand may, on the contrary, scare away, as it will raise doubts about its authenticity.

Therefore, selling mass-market clothing from a basic wardrobe is often faster and more profitable.

4. Spend time describing the product

A correct product description includes at a minimum:

  • product name;
  • brand, size;
  • compound;
  • condition (degree of wear and completeness).

Potential buyers will likely ask you for additional technical specifications product: the distance between the shoulders, the length of the insole in centimeters, the amount of memory, etc. It is better to immediately indicate this in the ad.

Describe (or better yet, photograph) any existing damage. In any case, they will be discovered when the goods are transferred to the buyer, so it is wise to warn about them in advance and include a discount in the price of the goods.

5. Create a buzz around your product

The more comments your “sales” post collects on social networks, the more interest it attracts. potential buyers. It’s difficult to pass by a heated discussion or a long line of applicants. To “warm up” the discussion, you can ask your friends to play along with you a little with neutral comments. In addition, every new comment on Facebook automatically raises your post to the top of the feed.

6. Choose the right time to sell

The best time to post a sale ad on social networks is 20:00 on weekdays. On weekends there is minimal activity.

When selling seasonal items, it is better to wait until the season begins and sell, for example, UGG boots in late autumn, when short-sighted buyers will run in droves to stores that have already run out of the sizes they need. At the same time, it is important not to delay: in the middle of the season, people have already either bought everything for the current season, or decided to “endure it” and return to this issue in six months or a year.

7. Meet the buyer in a convenient place

The safest and most convenient way to transfer goods to the buyer is a personal meeting. According to the unspoken rules of E-etiquette, the buyer comes to buy used goods himself, and not vice versa. If you sell clothes, then it is advisable for the buyer to try them on at the meeting (for this it is convenient to organize a meeting at your home or in any big store, where there are fitting booths).

8. Sell in “packs”

For some types of goods, selling in packages is convenient: for example, a package of children's clothing for a certain age. In such cases, a general photograph is taken with the layout of all the goods offered, and the total price is determined. It is important that the goods in the package are selected according to uniform characteristics(for example, one size or one season). In the same way, you can sell ready-made bows from well-selected second-hand items.

9. Organize a premium service

Everyone appreciates special attention: pack the product you are selling in a gift bag or box, tie it with a beautiful ribbon, include a lollipop for the child as a surprise, invite the buyer to your home for a fitting over a cup of coffee.

When selling an expensive product, you can offer the buyer a free bonus: an iPhone case, a winter hat that perfectly matches the color of the overalls, a set of capsules for a Nespresso coffee maker, or a set of high-quality winter tires. It won't cost you anything as a seller, but for the buyer it creates a pleasant feeling of a gift and added value.

So you're with minimal costs get a loyal customer.

What people buy and don’t buy in Russia

Russian buyers have used goods in high demand and traditionally illiquid goods.

Popular Products:

  • winter children's clothing and shoes (from one year);
  • gadgets;
  • household appliances;
  • expensive children's goods (strollers, car seats, scooters, bicycles, furniture);
  • selective perfumes;
  • designer bags.


  • used clothes for newborns and pregnant women;
  • wedding dresses.

These items are in perfect condition (as a rule, each of them is worn only once or a few times), but it is almost impossible to sell them due to our mentality, signs and prejudices, especially among young mothers and brides.

Many people are familiar with the situation when too many unnecessary clothes have accumulated in the closet - something they didn’t like, went out of fashion or didn’t fit after purchase. You don't have to throw it away, but try to sell it.

Almost all cities have thrift stores. You can drop off your belongings at one of these. It is advisable that your product is seasonal and not too old-fashioned. Bring things into salable condition - wash and iron them. Bring them to the store and make your offer. Discuss all the conditions in advance. The appraiser will then decide whether the items are suitable for sale and set a price. Remember that a specialized store will take approximately 30% of the cost for its services. You will receive the remaining 70%. Your items will be put up for sale. If no one buys them after a month, the store can reduce their price by 20% or charge an additional fee for holding them. If you don't like it, you can simply pick up your item and take it to another consignment store. This method will not bring you big money for your things, after all target audience visits thrift stores- people with low income. Another option is to sell items at a flea market or flea market. If you have a lot of things accumulated, you can go to the market on a weekend and try to sell things. In this case, you set the prices yourself and have the opportunity to describe the advantages of each item. True, this method is very risky - you can lose money without selling anything, since you will have to pay for the place in advance.

There is an alternative option, without any risks - to place advertisements on the Internet. The most popular bulletin boards are,, Bring things into salable condition. Ask your friends to dress them up and do high quality photos. Be sure to attach them to your ad. Create a good text in which you describe as much as possible the properties of the item being sold and its dimensions. To avoid adding ads every day, download a program that will automatically send your ad to many boards. One such program is Add2Board. You can use another method - organize an auction on the Internet. There are special resources where you can post advertisements for the sale of your items. Some of these resources are,, After posting to you email Offers will begin to come from people in increasing order. As a result, the clothes will go to the buyer who names maximum price. The auction administration will send you his contact information. Contact him and arrange to transfer the item. The advantage of posting ads on the Internet is that your target audience increases significantly - you can even send an item to another country.

You can also place advertisements in newspapers in your city. Almost every city has newspapers that publish free ads. The most common option is “Hand to Hand”. Purchase one option and look in the “Buy” section. Perhaps this way you can find a buyer. The newspaper indicates the editorial office number - call them, say that you want to submit an advertisement and simply dictate its text. The only downside is that you won’t be able to attach pictures, which is very important when selling things. But this method also has its place.

High-quality pictures and attractive text will make your offer stand out from the rest, and affordable prices will help you find buyers much faster. To speed up the sale, use several methods at the same time.

I think that there is no girl in Ukraine now who does not know about the existence of a huge trading platform eBay. Here you can find everything: from antique jewelry and rare vintage items to an unsuitable skirt from the latest Zara collection.

The best auction sellers know well how not to get lost among hundreds of thousands of other advertisements and present their item in such a way that people want to buy it. And these tips can be easily adapted for those who want to. And it doesn’t matter whether you want to quickly and inexpensively add items from your own closet or are promoting your mini-shop, it makes sense to listen to these simple rules. We've added some more information from ourselves to the pros' advice.

How to sell things on the Internet - 5 rules

1) Photos, photos and more photos

Photos are very important. Use the power of photos to the fullest. After all, it is from the photograph that the first impression of your item is formed; based on them, the buyer decides whether it is worth further spending time on considering your offer. Take clear, high-quality photos.

Take photos from different angles, show the item as much as possible, the texture of the fabric, important details and defects. Don't forget that you choose which photo will be the main one, it should be placed in first place. Shafa allows you to upload up to five photos for each product. When adding an item to Shafu, simply drag and drop best photo to first place. Choose the most “talking” image that catches your eye. You have a chance to stand out in the general gallery of other advertisements.

2) Write as much as possible detailed description

There is a great temptation to limit ourselves to the simple and dry - size and price in one sentence. Not worth it! Give a detailed description. Put yourself in the buyer's shoes, what would you like to know about the item? and the detailed status of the state is the bare minimum. Add something expressive that attracts attention. Tell us how long ago you bought this item and where. Especially if you brought it from abroad or ordered it from a foreign online store. Explain why you decided to part with the item - good reason(the size didn’t fit, the item wasn’t “in style” and was just missing in your closet) will always arouse sympathy.

Detailed, but not formal descriptions sell better. Trust us, we know)

3) Reply to messages as quickly as possible

A potential buyer is interested in your item and you receive a message with a question. Try to respond to messages as quickly as possible. When registering in any sales service, carefully indicate your email, there you will receive notifications from the service (this is how it works in Shafa). Set up appropriate alerts in your mobile phone. The more quickly you respond, the greater the chance that the buyer will not go looking for another item.

If several people write to you about one thing and you have already agreed with someone, still do not forget to answer the others. Firstly, the first person to come can change his mind. Secondly, no one has canceled elementary politeness. Having met a polite and attentive seller, the buyer may well add your profile to “favorites” and become interested in your other things.

4) Negotiate with buyers

Don't refuse customers additional information! Take additional measurements and send to the buyer additional photos, if requested. You can understand the buyer; buying clothes online is not always an easy task, especially for those who are doing it for the first time.

Carefully discuss payment and delivery terms. If you live in the same city, offer a place for a meeting where the buyer can calmly and carefully examine the item and try it on if necessary.

Write down in your profile the payment and delivery scheme for buyers from other cities. Discuss all the conditions in advance, offer options for returning the item if it is not suitable - especially if the item is not cheap.

5) Be brutally honest

Be 100% honest. Every potential item can meet its buyer, especially if it has an adequate price. Even if this thing has a small defect. Don't try to sell worn item like new. New thing– only the one that was tried on in a store or at home and that’s it.

If an item has been worn only a few times and shows no signs of wear, then its condition can be described as “perfect.” If it has been actively worn, but has not lost its quality, the condition is “good”. And if the thing has minor defects Don’t think that “this will do” - write to the buyer, show close-up photographs of the defect.

An adequate price is also part of your honesty. Explore price offer in the category of similar things and try to adequately evaluate your proposal. If you bought a dress five years ago and have never worn it, you shouldn’t put the price on it that you can buy a fashion item at this season’s sale.

If you think that your item is worthy of a higher price, it is worth explaining in detail to the future buyer what its charm, difference and uniqueness are. It is especially important here that points 1) and 2) are, as they say, at your level.

Sell ​​your items in Shafa right now >>>