Natalya Tsvetyukha
Presentation "Seasons"

I suggest viewing presentation« Seasons» It is composed of bright, beautiful images in which all 4 season. Studying time of year, natural phenomena, occurring at different times time of year and holidays, corresponding to one or another time of year included in the child’s school preparation program. This presentation will help children consolidate knowledge about weather phenomena, the names of the months, their order. You can invite the children to compose a story based on the pictures. The purpose of this presentation is:

1. Develop love for the world around you.

2. Motivate students more than force them to engage in educational activities.

3. Encourage joint activities.

4. Together with the children, we developed story situations that children like so much.

5.Develop speech, memory, perseverance.

6. Ability to conduct dialogue.

7. Develop thinking, compose a story - “What do you see in the picture?”; "Why is this happening?" ; “Why and how do animals behave during this period?”; "What do people do in each seasons

8. Develop in children the ability to identify the signs of each time of year;

9. Develop logical thinking, imagination, and the ability to restore logical relationships through the use of riddles.

Looking at the bright pictures, children will see a gradual change in weather from winter to spring, from summer to autumn. Annotations to the pictures will tell about the lives of people and animals in different times. season.

Publications on the topic:

I bring to your attention my new craft _ Tree "Seasons". Goal: making a tree from cardboard with your own hands. Tasks: -teach.

Dear colleagues, on this site I saw the work of the artist Yu. Rodionova, and it was her “tree” that prompted me to try to make this guide.

Seasons Training games using a plot panel contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, which has a beneficial effect on improvement.

Game "Seasons". Seasons Word game “yes or no” Warm spring now - The grapes are ripe for you - A horned horse in the meadow - Jumping in the snow in the summer - Sleeping.

Hello! I would like to introduce you to my lapbook called “Seasons”, which was made for children middle group. While studying with a laptop.

To make the model you needed: - plywood (for the people, the house, the Christmas tree, the tree and the field); - wheels (to make the field more mobile);

To make a layout we need: -Cardboard box-Colored paper -Crumpled paper -Self-adhesive paper -Scissors -Fleece scraps.

This presentation is for children preschool age“Seasons” is suitable for organizing a lesson in kindergarten on the topic “Nature”, as well as for organizing leisure time for a child at home, for independent viewing, since the presentation is completely interactive, you do not need any additional knowledge other than starting the presentation.



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Presentation of middle-aged preschoolers on the topic: “SEASONS” by Sukacheva O.I. GBDOU teacher kindergarten No. 27 Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg

All year round Winter comes inadvertently, taking its toll on all counts. It should be there by the deadline, but, come on, it’s not there! And suddenly, one day, early in the morning, I looked into window glass And you see the “self-assembled tablecloth” - Everywhere, around, white and white... Spring comes gradually: The snow is silently melting in the fields, Escape from the ice captivity The river waters are secretly preparing. The frosts at night are not the same, And now the starling is flying to his house on the birch trunk... Spring has come. Winter is over! And after Spring comes Summer, after Summer comes Autumn in turn, and again Winter. And again somewhere Spring is in a hurry to go on a hike. (S. Mikhalkov) INTRODUCTION

Spring The streams rang, the rooks flew in. The bee brought the first honey to the hive. Who can say, who knows when this happens? Answer (Spring) If the snow is melting everywhere If the snow is melting everywhere, The day is getting longer, If everything is green and the stream is ringing in the fields, If the wind has become warmer, If the birds are unable to sleep, If the sun is shining brighter, It means spring has come to us. E. Karganova

Summer The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming. The rye is heading, the wheat is turning golden. Who can say, who knows, When this happens? (Summer) Summer If there are thunderstorms in the sky, If the grass has bloomed, If early in the morning the dew Bends blades of grass to the ground, If in the groves above the viburnum there is a hum of bees until the night, If the sun has warmed all the water in the river to the bottom - That means it’s already summer! So spring is over! Ya Kim

Autumn In the morning we go into the yard - The leaves are falling like rain, rustling under our feet And flying, flying, flying... Answer (Autumn) Autumn Summer has passed, Autumn has come. The fields and groves are empty and sad. The birds have flown away, the days have become shorter, the sun is not visible, the nights are dark, dark. Alexey Pleshcheev

Winter The cold weather has arrived. The water turned into ice. The long-eared gray bunny turned into a white bunny. The bear stopped roaring: The bear fell into hibernation in the forest. Who can say, who knows, When this happens? (Winter) Birch White birch Under my window Covered with snow, Like silver. On the fluffy branches, like a snowy border, brushes blossomed like a white fringe. And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence, and snowflakes burn in golden fire. And the dawn, lazily going around, sprinkles the branches with new silver. Sergey Yesenin


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    December January February

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    Winter nature quiet and silent, only the rare chirping of winter birds and the dry crunch of branches in the winter forest can be heard. The weather in December is not yet the most wintry and severe, thaws occur from time to time, but the temperature is consistently negative with rare frosts and drops. And despite frequent thaws and instability of negative temperatures, cold Arctic winds will increasingly cool the air. Winter will still show its harsh character. Winter

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    Midwinter - January. Epiphany frosts are crackling. The sky is clear and clean, the snow blinds the eyes from the bright sunlight. How the sun is brighter, the colder the day. January is the winterest month, which brings about the complete calm and serenity of nature, which rests and gains strength for the upcoming fertile year under a thick layer of snow that has fallen since last month. The temperature is even without sudden changes. Winter

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    January smoothly flows into the cold month of February, the beginning of which is often characterized by snowstorms and blizzards with strong gusts of freezing wind. From time to time, bright cloudless weather sets in the sky, the sun shines more often and brighter, moving further away from the horizon, but it will only begin to warm up in mid-February, when the falling rays of the sun begin to imperceptibly warm your cheeks from the icy frost. Winter

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    March April May

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    So the long frosts give way to the long-awaited warmth of spring. The snow will lie on the cold ground for a long time, and the icy winds will remind us more than once that although winter has weakened, it has not given up. Soon the bright March sun will gradually begin to warm the earth, warming the air that has cooled during the long winter with its rays. The air temperature will remain negative for a long time at night and in the morning, but during the day, under the influence of rays warming the icy ground, it will gradually begin to warm up. Spring

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    April begins its onset with abundant snowmelt. The sun is already rising high above the horizon, and during the daytime the average air temperature exceeds 0° C. The air, which is becoming warmer every day, carries the smell of spring across the natural expanses of forests and rivers with light winds. There is flooding all around. A string of streams sparkle in the sun, babbling joyfully and running down the slopes of roads that are finally freed from snow debris. Spring

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    At the very beginning of May, there is often a sharp drop in temperature, through-cold winds rustle, and occasionally there is a small amount of precipitation in the form of snow, which, however, quickly melts in the already warmed-up weather. spring soil. It will be cold and there will be a sharp warming. The bird cherry blossomed, the lilac immediately filled the air with the aroma, and the apple tree opened its first flowers. Nature, as if a young girl is being transformed, trying on one dress or another. Spring

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    June July August

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    Nature blooms and ripens in summer, the gardens are full of greenery, the meadows are covered with a wide trail of green grass. Heavy cumulus clouds slowly soar in the sky, like huge ships. And although the month of May at the end indulged in warm and summer-like hot days, the first days of June are often cool, sometimes rainy. Summer takes time to heat up. There are still long hot, sultry and simply warm pleasant days ahead, when the sun wakes up early and sets very slowly, allowing you to walk around to your heart's content before plunging into twilight. And now the sun is starting to get hot, hot days are coming. The greenery is in full bloom, providing edible herbs. The sky is blue and clear, with fluffy clouds floating across it from time to time. Summer

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    The hottest and driest time of the year is approaching. The month of July is drier than its predecessor, the weather becomes hot and windless, the nights are now warm and stuffy. July is the stormiest month. Thunderstorms often occur at the beginning of the month, but showers at the end of July are not uncommon. Summer

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    Warm and hot days smoothly transition into the month of August, which is milder than July, because the daylight hours are noticeably shorter, and the nights become cooler and a foggy haze appears. Since the beginning of the month, the water in lakes and ponds has cooled, ending the swimming season. August itself is the quietest month of the year. Thunderstorms rarely occur, and hot, dry days are somewhat less common. The weather is often evenly warm, and in some places the first yellowed leaves appear on the trees, harbingers of autumn. Summer

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    September October November

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    September transition period from summer warmth to autumn coolness. The temperature does not drop sharply, but gradually. The nights become cool, sunny temperate days give way to rainy ones with glimpses of the sun. At times, in the absence of the sun, a cold wind blows, but the weather changes from warm to cold days are not sharp. Autumn

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    The brightest time of autumn is coming - Golden autumn. Trees, before plunging into a long sleep, throw on golden clothes made of rapidly turning yellow leaves. The wind noisily swirls the falling leaves, the last cumulus clouds float in the sky. Thunderstorms no longer occur, and the temperature begins to drop rapidly along with the appearance of heavy and prolonged precipitation. In the rays of the cool October sun, flocks of birds rise higher and higher on the blue sky. Flocking into larger flocks, they move south towards the warmth. Many songbirds are already on their way to warmer climes, and starlings and rooks will still be here for some time, and they are already drawn to flocks. The first serious frosts are coming very soon. Autumn

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    Autumn is becoming more silent and sadder. It's time for late autumn- month of November. The sun began to appear very rarely. The cumulus clouds in the sky were replaced by a dull gray film. There was no warmth left at all. There is little snow, and if it does fall, the snow cover is unstable, which makes the weather seem especially cold. Dried grass is crushed by wet snow. A thin ice forms on the water. Either the rain and snow swirl like a whirlwind, or it just rains with a fine drizzle all day long, or even the sun will come out a little and immediately hide behind the rain line. Autumn

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    Presentation – “Seasons”

    Annotation. This work is intended for children to reinforce the signs of the seasons; expand the understanding of the seasons, develop the child’s speech activity.



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    Slide captions:

    Spring The streams rang, the rooks flew in. The bee brought the first honey to the hive. Who can say, who knows when this happens? Answer (Spring) If the snow is melting everywhere If the snow is melting everywhere, The day is getting longer, If everything is green and the stream is ringing in the fields, If the wind has become warmer, If the birds are unable to sleep, If the sun is shining brighter, It means spring has come to us. E. Karganova

    Summer The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming. The rye is heading, the wheat is turning golden. Who can say, who knows, When this happens? (Summer) Summer If there are thunderstorms in the sky, If the grass has bloomed, If early in the morning the dew Bends blades of grass to the ground, If in the groves above the viburnum there is a hum of bees until the night, If the sun has warmed all the water in the river to the bottom - That means it’s already summer! So spring is over! Ya Kim

    Autumn In the morning we go into the yard - The leaves are falling like rain, rustling under our feet And flying, flying, flying... Answer (Autumn) Autumn Summer has passed, Autumn has come. The fields and groves are empty and sad. The birds have flown away, the days have become shorter, the sun is not visible, the nights are dark, dark. Alexey Pleshcheev

    Winter The cold weather has arrived. The water turned into ice. The long-eared gray bunny turned into a white bunny. The bear stopped roaring: The bear fell into hibernation in the forest. Who can say, who knows, When this happens? (Winter) Birch White birch Under my window Covered with snow, Like silver. On the fluffy branches, like a snowy border, brushes blossomed like a white fringe. And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence, and snowflakes burn in golden fire. And the dawn, lazily going around, sprinkles the branches with new silver. Sergey Yesenin

    The concept of “season” is also used in science. Accordingly, the year is divided into 4 seasons.

    classification of seasons in science:

    According to calendar

    In almost all countries, the year consists of 4 seasons: Winter, spring, summer, autumn.

    All periods are divided into 3 months.

    The exceptions are

    Indian calendar chronology - in it the year consists of 6 parts, each of 2 months

    In the calendar itself there are not 12 months, like ours, but 8

    In astronomy

    Counting is carried out at the points of the spring and autumn equinox

    and the days of the summer and autumn solstice

    equinox days divide the solar orbit into 4 sectors of 90 o

    The reasons for changes in seasons are the following factors:

    • inclination of the earth's axis to the location of the orbital plane
    • the shape of the orbital trajectory is in the form of an ellipse
    • annual period of rotation of the Earth around the Sun

    Astronomical mechanism for the formation of seasonal weather changes

    The main factor in changes in the seasons is the location of the earth's axis at an angle to the location of the orbital plane. Today the angle of inclination of the planet's axis is 23.5°

    (Without axis tilt, the duration of the day and night parts of the day on Earth would be the same, since during the day the sun always warmed the Earth at the same distance from the earth’s surface).

    The closest orbital point to the Sun - perihelion - is located at a distance of about 147 million km. The location of the farthest orbital point is aphelion, about 147,152 million km from the Sun.

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    The Earth's orbit is similar to an ellipse, so the length of the seasons varies.

    Between the spring and autumn equinoxes, the northern hemisphere of the planet

    Facing the Sun, most of the day is illuminated, so northern latitudes have more solar energy than the southern ones

    The length of the sunny day increases

    The sun is much higher during the day compared to the opposite continents in the South.

    Six months pass, and planet Earth turns the other side to the Sun. In this case, the inclination does not change, but the southern side is turned towards the Sun much longer, accordingly the day increases, and the Sun is higher during the day and radiates more energy than in the North of the planet.

    Climatic mechanism for the formation of seasonal weather changes

    Clear boundaries of the beginning and end of the seasons are difficult to determine due to temperature fluctuations (associated with physical and chemical properties land and water).

    In some countries, the September equinox is considered the middle of autumn, in others - the beginning.

    Weather characteristics by climatic zones

    In the equatorial zone

    winter/summer - rainy periods

    spring and autumn are dry periods

    In the tropical zone

    winter – rainy season

    other periods - dry weather

    In the temperate zone

    autumn and early winter – the bulk of precipitation

    spring/summer – rare rains

    In the Arctic and Antarctic zones

    all periods are cold