As with many similar services, there is referral exchange. This exchange is called "Referral Fair". On it, any interested user of the site can buy or sell a referral. Referrals on a project are an additional source of income, some make money from their referral network, and others from selling referrals.

In charge SEO sprint includes services for providing a trading platform and monitoring the quality of referrals sold. Depending on whether you want to buy or sell a referral, the fair has its own restrictions and requirements.

That is, system participants with the status "Worker" (1-99 rating points) have the right only to buy referrals. Users whose status "Passerby"(rating points are not awarded), referrals are not eligible to participate in the fair. Status users "Brigadier" , "Master" , "Businessman" , have full right to participate; they are not prohibited from selling and buying referrals.

In addition to restrictions on participation in the fair, there are certain requirements for selling referrals.

It is not possible to put a referral up for sale if its status is "Passerby" and he earned less 1st ruble to your referrer. The activity of the referral being sold on the project must be no less than 1st weeks, while he should not be a fine-seeker and a violator of the rules of the system. Users who joined the referrer voluntarily cannot be sold!

As soon as the referral meets all the listed requirements, it can be put up for sale; this will be indicated by the icon that will appear opposite your referral. By clicking on the button, the following field will appear:

In it you indicate the price and confirm sending a referral for sale. By clicking on the picture, you will see detailed statistics on the user. It is possible to exclude a user from your referral network; to do this, just click on the button and confirm the deletion.

To purchase referrals you need to go to the section "Fair" by clicking on the corresponding button:

After which you will see a general list of referrals for sale:

Choose the one you like and buy it by clicking on the button. Before purchasing, you should familiarize yourself with the referral statistics; to do this, click on the icon.

Who doesn’t dream of sitting and watching someone work, while you also get money for it? You can do this quite easily by mastering how to make money from referrals using Seosprint. Do this with a project to make money from clicks quite real. How to make money from referrals to Seosprint? To begin with, you will have to make some efforts to organize a continuous process, and then just make some adjustments and small amendments. You need to immediately understand that the matter itself will not move forward. You will have to “sweat a little” at the first stage.

Earnings from referrals Seosprint

So, let’s look at earnings from Seosprint referrals one by one. To begin with, we need to decide where we will receive those same referrals. There are several ways to do this. First of all, this attracting referrals using your own referral link.

This can be done through your own specialized website, posting links on forums for making money, in a variety of thematic materials dedicated to making money in the form of comments and posts. The effect of this approach (if you do not have a well-promoted website with a targeted theme) is not high, but it still exists.

The next point is the temporary purchase of banners from those who have already promoted their resources and rent out sites for hiring new workers. Referrals are actively registered, but such pleasure is also not cheap. So after registration, it is advisable to start working with those who came to earn money.

Another direction is purchasing “ready-made” referrals through the fair:

Here it is possible to immediately monitor the employee’s performance and make some forecasts for his future activities. True, expensive employees pay off for quite a long time. And the risks that they could cease their activities at any moment are very high.

And finally, the last option, which I myself actively use to make money from referrals to Seosprint. This is attracting referrals from other similar projects. This way you can attract active users from other projects, such as And . To do this, you need to register on different mailing sites and invite referrals from one project to another, creating thematic tasks or ordering other advertising. It’s been tested, it works, and making money from referrals makes Seosprint profitable, since this is how active referrals mostly come.

But attracting referrals is only the first step towards stable passive income from Seosprint referrals. After all, after
Once people came to the project, they still need to be trained on how to use it and motivated to work productively. So that interest income from their work begins to “drip” to you. This is exactly what the opportunity to launch competitions serves, when competition between participants brings profit to the referrer. And of course, do not forget to send welcome letters to your referrals, otherwise most of your new referrals will simply leave the project without understanding the project. I wrote how to do this in the article Welcome letters to referrals on Seosprint . If you use special individual approaches to all this for each referral (communication, stimulation through individual tasks, tips), you will ultimately achieve what you originally strived for.

It takes from a month to six months to develop a normal referral network, and then you just need to simply support existing ones and work with new referrals. I hope you understand how to make money from referrals on and, of course, you will do well

It's never too late to start working on the Internet, especially since the sooner you start, the faster you can create a passive source of income for yourself. This can be done in several ways, for example, by investing money in PAMM accounts, although beginners prefer not to get involved with Forex, as it is too complicated.

Referrals to Seosprint are a passive source of income that can also provide a solid income. This click sponsor has a multi-level affiliate program, so you will receive royalties not only from the people you invite, but also from those they invite to the site.

How much do referrals bring to Seosprint?

It is worth noting that only a percentage of the performers comes here, so you will have to look for people who are ready to complete tasks or plan to attract other users. The percentage of deductions from their earnings depends on their rating in the system. The easiest way to increase it is by attracting referrals. Every time they order advertising or withdraw money, you will be awarded rating points:

As you can see, the passer-by does not receive anything from referrals, so you need to immediately switch to the “Worker” status. This is easy to do, you just need to fill in your personal information and verify your phone number (no money will be charged for this). In the future, you will have to collect points to increase profitability from your referral network:

The more points you collect, the more favorable the conditions will become. When the rating exceeds 500, you will be given the status of a businessman. This is the maximum level, where up to 40% of the income of first-level referrals is paid. Please also note that with the status of a foreman, full participation in the Referral Fair opens.

You can buy and sell referrals on it. It makes sense to use this function on both sides. If you realize that this method is not suitable for you, you can easily sell all your referrals and get good money for it:

The price of a referral depends on how active he is. If a user often performs tasks, has a good network built, and is active in every possible way, you can earn more than one thousand rubles from selling it. Judging by the reviews, referrals are purchased quite often.

5 ways to get referrals on Seosprint

Assembling a large team in your network is not so easy, for some users it takes years. You also need to understand that what plays an important role here is not the number of people invited, but the quality. Quality means activity, since one workaholic can bring more than a hundred slackers. There are several options for attracting people to the system:

  1. Buying referrals - this method will require serious expenses that may not pay off in the future. Before you start using the method, gain experience, this will help you evaluate proposals correctly. At the Fair, the price is often reduced, so you need to figure out which referrals to buy.
  2. Tasks on other axleboxes are a great option, and it’s much cheaper. Use reliable mailers to add a task for registering on Seosprint there. It is quite possible that someone will decide to switch to this axle box. To accurately recoup the money, require performers to complete tasks.
  3. Paid advertising is a costly option, although it shows good results. Many owners of websites about making money are ready to rent out a link to attract users. Contact them or simply order advertising in special services such as Nolix.
  4. Free methods - free methods include active advertising on social networks, commenting on blogs, posting topics on forums and personal recommendations. You can start with this, and when money starts coming in, put it into circulation, for advertising or purchases from the Fair.
  5. Your own website is the best option. Don’t be afraid of difficulties, read the article on how to make a website yourself for free. It describes in detail what needs to be done to launch a site on free hosting. This is a good option for a beginner, the main thing is to work on filling the site.

If you want to achieve decent results, then combine several options at once. As practice shows, many beginners prefer to buy advertising, but this requires expenses. In order not to spend anything from your wallet, you will first have to earn money on the Internet.

Whatever one may say, earning money from Seosprint referrals is a profitable business. Of course, organizing it is not so easy, but the prospects are serious. The more invited participants, the greater the profit will be. The most important thing is to focus on beginners who will definitely complete tasks, since this is where the main profit comes from.

On service SEOsprint There is a referral system, i.e. participants (referrers) can attract new people and receive some profit from their activity. It is also beneficial for a referral to be in someone’s network, because... referrers are trying in every possible way to retain referrals and interest them in their activity: competitions, bonuses, referral percentage. Despite these benefits, many referrals want to either change referrer or become free.

What you need to do to get away from your referrer:

  • write him a letter asking him to remove you from the list of referrals. To do this, on the website, go to the menu in the “My mail” section, select “My referrer” and write a letter. If he agrees, then he himself will remove you from the list of his referrals. After that, you are free and can choose either a new referrer or work independently.
  • if the referrer does not exclude you from the list of referrals, wait 60 days without logging into your account. In this case, the system itself will remove you from the project. Then you can register again with a new referrer, or without him. This path is long, if you are willing to wait 2 months, then use it.
  • if your referrer is not active on the site for 60 days, the system will delete it. After its removal, you become a free person.
  • write a letter to the referrer with a request to sell you on the stock exchange. It all depends on him, if he doesn’t want to lose you, he will set such a price that no one will buy you.
  • redeem yourself. Write a letter to the referrer with a request to remove you from the list for a fee, the main thing is to agree on a price. How to technically make a payment - decide specifically with the referrer.

What to do as a freelancer and what skills are most in demand

How to refuse a referral

It’s very simple, the referrer clicks the red cross next to the referral’s nickname.

But, don't rush! The systems have referral exchanges where you can buy or sell a referral.

How to sell a referral on seosprint

Users who have the status of “Foreman” and above can sell their referrals.

In order to sell a referral, you must:

  • he earned the referrer at least 0.10 cents;
  • referral activity - at least 1 week;
  • referrer and referral should not be penalized.


For those who truly want to make money on the Internet, there are opportunities. You just need to start, there are no insurmountable obstacles. Work and earn money!

On the one hand, advertisers (can pay), on the other, performers (want to make money). SEOsprint acts as an intermediary between the two. Advertisers have the opportunity to receive a service to increase the ranking of their sites, the so-called “popular” site promotion by attracting paid visitors - referrals.

#Seosprint - a source of passive income

A referral is a participant in an affiliate program who registered on the recommendation of another participant in this program.

SEOsprint has created a two-level referral system. The amount of referral payments is determined by your rating, for example, the maximum income from the work of referrals is awarded to users with the “businessman” status.

Becoming a referral means working as a team. Some users, for some reason (pride, I don’t want to work for my uncle, etc.) are not going to work in any team. Do they gain from this or lose more?

Benefits of working as a team:

  • assistance and tips constantly, consultations on all issues;
  • tips on how to earn more, plus competitions and bonuses;
  • With the help of experienced workers, you can figure everything out faster and learn how to earn money before others.

Disadvantages of working in a team:

  • Not everyone likes working under the guidance of a more experienced person (referrer);
  • a percentage of the amount you earn is paid to the referrer by the seosprint website, you don’t lose a penny. Is this really a disadvantage?

Why is it profitable to attract referrals?

What is better, to receive 1% of the earnings of 100 people, or to earn the same amount yourself? This is the meaning of current affiliate programs on websites and projects, including SEOsprint. The affiliate program of this service allows you to receive cash income from people you attract (referrals). For someone to become your referral, they need to register (follow the referral link or banner). As soon as a user becomes your referral, you begin to receive a certain% of his income. The percentage depends on the rating; the higher it is, the greater the percentage of deductions.

A simple example. You have 100 referrals, each of whom earned at least 30 rubles in 1 day, your deductions are 10%. Without going to the site, you earned 3 rubles from each referral, a total of 300 rubles. in a day, without putting in any effort. What if you have not 100, but 1000 referrals?

Each referral you attract can attract their own referrals and receive a percentage of their earnings. Benefits for everyone!

Watch the video - How to become a referral on SeoSprint

What do you need to do to become a referral on seosprint?

How to become a referral on seosprint? Very simple, it will take a few minutes.

In the SEOsprint account menu there is a section “Working with referrals”. In it you will find your referral link, as well as banners to attract new users to the project. If you click on the banner image, the code for inserting into the site will open. Here you can write a letter to your referrals, who will register on SEOsprint using your referral link.

If you want to become a referral, review the instructions on the website, everything is described in detail there. Next, select the user you like and become his referral.

If you want to become a referral of a specific person, it is advisable not to make mistakes. If you choose the wrong person, it is difficult to move on to another, although there is an opportunity to switch to another referrer on SEOsprint.

Please read the manual carefully and act strictly according to it.

Attention! If you are a referral for a specific user, then you cannot leave one referrer and go to another on your own.

Why do we need a referral exchange on SEOsprint?

On the SEOsprint website, as well as on similar services, there is a referral exchange, it’s called "Referral Fair". Referrals are an additional source of income. One makes money from his referral network, and for another, the referral exchange brings additional income; on it, any user of the site can buy or sell a referral.


If you become a referral, you do not lose anything, but only gain. This benefits both you and your referrer. Good luck!

SEOsprint referrals bring stable profits. To grow profits, it is necessary that the number of referrals and their activity constantly grow, or at least not decrease. How to invite referrals to your affiliate program, how to seduce them?

There are many ways to attract referrals to affiliate programs. Conventionally, they can be divided into paid and free. Free methods of attraction are slower and more labor-intensive, but no investment is required. Paid ones are fast, less labor-intensive, but require money, often quite a lot. And you risk investing your money, but not getting the expected result!

How to get referrals on SEOsprint

If you don’t have enough experience working with referrals, start with free ways to attract feds to affiliate programs:

1)Ask your friends to register, they will be your first referrals.

This method is good because you can easily persuade friends to register. But they won’t always be interested in working on the site, so you shouldn’t expect them to be active referrals.

You can’t attract many referrals this way.

The method is easy to implement and will allow you to find many interested people. Some obstacles - you need a lot of friends, you need some way to force the user to join your group, your page can be blocked for spam.

3) Post advertisements on job sites.

Many people are interested in the job, vacancies are constantly viewed and many referrals can be attracted. However, many sites prohibit posting job advertisements on the Internet; your entry may simply be deleted.

4) Take advantage of free message boards.

There are many free boards on the Internet where you can place your advertisements. The method is simple and easy, but you need luck to get a lot of referrals. Since there is a lot of competition, a potential referral may simply not notice your ad.

5) Use chats or ICQ.

If you know how to convince people, but the person refuses, you can find out the reason and convince him, even help him register online

An easy way to tell many people about the project, but a large number of emails will be considered spam and will not be read.

On the SEOsprint service, in the “Invite referrals” section there is a referral link and banners. You can place all this on other sites as advertising. The good thing is that the right people will be interested in advertising, and you can get a lot of referrals. The bad thing is that you have to pay for advertising, and the result is not guaranteed.

8) Use your legs.

Post advertisements wherever possible.

This way you can attract a lot of referrals in your locality, but are you ready to run around and post advertisements, listening to the dissatisfaction of residents and other people!

9) Take advantage of the forums.

Considering the great competition, you must be able to write convincingly and beautifully, and not violate the forum rules, otherwise your entry will simply be deleted.

10) Create your own website.

This is the most difficult, but most promising method.

If you promote your site, it will be visited by many interested people - your potential referrals. If the features of the work, as well as registration, assistance with work, are correctly posted on the site, your referrals will be more active.

Creating and promoting a website requires a lot of time, effort, and financial investments. It is difficult to get people to visit your site, since there is a lot of competition on the Internet.

Watch the video - How to attract referrals to SEOsprint

11) Buy referrals.

The SEOsprint project has a referral exchange where it is possible to purchase referrals, and you can buy them without much effort.

But buying referrals requires a financial investment, and whether it will work or not is unknown.


It is profitable to attract new referrals to your affiliate programs. And how you will do this depends on your skills, efficiency and financial condition. Choose for yourself!

We welcome your comments!

Good afternoon to everyone who is now sitting in front of computer screens, anticipating the next piece of information about, and providing themselves with a source passive income! As always, I can’t help but please you, and therefore I ask you to be extremely attentive, because we are starting our next lesson on money making. So, we have a very pressing problem on our agenda - how to get referrals on seosprint fast, Just and free.

A little about SeoSprint and its referral links

To become a successful referrer on SeoSprint, you must first understand how to become a user referral on this project. The first thing you need to do is register for the service. Moreover, it is extremely important that the transition is made precisely through a special link containing the referrer’s identification number.

If you don’t know how to recognize your referral link to SeoSprint, then I advise you to visit right now personal account. So, if you have gone to manage your data, then look for the link “ Working with referrals" and follow it. Did you do it? If yes, then a window should open in front of you with access to all kinds of advertising banners, clicking on which and subsequent registration will attract new referrals to your project. Each new user will receive a corresponding referral id, which will help you calculate the most active their followers.

Here you will find a tab called “ Greetings" In it you have the opportunity to write a message to all your referrals, which every newcomer who joins your project will automatically receive. It would be quite appropriate to tell new recruits about what it means to become a referral on SeoSprint, what participation in your project promises them and what they should do first.

How to attract referrals to SeoSprint?

In order not to write a huge sheet, it seems to me that it would be more appropriate to divide all existing methods of attracting referrals into two groups:

  1. The most effective;
  2. Not very effective.

In my opinion, this breakdown will allow all of you to focus on the really important points, without missing out on other opportunities for developing referral programs. So, I propose to start by considering less effective ways to attract users to projects on seosprint:

  • Posting in public pages with a high level of spam. Visiting all kinds of groups on social networks with names like “ Earning money on the Internet», « Getting rich online», « Working on the Internet“and so on - quite a good option for posting various kinds of posts with tempting information about how to get rich in a matter of days and forget about boring and low-paid office work forever. However, how many of those who read your message will not only follow the referral link left in it, but also go through the registration process? Statistics show that posting 100 messages on different groups and public pages gives a return in the form of conversions of just 1-2% . But you yourself understand perfectly well that transferring does not mean starting to work;
  • Creating tasks. SeoSprint provides its users with the opportunity to create own tasks that are designed to attract new referrals. It is worth noting that this method is paid, so it will be of interest only to those who have already thought about how to buy referrals. If you are ready to invest, then you need to perform the following sequence of actions: go to the section “ Completing tasks", select the item " By category" and click on " Invitation to ref SEO" Technology can really bring you active referrals who will complete 50 or even more tasks daily. However, for this you will have to invest a couple of thousand rubles in your project. It is very important that your task is paid not with a meager 5 rubles, but with 50, for example. This cost initially assumes that the referrer prescribes clear rules and fulfillment criteria in his assignment, for which he pays a decent amount.

Now, having an idea of ​​not the most effective ways to attract referrals to our projects, we can, with a clear conscience, move on to those that give best results.

  • Websites. If you are engaged in the creation and promotion own sites, then recruiting referrals will become much easier for you. It is ideal if the site is as close as possible to the desired topic of making money online. To start attracting new users, you just need to install it in your account on seosprint in the “ Working with referrals» link to your website. You can choose a banner in the article or in the sidebar as an advertising unit. In this case it doesn't matter at all. As your site develops, the number of referrals will increase;
  • Videos on Youtube. A win-win option for recruiting referrals could be to record a thematic video about making money on SeoSprint, posted on your Youtube channel. Tell people how to register in this project, where to start working, show what the tasks are and what to do with them, how money is withdrawn and, of course, do not forget to leave your referral link for them. The more useful tutorials you record, the more referrals you will receive;
  • Publics and groups on social networks. Right now, go to all the social networks you know - Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Google + - and start creating your own public (or group) dedicated to making money on SeoSprint. After that, go in search of your target audience. Public colleagues will help you with this, like those who write about “ Making money on the Internet" And " Networking" It is with them that you will be " steal subscribers”, sending out invitations to all of them to join your group (or public). When people come running to you, start posting useful videos and articles, which will certainly contain your referral link.

Learning to buy referrals on SeoSprint

While some are puzzling over how make money quickly on SeoSprint without attracting referrals to the project, I will work with those who are ready not only to look for referrals, but also spend money on them. One of the working methods that can bring you truly active and profitable users is to recruit directly within SeoSprint. The simplest method is to purchase at " Fair».

A little surprised? But the SeoSprint service really has its own “ Fair", where all users have the opportunity to both sell referrals on the project and buy them. The cost of a referral may vary within 9-2000 rubles. For a successful purchase, you should pay attention to user criteria such as his activity and the activity of his referrals. Of course, I have no right to dissuade you from buying “dead” referrals, which cost 9-10 rubles, but if you are ready to buy such “junk”, do not expect a miracle and do not hope that it will start working.

Plan 50 referrals per day!

If you want to become a truly successful referrer and build a developed referral network, then you have to work hard. So, let's roll up our sleeves and get down to solving such a difficult task as recruiting referrals on the seospint exchange without investment, completely free of charge. To do everything quickly, I advise you to stick to the plan I developed:

  1. Create your own task on SeoSprint, for which each new referral will receive 5 rubles. For those who don’t know, I’ll say that the seosprint service has a separate subsection in the “ Quests“, in which every newcomer can become someone’s referral in a matter of seconds. I should note that generating referrals in this service using this method is unlikely to bring you more than 2-3 users per day. Nevertheless, technology has its place, and therefore we do not put it aside;
  2. Create a task on 3-4 alternative axle boxes. Do not rush to falsely believe that everyone in the world knows about the existence of seosprint, and therefore the chances that someone will register on the service tend to 0. The reality is that most of the newbie referrals end up in projects like wmzona and simply have no idea that in addition to the popular popular services, there are others. It is for this reason that you have every chance to lure these “know-nos” into your own programs.

    If you still have a vague idea, I advise you to seek help from such an advertising service as . This site is good because it employs a huge number of recruits, and you will not need to spend money on raising your tasks in the general list;
  3. Don't discount all possible thematic forums, allowing their users to add advertisements. If you are deciding how to invite referrals to the project in such a way that they are actually active and bring you money, then take this point very seriously. Look for sections on forums with names like “ Your advertising», « Advertise your site here", that is, all those in which you can advertise your program and not get banned for spam. This method is useful for those who are interested in how to quickly gain referrals. In just one day, the return on advertising can range from 5 to 20 active users, which will really work in the project and bring you profit. You can safely use forums as platforms for spam ucoz. They provide excellent returns and have no control over the amount of advertising you place. On all other forums, make sure that your invitations to the project are posted only in strictly designated places;
  4. For those of you who are ready to spend money in order to gain referrals, I can’t help but recommend this attraction option: teaser advertising. The average cost per click is 0.6 kopecks, and therefore, if you ensure a decent flow of users, you can make good money on this;
  5. I can’t ignore work either.

On service SEOsprint There is a referral system, i.e. participants (referrers) can attract new people and receive some profit from their activity. It is also beneficial for a referral to be in someone’s network, because... referrers are trying in every possible way to retain referrals and interest them in their activity: competitions, bonuses, referral percentage. Despite these benefits, many referrals want to either change referrer or become free.

    • SEOsprint
    • How to change the referrer on SEOsprint or completely abandon it and become free?
    • How to refuse a referral
    • How to sell a referral on seosprint
    • Conclusion

Is it possible to go to another referrer on SEOsprint

Yes, you can, although it is not easy to do.

All methods of replacing a referrer vary from each other. You will need either patience, or investment of money, or waiting for a certain time.

The reasons for leaving can be different: the referrer does not want to help and ignores messages, and a newcomer to seosprint needs advice from an experienced user; or you don’t want to be a referral, but want to work independently.

How can I change the referrer on SEOsprint or completely abandon it and become free?

Please note that your desire to leave or abandon the referrer on SEOsprint is not enough; if he does not agree to voluntarily let you go, some difficulties arise. Therefore, before registering with SEOsprint, you need to be careful:

  • immediately choose a normal referrer;
  • or register without him, then find a smart person on the project and become his referral.

If there is still a need for the referral to refuse or change the referrer, completely legal actions must be taken.

Register in the SeoSprint service and start earning money right now!

What you need to do to get away from your referrer:

  • write him a letter asking him to remove you from the list of referrals. To do this, on the website, go to the menu in the “My mail” section, select “My referrer” and write a letter. If he agrees, then he himself will remove you from the list of his referrals. After that, you are free and can choose either a new referrer or work independently.
  • if the referrer does not exclude you from the list of referrals, wait 60 days without logging into your account. In this case, the system itself will remove you from the project. Then you can register again with a new referrer, or without him. This path is long, if you are willing to wait 2 months, then use it.
  • if your referrer is not active on the site for 60 days, the system will delete it. After its removal, you become a free person.
  • write a letter to the referrer with a request to sell you on the stock exchange. It all depends on him, if he doesn’t want to lose you, he will set such a price that no one will buy you.
  • redeem yourself. Write a letter to the referrer with a request to remove you from the list for a fee, the main thing is to agree on a price. How to technically make a payment - decide specifically with the referrer.

What to do as a freelancer and what skills are most in demand

How to refuse a referral

It’s very simple, the referrer clicks the red cross next to the referral’s nickname.

But, don't rush! The systems have referral exchanges where you can buy or sell a referral.

How to sell a referral on seosprint

Users who have the status of “Foreman” and above can sell their referrals.

In order to sell a referral, you must:

  • he earned the referrer at least 0.10 cents;
  • referral activity - at least 1 week;
  • referrer and referral should not be penalized.


For those who truly want to make money on the Internet, there are opportunities. You just need to start, there are no insurmountable obstacles. Work and earn money!