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Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU


eLIBRARY.RU is the largest electronic library of scientific publications in Russia, with rich capabilities for searching and obtaining information. The library is integrated with the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), a free, publicly available tool for measuring and analyzing the publication activity of scientists and organizations created by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. eLIBRARY.RU and RSCI are developed and supported by the Scientific Electronic Library company.

The scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU is the largest Russian information and analytical portal in the field of science, technology, medicine and education.

CyberLeninka Scientific Library


CyberLeninka is a scientific electronic library built on the Open Science paradigm, the main objectives of which are the popularization of science and scientific activity, public control of the quality of scientific publications, the development of interdisciplinary research, a modern institute of scientific review and increasing the citation of Russian science.

The electronic publishing space is undergoing constant changes like any developing organism. In the spring of 2017, eLIBRARY management tried to distinguish between some concepts in the formation general list scientific electronic journals.

These concepts were: the “core of the RSCI”, the index itself (RSCI) and the eLIBRARY database:

To the “core of the RSCI” includes a list of authoritative journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University and similar scientific and educational institutions.

RSCI citation index includes the core of the RSCI as well as other publications. These are mainly articles from scientific journals, conferences and monographs, which require less high demands, rather than to the publications that make up the core. The RSCI also includes materials from dissertations and patents.

eLIBRARY becomes more common system, which includes journals included in the Russian scientific electronic library (SEL). This also includes some non-periodical publications and publications in which the author participated as an editor, compiler or translator.

As a result of the creation of the new structure, the list of RSCI journals has changed significantly. The new division helps to cover almost all works submitted to the NEB. However, this is happening in a new way, with the participation of the Hirsch index - an indicator for assessing scientific productivity. This index is no longer calculated in general view, and for each of the indicators: the RSCI core, the RSCI index and the scientific library as a whole.

For authors, the new rules promise full accounting scientific works in the online publishing space. The creators of the NEB are trying to make the structure and ranking criteria more systematic, understandable and flexible for all users. The merger plans to move significant publications to the core, and carry out the reverse process, removing from it publications that are not of paramount importance for modern science. The user community will have a clear picture of the current state of scientific activity in Russia and abroad.

How to find out if a journal is included in the RSCI

In eLibrary you can easily find a publication with a citation index on any topic. There is also an introduction option additional conditions search, for example, year of publication.

Convenient site navigation allows you to open the requested information in a few clicks. Among the parameters is the presence of a scientific citation index.

On the main page of the site in the Navigator menu, click on Magazine catalog:

Then you should set the topic. To do this, select the required discipline from the list. A list of journals in this area available in the library will open.

In the parameters, select the value “indexed in the RSCI” and click on the Search button.

RSCI journals in economics

A large list of economic journals allows you to find publications on virtually any topic. There are more than 2200 specialized publications. TOP 100 best economics magazines

Journals on pedagogy included in the RSCI

Journals on pedagogy are in high demand. Publications in them show how education is developing, new approaches and teaching methods are being developed. TOP 100 best pedagogy magazines

List of RSCI journals in jurisprudence 2019-2020

Law journals reflect current developments in the field of law. To improve his professional status, a lawyer should regularly refer to new publications.

Publication of articles in Rostov-on-Don and other domestic cities is one of the main areas of work of the Center for the Development of Scientific Cooperation. During its 9-year existence, our company has acquired the status of a prestigious and trusted publishing house, therefore all organized All-Russian scientific conferences in Rostov-on-Don are extremely popular in scientific circles.

A detailed list and information about current conferences in Rostov-on-Don, established under the auspices of the CRNS, is presented in the corresponding section of the site. If publishing abstracts is not enough for you, you can start publishing articles in special books. Today, the publication of scientific articles in Rostov-on-Don is carried out in three collections of works, consisting of sections and headings. The minimum volume of one publication is 10 pages, the cost of each is from 125 rubles.

For each book there is an international editorial board that monitors the correctness and compliance of the presented materials with generally accepted standards. In addition to the article-by-article publication of the RSCI in Rostov-on-Don, the materials are assigned an international standard in accordance with the requirements of GOST book issue– ISBN. Publications are sent out within 10 days after the deadline for submission. Also, 16 copies of each book, with the participation of the Book Chamber, are necessarily sent to the largest libraries in Russia and the CIS.

In addition, our development center publishes books and monographs in Rostov-on-Don based on materials submitted by candidates for candidate and doctoral degrees, as well as other scientists. Discounts are provided for regular authors, so we invite everyone to work on the development of world science right now!



The Rostov branch of the Russian Customs Academy publishes two journals: four times a year, the scientific and practical journal “Academic Bulletin of the Rostov Branch of the Russian Customs Academy” is published (located in the scientific database electronic library eLIBRARY.RU. Publications are taken into account when calculating the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). License agreement dated August 22, 2014 No. 498-08/2014), once a year – scientific journal « Student newsletter", as well as scientific monographs of teaching staff, collections of scientific articles and conference materials (posted in the database of the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU., starting from 2011 to the present period)

The scientific and practical journal “Academic Bulletin of the Rostov Branch of the Russian Customs Academy” is posted on a separate website.


Evgrafova O.V. Economics of (post)crisis and problems of modernization human capital: monograph/O.V. Evgrafova. Rostov n/d: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2019. 202 p.
Kiyanova L.D. Tools for creating export-oriented supply chains (using the example of the agro-industrial complex): monograph/L.D. Kiyanova. Rostov n/d: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2019. 200 p.
Podroikina I.A. Problems and prospects of the death penalty in modern Russia: monograph/I.A. Podroikina, S.I. Ulezko. Rostov n/d: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2019. 214 p.
X XIII Youth Scientific Forum “Science Week”: materials of the scientific and practical conference(Rostov-on-Don, April 16–19, 2019). Rostov n/d: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2019. 586 p.
Peculiarities government regulation foreign economic activity V modern conditions: materials of the VI All-Russian scientific and practical conference (Rostov-on-Don, November 14–15, 2019). Rostov n/d: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2019. 552 p.

Features, problems and ways to improve administrative and jurisdictional activities customs authorities in the operating conditions of the EAEU: collection materials III scientific and practical conference (Rostov-on-Don, March 20, 2019). Rostov n/a: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2019. 68 p.

Collection of scientific works by students of the Faculty of Customs. Rostov n/d: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2019. 136 p.

Collection of scientific works of students of the Faculty of Economics. Rostov n/a: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2019. 168 p.
Collection of scientific works of law students. Rostov n/a: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2019. 126 p.
Putilina E.S. Realization of the right of inheritance in Russian Federation: current issues theory, legislation and practice: monograph / E.S. Putilin. Rostov n/d: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2018. 212 p.

Ten Yu.P. Cross-cultural marketing in the system of international economic relations: monograph / Yu.P. Ten. Rostov n/d: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2018. 190 p.

XXII Youth Scientific Forum “Science Week”: materials of the scientific and practical conference(Rostov-on-Don, April 17–20, 2018). Rostov n/d: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2018. 468 p.

Features of state regulation of foreign economic activity in modern conditions: materials of the V All-Russian scientific and practical conference (Rostov-on-Don, November 15–16, 2018). Rostov n/d: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2018. 566 p.

Features, problems and ways to improve the administrative and jurisdictional activities of customs authorities in the context of the functioning of the EAEU: collection of materials from the scientific and practical conference (Rostov-on-Don, March 29, 2018). Rostov n/a: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2018. 92 p.

Collection of scientific works of students of the Faculty of Law. Rostov n/d: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2018. 98 p.

Collection of scientific works of students of the Faculty of Customs Affairs. Rostov n/d: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2018. 160 p.

Collection of scientific works of students of the Faculty of Economics. Rostov n/a: Russian Customs Academy, Rostov branch, 2018. 174 p.