Anyone who has tried to make money online has heard about article stores. Such resources are available on many exchanges, and they also work separately. But selling an article on the Internet for money is half the battle. It is necessary to ensure that your works are bought regularly and the payment for them is high. And in order to sell articles for normal money, you should follow a few simple recommendations.

Where can I sell an article for money?

There are several well-known exchanges with article stores. This:

  • Profitable exchange Advego

You can also find many other options using a search engine. But you should give preference only to those resources that have reviews online. Otherwise, deception is possible. Don't sell articles at too high a price. Remember the principle of free cheese.

How to sell an article on the Internet profitably?

Write on topics that are in demand. To do this, study the demand on copyright exchanges. In particular, it is better to write about business, loans, real estate, rather than about rare plants or philosophy. But this again is not a fact.

Try to make quality material. Find interesting facts, check the text for errors and uniqueness. All this will make you a professional whose texts will be more valuable.

Create a small assortment of several articles. And see which ones will have more demand. So, you will work out the concept of action.

Do not resort to fraudulent methods or violations of article store rules. Otherwise, you can get blacklisted and no one will buy your articles.

It is advisable to sell articles along with pictures. Even if they (pictures) are not unique. But their very presence makes the webmaster’s work easier and makes the article more competitive.

How to write an article for sale?

There are a few simple things to remember when writing sales copy:

  1. Don't write in the first person. Customers don't like this;
  2. Write outside the box. So that it doesn't look like copy-paste;
  3. Don't write a lot. Materials that are too large are not in demand;
  4. More information. Refrain from meaningless reasoning;
  5. Lists, paragraphs, headings, tables (if possible). All this will make the article more profitable;
  6. Choose a topic that is not too trivial to reduce competition;
  7. It's better to write what you know. This will create the illusion of professionalism.

The text should be engaging and interesting. Headings should be written in such a way that you want to know their essence. But they must be on topic. The title of the paragraphs in the style of yellow media is significantly off-putting.

How much can you earn?

Typically, copywriters set the order price themselves. The principle of the exchange applies here. But there are some numbers, like this:

  • A simple article of up to 3000 characters can cost about $0.5 - $1.5;
  • An article on a popular and complex topic costs about $2 on average;
  • Materials with pictures and large volumes cost $3-4.
  • Much here depends on your professionalism and choice of topic. The audience that considers such proposals also plays a role.

To get your first income, you need to set minimum prices. So, you will “test the waters.” Don't try to earn a lot right away. Otherwise, no one will buy materials from you.

Tricks for selling articles

Some exchanges have unnecessarily strict moderation. And articles have difficulty making their way into stores. Therefore, if you cannot sell your work, you can always work as a simple order fulfiller.

If you are new to this business, watch video courses or read text materials. Of course, there are few secrets from geniuses in the public domain. But you will definitely learn the banal truths.

It is best to create your website on the Internet. With its help you can advertise articles, promote services, and attract clients. The site can also serve as a good portfolio.

Of course, anyone can sell articles on the Internet for money. But it’s difficult to make your main income out of this. Don't count on easy money. This area has a lot of competition. It is led by hardworking and talented people.

The more unique articles there are in a publication, the higher its level (or the higher the traffic, if we are talking about a website). The fact is that many website owners are people who write complex programs and scripts. But at the same time they cannot formulate a sentence correctly. That’s why they don’t write themselves, but prefer to purchase content from people who write articles professionally. If you are one of those people who are engaged in writing articles, then your primary task is to write an article. Moreover, we are not talking about just one, but about finding a regular customer who will consistently order money for them.

To find a customer, do the following:

  1. In you can find a large number of content exchanges, which can be found through search engines. These exchanges have a large number of both advantages (popularity among customers, developed service systems, the ability to check the customer’s reputation, etc.) and disadvantages (low payment level, high competition, etc.). On these sites you can independently put up ready-made articles for sale by placing them in the appropriate sections, or take orders. Exchanges are great for beginning copywriters; this school is worth going through.

  2. You can sell your article on SEO forums. There is no such struggle for the customer as on exchanges, but you constantly need to maintain your reputation. In order to start selling your work on forums, you need to create a topic. In it you should leave a link to your portfolio, describe your work experience and indicate prices.

  3. A real opportunity to sell an article not only to Internet portals, but also to one of the periodicals is provided by various services for “freelancers”. These sites are engaged in intermediary activities. On them you will find a large number of orders placed by representatives of other Internet resources, blogs, etc. As you can see, there are not so few opportunities to find orders for writing articles, so if you have writing skills and initiative, you can get your first orders quite quickly. But don’t forget that the difficulty lies not in finding a customer, but in keeping him. And for this you need to follow the main rules: write quickly, competently, efficiently and charge adequate money for articles.

Video on the topic


  • How to sell articles on TextSale How to create and promote a blog

Every person strives for creativity. Some people draw, some people write. It's also a good idea to make money from your creativity. So to speak, combine business with pleasure. Selling articles on the Internet is quite a profitable business. Essentially, an article is content. Any website needs content to attract visitors and diversify its website. Therefore, interesting and useful articles are always needed.


Selling articles can be done in several ways. It all depends on the experience of the copywriter in . A beginner will be able to sell his work only on special exchanges for selling content. An experienced writer who has, often sells his to private site owners for a high price.

If you are a beginner, then you have a direct path to the content exchange. There are quite a lot of them on the Internet. Enter the appropriate query in the search engine and select the site you like. Most users prefer the Advego exchange. You can post your article on it, set a price and wait for it. Different exchanges have their own procedures for placing and transferring funds. Therefore, read the relevant sections for.

The price of an article on the exchange may vary. It depends on its volume, information content, subject matter, presentation. The conventional unit on article exchanges is the price per thousand characters. Consequently, the more it becomes, the higher its price. But again it all depends on its usefulness. An article with a lot of “water” will not have a high price.

Over time, you will be able to gain popularity among article customers. If your articles are of high quality and quality, then this will happen quite quickly. Every site administrator is interested in content. Therefore, a good and reliable copywriter is always needed. Writing articles for a person will bring much more, but the quality requirements will be higher.

Video on the topic

People are passionate about different things. Some people like to crochet or knit, some cross-stitch, some draw, some make creative and beautiful objects with their own hands, and some are fond of literature and write articles.


If you are interested in writing articles on various topics, you should remember that such a hobby can bring you not only spiritual satisfaction, but also a fairly high income. So, to make money from articles, you need to sell them by submitting them to various sites. Selling an article is not that difficult. There are many different article exchanges for this purpose. By registering there, you post your work on this site, which is not available to buyers until they make a payment. If a buyer needs an article, he goes to the exchange and enters the topic that interests him into the search bar. At his request, the search returns all articles with relevant topics. However, the buyer does not see the text of the article. He sees only a small part located at the very beginning of the article. If the beginning satisfies him, he transfers money to the account, thereby buying his creation from him.

Imagine that you already have an article. Now all you have to do is send it to the customer. Go online and use any search engine. Enter the following phrase into the search bar: “articles”. You will see a list of sites on which you can post your article and get paid for it. Choose any exchange, for example, Texchange, register there and put your work up for sale.

In addition to posting ready-made texts on exchanges, try registering on any resource and writing a custom article. This is done on the same exchanges, the most popular of which are Relevant Media, Advego, ETXT and others.

In addition to selling articles, you can run your own blog, where you will receive payment for each view of your text. One of the most popular blogs is the website To submit your article there, you need to register. After its completion, you will be taken to your personal account, where you will see the button: “Write an article.” After filling out the “Article Title”, “Category”, “Sub-Category” and “Format” fields, copy and paste the text of the article itself into the main fields. Below you will see the “Submit for review” button. By clicking on it, you will post your work on this site. However, readers will only be able to view it once the article has been reviewed by the editor.

Video on the topic

Have you, dear copywriter, ever been in the shoes of a customer? Have you tried to look at the situation on the stock exchange through his eyes? Have you purchased at least one article? If not, then you have no idea how articles are actually purchased.

Important note: we will talk about selling articles in article stores on various copywriting exchanges.


The bulk of customers can be divided into three large groups. The first is those customers who are just starting their project. This could be a website, block, information portal, etc. They come to the exchange, as a rule, with a ready-made site plan, a semantic core, and some kind of commercial displays. If this is an online store, customers know exactly what category of products they will sell, what the design will be and other little things. Therefore, they look for articles for specific requests, descriptions of specific products. Such customers pay less attention to the rating of performers and the price (unless it is completely overpriced). Most of them have calculated their budget and are ready to pay the average price for quite high-quality, more or less solid material. These customers know what they want. So if your article meets their needs, they will buy it anyway. If they don't find a suitable article, they will leave the order.
How to sell an article to such customers? Describe in detail what “keys” your article is tailored to, what audience it is intended for, what subheadings, provide a plan. Then the customer will have more complete information about what is written in your article, and will choose it rather than a “pig in a poke” without a description. If you are describing a product or category, be sure to include a couple of mid-frequency “keywords” from Wordstat.

The third group is customers who use your articles to promote their projects. For example, when exchanging posts, when ordering backlinks on Rotaposta or GoGetLinks, when posting on forums and social networks, when creating a network of satellites, and so on. For such customers, it is not so much the quality of the text that is important, but rather the topic and keywords. Such customers select articles for specific requests. Since they need a lot of articles, they choose the cheapest ones. In fact, such texts are needed not for people, but for search engines. On the other hand, the time of “gray” and “black” optimization has sunk into oblivion, so texts should look like for “white” projects.
Selling articles of this kind is quite easy. It is enough to indicate the key phrases, their percentage of occurrence, sign that the article is ideal for article promotion and set the price below the “hospital average”. The articles fly, but you don’t get much benefit from them. So whether it’s worth it is up to everyone to decide. However, for accumulating an initial rating, this is the best option.

Video on the topic

There are more than two dozen copywriting exchanges in RuNet, where you can not only write materials to order, but also sell ready-made articles in the store. Each exchange has its own conditions for accepting articles for sale. For example, in some places articles are manually moderated and checked by an editor, and if there are errors, they are rejected. And on some exchanges, articles are accepted without moderation, but in this case the average cost of 1000 characters will be low. The amount of earnings from selling articles depends only on the copywriter. The more articles posted on content stores, the more sales there will be.

Where to sell articles to a beginner copywriter

Beginning copywriters are recommended to try their hand at copywriting exchanges, where articles are accepted for submission to the store without moderation. However, the lack of moderation does not mean that you can do your job poorly - upload articles for sale with grammatical errors and low uniqueness. Such violations will be detected fairly quickly, which will lead to account blocking.

On exchanges where articles are not checked by editors, prices are usually very low, but there are a sufficient number of buyers who need cheap SEO content.

On the Textsale exchange, articles posted for sale in the content store are not moderated, but are checked for uniqueness. It is not advisable to sell articles on this exchange for more than 30-40 rubles per 1000 characters, since buyers mainly come to Textsale for cheap content. And most of the authors of this exchange are ready to sell their works at a price of 15-20 rubles per 1000 characters.

Money for sold articles goes to an internal account in the system. Payments are made to the WebMoney wallet on the second day after the withdrawal request. The article seller is charged a commission of 10% of the cost of each article sold. The minimum withdrawal amount is 1 WMZ (equivalent to 1$).

Where to sell articles to an experienced copywriter

If you have experience as a copywriter and are striving for a decent income, then to sell articles you can choose stores on the copywriting exchanges Copylancer, TextTrader and Miratext. On these exchanges, when paying out funds, the copywriter is charged only the standard WebMoney commission - 0.8% of the amount.

All articles uploaded to the Copylancer exchange store are manually moderated. If there are two or three grammatical errors, editors reject articles with a note that the text needs improvement. But having written a competent and interesting article on a popular topic, you can put it up for sale at a price of 60-90 rubles per 1000 characters. To understand which topics are in greatest demand, just look at the sales statistics on the main page of the content store. To make sales more intense, it is recommended to regularly upload new articles to the store. The minimum withdrawal amount is 120 rubles. Money is withdrawn to a WebMoney wallet.

  • Article Store
  • Catalog of articles Texttrader
  • Exchange of articles Textsale
  • Article store copylancer

Why do you think many talented copywriters suffer constant failures and leave the profession? The answer is obvious - due to wrong attitude. Most limit themselves exclusively to writing material (albeit quite high-quality), but they forget that selling articles, like selling any other product, is a business in which to achieve success you need to follow certain rules.

So how do you sell an article online?

The tips that I suggest you read are not instructions for making money at all. Rather, this is a simple list of recommendations based on personal experience, following which helped me establish a scheme for successfully selling texts and, I hope, will be useful to someone else. I also recommend reading another one, which is called - how to learn to write articles and make money.

Where to sell an article? Why article exchanges are attractive:

Most often, articles are written to order - employees (copywriters) receive a task from the client, adhere to pre-agreed conditions, without showing any initiative. But if you are a free spirit and do not want to limit yourself to other people’s boundaries, then the free sale of articles through text exchanges is more suitable for you, which, by the way, significantly simplifies the process of interaction with buyers and eliminates the possibility of fraud on their part.

There are plenty of services, but you shouldn’t register with all of them at once. Firstly, you will have to spend a lot of time adding an article to each directory, and secondly, when selling the text on one exchange, it will need to be urgently removed from other sources. If you don’t do this on time, the copy-paste will get to the client - your account will be banned.

The best article stores are ETXT, TextSale, Advego and ContentMonster. Each of them is focused on a specific category of copywriters and has a number of differences from its competitors. I advise you to read my comparative review of these exchanges to choose the best option.

Writing rules:

  • Try to work on topics in which you excel. You should not take on an order or put an article up for sale if you are not confident in your own knowledge. Neither beautiful design nor competent author’s style can hide false information in the text.
  • Write articles on popular and highly paid topics. You'll have to wait forever for someone to buy your text about irons of the 19th century, and even then at a significantly reduced price. But the categories “Construction” and “Make Money on the Internet” are held in high esteem by customers and sell out within a few days.
  • Learn to avoid punctuation and spelling errors. On exchanges, low-quality articles are unlikely to pass moderation, and private customers, seeing your flaws, will be happy to leave a bold negative review. Fortunately, you don’t need to work too hard - now the Internet is full of programs for checking text (I use the Google Chrome browser extension and the regular text editor MS Word).
  • You should not turn a text for sale into an example of the art of writing, oversaturating it with all sorts of metaphors and lengthy reasoning, especially if there is a more laconic analogue that is understandable to everyone. Even if you write purely on the topic, large tests will not always find their buyer - this is mainly due to the reluctance to pay a lot of money for a “pig in a poke”. The optimal size is considered to be 2-3 thousand characters.
  • The classic outline of an article, which should be followed, is as follows: first there is an introduction, then the main part of the text, where the question is revealed in detail, and at the very end the author sums up and draws conclusions. Any deviations from the standard are often criticized.
  • Resist the desire to insert your own self into the article (narrate in the first person). The exception is copyrighted texts that are written based on personal experience. In this case, the buyer should be warned in advance about this feature.

We create beautiful packaging:

Step one- come up with a title for the article and create an attractive description, this is a kind of commercial offer that accurately reflects the essence of the content. You need to focus primarily on popular search queries, then there is a greater chance that you will be noticed. The exchanges also offer the option to select a specific section of text, which is shown to buyers as a DEMO version. I recommend not using excerpts from the introduction, as they contain a lot of general information that is not conducive to attracting clients.

Step two– in the appropriate field, indicate keywords and phrases that most accurately characterize the content of the article, preferably choosing from the most popular ones. You can look them up from other copywriters who post similar texts, or on the customer request statistics service. The latter is very rare on stock exchanges.

Step three– attach additional materials to the article (graphics, images, photographs). Agree, it’s not so difficult to find a thematic picture on the Internet and, using a couple of simple steps, uniqueize it. Yes, you will have to spend time on this, but the article will look much more attractive to potential buyers and will not sit on the shelf for a long time.

Copywriter price list:

Authors have the right to set any price for their texts, but for obvious reasons (newcomers devalue their work in order to thus get rid of competition with more experienced workers), restrictions have been introduced on the minimum cost of a thousand characters. For example, on the Advego exchange they offer from $0.4/1000 characters for rewriting; copywriting and translators are priced at $0.8, and for unique images they pay an additional 20 cents or more. However, this is not a reason to charge exorbitant rates for services.

Even if you are a professional scribbler, without a rating and positive reviews, you will not be able to make good money - clients will simply find another “dark horse”. Agree, it is better to endure and work at minimum or close to minimum prices, increasing momentum along with increasing authority, than to sit without orders at all.

Average prices for copywriter services (depending on qualifications):

  • Beginner authors who have no experience in writing articles – $0.3-0.5 per thousand characters.
  • Mid-level copywriters – $0.5-1 per thousand characters, sometimes a little more.
  • Experienced writers with a lot of positive reviews – $1.5-4.
  • Pros – from four dollars and above (you can count these on the exchanges on one hand).

After putting the text up for sale, all that remains is to wait. You shouldn’t lower prices if you haven’t found a buyer in a couple of days/weeks - one way or another, a good article will find one sooner or later. It’s better to forget about it for a while, leaving it as a “nest egg” for a rainy day, and continue to work.

That’s actually all the advice I wanted to give to those who want to sell an article on the Internet. I would be grateful if you supplement the material with your thoughts by writing a couple of lines in the comments.

Thank you for your attention!

The copywriter is fed with orders. But sometimes you want to create some small but passive source of income. Or relatively passive.

What kind of passive income can a copywriter have?

As an option, you can put articles up for sale. This will be partially passive income, because you will still need to write them. But this is also a good option to monetize those articles that for some reason were not accepted by the customer.

There is no need to try to make selling articles your main source of income. As practice shows, sometimes an article can lie in a store for a year, or even more, until someone buys it. Especially if the topic is not very popular or too popular, and compared to competitors your material looks weak (or expensive).

What topics sell well?

There are topics that are always in demand, and articles on these topics are well distributed:

Beauty and health;


Cryptocurrencies (in light of recent events);


Sports (match reviews, etc.);

Repair and construction;



Recreation and tourism;

Movie reviews.

As you can see, there is room to expand, the topics are different and for different tastes. But before you rush off to write an article about a Caribbean vacation, take a break and read the following tips to make selling articles a truly profitable business.

What you need to do to successfully sell articles

It’s one thing if you still have an article lying around and you want to make at least something from it. But if you want to make this a profitable business, a professional approach is required.

1. This is elementary, Watson, but your article must be good and unique. Interesting, complete, revealing the topic.

2. Articles optimized for search queries sell better. Once you have chosen a topic, find the keys for it through Yandex.Wordstat. Collect synonyms. Write according to the LSI copywriting rules.

3.In the description of the article, briefly describe what it is about. Can you briefly outline the outline of the article? Be sure to write what keywords you optimized it for.

4.If you select illustrations for the article, you can raise the price by 20%.

5.By the way, about the price. Look at what prices your competitors sell articles on similar topics. Your price should not be the lowest - you will not earn anything. It must be competitive. If it is higher than the rest, indicate why in the description. Describe the advantages of the material. For example, you have an expert’s commentary there or it is a translation from a foreign source. Or contains research results, or something else. Something for which you can and should pay more.

6.Come up with a good headline that attracts attention. But not jaundice!

7.Try to avoid mistakes. Unfortunately, more than once I have seen articles in stores with typos right in the title. It is unlikely that anyone will buy such an article. And it will also tarnish your reputation.

8. People often ask whether it is possible to sell one article on several exchanges at once. If you want to do this, be careful. If an article was purchased on one exchange, it must be urgently deleted on others.

Where can I sell articles?

Shops on content exchanges operate to sell articles. The most popular of them:


The largest content exchange in RuNet. No exaggeration. And the article store here is one of the largest. Of course, this means a lot of competition for you, but at the same time there are many customers. If necessary, I myself go here to buy articles.

Each article is moderated before being published in the store. But be prepared for the possibility that the buyer may suggest corrections or dispute the purchase.

Prices for articles are different (as everywhere else), starting from 10 rubles per 1000 characters. You set the price yourself.

Popular topics on this exchange are construction, recreation and tourism, repairs, beauty and health, children and their upbringing.

An article put up for sale can be edited, but after that it undergoes moderation again.

After purchasing an article, the money is credited to the seller’s account within 3-4 hours.

The exchange commission is 10%, but it is divided equally between the buyer and seller. I think it's very fair.


Another content exchange “not small”. According to the administration, about 500 articles are sold here every day.

After being added for sale, an article undergoes moderation, which can take up to three days. You can edit an article only before it has been moderated. After that, that’s it. You can only change the price. The author sets the price himself.

Popular topics here are finance, beauty and health, cars, and electronics.

Each article can be accompanied by up to 30 unique copyright photographs or illustrations

Advice from the exchange is to add at least 50-70 articles if you want people to buy from you every day.


But here the shop has closed. Once one of the best content stores no longer accepts new articles for sale:

It's a shame because the prices here were pretty good.


This exchange also has a store where you can sell articles, reports and translations.

Exchange commission – 10%. You set the cost of the article yourself – and you can immediately take into account the system’s commission.

Prices vary. Those who give it away for free, but I’ve mostly seen prices in the range of 3-5 USD. for the article.

There is not a lot of work here, that is, competition is practically zero. Many articles are in Ukrainian.


The name of the exchange already speaks for itself. This is one of the first “shop-type” exchanges; articles on a variety of topics are sold here at market average prices.

What I don't like about this exchange is its design. It's not just outdated. He's ancient. And the navigation is such that the devil will break his leg.

Popular topics include technology, tourism, fashion, construction, cryptocurrencies, recipes and others. Prices from 6 rubles per thousand characters to infinity.

After publishing an article in the catalog, you can change the parameters of the articles, but not the text itself.

System commission – 10%. The minimum withdrawal threshold is 200 rubles, and this withdrawal is available only on WebMoney.


This is a marketplace where EVERYTHING is sold, including texts.

You set your own prices for the work. And not for the signs, but for the entire article. On average, prices per article are around 100-200 rubles and more.

The buyer is given 24 hours to check the lot, during which he can challenge the purchase.

Choose an exchange with a store that suits you, and provide yourself with additional income. Good luck and high sales!

Selling articles in stores and article exchanges can be a good start when looking to make money on the Internet. There are a lot of them on the Internet, some successful, others not so much. If you want to achieve some results in this matter, then I recommend that you sell your articles in several article stores at the same time.

Also read more:

So, it is best to sell your articles in several stores at once. But there is one big “BUT”! When selling an article in one of the stores, immediately remove it from other article exchanges. Unless, of course, you want to lose your rating or be blocked for selling an already posted article on the Internet.

Which article store is the best place to sell your article? Which article exchange is the best? Where and how to sell an article? Let's try to answer these questions.

To begin with, I will say that before writing a review of the best article stores, I worked for them for at least a year. And now I would like to give my objective assessment of the best article exchanges.

In first place in the ranking of the best article stores, I would put the store text . . M The store began its work relatively recently and has already managed to achieve a leading position among its competitors.

Pros text . :

High selling price of articles;

High speed of selling articles;

Manual moderation of each article (a plus for buyers).

Cons text . :

A special algorithm for checking texts for uniqueness (if on other sites the uniqueness of your article is more than 90%, here this figure can be equal to 38%) - you need to get used to the verification system;

In order for articles to pass moderation, you need to be a competent person: text .ru moderators are the most principled moderators of all article exchanges.

Advice for working on write and post more articles, gain ratings, but do not set the price too low, since the number of articles sold does not affect your rating in any way.

Register for text . .

Second place in the ranking of the best article exchanges can rightfully be given to the exchange Etxt . Etxt – is a reliable and proven exchange.

Pros Etxt:

Large number of buyers;

Good speed of selling articles;

Not all articles are checked by moderators; the site has auto-check (not always a plus for buyers);

Cons Etxt:

High competition;

Prices are below average;

For each non-unique article posted in the store, “-10” rating points.

Tip for working on Etxt: before each posting of an article in the store, check its uniqueness using Etxt - anti-plagiarism (must be at least 80%). At the initial stage on the article exchange, do not set prices too high for the sale of your articles, but do not lower the price too low either.

Register for Etxt.

I would put it in third place in the ranking of the best article stores Copylancer. A very good and convenient article store.

Pros Copylancer:

Limitation of the minimum price for 1000 characters (the most important advantage of this exchange is the high selling price of articles);

Gentle conditions for moderating articles and checking them for uniqueness;

If an article hangs in the store for more than six months, then an automatic discount is given to it.

Cons Copylancer:

Average speed of article sales;

If a moderator finds errors in an article, it is immediately removed from the store (after the errors are corrected, the article must be re-posted).

Tip for working on Copylancer: articles here are bought, as they say, “rarely, but aptly.” Patience and hard work are the main principles of working on Copylancer.

Register for Copylancer.

Fourth place – article exchange TextSale. A very old exchange, some people like to work on it, but others not so much.

Pros TextSale:

A large number of buyers;

The articles are not checked by anyone for literacy (a big minus for buyers).

Cons TextSale:

The selling price of articles is below average (high competition);

From time to time, a glitch occurs on the exchange and all your articles previously posted for sale are marked with a red icon and do not pass the uniqueness check, so you lose your entire rating;

The administration of the site is practically not involved in the exchange.

Tip for working on TextSale: place only unique articles on the exchange so as not to lose your rating (if the rating is zero, the articles are automatically removed from the store). If you suffer the fate of an “exchange glitch” and all your articles are marked as non-unique in one day, then there is one option to return it back: re-post the marked articles and set the sale price to $0.50. As soon as your rating becomes positive, the price of articles can be increased again.

Register for TextSale.

Fifth place for content exchanges NeoText And Krasnoslov. These exchanges have their own article store, similar interface and navigation, so they can be combined together.

Lack of literacy checks for articles and gentle checks for uniqueness (a minus for buyers).

Cons NeoText And Krasnoslov:

Very low speed of selling articles (exchanges mainly specialize in copywriting and rewriting).

Advice for working on NeoText and Krasnoslov: just post your articles in the store, you will sell several articles in any case.

Register for NeoText or Krasnoslov.

Sixth place – article store TextTrader. I registered in this store quite recently, I can’t give it an objective assessment, so its place in the ranking of the best article stores may be higher. I can’t say anything about the advantages of TextTrader yet, but I have already encountered one of the disadvantages: in order to post an article for sale, you need to download a special program TextTrader _Loader. When posting articles through this program, uniqueness is checked through Yandex search, and Yandex periodically blocks your IP address. It was impossible to post more than five articles a day in the store. However, I found a solution to this problem. Read the details.

But, I would like to note that in a month of working on the site, I have already sold 17 articles.