Program content:

    To form knowledge about the holiday “Bird Day”;

    Reinforce ideas about migratory birds;

    Continue to develop the ability to solve riddles about birds;

    To develop the ability to recognize birds by silhouette;

    Expanding children's horizons in terms of basic understanding of the world around them;

    Development of free communication with each other;

    Create a joyful mood in children;

    Continue to develop the ability to read poetry expressively;

Progress of joint activities

Children enter to the music and stand in a semicircle near the central wall.

Leading: They live on our planet

Wonderful creatures.

They fly and sing

And they cherish the land sacredly.

Tell me, children,

Is it possible to live without birds in the world?

What happens if the birds

Will they suddenly disappear on earth?

1 child Bugs, bugs, worms

Trees will be attacked

And they will eat the bark, leaves,

They gnaw branches, buds -

This is what will happen

If there are birds, if there are birds,

Everyone will disappear - disappear!

2 children And there will be no chirping,

The wondrous trills of the nightingale,

And the magpies chirp,

Chick - chirp of a sparrow...

It will be boring, the children know,

Live without birds in this world!

Leading: Today we have gathered to celebrate the holiday - Bird Day. It is celebrated annually on April 1st.

May this always be the custom

Will remain in my country -

To greet flocks of birds with love,

Rejoicing in spring with all my heart.

A song about spring is sung.

The children sit down.

Child: Come spring soon

Open the door wider

The starling's neck is frozen -

Doesn't trill.

Sketch “Birds are waiting for spring”

Rook: Now I'll fly away quickly,

I will invite you to visit us in the spring.

The rook introduces spring.

Spring: Hello guys. I am so glad to meet you!

You, friends, have just said goodbye to Winter.

But now I have a lot to do myself:

We need to remove all the icicles from the roofs of the houses,

Birds accept that they will fly from the south.

And also clear a place for grass,

Clearings and playgrounds for children.

Spring is red and loves fun. Get up in a circle and start a round dance.

Spring offers riddles for children.

Riddles about birds

1. Of all the migratory birds, 2. He spent a long time chiseling the tree

He cleans the arable land of worms and exterminated all the insects.

He galloped back and forth across the arable land, he wasted no time,

And the bird’s name is... (rook) Long-billed, motley... (woodpecker)

3. This bird never 4. Guess what kind of bird it is:

Does not build nests for itself. Little dark girl

Belenkaya leaves eggs for neighbors from her belly,

And he doesn’t remember the chicks. (cuckoo) Tail spread into two tails (swallow)

5. He flies every year 6. Who is without notes and without a pipe

To where the house awaits. He produces trills best of all,

7. A bird crows in the forest at night,

She's afraid to identify herself...

- Ku-ku, ku-ku! - the edge does not sleep,

And this bird's name is... (Cuckoo)

8. He builds a house on a rock.

Isn't it scary to live in it?

Although there is beauty all around,

But such a height!

No, the owner is not afraid

Fall off a steep cliff -

Two mighty wings

At the owner's... (Eagle)

Spring is holding a game "Recognize the bird by its silhouette."

Can you recognize a bird by its silhouette? Now we will check this.

Silhouettes of birds are shown - you need to guess what kind of bird it is.

(make silhouettes of birds: dove, magpie, duck, swallow)

Game "Find your bird"

Silhouettes of birds are laid out on the floor. Children are divided into subgroups. Each subgroup stands around the selected bird. When the music starts, children run around the hall pretending to be birds. At this time, the teacher swaps the silhouettes of the birds. At the end of the music, children find the silhouette of their bird and form a circle. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Spring: departure of spring. It's time for me to hit the road. As a parting gift, I want to give you a gift. Children open the box and find birdhouses.

Leading: What is this? Why do you think spring gave them to us?

Nature has vibrant colors

Millions of radiant inflorescences

What are miracles from fairy tales for?

If you can meet them in life

Leading: Miracles, big and small, funny and not so, await us everywhere. And our nature gives us these miracles. Be attentive and you will hear the cheerful song of a stream, the singing of birds, the chiming of raindrops, the blowing of wind, the dance of flowers.

Let's listen to the birds sing in the spring. Listening to the soundtrack of birdsong.


People have always watched birds and determined what the weather would be like based on their behavior. Do you know any signs?

1. Swallows touch the surface of the water with their wings (towards rain).

2. Swallows fly up and down (wait for the storm).

3. Swifts fly low and scream (towards rain).

4. Sparrows hide under the roof (toward a storm)

5. The bullfinch is chirping under the windows (for the thaw).

6. Pigeons coo, cuckoos cuckoo (for warm weather).

7. Sparrows bathe in the sand (it will rain).

8.Crows sit on the tops of trees (before frost).

9. Crows sit on the snow (toward the thaw).

10. Seagulls walk on the sand,

The sailor is promised melancholy,

A seagull sat down on the water,

Wait...(good weather).

Riddle about the raven

He wears a black vest

And the wings are black,

You see, twenty couples are circling

And they shout:

Carr! Carr! Carr!

Game "Raven"

Children stand near the central wall in a semicircle

Children recite Z. Alexandrova's poem "Bird Songs".

1. Let the birds sing to us without notes,

Let them sing without words.

I know everything they sing about

Goldfinch and repol.

2. A nightingale sings on a branch,

Robin and thrush:

“Don’t you dare destroy nests.

Don't touch the birds' nests!

3. Don’t look into our nests

Don't stand on the stumps

Don’t take warm eggs -

Why do you need them?

4.In a week or two

Come listen to the garden -

Chicks in young foliage

They will squeak quietly."

5.To feed your chicks,

Stuff your mouth with food

The tits will find worms,

Crawling into the garden.

6. Birds will fly everywhere -

They are both here and here.

All the caterpillars that spoil the garden,

They will find it on apple trees.

7.From bloodthirsty mosquitoes

There is no peace in summer -

Their warbler and repol

They'll catch you for lunch.

8.The goldfinch and the nightingale are singing,

Robin and thrush:

"Don't you dare destroy nests,

Don't touch the birds' nests!"

9.And we will not ruin! –

Here's the word from all the guys.

Let the bird songs come again

There are ringing sounds in our garden.

Leading: He waddles like a sailor.

White tie, black tailcoat.

In Antarctica among the ice floes

Spends his days... (penguin)

Leading: Penguins live in the Arctic. These are beautiful, graceful birds that cannot fly, but swim superbly and walk very funny. Remember their “graceful” waddle? Penguins walk by waddling from side to side. They have one more feature: they manage to carry their newly hatched cubs between their paws.

Take 2 balls. The participants’ task is to hold the ball with their feet at knee level and carry it to the turning mark and back. At the same time, you cannot jump or run, you must waddle, imitating the gait of a penguin, but as quickly as possible and without dropping the ball!

Child: I found out that I have

There is a huge relative:

And the path and the forest,

In the field - every spikelet,

Animals, birds, and beetles,

Ants and moths...

Everything that is next to me -

This is all my family!

How can I be in my native land?

Don't take care of him!

This event was final, but it was preceded by preparatory work: children learned a lot not only during the educational activities themselves, but also during the games.

Artistic creativity: drawing “The rooks have arrived.”

Artistic creativity: application “Our birdhouses”.

The script was prepared by Nadezhda Vyacheslavovna Kudinova, music director of Children's Preschool Educational Institution No. 3 “Fairy Tale”, Dmitrov.

On March 22, Rus' has long celebrated the holiday of Larks - the day of welcoming spring. This day was called “Magpies”. Forty forty. Forty martyrs. Forty saints. There was a belief that forty birds fly to Magpies, that the magpie begins to build a nest for itself and puts forty sticks in it. On Soroka, day and night are equal, the day of the vernal equinox arrives, and real spring begins.

The Lark holiday also began to be called “Magpies”. Not in honor of the white-sided corvids, but in honor of the forty martyrs of Sebaste. These were Christian soldiers who suffered martyrdom for their faith; their memory is celebrated on March 22. Larks had nothing to do with warriors, but the number forty was firmly attached to the holiday. “The lark brought forty birds with him.”

There were folk signs of honor. Magpies are warm - forty days will be warm, and early spring will come. If the Magpies are cold, expect forty cold mornings.

According to tradition, at the beginning of this holiday, spring birds were baked from dough. Larks, starlings, waders. The birds were handed out to the children, and they ran screaming and loudly laughing to call out the larks, and with them, spring.

In our kindergarten “Fairy Tale”, as part of spiritual and moral education, folk and Orthodox holidays occupy a large place in introducing children to folk culture.

A good tradition has developed to celebrate the calendar and: Winter Christmastide, Christmas, Maslenitsa week, Magpies, St. Yegoryev's day, Trinity.

On each holiday, certain ritual actions were performed and songs dedicated to this holiday were sung. The purpose of all rituals and songs was the same - to promote the well-being of the peasants. Therefore, calendar songs are characterized not only by the triumph of meaning, but also by a certain unity of musical melody.

One of the problems of modern education is that the historical continuity of generations is not respected in the process of education. Children are deprived of the opportunity to follow the example of people who lived in the past; they do not know how people solved their problems, what happened to those who went against the highest values, and to those who were able to change their lives, setting us a shining example.

The purpose of our holiday is to introduce folk signs and Russian Orthodox customs that are accessible to children of age.

The issue of spiritual and moral education of children is one of the key problems facing every parent, society and the state as a whole.

Our experience has shown that the Orthodox holiday in kindergarten has a positive effect on all children.

The children retain the joy of the festive event in their souls for a long time and tell their families about their impressions.

Getting acquainted with ritual holidays thanks to folklore, in particular, Russian folk songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, lullabies, the child enters into the world around him more easily, through empathy with lyrical heroes he more fully feels the beauty of his native nature, assimilates the people’s ideas about beauty, morality, becomes familiar with the customs, rituals - in a word, along with aesthetic pleasure, he absorbs what is called the spiritual heritage of the people, without which the formation of a full-fledged personality is simply impossible.

The word "folklore" literally translated from English means "folk wisdom". By introducing children to sayings, riddles, proverbs, fairy tales, and songs, we thereby introduce them to universal moral values.

It is no coincidence that folklore has been properly assessed in various aspects since ancient times: as a means of pedagogical influence, as a means of psychological and pedagogical study of the child, as a means of forming spiritual and moral culture, as a means of enriching the vocabulary of children and as a means of conveying the beauty and imagery of the Russian language.

Orthodox folklore holidays in kindergarten opened up the mysterious, blessed and bright world of church holidays to children, as well as teachers. We experienced first-hand the joy of the soul, extraordinary elation and happiness.

We hope that good seeds will grow in children's souls, and our children will grow up to be kind and smart, good citizens of their native country.


  • To awaken in children an interest in Russian folklore, in the rich world of human emotions associated with the old traditional way of life.
  • To develop in children an emotional response to the spring manifestations of nature; aesthetic feelings, experiences; creativity.
  • Foster hospitality, the desire to be kind and generous; respectful attitude towards Russian folk art; traditions and customs of the people.
  • Expand children's ideas about life in the old days.
  • To introduce the customs, traditions, and holidays of the Russian people; games and entertainment during the holidays.
  • Continue to introduce works of small oral folklore: chants, jokes, songs, proverbs, sayings.
  • Teach to understand the meaning of proverbs and sayings, encouraging the desire to explore them.
  • Create a festive mood in children when communicating with Russian folklore; intensify cognitive activity.
  • Evoke an emotional response to vivid folk images.
  • Show the relationship between the oral, visual and musical arts.


  • The hall is elegantly decorated with embroidered towels, colored ribbons, and flowers.
  • Corner “Gornitsa” with a Russian stove, Russian household items, kitchen utensils, a table covered with a tablecloth. On the table is a samovar and Khokhloma dishes.
  • For modeling salt dough, boards (according to the number of children), a piece of dough, stacks, and napkins are prepared.
  • Polyana (green carpet), decorated with flowers.

How to bake Larks

The recipe is simple. Dry yeast 1.5 teaspoons wheat flour, 500 grams of salt, 1 teaspoon sugar, 2-2.5 tablespoons water, 300 ml. test. Knead the dough tightly, let it rise twice, knead it and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

After the dough has risen, form the buns, grease the top and bake for 30-35 minutes at 190 degrees.

To lubricate, you need to brew strong black tea (a bag) in a small cup, dilute 3 tablespoons of sugar and 0.5 tablespoon of starch there. Warm it all up in the microwave and you’ll get a sweet tea jelly.


  • Two presenters
  • Spring,
  • Masha,
  • Sun,
  • Earth,
  • Birds.


Children stand in front of the curtain (the curtain is closed).

1 presenter:

— Very often behind events and the hustle and bustle of days
We don’t remember our antiquity, we forget about it.

— In the old days, every village, every hamlet had its own customs of gatherings and holidays dedicated to the folk calendar. Young people gathered to show themselves and see others. According to the folk calendar, the first month of spring is rich in holidays. And today we celebrate the Day of Welcoming Spring - “Magpies”.

2 presenter:

- Spring, red spring,
Come, spring, with joy,
With great mercy,
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
With abundant bread,
With heavy rain.

1 presenter:

- Let's open the golden gates for Spring-Red. This will help spring double its strength and overcome winter. But even though “winter scares spring and melts away on its own,” even though spring often gets cold, spring will still win, and we will help it with this.

Children enter the hall in two groups: 1st group - playing whistles and pipes, 2nd group - with the attributes of welcoming spring (ribbons, paper birds, straw dolls, etc.). Everyone goes through the gate in a line.

Game "Golden Gate".

Mother spring is coming,
Open the gate.
The first of March has arrived
The white snow has melted.
And behind it comes April
He opened the window and door.
And when May came,
Invite the sun into the tower!

Children sit on chairs.

Audio recording of birds singing. Avdotya-Plyushchikha appears and sings acapella “Oh, spring has returned.”

Avdotya: - Hello, guys! I am Avdotya-Plyushchikha. In winter, Mother Earth slept, “froze”, was “closed”, it was impossible to disturb her. But I, Avdotya-Plyushchikha, came, flattened the snow, it settled down and ran in streams. I awaken Mother Earth from her winter sleep. I’m deciding whether to let spring in or not. But people are waiting for Spring, calling, inviting. I equip Vesna-Red, and that’s why they also call me “Avdotya-Vesnovka”. My holiday is celebrated in March. They say:

If Avdotya is red on this day, then spring is red too.
There is sunshine on Avdotya - it’s a nice summer.
If there is snow on Avdotya, there will be a harvest.

1 Presenter: — On March 22, in Orthodox Russia, in honor of the forty martyrs, the holiday “Magpies” or the day of the vernal equinox is celebrated. There is a belief that on this day forty different birds fly from warm countries. The first to return from warm countries are waders and larks, who carry spring on their wings.

Avdotya: — In the old days, people believed that spring came with the arrival of birds. Proverbs say: “As the birds fly, so will the warmth flow!”, “The larks all walk along the paths, fly across the thawed patches.”


- Let's welcome spring,
Attract the larks!


- Lark, come,
Take away the cold winter!
Lark, bring it
Spring is red on its tail!
Lark, fly to the lights.
Bring us warmth, fly!
Larks, fly to the field,
Bring health:
The first is cow
The second is sheep,
Third - human!

They sing the Call of the Larks.

Chuvil-ville-ville, larks!

Summer is warm, spring is red.
We are tired of winter and have eaten all our bread.
Spring is red with what it came:
On a whip, on a collar
Chuville ville ville, larks!

Avdotya: — The lark is one of God’s pure birds. There is a legend about the origin of the lark: God threw a lump of earth high into the air and turned it into a bird gray as the earth. Lark. As God's bird, the lark was forbidden to be eaten, and killing was considered a great sin. The lark was called the singer of the Mother of God. The lark himself says this about himself: “I fly high, I sing songs, I glorify Christ.”

— According to legend, larks removed thorns from the crown of thorns of the crucified Christ. Rising high into the sky, the lark spends time in prayer. Then, suddenly falling silent, he soars even higher and flies to confession to God himself.

“People baked larks from dough, went out with them for festivities, invited them, called for spring. Let us also bake our larks.

Performs a melodious acapella chant, repeating several times:

Larks, quails,
Fly to us, bring us
Red spring and red summer.

Children go to the tables and make birds out of salt dough. Place the completed birds on a baking sheet. Avdotya puts the baking sheet in the oven.

Avdotya: - Come on, guys, get up and play with the lark!

Game "Lark".

Children stand in a circle, a child (lark) walks around the circle with a bell, saying the words:

In the sky the lark sang, the bell rang,
Frolic in silence, hid the song in the grass,
Whoever finds the song will be happy for a whole year.

Children close their eyes, the driver hides the bell behind the child, the finder rings the bell, then the leader changes.

1 presenter:

— We went out for a walk, to greet the red spring
This is somehow unusual: where to look for it and how?

Avdotya: - Now I will tell you the fairy tale “How Spring overcame Winter.”

Once upon a time, Mashenka lived in a village. She sat under the window with a birch spindle and said...

Mashenka: - When spring comes and the snow rolls down from the mountains, and water spills over the meadows, then I will bake waders with larks and with my girlfriends. I will go to meet spring, call and call to the village.

Avdotya: “Winter doesn’t go away, it keeps getting colder.” Everyone was tired of it being cold and icy, it chilled their arms and legs, it gave them a chill. What to do here? Trouble!

Masha decided to go look for Spring. I got ready and went. She came to the field, sat down on a hillock and called the Sun...


- Sunshine, sunshine, red bucket,
Look out from behind the mountain, look out until springtime!

Avdotya: “People were waiting for the warm sun, they called it affectionately and respectfully Yarilo-sun.

The girls are beautiful,
Yes, good fellows,
Get ready, dress up,
Go for a walk.

- We get up in a round dance and invite the sun to visit.

Round dance "Sun".

Children get up in a round dance and say chants about the sun:

1st child, 2nd child:

“Come, come, sunshine, “Bucket sunshine,
Look out the window, Look out the window!
Shine more generously, Sunshine, dress up,
Warm everyone up quickly." Red, show yourself."

3rd child, 4th child:

“Sunshine bell, “Sunshine, sunshine,
Come up early, Little Red Seed,
Wake us up early, come out quickly,
We should run to the fields, Be kinder to us!”
Let's welcome spring."

Song "Winter is passing."

Avdotya: — The sun peeked out from behind the mountain, Masha and asked:

Mashenka: -Have you seen, Sun, Red Spring?


“I didn’t meet Spring, but I saw old Winter.”
I saw how fiercely she left Spring, fled from the red one,
She carried the cold in the bag, shaking the cold on the ground.
But Spring doesn’t know about it.
Go, red maiden, look for Spring.
Call her to your lands.

Avdotya: — Masha went to look for Vesna. Where the Sun rolls across the blue sky, there she goes. It took a long time. She met Mother Earth.

Mashenka: - Mother Earth, haven’t you met Spring?

Mother Earth:

- Spring woke me up,
Awakened to a new life.
The last snow in the field is already melting,
Warm steam rises from the earth,
And the blue jug blooms
And the cranes call each other.
Young forest, dressed in green smoke,
Warm thunderstorms are impatiently waiting,
Everything is warmed by the breath of spring -
Everything around loves and sings.

Avdotya: — The sun warmed the earth, the snow melted, and babbling brooks ran everywhere.

Round dance-game "Stream".

This is an ancient ritual game that symbolized the melting of snow. You need to stand in pairs, hold hands and raise them up to form a stream. Accompanied by singing (music), the leader enters the stream and takes a pair for himself. Whoever is left alone drives, choosing whoever he wants.

- So the stream runs on and on. And along with this running, Spring is approaching

Avdotya: “And here are the bird messengers of the first spring, let’s ask them.”

Mashenka: - Birds, haven’t you seen Spring?

Birds: - We saw, we saw. It was she who called us home from the south.


— Tell me, birds, where have you been?
What did you see? Did you live well and who were your friends?


- We missed the village,
By the birdhouse, by the trees,
Next door - a sparrow.

— The first to return from warm countries are waders and larks, leading forty birds who carry spring on their wings.

Leading: - Now we’ll find out what birds you know.

Makes riddles:

— The bird has an awl in front,
Behind the bird is Wiltse!
The bird itself is small,
And it was overseas. (Martin.)

- Of all the migratory birds,
He looks for worms in the arable land,
Jump back and forth across the arable land,
And the bird’s name is... (rook).

- A bird is grieving in the forest at night,
She is afraid to identify herself.
- Ku-ku... Ku-ku...
The edge does not sleep,
And this bird’s name is... (cuckoo).

- We built it together
For guests of the spring house,
Or rather, a palace.
Fly here... (starling).

Avdotya: — Spring is coming, it’s in a hurry. We met Freckles-Spring on the Annunciation holiday. On Annunciation, they say, spring overcame winter. And they also said: “The Annunciation is the release of the birds.” On this day all the birds were released into the wild. When releasing the birds they said:

Tit sisters,
Tap dancers,
Red-throated bullfinches,
Well done goldfinches,
Thieves sparrows!
You can fly at will
You will live in freedom,
Bring spring to us soon!

Avdotya: “Masha started calling Vesna too.”

Masha: - Oh, Spring-Spring, good mother! You go to our lands, drive away the fierce Winter.

Round dance song “Oh, the water is running like a stream” (general).

Avdotya: - Beautiful maidens and kind fellows, get up in a round dance, invite Freckles to spring!

Children say chants.

1st child:

- Come, Spring, Spring is red,
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
With plenty of bread.

2nd child:

- Come to us, Spring, with joy,
With great mercy,
With grainy rye,
With golden wheat.

The joyful chirping of birds sounds (phonogram). Spring enters with a rocker, on which one bucket is dark, the second is light - it contains figures of paper birds.


- I am Red Spring!
I wake the earth from sleep,
I fill my kidneys with juice,
I grow flowers in the meadow.
I drive ice away from the rivers,
I make the sunrise bright.
Everywhere: in the field and in the forest,
I bring joy to people!

- I, Spring-Red,
I came to your holiday,
She brought a willow branch.

Avdotya: - They say correctly... (Asks the children to name proverbs and sayings.)


“It’s not spring without willow.”
— The willow drives ice from the river.
- If the willow blooms well, there will be a harvest.

Spring invites children to dance. Hands out willow branches to adults to make collars. The children snake their way through the gate. Children, together with adults, say (slightly chorusing) the words:

Willow, willow, willow,
Curly willow,
Don't grow, little willow, in the rye,
Willow grows on the boundary.

Children sit on chairs. Spring passes, touching children with a willow twig.

Spring: - Give the children health, little willow. As the willow grows, so do you. The willow hits, but not to the point of tears. The willow is red and does not strike in vain.

Avdotya: - Spring is red, what kind of rocker do you have?

Spring: — The rocker is not simple. Do you see two magic buckets on it? In one, dark, the dark night lives. On another, bright, clear day.

Presenter 2: - Oh, how interesting. Which one is lighter and which one is heavier?

Spring: — Now both buckets are equal in weight. After all, today is the day of the spring equinox, day is equal to night. And then the light bucket will become heavier and heavier, because the day begins to grow.

Leading: - Spring is red, we have been waiting for you for a long time. Now let's sing, dance and have fun!

Songs and dances.

Spring: — I brought you riddles in my magical light bucket.

Presenter 2: “And now I invite everyone to a common round dance with Spring-Red.”

Round dance "We were waiting for spring."

Presenter 1:

- We met with Spring,
We all learned about her.
I want a beautiful spring
You told your family at home!

Avdotya: - Well done guys. For your efforts, please accept a treat from me. Here are some “lark” pies for you. Don’t forget, guys, to give the birds a treat at home too, so that the birds will fly to your house.

Avdotya distributes food, saying:

The larks have arrived
They sat on the children's heads.
Even though the birds are returning to us,
And the warmth is still far away -
40 martyrs,
40 matinees,
40 frosts.

Avdya says goodbye. Music is playing. The holiday is over.

NOTE. Role-playing costumes at low prices in a specialized store for teachers “Kindergartens”—

Every year, birds fly to hot countries in the fall and return to their homeland in the spring. Not all birds survive such a difficult test; many birds die. There are fewer and fewer gardens, parks, and forests where birds can find a home. We hear the cheerful singing of birds less and less often. Birds need to be protected so that they can delight us every year, which is why many countries have laws regarding the protection of migratory birds. and Russia as well. Our goal is to instill love and care for birds in children.



Scenario for a holiday in a preparatory group on the theme: “Bird Day”

Participants are children of the preparatory group aged 6-7 years.

Number of children 10 -15

Program content:

  • To form knowledge about the holiday “Bird Day”;
  • Reinforce ideas about migratory birds;
  • Continue to develop the ability to solve riddles about birds;
  • To develop the ability to recognize birds by silhouette;
  • Expanding children's horizons in terms of basic understanding of the world around them;
  • Development of free communication with each other;
  • Create a joyful mood in children;
  • Continue to develop the ability to read poetry expressively;

Progress of joint activities

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle near the central wall.

Leading: They live on our planet
Wonderful creatures.
They fly and sing
And they cherish the land sacredly.
Tell me, children,
Is it possible to live without birds in the world?
What happens if the birds
Will they suddenly disappear on earth?

1 child Bugs, bugs, worms
Trees will be attacked
And they will eat the bark, leaves,
They gnaw branches, buds -
This is what will happen
If there are birds, if there are birds,
Everyone will disappear - disappear!

2reb . And there will be no chirping,
The wondrous trills of the nightingale,
And the magpies chirp,
Chick - chirp of a sparrow...
It will be boring, the children know,
Live without birds in this world!

Leading: Today we have gathered to celebrate the holiday - Bird Day. It is celebrated annually on April 1st.

May this always be the custom
Will remain in my country -
To greet flocks of birds with love,
Rejoicing in spring with all my heart.

A song about spring is sung.

The children sit down.

Child: Come spring soon
Open the door wider
The starling's neck is frozen -
Doesn't trill.

Sketch “Birds are waiting for spring”

Rook: Now I'll fly away quickly,

I will invite you to visit us in the spring.

The rook introduces spring.

Spring: Hello guys. I am so glad to meet you!

You, friends, have just said goodbye to Winter.
But now I have a lot to do myself:
We need to remove all the icicles from the roofs of the houses,
Birds accept that they will fly from the south.
And also clear a place for grass,
Clearings and playgrounds for children.

Spring is red and loves fun. Get up in a circle and start a round dance.

Spring offers riddles for children.

Riddles about birds

1. Of all the migratory birds, 2. He spent a long time chiseling the tree

He cleans the arable land of worms and exterminated all the insects.

He galloped back and forth across the arable land, he wasted no time,

And the bird’s name is... (rook) Long-billed, motley... (woodpecker)

3. This bird never 4. Guess what kind of bird it is:

Does not build nests for itself. Little dark girl

Belenkaya leaves eggs for neighbors from her belly,

And he doesn’t remember the chicks. (cuckoo) Tail spread into two tails (swallow)

5. He flies every year 6. Who is without notes and without a pipe

To where the house awaits. He produces trills best of all,

7. A bird crows in the forest at night,
She's afraid to identify herself...
- Ku-ku, ku-ku! - the edge does not sleep,
And this bird's name is... ( Cuckoo)

8. He builds a house on a rock.
Isn't it scary to live in it?
Although there is beauty all around,
But such a height!
No, the owner is not afraid
Fall off a steep cliff -
Two mighty wings
The owner... (

Spring is holding a game "Recognize the bird by its silhouette."
Can you recognize a bird by its silhouette? Now we will check this.
Silhouettes of birds are shown - you need to guess what kind of bird it is.
(make silhouettes of birds: dove, magpie, duck, swallow)

Game "Find your bird"

Silhouettes of birds are laid out on the floor. Children are divided into subgroups. Each subgroup stands around the selected bird. When the music starts, children run around the hall pretending to be birds. At this time, the teacher swaps the silhouettes of the birds. At the end of the music, children find the silhouette of their bird and form a circle. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Spring: departure of spring. It's time for me to hit the road. As a parting gift, I want to give you a gift. Children open the box and find birdhouses.

Leading: What is this? Why do you think spring gave them to us?

Nature has vibrant colors

Millions of radiant inflorescences

What are miracles from fairy tales for?

If you can meet them in life

Leading: Miracles, big and small, funny and not so, await us everywhere. And our nature gives us these miracles. Be attentive and you will hear the cheerful song of a stream, the singing of birds, the chiming of raindrops, the blowing of wind, the dance of flowers.

Let's listen to the birds sing in the spring. Listening to the soundtrack of birdsong.

People have always watched birds and determined what the weather would be like based on their behavior. Do you know any signs?

1. Swallows touch the surface of the water with their wings (towards rain).
2. Swallows fly up and down (wait for the storm).
3. Swifts fly low and scream (towards rain).
4. Sparrows hide under the roof (toward a storm)
5. The bullfinch is chirping under the windows (for the thaw).
6. Pigeons coo, cuckoos cuckoo (for warm weather).
7. Sparrows bathe in the sand (it will rain).
8.Crows sit on the tops of trees (before frost).
9. Crows sit on the snow (toward the thaw).
10. Seagulls walk on the sand,
The sailor is promised melancholy,
A seagull sat down on the water,
Wait...(good weather).

Riddle about the raven

He wears a black vest

And the wings are black,

You see, twenty couples are circling

And they shout:

Carr! Carr! Carr!

Game "Raven"

Children stand near the central wall in a semicircle

Children recite Z. Alexandrova's poem "Bird Songs".

1. Let the birds sing to us without notes,
Let them sing without words.
I know everything they sing about
Goldfinch and repol.

2. A nightingale sings on a branch,
Robin and thrush:
“Don’t you dare destroy nests.
Don't touch the birds' nests!

3. Don’t look into our nests
Don't stand on the stumps
Don’t take warm eggs -
Why do you need them?

4.In a week or two
Come listen to the garden -
Chicks in young foliage
They will squeak quietly."

5.To feed your chicks,
Stuff your mouth with food
The tits will find worms,
Crawling into the garden.

6. Birds will fly everywhere -
They are both here and here.
All the caterpillars that spoil the garden,
They will find it on apple trees.

7.From bloodthirsty mosquitoes
There is no peace in summer -
Their warbler and repol
They'll catch you for lunch.

8.The goldfinch and the nightingale are singing,
Robin and thrush:
"Don't you dare destroy nests,
Don't touch the birds' nests!"

9.And we will not ruin! –
Here's the word from all the guys.
Let the bird songs come again
There are ringing sounds in our garden.

Leading: He waddles like a sailor.

White tie, black tailcoat.

In Antarctica among the ice floes

Spends his days... (penguin)

Leading: Penguins live in the Arctic. These are beautiful, graceful birds that cannot fly, but swim superbly and walk very funny. Remember their “graceful” waddle? Penguins walk by waddling from side to side. They have one more feature: they manage to carry their newly hatched cubs between their paws.

Take 2 balls. The participants’ task is to hold the ball with their feet at knee level and carry it to the turning mark and back. At the same time, you cannot jump or run, you must waddle, imitating the gait of a penguin, but as quickly as possible and without dropping the ball!

Child : I found out that I have
There is a huge relative:
And the path and the forest,
In the field - every spikelet,
Animals, birds, and beetles,
Ants and moths...
Everything that is next to me -
This is all my family!
How can I be in my native land?
Don't take care of him!

Final song.

Entertainment for Bird Day for children of senior preschool age “Birds are next to us - you and I must take care of them”

Integration of educational areas: “Music”, “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Reading fiction”.

Target: to involve preschoolers in the cause of nature conservation through self-expression in creativity.

Tasks: to introduce children to the science of ornithology, to evoke a sense of reproach for the mistreatment of wildlife; develop skills of correct behavior with birds; promote awareness of one’s place in nature, understanding the connection between man and nature; to cultivate a sense of respect for our smaller brothers.

Planned results: masters basic movements in accordance with age; shows sensitivity to the artistic word, feels the rhythm and melody of the poetic text; game interaction is accompanied by speech that corresponds both in content and intonation to the role taken; can independently or with a little help from an adult evaluate his own actions and the actions of his peers; complies with basic generally accepted norms of behavior in kindergarten and on the street; can reason and give adequate causal explanations if the analyzed relationships do not go beyond the limits of his visual experience, accept a memorization task, remembers the instructions of an adult; can learn a short poem.

Equipment: bird puppet doll on fishing lines, costumes for participants of the “Feathered Patrol”, “Young Ornithologist” medals according to the number of children.

Contents of organized activities

Children enter the hall to the music and sit down. Ornitosha appears.


Hello guys,

Dear preschoolers!

Let's meet, friends,

Everyone calls me Ornithosha.

They called it that for a reason,

I am very interested in birds.

Ornithology is such a science

Who studies birds.

There are professors and doctors of sciences there,

They are called ornithologists.

I'm still small

So they called me Ornitosh.

I stand for the protection of birds -

I suggest you become young ornithologists.

Are you ready to study birds?

To become real ornithologists?

Children. Yes!


Well, then you, friends, must pass the test!

First, tell us what you know about birds.

The children of the older group go to the middle of the hall and stand in random order facing the audience.

1st child.

All adults know, all children know.

What live on the planet with us?

Lion and crane, wolves, foxes,

Birds also live on the planet with us.

2nd child.

The birds are rising

Above the clouds.

Birds are the sounds of Gardens, fields, forests.

3rd child.

Birds are beautiful!

We must always love them.

We want to watch birds

Study their habits.

4th child.

There are many around us

Birds living:

Pigeons, sparrows,

Jackdaws and tits.

5th child.

Sparrow is our best friend

Pecks crumbs right from your hands,

Ruffled the feathers

The tail fluffed up

A cheerful song

Made all the guys laugh.

Song “Sparrows” (music and lyrics by T. Morozova)

Yellow-throated sparrow

Settled among the branches.

Small, cute, and so cheerful.

He sits on a branch

Smiles at the sun

Quietly pecks grains and sings a song.


Chick-chirp, little sparrow

He pecks at the grains.

Chick-chirp, on a branch

Sings a song.

Yellow-throated sparrow

Settled among the branches.

He is afraid of cats, afraid of cats.

We won't give you any offense

Our little sparrow

We'll bring some fresh grains and sing a song.

The children sit down and the bird descends.


Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!

The birds need your help.

A hooligan appeared in the forest,

He scared away all the animals and birds,

Destroyed the sandpiper's nest,

Almost hit me with a slingshot.

Who can help us?

Who will drive the bully away?


Birds ask us for help,

We will call the “Feathered Patrol” now.

Enter the “Feathered Patrol” (preparatory group children).

1st child.

“Feather Patrol” is in front of you, friends.

We patrol the forest and cities.

We build birdhouses, save chicks

From hooligans and tomboys.

2nd child.

We are ready to explain to everyone:

Feathered friends need to be rescued urgently!

Until they disappeared from the planet,

After all, birds are very important in nature.

3rd child.

Imagine, children, if there are no birds!

Then real trouble will happen

Then the hordes of pests will descend,

The steppes will fall silent and all the forests will disappear.

4th child.

If the birds suddenly disappear,

Then there will be so many flies,

That we cannot cope with them,

They will destroy all living things.

5th child.

We want to tell you now

Something everyone should know.

“Song of the “Feathered Patrol”” (music by E. Hanka)

Load more and more of us

For some reason they became

Kindergarten is like first grade,

Worse than the institute.

We know literacy and counting,

And the computer too.

About ecology to friends

We can tell you.


Or there will be more, oh, oh, oh!

I can’t count how many birds are dying,

But, to be honest,

And there is little for them

Places in our hearts.

Feed them in winter

And then, of course,

They will sing in the spring

With your tender trill.

Don’t hurt the birds, don’t forget to feed them,

And then everything will be fine.

No trouble happened

On the blue planet

Always protect the birds

Adults and children.

And then - for no one

There is no secret in that -

We will save nature

And the planet will bloom.


Either it will happen again, or it will happen again,

Or there will be more, oh, oh, oh!

6th child.

And now we'll tell you,

What we often see here and there...

The readers disperse in different directions and line up in two columns.

Dramatization of the poem.

7th child.

Sasha quickly got dressed

And he rushed out into the street.

He began to frolic and play,

Shoot birds with a slingshot.

Broke a tree branch

He scared Sparrows,

Then I caught pigeons,

Destroyed the bird's nest.


It's a pity I didn't hit the bird,

I used to shoot better!

8th child.

A girl approaches Sasha,

She doesn't take her eyes off him.

Very short in stature

Younger than Sasha, that's for sure.

The little one tells him...


What you did is just creepy!

You are a pest, a bully,

Angry and nasty little boy!

Even little ones know

Animals and birds are not harmed.

The kids come out to the music.

1st child.

For fun and games

Don't take the slingshot.

Birds are smaller friends

We can't offend them!

2nd child.

Even though we are small,

We only know that

That feeders help

The birds will all survive the winter.

3rd child.

The girl knows, the boy knows:

Birds are our best friends.

We protect them, we help them,

We never offend them.

4th child.

Look at us

We are ready now

A promise to make together...

All. Help smaller friends!

Children's song “If you went out for a walk...” (music by V. Kostenko).

If you went out for a walk,

There is no need to scatter the birds,

Don't throw stones at birds

They are not shot with a slingshot.

Even little ones know

They don't play such games.

Don't go into birds' nests:

Maybe there are chicks there.

You can't touch them with your hands -

They will all die then.


Even little ones know

They don't play games with chicks.

Even though we are small,

But we are friendly with birds.

Let's protect the birds

Don't offend them.


Even little ones know:

There is no nature without birds.

The kids leave to the music.

5th child.

Well, are you ashamed, Sasha?

Lost your mood?


I'm tired of bullying.

I decided, guys, boldly:

We need to protect nature -

Earth, birds, animals and water.

Nature has vibrant colors,

And let her live without fear.

Let the birds chirp loudly

And no one is afraid of man.

And let the wondrous beauty

Flowers are blooming all over the earth!

6th child.

If the guys understand everything,

Why we need to protect birds

That surprise us then

All nature will surprise you!

Dance "Surprise".

The “Feathered Patrol” enters the middle of the hall.

7th child.

Have you thought for a minute?

Offending a bird is no joke.

With it, both the forest and the fields will disappear.

Tell us, did everyone understand this?

Children. Yes!


"Feather Patrol", I thank you,

On behalf of the children I say “thank you”!

For protecting nature,

Helping birds in difficult times!

8th child.

While the birds need help,

We always have things to do.

We would like to wish you goodbye...

All. Take care of the birds, help them.

They leave the hall to the music.


I suggest you play

Find out what is good and what is bad.

Game "What's good and what's bad?"

Children listen to quatrains; if they think that what they heard is good, then they clap their hands, and if it is bad, they point down with their thumb, emitting dissatisfied exclamations.

1. If the baby is small

Sprinkles crumbs for the birds,

He acts badly

Or is he good?

2. The angry boy took the stick

I chased pigeons with it,

He was pleased with himself.

Good boy or bad?

3. What the girl made was not a toy at all -

My dad and I made a feeder for the tits.

She poured grain into it,

Is this good or bad?

4. Boy using a slingshot

Shot at a flock of sparrows

And wounded one -

Is this good or bad?

5. And here’s another question:

The boy brought home an egg,

He destroyed the bird's nest -

Is this good or bad?

6. The chick was put in a cage,

Mom and dad were separated.

They water and feed him -

Are they doing bad or good?

7. Now you must answer:

How will you behave?

There must be one solution -

The only thing to do with birds is...

All. Fine!

The children take their seats.


Grateful birds for us

Stand the disco now.

Dance "Feathered disco".


Now I want to ask you:

What did you learn today?

Bird experts

Have you all become?

(Children's answers)

Congratulations to you guys

In "Young Ornithologists"

I dedicate everyone!

Promise not to hurt the birds.

To love and study them.

Children stand up in random order and an oath is taken.

1st child. We swear to protect and love birds.

All. We swear!

All. We swear!

3rd child.

To become an older friend to birds,

Protect them from hooligans.

All. We swear!

Children are awarded Young Ornithologist medals. The final song plays.

If the birds disappear, disaster may happen:

All living things will die - fields, forests, meadows.

There are simple rules to behave in nature,

They just need to be learned and always followed.


You know all the rules

Follow them carefully.

After all, everyone should know -

Birds must be protected.

In cold weather, feed

Make a feeder.

And then you and the birds will be friends!

Look how blue the sky is.

Why do birds sing so happily?

Because children know these laws

And they always live in harmony with nature.