Roman KORDIUKOV: “The results of the ARMY-2015 forum exceeded the expected result”

The second military-technical forum "ARMY-2016" is scheduled for September

Roman Yurievich, as far as I know, 2015 was quite a busy year for GUNID. What were the main areas of work focused on?

The main areas of activity of the Main Directorate of Research Activities and technological support advanced technologies (innovative research) of the Russian Ministry of Defense are the organization in the Ministry of Defense of innovative activities, advanced research and development, support of advanced programs and scientific projects, their implementation to create conditions for the creation of promising weapons, military and special equipment, as well as the organization of congress and exhibition activities.

Roman Kordyukov.

In 2015, the first International Military-Technical Forum “ARMY-2015” was held in the history of the Russian Armed Forces. How do you think this event went, since there is a proverb: “The first pancake is always lumpy”?

The past year has become a landmark year for the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation in terms of development of congress and exhibition activities. The international military-technical forum "ARMY-2015", held in June on the territory of the Military-Patriotic Park of Culture and Recreation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "Patriot", became unprecedented both in scale and in the intensity of events. The forum was interspecies in nature and included land, water and aviation clusters with the possibility of demonstrating an exhibition exposition with limited access.

The forum was attended by about 200 thousand people. Visitors expressed great interest in the exhibited samples.

During the forum, the capabilities of scientific organizations and enterprises of the military-industrial complex, new ideas, research results and innovative technologies used for the purposes of defense and state security were demonstrated.

Platforms for interaction between scientific organizations, enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex, consumers of military products. The goals and objectives of the exhibition were achieved, so in this case this famous proverb not relevant.

How did the event go, what conclusions were drawn from the features of the organization? Will the experience gained be used in the future?

The ARMY-2015 forum is assessed by the country's leadership and the Russian Ministry of Defense as successful and with prospects for development. In the future, as the facilities of the Patriot Military-Patriotic Park are put into operation, it is capable and should become an authoritative and recognized international military forum, in which foreign states will strive to participate. An analysis of foreign sources indicates that leading foreign manufacturers of weapons and military equipment have already felt this.

The authority of the forum is evidenced by the fact that the Forum was attended by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Prime Minister Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, heads of federal executive authorities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, enterprises, organizations and representatives of 73 foreign countries. This shows the high level of the event.

The experience gained during the ARMY-2015 forum will certainly be taken into account when organizing the ARMY-2016 forum.

Was it possible to fully implement the scientific and business program of the forum?

The scientific and business program of the forum was organized by the Military Scientific Committee together with the military authorities, external organizations and leading universities in the country. Within the framework of scientific business program 92 round tables and briefings were held on 21 thematic areas, in which over seven thousand people took part, including representatives of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, public organizations, enterprises of the military-industrial complex, universities, the business community, as well as more than 20 representatives of foreign countries. During the 17 round tables direct video conferencing and online broadcasts were organized with 52 subscribers from 48 cities of our country.

The geography of the countries participating in the scientific and business program covered 55 cities and 12 countries.

I would like to talk about the ARMY-2015 forum in terms of numbers: how many samples were exhibited, how many people attended the event, how many domestic and foreign enterprises and organizations took part?

The results of the forum exceeded the expected results.

800 enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex and 28 enterprises of foreign countries presented more than 7,000 exhibits.

Of these, 416 are serial models of weapons, military and special equipment, 725 are promising models developed according to the instructions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

More than 1,200 initiative developments were demonstrated at the forum, of which about 100 samples were selected for the purpose of further assessing possible implementation in the interests of the Russian Defense Ministry.

During the demonstration of the capabilities of weapons, military and special equipment, a comprehensive display of more than 160 samples with live firing was carried out according to a single plan.

The forum was attended by more than 200 thousand people.

Tell us about the demonstration of weapons and military equipment. What types of military equipment were demonstrated for the first time?

Undoubtedly, the exhibition featured latest developments, as well as innovations and technologies in the field of weapons and military equipment. Equipment demonstrations and presentations of innovative defense technologies were available to a wide range of exhibition visitors and were carried out taking into account the requirements Russian legislation in the field of protection of state secrets.

The demonstration of the military equipment was held from June 16 to 19 on the basis of three infrastructure facilities of the Ministry of Defense: at the Alabino training ground; in the waters of Lake Komsomolskoye, where one could see unmanned boats, actions to rescue people in distress, as well as equipment of the Ground Forces during overcoming water obstacles with a simulated battle; at the Kubinka airfield, where aviation equipment was demonstrated. The basis of the demonstration equipment was equipment from the Russian Ministry of Defense. 167 VHST samples were used during the dynamic display.

The demonstration included 246 events, such as demonstration of the fire capabilities of anti-tank and flamethrower weapons, high-speed shooting, combined shooting, etc. The Berkut aerobatic team could be seen in the air.

The greatest interest among visitors was the display of fire characteristics and the performance of the unit special purpose and a dynamic display of the capabilities of military equipment in a single tactical concept in relation to the conditions of modern combined arms combat.

The Convention and Exhibition Center also hosted the “Innovation Day of the Russian Defense Ministry” in September last year. What's new in organizing this event? What could you see at the exhibition?

The international exhibition “Innovation Day of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation-2015” has become a very significant event in the international congress and exhibition activities of the Russian Ministry of Defense. In 2015, Innovation Day was held for the first time as an integrated event simultaneously according to a single scenario at four sites: in the Central, Southern and Eastern military districts, as well as on the territory of the Patriot Park.

Based on the results of the exhibitions, 144 innovative projects were selected that can be used in the interests of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Work has been organized to determine the need and possibility of their acquisition.

The Innovation Day allowed:

Demonstrate promising (innovative) ideas from science and industry for subsequent selection and implementation of the most relevant and in demand ones in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense;

Unleash the potential of the Russian military-industrial complex to replace imported technologies, components and technical resources in conditions of increased need for import substitution;

Continue international cooperation within the framework of congress and exhibition activities. To date, proposals have been received for mutual cooperation in the innovation field from the Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China.

Roman Yuryevich, let's get back to the numbers again. What are they in relation to Innovation Day 2015?

The exhibition was held at three venues: on the territory of the Patriot Park in the Moscow region; in Yekaterinburg in the District House of Officers; in Vladivostok at the Central Uglovaya airfield, on the ship embankment and at the base of the Far Eastern University on Russky Island; in Rostov-on-Don at the VertolExpo Convention and Exhibition Center. The total exhibition area is about 46 thousand square meters.

434 exhibitors took part in the exhibition, demonstrating more than 3,100 exhibits in 21 thematic areas. These are robotics, radio-electronic technologies ( automated systems control, communications, navigation, identification, electronic warfare, radio reconnaissance, radar), information and telecommunication technologies, cyber security, topographic and geodetic navigation support, hydrometeorology and others.

The exhibition was visited by more than 70 thousand people, including representatives of 32 foreign countries.

Is the frequency of the “ARMY” series of exhibitions known today?

In 2015, both the International Military-Technical Forum “ARMY-2015” and the International Exhibition “Innovation Day of the Russian Ministry of Defense” were held. Further, in even-numbered years, the International Military-Technical Forum “ARMY” will be held, and in odd-numbered years, a departmental exhibition “Innovation Day” is planned with the participation of central military command authorities and military districts.

The second military-technical forum ARMY-2016 is scheduled for September. What can we say today about the upcoming event?

To prepare and conduct this forum, an organizing committee has been formed in the Russian Ministry of Defense under the leadership of the Minister of Defense, Army General Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu. In order to carry out congress and exhibition activities, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation approved a list of construction of Patriot Park facilities in 2016.

What will the forum's demo program be like?

The demonstration program is currently at the planning and formation stage. But I would like to note that in 2016, as part of the ARMY-2016 forum, demonstration shows will be organized in Russian cities. A practical demonstration of modern models of naval equipment will take place in St. Petersburg, a demonstration program is planned at the Northern Fleet training ground in Severomorsk, at the training grounds of the Southern Military District (in Rostov-on-Don), Central Military District (in Yekaterinburg) and the Eastern Military District. This will allow everyone to participate in the forum and will certainly arouse great interest among the public.

Where will the ARMY-2016 forum be held? Will foreign delegations and manufacturers be invited?

The international military-technical forum "ARMY-2016" will be held on the basis of the federal state autonomous institution“Military-patriotic park of culture and recreation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation “Patriot” at the Alabino training ground and at the Kubinka airfield. The concept of the forum provides for participation in the exhibition exposition foreign manufacturers military and dual-use products, as well as inviting official delegations and representatives of business circles of foreign countries.

– Roman Yuryevich, on June 25 of this year, the president signed decree No. 364 “On the creation of the military innovative technopolis “Era” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.” Construction is underway in Anapa in full swing. What tasks are set for the technopolis?

– In accordance with the president’s decision, the Ministry of Defense is implementing a truly unique project. This is the military innovative technopolis “Era”. By the way, the general management of his scientific projects is entrusted to the president of the federal state budgetary institution"National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute".

The goal of the technopolis is to create organizational system and innovation infrastructure that ensures the search, development and implementation of advanced ideas and developments, breakthrough technologies in the interests of strengthening the country's defense capability. As for the tasks, I will name the main ones:

  • search and implementation innovative projects in priority areas of activity of the RF Ministry of Defense, enterprises and organizations of the defense industry;
  • maintaining and building the potential of scientific and educational organizations, defense industry enterprises;
  • development, development and implementation of advanced ideas and breakthrough technologies in the interests of ensuring state security;
  • creation of a new model of interaction between research institutes of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, scientific companies, scientific and educational institutions during development and production high-tech products military and dual use.

The activities of the technopolis are planned to be carried out in two main directions: “Science and Education”, “Advanced Technologies and Innovations”. This will make it possible to implement a set of measures to staffing defense industry enterprises, effective transfer of the best innovative developments in industry, development of military and dual technologies.

– What role are scientific companies called upon to play? How prestigious is it to serve in them? What exactly is innovation activity technopolis?

“We select competent specialists who know how to pose and solve non-standard research problems”

“At the first stage of its creation, a directorate and four scientific companies, each consisting of two platoons, were formed. We already have similar experience, and the idea has paid off. Today there are 12 scientific companies operating in the Armed Forces. They solve scientific and applied problems set by military command and control bodies. In addition, four more scientific companies are being formed in the areas of research in the Era technopolis.

At the second stage it is planned further development all clusters of the technopolis and its infrastructure, placement of representative offices, own laboratories and engineering centers of state corporations in it, industrial enterprises, improving programs for training scientific companies and supporting scientific and technological activities.

Based on the needs of the Armed Forces, priorities for the development of science and technology, the main directions of innovation activity have been determined:

  • robotics;
  • information security;
  • ACS, information and telecommunication systems;
  • energy, technology, devices and life support machines;
  • technical vision, pattern recognition;
  • Informatics and Computer Science;
  • biotechnical systems and technologies;
  • nanotechnology and nanomaterials.

The proposed composition of scientific areas, the order of functioning of scientific companies in the technopolis will allow organizing the integration of advanced ideas in the form of innovative projects, technologies and materials, as well as improving the training of scientific and engineering personnel.

The order of functioning of scientific companies involves the involvement of both main military scientific and specialized scientific schools, research institutes and universities of the Ministry of Defense, civil high school, academic science and defense industry organizations.

The research results will form the basis of the innovative products of the technopolis. They are expected to be used jointly by the participants. These are the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Education and Science, etc.

As for the prestige of service in scientific companies, it can be judged by the high competition that arises annually in the selection of young people into such units.

– What is the infrastructure of the technopolis, what will we see upon completion of its construction?

– The Technopolis is allocated an area of ​​more than 17 hectares. It is conventionally divided into two zones - scientific (for research and development) and residential (for recreation and living). It is planned to create 18 specialized integrated laboratories. They are equipped with more than 800 pieces of experimental and testing equipment. When preparing his list, we adhered to several criteria. First of all, the high degree of novelty and uniqueness of the equipment, which was previously absent in universities and research institutes of both the Ministry of Defense and the state as a whole. At the same time, it must meet, even exceed, the requirements for similar models in Russia by advanced specialized organizations. Another important criterion is the unification of equipment and the possibility of its use to solve a wide range of problems, including in joint research with leading universities, scientific and industrial organizations.

And the location on the sea coast itself creates comfortable conditions for work and life. In addition, the region is home to large testing and testing centers of the Ministry of Defense, which will significantly reduce the time required to prepare and conduct experiments.

“A fund of official and permanent housing has been prepared for military personnel, civilian scientists and specialists - more than 1,400 apartments”

– As you know, Russia is famous for long-term construction. Doesn't this threaten Technopolis?

– Activities to create a technopolis are expected to be implemented in two stages. 2017–2018 – first stage facilities. 2019–2020 – further development of scientific-educational, scientific-research and scientific-production clusters in priority areas, construction of second- and third-stage facilities.

– How will the issues of providing housing for officers and employees of the RF Ministry of Defense be resolved?

– A fund of official and permanent housing exceeding 1,400 apartments has been prepared for military personnel, civilian scientists and specialists.

– On what personnel basis will the technopolis be formed? What requirements must its employees meet?

– The creation and operation of such an infrastructure as a military innovation technopolis is impossible without productive cooperation between the military and public administration, Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense, leading universities and organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, defense industry enterprises. Therefore, the team is formed in close interaction of the listed organizations.

We not only make demands on military and civilian specialists as administrative workers in the scientific field, but also look at what they actually represent as researchers, testers, inventors, and innovators. Because a lot depends on the organization collaboration, much attention is paid to the communication skills of employees. Competition for military and civil positions in technopolis today is 1 to 5. But even with this ratio, we do not appoint people to positions who simply meet the requirements qualification requirements. This is not enough. We select unique, competent specialists who have the ability to see perspectives, are able to pose and solve non-standard research problems, and have the ability to work in creative teams.

– What does the experience of creating scientific companies tell us?

– As the results of their activities show, about a third of the military personnel who served in these units subsequently chose the path researcher or got an engineering position in a defense industry organization. It should be noted that young people who have an average score of at least 4.5 are selected for such companies after graduating from university. Therefore, now scientific companies are an effective platform for vocational guidance young people, an impulse to continue their scientific and industrial careers within the country. By the way, the selection of promising young personnel is one of the goals set for themselves by state corporations and concerns planning to open their representative offices in the technopolis.

The Ministry of Defense is forming a database of talented schoolchildren and students to attract them to scientific activities in the future. Methods and approaches are determined for finding young people who can effectively solve problems in the field of innovative research and the creation of advanced technologies. The issue of holding an Olympiad for schoolchildren in subjects relevant to the Russian Ministry of Defense on the basis of Technopolis is being considered.

As you know, today the Armed Forces widely use developments in the field of robotics, unmanned systems and complexes. At the same time, technologies using artificial intelligence are in demand. The personnel basis for solving such problems should be made up of scientists of the new generation, whose selection system is focused, I repeat, primarily on talented youth, on gifted children.

– Won’t scientific activity in a technopolis be similar to classes in circles of innovators and inventors of the Soviet period?

– The plan of scientific work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation already includes 10 research projects carried out by operators of scientific companies of the military innovative technopolis “Era”. In particular, "Intellectual robotic systems and systems for military purposes", "Methods and algorithms for processing signals in special radio systems”, “Military applied geophysics, geodesy and ecology”, “Advanced information and telecommunication technologies and automated control systems”, “Modeling of chemical processes”... As you can see, this is not much reminiscent of the activities of circles of inventors and innovators.

– A similar center is already functioning in Skolkovo. Will the technopolis begin to duplicate it? What are the fundamental differences here?

– The difference between the military innovation technopolis “Era” and similar organizations is its clear focus on military and dual-use products and technologies that ensure defense capability. Solving this problem does not imply the commercialization of research and development. Each project has its own customer and consumer who are interested in a positive result or in confirmation of the impossibility of implementing certain scientific and technical solutions today, including abroad.

According to preliminary estimates, representative offices of organizations with their own laboratories of design and engineering departments will function in the technopolis. It will become a kind of citadel for leading scientific and industrial enterprises, state corporations, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses interested in innovative projects.

On the basis of the technopolis, a kind of “open platform” is being implemented, where all conditions have been created for fruitful interaction between military and civilian specialists of various scientific, educational and production organizations. This will significantly reduce the time it takes to introduce advanced ideas and breakthrough technologies into prototypes of advanced weapons.

The official opening of the technopolis will take place in September this year.

The headline of the newspaper version is “Magnet for a child prodigy.”

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I. KOROTCHENKO: Hello! This is the General Staff program. Our guest today is Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Research Activities and Technological Support of Advanced Technologies (Innovative Research) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General Roman Yurievich Kordyukov. Roman Yurievich, hello!


I.K.: As you know, recently there has been a reformatting in the activities of your Main Directorate - new tasks and new priorities have appeared. Is it possible to talk about this in more detail?

R.K.: This year, taking into account the analysis of activities over the past period, including the experience of holding congress and exhibition events, indeed, our Main Directorate of Research Activities has undergone changes in the organizational and staffing structure, while maintaining all the main tasks that were previously assigned to the Main Directorate and a number of new tasks were added. And now, organizationally, our Main Directorate consists of three departments, the main directions of which are, of course, the organization of congress and exhibition events - this is the department that deals specifically with activities related to the preparation of all events of the Ministry of Defense in this area.

The second direction, as before, we still have a department that is engaged in the search, selection, implementation, and practical testing of all the latest achievements innovative technologies, including, of course, robotic systems for military purposes. And in a separate segment we have created a department that is engaged in the examination of incoming proposals, organizing interaction with federal executive authorities, with all structures of the Russian Federation that are engaged in development in the field of innovative research and, in fact, the results of which can be useful for solving problems Ministry of Defense. Therefore, I want to say that our number of tasks has not only decreased, it has, on the contrary, increased, staffing structure optimized and allows you to solve existing tasks with greater efficiency.

I.K.: Let’s then move on to the Army 2016 forum - in September the Ministry of Defense is holding the second International Military-Technical Forum. How are preparations for this event organized now?

R.K.: Preparations for the Army 2016 forum essentially began immediately after the Army 2015 forum ended. We analyzed what we achieved during Army 2015, and after that we developed a set of measures, approved it by the Minister of Defense, and are currently successfully implementing it. Preparations are organized in several areas - this includes the preparation of infrastructure, which will be completely new by the time the Army 2016 forum is held, this includes the preparation of exhibition-static, dynamic forum programs, and an extensive scientific and business program. This year we expect international participation of foreign delegations.

"We have currently sent invitations to the Army 2016 forum to 107 foreign countries"

The forum program also provides for the holding of international meetings at various levels, and a program of stay is being developed separately for each foreign state. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense and emergency situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Federal service on military-technical cooperation, the government of the Moscow region, state corporations Roscosmos, Rostec, Rosatom, of course, the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation is helping us. That is, in fact, participants in the process of preparing for Army 2016 are all federal executive authorities and structures that allow us to solve the assigned tasks.

I.K.: What conclusions were drawn from the peculiarities of organizing the Army forum last year? What best practices will be used today?

R.K.: As the survey shows public opinion that the Army 2015 forum held last year became a precedent, both in scale and intensity of events, and was highly appreciated by the country’s leadership and the Ministry of Defense. Rated as successful and with prospects for development. It was of an interspecific nature, we, of course, made certain conclusions and took into account as much as possible all the recommendations, wishes of all participants and visitors, and taking this into account, we expanded the program for the Army 2015 forum, significantly changed the approaches to the formation of static and dynamic exhibitions, Well, and a number of other issues, which we will certainly refine and take into account the results obtained as much as possible.

I.K.: Let's talk about the event itself. What will the forum consist of? Where will all this take place?

R.K.: The main events of the forum, as last year, will be held at the convention and exhibition center of the Patriot Military Park. Once again, I want to emphasize that this will be an updated infrastructure, a qualitatively updated venue for this event. Our forum program includes a set of protocol-related events. An extensive exhibition will be deployed - the so-called static program, an extensive dynamic program will be held, a number of events of the scientific and business program, and, of course, events related to the military-patriotic education of youth and a number of cultural and artistic events.

I.K.: Tell me, this year the duration of the forum will be increased, as I understand it, by two days and will already be six days. What is this connected with?

R.K.: Having carefully analyzed the results of the forum held in 2015, and seeing during this period the growing public interest and popularity of congress and exhibition events held by the Ministry of Defense, it was decided to hold the forum duringfrom 6 to 11 September. A distinctive feature is that we use Friday, Saturday, Sunday - these are, in fact, weekends, where we expect a massive attendance of people who can freely attend all events without restrictions.Of course, we have planned for September 6the official part, we expect the work of the top officials of the state and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. On September 7 and 8, we expect specialists to work, and I would like to emphasize that during the period from September 6 to 8, visiting the forum is only possible with prior registration. I repeat that September 9, 10 and 11 are days of mass attendance.

I.K.: What areas of development of promising developments in the interests of the military department are planned to be presented at the Army-2016 forum?

R.K.: An analysis of the submitted materials that we currently have and the applications received shows that enterprises of the domestic defense-industrial complex will widely present samples, technologies, and developments for solving problems in various fields.

“At the demonstration site you will be able to see the capabilities of robotic systems and unmanned aerial vehicles”

In addition, promising areas of development will be widely discussed during the events of the scientific and business program. Taking into account the experience of last year, for each event of the scientific and business program we invite a moderator from among the leading scientists, scientists from the military-industrial complex in this area, that is, we plan to qualitatively increase the level of events in order to achieve specific goals that we set up for carrying out this or that event during the scientific and business program.

I.K.: And by what principle is the selection of exhibits carried out, what will be shown specifically?

R.K.: The selection of exhibits from among those offered by developer enterprises, believe me, is very large number applications are received, carried out by specialized specialists in accordance with promising directions development Armed Forces Russian Federation. The exhibition exposition will be divided into thematic clusters of branches of the military, military command and control bodies, and we also envisage the organization of specialized exhibitions “Arctic”, “Innovation Club” and “Intelligent Industrial Technologies”, which will be located in separate clusters. In addition, we plan to place innovative developments in the field of robotics in a separate cluster, including some of the samples that will be on static display for some time, which will then be used in a dynamic display. And we are planning to host and have three national expositions - these are the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

I.K.: Will foreign participants take part for the first time or was this already last year?

R.K.: Last year at the Army 2015 forum we had foreign states as participants in exhibitions. Basically, this year we expect to visit the expositions presented by foreign developers during the exhibition itself; I want to emphasize once again that these are exhibition expositions of the republics of Armenia, Belarus and Kazakhstan in separate segments.

I.K.: What is the interest for foreign participants to show their developments in Russia?

R.K.: Firstly, it is, as they say in Rus', “to show yourself and to look at others.” The opportunity to evaluate the level of one’s achievements in a particular area, to see the achievements of the Russian defense-industrial complex in this area, in similar products to the exhibited products, and, of course, this dynamic program is of genuine interest to foreign participants, just like last year, where you could see all the achievements in action live. I would like to dwell in more detail on the events of the dynamic part of the forum, which are planned to be held this year using demonstrations of the running and firing capabilities of weapons and military equipment, both from the availability of the Ministry of Defense and industrial enterprises. In addition, the dynamic program includes overflights of aviation groups, demonstration performances by aerobatic teams of the Aerospace Forces, helicopters, and demonstration performances by airborne units and ground forces.

In general, this year we expect a powerful, extensive, dynamic program. To date, we have already selected more than two hundred pieces of equipment that will be involved in the events of the dynamic part of the forum, and further work continues to attract samples that, in our opinion, will be of interest to both specialists and the general public. To demonstrate the dynamic capabilities of weapons and military equipment, it is planned to use a number of objects. These are, of course, the facilities of the Alabino polygon, which were involved last year, as well as ours distinctive feature this year is that the dynamic program will be organized in all districts: in the Southern, Central, Western, Northern Fleet. A dynamic display of equipment is also planned to be held in the city of St. Petersburg.

I.K.: I wanted to ask the question in more detail so that you could talk about the introduction of robotic kits. In what areas is this being done today, and what is the future for this area?

R.K.: Robotic systems are certainly of great interest for solving problems of the Ministry of Defense. This is one of the most important tasks. The work is organized in several directions. Of course, this is work that was initially assigned according to the requirements of the tactical and technical specifications issued by the Ministry of Defense - a standard procedure. Besides, as we all know, there are a lot of developers various types robotic complexes offers its so-called initiative developments. In order to streamline the resolution of these issuesA commission on robotization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has been specially created in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which is headed by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Incoming proposals are analyzed in detail, we are currently testing about 5 - 7 samples of complexes developed by enterprises on their own initiative, and after receiving or not receiving a positive result, a decision is made to use these samples to solve the problems of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.I can say that I am very pleased with the increased interest, primarily from many enterprises, their desire to work, their desire to create new technologies. There are a lot of proposals, but, of course, we continue test cooperation in this direction with the interdepartmental working group for the development of military special robotics and dual-use robotics under the leadership of member Military-Industrial Commission Oleg Viktorovich Martyanov.

We have very close cooperation with the Foundation for Advanced Research, where the Center for the Development of Robotics has also been created. Issues related to the robotization of the Armed Forces are resolved, among other things, at events held as part of congress and exhibition activities. At Army 2016, we have a separate segment for demonstrating military robotic systems in action, where we exhibit and offer to see in action not only the samples that were developed as part of the state defense order, but also to see the capabilities of the samples developed on an initiative basis.

I.K.: Tell me, are these robots primarily planned to be used for mine clearance, or can they also take on some other functions?

R.K.: Those that we currently use in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

“In the Syrian Arab Republic, mine clearance robots have proven themselves and have shown their worth”

We have fire extinguishing robots, which are also in use in the Armed Forces. There are robots that solve problems, including combat ones, I can say, ground ones, and we now have very widely developed unmanned aerial vehicles, the effectiveness of which has been repeatedly demonstrated to the general population, to the whole world during coverage of the implementation of tasks by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Syrian Arab Republic.

I.K.: You mentioned combat robots. In general, is this still exotic, when, say, a unit or special forces of the ground forces uses such robots or are there plans to adopt them into regular service in the future?

R.K.: The word exotic is probably somewhat unacceptable. After all, the robot’s task is to save a person’s life and make it easier for a serviceman to solve assigned tasks. Therefore, I think that it is too early to say that the robot will be able to make decisions for a person, and even at present, the final decision on accepting the payload that is on the robot is made by a person, the robot only recommends, as he thinks - that’s all the last word remains with the person.

I.K.: So this is remote control?

R.K.: Remote control with elements of artificial intelligence and independent decision making. Not quite remote, there are autonomous machines that perform tasks in a far zone, but, of course, they drop information about their state at any time, and the operator can intervene in the actions of the robot.

I.K.: Are there any plans for robots that will operate in the marine environment?

R.K.: It all depends on the readiness of the technology. There are certain tasks in this area, we are studying our colleagues.

I.K.: Do you mean foreign?

R.K.: Naturally. Of course, developments are underway in this direction, decisions are being made, as well as special tasks and support tasks. This direction carried out, developed . It all depends on the readiness of the technologies that will allow us to solve that problem. That is, in essence, to complete the task for a person.

I.K.: Let’s talk in more detail about the demo program. It will take place at the Patriot Park site at the Alabino training ground, and, accordingly, will the military districts and the Northern Fleet show something on the ground?

R.K.: Yes, we plan to significantly expand the geography of dynamic display locations, which is planned to demonstrate the capabilities of modern Russian weapons and military equipment. It will be organized in all districts and in the Northern Fleet.

During the dynamic part - I will go by district - the Western Military District, of course, this is our Alabino training ground. As I have already said, we have planned the main exhibition area there, where the dynamic capabilities of existing and future models of weapons and military equipment will be widely demonstrated.

In the Eastern Military District, more than 100 types of weapons and military equipment are planned to be displayed; the events will take place at four sites - this is in the Far Eastern Center for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair, on Russky Island, as well as at the Central Uglovaya airfield and on the territory of the 33rd berth of the city of Vladivostok, where The main events of the dynamic display will take place.

In the Central Military District, the main part of the demonstration of weapons and military equipment will take place in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma Sverdlovsk region. Armament and military equipment will be presented both from the availability of the district and samples from museums and industrial enterprises.

More than 100 types of weapons and military equipment are also planned for display in the Southern Military District. The main events of the dynamic display will take place at the Kadamovsky training ground.

It is also planned to demonstrate the capabilities of promising weapons and military equipment in the Northern Fleet. The main events will take place in the city of Severomorsk.

And a display of modern weapons and military equipment is planned at sites in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt.

I.K.: Can you name some of the latest promising models of technology that can be seen?

R.K.: According to our assessment, there will be plenty of new types of weapons and military equipment on display in the exhibition pavilions. These are new unmanned aerial vehicles. I repeat, they are both mock-up and active, which will be on static display at a certain point in time, and then will take part in a dynamic display. The latest advanced materials, developments and technologies are used on unmanned aerial vehicles. The enterprises will also present the latest developments in aircraft, weapons and equipment for the ground forces.

I.K.: Will access zones be delineated for everyone and narrow specialists?

R.K.: The program of forum events was developed to solve specific problems. Let me remind you that the opening of the forum will take place on September 6. September 7 and 8 are the days designated for the work of specialists. Entry to the forum events will be subject to pre-registration. September 9, 10 and 11 are days of mass visitation for a wide range of the population. This year, the Army 2016 forum will include a number of areas - a program of protocol events, an exhibition-static program, a demonstration program, a dynamic program, and a scientific and business program. I would like to dwell briefly on these main areas. This year's static exhibition is being formed in accordance with a single plan and is distinguished by its consistency and practical orientation, while the area used for the exhibition is almost three times larger than the area we used last year.

The area for displaying aviation equipment at the Kubinka airfield has been significantly expanded and we continue to work with the High Command of the Aerospace Forces to increase the number of displayed samples. In addition, as part of the Army-2016 forum, the first international exhibition "Intelligent Industrial Technologies" will be held, which will demonstrate high-performance equipment and technologies for the technical re-equipment of industrial enterprises, including. The Arctic exposition will be formed as a separate segment, on which we plan to concentrate all innovative developments, product samples and technologies that, in our assessment, can be used to solve problems in Arctic zone. We also plan to create an exposition “Innovation Club”, which will present innovative samples such as finished products, and technology. The results of scientific and scientific-production companies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will also be demonstrated.

I.K.: Is it planned to have the opportunity to check the running and fire tests of weapons and military equipment for official delegations and specialists?

R.K.: Such a possibility exists during Army 2016. In order to familiarize potential applicants and buyers of weapons and military equipment with the driving and firing qualities of weapons and military equipment, as part of a dynamic display, it is planned to familiarize delegations with the main tactical and technical characteristics and combat capabilities in the presence of technical specialists Russian Federation. Representatives of official delegations and specialists at the forum will be given the opportunity to study individual models of small arms, including their firing qualities. In addition, to test driving and combat capabilities, training complexes will be installed, on which it will be possible to conduct practical driving and test various weapons.

I.K.: Who will take part in round tables, conferences, and briefings?

R.K.: The Program Committee for the preparation of the scientific and business program of the International Military-Technical Forum, together with military command and control bodies, has compiled a list of events that is linked to the systematic directions of the exhibition exposition. The scale and scope of the scientific and business program relative to the Army 2015 forum last year has grown almost significantly. Only within the framework of the open part of the scientific and business program, more than 50 round tables and briefings are being prepared, which will be organized by the central bodies of military command, as well as leading Russian scientific schools.

This year we are completing, as I already said, the construction of a new forum infrastructure, and it will be possible to use more than 20 equipped last word technology of conference rooms, which will allow not only the people who will be in these rooms to take part in our events directly, but also video conferencing will be widely used. We invite leading scientists, leading figures in science and technology, weapons developers in specific areas of scientific round tables and briefings as moderators.

Also, during the events of the scientific and business program, we have planned to hold a meeting of the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory" under the leadership of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin.

A joint meeting of the interdepartmental working group will be held to develop promising technical requirements to robotic complexes under the leadership of a member of the Military-Industrial Commission Oleg Viktorovich Martyanov, and a meeting interdepartmental commission Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and State corporation Rosatom to coordinate work in the fieldnon-nuclear weapons under the leadership of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Pavel Anatolyevich Popov.

I.K.: Tell me, is it possible to say that thanks to the implementation of the Concept of Congress and Exhibition Activities in the interests of the Ministry of Defense, new names of manufacturers, developers, and brands have appeared?

R.K.: I can say that a number of new organizations have appeared, new specifically in the market for the development and supply of weapons and military equipment to solve the problems of the Ministry of Defense, which, through their actions and the result of their work, will provide the Ministry of Defense with technologies, and precisely thanks to the mentioned Concept when carrying out congress and exhibition events, the leadership of the country and the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense were presented with a large number of new developments, some of which have already undergone practical testing, some of which are being tested in specialized testing organizations of the Ministry of Defense at the training ground.

“A number of military models have actually already entered service with the troops and are undergoing trial military operation.”

I.K.: Can you name the main areas of development and implementation of breakthrough technologies to which the Russian Ministry of Defense pays the main attention today?

R.K.: The Russian Ministry of Defense pays great attention to a wide range of development areas. This is not only weapons and military equipment, but also property, uniforms, and a number of auxiliary developments that allow us to solve problems. Specific areas of research have been determined by the President of the Russian Federation, I can say thatpriority is to create highly intelligent weapons and equipment, for example, with elements of artificial intelligence.

I.K.: What will be shown by the highest educational institutions Ministry of Defense, governing bodies, military-scientific centers of branches and branches of the military?

R.K.: The participation of military educational institutions will be organized in three main areas. This is a demonstration of the results of innovative research and development in the interests of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the exposition of scientific companies will be integral part thematic section "Innovation Club". The work of a pre-selection point for candidates to pass will be organized military service in scientific companies. The selection of candidates will be carried out in accordance with the areas of activity namely scientific works, propaganda and explanatory work, distribution of information and visual materials will be organized, and the work of military personnel of scientific companies will be organized in the events of the scientific and business program, expositions of military command and control bodies, industrial enterprises and their participation as assistants to the organizers of the forum.

I.K.: What is our frequency? Is the Army forum held once a year?

R.K.: For now, our Army forum is planned once a year. Last year there was, and based on the results of the Army 2016 forum, a final decision will be made on the further procedure, while in odd-numbered years the Ministry of Defense holds Innovation Day, and the Army forum in even-numbered years.

I.K.: Is there any feedback from manufacturers of weapons, military equipment, the scientific community, and developers?

R.K.: Undoubtedly. It is to expand interaction that we are creating a platform for direct dialogue, which we will conduct during Army 2016, and from the point of view of organizing interaction in various areas, the Ministry of Defense has organized cooperation in the exchange of information on advanced technologies, and is organizing video conferencing in order to reduce time to make a decision. Therefore, of course, feedback exists; we are constantly in direct dialogue, asking each other questions and jointly looking for ways to resolve the issues raised.

I.K.: But some criterion for assessing the effectiveness of forums and exhibitions that are held under the auspices of the Ministry of Defense - what is the efficiency factor?

R.K.: The efficiency factor, of course, is end result- this is an improvement in the quality of solved problems. The ultimate goal is to implement latest achievements into the activities of the Ministry of Defense, and it may not always be just weapons and military equipment. This could be some kind of innovative development that makes it possible to improve living conditions, conditions for performing tasks, and increase the comfort of a serviceman in certain conditions. That's why final goal- this is to introduce advanced and new things so that the tasks assigned by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are completed with the highest quality.

I.K.: Can you tell us about other objects of the Patriot Park that will be used during the forum?

R.K.: Absolutely. During our dialogue, I dwelled on the main facilities that will be used to host a static exhibition, a dynamic one, and conduct a scientific and business program, but the Ministry of Defense does not stand still. Currently, on the territory of the military-patriotic park "Patriot" there are a number of objects that have appeared literally over the last year: this is the so-called, already well-known "Partisan Village", which provides for the living environment of our partisans during the Great Patriotic War. The latest event that was widely covered in the media mass media- this is the Youth Army movement, and this facility will be used, which is currently built in the Patriot Park. In holding cultural, artistic and military events patriotic education The sector of military-tactical games will be involved, where events for the patriotic education of youth will take place, and a well-known object, which is now a brand of the Patriot Park and is widely visited by the general population.

"Of course, all the facilities that are deployed on the territory of the Patriot Park will be used"

We are now, along with a universal training and demonstration center, building a so-called Aerospace Forces cluster, where a powerful exposition of types and branches of the military will be deployed and by the beginning of the forum, where weapons and military equipment will be demonstrated, it is already being actively imported to the territory of the Patriot Park, so I can say one thing: the people who visited the Army-2015 forum, and the same people who will come to the Army-2016 forum, will see not just a lot of new things, but a lot of new things relative to what was demonstrated at the Army 2015 forum.

I.K.: Let’s return to the topic of a training and demonstration center, which will host exhibitions, events, and scientific and business programs. Can you tell us more about it?

R.K.: In fact, the construction of a unique building is now being completed, which will include four exhibition pavilions. It is being built using advanced technologies that can be used now, at the present time, and this building has four exhibition pavilions and so-called “inserts” - three monolithic inserts that will house halls, meeting rooms, and a dining room - expanded modern infrastructure, which will allow high-quality events of any level to be held at the highest level.

I.K.: Let’s return once again to the announced exhibition of robotic systems - I’ll ask you to tell us more about it.

R.K.: The exposition of military and dual-use robotic systems will be widely deployed as part of a static exposition, where we expect the appearance of new models, which we already know about, but it will not be interesting to just visitors if now I tell you in advance what we will demonstrate there .

These will also be new unmanned aerial vehicles, which, in fact, have not yet been demonstrated to anyone. These will be new ground robotic systems developed by industrial enterprises on their own initiative. Some of these complexes will be presented during a dynamic display at the Alabino training ground. Basically, of course, there will be a demonstration show for specialists on September 6, 7, 8. For specialists, visiting the forum is subject to prior registration, and we plan to include some of the new developments in the dynamic program, which is intended for a wide range of visitors on the 9th, 10th and 11th.

I want to say that during the dynamic program, the so-called developments, robots, will have to perform fire missions. An episode will be played out to support the action of a reconnaissance group, repulse an attack by a mock enemy, make passages in mine-explosive barriers, as well as demonstrate their running and maneuvering capabilities in conditions of electronic suppression, smoke - in fact, in conditions as close as possible to combat ones. We also plan to demonstrate the development of the first autonomous vehicle based on the KamAZ vehicle, which essentially replaces the driver, and during the Army-2016 dynamic program we plan to demonstrate the capabilities of this complex.

I.K.: Let’s say an industrial enterprise, an initiative group of developers is ready to offer something that they consider would be useful and important in relation to the activities of the Armed Forces. What is the procedure, the technology of connection between your Main Directorate and these proactive developers who do not have a state defense order?

R.K.: Let me lay out a specific example. We are currently working extensively on one of the unmanned aerial vehicles, the so-called quadrocopter, which has a payload capacity that is several times higher than existing ones. I can say that the procedure is extremely simple: a developer comes, believing that he has invented a certain product, which, in his subjective assessment, is useful for fulfilling the tasks of the Ministry of Defense.

Let me remind you that we have a commission on robotization of the Armed Forces. The deputy chairman of the commission is Army General Pavel Anatolyevich Popov. The methodology is extremely simple: it is collected working group from among the specialists of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the product proposed by the developer is evaluated, after which specialized specialists from the Ministry of Defense begin to work to assess the conformity of the product proposed by the developer, for compliance with the requirements put forward by the Ministry of Defense to solve those problems, and a joint collegial decision is developed, is this product useful for solving the problems of the Ministry of Defense, is this development a cloning of the achievements of any work performed in past years. A detailed analysis is carried out, a comparison of the characteristics declared by the developer with existing ones, including promising developments that are planned in this direction within the framework of the state defense order, and the commission collectively makes a decision on the further procedure of work. An end-to-end work schedule, the so-called road map, is being developed. A development enterprise, an initiative that wants and strives to work in the interests of the Ministry of Defense, unconditionally takes upon itself the obligations associated with bringing its sample to the requirements set by the Ministry of Defense. But, if the Ministry of Defense issues a requirement, and upon confirmation of the declared characteristics, this work complies, then the development company, the initiative, having completed the test cycle at the request of the Ministry of Defense, expects that its product will then be purchased. That is, the need, objectives, degree of refinement, role and place of a particular model in the system of armed struggle to solve problems are determined and a certain patronage is given, as a result of which a person understands that if he fulfills the requirements, his product will be in demand. Unfortunately, a lot of people come to the Ministry of Defense who, not knowing the whole situation regarding developments in one direction or another, especially, I can honestly say, in robotics and unmanned aerial vehicles, do not understand this.

I.K.: But today, everyone who is not too lazy, in my opinion.

R.K.: The situation turns out: we have so many proposals, and no matter how you look, there is always a new unmanned aircraft, and when people then come, in the dialogue they understand that they are not the first in this market - someone is offended, someone reacts normally. Therefore, we are open: we are ready to consider all developments that are of interest, and what’s more, we are ready to implement them to solve problems in the interests of the Ministry of Defense.

“What is truly useful will be selected, implemented, tested and developed to a level that will allow us to fulfill our mission.”

I.K.: And in conclusion, a short question: what do you expect from the Army 2016 forum, which will be held in September? What would you like to receive as a result?

R.K.: As a result of the Army 2015 forum, we have already learned something. The Army 2016 forum will perhaps show us our shortcomings in organizing these events relative to the Army 2015 forum. But, naturally, we are expecting a very large number of visitors, because we understand that it is interesting. We are expecting a wide attendance of this event from foreign delegations, and, of course, we, people in uniform, are waiting to see something new that we have not seen before. That is, those new developments that will subsequently be selected and implemented to solve the problems of the Ministry of Defense.

I.K.: Thank you. Let me remind you that the guest of the General Staff program today was the Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Research Activities and Technological Support of Advanced Technologies and Innovative Research of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General Roman Yurievich Kordyukov. We talked about the Army 2016 forum, which will soon take place at the Patriot Park. As always, we will meet in the General Staff program exactly in a week.