“The world has become smaller,” some will say. “People have become cruel,” others will confirm. And only a third will object: “Russia is not without good people.” One cannot but agree with the last expression after reading the stories of these five individuals.

Fedor Mikhailovich Rtishchev

Nobleman Fedor Mikhailovich Rtishchev During his lifetime, he received the nickname “gracious husband”, and his name was recorded in the synodics (memorial books) of countless monasteries and churches in gratitude for his activities and financial investments.

Fyodor Rtishchev was a friend and ally of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. During his life, he built many schools, shelters for the poor, hospitals, and became the founder of St. Andrew's Monastery. This man, seeing a drunk lying on the pavement, could easily pick him up and take him to a shelter. During the Russian-Polish War, Rtishchev achieved success in peace negotiations with representatives of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. During the battles, Fyodor Mikhailovich carried both his own and the enemy from the battlefield. He hired doctors with his own money and bought food for the wounded and prisoners.

Most of all, his contemporaries remembered the incident when in 1671, during a severe famine in Vologda, Rtishchev sent there 200 measures of bread, 100 gold and 900 silver rubles. These donations were proceeds from the sale of part of the nobleman's property. When Fyodor Mikhailovich found out that the residents of Arzamas were in desperate need of land, he simply donated his possessions to the city. When Rtishchev died, his “life” appeared in monasteries. This was practically the only case when the righteous life was described, not of a monk, but of a layman.

Anna Adler

Anna Alexandrovna Adler She dedicated her entire life to helping children with disabilities. In the 19th century, the activities of charitable foundations were mainly aimed at satisfying only the physical needs of disabled people for food and shelter. They were deprived of the opportunity to realize themselves in society.

Anna Adler herself was involved in educating the blind in order to prove to others that they could study and earn their living just like everyone else. This woman mastered the Braille system, found funds to purchase a printing press in Germany and began creating teaching aids for the blind. In addition to teaching literacy, in schools for the blind, under the patronage of Anna Adler, boys were taught to weave baskets and rugs, and girls were taught to knit and sew. Over time, Anna Alexandrovna translated the notes into a form understandable for the blind, so that they could learn to play musical instruments. The first graduates of the school for the blind in Moscow and St. Petersburg, with the active assistance of Anna Adler, were able to find work. This woman managed to break the established stereotypes about the incapacity of the blind.

Nikolay Pirogov

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov became famous as a brilliant surgeon, naturalist, and teacher. Already at the age of 26 he was appointed professor at the University of Dorpat. Pirogov devoted his entire life to saving people. The soldiers called him a wizard who performed miracles right on the battlefield.

Nikolai Ivanovich was the first to distribute the wounded on the battlefield, immediately deciding who would be sent to the hospital first and who would get off lightly. This practice has made it possible to significantly reduce the amputation of limbs and the mortality rate of soldiers. During operations, Pirogov was the first in Russia to use anesthesia, thereby relieving the wounded of excruciating pain.

In addition to performing his direct duties, Nikolai Pirogov carefully ensured that warm blankets and food were delivered to the soldiers. When after graduation Crimean War Nikolai Ivanovich had an audience with Emperor Alexander II, and in his hearts he began to talk about backwardness Russian army and its weapons. After this conversation, Pirogov was sent from the capital to serve in Odessa, which can be regarded as a manifestation of the sovereign’s disfavor.

Pirogov did not despair and directed all his energy to pedagogical activity. The scientist zealously opposed class education and the use of corporal punishment. “Being a human being is what education should lead to,” this is exactly what Pirogov believed. Unfortunately, Pirogov met with decisive rebuff from officials. All students spoke of him as a brilliant teacher who cared not only about their education, but about instilling high moral qualities.

Sergey Skirmunt

In the second half of the 19th century there lived a certain Sergey Apollonovich Skirmunt. He was serving as an army second lieutenant when a fortune fell on him. From a deceased distant relative, the 30-year-old officer received 2.5 million rubles, land and farmsteads. But, unlike many people who suddenly became rich, Skirmunt did not go to great lengths.

He donated part of the money to charity. On his Crimean estate, the newly-minted landowner decided to improve the living conditions of the peasants. New houses were built to replace the dilapidated shacks. A hospital and a school also appeared there. Needless to say, the residents of the estate prayed daily for the health of the landowner.

Vladimir Odoevsky

Noble origins of the writer and philosopher Vladimir Odoevsky did not prevent him from showing sincere participation in the destinies of people of the lower classes. The prince actively advocated the abolition of serfdom.

Odoevsky organized the Society for Visiting the Poor, which provided assistance to 15 thousand poor families. Those in need or the elderly could turn to the society and receive medical care. Prince Odoevsky was called a “strange scientist” whose main quality was virtue.

Vladimir Odoevsky defended the interests of families

From June 29 to July 7, the annual civil society festival will be held in Gorky Park in Moscow. "Good people", organized by the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

The motto of this year’s festival is #foryourself! #For others! #for all!

At the festival it will be possible to get acquainted with the results of the work of civil society in solving the most important social problems. During all days of the festival there will be a large fair of projects - everyone will be able to personally communicate with representatives of successful charitable and public funds and with the authors social projects who provide real assistance to a wide variety of categories of citizens.

“We want to show that civic engagement has already become part of everyday life. People don’t wait for the authorities to do something, but they themselves begin to change the reality around us, says the head of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Valery Fadeev. “Civil society has enormous creative power, and the goal of our festival is to show the concrete results of projects implemented by social activists.”

“Good deeds are often done without pomp and publicity, few people know about them, but we want to make them visible so that every person understands that it is within our power to launch social changes,” he added.

On all days of the festival, the main site will host charity concerts, competitions and quests, and documentaries will be shown in the evening. Visitors to Gorky Park will have the opportunity to make their own crafts for the institutions under their care social protection, create your own work of art.

The thematic areas of the festival will feature art objects, art and photo exhibitions, interactive stands, master classes and charity fairs.

Festival guests will have the opportunity to sign up as volunteers and make a donation to a fund of interest.

Each day of the festival will be dedicated to a specific topic:

Within business program The festival has planned partner lectures and seminars from charitable foundations participating in the festival; master classes by expert practitioners, authors of social projects presented at the festival; There will be discussion platforms where guests and participants will discuss solutions to specific social problems. The festival's business program events will take place at the Pioneer cinema.

As part of the “Good People” festival, meetings are planned with famous guests— members of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation:

  • Diana Gurtskaya, singer, Honored Artist of Russia;
  • Leo Boqueria, cardiac surgeon, academician, director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution " Science Center Cardiovascular Surgery named after A.N. Bakulev" RAMS;
  • Irina Viner-Usmanova, President of the All-Russian public organization “All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics”;

We are united, driven and filled with meaning by one simple idea- we can make this world a better place! Together with thousands of equally caring people, We are reviving in Russia the values ​​of Goodness, care and participation of people in each other’s lives. And we see in this consonance with the national idea, character and path of our beloved Great Ro ssi!

Once upon a time, giving up a seat on a bus to an elderly person, helping a woman carry a bag, and protecting the weak was considered normal. Now such actions cause rather surprise and admiration, because it has become normal to remain silent, turn away, and convince myself that this does not concern me. Despite the fact that we generally love to please our loved ones and give them gifts, we are often embarrassed to show basic care for people we don’t know, for fear of being misunderstood. So the lack of our participation in each other's lives makes the world cold and people strangers... We want to warm our world together! What kind of world do you want to live in?

What are we doing?

1) Let's play! For example, a flash mob game "Good: pass it on to someone else!"(described in more detail below) encourages people to care for each other. From January 2014 we will launch another game, the author of which can be you! Write, we will carefully study your idea!

2) Together with charitable foundations, we are implementing a number of volunteer projects in the field of caring for children left without adult care and treating seriously ill children. Together with the St. Petersburg Parents Foundation, we are creating a volunteer school. The list of projects is not limited to the theme of childhood. We are open to offers from charitable foundations, Public organizations and initiatives from caring well-wishers.

Game “Good: pass it on to someone else!”

Do you like to play? We offer you a very exciting game!

The rules are simple!

Within 3 days from the moment you received our relay card, you need to take care of another person, preferably a stranger, and give him the card. How exactly to take care is up to you!

Purpose of this game:

raise such a “wave” of kindness and care so that the game grows into a stable popular habit that changes the consciousness and behavior of Russians. Someone will smile and catch the “wave” right away. And for someone, just to think about it, they will need to throw away 5 of our cards. Active players who like to make good waves can purchase a set of cards from ouronline store .

On our VKontakte page (see below) in the section “Kindness: pass it on to someone else,” game participants share their impressions of how they surprised others and what they themselves experienced by showing care. Join in!

If you think that the world is cruel, that it is impossible to change it, or that caring is inappropriate, etc. This is your right, just put it aside or throw away our card for now! And when someone takes care of you, ask yourself: was it pleasant for me? :)

Kindness is a relative concept; it is judged by actions. Every day people do good deeds - nursing newborn children, saving others from fire, etc.

Internet and printed publications often create rankings of the richest or famous. This time they went further and compiled a list of kind and sympathetic people in the world, whose actions set an example for others to follow.

At the end of the article we have prepared a surprise 🎁 - an exciting test to test your attentiveness 😃

The second wife of Emperor Paul I was an incredible soulful person. During her life, much has changed in Russia. She tried to help disadvantaged and abandoned children. Numerous orphanages were opened with donations. Orphaned, sick or weak children were taken to educational centers, where various specialists worked to help newborn babies and older children. Healthy refuseniks were distributed among peasant families to be raised. At the same time, they were carefully selected for reliability, so that the orphan would feel comfortable in a new family.

The Empress skillfully attracted wealthy nobles to charity. On her initiative, the Humane Society was organized. He was faced with the task of raising money to improve the lives of the disadvantaged. The organization existed until the beginning of the twentieth century. During her work in Kharkov, St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities, empires were built educational establishments for raising noble maidens.


Maria Feodorovna had 9 children of her own, so she could not ignore the suffering of strangers and abandoned children. Thanks to her active work, during the reign of Paul I, infant mortality decreased significantly.

The prince was a descendant of the Rurikovich family and a friend of famous writers Griboyedov and Pushkin. At one time, he expressed an active position against human enslavement and for the abolition of serfdom. Families of Decembrists exiled into exile repeatedly turned to him for help.

The St. Petersburg Society for Visiting the Poor, which he organized, simultaneously helped many families who found themselves in difficult conditions, below the poverty line.


The organization operated a school with a shelter, social trading shops, hostels for the elderly, and family homes.

His virtue did not allow him to strive for power. Despite his high position in society and rank, the prince remained to work in secondary positions. According to Odoevsky himself, holding such a post, he was able to do more for the good of society.

Prince of Oldenburg

The grandson of Emperor Paul I inherited an infinitely kind heart from his grandmother Maria Feodorovna. The distinctive features of his character were a keen sense of justice and compassion.

On his initiative, the first school in Russia for soldiers' children was opened. Later, Peter of Oldenburg contributed to the emergence of a school for lawyers. Soon he began to be invited to various guardianship societies. So, he became a member of the Educational Council at the School of Noble Maidens of the Order of St. Catherine. After this, the prince began to seriously think about developing education for women.

In 1858 he headed board of trustees Mariinsky School for girls. In it and in many others, the public figure implemented new training programs, more humane than before.


The attitude towards women was influenced by an incident that occurred while still serving in the army. The commander gave the order to the soldiers to physically punish the girl. After beating her for a long time, the prince submitted his resignation. Peter never returned to military service.

Contemporaries and followers considered him a holy man. His work was indeed close to the work of monks. Okolnichy selflessly cared for his neighbor, sometimes forgetting about his own needs and needs.


Rtishchev initiated the organization of shelters for the poor. During the famine in Vologda, he sold part of his own property in order to buy bread and send it to the city.

During the Russian-Polish War, he independently carried the wounded from the battlefield. The compassionate man did not care whether the warrior belonged to any side - he saved both Russians and Poles. Then, using his savings, he hired doctors to treat soldiers.

He spent part of his inheritance on charity for poor people to improve their quality of life. The rest of the money was spent on building a new hospital, school and houses for peasants.

A teacher by training, Anna was a kind and friendly woman. All her life she was engaged in educational and charitable activities. Special attention was given to people who, due to disability, have limited physical capabilities. She cared that those who had lost their sight could become full-fledged in society. Under her leadership, the first printing house in those days to print books for the blind was created.

The woman independently translated every page of her books into Braille. Later, music books were printed so that children could learn not only literacy, but also music.


Under the leadership and assistance of A. Adler, groups of students from the Moscow and St. Petersburg schools for the blind were released for the first time. This made it possible for the blind not only to find decent work, but also not to be outcasts in society.

The most famous Russian surgeon is a pioneer in many areas of medicine. He was the first to use anesthesia and perform operations directly in the field. His innovation of distributing the wounded on the battlefield according to severity allowed thousands of people to live and reduced the mortality rate from irrationally provided medical care.

Later, he became an excellent teacher, whose students learned the basics of surgery at the highest level, and continued the work of their mentor for many years, saving people.

A kind, sympathetic and modest girl in childhood, by chance, became a real princess. She is a symbol of goodness and light for all humanity. Only yours appearance and with a radiant smile she gave people hope. During a period of discord in the family and after her divorce from Prince Charles, Lady Di plunged headlong into charity. She began to donate huge sums of money for the construction of new hospices and hospitals. She supported both helpless old people and abandoned sick children.


After a trip to Angola, Diana demanded a ban on the use of anti-personnel mines during hostilities, because of which ordinary children, women and the elderly were left crippled or killed.

Society supported her, but, unfortunately, the princess did not see the result of her work. An accident took the life of an outstanding woman.

The Indian public figure spent his entire life fighting caste inequality and helping the poor and disadvantaged. He advocated for Indian freedom. His calls to equate the “untouchable” members of society with ordinary people, were often received with hostility.

He partially succeeded in reconciling Muslims and Hindus. Gandhi was prevented from finishing what he started by extremists who, led by a local millionaire, organized a terrorist group. In 1948, the famous philosopher and public figure was killed.

A young and brave girl saved about 2.5 thousand children from Jewish and Polish families during the Second World War. She couldn't watch hundreds of innocents die. Then Irena worked on “two fronts” - officially in management and secretly in an underground organization.

With the help of her contacts, she forged applications for the distribution of food and basic necessities in order to provide for a larger number of people in need. They began to gradually remove children from the ghetto. Some were carried by workers after their shift under raincoats, others were escorted through the tunnels. They were taken out by ambulance greatest number kids. There were always bags and boxes ready for equipment in which the children were hidden. To prevent the crying babies from attracting the attention of German soldiers, Irena carried a dog. The dog was specially trained to behave aggressively and bark loudly when the next patrol approached.

A model of self-sacrifice and kindness. During the war years he worked in orphanage, where there were Jewish children. With the arrival of the Germans, all the children were ordered to be executed. To brighten up the last minutes of the life of his charges and calm them down, the teacher went with the children to the gas chamber.

The Germans were merciless and killed regardless of age and race. Thus, Janusz signed his own death warrant and went to die with his children.

Soviet actor who gave many generations joyful memories. He entertained viewers on TV screens for many years. After this amazing person headed the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, he was recognized and loved by thousands of children, to whom the artist gave unforgettable impressions. At the end of the twentieth century, Yuri organized charitable foundation, to help veterans of the modern circus.

Her famous quotes have long become catchphrases that lift your spirits. And her performances gave people goodness and joy.

His mere appearance on screens brings incredible emotions to people. A kind smile captivates from the first frames. Entire generations grew up watching films with the participation of the great Soviet actor.

After the death of his wife, he donates almost all the fees for filming films to centers for helping children with cancer. The actor also regularly holds charity events.

Good-natured, always cheerful with childish naivety, he brought joy to people with his bright performances. He often donated his savings to charities and gave concerts to raise money for the treatment of sick children.

The famous Hollywood actor and former firefighter could not stay away from the events of September 11th. When the terrorist attack occurred, Steve returned to his previous job along with others. He put out fires and rescued the wounded from the rubble 12 hours a day without rest for a week. However, the actor refused to comment on his actions yellow press, saying it was his public duty.

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Egor Beroev and Ksenia Alferova

The couple has been helping children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and autism for several years. Three years ago they opened their own charity foundation, “I Am!” Egor and Ksenia try to make the life of their charges brighter and more colorful; for this they organize various holidays, exhibitions and concerts. They also try to create for such children all the conditions for healthy adaptation in adulthood.

Orlando Bloom

The famous actor has been a goodwill ambassador since 2009 Children's Fund United Nations (UNICEF). Over the course of several years, Bloom managed to visit many countries as part of charity projects. Among other things, he visited humanitarian missions in Ethiopia, Jordan, Syria and Macedonia.

Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun

In 2006, friends and actresses jointly established the Gift of Life foundation, which has since helped children with severe cancer and hematological diseases. Today in Russia, more and more children with such terrible diagnoses are getting a chance to recover and happy life, this is largely thanks to the help of the Khamatova Foundation.

Keanu Reeves

This Hollywood actor has long been famous for his - in a positive sense - eccentricity. Keanu often donated almost all of the film's proceeds to charitable organizations. Reeves knows firsthand about serious illnesses - his sister fought cancer for 10 years, so the actor spares no expense in supporting cancer funds.

Natalya Vodyanova

The beautiful Russian woman Natalia Vodianova has become famous throughout the world not only as a super successful model, but also as a philanthropist. The actress has been actively involved in charitable activities for many years. Younger sister Vodianova has suffered from a severe form of autism since birth, and Vodianova own experience knows that children with such diseases need special care and attention. Natalya heads the Naked Heart Foundation and annually holds charity concerts, marathons and auctions - all the money from such events goes to help children in need.

Oprah Winfrey

The legendary American TV presenter, producer and actress Oprah Winfrey has been actively involved in charity work for many years. Besides financial support many foundations, Winfrey is the founder of a special school for girls in South Africa. In a country where violence and murder are a daily reality, girls have virtually no chance of finishing school. Thanks to Oprah's efforts, several hundred graduates of this school have already received diplomas from prestigious American universities.

Maria Mironova, Igor Vernik and Evgeny Mironov

In 2008, the actors jointly established the Artist charity foundation, designed to help older artists. In addition to providing all kinds of material assistance to theater and film veterans, the foundation’s volunteers also provide moral support: they go to visit their wards, give gifts on holidays, and organize impromptu concerts.

Brad Pitt

Several years ago, the famous actor founded the Make It Right charity to help New Orleans residents affected by the devastating Hurricane Katrina. In less than 10 years, Pitt and his organization managed to build more than 109 houses. The best architects and engineers were invited to work on the project. The actor personally supervised the work of volunteers and controlled the construction process at all stages.

Konstantin Khabensky