To tear yourself away from the couch and take a step towards adventure - such promises are often made: to yourself, to your family, to your loved one. But somehow the execution doesn’t work out.

The maximum extreme in the understanding of the average person is to go fishing in an unfamiliar place. No, mentally we are all wow, extreme sports enthusiasts and pioneers!

In any case, this is exactly what it seems to us when another interesting “on-topic” story is shown on TV. Fortunately, individuals (I really hope you are one of them) are actually inspired by what they see and begin to plan to spend their vacation in such a way that there is something to remember. True, for the majority this smoothly transforms into the usual “all inclusive” set: limply lying on the beach and alcoholic “exploits”.

Then the “all inclusive” ends and only photographs from the series “I with a swollen and burnt face” remain as a memory. Usually this is “I” against the backdrop of some palm tree or obscure ruins. Less often with a monkey or “Any “friend” from the outback,” with whom in an alcoholic stupor they exchanged addresses and swore eternal friendship (God forbid they actually write!).

Boring, isn't it? But we are just ordinary people, and real travelers are former special forces soldiers, survivalists, or at worst millionaires.

You will be surprised, but no! Most of the people who prefer to spend their holidays interestingly are the most ordinary people. Teachers, workers, minor employees, programmers. They just once decided and went beyond the boundaries of their usual world.

So, we will tell you about the most unusual, but doable trips.

Traveling on horseback
Option one: rent a van and horse

This is when a faithful and strong horse drags a wagon and, of course, you. The option is quite affordable. The only condition is the ability to more or less care for horses and, of course, drive a cart. However, if you are passionate about the idea, then this is not a problem. A hippodrome, a stud farm or a village relative will teach you everything you need.

Vans and horses can be rented - in European countries this service is quite common, and in Russia it is no longer particularly rare. The only “but”: it is better to travel this way as part of a caravan. An instructor or more experienced comrades will help you spot a possible problem with a horseshoe or wagon.

Now remember your childhood - have you never wanted to go on a trip, but at the same time stay at home? Now your dream can come true - after all, what is a van if not a mobile home!

Option two: traveling on horseback

Horse tourism is a fairly popular phenomenon, but let’s say it’s more theoretical. Everyone has heard about it, but few can boast that they know someone who has traveled like this. So go for it, and the glory of an experienced pioneer will fall on your shoulders like a prince’s cloak.

On horseback you can get to very picturesque places that are not so easy to reach by car. For example, in the hills of Kamchatka. But you must admit, when a heavy backpack is pressing on your shoulders, there’s somehow no time to admire the beauty. Here you can feel like a proud centaur, and not a pack donkey.

You will find camel tours in the East: in India (through the Thar Desert), in the Emirates and in Uzbekistan.

Imagine a real house on wheels? Can't afford it? So there are also “budget” options, much more modest in size and much cheaper. If your goal is to travel, and you only intend to spend the night in the trailer itself, then “economy class” is quite enough.

An ordinary “cauldron” with a motor and oars. A tent, some food and clothing, and you're ready. Please note that the engine and fuel supply are more of a last resort. The constant roar of the engine will ruin all the fun. Oars, gentlemen, oars!

Hard? And who forces you to move them all day long? We rowed a bit, rested and took the oars again. If you’re tired, bored, or spot a nice parking spot, moor up. No one is rushing you anywhere. Fishing, catching crayfish, sweet idleness and an evening barbecue with kvass or tea from the pot. Now imagine how many impressions you will have from the trip, what a luxurious tan and what sculpted abs you can boast of!

Frank exoticism

The option is quite realistic, although not the cheapest. Well, and, of course, you shouldn’t count on going around the world. If you are a beginner, the most you will be allowed to do is travel for a few hours with an instructor. And frankly, it’s quite cool at altitude, and the basket isn’t too big.

But! You will pick up more impressions in these very few hours, more than during all your trips to all-inclusive resorts. Bird's eye views - something special! In any case, none of the travelers have ever regretted the time spent.

Scenes from Jack London and the Russian North immediately appear before your eyes.

In fact, you don’t have to fly that far to try yourself as a musher.

Even Switzerland offers similar entertainment. True, in this case it is rather “ersatz”. But the Russian North is much closer than it seems. Explore and see if we are right. Or search on the Internet - even in central Russia you can find sled dogs. You may have to go to a neighboring district or even region for this. But you must admit, the neighboring region is still not Alaska or Chukotka!

This is the name of the bamboo train in Cambodia. However, the word “train” in this case sounds too loud - it is rather a lightweight version of a motorized trolley. The speed is up to 30 km/h, which is quite enough for you to enjoy the views, but the insects do not have time to enjoy you. In this way they move in the provinces, somewhere on secondary sections of the railway.


Space tourism has become a reality, and the first travelers managed to go down in history by paying enormous sums of money. Today you can go to space for much more modest money - $250,000. The duration of the trip is 2.5 hours and during this time you will have time to enjoy weightlessness, views of the Earth and space services.

Budget travel options

It is believed that this is a “youth” option, but in reality even pensioners can (and do!) travel this way. Including in our country.

You will be surprised, but the attitude towards hitchhikers is quite favorable. Your recognition to the driver that you are not traveling in such an original way because of severe lack of money will only add respect.

Hitchhiking also has its own specifics. In particular, it is desirable to be able to “travel by ear” and do it well. If there is such talent, then drivers can not only give you a lift in the desired direction, but also make a detour for the sake of a nice fellow traveler.

(hiking on the plain or climbing mountains - trekking)

Good shoes, basic stamina and a tent. Here are the main things you should think about. The ability to make fires, including in the rain, kill a bear with a penknife, or make a nodya (a fire from logs) is welcome. But not necessarily.

If you have no experience, then choose the route as simple as possible and preferably with fellow travelers. We will be happy to give you examples of routes - read the route.

We warn you right away: it’s not a fact that you will like it. Not everyone is able to enjoy walking for many hours with a load on their shoulders.

One of the undoubted advantages is that you will lose weight right before your eyes.

Everything is extremely simple: come to the port, for example, in Novorossiysk, and hang out there, communicating with sailors. We do not recommend hiring yourself as a sailor - it is unlikely that you will be able to get off where you want. Contract!

But they are unlikely to refuse to offer their help as an unofficial laborer for the opportunity to get on this ship to the desired port, for example, to Istanbul. True, you should not count on maritime hospitality - dirty work and very modest living conditions await you.

As you can see, there are plenty of options, and if you want to stop being a “couch extreme”, then take a step towards your dreams. Who knows, maybe in a few years your stories on TV will inspire someone else to get off the couch?

April 23, 2015

All my life I have loved aphorisms. Since childhood, I wrote them down in my notebooks and diaries. I re-read it constantly. I still read them now. In your old diaries, books, the Internet.

Wise thoughts... What do they give us? What is their attractive value? After all, they haven’t sunk into eternity these days, they have flowed into social networks, websites, blogs. They post, repost, and like many times. What funny words.... What are the fashionable motivators now? Who doesn’t read them as jokes, in which there is only a grain of joke, and a lot of interesting thoughts and ideas.

We find something of ourselves in them. We seem to confirm to ourselves the correctness of our internal beliefs. Aphorisms for us, but we are already in them....

Today I want to present to you 50 aphorisms about life and travel. My favorite topic. And the theme of my “Diary of a Successful Mom,” where the subtitle to the name of the blog is an apt, slightly humorous phrase: “Life is a journey, and the journey is life!”

Aphorisms about life and travel

    I travel not to arrive somewhere, but to go. The main thing is movement. © Robert Louis Stevenson

    Travel, as the greatest science and serious science, helps us find ourselves again. © Albert Camus

    It is not necessary to live. Travel is essential.© William Burroughs

    Traveling reveals not so much our curiosity about what we are going to see, but rather our weariness from what we are leaving behind. ©Alphonse Karr

    I now understand that the surest way to find out whether you like a person or not is to go traveling with him. © Mark Twain

    Travel is like marriage. The main misconception is to think that you have control over them.© John Steinbeck

    Life is a journey. Choose who to go with! © Petr Soldatenkov

    It is not guided tours that come to God, but lonely travelers. © Vladimir Nabokov

    Life is a journey. For some it’s a trip to the bakery and back, for others it’s a trip around the world. © Khabensky K.

    Love for a particular city is determined by the feelings that one had to experience in it, and not by the city itself. © Marlene Dietrich

    Three things make a person happy: love, interesting work and the opportunity to travel. © Ivan Bunin

    All journeys go in circles. I rode around Asia, writing a parabola on one of the hemispheres of our planet. In short, a trip around the world is just a journey for a curious person back home.© Paul Theroux

    Traveling means debunking other people's misconceptions about other countries. © Aldous Huxley

    A train ticket raises more expectations than a lottery ticket. © Paul Moran

    No adventure-rich journey will be forgotten. Travels without adventure are not worth devoting books to. © Lewis Carroll

    – Are you guys going somewhere or are you just driving? – We didn’t understand the question, and it was a damn good question.© Jack Kerouac

    When you travel without knowing English, you begin to understand what it means to be born deaf and dumb. © Philippe Bouvard

    A tourist, as soon as he arrives somewhere, immediately begins to want to return. And the traveler... He may not return...© Paul Bowles

    A good traveler does not have precise plans or intentions to get somewhere. © Lao Tzu

    To be able to manage your leisure time wisely is the highest level of civilization. © Bertrand Russell

    My opinion about travel is brief: when traveling, don’t go too far, otherwise you’ll see something that will be impossible to forget later... © Daniil Kharms

    The traveler sees what he sees; a tourist is what he wants to see. © Gilbert Keith Chesteron

    The benefit of travel is the opportunity to adapt your imagination to reality, and, instead of thinking how things should be, see things as they are.© Samuel Johnson

    It's not people who make trips; it's trips that create people.© John Steinbeck

    Don't tell me how educated you are - just tell me how much you've traveled. © Muhammad

    Half the fun of traveling is the aesthetic of being lost. © Ray Bradbury

    Travel only with those who are your equal or better. If there are none, travel alone. © Dhamapada

    The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page. © Saint Augustine

    Each journey has its own secret destination, which the traveler himself has no idea about. © Martin Buber

    Traveling has its benefits. If a traveler visits the best countries, then he can learn how to improve his own. If fate takes him to worse countries, he can learn to love his country. © Samuel Johnson

    In twenty years, you will regret more not what you did, but what you didn’t do. So throw off the knots and sail out of the quiet harbors. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Open it up. © Mark Twain

    It's good where we are not. We are no longer in the past, and it seems beautiful. © From the notebooks of A. Chekhov

    Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home. © Anatole France

    If a person remains the same on a journey, it is a bad journey. © Ernst Simon Bloch

    People get to know each other through argument and on the road. © George Wells Herbert

    You are a traveler. Don’t say: I have such and such a city, and I have such and such. No one has a city; city ​​- mountain (in heaven); and the present is the way. And we travel every day as long as nature moves. © John Chrysostom

    The highest goal of travel is not to see a foreign country, but to see your own country as a foreign country. © Gilbert Chesterton

    When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. After that, take half the clothes and twice the money. © Susan Heller

    Travel only with those you love. © Ernest Hemingway “A holiday that is always with you”

    Traveling and living are much more interesting if you follow sudden impulses. © Bill Bryson “Travel in Europe”

    Travel develops the mind, if, of course, you have one. © Gilbert Chesterton

    The cheapest trip is to go on a book trip. © Nadeja Jasminska. Bookharmony

    Trains are amazing; I still adore them. Traveling by train means seeing nature, people, cities and churches, rivers - in essence it is a journey through life. © Agatha Christie. Autobiography

    Time constantly surprises us; it is impossible to get used to its tricks. The vacation ends as soon as it begins: as soon as you check into the hotel, it’s time to head back. But once you return, it feels like you haven't been home for ages. © Claudia Hammond. Distorted time

Hi all! In this post, I will list all the main points to prepare for your dream trip. This list is based on our travel experiences. If you have any additions or corrections, I will be very glad to see them in the comments!

So, you have decided that through year/six months/month/two weeks go on a trip to cities and countries that you have long wanted to visit. Everyone determines the preparation time for themselves, since all people have different ideas, expectations and desires about travel. For some, it takes a year to perfectly master several languages, complete courses in self-defense and first aid (we have met such travelers and admire them), and get everything sorted out. But some people need three weeks to get ready (and such comrades are right in front of you). But whatever the preparation period, there are things that need to be done in any case.

1. Determine the purpose/goals of your trip.

There must be a goal in any endeavor. Why? Because having a clearly formulated goal in your head, you will consciously and unconsciously strive for it. And this, in turn, will lead you to greater achievements and successes than in aimless work. I love the project approach to the implementation of any things.

Think of travel as a big personal project at this point in your life. What do you want to get out of the process and as a result of this project? Learn new languages? Find friends in every country on this planet? Take a photo with one of the most famous landmarks in each country? Find new ways to earn money for yourself? Think about it, write down your goals clearly and clearly for yourself. Immediately after this, you will understand that further travel planning becomes much easier and more enjoyable. Set goals that will inspire you throughout your journey, and leave you with the brightest memories after it!

2. Drawing up a route.

Surely there are countries that you simply dream about and visiting them is the basis of your trip (1). Now look at your goals and choose the countries that will help you achieve them (2) . Be sure to read information about the crime level in the country and find out how safe it is to travel to a particular country and how to protect yourself as much as possible (3) . After that, think about visas and decide whether you are ready to spend time getting all the necessary visas at once, or whether you will apply for a visa to the next country while already traveling, or whether you will choose visa-free countries altogether (4) . After these four steps, you will have a final list of countries for your trip.

The next task is to plan the order in which countries will be visited. It's important to consider the cost of traveling between countries, the seasons and weather in each country, and the amount of time you want to spend in each city. For example, we decided that we will be in each city for at least two weeks and no more than two months. Moreover, these should be places where everything is fine with the Internet, because... we need to work.

Planning a route does not mean that you limit your freedom of movement. No! There is still room for spontaneity, because... no one forces you to follow a route. But just having a plan will make you more confident and will also help reassure your parents and friends!

3. Financial planning.

Now that you have an itinerary and know the approximate timing of your trip, it's time to create as detailed a financial plan as possible. We have a special table in Excel, with detailed fields for income and expenses. Obviously, such planning will help you see how things are with money, whether your income is enough for you and what expenses are planned.

Financial planning is also useful because you will have to find out about approximate prices in the countries where you are going. How much does it cost to rent a house? How much does it cost to fly or travel from one city to another? This is very important at the planning stage, because... will help you get rid of some of your fears about traveling and will also provide you with a sense of stability that you need.

In this post I am not discussing ways to make money while traveling; there is a whole section for that. Here we are talking about preparing for a trip when you have already decided for sure that it will take place, which means you have already thought about your income. If you dream of traveling, but don’t know how to leave without money or earning options, take a look.

4. Buying tickets.

I will write in detail about purchasing tickets in a separate post, because... There are many nuances that need to be paid attention to. Buying tickets is one of the key steps towards your trip! After this, you can safely uncork a bottle of something delicious to celebrate such a significant event!

5. Visa processing.

If you need visas to visit certain countries, you should take care of this in advance, because It can take a long time to process multiple visas.

6. Search for housing.

After you have purchased your tickets, you need to find accommodation in the first city of your trip. The choice of housing depends on your financial capabilities. We look for the cheapest options, so we usually choose either Airbnb or Couchsurfing. You can read more about finding housing abroad in

7. Registration of insurance.

Applying for travel insurance is very simple and can be done online in 10 minutes. We initially did it for a month, but didn’t extend it any further because... Sometimes it’s easier to go to a public hospital than to go to your insurance company. But you may need insurance to enter the country, so for your own peace of mind, be sure to take out a policy.

8. Preparation of the body.

If you have time, take care of your health. It is not always possible to receive medical care while traveling. Insurance does not cover preventive appointments. Therefore, I recommend that you visit doctors for examination and consultation. To be sure that during your trip you won’t get a toothache, because it’s already very bad, and you haven’t shown it to the dentist for three years.

Also find out what vaccinations must be done to visit the countries you have chosen. For South America, we gave three vaccinations (against yellow fever, typhoid fever and hepatitis B).

9. Registration of bank cards.

Before your trip, think about how you will handle various transactions with your money. Which card will your salary be received from, which card will you use to pay for purchases, which card will you be able to withdraw cash from if necessary, and, finally, which card will your main income be stored on. All banks have different conditions, different programs and interest rates, and you need to familiarize yourself with them. With the right approach, you will not only not spend money on interbank transfers, but also make money on it.

Also look at the validity periods of your cards, they should cover the entire period of your trip. If your card expires during your trip, think about how to resolve this situation without problems. If you don’t have any cards at all, I recommend getting one for credit and one for cash withdrawal. The Citibank card is well suited for the latter, because... This bank is international, and there are branches in almost every city, so you can withdraw cash without commission.

10. Purchase of dollars and currency of the first country.

It’s better to go on a trip with at least a small supply of cash, this is obvious.

11. Studying the basics of a foreign language.

As it turns out, English can't always help. There are situations when, on the contrary, he very, very spoils the situation. You should know the basic phrases of the language of the countries where you are traveling. Buy small paper dictionaries because... In some countries it is better not to use a mobile phone for safety reasons.

12. Going to the pharmacy.

If you are planning a trip to more or less civilized countries, then of course there will be pharmacies there. But! If you need any special medicines or vitamins, it is better to buy them in large quantities in advance. I was faced with the following situation: what in Russia can be bought at any pharmacy for three minutes and three rubles, in Brazil, for example, requires a very long search, as a result of which it turns out that such things are not sold without a prescription from a Brazilian doctor, and They cost four times more than ours! I can say with confidence that any drug containing an antibiotic cannot be purchased without a prescription in almost all countries of the world.

Well, in general, a first aid kit should always be with you. Make a list of necessary medications, taking into account all factors. The standard kit must include something for allergies, because... in an unfamiliar environment, the body may behave differently than you are used to.

13. Completion of all matters.

It's time to do everything you've been putting off for a long time. Take unnecessary books to the library or book crossing, donate some clothes to low-income families, sell unused items on Avito, throw away trash that has been accumulating for a long time - you need to go on a trip with ease. Free yourself physically and mentally from everything unnecessary so that there is room for something new!

Also close your contract for Internet services so that you don’t accidentally incur any debt, pay off existing debts, visit relatives and have a farewell party! The points set are a good incentive to start new things.

14. Working with your fears and concerns.

To ensure that your journey is not overshadowed by anything, free yourself from fears. Every normal person has fears, they play an important role in your life and simply giving up on them will not work and is not worth it. But you can stop them from controlling you.

What comes to your mind when you think about traveling? As Dale Carnegie said, you have to believe in the best, but be prepared for the worst. I use this strategy very often. Are you afraid that you won’t be able to communicate in an unfamiliar language and that you won’t be understood? Or that all your money will be stolen? Will you get lost? What will happen then? Imagine the most terrible situation and your actions in it. What will you feel and say? Well, now you are prepared for the worst, and it should no longer frighten you into panic, it should only help you to be attentive and careful.

15. Collecting things.

The last of the main stages of preparation for the trip. If I were now on that day when I was packing my things, I would take exactly six times less clothes. To make a big trip, you must be light. A medium-heavy backpack allows you to achieve high mobility. Therefore, take only what is really necessary! It’s better to buy some missing item than to carry around 15 extra ones “just in case.”

I don’t recommend going on a trip with a suitcase instead of a backpack. If you don't have a backpack yet, be sure to buy it. You can find an excellent cheap backpack, for example, on Avito.

Traveling with travel agencies is not always convenient. Let's say you bought a bus tour around the Golden Ring of Russia, it may not be a vacation, but a torment. After all, on the bus you will find yourself with people whom you will have to endure all week. Add to this the time limit; each attraction has a strictly limited time. Add here the route, approved and unshakable, from which you cannot turn away or rewrite it. And along the way you will be constantly taken to shops, souvenir shops, and you will eat in the “right” places. It doesn't sound very rosy anymore. Obviously, a tour package is the choice of those who find it difficult or simply lazy to carry out their plans on their own.

It’s no secret that for an independent traveler, preparing for a trip takes many times longer than the trip itself. Unless you decide to surrender to the will of fate, give it a thumbs up and go hitchhiking around the country. But very desperate people are drawn into such adventures. We just want to relax and see something new and interesting.

In the case of traveling around Russia, everything is both simpler and more complicated at the same time. If you are not traveling by personal vehicle, then the main problem of the entire trip will naturally be transportation. Whatever one may say, the main aspect that needs to be taken into account is distance. In the conditions of “my native country is wide,” the method of weekends away from home, so beloved by Europeans, is unlikely to suit us. Judge for yourself, to fly by plane from Moscow to Lake Baikal (the nearest airport is in Irkutsk), at best you will spend about 6 hours in the air. In the worst case, you will spend from 17 to 22 hours on the flight with a transfer in Novosibirsk, and a flight for the two of you back will cost about 50,000 rubles.

Agree, a very wealthy person can afford such a pleasure, and he certainly won’t fly to Baikal for 2 days. The example is far-fetched, you say, because from Moscow you can easily and quickly fly to Sochi or Crimea. But to the Urals, Altai or Kamchatka - the most beautiful places in Russia, it’s no less a flight. And what should those who do not live in Moscow do? Some of our compatriots will fly to Sochi as much as Muscovites will fly to Baikal. And we only considered air traffic. You can easily imagine how much time it takes to travel along the Russian Railway.

So it turns out that if you are going to travel around Russia, you need to go for at least a week, or even two. And the pleasure from a long vacation is much greater than from a short one.
Our article will help you choose a place to stay in Russia:. So, the place has been chosen. Let's move on to the second stage.

Buying tickets.

The most important and very important part of planning is buying train tickets - all at once and for your entire trip, including return tickets. The fact is that the railway message is the most popular in Russia and during the holiday season tickets sell like hot cakes. By postponing the purchase of tickets until the last minute, you risk simply not getting on the train you need. Therefore, ideally, you should buy a ticket as soon as it goes on sale. This happens 45 days before the travel date, so it is possible that you will have to buy tickets several times, because we add the vacation time to the 45 days of the first ticket and it turns out that return tickets have not yet gone on sale. To avoid numerous trips to the station, and often railway stations are located only in large cities, it is advisable to buy tickets online on the official website of Russian Railways.

Having bought an electronic ticket, you can feel quite safe, except for one small detail - you will need to print the electronic ticket before the trip in the terminals located in the station buildings. Several difficulties may await you here. Firstly, there are often queues at the terminals, and secondly, the terminal will not print your ticket less than 10 minutes before the train departs, so we strongly advise you to arrive at the station with a small amount of time (an hour, an hour and a half).

Having calculated the travel time and purchased all the tickets, we now know exactly the number of days we will spend away from home. It's time to look for housing.

Search for a hotel.

The hotel business in Russia is developed quite well, but there are also unscrupulous hoteliers; staying in the hotel of such an owner can completely ruin your entire vacation impression. Therefore, when choosing a hotel, you should definitely look at the reviews. That is why we will book a hotel via the Internet and through a large website, which has a large database of hotels and a database of reviews from visitors to these hotels. Another argument in favor of online hotel booking is that, as a rule, we care where to live and we choose our place of residence based on its actual location on the map. You can easily use the map below to do this. On it you can choose any hotel you like in Sochi.

If we are interested in another city, we will use the form below and simply enter the desired location in the search bar.

Then everything is as simple as shelling pears - choose the hotel you like, read reviews, look at its location on the map and book. You will not have any difficulties or problems. All hotels participating in the booking program, in case of their unfair work, can be influenced by filing a complaint on the website. Therefore, all hotels presented on the site monitor their good reputation - after all, at the present time, online booking is almost the main source of customers for hotels.

Do you need excursions while traveling?

So, all the basic and most expensive manipulations have been done! We booked the tickets, we booked the hotel. It's a small matter. Identify interesting places to visit and schedule excursions. It's easier here. For an independent traveler, it is important to make a choice - book excursions through travel agencies or continue to travel everywhere and around by public transport and on your own.

It all depends on the place you choose to relax. If you have your attention on Sochi, then it will not be difficult for you to visit all the significant sights, both natural and man-made, on your own. Sochi has very good public transport, and the Lastochka train will make your travels a complete pleasure. We have a large series of articles about the sights of Sochi on our website: . Of course, not all the sights of Sochi are presented and described in it, but all the most interesting things are there. The main advantage of sightseeing on your own is the savings - getting somewhere on your own is always cheaper than taking a tour. And don’t forget that in most cases you pay for the guide’s stories. If you can completely do without local legends, and do not like being taken around cheese factories, apiaries and wine shops, then it is better to refuse excursions.

Based on the above, we strongly recommend that you do not spend money on excursions to Sochi, but explore everything yourself.

The situation is completely opposite with excursions in the North Caucasus. Transport links here are not very well developed and let’s say you can’t get to Elbrus except by excursion bus. Therefore, excursions to the Caucasian mineral waters are not just a whim, but a very necessary and often even irreplaceable thing. You can get acquainted with the sights of the CMS in our other series of articles.

This I know

1. Describe the geographical location of China.

China is located in East Asia. From the east it is washed by the waters of the western seas of the Pacific Ocean. In the northeast, China borders with the DPRK and Russia, in the north - with Mongolia, in the northwest - with Russia and Kazakhstan, in the west - with Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan, in the southwest - with Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bhutan , in the south - with Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam. The benefits of this geographical location are wide access to the Asia-Pacific region, which is now rapidly developing. The high mountainous terrain of Western China makes contact with its western neighbors difficult.

2. What place does China occupy in the world today?

Today's China is the largest state in the world. It ranks first in terms of population, second in value of products and services produced, and third in area. Almost all types of industrial products are produced in China. Modern China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Every 7-8 years the country doubles its production of goods and services. China is able to fully provide its population with everything they need. In addition, it is China that clothes and shoes half the world.

3. Tell us about the activities and lifestyle of the Chinese.

94% of the country's population are Chinese. The distinctive features of the Chinese are hard work, organization, diligence, and a special sense of the unity of man and nature. Most of the residents live in rural areas, but the number of city dwellers is growing. China has the world's largest labor force. The number of people employed on the farm is almost 50%. The majority of them (74%) are located in rural areas.

4. Compare the maps in Figures 206 and 207. Draw a conclusion about the relationship between population density and agricultural land use. Name the crops that are grown: a) in the Southeast; b) in the North-East.

Population density is directly related to natural conditions. Since ancient times, people have inhabited the most suitable areas for agriculture. Therefore, areas of highest population density and agricultural areas coincide.

a) in the Southeast, irrigated rice, tea and other heat-loving crops are grown;

b) in the North-East barley, wheat, and sugar beets are grown.

I can do this

5. Fill out the table

This is interesting to me

6. Imagine that you are traveling around China. Write a letter to a friend about your impressions. Reveal in your letter the features of nature, life, everyday life, and economic activities of the country’s population.

China is an amazing country that you definitely need to visit. The nature of China is diverse. There is a holiday here for every taste: for lovers of landscapes, skiing, beach holidays, and architecture lovers.

Residents of China tend to respect knowledge, scholarship, and books. Chinese people greet each other with a handshake. Entrepreneurs must carry business cards with text printed in Chinese (preferably in gold) and English (not in red). The Chinese are extremely frugal, trying to quickly accumulate capital.

People in China dress quite normally, so you shouldn't take anything special or extravagant with you. For formal events, bring a jacket and tie, a suit or a formal dress. It is best to use small but capacious suitcases or bags with wheels. Be prepared to change your clothes quite often; the weather in China is changeable.

Traveling around Beijing using the services of a rickshaw is an unforgettable experience. Although the pedicabs that stand outside hotels waiting for clients often charge quite a high price, it is definitely worth a ride.

It is not customary to tip, but a maid or porter at a hotel will not refuse 1-2 yuan.

The Chinese have never considered honesty a virtue, but cunning and deceit are traditional towards foreigners. The deception of a foreigner is considered a sign of great intelligence. Therefore, tourists are advised to bargain furiously and check the change against the light, as the money is often counterfeit.

7. Do you have Chinese goods in your home? What can you say about their quality and price? What Chinese goods would you recommend purchasing?

Today, Chinese goods are in every home. The majority of Chinese goods are consumer products and are not of very high quality. Today, absolutely everything is produced in China and of absolutely any quality. This situation arose for one simple reason: cheap labor, low environmental standards. That is why there are a huge number of factories and enterprises in China, the number of which amounts to tens of millions. The Chinese produce absolutely EVERYTHING: from food and socks to equipment for metalworking and heavy engineering. But many do not believe this, thinking that the Chinese are only capable of producing cheap consumer goods, plastic products and dangerous toys that our children break on the very first day.

However, today China produces many high and very high quality products. This is an iPhone and an Apple product. Many of you may not be at all surprised by the technology that exists today, but, in fact, it is a real miracle. China is a supplier of metal profiles from which, attention!, high-speed trains are made at European (including Bombardier) and Russian enterprises. China independently produces all cars for itself, of ABSOLUTELY ANY BRAND and they are all of excellent quality. I would say that they produce for themselves even better than we produce for ourselves. You can understand this if you drive such a car at least once: they are all jam-packed with electronics. They simply don’t have such bare-bones packages as ours.

But the current situation is such that Russia is a place for selling low-quality rubbish. Because there are still a lot of Russian people who will chase low prices, often neglecting quality. But on the other hand, the Chinese produce a lot of things and small things for us, the quality of which is not so important to us: some household items, plastic products, etc.

Therefore, it is difficult to deny, but we simply need many Chinese goods and are not ready to buy similar things from other producing countries, which will cost us an order of magnitude more and will last much longer. Even when buying another obviously low-quality item, many are attracted by the price of the product, and we know that we can buy another one of the same without any problems, because it is quite inexpensive.

8. Currently, China is one of the world leaders in terms of industrial production. However, most of its population still has a low standard of living. Try to explain this fact.

Various sources claim that the welfare of the Chinese is growing and average wages confirm this. However, if we talk about ordinary workers in factories and factories, and even more so about rural residents, their incomes are meager. This is due to the large labor market in China. The presence of a huge number of labor resources makes them cheap.

China, despite its rapid pace of development, is still unable to provide a decent standard of living for all residents of the country precisely because of their number.