Have you decided to prepare a small concert for your classmates for Defenders of the Fatherland Day? Funny scenes for congratulating boys on February 23 will be the highlight of such a performance. Both children and teachers can take part in these performances.

Our website provides materials for such school miniatures by February 23, 2020, which you can use in your performances. Putting up such miniatures will not be difficult, and you will be guaranteed applause from the audience!

Funny scenes at school on February 23

The first school skit for Defenders of the Fatherland Day can be performed by performing funny ditties about the children.

We'll sing for you today
And we have the same motive,
Congratulations on the twenty-third
We really, really want it!

We'll sing ditties for you,
You help us.
If we lie a little,
Don't scold us.

Our class is all boys
They love to distinguish themselves.
Who draws, who sings,
Someone's having fun!

Petya is standing at the blackboard,
He looks at the task.
He has sadness in his heart
There is suffering on the face.

Vova was lazy in the morning
Comb your hair
A cow came up to him
She combed her tongue.

If, Dima, you then
You will be a deputy
Then your diary can become
Terrible compromising evidence!

In our class you sometimes
Pasha, the most crazy one.
Now you jump, now you cry.
How can we be friends with you?

The school year has begun
The clock ticked.
And Fedor has a question:
“So when are the holidays?!”

Yura jerks girls
For braids with ribbons.
Would treat us better
Delicious sweets.

The bell rang again -
Radio turns on:
Artem has the whole lesson
The mouth doesn't close.

Kolya studies for "five"
Knows mathematics
He will solve the problem in one go
On any topic.

Petya, Petenka Petrov -
The guy is just what you need
Because he's in our class,
We are incredibly happy!

We sang ditties for you,
Is it good or bad?
And now we ask you,
So that you clap for us.

What other miniatures are suitable for February 23 at school?

In the next funny scene for boys, on February 23, the recruit Vanya, his father, mother, sister and grandmother participate. The song is performed to the tune of the song “How my dear mother saw me off.”

- How my own mother saw me off,
Then all my relatives came running.
- Oh, where are you going, my son?
Oh, where are you going?
Shouldn't you, Vanek, become a soldier!
- In our army there will be fighters, tea,
They will manage without you, grandson.
Little sister:
- You shouldn’t go there, dear brother,
And he went with me to kindergarten.
We'll play with dolls, eat porridge,
Shoot with a pistol, listen to the nanny.

- All my friends have been serving for a long time,
Well, tell me, father, why am I worse?
- I served, and let our Vanek serve,
This means that the Motherland needs such a soldier.
- He will freeze, he will get acute respiratory infections.
Dress warmly, my grandson.
(He puts a scarf and hat on Vanya, hands him a string bag with stewed meat and a bunch of bagels).
- Don’t forget to take the first aid kit with you.
Return to your home, you are a hero!

Then in this short production for schoolchildren on February 23 Mother wipes away his tears with a large handkerchief and says:
- Okay, son! Once you have decided, then go! What now! And your father served, and your grandfather, and your great-grandfather. I have collected gifts for you here: 3 pairs of knitted socks from the wool of our goat, 3 liters of milk from our cow, 3 kilograms of lard from our pig, 3 dozen eggs from a chicken. And from myself - a bag of seeds and a pack of envelopes. You will husk the seeds and write letters to me.
- Eh, mama, I have nowhere to put these belongings! I'm leaving you. It’s boring at home... Or maybe it’s in the army: from a machine gun - wow! From a machine gun - splash! And off we go. This is where life is for a real man!

Other school skits for boys from girls on February 23

Your viewers will also enjoy other funny skits for February 23 at school, dedicated to conscription into the army. Don’t forget to select suitable props for such productions and conduct a rehearsal the day before.

In the next funny scene, a mother and son are talking.
“Son, today an owl flew in from Hogwarts and brought a letter saying that you are the chosen one!”
- What???
- Why, what, you got a summons from the military registration and enlistment office!

The boy caught a goldfish in an aquarium and asks:
– Make sure that every day of the year is February 23rd.
It’s too late,” the fish answers, “your desk neighbor caught me earlier.”
- And what did she ask?
– So that every day will be March 8th.

The teacher says to the student:
– Petrov, you studied with straight A’s, and now you’ve got straight D’s. They'll keep you for a second year. If you don’t come to your senses, they’ll leave you again and again... You’ll have to give up your dream of college.
- Why should I? higher education? Now everyone from the institute is being drafted into the army. But they won’t hire you without secondary education.
– How long are you going to stay at school?
– About 27 years. Just be patient, Marya Ivanna, there are only ten years left.

Two guys met. One suggests:
- Let's go to college after school!
- Let's go to the army! - says another.
- Why?
- It’s great there! I ran, jumped, ate and slept. It’s not like at the institute: I didn’t eat, I didn’t sleep...

Another miniature is also played by two guys. One asks:
- Well, did you go to military school?
– No, I didn’t pass the competition.
-Where did you go?
- In the army - on the budget.

Funny skits for February 23rd for schoolchildren

A conscript in the neurologist’s office says:
– Fifteen years ago I asked Santa Claus to give me a gift New Year military uniform. And just now I received it. (Crying) This old man got everything mixed up!
The psychiatrist is writing something at this time. Then he asks:
– Have you had any mental disorders before?
Conscript (scared):
- No, what are you talking about!
The psychiatrist jumps up and, leaning towards the conscript, shouts:
– What if I find it?!!

In the ophthalmologist’s office, the doctor asks the conscript:
– Do you see the top line?
- I see!
- And below?
- I see!
- Even lower?
- No!
- To the snipers! Next!
– Do you see the top line?
- I see!
- And below?
- I don’t see!
- To the Marine Fleet. Next.
– Do you see the top line?
- No, doctor, I don’t see it!
- Oh, how cunning you are! You will go to serve in intelligence!

Doctors examine a conscript:
-What's wrong with your hand?
- They took blood from my finger.
– Why is your arm in a cast?
- But I didn’t give it!

At the military registration and enlistment office the conscript is indignant:
– How can I serve in the army with my flat feet?! I can’t even catch up with the enemy!
Military commissar:
- It’s okay, my dear, the snow on the airfield won’t run away from your broom!

At the military registration and enlistment office, the chief asks the conscript:
- Well, five thousand bucks or the army?
The conscript takes out a video camera from under his jacket:
– Now it’s my turn to ask questions. Well, white ticket or YouTube?



Children enter the hall to the march.

VED. – Hello, dear parents and children! Today we have gathered here to celebrate holiday February 23- day armed forces, which our whole country is celebrating. This holiday all defenders of our Fatherland, defenders of peace, freedom and happiness! The soldiers and commanders of our army serve day and night. And today we congratulate not only your dads, brothers, grandfathers on the birthday of our army, but also our boys, future defenders of our Motherland!

CHILDREN - When there is ice on the rivers,

And the blizzard rushes into the distance,

Wonderful the holiday brings us

Pensive February.

Will come holiday of all soldiers,

Defenders, fighters.

Everyone will be happy to congratulate you

And grandfathers and fathers.

We will congratulate our mother together

Happy Army Honor Day to Dad,

After all, he is our protector

Every day and every hour.

IN holiday of courage and honor

Congratulations to dad

And don't let him down

I firmly promise.

We have one holiday,

This holiday - men's day.

Defenders Day, soldier -

Congratulations to everyone!

SONG "Good Soldiers"

CHILDREN - I will draw a steamboat,

Where dad is the captain.

My dad swims bravely

From distant, distant countries.

I'll draw a plane

Where dad is the commander.

And days and nights long

Dad saves the world!

I'll draw a gun

And a rider in the saddle.

I know there is no better dad

A hero on earth.

About battles and victories

I often heard it from my grandfather.

This I'm not fooling around with the holiday,

I don't upset grandpa.

Grandpa, I love you

And today congratulations!

SONG "Three Tankers"

VED. - Guys, modern soldiers should not only be dexterous and brave, but also smart. Let's do mental gymnastics and solve riddles.

I fly up without acceleration,

I remind you of a dragonfly.

Takes flight

Our Russian (helicopter).

Wonder bird, scarlet tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary (rocket).

Floats boldly in the sky,

Overtaking birds in flight.

Man controls it

What is this? (airplane)

VED. - Well done guys! And now I give the floor to our girls.

CHILDREN - We Congratulations boys

And we wish them health!

Grow up quickly

And grow up quickly!

Put your ears on top of your head

Girls sing ditties!


We sing for you today

And we have the same motive,

Congratulations on the 23rd

The girls and I want it!

We're lucky, girls.

We are very happy

After all boys in our group

The most beautiful.

From 23 we are today

Congratulations to all the guys!

Let's wish them good luck

From the heart, from all the girls!

VED. – Everyone we congratulate the boys

We'll give you our dance now!

DANCE "Bullseye"

VED. - We congratulate our dads,

Let's play with them together.

GAMES: 1. Best driver

3. Constructor

4. The fastest horse

VED. - We want the birds to sing,

So that the streams ring in the spring,

So that the sun warms the earth,

So that the birch tree turns green,

So that everyone's dreams come true,

To make everyone around laugh,

So that children have dreams,

So that there is no war!

And now our guys will congratulate their fathers and grandfathers and give them gifts made with their own hands!

February 23 is a holiday celebrated by all age categories of citizens. All offices, schools and even kindergartens prepare congratulations for current and future defenders of the Motherland. At the same time, skits on February 23 (funny) are an obligatory element of the holiday. There are many options for staging them, the main thing is that the participants’ performance is sincere.

Defender of the Fatherland Day - held at school

Among the many holidays, February 23rd is one of the most beloved at school. For girls, this day is an occasion to congratulate their little men and once again demonstrate their talents in singing and dancing during the celebration. Boys have the opportunity to feel like real defenders and once again feel proud of their belonging to the stronger sex.

(A very short fur coat, heavy army boots and a cap - this is the image of a representative of the border troops. She must pull a tiny toy dog ​​on a leash).

- And finally, at the end of our parade - heavy artillery! This is our last resort against an enemy who falls to his knees at the mere sight of her. Meet!

(A girl comes out, on her chest there is a sign with the inscription “Sex Bomb”. She is dressed and made up at her discretion, but the brighter and bolder, the better).

- Dear men! Join our ranks, let's protect the Motherland together! Select the troops in which you want to serve and approach their representatives to sign up.

Such funny scenes on February 23rd they will decorate any holiday and will be the best gift for men.

Mini-scene “Agrippina”

The celebration script does not necessarily have to include long scenes that require complex staging. Mini-scenes on February 23 will be a wonderful surprise for colleagues. They consist of short dialogues and do not require much preparation.

Several soldiers are standing on the stage, putting on their uniforms. These are new recruits who are tested on equipment speed. The commander, walking along the line, sees a little guy who simply drowned in his overcoat. Here comes a formidable question:

- What's your name?

The soldier was speechless from fright and remained silent. The commander, getting even more angry:

- I’m asking you what your mother’s name is!

The soldier is scared:


Military change of seasons

Skits for February 23rd for adults must be funny. For example, everyone will like it, both those who did not serve and former soldiers.

There are several military personnel on stage. The major stands in front of them, the captain next to him. The major addresses the squad:

-Comrades, autumn has already arrived, but the trees are still green. So, you go there, tear off the green leaves and tie the yellow ones. Fulfill!

He turns around and leaves. The captain, looking after him dissatisfied:

- Completely crazy... Tie, untie... Rota, listen to my command! Run to the warehouse, take the yellow paint and get to work!

Sketch about the police

Skits for February 23rd for adults can also be on a police theme. After all, they are constantly guarding our peace.

On the stage there is a table at which the investigator and the suspect are sitting.

Investigator: Well, now we will take your fingerprints (dipping the suspect’s fingers in paint). Then we’ll press them here (places them on a piece of paper). Now here (presses to the weapon), here (to the knife) and here (to the keys). That's great!

Suspect: So can I be free?

Investigator: It’s unlikely anymore.

Scene “Police in the Forest”

On the stage there is a screen depicting a forest. There are two policemen nearby. The following dialogue sounds.

- It’s so quiet. Only the birds sing. By the way, who is this, woodpecker?

- No, owl!

- Well, what an owl. Black grouse.

- What kind of black grouse is this?

- Well, who then?

- Well, this one, what’s his name... Oh, here it is! Capercaillie!

The screen goes away, and behind it lies a man.

- Oh, I told you so, wood grouse! We'll load it.

Scene “Even men have hysterics”

Skits for February 23 from women help once again show men how they are valued, loved, and most importantly, understood.

The husband is sitting in a chair, watching TV. The wife comes in.

Husband: I urgently need a new shirt!

Wife: Why?

Husband: Look what I'm sitting in!

Wife: Well, in a shirt...

Husband: Shirt? THIS is what you call a shirt? Look, Max from 34’s wife bought a shirt, that’s what I understand, a shirt! And new trousers, by the way! What about me? I don’t even have anything to go out in!

Wife: But, honey, I can’t now...

Husband: Oh, yes, yes? I knew that you didn’t love me at all! That's enough! I'm going to dad!


Both at school and in the office, you can spend a holiday in this way, giving a sea of ​​positive emotions. And finally, you can give small themed souvenirs as a memory of this fun evening.

“Come on, boys!”

Progress of the event:

Presenter 1 .

On February 23, our country celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Today we have gathered to congratulate the strong half of our class on the upcoming holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day”

1 girl

KARINA! Come here!

Let's talk to you

While everyone left for breakfast

After all, the 23rd is tomorrow!

2 girl

What? 23? So what?

Why is this day so good?

1 girl

Well, what a holiday for men!

There is only one day like this in a year!

We must congratulate all the defenders of the country.

And we must congratulate our boys!

2 girl

What does our guys have to do with it?

They are not soldiers yet.

1 girl

But they will grow up and protect!

2 girl

So far they only know how to offend:

Sometimes they pull your braid, sometimes they push you,

Either they won’t let you in the door, or they’ll call you names.

1 girl

Moreover, there is a reason to congratulate -

We will remind them that they are men.

Let's congratulate you on the holiday,

We'll arrange some kind of surprise for them.

2 girl

I came up with an idea! Let's arrange a tournament for them!

1 girl

What kind of tasks will there be?

2 girl

We'll do a skill competition,

On intelligence, intelligence and knowledge,

For speed, for skill

In a serious matter, be patient

1 girl

Well, then, let's start quickly.

And we will cheer for them today!

Presenter 1.

Let's salute our boys, the heroes of today.

Please take their places.

Let's see how our future defenders grow.

Announcing the holiday program“Come on, boys!”

A knight must be brave, strong, savvy, and noble.

I announce 1. Contest “Collect the word.”

The boys are given a set of letters (on cards) scattered “DEFENDER” and are asked to use them to create a word suitable for our holiday. The one who writes the correct word faster wins.

Read the word you came up with.

What qualities should a defender have? (He must be brave, strong, savvy, kind and noble.)

The next competition is announced

2. Competition “Sharp Shooter” (bucket, 5 paper balls)

All the boys line up. Plastic baskets (buckets) are placed in front of them at some distance and balls are given out.

Purpose of the competition: Each team member throws the ball into the basket. Whoever hits the most wins. Each participant throws 5 times.(Sound music)

- They always said about the Russian soldier: “He won’t take it by force, but with wisdom.”

Now we will check which of you is the smartest?

3. Competition " Our soldier is rich in intelligence"

Everyone receives an envelope containing cards (cut proverbs)

We need to “collect” proverbs.

Who will do it quickly and correctly?

There is no friend for the taste and color.

4. Competition " Faster and stronger" .

The defender must be strong.

Let's check if you have this quality.

One participant from each team is invited: the strongest, the fastest. The team representative must inflate everyone the fastest balloon until it bursts. The team with the fastest balloon burst wins.

We invite the boys to rest.

Our girls have prepared funny ditties for you.


    Let's start singing ditties

Please don't laugh.

Don't look at us like that-

We can be shy!

    We sing for you today

And we have the same motive,

We really, really want you!

Very clever and handsome

Congratulations of course

Our entire female team!

    Wake up the boys at night

In the very middle,

They will tell you the alphabet

Without one hitch!

    Don't yawn in class

Be careful everyone

And good grades

there will definitely be!

    It's all boys in class

Even very good

And change comes -

Don't look for mercy.

    And our boys are very

They love to run and play.

And they promise to study

Four and five!

    All the boys are late

They explain simply:

And study in class

It's never too late!

The clock ticked

And the boys dream:

It would be vacation again!

    Our class is all boys

They love to distinguish themselves.

Who draws, who sings,

Someone's having fun!

    All the ditties were sung,

Yes, that's how good we are!

Clap more friendly

We tried our best!

5 Contest "The smartest"

And now we invite our captains to measure their strength. Each of you needs to answer the questions. Listen carefully. Each correct answer is scored.

(questions are asked to each captain in turn)

    What does a toad eat in winter? (nothing, she sleeps in winter)

    Why do hungry wolves walk in winter? (on the ground)

    What happens to a cat when he turns 2 years old? (the third one is coming)

    Why do ships go to sea? (from the shore)

    What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (From empty).

    You, me, you and me. How much in total? (Two).

    What will happen on the thirtieth of February? (Nothing: there are 28 or 29 days in February, there are no 30).

    What stands in the middle of the Earth? (Letter "M")

6. Competition "Who is stronger"

A line is drawn on the floor. Participants holding hands (with their right hand) try to pull the opponent to their side.

7. Competition "Sleight of hand". Carry water with a spoon (pour water from a glass into a jar). The team with the most water in the jar wins.

(girls read)

1. We wish you forever:

So that you don’t be timid in life,

May it be with you forever

Boyish courage.

2. Study only for five,

We will help you!

Just don't wonder

And, of course, don't fight!

3. Bogatyrsky health

We want to wish you.

Best skiing

And beat everyone at football!

4. May luck be with you,

Only you are friends with us.

Help us in everything,

Protect us from others!

5. In general, dear boys,

We'll tell you a secret:

Better than you in this world

Of course there is no one!

6. We congratulate the boys

And we wish them health

To grow big

They were excellent students.

7. And the boys on this day

Even though they are not babies,

But such naughty girls

8. Mischievous tomboys,

As in childhood, their fathers.

They all look like dads

At least they are much younger.

9. So they will grow up,

Standing up to defend the country.

To accumulate strength for them,

We must give gifts.

So that one stands for everyone,

Well, all for one,

So as not to be afraid of anyone!

    To be friends with girls,

Protect them and love them,

Eat some marmalade,

Everything will be fine with you.

Presenting gifts to boys.

Thank you all for your attention, for your enthusiasm and loud laughter,

For the excitement of competition, which ensured success.

Now the moment of farewell has come. Our speech will be brief:

We say: “Goodbye, happy new meetings!”


Prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter.

Together - not burdensome, but apart - at least drop it.

The root of learning is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

There is no friend for the taste and color.

For a beaten one, they give two unbeaten ones.

It is not the gift that is precious, but the attention.

The careless one drinks water, and the caring one drinks honey.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.

Prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter.

Together - not burdensome, but apart - at least drop it.

The root of learning is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

There is no friend for the taste and color.

For a beaten one, they give two unbeaten ones.

It is not the gift that is precious, but the attention.

The careless one drinks water, and the caring one drinks honey.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.

    Let's start singing ditties

Please don't laugh.

Don't look at us like that-

We can be shy!

    We sing for you today

And we have the same motive,

Congratulations on the twenty-third

We really, really want you!

    Every boy in our class

Very clever and handsome

Congratulations of course

Our entire female team!

    Wake up the boys at night

In the very middle,

They will tell you the alphabet

Without one hitch!

    Don't yawn in class

Be careful everyone

And good grades

there will definitely be!

    It's all boys in class

Even very good

And change comes -

Don't look for mercy.

    And our boys are very

They love to run and play.

And they promise to study

Four and five!

    All the boys are late

They explain simply:

And study in class

It's never too late!

    The third quarter is already in full swing

The clock ticked

And the boys dream:

It would be vacation again!

    Our class is all boys

They love to distinguish themselves.

Who draws, who sings,

Someone's having fun!

    All the ditties were sung,

Yes, that's how good we are!

Clap more friendly

We tried our best!

1. We wish you forever:

So that you don’t be timid in life,

May it be with you forever

Boyish courage.

2. Study only for five,

We will help you!

Just don't wonder

And, of course, don't fight!

3. Bogatyrsky health

We want to wish you.

Best skiing

And beat everyone at football!

4. May luck be with you,

Only you are friends with us.

Help us in everything,

Protect us from others!

5. In general, dear boys,

We'll tell you a secret:

Better than you in this world

Of course there is no one!

6. We congratulate the boys

And we wish them health

To grow big

They were excellent students.

7. And the boys on this day

We are not too lazy to congratulate everyone.

Even though they are not babies,

But such naughty girls

8. Mischievous tomboys,

As in childhood, their fathers.

They all look like dads

At least they are much younger.

9. So they will grow up,

Standing up to defend the country.

To accumulate strength for them,

We must give gifts.

10. Here's an orange for all of you,

So that one stands for everyone,

Well, all for one,

So as not to be afraid of anyone!

    To be friends with girls,

Protect them and love them,

Eat some marmalade,

Everything will be fine with you.

Two teams of boys - two sections - participate in the competition.

Name of departments by branch of service.

(For example: Air Force and Air Defense department.)

The introduction of L. Agutin’s song “Border” sounds. The Presenter comes out in the uniform of an ensign and sings.

They sent me somewhere straight from the military registration and enlistment office,

Teach new recruits, cheerful, young for... (covers his mouth with his hand),

This is what the country needs. Not for titles and awards

They have to serve just like everyone else.

The locomotive will rush straight to the border.

Well, be brave, guys, you are soldiers for an hour.

Leading. Let me introduce myself. Ensign Experienced. It is I who have been instructed to conduct military training classes with you, dear pre-conscripts, to show you the army, so to speak, from the inside. Don’t worry, we’ll teach those who can’t, we’ll teach them, those who don’t want to, we’ll force them, and those who are lazy and cause disturbances will be assigned a priority. The more outfits, the less chance the squad has of receiving command awards in the finals. Am I making myself clear?

So, the motto of our unit: “Whoever comes to us with what, comes from this and that.” The main commandments of a soldier: first, a soldier must know three words: “Yes!”, “I serve the Fatherland!” and “Hurray!” Second - A soldier must have a wonderful appetite: “The wider the muzzles, the closer our ranks.” Third - “Behind enemy lines, a soldier must be like a Colorado potato beetle - harmful and indestructible.” During shooting, the look must be brutal so that the targets fall in panic. In an ambush, watch with all your eyes and ears. Look at the flag with a patriotic grin. Do not express yourself in the ranks and do not tell jokes about the ensign. Now let's start drill training.

Here, tell me what to do on the command “Attention!” "?...

The teams are trying to answer.

This is correct, but wrong. At the command “Attention!” you need to keep your head in front of you. Be careful. You won't spoil me. I look deep and I look wide. Why is your hand in your pants? Who am I telling you? Sections, stand up! During the first six hours, I will instill in you a love for drill. Equally, at attention! Pay for the first or second! Second numbers, step forward. Left. Form into a column of two! Step march! (March music sounds. The guys walk in formation.) Stay where you are, turn to the right. Hello, fellow fighters! (Teams respond.)

Well, let’s sum up the results of the “Combat Training” competition. For inattentive, unclear execution of my commands, the first outfit out of turn is announced to the squad... (Name of the squad.)

Next on the daily schedule is an acquaintance with the life of a soldier. A soldier must be able to do everything. Mommy is not nearby, and instead of a house there is a barracks, which must be kept in order to avoid epidemics and injuries. Sections, to carry out the next order, stand up! Well, who's twirling around there with a red nose like a cucumber? They openly mess around and also chat. Listen to my command!

The presenter explains the conditions of the relay race

"In the barracks." Each participant completes his task, salutes the ensign, then the next participant can begin to complete the task.

The first numbers sew on a button and submit their work to the jury.

Second numbers - insert laces into shoes.

The third numbers write a five-word letter home.

Number fours must eat a pack of cookies.

Number five - they sweep tennis balls onto the dustpan with a broom (whoever has more).

The sixth numbers are wrapping footcloths.

The relay race is carried out to musical accompaniment. The jury sums up the results and passes them on to the presenter.

Leading. What, is it difficult? You need to listen when I speak. And you didn’t blink an ear. I announce the order to the department (name) out of turn. That's it. In army life, all sorts of situations happen. Imagine you are sleeping peacefully and suddenly - an alarm signal. What will you do? (Waiting for an answer.) At least you thought with your own eyes. When an alarm sounds, you first need to get dressed, and you need to do this very quickly - while the match is burning.

Sets of soldier's uniforms are placed on the chairs in front of the players. The presenter announces the beginning of the competition and lights a match. The task is performed to music.

Leading(goes around both formations). Well, what kind of view? What kind of faces? Are you afraid of anxiety or the enemy? Yes, you should not take your eyes off your enemy. Why are you staring at me like that? Outfit out of turn for department (name). Now let's see how you are doing with your physical training. Branches! Bend your elbows, fall, do push-ups, let's start!

A push-up competition is being held. The results are summed up according to the last, longest-lasting participant.

Leading. Eagles! Don't they feed you at home? I don't see the uselessness of continuing sports activities. You need to eat properly, then you will have strength. The outfit is out of turn for department (name), and it’s lunch time for us. Get a packed lunch. (Hands out yoghurts to the players). Start eating! No spoons? Eh, you... A good fighter always has a spoon in his boot. You'll have to do without spoons. Talkers! When you do as much useless things in life as I do, then you will criticize me.

The presenter announces the beginning of the “packed rations” competition. The participants' task is to eat yogurt without using a spoon. Whoever does this faster and more accurately wins.

Leading. Department (name) was the first to handle lunch. Well done! Business must be done. And now the time has come for military exercises. Well, are you shaking? Earthquake or what? Or was the window opened? There's nothing wrong with that. But remember: fooling around with weapons has never led to anything. Yours combat mission- clear the field.

Participants pair up.

One (sapper) takes the second (mine detector) by the legs. The “mine detector,” blindfolded, moves in his arms around the area on which “mines” are placed—inverted plastic cups.

The “sapper” directs the “mine detector” with words. Within three minutes, the “sapper” with the “mine detector” must neutralize – crush – as many “mines” as possible. Next to the “sappers” are assistants who collect the damaged “mines” into bags and hand these bags over to the jury for the final calculation of the results.

Leading. For the flawless execution of a combat mission, the squad (name) is thanked, and the squad (name) is given an out-of-turn order.

At ease. Smoke break. Set aside. Who's playing around with a lighter? I’m not a timid person, but when there’s flames, sparks, smoke right next to my face, I get scared. That's why I don't smoke. I don't recommend it to you either. And in order to be remembered for the rest of your life, now put the slogan on adhesive tape from the cigarettes you have: “Smoking is harmful to your health!”

Teams are given the same number of packs of cigarettes and a strip of self-adhesive film. While the teams are making slogans, the presenter holds a competition with the female half of the fans. For example: the “Military Ranks” auction or a competition for knowledge of songs about the army.

Leading. For carrying out an order too slowly, the outfit is given a squad (name) out of turn.

WITH bad habits done. As I already said, anything can happen in the army. There are easier days, but there are also simpler days. The soldiers especially love them. This, as you already understand, is about dismissal. What do soldiers do when they are on leave? That’s right - they go to a disco and meet young ladies. Now I order you to find your army couple in the hall and invite them to dance.

Team members are given cards with military terms. The same cards were distributed to the girls sitting in the hall. Players must quickly find their partner, invite them to dance and perform it. The jury evaluates speed, manners, and dancing skills.

Cards for boys: Cards for girls:

Clock Boundary

Trench Shovel

Airplane Bomb

March throw Mozol

Boot Footcloth

Conscript Summons

Gun Bullet

Hero Reward

Orderly Barracks

Army Charter

Lights up Bed

Leading. Branches! Come to the evening verification! So, let’s sum up the results of Pre-Conscription Day. Will and ingenuity helped you cope with the difficulties of military service. But we still have a lot to learn in order to become worthy defenders of the Fatherland. Unfortunately, it was not possible to avoid dressing up out of turn. The department (name) had more of them. But don't be foolish, guys. Your exploits are yet to come. Department (name) spent Pre-Conscription Day with an excellent rating. I'm proud of you. Let me present the unit's command awards.

Awarding the winners.

Leading. See you soon, eagles, and remember the words of an experienced warrior: “Being in the army means not being a man!” So, grow up, guys, and become soldiers. At ease. Disperse!

To the sounds of the “Farewell of the Slavyanka” march, the teams leave the stage.