Western trends become reality here with a lag of 3-5 years, in some cases faster. Therefore, reviews of “there” predictions are similar to articles by Soviet science fiction writers who could not foresee Pokémon Go, but believed in a bright future. However, no one is stopping you from looking in the same direction and slightly accelerating your own movement.

1. Create a marketing strategy

During almost every speech he gives, Joe Pulizzi, founder of the Content Marketing Institute, asks people in the room: Does your company have a documented marketing strategy? And as a rule, the answer is “no.”

A couple reasons why you're wrong if you don't have a marketing strategy:

  • There is no strategy, which means there are no strategic goals. You move in a chaotic manner, picking up small tasks along the way - but the company has no development vector.
  • You don't know your online market because you haven't kept up with it. Behavior in digital sales channels differs from classic offline ones and requires its own analytical tools.

Kotikov's comment: On the other hand, not every marketer is ready to pull out of his pocket marketing strategy, and even more so - not every content marketer. So this trend is more about general development business. And then we all have to run and run.

2. Native advertising

Joe Pulizzi calls native or natural advertising a “slag gateway” because this format protects the user from intrusive, “spammy” and inappropriate advertising offers. He says 45% of companies are using or planning to use this format in their advertising campaigns.

Kotikov's comment: This thing is damn attractive - native advertising. Good for the editors (a lot of money for special projects), not bad for the company - higher trust. But there are two types of rakes (rakes?). The first ones are, and this is very easy to do. The second is to miss the fact that “native” is not only longreads special purpose, but also ones that simply mimic natural materials.

3. Influencer Marketing

According to Apple, “influencer marketing is a strategy that relies on special people to convey a desired message to a selected audience.” Influencer marketing has almost always existed, but it was only in 2016 that influencer marketing, framed as a specific strategy, rose to the top 5 most discussed marketing topics. Pulizzi writes that it's rare that a company doesn't cite a famous person, but very few include influencer marketing as part of a long-term strategy.

Kotikov's comment: It used to be called the confusing word “evangelism.” The phrase “Microsoft Evangelist told…” caused a nervous chuckle from everyone who did not know that the evangelists were Greek. εύαγγελιστής - those who proclaim good news, that is, simply propagandists of the idea. Oh, we’re not too friendly with the word “propaganda” either. Okay, let's call it influence, although it's not that far from manipulation. And yes, this is a good trend. It is easier for a company that has a face and a voice to establish relationships with consumers.

4. Targeted marketing

Why do you create your content? Does it have a real impact on your customers? Are you creating content for content's sake?

Target marketing forces you to answer all these questions before you start selling. Forbes Middle East claims that in 2017, targeted marketing will be used in almost any strategy, since it includes mandatory steps for working with the target audience.

Kotikov's comment: Wow, marketing people are multiplying like cockroaches under an uncleaned sink. But firstly, it’s already good that this is not “channel marketing”, like SMM or KM. Secondly, no matter what you call it, targeting the target audience is mandatory for any marketing action. So - if you call it a trend and get into the habit of aiming before shooting, it will be beneficial.

5. Video and visual content

A Demand Metric study found that 90% of respondents agree that the importance of video content for marketing is growing, and this growth shows no signs of stopping. Of these, 76% use video for social media, 81% use video to promote the company’s website.

The “secrets” of the popularity of video content are due to several reasons:

  • Video content has the highest return on investment (ROI);
  • watching a company video almost doubles the customer's propensity to purchase (1.81) and improves memorability (when getting acquainted) or loyalty (when maintaining the brand);
  • video traffic in the mobile sector increased by about 3/4 over the year.

Interesting fact: the word “video” in email newsletters increases the open rate of messages by 19%, increases CTR by 65%, and reduces the number of unsubscribes from mailing lists by 26%. There may not be a magic word, but statistics are statistics.

It is unlikely that in 2017, classic video is seriously in danger of falling in position, but it will have to make room in the niche of visual content, because VR (Virtual Reality) is already used by 25% of Western companies and this figure is growing.

Kotikov's comment: Hmm, we still need to look at the ROI. But we recently plunged into the world of reviews of children's products and cosmetics... Yes, it's time to shoot a video, either with a phone in the yard, or in a studio with special effects. It's time to spam YouTube to the end. By the way, podcasts also somehow unexpectedly began to return, and making them is much cheaper.

6. Artificial restraints

The social network Snapchat appeared in 2011 and, according to classmates and teachers Evan Spiegel and Bob Murphy (the creators of the network), was doomed to fail from the very beginning. However, it was launched, and the network quickly gained popularity: already in 2013, 758 million photos were sent through Snapchat every day.

Next year promises to make even more popular not so much the service itself, but the basic principle that made this social network famous.

There is a lot of content now. It is everywhere, of very different quality and is added every second. Evan and Bob solved the problem of overabundance of content in their media and at the same time increased its value by limiting viewing time. That is, you send a picture to a friend, he opens it, admires it for 5 seconds, and then the photo is erased.

Perhaps the fact that Snapchat has become popular, despite all the forecasts, means that we are moving to new stage consumption of information: not more of everything, but the most delicious, interesting, or at least scarce.

Kotikov's comment: Hurray, internet marketers have rediscovered another basic law. And yes, it’s worth thinking about how to use it. Just look at the minimalistic Telegram.

7. Text content

Paradoxically, everyone writes and no one writes. Marketers are looking for authors to create a) interesting, b) useful, c) structured and easy-to-read text. Courses for copywriters are being created, huge amount educational material in any language. So may the new year 2017 bring large number high-quality texts that will turn Runet into a territory of high-quality content.

Kotikov's comment: They won't convert. But you have to try. If we don't flutter, this cream will sour before it turns into butter.

8. Internet of Things

A “smart” home, a “smart” car, a “smart” toaster... Anything that can guess human desires will be carefully studied and re-programmed marketing research. This is a new, huge layer of work for marketers, which may well begin in 2017, especially since work in this direction is underway and one day we will move from the Internet of Things to the Internet of Everything, integrating billions of devices around the world.

2016 is coming to an end, and it’s common for many bloggers and analysts to make a wish from Santa Claus to predict what the new year 2017 will bring us. I'll join this trend. The outgoing leap year was difficult; a lot happened in it. The crisis has put many in their places - some have closed, but for some it was a great chance to get back on their feet. I look to the future with faith and hope, because everything is just beginning in our project. Well, for those who haven’t decided on a niche and don’t know what business idea to grab, I wrote this collection about which markets will grow and strengthen. What ideas will be in demand in 2017? I’ll try to look into the future and write my thoughts on this matter.

#1 Healthy lifestyle and PP

For those who do not know what these abbreviations mean, I will explain. Healthy lifestyle - healthy lifestyle, PP - proper nutrition. Today the whole world is divided into 2 camps. The first are those who eat fast food and live as if nothing had happened, the second are against it and actively lead a correct lifestyle. All sorts of online and offline stores offering goods from farmers are growing by leaps and bounds, new consultant nutritionists are appearing who are ready to create an individual weight loss program, and the number of natural products is increasing. Some people decided to take charge of themselves and start exercising, which is why personal fitness trainers, as well as fitness itself, are in trend today.

In general, the topic is very relevant, and I think it will last for more than one year. I’m already talking about how well the food delivery services in boxes based on recipes have done in this market: “Party of Food”, “Tastier at Home” and Chef Market.

#2 Microfinance organizations

Frankly, I've never been a client similar companies. But I know many people who have used such “quick money” at least once, because to get it you really need no more than an hour. The main feature of such loans is the high interest on short term, as well as a small amount of risk. The client can be lent from 10 to 30 thousand rubles at a time, thereby distributing the risks. I know that one of my friends paid 1% per day (horror!!!), and having taken the amount of 8,000 rubles. a few months later I overpaid by 2 times and already owed 16,000 rubles. Hell of a math :)

Today, every city has its own microfinance organization (and more than one), but if you start this business, I would prefer the option of purchasing a franchise. First of all, there is a lot of value in this market. customer base(who gives and who does not give money). Secondly, franchisor support when purchasing distressed assets appears to be a valuable factor. But this is my reasoning, you can start a business with several million in your pocket and giving loans to clients of 10-30 thousand rubles. at a time. In a crisis, when people live from paycheck to paycheck, people will still need money. Therefore, they will go to banks, and those who are not good at mathematics will take them at extortionate interest rates.

#3 Courier services

With the increase in the number of online stores, related industries have also caught up. Courier services are a 100% process business that is not tied to the company’s results or KPIs. And since some who previously worked “for their uncle” go free and open their own online stores, each of them needs couriers. In addition to delivery of goods courier companies earn money by delivering documents and transporting goods. Basically it's not complex business with a low barrier to entry into the market.

I think the quantity courier services will grow. And with the growth of orders from Moscow stores and Chinese sites to the regions, services such as SDEK, Pickpoint, etc. will only gain momentum. Yes, it will be difficult for beginners to break through, but the demand in this market is very high. The main thing is high-quality service and low prices.

#4 Fast food

During the crisis, many restaurateurs curtailed their activities, and there were many empty premises on the market (the abundance of “For Rent” signs indicates this). The closure mainly affected middle and upper middle class restaurants. But how good fast food is doing today!

Just recently, I read about how the well-known Timati opened the Black Star Burger on Novy Arbat and there were a lot of people there. To buy a burger, you had to stand in line for an hour or two, then squeeze into the hall, order, and find a seat. It took 2-2.5 hours from arrival to eating, but people were standing. I am not a fan of Timati’s work, moreover, I have never bought anything from his company and did not succumb to the general euphoria in his burger shop. However, we must pay tribute to how everything was thought out. “Timati and company” opened not just some restaurant, which is usually opened by show business stars (Sobchak, Leps, Nagiyev, etc.), but fast food!! And what does it have to do with the “burger” concept. And not just McDonald's, but with huge burgers at low prices. The positioning is excellent, the PR is simply super.

In addition to burger shops, inexpensive eateries with a unique concept will grow, ready to offer visitors pizza, burgers, shawarma, French fries and other popular dishes. I think the fashion for fast food is a long-lasting trend, the locomotive of which you can still jump on board, because it is built on people’s desire to eat cheaply and with high quality. Food is a fundamental market, because everyone wants to eat :)

#5 Second-hand, stock, consignment and discount stores

Today, an obvious trend that has been going on for several years is the blurring of luxury brands. It's no secret that all clothes are made in China, no matter how cool the logo is on the label. Many brands are not European at all; they were initially promoted and presented as “Italian quality” or “quality of German traditions.” The market for imported goods from China is growing if before people didn’t know where to buy goods, now almost everyone knows what Aliexpress or Ebay are. Recently, our online store brought a client an expensive Italian Leo Ventoni wallet, which she frowned at and said that it was “cheap China.” Well, what can you do, it happens...
Considering that today brands are “losing” their positions and that China is crushing us with its goods (90% of which are just junk), inexpensive ones are in trend thrift stores, offering exactly the same China, only in an organized place. Stock stores, discount centers or consignment malls offering low prices, will be popular, because everyone wants to dress beautifully and cheaply. In addition, do not forget that during the crisis people’s money decreased. Now the “price” factor comes first for many.

#6 Home mini-productions: custom cakes, tailoring, small jobs...

I have been studying the confectionery market for a long time and concluded that in 1.5 years the number of people wanting to make custom cakes has grown by about 20%. Again, this suggests that some are left without work, others dream of starting their own business. The cost of selling a finished cake to order ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. depending on the region. The manufacturing cost does not exceed 30% of the final price, i.e. The pastry chef makes a markup of 300%. Cakes are profitable business for today. The market for cake master classes is also growing, the market confectionery equipment and products. Therefore, if you have loved cooking since childhood, love sweets and know how “Napoleon” differs from “Prague”, then you can try yourself as a home pastry chef. And in general, the market for mini-production at home will only grow. This applies to those types of businesses where you can start with minimal capital or no money at home. In the market, such players may occupy a small share, but they take in numbers. Already today, for example, the “home confectionery” segment has formed, which will soon be able to compete with confectionery companies.

#7 Information and consulting business

Today, only the lazy do not give advice on how to manage things and how to run a business. The most advanced ones pack it all into paid cases or seminars like “how to earn 100 thousand rubles.” in 2 months”, “how to promote your store and get a flow of customers in 3 days”, or I remember one interesting course “how to learn English language in a week" :). Some kind of info-business mania is just around the corner. At the same time, the number of charlotans is growing, who, having picked up stories from courses, begin to invent simple cases and sell them at a discount, because “tomorrow the price will be higher.” I don’t want to offend anyone and please understand correctly. There are worthy specialists on the market who offer their advice, but mostly there is a high probability of running into an incompetent person.
Well, of course, it's not all bad. People are looking for information and will use it. People want knowledge, but they have to pay for it. It is worth considering whether to open such a business or not. Today it is very easy to promote yourself and create your own personal brand, especially on social networks. All it takes is a little knowledge and desire. Therefore, if you are an expert in a certain topic, then you can build a profitable information business around it. The costs of opening such a business are practically zero.

#8 Repair of phones, tablets, office equipment

Today everyone has a smartphone or tablet. Everyone uses printers and scanners. At the same time, sometimes technology brings us to the very edge. inopportune moment. Then the cartridge ran out when you need to print an invoice for an important client. Or the screen in our “Aliexpress gadget” broke. There is always a solution - throw it away, leave it as is, or repair it. In this case, you will not be carried to an unknown place, but will choose a good one. service center where there is a guarantee. These are the kind of workshops that will multiply in 2017, as there has been and will continue to be a demand for repairs and maintenance. The segment is very large, but here it is best to specialize in one thing. For example, repairing only Apple equipment or repairing inexpensive phones.

#9 Website development and promotion services for SMEs

The Internet is overflowing with an abundance of proposals for website development, mobile applications and landing pages. Even I can offer you such services, since under my supervision about 10 websites were created for my own needs and the needs of clients. The demand is huge, and everyone needs a website or blog, because as Bill Gates said, “if you’re not on the Internet, then you’re not in business.” Website developers are divided into different categories. Some people make standard online stores using 1C-Bitrix, others take on large tenders and make unique developments. I think everything is clear here - there are many more customers for a high-quality programmer. If you want to start a website development business, then I would recommend focusing on one thing. For example, layout. Great topic, and everyone needs it. Or only online stores and only on Bitrix. There are practically no costs, just the phone, forums, message boards and forward...

#10 Production of unique products to order, handmade

I have already said that home confectioners are a growing segment. The market for unique handmade goods, sometimes made in a single copy, is also growing: designer accessories, furniture, exclusive phone cases, dresses, T-shirts, postcards, flowers, etc. People love products that they had a hand in creating, that they made themselves. Or they did something individual for them. They want to stand out from society, to be different from everyone else. Be different. Therefore, the role of the product designer will only grow, as will the role of such products in people's lives. I refer you to my article about

#11 Uberizers

Uberizers are a trend of the 21st century, and Airbnb, Yandex.Taxi, Uber and other services started this trend. All of them solve the problem of both the client and the partner. One receives quality service, the other receives an order. Here is my article about, in which I discussed in detail all the questions on this topic.

So, here are my thoughts on trends and markets. These are just some of the ideas that I analyzed, but in fact, there are many more.
See you next year.
Happy upcoming year everyone! Good profits in 2017!!!

Share your thoughts in the comments about the markets that will grow and develop in the new year. Which industries will do well? What business are you in and how is the market doing? Which industries will stagnate? Why?

This post contains predictions from various experts regarding the main marketing trends of 2017.

1. Visual marketing

Purna Virji, senior manager at Microsoft:

The main trend of 2017 will be a focus on the visual component of content. Multiple studies have shown that people are more likely to engage with content if it has appropriate visual design.

Marketers play with the visual thinking of clients in three directions:

  1. More videos. People are more willing to consume video content. Promotional videos are quickly gaining popularity.
  2. Augmented reality. Snapchat and Pokemon GO have shown that people love augmented reality. Many companies use this in their marketing activities. For example, Sephora's Visual Artist app allows women to see how makeup would look on their face.
  3. Visual search. Apps like Amazon allow people to search by entering photos. In this regard, one can observe the growing popularity of visual search services, including Slyce and TapTapSee.

People are primarily focused on the visual channel. We eat with our eyes, travel with our eyes, fall in love with our eyes. Therefore, it is logical that our future will become visual.

2. Quality content

Joanna Wiebe, founder of CopyHackers and Aistory:

The tendency to create good content is only increasing. Since content is a great channel for traffic, more companies will invest in it. To justify these costs, marketers will do three things in 2017:

  1. Disguise long sales pages as blog posts and video content;
  2. build posts around call-to-action buttons;
  3. Trying to increase conversions directly within a post if Google is suppressing pop-ups.

3. User trust

Austin Knight, Senior UX Designer at HubSpot:

Over the next few years, user trust will be considered highest value in marketing. As technology companies become more central to our lives and their data collection methods improve, so too do people's concerns about privacy and security.

74% of US internet users have limited their online activity due to privacy concerns. Users are unhappy with how companies use their personal information, and this motivates marketers to fight for people's trust.

Data collection and analysis will continue to grow at an accelerated pace, and eventually there will be no technological barriers to obtaining any information. We will be able to track everything.

We will not have to ask the question “what information can be obtained?” Another question will become relevant: “what information should be obtained?” Companies that answer this question correctly will take the lead.

There are many design and marketing methods increase user trust, and mainstream companies are making full use of them. One example is the publication of a letter from Apple users asking them not to violate privacy rules, which the company was asked to do by the FBI.

Respect your users and make their trust a hallmark of your business.

4. Mobile devices

Duane Brown, performance marketer at Unbounce:

Virtual and augmented reality are certainly the main trends of this year.

However, marketers should not forget about the mobile segment. Despite the fact that more than 50% of Internet traffic comes from mobile devices, many websites are not designed for mobile devices. With Google introducing a mobile index this summer, it can be argued that mobile devices are now playing a full role in the history of the Internet. If your business doesn't have or doesn't understand what mobile indexing is, it's time to catch up.

Since the advent of AMP and Google adapting its interface for mobile devices, the world has become “mobile”. What are you waiting for?

5. AMP technology

Nick So, Director of Strategic Optimization at WiderFunnel:

The advent of AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) has opened up new horizons for mobile marketing. Google announced AMP in October 2015, but development has only become a full-fledged part of the user experience in the last few months.

If you don't understand what we're talking about: AMP is a web technology designed to speed up the loading of pages on mobile devices. You've probably seen links on Google that have a lightning icon next to them - these pages are based on the AMP library.

In 2017, work aimed at using AMP will consist of two parts:

  1. adaptation of the site and content for AMP;
  2. conversion optimization and split testing on AMP pages.

To improve the mobile experience, AMP removes elements that slow down the browser, including Javascript. This creates multiple challenges for SEOs: Almost all split testing and user data collection tools use Javascript.

In view of this they become topical issues about how the advent of AMP will affect website design and user data collection tools. Time will show. In any case, AMR is one of the most important trends of 2017.

6. Tracking user movement

Feras Alhlou, co-founder of e-Nor:

It is obvious that targeting different devices and multichannel are the main trends of this year. The main trend will also remain tracking the route of movement of customers on the website. To connect with people, marketers will need to evolve their tools, strategies and tactics to optimize according to customer movements.

Because consumers interact with one brand throughout the purchase cycle, they expect a consistent user experience, whether on mobile, web, apps or offline.

Creating creative, unified content, measuring customer performance, and optimizing to reduce pain points are all repetitive processes that require material and human resources.

These are not easy tasks. But if they were simpler, life for marketers would become more boring!

7. The battle between human and artificial intelligence (in CRO)

Paul Rouke, PRWD CEO:

Businessmen have never hesitated to invest money in technology. In 2017, machine learning will play a big role in conversion optimization. Artificial intelligence will take over many routine optimization tasks, such as minor design tweaks, traffic distribution, and data analysis. But this does not in any way detract from the importance of human intelligence.

To really benefit from machine learning, we need someone to “feed” the computer with ideas and concepts derived from user research and deep data analysis. Thanks to AI, SEOs will have more time to create.

Machines will play an increasingly important role in our everyday life. The only question is, will we leave everything to the mercy of computers? Brands that pay more attention to human intelligence will ensure a strong future.

8. Slow Marketing

Ann Handley, Director of Communications at MarketingProofs:

The biggest trend this year is that marketers are becoming more patient. They are beginning to understand the value of "slow marketing" in our fast developing world. They see that sometimes you need to take your time. Why? Because it will allow them to achieve real results much faster.

In 2017, marketers must start investing in themselves. They need to hone their empathy. They must deepen their understanding of the psychology of customer behavior.

9. Voice search

Rand Fishkin, founder of MOZ

Voice search will not replace manual input at all. It will simply become one of the main search methods. Today, 20-25% of all requests on mobile devices are made through . Strange, but according to Google statistics in May 2016 this figure was 20%, while in September 2010 it was 25%. One of two things: either nothing has changed, or the old number was wrong.

According to a KPCB report, voice queries are becoming increasingly popular. Clickstream and services that track referrals (for example, SimilarWeb Pro) are able to more accurately assess the degree of their popularity. Let's hope that Google itself will soon acknowledge the growing importance of voice search.

After all, this is the first serious technology that can change the world of SEO.

In this note, I will tell you my vision of the direction and trends that business in Russia will develop in 2017. I hope this will help you run your next business period more efficiently.

So here you go 5 existing business trends, which, in my opinion, will only intensify in 2017.

#1 – Content is king

I think this business trend doesn’t need any further explanation, but I’ll explain anyway. There are more and more competitors literally on every corner of the business space. If previously buyers could not find anywhere to buy what they needed, now there are too many offers around. And therefore very great value today has a so-called “search” stage.

This is when a person has already understood what he needs and why, and now he simply chooses where exactly to buy it. And first of all, of course, he focuses on the level of trust in a particular seller. And allows us to create strong trust in our brand because we show ourselves to be experts in our niche.

Flooding the entire Internet with content about our product is more than a trend today. This is becoming one of the main business development strategies. In addition, content marketing works not only for sales, but also for marketing itself (that is, for attracting new customers). In other words, content allows you to sell much more effectively and cheaper than regular traditional advertising.

Of course, content marketing existed before, but only recently has business in Russia matured enough to pay attention to it. Having matured, this means starting to make plans not only for “tomorrow” and “next month”, but also for a couple of years in advance. This means that only now has it “ripened” to become long-term instruments. Such as, for example, content marketing.

You can read more about this business trend of 2017 in the article.

#2 - Socialization

The second business development trend stems directly from the first. Content has to be distributed somehow, right? And today traditional blogs and websites are no longer so popular. People want not so much to consume new information as to express their opinions about it. They want communication, dating, etc. In short, they want to receive and discuss content on social media.

Even traditional blogs in 2017 will have to take great care of socialization (if they want to survive, of course).

The problem is that there are a lot of social networks today, and everyone needs content of different formats: videos, infographics, “movements,” photos, etc. This means that serious businesses will be forced to look for serious content managers and content marketers who can deliver interesting and varied content according to the “format”.

Do you want to get into the real business trend of 2017? Think about how you could help businesses with content.

#3 - Abroad will help us

Businesses in Russia no longer want to make money in Russia. From a pragmatic point of view, this is understandable. For a unit of time and effort we invest, we receive ten times less benefits than for the same unit in foreign markets.

The advances to the West have begun more than a year ago, but things did not develop quickly, because it is not so simple. You need to know Western characteristics, you need to be able to fight the fiercest competition, you need to know the language, after all.

But people are persistent creatures. Some have already started selling goods through Amazon, some are transferring their CPA and SEO activities to the bourzhunet, and some are even translating their courses and trainings into English and trying to promote them in other countries. The simplest option is to provide freelance services for the countries of the “golden billion”. Of course, these should be some services that do not require perfect language proficiency: design, video processing, layout, programming, etc.

The desire to meet foreign standards will indirectly lead to another business trend in 2017 - a forced increase in the quality of products and services.

#4 - Running fast in place

People have less money, and they no longer want to spend it thoughtlessly. They want to get the best for every ruble they have. This means that now they will spend more and more time choosing and thinking, and choosing the best quality.

It would seem that there is no money, so take what they give and don’t show off. But in reality, everything turns out quite the opposite. You and I will have to work harder and better in order to at least earn the same amount as before and not slip in profits and turnover.

Many will even have to switch to more “heavy” formats for providing goods and services. Those who sold information products in recordings will switch to live online trainings and seminars. Those who conducted live online trainings will switch to providing turnkey services. At the same time, the cost of services and products will have to remain at approximately the same level.

The trend towards increasing quality is actually good, it seems to me. This will cut off approximately half of the current “freeloaders” from the markets and allow normal guys (like you and me) to breathe easier for a while until they “run in” again.

By the way, about the normal guys. Here's another super business trend for 2017 that isn't talked about much.

#5 - Let's form flocks

Until recently, the situation on business markets in Russia could be described as “spring”. There was a flourishing of everything - the Internet, services, an increase in the quality of life. Easy money just asked to be put into your pocket. After a protracted period of development of civilized business (from approximately 2000 to 2009), these few years really became a real spring.

And as you know, in the spring not only grass comes out, but also all sorts of shit (Pardon my French). There was a lot of money around, and everyone could easily feed themselves. Accordingly, very strong partnerships began to fall apart. The division of the market began, insult and oppression of competitors in all possible ways. I call it the “Era of the Big Asshole” =)

And many managed to quarrel to the point of blood grievances and lifelong bans of each other, and all of each other’s relatives, and all of each other’s friends on social networks. This is such an Internet vendetta. But now winter has come again. And the winter promises to be long and cold.

Accordingly, the trend for 2017 is to start gathering in small groups again. Businessmen are beginning to slowly approach their not entirely direct competitors and look for options for cooperation. If in the last time you too suddenly terrible force If you feel drawn to communicate with those whom you would have looked at before - know that this is normal.

In difficult times, it is always easier to survive in packs. Therefore, I recommend leaving your pride until warmer times and starting to cooperate.

I hope you find these business trends helpful in 2017 so you can stay on the cutting edge. I would be glad to hear your opinion about business trends in the comments.

Everyone knows that the profit gained in trading is based on so-called high-margin goods. That is, those goods that can be bought cheaply and sold at a high price. Products purchased in China are no exception. On the contrary, they are the main representatives of this type of trade. Let's consider step by step instructions for the purchase and sale of high-margin goods from China.

Regular readers of the site know about ours. However, it is not complete and, accordingly, not all directions in the list meet the criterion of a high-margin product. That is, those goods that are bought at a very low cost and sold quickly and at high prices.

Our task is to find goods from China that are in constant demand above average, are cheap in bulk in China, but are sold at high prices here. We would like to remind you right away that buying a product is just the tip of the iceberg, since having bought a product at a profit, you still need to sell it in order to make a profit, which means that when buying a product, you should already know the scheme for its sale.

Starting a business with high-margin goods from China

First of all, you should think about the characteristics of the product - it should be light in weight and small in size, and should not be perishable. This will allow you to reduce the cost of delivering goods from China, and you will also be able to send them by mail throughout Russia, that is, connect various online channels to sales - online stores, landing pages, social media.

Having compiled an initial list of goods that meets the requirements from the first step, think about which product sales will allow you to make the maximum markup, which, with a large wholesale, will allow you to recoup all overhead and organizational costs, as well as make a good profit, even with a one-time purchase of a wholesale batch of goods. As a rule, this description corresponds to the most simple goods, which you almost couldn't even think of. Let's give a simple example - disposable utensils or small household items - plastic lids for jars, plastic bags, disposable clothing items - slippers, hats, plastic raincoats - are extremely cheap, do not take up space, and are in constant demand. Although they do not look presentable, the benefits are obvious.

It is also necessary to take into account the state of the economy in the country. For example, as in Russia - financial crisis. It is important to remember that the crisis is not a stop signal for business and demand; during this period, a revaluation and, if possible, optimization of income and expenses occurs, so consumers choose cheaper goods that are analogues of the goods that they consumed before the crisis from the middle price segment . And it is at this moment that your business can expand widely if you start importing cheap Chinese analogues of mid-range goods. The quality of your batch may be lower, but this will be compensated by the price.

Remember - the modern global economy and market dictate their own rules to manufacturers, so among them there is the same high competition, as in the final sales market. This means that any product has not only an alternative on the market, but also more cheap analogue. After choosing “your” product that you want to sell, spend a few more additional days to search for alternatives and cheaper analogues. This will not only allow you to get the product at the lowest price, but also have a reserve product, a batch of which you can bring in if the product from the first batch runs out and the manufacturer stops supplying it.

Also, during your search, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the global and modern trends - every day the market organizes new niches that are becoming very popular. Quick entry into the market with offers from this niche guarantees you not only high sales, but also the absence of competition for the near future.

You can do this. Having established the supply and sale of goods with stable demand, which is not affected by any economic condition, nor competition, at the same time, look for new niches and products in them. The sale of such goods will be a kind of lottery, but the risks of losing the initial investment are compensated by the high margins of the goods and the goods that you import on an ongoing basis.

Sales of high-margin goods from China

We offer to sell goods not only offline, but also use the Internet. Of course, you will say that Internet users can independently order a similar product from Chinese sites. And you will be right, but your main advantages are that the wholesale purchase price is much lower than the cost of one product with delivery, so your retail price may be equal to the prices on Chinese sites, your product is already in hand and delivery from you to the buyer may take several hours or days, unlike Chinese sites where delivery takes several months.

Therefore, feel free to start selling on the Internet - social networks, online stores, one-page sites - all this will help you sell the purchased product faster. By the way, with the help of the Internet you can not only sell, but also save a lot. So, without buying a product, you can create a group or website selling this product on pre-order, using various types advertising to collect initial orders. If there are a lot of them, you can immediately order a batch. If there are few orders, do not order the batch, but offer subscribers another alternative, and so on until the required number of orders is collected. All expenses - advertising on the Internet is much cheaper than buying a batch and trying to sell it.

Despite the fact that the business of goods from China dates back several hundred years, remember that tea is also imported from China - this niche is so spacious that it can easily accommodate more than one thousand new entrepreneurs. But, in order to avoid the most common mistakes, we present you a list of useful recommendations.

  • Open an LLC or individual entrepreneur, this is necessary so that people trust you (you will sign a purchase and sale agreement with them on behalf of the company), and will also allow you to save a little. Thus, when delivering goods from China using cargo companies, you can compensate for VAT. We wrote how to do this in the article -.
  • When trading using pre-orders, try to take at least 30% of the cost, and best of all - 100%. This will allow you to avoid empty orders, as well as collect part of the amount necessary to purchase a batch of goods. This approach is also called group buying.
  • Don't try to do everything at the same time. Entrust professionals with the management of your online sites - online store, one-page website, social group. There are a lot of similar professionals, and the cost of their services is . Thanks to this approach, you will receive professional promotion of your business and free time, which you will spend on delivery and sale of goods. By the way, by creating websites you can also make money by selling websites that are no longer needed. .
  • Constantly look for new trends; by selling a regular product, you risk suddenly getting into a situation where a very large competitor comes to the market and you will be left with a product that will be impossible to sell without damage. When dealing with several goods at the same time, the loss of profit from one product is compensated by others.
Where to look for products

Chinese goods are searched for in China, again, we have already written how to find some. Let us repeat, it is not difficult for us.

There are many Chinese websites that deal with retail and wholesale. They are ready to fully satisfy your demand for all kinds of goods. Many companies attract Russian-speaking employees, which makes it easier for you to work with these companies.

Many of our regular readers have already developed a well-established scheme for interacting with Chinese sellers. The first thing they do is visit GearBest in search of new products, since GearBest has Russian support and contacts, then compare prices with Aliexpress, and only then they find wholesale supplier on Alibaba, unless, of course, Gearbest and Aliexpress provide good wholesale offers.

The most advanced "sold" do not hope for chance and follow a path that guarantees them the accuracy of the results. How to find this path? It's simple!!

The secret way for a seller to find a reliable high-margin product

The Internet is ruled by numbers. Even the most expensive Internet currency, Bitcoin, is all about numbers and hardware capabilities. They have no other security. Therefore, a high-margin product can also be expressed in numbers. More precisely, in two digital indicators - this is the price per product and the number of sales.

On the one side. The number of sales primarily depends on the price; the lower it is, the more goods sold. This indicator of reliability of demand is enough for you to purchase a wholesale batch. There will be sales. However, the low price is also the main stopping factor. The lower it is, the lower your selling price for the end buyer. Of course, a one-cent product can be marked up 1000 times. But this will affect demand; it will be minimal. Since the cost will not be comfortable for the buyer, he knows that the product itself cannot be that expensive. For goods from expensive segments, the markup can, of course, be increased on a larger scale. But they also have their limits. Which you can install in practice.

On the other side. Sometimes the number of sales does not depend on price, but on popularity and demand. This is your high-margin product. The demand for which is currently the highest. By the way, the markup here is practically limited only by common sense. But such a product will be high-margin for a limited time, until the market is saturated. Therefore, you need to hurry. And look for such offers as quickly as possible. So how to quickly and reliably find your high-margin product?

We recommend using EPN, an affiliate program based on Aliexpress. More precisely, the tools that the program offers to all registered users.

Instructions for searching for high-margin goods in China (using the example of Aliexpress):

  1. Go to your personal account.
  2. Find and go to the section from the “Products” menu - “Aliexpress” (you can also select another Chinese store).
  3. Sort the product by number of orders (descending, maximum at the top).
  4. Carefully study the list received. You'll notice that it mostly consists of items priced under $1. But among them there will also be more expensive goods. Therefore, it will be high-margin. That is, a product - the demand for which does not depend on price. As an example, we have selected a high-margin product from the list, the price of which is above $1.5. As you can see, it is not inferior in the number of sales to a product whose price is minimal.

All you have to do is purchase a batch of such goods and sell them at your own price. Or, use the dropshipping scheme. Or, sell a product through an EPN affiliate link and receive an affiliate commission. In any case, profit from such a product is guaranteed by high demand.

Now you understand that in this niche the main thing is to find a product - the rest will work “semi-automatically”. Now everything is so simple that it is still unclear why you haven’t started doing this yet.