slide 2

“In their language, the people, in the course of many millennia and in millions of individuals, have combined their thoughts and their feelings. The nature of the country and the history of the people, reflected in the human soul, were expressed in the word. A person disappeared, but the word he created remained an immortal and inexhaustible treasury of the national language ... Inheriting the word from our ancestors, we inherit not only the means to convey our thoughts and feelings, but we inherit these very thoughts and these feelings. K. D. Ushinsky

slide 3

Speech etiquette is a system of rules of speech behavior and stable formulas for polite communication.

There is such a concept - speech etiquette"- the rules of communication. By observing them, people understand each other better. The rules of speech behavior are regulated by speech etiquette, a system of set expressions that has developed in the language and speech. These are situations of address, greetings, farewells, apologies, gratitude, congratulations, wishes, sympathy and condolences, approvals and compliments, invitations, suggestions, requests for advice and much more.

slide 4

The specifics of Russian speech etiquette

Speech etiquette has national specifics. Each nation has created its own system of rules of speech behavior. In Russian society, such qualities as tact, courtesy, tolerance, goodwill, and restraint are of particular value. The importance of these qualities is reflected in numerous Russian proverbs and sayings that characterize the ethical standards of communication. A wise man does not speak, an ignoramus does not let him speak. Tongue - one, ear - two, say once, listen twice. The grandfather talks about the chicken, and the grandmother talks about the duck. You listen, and we will be silent. A deaf person listens to a dumb person speak. All the troubles of a man come from his tongue. Cows are caught by the horns, people by the tongue.

Slide 5

Technique for the implementation of label forms

Any act of communication has a beginning, main part and final. If the addressee is unfamiliar to the subject of speech, then communication begins with an acquaintance. In this case, it can occur directly and indirectly. Of course, it is desirable that someone introduce you, but there are times when you need to do it yourself. Official greeting formulas: - Hello! - Good afternoon! Informal greeting formulas: - Hello! - Hello

slide 6

Interaction of speech and behavioral etiquette

Etiquette is closely related to ethics. Ethics prescribes the rules of moral behavior (including communication), etiquette presupposes certain manners of behavior and requires the use of external politeness formulas expressed in specific speech actions. In oral communication, it is necessary to observe a number of ethical and etiquette norms that are closely related to each other. First, one must treat the interlocutor with respect and kindness. Secondly, the speaker is ordered to be modest in self-assessments, not to impose his own opinions, to avoid excessive categoricalness in speech.

Slide 7

Speech distances and taboos

The distance in speech communication is determined by age and social status. It is expressed in speech by using the pronouns you and you. Speech etiquette defines the rules for choosing one of these forms. Empty “You” with a heartfelt “You” She, having said a word, replaced .. A.S. Pushkin with the degree of acquaintance of partners (you - to a friend, you - to a stranger); the formality of the communication environment (you are unofficial, you are official); the nature of the relationship (you are friendly, "warm", you are emphatically polite or strained, aloof, "cold"); equality or inequality of role relations (by age, position: you are equal and inferior, you are equal and superior The choice is dictated by:

Slide 8

Compliments. The culture of criticism in speech communication.

A compliment is a special form of praise, an expression of approval, respect, recognition or admiration; kind, nice words, flattering review. Criticism - Discussion, analysis of something in order to evaluate the merits, detect and correct shortcomings

Slide 9

Non-verbal means of communication

When talking with each other, people use gestures and facial expressions along with verbal speech to convey their thoughts, moods, desires. With help non-verbal language: we confirm, explain or refute the information transmitted verbally; we transmit information consciously or unconsciously; express our emotions and feelings; adjusting the course of the conversation; control and influence others;

Table of contents 1.1 The history of the emergence of speech etiquette; 1.2 The basis of speech etiquette and the factors that determine its formation; 2.1 Rules and norms of speech etiquette at the beginning of communication: appeal, greeting; 2.2 Rules and norms of speech etiquette in the process of communication: formulas of politeness and mutual understanding; Rules and norms of speech etiquette at the end of communication: farewell, summary and compliments; Features of speech etiquette in remote communication, communication by telephone, the Internet; 2.5 National differences in speech etiquette in different countries; Conclusion: The value of speech etiquette for the society and culture of the country; Bibliography.

1.1 The history of the emergence of speech etiquette. England and France are usually called: "the classical countries of etiquette". However, they cannot be called the birthplace of etiquette. Roughness of morals, ignorance, worship of brute force, etc., dominated in both countries in the 15th century. You can not talk about Germany and other countries of Europe at that time, only Italy of that time is an exception. The ennoblement of the morals of Italian society begins already in the XIV century. Man passed from feudal mores to the spirit of modern times, and this transition began in Italy earlier than in other countries. while the rest of Europe was engulfed in civil strife, and the feudal order was still in full force, Italy was the land of a new culture. This country deserves to rightly be called the birthplace of etiquette.

“Etiquette (French etiquette - label, label) is a set of rules of conduct relating to the external manifestation of attitude towards people (treatment with others, forms of address and greetings, behavior in public places, manners and clothes).” As you can see, the very word "etiquette" came to us from France, from the royal court of Louis XIV. And labels were called small paper tablets, issued to those who wanted (or were forced to) appear before the king. It was written on them how a person should address the king, what movements should be made, what words should be spoken.

1.2 The basis of speech etiquette and the factors that determine its formation. In the process of education, socialization, a person, becoming a person, masters the culture of communication. But for this it is necessary to navigate in a communication situation, act according to the rules of the communicative roles of the speaker or listener, build a text in accordance with stylistic norms, master oral and written forms of communication, be able to communicate in contact and remotely, and also own the whole gamut non-verbal means communications.

L. A. Vvedenskaya in her book "Russian Language and Culture of Speech" gives the following definition of speech etiquette: "Speech etiquette is understood as the developed rules of speech behavior, a system of speech formulas of communication." N. I. Formanovskaya gives the following definition: Speech etiquette refers to the regulatory rules of speech behavior, a system of nationally specific stereotyped, stable communication formulas adopted and prescribed by society to establish contact between interlocutors, maintain and interrupt contact in the chosen key. The degree of proficiency in speech etiquette determines the degree professional suitability person.

Speech etiquette is built taking into account the characteristics of partners entering into business relationship, leading business conversation: social status the subject and addressee of communication, their place in the official hierarchy, their profession, nationality, religion, age, gender, character. The basis of speech etiquette is speech formulas, the nature of which depends on the characteristics of communication. Any act of communication has a beginning, main part and final part.

2.1 Rules and norms of speech etiquette at the beginning of communication: appeal, greeting Greeting: If the addressee is unfamiliar to the subject of speech, then communication begins with an acquaintance. This can happen both directly and indirectly. According to the rules of good manners, it is not customary to enter into a conversation with a stranger and introduce yourself. Allow me to get to know you. I would like to meet you Let's get to know each other

Formal and informal meetings of acquaintances, and sometimes strangers, begin with a greeting. In Russian, the main greeting is hello. It goes back to the old Slavic verb to be healthy, which means "to be healthy", that is, healthy. Along with this form, a greeting indicating the time of the meeting is common: Good morning, Good afternoon good evening. In addition to common greetings, there are greetings that emphasize the joy of meeting, respectful attitude, desire for communication: Very glad to see you!; Welcome!; My regards!

Appeal: Appeal is one of the most important and necessary components of speech etiquette. The appeal is used at any stage of communication, throughout its duration, serves as its integral part. At the same time, the norm of the use of the address and its form have not been finally established, cause controversy, and are a sore spot in Russian speech etiquette.

The monarchical system in Russia of the 20th century maintained a division into estates: nobles, clergy, raznochintsy, merchants, philistines, and peasants. Hence the appeal lord, madam in relation to people of privileged classes; sir, madam - for the middle class or master, mistress for both and the absence of a single appeal to representatives of the lower class. In other civilized countries, appeals were the same for all strata and estates (Mr., Mrs., Miss - England, USA; signor, signorina, signora - Italy; sir, sir - Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia) The monarchical system in Russia of the twentieth century maintained a division on people into estates: nobles, clergy, raznochintsy, merchants, petty bourgeois, peasants. Hence the appeal lord, madam in relation to people of privileged classes; sir, madam - for the middle class or master, mistress for both and the absence of a single appeal to representatives of the lower class. In other civilized countries, the appeals were the same for all strata and estates (Mr., Mrs., Miss - England, USA; signor, signorina, signora - Italy; sir, sir - Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia)

2.2 Rules and norms of speech etiquette in the process of communication: formulas of politeness and mutual understanding After a greeting, a business conversation is usually started. Speech etiquette provides for several beginnings, which are determined by the situation. The most typical are 3 situations: solemn, working, mournful.

"Dictionary of Ethics", which defines politeness as: "... a moral quality that characterizes a person for whom respect for people has become a daily norm of behavior and a habitual way of dealing with others". So politeness is a sign of respect. Politeness is both a willingness to provide a service to someone who needs it, and delicacy, and tact. And, of course, timely and appropriate speech manifestation - speech etiquette - an integral element of politeness.

Gallant is exquisitely polite and amiable. attitude towards a woman; correct behaves with restraint in full compliance with the rules, not one step away from them; a courteous person is always respectfully polite ... Well, we will mention the manifestations of impoliteness below. Here we will draw a conclusion that we will need in further reasoning: impoliteness is the assignment of a role to the addressee below that which he can count on, disrespect for him; politeness is respect for the addressee, assigning him the role that corresponds to his characteristics, and maybe a little higher, when he is courteous or gallant.

2.3 Rules and norms of speech etiquette at the end of communication: farewell, summary and compliments End of communication: When the conversation ends, the interlocutors use the formulas for parting, ending communication. They express a wish (All the best (good) to you! Goodbye!); hope for a new meeting (Until the evening (tomorrow, Saturday); I hope we part for a short time. I hope for see you soon); doubt about the possibility of meeting again (Farewell! It is unlikely that we will see you again. Do not remember dashingly!)

Except ordinary forms farewells, there is a long-established ritual of a compliment. A tactfully and timely compliment, it cheers up the addressee, sets up a positive attitude towards the opponent. A compliment is said at the beginning of a conversation, at a meeting, acquaintance or during a conversation, at parting. A compliment is always nice. Only an insincere compliment is dangerous, a compliment for the sake of a compliment, an overly enthusiastic compliment.

Compliment refers to appearance, testifies to the excellent professional abilities of the addressee, his high morality, gives a general positive evaluation- You look good (excellent, beautiful). - You are (so, very) charming (smart, resourceful, practical). - You are a good (excellent, excellent) specialist. - It is pleasant (excellent, good) to deal with you (work, cooperate). - It was nice to meet you! - You are a very nice (interesting) person (interlocutor) The absence of a farewell ritual or its indistinctness or crumpledness does not in any way indicate that the person left “in English”, this indicates either a negative, hostile or hostile attitude of a person or his banal bad manners.

2.4 Features of speech etiquette in remote communication, communication by telephone, the Internet Scientific and technological progress has introduced a new culture of communication into etiquette - communication by telephone. What is the specificity of a telephone conversation as one of the types of speech activity? N. A. Akishina in her book “Speech Etiquette of Russian Telephone Conversation” of a telephone conversation in this system is as follows: it reveals this problem in this way: “Telephone conversation is included in the number of types speech communication carried out with the help of technical means.

Depending on the relationship of subscribers and the situation, telephone conversations differ: 1.) Official (business) - between strangers or unfamiliar people. 2.) Informal (frequent) 3.) Neutral - between acquaintances, but equal in position and age 4.) Friendly - between close people

Rules for talking on the phone: 1.) It is necessary to distinguish between official and informal conversations. Business calls are made on working devices, informal - on home 2.) It is indecent to call before 9 am and after 22:00. 3.) You can’t call strangers, if you have to do this, you must definitely explain who gave the phone. 4.) The conversation should not be long - 3-5 minutes 5.) The subscriber who is being called does not have to identify himself, even if it is a business phone. 6.) It is not permissible for the caller to start a conversation with questions: “Who is talking?”, “Who is on the phone?”

Semantic parts of a telephone conversation 1.) Establishing contact (identification, hearing test) 2.) Starting a conversation (greeting, question about the opportunity to speak, questions about life, affairs, health, message about the purpose of the call) 3.) Development of the topic (deployment of the topic , exchanging information, expressing opinions) 4.) End of the conversation (final phrases summarizing the topic of the conversation, etiquette phrases, farewell) Semantic parts of a telephone conversation 1.) Establishing contact (identification, listening test) 2.) Starting a conversation (greeting, question about the opportunity to speak, questions about life, affairs, health, message about the purpose of the call) 3.) Development of the topic (deployment of the topic, exchange of information, expression of opinions) 4.) End of the conversation (final phrases summarizing the topic of the conversation, etiquette phrases, farewell)

2.5 National differences in speech etiquette in different countries Speech etiquette - important element any national culture. In the language, speech behavior, stable formulas (stereotypes) of communication, a rich folk experience, the uniqueness of customs, lifestyle, and living conditions of each people were deposited. And that is infinitely valuable.

Conclusion: The importance of speech etiquette for the society and culture of the country Russian speech etiquette is one of the components of the national culture, which takes the brunt of the preservation of the Russian ethnic group and statehood. Both the revival and the legislative consolidation of the norms of the rules of Russian etiquette and speech etiquette, including, should become a priority task for the state and society in the near future. After all, this will be a huge and fundamental step in the revival of Russia as one of the pillars of world culture and civilization, on the other hand, it will be a great contribution to the preservation and development of the Russian ethnos and state.

References 1. Akishina A. A., Formanovskaya N. I. “Russian speech etiquette” M., Goldin V.E. "Speech and Etiquette". M.: Enlightenment, L.A. Vvedenskaya "Russian language and culture of speech", M A.A. Akishina, "Speech etiquette of Russian telephone conversation", M E.V. Arova "Be kind", M M.D. Arkhangelsk "Business etiquette or playing by the rules", M Yanyshev V. E. Speech and etiquette. M., F. Folsom "The Book of Language", M. For the preparation of this work, materials from the site were used. References 1. Akishina A. A., Formanovskaya N. I. "Russian speech etiquette" "Speech and Etiquette". M.: Enlightenment, L.A. Vvedenskaya "Russian language and culture of speech", M A.A. Akishina, "Speech etiquette of Russian telephone conversation", M E.V. Arova "Be kind", M M.D. Arkhangelsk "Business etiquette or playing by the rules", M Yanyshev V. E. Speech and etiquette. M., F. Folsom "The Book of Language", M. For the preparation of this work, materials from the site were used

"Journey to the Country???"

Station #1: "Meditate"

  • Each team has tasks on the table, having solved them, you will find out the topic of our today's meeting.
  • Task 1. Find polite words in the encrypted table.
  • Task 2. Collect proverbs.

Etiquette(from French etiquette - label, label) - a set of rules of conduct relating to the external manifestation of attitude towards people (treatment with others, forms of communication, manners and clothing) ”

What is "speech etiquette"?

  • Speech etiquette- this is a system of specific linguistic signs (words, stable verbal formulas) and the rules for their use, adopted in a given society in given time in order to establish verbal contact between interlocutors and maintain friendly, polite, benevolent or official relations in accordance with the speech situation
  • "Explanatory dictionary of Russian speech etiquette"
  • Speech etiquette- a conditional language of politeness, subordination, which has its own vocabulary (sign system) and grammar (rules of decent speech behavior in society.

"Explanatory dictionary of Russian speech etiquette"

  • Speech etiquette - this is a set of all etiquette speech means and the rules for their use in certain situations.

"Russian language. Encyclopedia"

Rules of speech etiquette

  • Tact - this is ethical standard, requiring the speaker to understand the interlocutor, avoid inappropriate questions, discuss topics that may be unpleasant for him.
  • courtesy lies in the ability to anticipate possible questions and wishes of the interlocutor, the readiness to inform him in detail on all topics essential for the conversation.
  • Tolerance is to calmly relate to possible differences of opinion, to avoid sharp criticism of the views of the interlocutor. You should respect the opinions of other people, try to understand why they have this or that point of view. Consistency is closely related to such a quality of character as tolerance - the ability to calmly respond to unexpected or tactless questions and statements of the interlocutor.
  • benevolence is necessary both in relation to the interlocutor, and in the entire construction of the conversation: in its content and form, in intonation and choice of words.

Speech etiquette are rules about how to talk, what to talk about, where to talk, and who to talk to.

Station #2: "Culture of Behavior"

  • The teams take turns asking questions. If the team gave an incorrect answer, the right to answer is transferred to the opposing team.

  • Question #1: Your attention is offered the words of politeness, which are pronounced to emphasize their disposition towards the interlocutor. They often sound at the beginning of a conversation:
  • 1.Good morning
  • 2.Great
  • 3. Hello
  • 4. Hello
  • 5.Hello

What words do you think are the most common?

  • Question #2 : You are on the phone and you are going to call a girlfriend or friend. Choose the most polite way to express your request:
  • 1. Call Masha.
  • 2. Hello, call Masha.
  • 3. Hello, excuse me, is Masha at home?

  • Question #3: At school, you witnessed an unpleasant situation. Two boys collided at the door and cannot disperse. Which one should give way if one is 8 and the other is 11?
  • 1. The one who is 8 years old.
  • 2. The one who is 11 years old.
  • 3. The one who is more polite.
  • 4. It is not necessary to give way.

  • Question #4: You are on a bus and you want to make your way to the exit. What words would you say?
  • 1. Excuse me, I'm leaving.
  • 2. Allow me to pass.
  • 3. Excuse me, can I pass?

  • Question #5 : After saying hello to the teacher once, should you say hello to him again when you meet?
  • 1.Yes.
  • 2.No.
  • 3. You can, but not necessarily.
  • 4. It is possible, replacing the words with a smile, a bow.

  • Question #6: You are late. You don't have a watch. How do you ask a passerby time?
  • 1. Tell me, what time is it now?
  • 2. Can you tell me what time it is?
  • 3. Tell me, please, what time is it?
  • 4.How long?

Station #3: Flower of Courtesy

  • Each team takes 4 daisies and completes the task: “Remember the words, turns of speech that would be appropriate in these situations” (each item is signed on a separate chamomile). The team that remembers more of these turns wins.

Chamomile, on the petals of which is written:

  • 1.greeting
  • 2.farewell
  • 3.request
  • 4.gratitude

Station 4: "Could you?"

  • In order for your communication to be pleasant and useful, it is important to be able to accompany your speech with various gestures and facial expressions. Try using the gestures and facial expressions accepted in Russian to depict various states of a person:
  • 1. sadness, bad mood.
  • 2.doubt.
  • 3. confusion, indecision.
  • 4. delight, admiration.

Station #5: "Pantomime"

  • Who will show the situation faster and better, using facial expressions and gestures?

Station #6: "Captains, captains..."

  • The captains of each team are asked questions.

Station #7: "Staging"

  • Now each team will have to stage an unpleasant situation in which two people find themselves. Your task is to act out this scene in such a way that both the victim and the culprit try to mitigate the unpleasant situation.

Station #8: "Everybody Loves Compliments"

  • The task of the teams in turn is to give as many compliments to each hero as possible, but in such a way that they are pleased. You can't repeat.

Station No. 9: "Congratulatory"

  • The task of the teams is to write a congratulatory letter to the rival team (the subject of congratulations is your choice), using as many etiquette formulas as possible in your letter.

Station #: 10 "My phone rang"

  • Listen to the conversation on the phone and answer the question: did the guys have a conversation on the phone? Why do you think so?

Summing up the jury

  • Announcement of results, rewarding teams.

slide 1

Speech etiquette

slide 2

“Etiquette (from French etiquette - label, label) is a set of rules of conduct relating to the outward manifestation of attitude towards people (treatment with others, forms of communication, manners and clothing)”

slide 3

Ethics of speech communication
Speech ethics are the rules of proper speech behavior based on moral norms, national and cultural traditions. The ethics of verbal communication begins with the observance of the conditions for successful verbal communication: with a benevolent attitude towards the addressee, demonstrating interest in the conversation, “understanding understanding” - attunement to the world of the interlocutor, sincere expression of one’s opinion, sympathetic attention.

slide 4

Speech etiquette is a system of rules of speech behavior and stable formulas of polite communication.
Speech etiquette has national specifics. In Russian society, of particular value are
The word is an arrow, if you shoot it, you won't return it

Slide 5

Tact is an ethical norm that requires the speaker to understand the interlocutor, avoid inappropriate questions, discuss topics that may be unpleasant for him

slide 6

Courtesy lies in the ability to anticipate possible questions and wishes of the interlocutor, the readiness to inform him in detail on all topics essential for the conversation.

Slide 7

Tolerance consists in being calm about possible differences of opinion, avoiding harsh criticism of the interlocutor's views.

Slide 8

Goodwill is necessary both in relation to the interlocutor, and in the entire construction of the conversation: in its content and form, in intonation and choice of words.

Slide 9

The main ethical principle of speech communication - respect for parity - finds its expression, starting with a greeting and ending with a farewell, throughout the conversation.

slide 10

Components of the act of communication
initial communication formulas
main part
formulas used at the end of communication
Formulas for introduction, formal and informal greetings
Goodbye Formulas
Formulas for wishes, invitations, congratulations, requests, advice, recommendations, refusals

Slide 11

Representation formulas
- Allow me to get to know you.
- Let's get acquainted.
- Let's get to know each other.
- I would like to meet you.

slide 12

When contacting the institution by phone or in person, it becomes necessary to introduce yourself:
- My surname is Sergeev.
- Allow me to introduce myself.
- My name is Valery Pavlovich.

slide 13

- Spouses are presented together: last name, first name of the wife, first name of the husband. - According to all the rules, it is necessary to represent: junior seniors; subordinate to superiors; boy to girl; boyfriend or girlfriend (regardless of return) to parents. - If someone is introduced to a man, then the man must stand up, but the woman can sit, except when an older woman is introduced to her. - When introducing someone, you should not only give his last name, but also briefly characterize it. - If we introduce two people of the same age, then first we call the one who is closer to us (relative).

Slide 14

greeting formulas
- Hello!
- Good afternoon!
- Hi!
- Hello!

slide 15

- In the room, the one who enters is the first to greet. - The person passing by is the first to say hello, regardless of age, when he overtakes someone. - If you saw a friend in the window or on the balcony, you should say hello with a slight bow, and not shout to the whole street.

slide 16

When you make a request to strangers, it is customary to say hello. - We greet and say goodbye to table neighbors in a cafe or restaurant, a train compartment (but not with the entire reserved seat car), at the doctor's, in the office, in the theater box, in a small home store. - A man greets a woman first, even if he is in the company of other women. A woman greets an older woman first.

Slide 17

- Allow (allow) to invite you ... - Come to the holiday (anniversary, meeting). - We'll be glad to see you.
- Allow me to congratulate you on ... - Please accept my sincere (cordial, warm) congratulations ... - Warmly congratulate ...

Slide 18

- Do me a favor ... - If it’s not difficult for you (if it doesn’t make it difficult for you) ... - Be kind ... - Can I ask you ... - I beg you very much ...
Tips & Suggestions
- Allow me to recommend to you ... - Let me draw your attention to ... - I would suggest you ...

Slide 19

Rejection wording
- (I) cannot (not able, unable) to help (permit, assist). - It is not possible at present. - Understand, now is not the time to make such a request. - I'm sorry, but we (I) cannot fulfill your request. - I have to refuse (prohibit, do not allow).

Slide 20

Goodbye Formulas
- Till tomorrow. - Until the evening. - Goodbye.

Slide 21

Poetic game
* Even an ice block will melt from the word of warm thanks * The old stump will turn green when it hears a good day * If we can’t do it anymore, we will say thank you to mom * When we are scolded for pranks, we say we are sorry, please * Both in France and Denmark say goodbye goodbye * A polite and developed boy says hello when meeting

slide 22

If at the beginning of the century the universal methods of address were a citizen and a citizen, then in the second half of the 20th century dialectal southern forms of address based on gender - a woman, a man - became widespread. AT recent times often in casual colloquial speech, when referring to an unfamiliar woman, the word lady is used, but when referring to a man, the word master is used only in an official, semi-official, club setting.
Formulas of circulation

slide 23

Respectful attitude towards the participants of the conversation
In the traditions of Russian speech etiquette, it is forbidden to speak about those present in the third person (he, she, they), thus, all those present find themselves in one “observable” deictic space of the speech situation “I - You (You) - Here - Now".

slide 24

Interruption. Counter remarks
Polite behavior in verbal communication prescribes listening to the interlocutor's remarks to the end. However, the high degree of emotionality of the participants in communication, the demonstration of their solidarity, consent, the introduction of their assessments "in the course" of the partner's speech is an ordinary phenomenon of dialogues and polylogues of idle speech genres, stories and stories - memories.
According to researchers, interruptions are typical for men. In addition, interruption occurs when the communicative interest is lost.

Slide 25

"you" and "you"
Empty “You” with a heartfelt “You”, she, having said a word, replaced it. A.S. Pushkin.

slide 26

YOU are communication
In Russian, you are widely used - communication in informal speech. A superficial acquaintance in some cases and a distant long-term relationship of old acquaintances in others is shown by the use of the polite "You". In addition, you - communication indicates respect for the participants in the dialogue; so, you - communication is typical for old friends, who have deep feelings of respect and devotion for each other. More often you - communication with a long acquaintance or friendship is observed among women.

Slide 27

You are communication
Men of different social strata are more often inclined towards You - communication. Among uneducated and uncultured men, you are the only acceptable form of communication. social interaction. With the established relationship of you - communication, they attempt to deliberately reduce the social self-esteem of the addressee and impose you - communication. This is a destructive element of verbal communication that destroys communicative contact.

Slide 28

YOU The appeal to “You” indicates greater politeness: To an unfamiliar, unfamiliar addressee In a formal setting of communication With an emphatically polite, restrained attitude towards the addressee To an equal and older (in age, position) addressee
YOU The appeal to “You” indicates less politeness: To a well-known addressee In an informal setting of communication With a friendly, familiar, intimate attitude towards the addressee To an equal and younger (by age, position) addressee

Slide 29

It is generally accepted that You-communication is always a manifestation of spiritual harmony and spiritual closeness, and that the transition to You-communication is an attempt to intimate relationships. Parity relations as the main component of communication do not cancel the choice of You - communication and You - communication, depending on the nuances of social roles and psychological distances. The same participants in a conversation different situations may use the pronouns "you" and "you" in informal settings. This may indicate alienation, a desire to introduce elements of ritual address into the speech situation.

slide 30

Thus, speech etiquette allows you to establish the necessary contact with the interlocutor in a certain tone, in a different communication environment, reflect the different nature of the relationship of the communicants, etc.

slide 1

slide 2

slide 3

Ethics of speech communication

Speech ethics are the rules of proper speech behavior based on moral norms, national and cultural traditions. The ethics of verbal communication begins with the observance of the conditions for successful verbal communication: with a benevolent attitude towards the addressee, demonstrating interest in the conversation, “understanding understanding” - attunement to the world of the interlocutor, sincere expression of one’s opinion, sympathetic attention.

slide 4

Speech etiquette is a system of rules of speech behavior and stable formulas of polite communication.

Speech etiquette has national specifics. In Russian society, of particular value are






The word is an arrow, if you shoot it, you won't return it

Slide 5

slide 6

Slide 7

Slide 8

Slide 9

slide 10

Components of the act of communication

initial communication formulas

main part

formulas used at the end of communication

Formulas for introduction, formal and informal greetings

Goodbye Formulas

Formulas for wishes, invitations, congratulations, requests, advice, recommendations, refusals

Slide 11

Representation formulas

Allow me to get to know you.

Let's get acquainted.

Let's get acquainted.

I would like to get to know you.

slide 12

When contacting the institution by phone or in person, it becomes necessary to introduce yourself:

My surname is Sergeev.

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Valery Pavlovich.

slide 13


Spouses are presented together: last name, first name of the wife, first name of the husband. - According to all the rules, it is necessary to represent: junior seniors; subordinate to superiors; boy to girl; boyfriend or girlfriend (regardless of return) to parents. - If someone is introduced to a man, then the man must stand up, but the woman can sit, except when an older woman is introduced to her. - When introducing someone, you should not only give his last name, but also briefly characterize it. - If we introduce two people of the same age, then first we call the one who is closer to us (relative).

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greeting formulas

Hello! - Good afternoon! - Hi! - Hello!

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In the room, the one who enters is the first to greet. - The person passing by is the first to say hello, regardless of age, when he overtakes someone. - If you saw a friend in the window or on the balcony, you should say hello with a slight bow, and not shout to the whole street.

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When you make a request to strangers, it is customary to say hello. - We greet and say goodbye to table neighbors in a cafe or restaurant, a train compartment (but not with the entire reserved seat car), at the doctor's, in the office, in the theater box, in a small home store. - A man greets a woman first, even if he is in the company of other women. A woman greets an older woman first.

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Allow (allow) to invite you ... - Come to the holiday (anniversary, meeting). - We'll be glad to see you.


Allow me to congratulate you on ... - Please accept my sincere (heartfelt, warm) congratulations ... - I warmly congratulate ...

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Do me a favor ... - If it’s not difficult for you (if it doesn’t make it difficult for you) ... - Be kind ... - Can I ask you ... - I beg you very much ...

Tips & Suggestions

Slide 19

Rejection wording

- (I) cannot (not able, unable) to help (permit, assist). - It is not possible at present. - Understand, now is not the time to make such a request. - I'm sorry, but we (I) cannot fulfill your request. - I have to refuse (prohibit, do not allow).

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Slide 21

Poetic game

* Even an ice block will melt from the word of warm thanks * The old stump will turn green when it hears a good day * If we can’t do it anymore, we will say thank you to mom * When we are scolded for pranks, we say we are sorry, please * Both in France and Denmark say goodbye goodbye * A polite and developed boy says hello when meeting

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If at the beginning of the century the universal methods of address were a citizen and a citizen, then in the second half of the 20th century dialectal southern forms of address based on gender - a woman, a man - became widespread. Recently, often in casual colloquial speech, when referring to an unfamiliar woman, the word lady is used, however, when referring to a man, the word master is used only in an official, semi-official, club setting.

Formulas of circulation

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Respectful attitude towards the participants of the conversation

In the traditions of Russian speech etiquette, it is forbidden to speak about those present in the third person (he, she, they), thus, all those present find themselves in one “observable” deictic space of the speech situation “I - You (You) - Here - Now".

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Interruption. Counter remarks

Polite behavior in verbal communication prescribes listening to the interlocutor's remarks to the end. However, the high degree of emotionality of the participants in communication, the demonstration of their solidarity, consent, the introduction of their assessments "in the course" of the partner's speech is an ordinary phenomenon of dialogues and polylogues of idle speech genres, stories and stories - memories.

According to researchers, interruptions are typical for men. In addition, interruption occurs when the communicative interest is lost.

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"you" and "you"

Empty “You” with a heartfelt “You”, she, having said a word, replaced it. A.S. Pushkin.

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YOU are communication

In Russian, you are widely used - communication in informal speech. A superficial acquaintance in some cases and a distant long-term relationship of old acquaintances in others is shown by the use of the polite "You". In addition, you - communication indicates respect for the participants in the dialogue; so, you - communication is typical for old friends, who have deep feelings of respect and devotion for each other. More often you - communication with a long acquaintance or friendship is observed among women.

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You are communication

Men of different social strata are more often inclined towards You - communication. Among uneducated and uncultured men, You - communication is considered the only acceptable form of social interaction. With the established relationship of you - communication, they attempt to deliberately reduce the social self-esteem of the addressee and impose you - communication. This is a destructive element of verbal communication that destroys communicative contact.

Slide 28

YOU The appeal to “You” indicates greater politeness: To an unfamiliar, unfamiliar addressee In a formal setting of communication With an emphatically polite, restrained attitude towards the addressee To an equal and older (in age, position) addressee

YOU The appeal to “You” indicates less politeness: To a well-known addressee In an informal setting of communication With a friendly, familiar, intimate attitude towards the addressee To an equal and younger (by age, position) addressee

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It is generally accepted that You-communication is always a manifestation of spiritual harmony and spiritual closeness, and that the transition to You-communication is an attempt to intimate relationships. Parity relations as the main component of communication do not cancel the choice of You - communication and You - communication, depending on the nuances of social roles and psychological distances. The same participants in communication in different situations can use the pronoun "you" and "you" in an informal setting. This may indicate alienation, a desire to introduce elements of ritual address into the speech situation.