1.7 billion people on Earth work in the service sector

Irina Milovanova

Cynological center "Elite"

Despite all the advantages, business in the service sector is far from the easiest.

Of course, working in services is somewhat simpler than in manufacturing: no technological requirements, minimum approvals from regulatory authorities. But if you thought that entry into the service sector is available to everyone, we have to disappoint you: this is far from the case. In order to provide quality service, you need to put in no less effort than in any other field.

The main difficulty in this matter is that in the service sector the influence of the human factor is very strong. Let's face it: if you are a mediocre specialist, or do not know how to politely communicate with clients while providing services yourself, your business will not last long. It will be no less difficult if you hire third-party specialists. It is often quite difficult to select them, and it is not easy to monitor how they perform their duties.

Another disadvantage of working in services is a lot of competition. Where there is good demand and starting a business is relatively easy, you run the risk of encountering a lot of equally resourceful aspiring entrepreneurs. Therefore, in services, more than anywhere else, it is important to find your niche and create a unique selling proposition. Don't be afraid to experiment and do what no one else is doing yet. But do not forget about a sense of proportion: services should remain in demand, and not scare away consumers with their madness.

And of course, due to the great competition in the service sector, it can be quite difficult to “unwind”. This means it can take many years to build a name for yourself and command a price above the market average. But you have to start small: in the most competitive service industries, newcomers are often forced to work for little pay, hoping for good recommendations and word of mouth.

Services in Russia: what should the market expect?

But still, entrepreneurs did not face a decrease in demand for all types of services. For example, pawnshops and microloans have benefited from the crisis.

Things have also improved for most services that ultimately help you save money. For example, companies operating in the personnel outsourcing market are doing great: it is cheaper for a business to hire a third party to perform irregular work, rather than keeping someone on staff and constantly paying him a salary.

The business of helping credit debtors is also experiencing real growth.

All these changes are in one way or another connected with the worsening economic situation. At the same time, Russian residents do not expect the economic situation to change soon and are committed to saving. According to the Romir research holding, 11% of Russians intend to save on various expensive services, including those related to treatment or education.

Although education market participants themselves do not notice a significant decrease in demand. For example, the London Express network of foreign language schools noted that the number of students studying has decreased only slightly, and in the future the demand will not drop much: there are more people who intend to get a job abroad or improve their competencies in order to look better on the labor market .

But data presented by the National Agency for Financial Research shows: 48% of Russians save on vacations and vacations, 18% on transport.

From these figures we can conclude that in the near future the demand for services in the field of tourism, car servicing, as well as for expensive and unnecessary services will not grow. Therefore, you need to open a business one way or another related to this type of activity after first weighing all possible risks. Or perhaps it’s worth abandoning this idea altogether and looking around in search of new, more in-demand areas in the service sector.

Dmitry Zasukhin

Legal Marketing Laboratory

With all its features, business in the service sector is now very popular. By opening it, we begin to actively make money on our professional knowledge and skills. All this brings, in addition to income, true joy from work.

In my opinion, narrow specializations will be in demand in the near future. For example, lawyers defending fathers' rights, or food photographers. The narrower your specialization becomes, the easier it is for you to attract clients and find your niche.

Irina Milovanova

Cynological center "Elite"

I believe that small businesses definitely need to work in at least three areas that are close to each other. Then market monitoring will allow you to develop what is in demand at the moment and maintain a stable income.

It is also worth turning your attention to everyday services, which either were not greatly affected by the crisis, or, on the contrary, experienced an increase. At the same time, it is best to work in the economy segment.

1. Production of semi-finished products, components, parts commissioned by companies, clothing accessories, badges, etc.

2. Knitting socks, gloves, clothes.

3. Tailoring.

4. Making hats.

5. Shoe making.

6. Weaving lace.

7. Embroidery.

8. Production of “folk art objects” products.

9. Baking bakery products.

10. Production of flour, vegetable oil, pasta, sausages, soft and alcoholic drinks, mayonnaise.

11. Preparation and sale on site of pies, pancakes, shish kebab, grilled chicken, shawarma, etc.

12. Collection of old household appliances, repair and sale to people with low incomes.

13. Minor repairs of streets and roads.

14. Construction work.

15. Construction of children's playgrounds and courtyard complexes.

16. Manufacturing of piece furniture.

17. Blacksmithing.

18. Artwork.

19. Architectural and construction design.

20. Design work.

21. Breeding purebred cats and dogs.

22. Dressing of animal skins.

23. Making stuffed animals and birds.

24. Collecting gifts from the forest - nuts, berries, cones, mushrooms.

Services to the population.

25. Washing sinks and bathtubs.

26. Cleaning clothes.

27. Shoe repair.

28. Repair of plumbing, electrical equipment, gas equipment.

29. Apartment renovation.

30. Cleaning entrances, corridors, elevators.

31. Cleaning the area around the house.

32. Delivery of medicines to the population.

33. Collection of junk for disposal.

34. Hairdressing services.

35. Cleaning of premises and territory after repair or construction.

36. Funeral services (funerals, wreaths, ribbons, orchestra, tombstones, fences, grave care).

37. Sharpening cutting tools (knives, saws, drills, manicure tools, scissors).

38. Making keys, repairing household hardware.

39. Finding providers of household services (helping the population) using our own database (transportation of things, housekeeper, nanny, piano tuning, apartment renovation, etc.).

40. Furniture repair.

41. Photographing, developing photographic films and printing photographs.

42. Photocopying.

43. Making audio and video recordings.

44. Installation of TV antennas.

45. Installation of automatic washing machines and dishwashers.

46. ​​Broker for the selection of options for renting, purchasing, exchanging non-residential and residential space.

47. Activities of pawnshops.

48. Car security services.

49. Motor vehicle repair.

50. Repair of boats, boats.

51. Repair of sports equipment.

54. Rental (household appliances, tools, children's bicycles, toys).

55. Rental of audio and video cassettes.

56. Private paid library.

57. Rental of household appliances, tourism items, tools, equipment, etc.

58. Renting out housing, garage, shed, basement, plot of land, garden, vegetable garden, car.

59. Medical care.

60. Dental care.

61. Veterinary services.

Services in large shopping centers and stores under contract with them.

62. Consultations with specialists.

63. Packaging of goods.

64. Delivery of large goods to customers.

65. Cutting fabrics and hemming curtains purchased in a store.

66. Minor alteration of sewing products purchased at the store.

67. Stretching shoes and hats.

68. Carrying out engraving work.

69. Installation at the buyer’s home of technically complex goods purchased in a store.

70. Storage of customers' belongings.

71. Storage of baby strollers.

72. Organization of rest areas for buyers.

73. Organization of children's leisure time.

74. Organization of a cafeteria.

75. Providing information about the availability of goods for sale.

76. Order a taxi, etc.

77. Accepting orders for repairs and maintenance of technically complex goods.

Organization of leisure time.

78. Organization of recreation for the population: excursions, attractions, boating, motorboats, horses, etc.

79. On-site photo-film services: public places, kindergartens, schools, family celebrations, events at enterprises, etc.

81. Dating service.

82. Guides, instructors, guides in cities, in rural areas, in fishing and hunting grounds, in the mountains, etc.

83. Show organization, producing and directing work.

Educational services.

85. Tutoring.

87. Private courses, schools.

88. Preparation of abstracts, term papers, dissertations.

89. Dance training.

90. Training in good manners and business protocol.

91. Training of service and hunting dogs.

92. Dressage horses.

93. Training of children's groups.

94. Backyard coach of children's teams: football, volleyball, hockey, athletics, etc.

95. Organization of aerobics classes, etc.

96. Training of athletes.

97. Swimming training.

98. Personal training in the craft.

Services for enterprises.

99. Window cleaning.

100. Maintenance of the territory: green spaces, fountains, gazebos, etc.

101. Washing and dry cleaning of work clothes, curtains, tablecloths, carpets, etc.

103. Bicycle and motorcycle courier service for the delivery of correspondence, parcels, small cargo within the city or region.

104. Broker for the selection of options for renting, purchasing, exchanging non-residential and residential space.

107. Information desks on specific topics that provide information by telephone or via the Internet.

108. Announcement bureaus providing services for placing advertisements in thematic publications, on the Internet, and in public places.

109. Preparation of technical books: operating manuals, repair instructions, practical aids, etc.

110. Machining bureau, computer typing, scanning.

111. Printing documents on printers.

112. Photocopying.

113. Bookbinding works.

114. Thematic newspaper clippings according to customer orders.

116. Repair of wheeled and tracked vehicles.

117. Repair of production equipment.

118. Cleaning of pipes and chimneys of industrial enterprises and residential buildings.

119. Auditing activities.

120. Procurement and processing of secondary raw materials.

121. Warehouse operations in ports and stations.

122. Water well drilling activities.

123. Activities for the disposal of industrial and consumer waste.

124. Description, conservation, restoration of archival documents.

125. Activities for repair and restoration of cultural heritage sites.

126. Activities for the restoration of museum objects.

127. Repair of cash registers.

128. Operation of gas stations.

129. Carrying out disinfection, disinfestation and deratization work.

130. Real estate activities.

131. Publishing activities.

132. Printing activities.

Transport and related servants.

133. Transportation and transport and operational activities.

134. Transportation of passengers and goods by water transport.

135. Activities related to freight operations.

136. Freight forwarding services.

137. Passenger service in the territories and waters of seaports and roadsteads.

138. Reloading activities in water transport.

139. Transport and forwarding activities in water transport.

140. Agency activities in water transport.

141. Pilotage of vessels in water transport.

142. Loading and unloading activities on railway transport, in sea and river ports.

Small wholesale and retail.

144. Traveling trade.

145. Peddling (peddlers, traveling salesmen).

146. Street trading.

147. Small trade by mail.

148. Commercial intermediary or agent.

149. Sale of newspapers and magazines.

150. Sale of flowers, maintenance of pharmacy kiosks, etc.

Providing quality services to the population is a profitable idea for building a profitable business. In order to understand which services will be in demand and which will not, it is necessary to analyze the economic situation in the country.

It is quite obvious that during periods of economic growth there will be quite a demand for business related to entertainment events and pleasant pastime.

When there is a crisis in the economy, business that allows you to save money comes to the fore. But there are a number of services that are popular at all times. Let's figure out what services are in demand among the population.

Help for businessmen

Providing assistance to businesses is a fairly popular niche. For example, in times of economic crisis, even fairly large companies prefer to reduce personnel costs. The services of “coming” accountants or lawyers will come in handy here. In addition, this niche can also include the development of corporate websites, delivery of water and food to offices, or even office supplies.

In order to provide legal or accounting services, you must have the necessary knowledge. In order to provide delivery services, it is enough to have a vehicle. All these are quite popular services for business.

Traffic accident lawyer

Separately, it is worth highlighting such a popular business as providing legal assistance in case of an accident. Considering the huge number of cars moving on the roads of our country, such a business will be on the crest of a wave.

The activity of a car lawyer or accident commissioner, as they are also called, is to represent the interests of the car owner in various government bodies - the courts and the state automobile inspection. In addition, an auto lawyer will be able to competently negotiate with the insurance company and help get maximum payments from it.


The services of notaries are in great demand among the population, regardless of the state of the economy. It is clear that not everyone can be a notary; the selection for this job is quite strict.

In this type of business, the profits can be huge. Notaries don’t even need advertising – there are quite a few of them and competition in this environment is low. Even sitting in the office, notaries earn very good money. But there is an option to increase profits by saving on office rent - a traveling notary. Prices for such services increase 2-3 times compared to similar services provided in the office. Probably the help of a notary is the most popular service for the population.

Shoe repair services

At a time when economic growth slows down and an economic recession begins, people are in no hurry to spend money and try to save. Then, when choosing between buying another pair of shoes and repairing the old one, the choice is in favor of repair.

By registering as individual entrepreneurs, many Russian citizens begin to think about which sector of the national economy is best to develop their business.

If budding businessmen have an impressive start-up capital, they can take on more serious projects that require large financial investments. In the case where representatives of small businesses have limitations in personal funds, they should turn their attention to less global business projects.

How to choose a business direction

Many entrepreneurs decide to develop their business activities in the field of providing services to the public. To actively expand your business in this direction, you need to become familiar with some nuances, the application of which will allow you to smoothly bypass all the pitfalls.

Just 20 years ago, enterprises providing household services to the population operated, if not at a loss, then with a very small profit, which was only enough to cover current expenses.

Today The situation in the household services market has changed radically.

Wide circles of the population have begun to trust more companies whose professional activities make their lives easier. In this regard, many representatives of small and medium-sized businesses began to develop more actively in this industry, offering Russian citizens well-thought-out and combined household services:

  • provision of any household appliances for rent;
  • cleaning services;
  • repair and tailoring of clothes, shoes, bags and accessories;
  • furniture repair and restoration;
  • maintenance of motorcycles and automobile transport;
  • repair of household appliances;
  • delivery of correspondence, products, medicines, etc.;
  • walking pets;
  • manufacturing and repair of jewelry, etc.

A skillfully built business in the field of providing services to the public is very will quickly recoup all initial investments and will begin to bring regular profits to its owners.

Preparatory stage of creating a business

To choose a suitable business direction, an individual entrepreneur needs to conduct a thorough monitoring of the local services market. The main goal of such research is to determine the most popular types that are in demand among the population.

When planning to develop his business activities in the field of consumer services, a novice businessman must understand that he will have to:

  • rent or buy a premises in which all the necessary engineering communications will function,
  • You will also need to purchase special equipment, tools and other equipment through which work and services will be performed.

If you plan to use hired labor in your professional activities, staff must be staffed before opening.

Currently, there is a demand in the domestic market for the following services intended for the population:

  • Photo services
    In order to provide this type of service, there is no need to rent a separate room, since all work on printing photographs, editing videos, etc. can be done at home.

By regularly advertising in the media, the photographer will be able to find clients to whom, if necessary, he will visit their homes.

  • Private car wash
    To ensure the quality of provision of such services to motorists, an entrepreneur must rent a large garage in which special washing equipment will need to be installed.

Also, a businessman will have to regularly purchase consumables intended specifically for washing vehicles.

  • Outdoor advertising
    An individual entrepreneur can produce advertising products.

If he does not have the opportunity to purchase or rent printing equipment, at the final stage the process can be delegated to private printing houses.

  • Car parking
    To work in this direction, an entrepreneur must have a plot of land that will be located within the city.

From the location of the land plot it will be directly the profitability of this business depends.

  • Tire service
    This type of private business has been for decades does not lose its relevance. Every car enthusiast sooner or later turns to such workshops, where specialists perform wheelbase maintenance.

To open a tire shop, you will need a separate room in which you will need to install special equipment, as well as purchase tools and consumables for the work.

  • Sewing workshop
    This line of business is ideal for that category of entrepreneurs who are familiar with the basics of sewing and knitting.

If necessary, a businessman can invite employees to cooperate with specialized education.

  • Minibus taxi
    The provision of transport services to the population can be carried out based on license or other permitting documentation. The entrepreneur must have a special vehicle designed to transport passengers.

If a businessman’s car fleet includes several vehicles, he will have to hire hired workers who will perform the duties of drivers.

  • Private kindergarten
    In recent years, private institutions in which highly qualified specialists educate preschool children have become very popular.

To open such a business, an entrepreneur needs to find a suitable premises that meets all sanitary and epidemiological standards. At a minimum, it should have several rooms, a catering unit, plumbing and utility rooms.

High-level specialists who have not only specialized education, but also extensive experience working with preschoolers should be involved in working with children. Such a children's institution must have a medical worker who, if necessary, can provide emergency care to the child.

  • Beauty salon
    Many individual entrepreneurs are actively developing their business in this direction. Recently, among the female half of the population, various cosmetic procedures have become very popular to help take care of their appearance.

To open a beauty salon, you will need a well-located room, in which all communications necessary for the work of specialists must be connected.

To attract a wealthy clientele, an individual entrepreneur will have to purchase expensive equipment, preferably one that has no analogues in nearby competitor salons.

As additional service a beauty salon can offer the population solarium services, which young people enjoy visiting to purchase an artificial tan.

  • Hostel
    Entrepreneurs who personally own real estate of suitable size can provide services to the public in the hotel business industry.

For the hostel to be more popular, it is necessary provide guests with comfortable living conditions: comfortable beds; an equipped kitchen where they can prepare food for themselves; a sanitary room where a set of hygiene procedures can be carried out; a safe or lockable chest in which residents can leave valuables, etc.

Business ideas: what services are in demand in a small town

It is much more difficult for aspiring businessmen living in small towns to develop their own business. To succeed they need choose the right business area demanded by the local population.

A stable income in settlements with a small number of local residents can bring:

  • bakery;
  • catering establishments, bars and cafeterias that adhere to a budget pricing policy;
  • a hairdresser where people with any level of financial security can get a haircut or get their manicure done;
  • a pharmacy that sets prices that are acceptable to a wide range of people;
  • a shoe workshop that performs all types of repair work;
  • tailoring studio;
  • a fitness club that has the necessary exercise equipment and a variety of sports equipment;
  • a veterinary clinic where specialists are ready to treat any animals;
  • a store whose assortment will consist of the most popular consumer goods in the area, etc.

Any private business opening in a small town, will not be able to bring “cosmic” income to its owner.

Despite this, with proper business management, an individual entrepreneur will be able to get a stable profit, which is enough for him to live comfortably.


If an aspiring entrepreneur has a burning desire to open his own business, but does not have serious start-up capital, he should turn his attention to the sphere of providing services to the public.

How you can make money by providing services to the public as an intermediary, watch the video:

Having chosen the most relevant business direction, a businessman must make every effort to ensure that the services provided to the population services were of impeccable quality. Over time, he will have his own client base, the presence of which will provide a stable income.

Business ideas in the service sector

Detailed instructions on how to open a lingerie store from scratch. Business plan with calculations. How to sell underwear to customers online? Registration of activities.

Detailed, ready-made business plan for an anti-cafe with calculations. How to open an antique cafe from scratch in a small town? Equipment, personnel, profitability of business ideas.

The answer to the question, how much does it cost to open a self-service car wash? Detailed business plan with calculations. Equipment, personnel. Financial investments: expenses and return on business.

Expert advice on how and where to start a cargo transportation business. Detailed business plan for a transport company for cargo transportation with calculations.

Features, advantages and disadvantages of reselling goods with Aliexpress as a business. Ideas on how to make money from scratch by reselling from China to beginning entrepreneurs.

Useful tips on what you can sell to earn money without investing urgently in 2019. Ideas on what to sell expensive old things from home.

The answer to the question of what can be traded on the market profitably. Profitable ideas of 2019 during the crisis for aspiring entrepreneurs in a small town.

Instructions on how to open a tire shop from scratch. Detailed business plan for a tire workshop with calculations. How much does the equipment cost?

Service business ideas

What profitable business ideas exist in the service sector? No one can answer your question about the profitability of a particular business idea. You yourself must try and understand whether this business is profitable or a low-profit venture. What are the advantages of business in the service sector? Firstly, this type of business does not require large financial investments. And this is a significant factor for beginning entrepreneurs with a limited budget. The second advantage is that a person who decides to organize a business in the service sector does not need to spend time on training. Surely each of you already knows how to do something, you just need to competently sell your services to other people for money. A properly organized service business has every chance of becoming successful. I wish you quick profits!