Russia is reportedly planning to build "the world's largest aircraft carrier" to strengthen its defense and compete with the United States in this area.

The Storm aircraft carrier will be capable of carrying 90 combat aircraft on board and will cost about $17.5 billion, the British publication notes, citing Russian media.

This ship, now known as Project 23000, could be ready by 2030. However, whether it will truly become the largest aircraft carrier in the world, as Moscow claims, is a moot point.

Its technical characteristics, the article notes, are similar to those of American Nimitz-class aircraft carriers. And one of the experts even told the media that the design of the American aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford will be taken as the basis for the ship, the publication claims.

According to the project, the deck of the new aircraft carrier will be the size of three football fields, and the crew size will reach 4 thousand people. The ship will be so big that it will have its own postcode, The Independent reports.

Currently, Russia only has the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, which was launched back in 1985. In terms of its capabilities, it is seriously inferior to the Storm ship.

Russian aircraft carrier of the future. Project Storm 23000

A promising multi-purpose heavy super-aircraft carrier of the future - Storm (project 23000), is being developed in the Russian state scientific center them. Krylova (St. Petersburg) in collaboration with the Nevsky Design Bureau.

The ship is aimed at fulfilling various tasks in the far ocean and sea zones. It will be capable of striking enemy ground and sea targets using its own weapons and aircraft of the aviation group, as well as providing air defense.

The main requirements presented by the High Command of the Navy for the new Russian aircraft carrier are autonomy and mobility. The ship must transfer all necessary equipment and equipment to right place and in a short time. And the air group must provide patrols and quickly increase its presence in a given region.

At the same time, Storm should have broad capabilities both in terms of use carrier-based aviation, and in terms of combat effectiveness of actions as part of heterogeneous forces. The newest aircraft carrier will be tasked with detecting and destroying enemy underwater and surface assets, striking enemy infrastructure on land and protecting its own fleet.

Concept of a new multifunctional aircraft carrier

The concept of a new multifunctional aircraft carrier provides for placement on board up to 100 aircraft. Airplanes and helicopters of five different types will be placed and secured at the stern and bow of the aircraft carrier.

The aircraft carrier will have an almost bare deck. Instead of a massive tower, there are two control “islands” (two island superstructures). This will save space on the deck and reduce the radio signature of the ship at sea.

The aircraft carrier will be equipped with a two-reactor power plant RITM-200 with a capacity of 175 MW.

Storm will have a hybrid aircraft launch system - two electromagnetic catapults(EMALS) for accelerating aircraft and two springboards (for a total of 4 starting positions on the flight deck). The length of the runway of one of the ski jumps will exceed 250 meters. The landing of aircraft will be ensured by one arresting device (a cable-based device that dampens landing speed). To save space, aircraft lifts will be of the vertical and swing type.

The Storm will be equipped with an integrated combat control system. The aircraft carrier's electronics suite will include integrated sensors, including active phased array radars (AFAR).

The aircraft carrier will provide take-off and landing of airplanes and helicopters latest generation even in a storm. Under the take-off deck and in optimized control superstructures, the latest nuclear power plant, effective missile and electronic weapons will be located. The use of missile weapons is one of the most interesting moments in determining the appearance of the future ship.

Four S-500 Prometheus modules will be responsible for the ship’s air defense. With such a quartet, the aircraft carrier's air defense will be able to simultaneously detect, fire and hit up to 10 aerial aerodynamic or supersonic ballistic targets at once at a range of 800 kilometers. Air defense targets can include airplanes, helicopters, UAVs, medium-range missiles, supersonic cruise missiles and intercontinental ballistic missile warheads, as well as objects flying at speeds up to 7,000 meters per second. Plus, the aircraft carrier will be equipped with two anti-torpedo protection systems.

The single-seat MiG-29K and double-seat MiG-29KUB (4++ generation fighters) will solve the problem of air defense and gaining air superiority, hitting targets with guided high-precision weapons at any time of the day and in any weather.

Placement of anti-ship missiles on a ship (on the base on an ongoing basis) is not planned. But this does not at all prohibit the placement on an aircraft carrier (by good tradition), 4-8 20-foot removable containers with missile system Club-K, or hypersonic anti-ship missile Zircon. Placing 8 containers with Club-K on board the aircraft carrier means that it is armed with 32 high-precision strike cruise missiles. Containerized Club-K - will ensure the destruction of both surface and ground targets. The complex is a modification of the well-known missile system Caliber. Hidden inside the containers of the complex are launchers with 3M-14, Kh-35 or 3M-54 missiles, capable of hitting both land and large surface targets at long range. For example, the 3M-54 missile is capable of destroying even an aircraft carrier, and the flight range of the 3M14 missile launcher with nuclear warheads/fuel warheads is 2650 and 1600 km, respectively.

The task of collecting information about the enemy and monitoring air, ground and surface space, as well as guiding aircraft to detected targets will be provided by a radar control point and a radar patrol and guidance point based on the Yak-44E aircraft. Ka-32/Ka-27 helicopters armed with torpedoes, depth charges, missiles and mines will fight the submarines.

The ship's hull will be optimized so that water resistance will be reduced by 20-30%. The latter will provide significant energy savings and the opportunity to increase the speed and autonomy of the ship. Note that the movement of a vessel with a resistance 30% less than that of a traditional hull contour means that with conventional power it will be possible to have a cruising range of 30% more and fuel consumption will be reduced by the same amount.

As we can see, the Storm will use the best developments of domestic and Western schools for creating ships of this class. In the project great value focused on the capabilities of providing aeronautics for carrier-based aircraft. For example, according to the project, maximum width the flight deck will exceed 80 meters; the double deck composition has been adopted from Great Britain. At the same time, it is planned to create a smooth flight deck.

As an innovation, we can highlight the improved design of the aircraft carrier's hull, which can significantly reduce water resistance and increase its level of efficiency and seaworthiness.

The military power of the ship is significantly enhanced by the placement and use of a long-range radar detection and guidance aircraft (AWACS) on it.

In general, it can be noted that Storm will become a multi-purpose aircraft carrier that will serve as a sea airport. During Soviet times, carrier-based aircraft performed anti-submarine, defense, and air defense missions, and the aircraft carrier was positioned as a military cruiser designed for long-range naval attacks.

Performance characteristics of the aircraft carrier Storm:

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Prominent American military theorist Rear Admiral Alfred Mahan once stated that the navy influences politics by the very fact of its existence. It's hard to argue with this statement. For several centuries, England was the most powerful maritime power in the world; the borders of the British Empire were drawn by the stems of its warships. However, in the 20th century, the Royal Navy gradually lost its hegemony, giving way to the United States of America as the strongest naval power.

After the end of the last world war, the United States began to actively develop naval forces, and today this country has the largest and most combat-ready group of warships. The basis of American naval power is made up of aircraft carrier strike groups, the combat core of each of them is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. US aircraft carriers are a source of national pride for Americans and a symbol of the military power of this state. American aircraft carriers took part in almost all the conflicts waged by this state in the last and current centuries.

The first US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the Enterprise, was launched on September 24, 1960; this giant was withdrawn from the fleet only in 2012. In general, it should be noted that American naval commanders took very seriously the capabilities that a nuclear power plant gives their ships. Over the course of several decades, many warships with nuclear weapons were built: frigates, submarines, destroyers and aircraft carriers. However, most of these ships were scrapped before the beginning of this century. The leadership of the US Navy came to the conclusion that to equip nuclear reactors only submarines and new aircraft carriers make sense. It can be added that the equipment of warships with nuclear weapons made a real revolution in military affairs, which can be compared with the invention of the steamship, propeller and metal hull.

How many aircraft carriers are currently in service? In what parts of the World Ocean are they located, what are the characteristics and capabilities of these floating airfields?

The evolution of the American aircraft carrier fleet

The idea of ​​using aviation in naval affairs appeared almost immediately after the creation of the first aircraft. Already in 1910, an American pilot took off for the first time from a ship's deck. Naval aviation, as a branch of the Navy, appeared already during the First World War. At that time combat aircraft They usually took off from the deck of a ship and landed on the water; for this they were equipped with floats. In 1917, the British built the first aircraft carrier - a specialized ship for basing and taking off warships.

In the interwar years, it was the United States that was most actively involved in creating aircraft carriers and developing tactics for using aviation at sea.

The historic attack on Pearl Harbor was carried out using aircraft based on six Japanese aircraft carriers. It should also be noted that during the attack, the American aircraft carriers were not damaged, since they were not in the harbor at that moment. This fact had a significant impact on the further course of the war in the Pacific. It can be said without exaggeration that naval aviation and aircraft carriers played a vital role in this conflict.

After the end of the war, it became clear that aircraft carriers had replaced battleships and became the main striking force at sea. It is thanks to the large number of aircraft carriers built, as well as the vast experience in their use, that the United States has become the leading naval power in the world.

The first post-war decade was marked by the appearance of jet aircraft, helicopters and bombers carrying nuclear weapons. The existing aircraft carriers of the US Navy were no longer suitable for takeoff and landing of these heavy and high-speed aircraft, so the United States began to develop projects to build “supercarriers” with a displacement of more than 60 thousand tons. However, after the end of the war, funding for the fleet was sharply reduced, some of the aircraft carriers under construction were cut into metal, and the project of a super-aircraft carrier of the United States class was never implemented.

However, the Korean War very quickly sobered up the hotheads of supporters of fleet reduction. Already at the end of this conflict, the Navy received additional funds for the development of an aircraft carrier fleet. An ambitious modernization program for the Midway and Essex class aircraft carriers was launched. At the same time, four ships of a new project, the Forrestal, were built.

In 1954, the world's first nuclear-powered warship appeared. power plant- American submarine Nautilus. The idea of ​​equipping an aircraft carrier with nuclear power was in the air, and in 1961 it was realized - the nuclear giant Enterprise entered service and remained in operation until 2012. Since the new aircraft carrier turned out to be very expensive, after it was put into operation, three non-nuclear aircraft carriers of the Kitty Hawk type were built. The last aircraft carrier ship with a boiler-turbine installation was accepted into service American Navy in 1972.

IN post-war period all American aircraft carriers were divided into several classes: amphibious helicopter carriers (LPH), light aircraft carriers (CVL), attack aircraft carriers (CVA), anti-submarine carriers (CVS), nuclear attack carriers (CVAN) and auxiliary air transport (AVT), which served as training ships in peacetime.

In the early 60s, Essex-class ships gradually began to be decommissioned, the last of them being in service until 1976. Midway-class aircraft carriers served much longer, the last of these ships being decommissioned in the mid-1990s. The Forrestal-class aircraft carriers remained in service somewhat longer; the last two ships of this series were decommissioned in 1998.

On March 3, 1975, Nimitz (CVN-68) entered service, becoming the first of a new class of American aircraft carriers. Currently, all American nuclear attack aircraft carriers in operation are Nimitz-class. The latest of these, George H. W. Bush (CVN-77), entered service in early 2009. The total number of these ships is ten units.

Currently, the construction of a new type of aircraft-carrying ship, the Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78), is at the final stage; it is expected that it will be accepted into service with the fleet in April 2018 and will give rise to a new series of ships of this class. It is already called the “aircraft carrier” of the 21st century. And although, in my own way appearance it is not much different from the latest aircraft carriers of the Nimitz series, but its “filling” will be much more modern. This ship has already become one of the most popular topics of discussion among naval specialists from different countries.

In recent decades, the American fleet has been rapidly changing its appearance. Currently, a radical renewal of the Navy's aviation fleet is taking place. The universally beloved F-14 Tomcat has already been withdrawn from service; its fate has been shared by the anti-submarine aircraft S-3 Viking. They were replaced by the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, and in the coming years the US Navy expects to receive the latest F-35C, a state-of-the-art fifth-generation strike aircraft. It is also expected that the EA-6 Prowler electronic warfare aircraft will be completely replaced, to be replaced by the EA-18G. Significant modernization awaits the E-2 Hawkeye control aircraft, whose operation began in the mid-70s.

Another direction of development of the military naval aviation There will be increased use of unmanned aerial vehicles. Several years ago, the X-47B UAV made its first successful landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier.

Modern American aircraft carriers

Today the US Navy includes ten nuclear aircraft carriers class "Nimitz", in April 2018, the eleventh ship of this class is expected to be put into service - the aircraft carrier "Gerald R. Ford", which is the lead ship of the new series. It is planned that in the future aircraft carriers of this type will partially replace the Nimitz.

Nimitz (CVN-68). This ship became the first aircraft carrier of the same series, it was named in honor of the American admiral who commanded the US fleet in the Pacific Ocean during the war. The Nimitz was commissioned into the US Navy in 1975. The ship was manufactured by Newport News Shipbuilding (Virginia). The ship's home port is Kitsap, Washington.

The Nimitz aircraft carrier has a standard displacement of 98,425 tons, and the power plant includes two Westinghouse A4W nuclear reactors. The ship's crew is 3200 people. Maximum speed is more than 31 knots.

The aircraft carrier's armament consists of two Sea RAM air defense systems and two Sea Sparrow air defense systems. The Nimitz aviation group includes 90 helicopters and airplanes.

Nimitz is a true veteran of the American Navy, he took part in many operations, including combat ones. This aircraft carrier was deployed in both Iraq campaigns.

Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69). Dwight Eisenhower became the second ship in the Nimitz series of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. It went into operation in October 1977. The aircraft carrier's displacement is 97 thousand tons. The ship is equipped with two reactors and four turbines. His maximum speed stroke - 31 knots. The size of the ship's crew is 3,200 people.

The aircraft carrier's armament consists of RIM-7 Sea Sparrow and RIM-116 anti-aircraft missile systems (two units of each). The ship's aviation group includes 90 helicopters and airplanes.

The aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower was deployed during the first Iraqi campaign (1991).

Carl Vinson (CVN-70). The third ship of the Nimitz series, it was accepted into service US Navy in May 1982. The main duty stations of the Carl Vinson are the Pacific and Indian oceans.

The aircraft carrier's displacement is 97 thousand tons, the ship's crew numbers 3,200 people, and another 2,480 people are part of the air wing. Thanks to two nuclear reactors and four turbines, the aircraft carrier can reach a speed of 31 knots. There are 90 combat aircraft and helicopters on board the ship.

The aircraft carrier Carl Vinson was deployed during the US operation in Afghanistan, as well as in the second Iraq campaign (2003).

Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71). The fourth aircraft carrier in the series, it entered service in October 1986. The cost of building the ship was $4.5 billion.

The design of the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt included large number improvements, and it differs quite significantly from the first three ships of its series. Some experts believe that it would be logical to separate this ship and all subsequent aircraft carriers into a separate group.

The ship's displacement is 97 thousand tons, the crew size is 3,200 people, 2,480 people are part of the air wing. The maximum speed of the ship is 30 knots, the power plant consists of two nuclear reactors and four turbines. The ship's aviation group includes 90 aircraft.

The aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt took an active part in the first Iraqi campaign; more than 4.2 thousand combat sorties were flown from its board. In 1999, this ship took part in the operation against Yugoslavia.

Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72). The fifth aircraft carrier of the Nimitz series, it was launched in early 1988 and entered service a year later.

The aircraft carrier has a displacement of 97 thousand tons, two nuclear reactors allow the ship to reach speeds of up to 30 knots, and the crew size is 3.2 thousand people.

The Abraham Lincoln can carry 90 airplanes and helicopters. This aircraft carrier took part in the second Iraqi campaign, and more than 16 thousand combat sorties were flown from its deck. This ship also became the first aircraft carrier on which women were allowed to serve.

George Washington (CVN-73). This Nimitz-class aircraft carrier entered service in July 1992.

The aircraft carrier's displacement is 97 thousand tons, two nuclear reactors and four turbines allow it to develop a speed of up to 30 knots, the crew number is 3,200 people, and another 2,480 people are part of the air wing.

The aircraft carrier is home to 90 combat helicopters and aircraft.

John C. Stennis (CVN-74). This is the seventh aircraft carrier of the Nimitz series; it was laid down in March 1991 and entered the US Navy at the end of 1995. The ship's home port is Kitsep, Washington.

The aircraft carrier's displacement is 97 thousand tons, the crew size is 5,617 people, and up to 90 aircraft can be accommodated on board. The ship's nuclear installation allows it to reach speeds of up to 30 knots.

Harry S. Truman (CVN-75). The eighth ship of the Nimitz series, laid down in 1993 and accepted into the fleet in 1998. It cost American taxpayers $4.5 billion. Home port - Norfolk.

Displacement is 97 thousand tons, the power plant consists of two nuclear reactors and four turbines, speed is 30 knots. The team size is 3,200 people, another 2,480 people are part of the air wing. Up to 90 aircraft can be based on board.

In 2018, this aircraft carrier was involved in operations against the Islamic State (banned in Russia) in Syria and Iraq.

Ronald Reagan (CVN-76). The ninth Nimitz, laid down in 1998 and accepted into service with the US Navy in 2003. The ship's home port is San Diego.

This aircraft carrier has some differences from previous ships in this series, but in general its characteristics correspond to its predecessors. A speed of 30 knots is ensured by two nuclear reactors, a displacement of 97 thousand tons, and a crew size of 3,200 people. The ship can accommodate 90 aircraft and helicopters.

George H. W. Bush (CVN-77). The last aircraft carrier of the Nimitz series. It was laid down in 2003 and accepted into the Navy in 2009. Compared to other ships in this series, significant changes were made to the design of the aircraft carrier George W. Bush. The cost of the project was $6.2 billion.

The aircraft carrier received a new “island” with enhanced armor, new communication systems and more modern radars. Compared to its predecessors, the ship has a more advanced system for distributing and storing aviation fuel; aircraft are refueled in a semi-automatic mode. The overall level of automation of ship systems has been increased, and new gas eliminators have been installed on deck. The most important areas of the ship are protected by Kevlar armor. The team received vacuum latrines. They often fail, so the ship has already received the nickname “dirty” aircraft carrier.

The main characteristics of the aircraft carrier do not differ from previous ships in the series: displacement - 97 thousand tons, speed - 30 knots, aviation group - 90 aircraft and helicopters.

Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78). This is the lead ship of the new series, laid down in November 2009. The aircraft carrier was launched in November 2013, the construction of the aircraft carrier is currently in its final stages, and it should be accepted into the fleet in April 2018.

This aircraft carrier is equipped with a new electromagnetic catapult, which allows aircraft to be accelerated more smoothly and launched more often. The number of possible departures from the ship's deck has been increased to 160.

The ship's two nuclear reactors produce a quarter more electricity than the power plants of the Nimitz-class aircraft carriers. Due to the unique degree of automation, operating costs will be significantly lower than those of previous generation ships. The seaworthiness of the aircraft carrier has also been significantly improved. The ship's visibility to enemy radars has been slightly reduced. This ship will be able to operate without refueling with nuclear fuel for 25 years, that is, almost half of its planned service life.

The Gerald Ford's displacement is more than 98 thousand tons, its maximum speed is 30 knots, and up to 75 aircraft and helicopters can be based on its deck. The ship's aviation group will include: F-35C, F/A-18E/F, EA-18G, E-2D, C-2A and MH-60R/S.

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On at the moment There are many large aircraft carriers in the world. To carry out its tasks, a modern army simply needs mobility, which is why aircraft carriers are so needed, on board which can transport dozens of combat aircraft and thousands of people. Some of the world's largest aircraft carriers are still in operation today, while others can only be seen in museums.

We can say with absolute certainty that the Nimitz is the largest aircraft carrier in the world. Its length is 333 meters. Thanks to its wide flight deck, this giant can accommodate approximately 90 aircraft (including 64 military aircraft designed to destroy objects in the air and 26 helicopters). The Nimitz crew consists of more than 3 thousand people, most of them are flight personnel, and 70 people are in the command staff. Almost all aircraft carriers of this series are similar in technical parameters, design solutions and combat equipment. By the way, the Nimitz aircraft carrier can be operated for twenty years without changing the power source of the power plant. This means that it can be safely sent to this long term on a long journey. The first aircraft carrier of this series was launched back in 1975.

It is impossible not to mention the aircraft carrier’s power plant, which consists of the main and auxiliary systems. The first, in turn, consists of two water reactors that power two rotary engines with a rotating rotor each. The main difference between such a reactor is that the role of coolant and moderator is performed by simple water under pressure. At the moment, this type of reactor is considered the most efficient, and therefore very popular all over the world. If you combine the power of four turbines, you can get a real monster with a capacity of 280 thousand horsepower. The auxiliary system consists of four diesel engines, each with a capacity of 10.7 thousand horses. The Nimitz aircraft carrier is equipped with powerful weapons to defend against enemy attacks from both the air and water. It has three air defense systems, four anti-aircraft guns with a caliber of 22 millimeters, and two installations for firing torpedoes (caliber 324 millimeters).

Another largest aircraft carrier worthy of inclusion in our rating. With its length of 342.3 meters, it surpasses all warships. But it is not only the length that distinguishes this aircraft carrier from others - it was the first to be equipped with a power plant that runs on the energy of a chain reaction of nuclear fission. The plans of US military developers included the production of 5 more similar aircraft carriers, but since the creation of the first ship took more than 459 million dollars, they changed their minds about continuing this line. That is why the overly expensive Terrier ship-based anti-aircraft missile system was not installed on the aircraft carrier; instead, the American RIM-7 Sea Sparrow guided missile with a shorter range was installed, and other systems were later added.

It is curious that one load of nuclear fuel is enough to ensure uninterrupted operation of the ship for thirteen years. During this period it can cover about a million miles.

It took about three years to create the giant; construction of the aircraft carrier began in 1957. Five years later, the ship set out on its first real baptism at sea under the leadership of Captain Vincent DePauw. Enterprise made its debut military operation during the Cuban Missile Crisis. In 1965, the warship found use in Southeast Asia, where it took part in the Vietnam War. By the way, at that moment she was the first aircraft carrier with nuclear installation participating in hostilities. During the same period, the Enterprise set a world record - within 24 hours, 165 combat units took off from the aircraft carrier.

The Enterprise also had to survive an accident - not far from the 127-millimeter Zuni rocket there was a running self-propelled trackless ground transport vehicle designed for towing vehicles. It is its exhaust gases high temperature caused the rocket to self-launch, as a result of which it crashed into a fuel tank on board the aircraft, and this already led to a fuel spill. The consequences were global - aircraft bombs exploded, more than twenty crew members were killed, almost 350 were injured, fifteen aircraft were destroyed. The total damage amounted to more than one hundred million US dollars. By the way, the giant himself was not harmed at all.

In the 1980s, the Enterprise's nuclear reactor was overhauled and the ship's Hughes Aircraft SCANFAR radar was removed. At the beginning of the new century, the aircraft carrier took part in the military operation carried out by the United States and Great Britain against Iraq, Desert Fox, and was also used to expel the Taliban from Afghan lands. After which he returned to the waters of the Persian Gulf, where he provided air support to the Americans during the fighting against Iraq. Several years ago, the Enterprise once again settled in the Persian Gulf.

Among the aircraft carriers of Europe and Asia, the ship named after the great admiral of the USSR Navy, Kuznetsov, stands out. This giant is considered one of the most powerful and largest.

Development of the aircraft carrier began in 1982. The giant's technical performance promised to make it an advanced aircraft carrier. They planned to make the deck longer so that the Su-25 and Su-27 fighters could take off. On the warship “Admiral Kuznetsov” they used for the first time optical system landing on the aircraft carrier Luna.

The length of the Admiral Kutuzov is just over three hundred meters, which allows it to accommodate 25 helicopters and the same number of aircraft. Judging by its combat and radar equipment, our aircraft carrier will certainly take a place among the leaders. On its deck there are twelve Granit launchers, eight Dirks, six AK-630M artillery mounts and four Kinzhal mounts. Thanks to such powerful weapons, the aircraft carrier can fire uninterruptedly for a long time. At the moment, it has been decided to completely replace the Su-33 fighters with the MiG-29K on the operating aircraft carrier, and then begin a major overhaul.

On December 7, 1922, the world's first ship specifically designed and built as an aircraft carrier was commissioned. It was the Japanese interwar light aircraft carrier Jose. It was used as an experimental and training ship for testing equipment, practicing piloting techniques and naval aviation tactics. He was the first of his kind.


Translated from Japanese, “Hosho” means “Flying Phoenix”. As mentioned above, the Hosho is a Japanese light aircraft carrier of the interwar period. She was the world's first ship designed and built as an aircraft carrier. She was also the first aircraft carrier of the Japanese Navy. The Hosho was mainly used as an experimental and training ship for testing equipment, practicing piloting techniques and naval aviation tactics. He first took part in hostilities in 1932 during the Shanghai Incident, then at the end of 1937 at the initial stage of the Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945). In both conflicts, Hosho aircraft provided air support for ground forces and participated in air battles with Chinese Nationalist aircraft. Small size of the ship and small number air group (about 15 aircraft) limited the effectiveness of its use in combat operations. For this reason, Hosho was put into reserve and became a training aircraft carrier in 1939. During World War II, she participated in the Battle of Midway as an auxiliary aircraft carrier. After the battle, she continued to operate as a training aircraft carrier in Japanese territorial waters, but by the end of the war she had received minor damage from air attacks. After the war, it was used as transport for repatriated Japanese soldiers returning to Japan. Made 9 flights, transported about 40 thousand people. In 1946 it was sold for scrap.
By the time it entered service, Hosho had a maximum length of 168 meters, a beam of 18 meters and a draft of 6.2 meters. The ship's standard displacement was 7470 tons, normal - 9494 tons. The crew number was 512 officers and sailors. The ship had practically no weapons - only 140-mm guns with a barrel length of 50 calibers, two on each side. The Hosho was equipped with two steam turbines"Parsons" with a total capacity of 30 thousand liters. s., which rotated two screws. The ship's design speed was 25 knots. The ship's air group consisted of 15 aircraft.


The Enterprise is the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. This is the first and only ship of its project, despite five more “brothers” planned for construction. The final cost of the Enterprise reached $451 million, and this was one of the reasons why serial construction of the series never began. It has the greatest length among warships in the world - 342 meters. One load of nuclear fuel is enough for 13 years of service, during which time the ship can travel up to 1 million miles. Due to severe budget overruns, Enterprise was left without the planned Terrier anti-aircraft missile system. Instead, the ship's defense system was equipped with three RIM-7 Sea Sparrow short-range air defense missile launchers. Enterprise is the only aircraft carrier with more than 2 nuclear reactors, carrying 8 reactors on board. An additional innovation on the Enterprise was the SCANFAR radar system, based on a phased array antenna, providing an advantage over traditional rotating antenna radars.
So, the aircraft carrier Enterprise has a maximum length of 342 meters, a width of 78 meters and a draft of 12 meters. The ship's standard displacement was 73,858 tons, total - 93,400 tons. The crew size is 3 thousand people, plus 1800 air wing people. The Enterprise has 8 reactors with a total capacity of 210 MW (285,520 hp). The ship's speed is 33.6 knots (62.2 km/h). The aircraft carrier's air group consists of 90 aircraft and helicopters.


This is a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser, part of the Russian Northern Fleet. Its main purpose is to defeat large surface targets and protect naval formations from attacks by a potential enemy. It was named after Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov, admiral of the fleet Soviet Union. Built in Nikolaev, at the Black Sea Shipyard. Su-25 and Su-33 aircraft, as well as Ka-27 and Ka-29 helicopters, are based on board during cruises. "Admiral Kuznetsov" was launched on December 4, 1985, after which its completion continued afloat. By 2015, it is planned to replace the Su-33 with the multifunctional MiG-29.
The aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov has a maximum length of 306 meters, a width of 71 meters and a draft of 10 meters. The ship's standard displacement is 46,540 tons, the total displacement is 59,100 tons. The crew number is 1,980 people, including: 520 officers, 322 midshipmen and 1,138 sailors. The Admiral Kuznetsov has four steam turbines with a capacity of 50,000 hp. With. each, nine turbogenerators with a capacity of 2,039 hp. With. each and six diesel generators with a capacity of 2,039 hp. With. every. Thus, the aircraft carrier has a total power of 230,585 hp. With. The ship's speed is 29 knots (53.7 km/h). The aircraft carrier's air group consists of 50 aircraft and helicopters.


"Liaoning" is so far the first and only aircraft carrier of the Navy of the People's Republic of China. It was laid down in 1985 at a shipyard in Nikolaev for the USSR Navy. After the collapse of the USSR in 1992, the ship went to Ukraine, and construction was stopped in 1998. Officially purchased by China for $25 million for the purpose of organizing a floating entertainment center. Towed to China and completed as an aircraft carrier. Entered combat duty on September 25, 2012. The design of the ship is close to the same type "Admiral Kuznetsov". Most of the differences lie in the weapon systems and electronic equipment used. According to reports, the P-700 Granit missile launchers in the bow of the aircraft carrier were dismantled, and the deck silos were sealed to free up more space for the location of aircraft spare parts. Instead of six AK-630 autocannons, the Chinese aircraft carrier carries three Type 1130 autocannons, which are a close analogue of the Goalkeeper system. Anti-aircraft missile weapons consists of three eighteen-round short-range FL-3000N missile launchers, equipped with an infrared scanning sensor and having a range of up to 6 kilometers. In general, the ship's armament appears to be relatively weakened and focused solely on the carrier's self-defense.
The Liaoning aircraft carrier has a maximum length of 304 meters, a width of 75 meters and a draft of 10 meters. The crew size is 1980 people. The Liaoning has four steam turbines with a total capacity of 200 thousand liters. With. The ship's speed is 29 knots (53.7 km/h). The aircraft carrier's air group consists of 30 aircraft and 24 helicopters.


The US Navy aircraft carrier Nimitz is the largest warship in the world. Having a length of 333 meters, a width of 77 meters and a displacement of about 98 thousand tons, it is capable of placing on board up to 90 units of military aircraft, of which 64 are airplanes and 26 helicopters. The ship's crew includes a crew of 3,200 people, an air group of 2,800 people and 70 command personnel. With such characteristics, the aircraft carrier can reach speeds of up to 30 knots (55.6 km/h). Such a ship can operate for up to 20 years without replacing the power source of the power plant.
The power plant of an aircraft carrier includes main and auxiliary power plants. The main one includes two nuclear pressurized water reactors powered by four steam turbines. The total power of the turbines is 280 thousand liters. With. The auxiliary installation includes four diesel engines with a total power of 10,700 hp. With. The Nimitz is equipped with onboard weapons to protect against various types of enemies. For defense against airborne enemies, there are three anti-aircraft missile systems and four 20 mm anti-aircraft artillery mounts. For protection against torpedoes, two 324 mm torpedo tubes are used.


This is an Imperial Japanese Navy ship from World War II. It was the largest aircraft carrier of that time. Initially, the ship could become one of four super-powerful battleships Yamato type. It began to be converted into an aircraft carrier after the Battle of Midway, in which the Imperial Navy lost four of its strongest aircraft carriers at once. Until 1960, Shinano remained the largest aircraft carrier in the world, but it was surpassed by the nuclear-powered Enterprise.
So, the aircraft carrier Shinano had a maximum length of 266 meters, a width of 53 meters and a draft of 11 meters. The ship's standard displacement was 64,800 tons, total - 71,890 tons. The crew number was 2400 people. Four steam turbines with a total capacity of 114 MW (153 thousand hp) were installed at Shinano. The ship's speed was 27.3 knots (50.6 km/h). The aircraft carrier's air group consisted of 18 fighters, 12 attack aircraft and 6 reconnaissance aircraft.


The USS Lexington was launched in October 1925. And put into service in December 1927. Also known by the nickname "Lady Lex". On the starboard side it had a massive superstructure, surrounded by two twin 203 mm guns at the front and two at the rear. Others characteristic features The aircraft carrier had armored hulls right up to the flight deck, with the exception of the places where boats were launched and picked up. During the attack on Pearl Harbor, the ship provided air support for the US Marine units holding Midway Island and therefore avoided disaster. Lexington's first combat operation was the failed attempt to liberate Wake Island, which took place immediately after the attack on Pearl Harbor. At the end of January 1942, the aircraft carrier provided cover for the raid on the Marshall Islands, and then was involved in individual operations in the southwestern Pacific.
The aircraft carrier Lexington has a maximum length of 270 meters, a beam of 39 meters and a draft of 9 meters. The ship's standard displacement is 36 thousand tons, the total displacement is 47,700 tons. The crew number is 2951 people. The total power of all Lexington power plants is 156 MW (210 thousand hp). The ship's speed is 34 knots (63 km/h). The aircraft carrier's air group consists of 70 aircraft.


This is the very first heavy American aircraft carrier, the lead ship of the Midway class. He took an active part in the bombing of North Vietnam during the Vietnam conflict, and also took part in Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Was part of the US Navy for about 40 years. Withdrawn from the fleet on April 11, 1992. Since 1998, it has been a museum ship in San Diego.
The aircraft carrier Midway has a maximum length of 295 meters, a beam of 41 meters and a draft of 10 meters. The ship's standard displacement was 47,219 tons, total - 59,901 tons. The ship normally accommodates 3,443 people with a real capacity of about 4,100 people. The vessel is equipped with 12 water-tube boilers and four turbines. All this has a total power of 215 thousand hp. With. The ship's speed is 33 knots (61 km/h). The aircraft carrier's air group consists of 136–153 aircraft.


The Invincible class aircraft carriers were a series of British aircraft carriers from the 1970s. They were created after the cancellation of the construction of aircraft carriers of the CVA-01 type and the winding down of work on aircraft carriers and were initially designed as helicopter-carrying cruisers. After a number of changes, including those introduced during the construction of the ships, the project was turned into a light aircraft carrier carrying short or vertical take-off and landing aircraft and helicopters. Three ships of this type were built in 1973–1975. One of them is "Untamed". He performed well during the war with Argentina over the Falkland Islands in 1982. In the 1990s, Indomitable supported raids on Iraq. Since 2005, it has been replaced by ships of the class Queen Elizabeth, more advanced, but less legendary.
So, the aircraft carrier "Indomitable" has a maximum length of 209 meters, a width of 36 meters and a draft of 8 meters. The ship's total displacement is 20,600 tons. The crew size is 557 people plus 318 air group people. The Indomitable is equipped with four gas turbine engines with a total power of 97,200 hp. With. The ship's speed is 28 knots (51 km/h). Initially, the aircraft carrier's air group consisted of 14 aircraft and helicopters. In later years their number increased to 22.


This is the flagship of the French navy, the French Navy's only operational aircraft carrier, the first French nuclear-powered surface combatant, and the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier built outside the United States. Among aircraft carriers of other countries, excluding the United States, this is the second largest (after the Russian Admiral Kuznetsov) and the most combat-ready aircraft carrier. The aircraft carrier is made according to the traditional design - with a superstructure shifted to the starboard side and a corner deck. For aircraft takeoff, two C-13F steam catapults, manufactured in France under an American license, are intended. With a launch track length of 75 meters, they accelerate aircraft weighing up to 25 tons to a speed of more than 200 km/h with a launch rate of 1 aircraft per minute.
The aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle has a maximum length of 261 meters and a width of 64 meters. The ship's total displacement is 42 thousand tons. The crew size is 1,200 people plus 600 air wing people plus 100 command personnel. The Charles de Gaulle has two K-15 nuclear reactors with a total capacity of 76,200 hp. With. The ship's speed is 27 knots (50 km/h). No reboot nuclear fuel the aircraft carrier is capable of continuously moving at a speed of 25 knots (46 km/h) for five years. The aircraft carrier's air group consists of 40 aircraft.

USS Dwight Eisenhower, left: Across the pier, USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74) departs Norfolk, Virginia for its first deployment, February 26, 1998. US Navy photo by Photographer 3rd Class Leah Kanakskaya One of CVX's major preliminary projects is the stealth aircraft carrier. Externally, it is radically different from all previous ships of this class. The swept nose is designed to reduce radar signature. The superstructure - the “island” - is also made with elements of stealth technology. The entire upper part is a large runway deck. Aircraft will also be able to take off from two auxiliary take-off decks located along the sides along almost the entire length of the hull. The first of the new class of aircraft carriers has already been launched.

In November 1961, the first aircraft carrier with a nuclear power plant, the CVAN-65 Enterprise, was introduced into the American fleet. It was completely devoid of artillery and missile weapons - its defense was entrusted to its own aircraft. The then astronomical amount of $450 million spent on its construction left it alone in its series. The first ship of the new series of Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers was laid down in 1968. Its brothers continue to be the largest warships in the world today.

One ship of the Nimitz series deserves special attention, namely: George H. W. Bush CVN-77. Although this ship is nominally considered the 10th in the series, in its design it will occupy a transitional position between the Nimitz and the promising CVX aircraft carriers, which will form the basis of the naval power of the United States in the 21st century.

"George Bush Sr." has completely updated electronic equipment and a combat information control system. Instead of the usual “island” on the CVX series ships, it is planned to install one or two small superstructures of a prismatic shape, designed to minimize their effective scattering area (RCS) - to reduce radar signature, and the antennas will be replaced with phased arrays located on the side walls of the superstructures. For the same purposes, aircraft lifts, in all likelihood, will again become deck-mounted, and not side-mounted, as on all post-war ships.

Such promising aircraft carriers of the 21st century as CVN-78 and CVN-79 should become completely new ships altogether. It is possible that instead of nuclear fuel they will switch to turbines. A novelty should be both electromagnetic catapults and electromagnetic landing devices, which will replace conventional catapults and arresting devices. In parallel, promising aircraft are being developed to arm these ships. CVN-78 was laid down in 2009 and launched in 2013. CVN-79, respectively - in 2011 and 2018. The service life of these aircraft carriers is set at 50 years. Currently, the US Navy command believes that the fleet should have at least 10 aircraft carriers in service. The very first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the US Navy, Enterprise, CVN-65, was withdrawn from the fleet in 2012, after which CVN-78, named USS Gerald R, should be commissioned within 3 years. Ford)

US carrier fleet

1 aircraft carrier Enterprise (“Enterprise”) total displacement 89,100 tons; length 342.4 m; 80 aircraft; speed 32 knots. Decommissioned December 1, 2012

9 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers (Harry Truman, John Stennis, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Carl Vinson, Dwight Eisenhower, George H. W. Bush, Ronald Reagan "). Total displacement 91,440 tons; length 331.7 m; 80 aircraft; speed 31 knots.

3 Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carriers (Constellation, Kitty Hawk, John F. Kennedy) total displacement 80,950 tons; length 319.3 m; 95 aircraft; speed 33.6 knots.

10 universal landing ships(1 – “Tarawa” type, which is outdated; 8 – modern “Wasp” type; 1 – the newest “America”. Displacement: 40 thousand tons; length 250 m.

They are capable of transporting and disembarking, as well as supporting the operations of an expeditionary marine battalion (2000 people) with all equipment. The docking chamber in the stern serves to service amphibious landing barges (LCAC type) on an air cushion, as well as traditional ones, such as LCU-1610, which deliver heavy equipment ashore. The hangar below the flight deck houses up to 40 units of flight equipment, which operate from 8-10 seats on the flight deck.

Task Force fifty-one (CTF-51) amphibious assault ships came together in a previously unprecedented formation during operations in the Persian Gulf. This was the first time that six universal deck landing ships from Eastern and West Coast deployed in one area of ​​operation. Led by flagship Tarawa (LHA 1), the remaining ships are (from left to right): Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6), Kearserge (LHD 3), Bataan (LHD 5), USS Saipan (LHA 2), and Boxer (LHD 4) . CTF-51 brought amphibious troops to the Persian Gulf region during Operation Iraqi Freedom. The lead ship and the first one on the left side are of the Tarawa type, the rest are of the Wasp type. Date April 20, 2003.
The largest group of 32 ships of various classes for amphibious assault was assembled for the purpose of landing at Inchon during the Korean War.


1 heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov". Total displacement 70,500 tons; length 304.5 m; 24 airplanes, 42 helicopters; speed 32 knots.

The appearance of nuclear submarines armed with Polaris 1 missiles in the US Navy raised the question of organizing long-range anti-submarine defense for the USSR Navy. For this, a ship with a group of anti-submarine helicopters was needed. Its technical design was approved in January 1962. For long-range detection submarines, a powerful hydroacoustic station was installed for the first time in the retractable keel fairing. The ship's hangars housed 1L Ka-25 anti-submarine helicopters. The lead ship of the series was named "Moscow", the second - "Leningrad". By the start of sea trials, the Moskva had installed 19 new types of weapons and technical equipment that had not yet been put into service, and in 1972 the ship received the first vertical take-off and landing aircraft (VTOL) on its deck. But since a ship, armed only with helicopters, could not lay claim to ocean dominance, the result was a project for a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser. It was equipped not only with aircraft, but also with strike missile weapons. A total of 3 such ships were built (project 1143) - “Kyiv”, “Minsk” and “Novorossiysk”, intended for the group deployment of 16 Yak-38 vertical take-off aircraft and 18 anti-submarine helicopters. For the first time in the domestic fleet, the Riga-type TAKR (project 1143.5) provided for the deployment of horizontal take-off and landing jet aircraft. Initially, it was planned to install catapults, but they were later replaced with a springboard. Nowadays this ship is the only operating aircraft carrier of the Russian fleet and bears the name “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov”; the world’s best carrier-based fighters Su-33 are based on it.

The latest achievement of domestic shipbuilding was the beginning of the construction of nuclear aircraft carriers under Project 1143.7. The ship, with a displacement of about 75,000 tons, was planned to accommodate up to 70 aircraft, two catapults, a springboard and arresting devices, as well as strike missile weapons consisting of 16 vertical launchers. The nuclear power plant could provide the ship with a speed of about 30 knots. But after the complete cessation of funding by the end of 1991, the ship, almost a third complete, was cut up right on the slipway. Domestic aircraft carriers have never been classic aircraft carriers, since their main strike weapons are missiles, not airplanes and helicopters.


1 aircraft carrier "Liaoning" Displacement 59,500 tons; Length 304.5 m; Width 38 m (75 m – flight deck). Aviation group of up to 30 Shenyang J-15 carrier-based fighters, up to 24 Changhe Z-8 helicopters. Speed ​​29 knots (54 km/h)

Liaoning (until June 19, 1990 - "Riga", until September 25, 2012 - "Varyag"; also known as tail number 16 and earlier - under the unofficial name "Shi Lan") - the first and only aircraft carrier of the PLA. It was laid down in 1985 at a shipyard in Nikolaev for the USSR Navy as the second aircraft carrier of Project 1143.6. After the collapse of the USSR in 1992, the ship went to Ukraine and construction was stopped in 1998. Purchased by China for $25 million, officially for the purpose of organizing a floating entertainment center. Towed to China and completed as an aircraft carrier. On September 25, 2012, it became part of the PLA Navy.

In 1993, according to an agreement between Ukraine and Russia, “Varyag” went to Ukraine. In 1992, with 67% technical readiness, construction was suspended, the ship was mothballed and in April 1998 sold to the Chinese company Chong Lot Travel Agency Ltd for $25 million, as announced, for the organization of a floating entertainment center with a casino. The towing of the ship lasted 627 days. Turkey, under US pressure, refused to let it through the Bosphorus for 16 months, and the passage of ships without an engine is prohibited through the Suez Canal.

UK aircraft carriers

There were 3 light aircraft carriers of the ILLASTRIES type ("Invincible", "Illustries", "Ark Royal") with a displacement of 19,500 tons; length 207.0 m; 14 aircraft; speed 28 knots.

In July 1973, the first British post-war aircraft carrier, Invincible, was laid down. This ship, which entered service in 1980, had a unique aviation armament, consisting of Harrier vertical take-off/landing aircraft (VTOL) and a rather unusual appearance for a classic aircraft carrier. Its take-off deck, closer to the nose, ended with a large springboard with an installation angle of 70, designed so that a VTOL aircraft can take off not only vertically, but also with a short takeoff run. This made it possible to significantly increase the weight of the weapons with which the aircraft could take off. A total of three aircraft carriers of this type were built - Invincible, Illustrious and Ark Royal. These ships became the founders of a completely new type of aircraft carriers - VTOL carriers, or aircraft carriers for aircraft with vertical/short take-off/landing. Until recently, they formed the basis of Great Britain's naval power, although they cannot be compared with the attack aircraft carriers of the US Navy - five times less displacement and only 14 to 16 VTOL aircraft against 80-90 “normal” aircraft. Until 2005, the British fleet constantly had two ships in service, while the third was put into reserve to undergo scheduled repairs or modernization.

Invincible was decommissioned in 2005. "Ark Royal" was decommissioned on March 11, 2011. In 2011, it was scrapped.

Invincible makes a grand return from the Falklands conflict in 1982. Lined up on deck were Sea King helicopters from 820 Naval Air Squadron and a Sea Harrier FRS1 from 800 Naval Air Squadron.

Currently, a project of aircraft-carrying ships designed to replace the Illustrious aircraft carriers is being developed. The name of the new type is Queen Elizabeth class carriers. Aircraft carriers of this type will not use nuclear power plants. There will be two superstructures on the deck. The main engine is an integrated diesel-gas turbine-electric propulsion system. The deck of Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers ensures simultaneous takeoff and landing of aircraft. At the front of the deck there is a diving board with an elevation angle of 13°. Total displacement 70,600 tons; length 284 m; Aviation group of 40 airplanes and helicopters.


1 aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle (“Charles de Gaulle”) total displacement 42,550 tons, length 261.5 m, up to 40 aircraft, speed 27 knots.

The first post-war French-built aircraft carrier, Clemenceau, entered service in November 1961, and its sister ship, Foch, in July 1963. Both of them were modernized to accommodate new aircraft. In 1980, a decision was made to build two nuclear-powered ships, but only the Charles de Gaulle, which is the only aircraft carrier of the French fleet, was built. It has an original silhouette - its “island”, created with elements of stealth technology, is strongly shifted towards the nose. The construction of this ship, according to various sources, cost from 3.2 to 10 billion dollars, which, in fact, led to the abandonment of plans to build the next ship.


2 aircraft carriers: Viraat (“Viraat”) total displacement 28,700 tons; length 198 m; 21 aircraft; speed 28 knots. "Vikramaditya" total displacement 45,500 tons; overall length 274 m; overall width 53.2 m; maximum speed 32 knots; aviation group of 14-16 MiG-29K, 2 MiG-29KUB, up to 10 Ka-28, Ka-31 helicopters.

India is pursuing a consistent policy aimed at developing its aircraft carrier fleet. In 1986, an agreement was reached with Great Britain to purchase the Falklands War veteran aircraft carrier Hermes, which became part of the Indian Navy under the name Viraat, and is still in service.

The aircraft carrier Vikramaditya was built on the basis of the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Gorshkov through deep modernization. After a complete reconstruction, the ship changed its purpose: instead of an aircraft-carrying anti-submarine cruiser, the ship became a full-fledged aircraft carrier. In the process of rebuilding the ship's hull, most of the elements above the waterline were replaced, the boilers of the power plant were replaced, all weapons were removed and new, exclusively anti-aircraft weapons were installed.


1 aircraft carrier Sao Paulo (“Sao Paulo”) with a total displacement of 32,700 tons; total length 265 m; 12-14 aircraft; helicopters 9-11; speed 32 knots.

The aircraft carrier Foch, withdrawn from the French fleet in the fall of 2000, was purchased by Brazil and received the name Sao Paulo.


1 aircraft carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi (“Giuseppe Garibaldi”) total displacement 13,850 tons: length 180.2 m: 12 aircraft; speed 29.5 knots.


1 aircraft carrier Principe De Asturias (“Principe de Asturias”) total displacement 16,700 tons; length 195.7 m; 17 aircraft; speed 26 knots.


1 aircraft carrier Chakri Nareubet (“Chakri Nareubet”) total displacement 11,486 tons; length 167 m; 10 aircraft; speed 26.2 knots.

“Chakri Nareubet” was built by the Spaniards by order of the Thai Navy on the basis of the “Principe de Asturias” project, although it is inferior in size. It is possible that a contract will be concluded with Germany in the near future for the construction of another light aircraft-carrying ship for Thailand.