
Reading competition “Oh, spring! Without end and without edge..."

Starichikhin I.N.

teacher of Russian and literature

BOU "Pokrovskaya OOSH"

- Competition goals: To promote acquaintance with the literary heritage of our country, with the best examples

- poetry on the theme of spring.

Identify the most talented and artistic readers among school students.

Give students the opportunity to perform publicly and recite poems by heart. Promote interest in expressive reading.

works of art

Preliminary preparation:

Audition of all school students, selection of the best;

Drawing competition;

Native land photography competition in spring;

Spring suits.

Room decoration:

Butterflies and flowers made of colored paper;

Exhibition of drawings;

Exhibition of photographs;

Drawings on windows;

- “spring” pendants;

Classical music.

Progress of the event.

Against the background of “Waltz of the Flowers,” A. Blok’s poem “Oh, Spring! Without end and without edge” in the recording of I. Kachanov.

The presenter comes out in a spring suit.

Look, spring is coming.

The cranes are flying in a caravan,

The day is drowning in bright gold,

And the streams rustle through the ravines...

Hello dear guys, we are glad to welcome you to our spring festival.

Spring! What is spring? What associations does this word evoke for you? Leading:

Spring is a wonderful time of year, it is the time of awakening of all nature. Spring is associated with beauty fresh air

, the appearance of the first buds and leaves on trees and shrubs, the first thunderstorm and spring waters.

I present to you the members of the jury

(jury presentation).

Spring! What is spring? What associations does this word evoke for you? It's time to listen to the first contestants

(1st grade boys performing).

Spring! What is spring? What associations does this word evoke for you? What wonderful poems. There are many proverbs and sayings about spring.

In spring, there are no three fine days in a row.

Spring rain is never too much.

In the spring it wets for a day, and dries for an hour.

In the spring it bakes on top and freezes below.

If you miss a day in the spring, you won’t get it back in a year.

Prepare the sleigh in the spring and the wheels in the fall.

Do you know any of them?

Spring! What is spring? What associations does this word evoke for you? Let's hold a competition “Make a proverb.”

(Four people are invited. Parts of proverbs are given, you need to find your pair and compose the proverb correctly.


How many thawed patches, so many larks.

I saw a rook - welcome spring).

Presenter: Well done. Let's listen to the second contestants

(2nd grade boys performing).

Spring! What is spring? What associations does this word evoke for you? Well done boys. Many musical works are dedicated to spring. For example, the Russian composer Pavel Ivanovich Tchaikovsky has a cycle of works “The Seasons”, one of them “April (Snowdrop)” you are hearing now. Let's take a musical break.

(The student plays the passage on the piano.)

Spring! What is spring? What associations does this word evoke for you? It's time to listen to the next contestants

(Children in grades 3–4 perform).

Host: I wonder how much you know about spring? If yes, then you will easily solve the riddles.

The snow turns black in the clearing,

The weather is getting warmer every day.

Time to put the sled in the closet.

What a time of year it is.

The first to get out of the earth

On a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of frost

Even if it's small.


In a blue shirt

Runs along the bottom of the ravine.

Not a pedestrian, but walking.

People at the gates are getting wet.

The janitor catches him in a tub.

A very difficult riddle?

He is the Flower Prince-Poet,

He is wearing a yellow hat.

Encore sonnet about spring

Will read to us...


The river roars furiously

And breaks the ice.

The starling returned to his house,

And in the forest the bear woke up.

A lark trills in the sky.

Who came to us?

Let's listen to the last contestants, the oldest.

(Children from grades 5 to 8 perform).

Spring! What is spring? What associations does this word evoke for you? Thanks guys. While the jury is summing up its results, I'll tell you interesting story.

In Rus' there was a belief that on March 22, the day of the Forty Martyrs, forty different birds fly to us from warm countries. And the first of them are larks.

(Students in folk costumes come out and read chants).


Fly to us and bring it to us.


Bring us a red spring and a red fly!”

“Oh, waders, larks,

Come and visit us in one of our rooms*

A sandpiper flew from across the sea,

The sandpiper brought nine locks.

"Kulik, sandpiper,

Close the winter

Unlock spring

It's warm!"

“The larks will come,

Take away the cold winter,

Bring warmth to spring:

We're tired of winter

She ate all our bread,

And I picked up the straw,

And she picked up the chaff.

You little Easter cakes are larks,

Come together, come together."

(Larks are distributed to all those present).

Spring! What is spring? What associations does this word evoke for you? And now it’s time to announce the results of the reading competition.

(Word by the jury. Awarding the winners. Interview with the audience).


Room decoration

Olga Chistova
Scenario for a reading competition for children preschool age « Spring is coming..." Senior group


To consolidate children's knowledge about the time of year - spring, months; develop the skills of preschoolers to read poetry expressively;


Cultivate goodwill in relationships with peers, develop children’s ability to “listen and hear.” Foster interest in poetry

Develop and train memory through memorizing poems,

Develop the inclinations of self-control in children’s behavior.

Develop the emotional sphere (give children the joy of communication and a sense of celebration).

The Song about Spring is played and a presentation about Spring is played on the screen.

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guys! Dear adults! Today is an extraordinary day, we have gathered in this hall for a reading competition, but this is not an ordinary competition, but a small celebration. Let's see how beautifully, lyrically, and inspiredly our children can read poetry. The 1st place winner will represent our kindergarten at the city reading competition “Spring Drops” on April 20, 2016

The jury will evaluate the performances of the readers: (presentation of the jury members)

After the winter storm,

After winter storms,

Near the house on a bench

People are gathering.

And for what reason he is going, guess for yourself.

(picture puzzle about spring)

The sky is brightening, the snow is melting,

We will tell everyone about spring.

That's all, we waited!

Here it is, spring!

And it seemed to us

She won't come!

Spring has come a long way,

To come again

Autumn, long winter

We met on the way.

But in spite of adversity,

As if in a wonderful dream,

Nature has come to life

So hello to spring!

The reading competition dedicated to spring begins! According to the folk calendar, spring is divided into the spring of light (March - snowflakes), the spring of water (April - snowmobile) and the spring of green grass (May - grass).

Mother Spring is coming,

Open the gate.

March came first

The white snow is gone!

March is the first month of spring. There is still snow, but the sun is warming up. In spring the weather is changeable - and people say that in March winter fights with spring.

Reader 1 Vanya Starikov “March”

It's frost

Those puddles are blue,

It's a blizzard

Those are sunny days.

On the hills

Snow spots

Hiding from the sun

Above the ground-

goose chain,

On the ground -

The stream woke up

And winter shows

Naughty, green

(V. Orlov)

Reader2 Pilnikova Sonya “Spring is Coming”

It was sunny in the morning

And very warm.

The lake is wide

it was flowing through the yard.

It was freezing at noon,

Winter has come again

The lake has lingered

A crust of glass.

I split the thin

Sounding glass

The lake is wide

It started leaking again.

Passers-by say:

- Spring is coming! –

And this is me working

Breaking the ice.

(A. Barto)

Teacher: Spring is a wonderful time of year. The snow is already melting under the rays of the gentle sun. Drops are ringing from the roofs. The first thawed patches appear on the ground.

Reader 3 Gilmiyarova Emilia “Protalinka”

Thawed patches, thawed patches -

Freckles in the snow!

There is a small snowdrop on them

Hatches: peek-a-boo!

And in the grove, outside the outskirts,

The rooks will respond,

The earth will be washed with water,

And the streams will rustle!

Winter is getting closer

And catches the silence

And the path ends,

Stumbling over spring!

It all started with thawed patches,

And everyone is happy about the sun.

Boots instead of felt boots

Horseshoes are knocking!

(M. Takhistova)

Reader 4 Maxim Pivovarov “In Spring”

Spring has a lot of work,

The rays help her:

They drive together on the roads

Talking streams,

They melt the snow, break the ice,

They warm everything around.

From under the pine needles and blades of grass

The first sleepy beetle crawled out.

Flowers on the thawed patch

The golden ones have blossomed

The buds are full, swollen,

Bumblebees fly from the nest.

Spring has a lot of worries,

But things are looking up:

The field became emerald

And the gardens are in bloom.

(T. Shorygina)

Teacher: Now let's play. Let's imagine that we are droplets.

Rhythmic game “Drops” (E. Makshantseva)

Cap! Cap! I am drops

I drip quietly.

Cap! Cap! All day

The drops dance loudly.

Drip - drip - drip! Hurry up

The drops started running.

Because the sun is

We saw the drops.

Teacher: It’s frosty at night,

In the morning - drops,

So in the yard -

That's right, April is the second month of spring, April is Aquarius. In April, the days become longer and nature awakens

Teacher: Spring inspired not only poets to create their wonderful works, many composers glorified spring in their creations. Listen to one of them. (Children listen and watch a presentation with musical accompaniment by E. Grieg April Morning)

Reader 5 Katya Maryina “In the April Forest”

It's nice in the forest in April:

Smells like leafy leaves,

Different birds sing,

They build nests in trees;

Lungwort in the clearings

He strives to go out to the sun,

Morels between the herbs

Raise the caps;

The buds of the branches swell,

The leaves are breaking through,

Start to ant

Fix your palaces.

(G. Ladonshchikov)

Reader 6 Makar Yunusov “When April knocks on the window”

When out the window

April is knocking

I, having left the city,

I'm going to the field -


Lark trill,

Enjoy the spring

I love to watch

How to take your time

The soul awakens in her!

And the sun - a red stripe -

Barely touching the ground

And joy jumps

Like a hare

And underneath

Can't feel my feet!

(G. Novitskaya)

Teacher: In April the snow melts and streams flow in which you can launch boats. Let's play an outdoor game.


The site is being prepared. Mark a “stream” on the floor (with chalk or ribbons, ropes, paths, etc.).

Stand up straight, put an origami boat made of thick paper on your head, walk to the end of the “stream”.

The level of difficulty is determined by the teacher (the “stream” flows in a straight line or with bends, turns, with or without obstacles, the text is pronounced before or during the game, they play one at a time or prepare several streams and play which boat will sail faster, etc.)


Pull up the sail!

The ship is being driven

Until the big water.

Teacher: They’re coming back in April migratory birds. Birds are flying in - small birds. They missed the village, the ringing stream, the trees, and their neighbor, the sparrow.

Don't ruin your nests,

Don't touch the birds' nests

Don’t take warm eggs,

You will take care of the birds

Reader 7 Leshchevich Nikita “The singers are returning”

From the midday rays

A stream ran down the mountain,

And the snowdrop is small

I grew up on a thawed patch.

The starlings are returning -

Workers and singers

Sparrows near a puddle

They circle in a noisy flock.

And the robin and the thrush

We started making nests:

They carry it, they carry it to the houses

Birds on a straw.

(G. Ladonshchikov)

Game "What's Wrong"

Today on the street I met a sparrow, he was so happy and sang “Meow, meow!” What? Not this way?

It's a warm spring now, the grapes are ripe here.

A horned horse jumps in the snow in a summer meadow.

In late autumn, the bear likes to sit in the river.

And in winter, among the branches, “ha-ha-ga” the nightingale sang.

Quickly give me the answer:

Is this true or not?

How does a sparrow sing? (children's answers)

Teacher In April, the days become longer, nature awakens, and ice begins to drift on the river.

Reader 8 Gaev Nikita “Cavalry of Spring”

Not a drop of spring

Breaks through the ice -

It's on the offensive

The cavalry is coming.

Met by the birds

In the early hours,

Clacks its hooves

Spring cavalry.

And not a bit at all

Dripping all around -

Small sabers

They sparkle with silver.

Agile in the snow

The cavalry is flying

Leaving black

Hoof pits.

(V. Orlov)

Reader 9 Shmelev Yaroslav “Spring and Stream”

I slept under the snow for a long time,

I'm tired of silence.

I woke up and rushed

and met Spring:

- Do you want your own song?

Will I sing to you, Spring? –

And Spring: - Drip-drip! Drip-drip!

Brook, aren't you cold?

- No, not a bit, not at all!

I just woke up!

Everything rings and murmurs inside me!

I'll sing. The snow will melt.

(V. Lanzetti)

Reader 10 Ustinova Masha “Slowly”

Slowly the snow melted away,


To everyone in the world

In the grove - flocks of birds,

On the trees -


And smelly

And volatile.

The best

In the world to me:

Along a damp path

Face the spring

After getting wet

Teacher: The distance of the fields is turning green,

The nightingale sings,

IN White color the garden is dressed,

The bees are the first to fly

Thunder rumbles. Guess

What month is this?

May is the third month of spring. (sounds of nature, thunderstorm, rain).

Leaves are blooming on the trees, nightingales are singing in the forests. In May, the first thunderstorms thunder, and after rain you can see a multi-colored rainbow in the sky.

Reader 11 Nikita Mtskhetadze “Miracles”

Spring was walking along the edge of the forest,

She carried buckets of rain,

Stumbled on a hill -

Buckets tipped over.

The drops rang

The herons began to scream.

The ants got scared:

The doors were locked.

Buckets with rain spring

I didn’t get it to the village.

A colored rocker

Fled to the skies

And it hung over the lake.

(V. Stepanov)

Reader 12 Maxim Novopashin “The days are fine”

The days are fine

Similar to holidays

And in the sky there is a warm sun,

Cheerful and kind.

All the rivers overflow

All the buds are opening,

Winter has gone with the cold,

The snowdrifts became puddles.

Having left the southern countries,

The friendly birds have returned.

On every branch there are squirrels

They sit and clean their feathers.

The time of spring has come,

It's time to bloom.

And that means the mood

It's spring for everyone!

(M. Plyatskovsky)

Reader 13 Efim Kurumbaev “Spring Fortune Telling”

Yablonka today

No time for sleep -

He looks joyfully

From under the handkerchief:

I told her something

In the palm of a young man


She whispered something

And just a little light

I was going somewhere

Together with May.

Fortune telling will come true

Or not -

This is us in the fall

(V. Orlov)

Teacher: In May, the entire earth, warmed by the sun, is covered with a delicate green carpet. Delicate beautiful flowers bloom that attract bees with their aroma.

Reader 14 Nika Sinyatkina “The First Bee”

The sun barely came out from behind the clouds

Take a look at what it’s like in nature after the rains,

Like a curious and chatty ray

I let it slip: the weather should be warm.

And you, leaving the dark hollow,

You fly to the first yellow flower,

And in my soul it’s warm, warm,

Although still on the street - not very good.

(O. Fokina)

Reader15 Makar B “Everything has turned green”

Everything turned green.

The sun is shining

Lark song

It pours and rings.

The rain ones are wandering

There are clouds in the sky

And the shore is quiet

The river is splashing.

Fun with a horse

Young plowman

Goes out into the field

Walks in a furrow.

And above him everything is higher

The sun is rising

lark song

Sings more cheerfully.

(S. Drozhzhin)

Reader16 Sobyanin Egor “Spring Morning”

I wanted to sleep a little

But I saw light in the window.

Ray - warm palm

The sun reached out to me.

And whispered in my ear:

Throw off the blanket quickly.

Are you tired of sleep?

Get up -

So much to do!

The cherries are blooming -

Sweet aroma.

Like an embroidered shirt

Our spring garden.

(V. Nesterenko)

The time of spring has come,

It's time to bloom.

And that means the mood

It's spring for everyone!

Spring pleases us with flowers, cheerful chirping of birds, good mood. We are happy about spring, we can walk longer, play outside, ride a bike, and even dance. Let's organize a flash mob while the jury sums up the results of the competition. (Children dance to the song “I draw...”)

And with such a spring mood, we will listen to the results of our competition. Word from the jury... Presentation of thanks and prizes.

We met the red spring,

Yes, we didn’t notice how our holiday passed.

All the best to you,

Until new, new meetings!

(Children and guests say goodbye and leave to the song Merry Song about Spring)

Goals: test children’s ability to read poems expressively; develop a sense of beauty; teach a caring attitude towards nature.

Progress of the lesson

I. Introductory speech from the teacher.

Today we have an unusual activity. We talked a lot about spring, found its signs in nature. But can you read poetry? Today we are holding a competition for the best performance of poems about spring.

II. Performance of the Ukrainian folk song “Vesnyanka”.

Oh, the water is running like a stream,

There is no snow, no ice.

Oh, water, oh, water,

There is no snow, no ice. (Last two lines 2 times)

The cranes have arrived

And the nightingales are small.

Cranes, cranes

And the nightingales are small. (Last two lines 2 times)

We are singing spring flowers,

We call red spring.

Oh, let's eat, oh, let's eat,

We call red spring. (Last two lines 2 times)

III. Reading competition.

The jury members take their places.

1. Role-playing recitation of a poem by I. Ivanov.

Among the group of guys is a starling (a boy in a black suit and a starling mask).

1st child.

Spring comes with drops,

The streams are babbling.

The starling perked up and began to speak.

Starling. Meet us, we have arrived! -

1st child.

The starlings are screaming.

One sat down on a poplar tree,

So funny!

We clapped our hands. (Children clap.)

Children(in unison). Come on, sing!

2nd child. He looked offended:

Starling (offended).

You have a house

And we ourselves have huts

We won't find it here!

1st child.

Friend, starling,

We intend to give

The palace is for you.

2nd child.

He was hanged yesterday

To our garden.

You'll have fun in it

You'll be glad.


Be, little bird, the master -

Your house is not bad!

their guests

We meet

Always warm!

A huge birdhouse is brought onto the stage and placed near one of the wings. The starling runs behind it, enters the house, and then quietly goes backstage.

The music is “Songs and Dances of Birds” from N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “The Snow Maiden”.

3rd child(reads a poem by V. A. Zhukovsky).

In the sun the dark forest glowed,

In the valley thin steam whitens,

And he sang an early song

Sings, sparkling in the sun:

Spring has come to us young,

Here I sing the coming of spring!..

4th child

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,

There was a breath of spring through the window...

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in leaves!

Pure heavenly azure,

warmer and the sun is brighter became.

It's time for evil blizzards and storms

It's gone for a long time again.

The play “Snowdrop” by P. I. Tchaikovsky is playing.

5th child(reads a poem by A. Pleshcheev).

The grass is turning green

The sun is shining;

Swallow with spring

It flies towards us in the canopy.

With her the sun is more beautiful

And spring is sweeter...

Chirp out of the way

Greetings to us soon!

6th child(reads a poem by A. Blok).

In the meadow

The forests in the distance are more visible,

Blue skies.

More noticeable and blacker

There is a stripe on the arable land.

Spring is passing by

Isn't this spring?

No, it's loud, subtle

A wave gurgles in the stream.

The recording sounds the rustling of leaves, the cooing of pigeons, and the voices of birds.

7th child(reads a poem by M. Rylsky).


The greenery splashed wildly,

Walked around, swam,

The sun in the drops laughed

At the withered trunk.

Pigeons fly from below,

Hiding in the attic -

A row of round, bluish heads,

Like beads on a cord.

8th child(reads a poem by G. Ladonshchikov).

The bear woke up

Without need and without worry

The bear was sleeping in his den.

Slept all winter until spring

And he probably had dreams.

Suddenly the clubfoot woke up,

He hears a drip.

What a disaster!

I groped in the dark with my paw

And jumped up -

Water all around!

The bear hurried outside:

Floods - no time for sleep!

He got out and saw puddles,

Snow is melting...

Spring came!

The sound of thunder and the sound of rain can be heard in the recording.

Choral reading of a poem by G. Ladonshchikov.

First thunder

Children(in unison).

First thunder!

First thunder!

9th child.

Petya has fun on horseback

Jumped on a stick

Along the green beam.

Children(in unison).

First thunder!

First thunder!

9th child.

The puddles are warm all around.


Straighten the backs.

IV. The jury's word.

The winners of the competition are determined. Diplomas are being awarded. All participants in the competition are given prizes.

V. Creative work.

Children choose any poem about spring and draw pictures and illustrations for it.

VI. Reflection.

What did you like most about our competition?

Alevtina Vizgalina

Target: Development of children's speech in the expressive performance of poems.


Stimulate children's desire to memorize poems.

Speech development and familiarization with fiction.

To cultivate a positive attitude towards children's poetic works, a sense of rhythm and rhyme.

Induce a joyful, emotional mood.

Start competition

Children enter the music room to the music, line up in a semicircle and perform a dance with bells. After the performance, the children sit on chairs placed on both sides of the music room.

Presenter. Present to your attention reading competition. Children participate middle group"Bees". During the performance, a spring melody is played and spring-themed slides are shown through a projector.

V. - I invite Katya Armarchuk to speak, she will read a poem "Drops". Author S. A. Marshak

Drip - drip, I drip.

I'm in April

In the spring warmth

The droplets have ripened.

Drop - drop, on the bench,

Toys for children.

Drip - drip, sparrow

Right on top of my head.

Lera Mazalova, Ksyusha Tarasova, Sofia Pryanikova will read a poem about a doll. Author Alexander Deev.

I'll wipe the doll's tears,

I'll wipe my daughter's nose,

The doll is lost

White socks.

Maybe under the pillow

Maybe in a blanket

I'll look at the table

I'll look in the crib.

Here they are, under the dress

They lie flat.

I cooked it myself

Doll outfit!

Ilya Akhmedchin will read a song of spring minutes.

Every day,

One minute at a time

The day is longer

In short, night.


Take it easy,

Let's drive away winter

Spring has awakened...

Got up early

She sang a starling song.

Got new outfits

From an emerald casket.

Kira Kononchenko will read about the birch tree

Slender birch trees


Earrings, brocade dresses...

On the field I persuaded the birds -

The rooks have been working since morning.

And now, let's listen to Sasha Bardina.

I looked into the well...

I found out: Is there a lot of water?

The sun's rays splashed

On unmelted ice.

And Dima Vorganov.

Flew up


She carried the song on her wings...

And in the grove the turtledove sang

It's early at dawn spring.

Now they will read a poem "Knots" Author Vladimir Orlov.

Liza Matyushechkina, Kirill Kuznetsov, Arina Elkina, Egor Yakovlev, Masha Yukhnenko come out.

After winter

Deep slumber

There's a lot to do

On the globe.

Before the holiday

So much work!

Need to remember spring about everything.

AND spring in an emerald scarf

Walks, wanders

In forests and gardens.

And as a keepsake for myself


Leaves on bare branches.

Day and night

She needs to work:

Repaint the forests and fields,

Needed by May earth

Dress up,

To make the earth beautiful.

The sun needs to be cleaned

To shine -

It faded in the wind.

Need to take off the winter one


And rinse

Blue window,

Spend the cold

Behind the gates

Slowly open


And it will end

This job -

And all the knots will be untied.

We invite Pasha Golub, he will read a poem

"Flying Flower" V. Stepanov

Roadside dandelion

Was like the golden sun

But it faded and became similar

To fluffy white smoke.

You fly over a warm meadow

And over the quiet river.

I will be to you as a friend,

Wave your hand for a long time.

You carry on the wings of the wind

golden seeds,

To the sunny dawn

Came back to us spring.

Ilya Bakin, Vika Zhukova, Maxim Alexandrov will finally drive away the cold. Author: Yakub Kolas "Song of spring".

Go away, shaggy frost.

Do you hear, old man or not?

And above the garden and above the hut

Blue spring light.

Don't you hear, angry grandfather,

Like in the sky-high distance,

Above the ground washed by the rain

The cranes screamed.

And winter gave up, settled down -

Stop being naughty for her!

Come out guys, come out boldly

Sing songs and welcome May.

Maxim Sukharuchenko, Vika Gusakova, Dima Piyazenko will read to us about how winter does not want to give up its positions spring.

Elena Blaginina « Spring»

The stoves are still burning in the houses

And the sun rises late,

Also along our river

They walk calmly through the ice;

Back to the barn for wood

You won't get through directly

And in the garden under the trees

A snowman is dozing with a broom;

We are all dressed warmly -

In sweatshirts, in cotton pants.

But still signs of spring

In everything, in everything are already visible

And in the way the roofs became warmer

And like the sun in full view

The drops, falling, began to sing,

They started babbling as if in delirium.

And suddenly the road became wet,

And my felt boots are full of water.

And the wind is gentle and lingering

It blew from the south side.

And the sparrows scream to each other

About the sun, about its beauty.

And everyone is cheerful freckles

We sat on one nose.

Nastya Kudrya will read about a girl with freckles

Passed spring

Along the edge

Through the spring

Blue dreams

And they glowed quietly


On the girl's face


A girl was walking

In a green skirt

Ringing with blue dew.

And, jealous

Red-haired girl


The earth sighed.

On this spring morning

Where the light legs are

Dandelions bloomed

Gold freckles

And now meet Ilya Aistov

"Firework spring» Z. Alexandrova

Thunder struck twelve times

And he stood aside.

Nature gave the order

Salute spring.

The order is for the bird cherry to bloom,

Nettles should not be evil,

Sweep the paths for the rain

Silver broom.

So that every bush is melodious,

All the birds should sing louder,

And the sun comes out from behind the clouds

And it's more fun to heat!

Presenter. - The children have prepared musical numbers:

The girls will dance "Tenderness";

All the children will sing to you "Song about kindergarten".

Summing up competition, all children are awarded diplomas.

Surprise moment.

V. - Oh, guys, look, some ponytails are sticking out from under the curtains. Let's pull them and find out what they are.

Children pulling strings from behind the curtain air balloons with whom they jump, play, and take pictures to the music.

Spring is the most beautiful and amazing time of the year. From behind the gloomy heavy clouds, the gentle spring sun finally appeared, the little birds, having survived the harsh winter, sang somehow in a special way: louder, more ringing, more cheerful. And, although winter does not want to give up its positions, everyone still feels that spring has come!

(During the event, students read poems)

Go away, shaggy frost! And the other one, just as pure,
Do you hear, old man or not? He runs merrily nearby.
And above the garden, and above the hut, you don’t hear, angry grandfather,
Blue spring light. Like in the sky-high distance,
The sun laughs tenderly, Above the earth, washed by the rain,
Shines brighter, hotter. The cranes were screaming.
And it pours loudly from the hill, And winter has given up, settled down -
Talkative stream. Stop being naughty for her!
He is radiant, silvery, come out guys, boldly
It sparkles and trembles, Sing songs, welcome spring!
Ya. Kolos

The Russian language is rich in words that relate to the seasons and natural phenomena associated with them.
Take early spring, for example. She, this spring girl, chilly from the last frost, has a lot of good words in her knapsack.
Thaws, snowmelts, and drips from the roofs begin. The snow becomes grainy, spongy, settles and turns black. Gradually the roads open up, muddy roads and impassable roads set in. On the rivers the first gullies with black water appear on the ice, and on the hillocks there are thawed patches and bald spots. Along the edge of the compacted snow, the mother-stepmother is already turning yellow.

The snow is already melting, streams are running, and my heart is so strong in my chest
There was a whiff of spring through the window... It knocked as if it was waiting for something,
The nightingales will soon whistle, as if happiness is ahead
And the forest will be dressed in leaves! And winter took away my worries!
The blue of the sky is pure, But the laughter of playful children rings out.
The sun became warmer and brighter; And carefree birds singing
It's time for evil blizzards and storms They tell me who is the greatest
It's gone for a long time again. Nature loves renewal!

A. Pleshcheev

I.Spring months.
- Now please name the spring months.
- Why are they called that?

March. In ancient Rome, March was the first month of the year and spring and was dedicated to Mars, the patron of fields and herds. The month was named in his honor. In Rus', March, in ancient times, was called “berezolol”, and in Ukraine it is still called “berezen”. Why?

March is at least a little crybaby, First snowdrops
But he’s a big cunning man: March is tearing up in the oak grove,
One eye with tears and a spring wreath
And in the rays of another. March howls skillfully.
M. Mrevishvili

April. The birthplace of the word April is Ancient Rome. It means “warm, sunny.” In ancient times in Rus' this month was called “pollen”.

April, April! After the winter cold.
Drops are ringing in the yard, a bear is sneaking through
Streams run through the fields, through the dead wood...
There are puddles on the roads. The birds began to sing songs,
Soon the ants will come out and the snowdrop will bloom.
S. Mikhalkov

May. The name of the fifth month of spring, May, comes from Maya's own name. This was the name of the goddess of earth and fertility in ancient Rome. In the old days in Rus' it was called “traven”.

Green May - the smile of the year. Green May - the beginning of summer,
I walk through the grass barefoot, When there is excitement in my chest,
And nature speaks to me, and a lot of feelings, and a lot of light,
A half-forgotten language... And a lot of life ahead.
A. Shilyaev

II. Spring flowers.
— Guys, please name the spring flowers.

My bells, and what are you ringing for?
Steppe flowers! On a merry day in May,
Why are you looking at me, Among the uncut grass?
Dark blue? Shaking your head?
A. Tolstoy

Forget-me-not reveals
Blue eye
And the dewdrop sparkles in it,
Like a diamond. K. Boyko

Already blinking in the forest thickets
Purple eyes of night violets.
Native forests were decorated with them,
And in the morning with violets V. Tovarikov
It smells like dew.

By the window on the table in a glass
With clean cold water
The lily of the valley bends down and does not wither,
Filling the room with spring. V. Rozhdestvensky

What guests are in my room!
Uzbek, Turkmen tulips.
They came in colorfully woven clothes
To us from gardens, from parks, from the steppes. S. Marshak

The lilac is blooming and fragrant.
The dacha village is all in bloom.
And the shady pond reflects
The beauty of lilac grapes. V. Tovarkov

III. Spring holidays.

- Guys, what spring holidays do you know?
(March 8, Maslenitsa)
- Why are these holidays so loved by all of us?
— How do your families celebrate these holidays?

V. Summing up the results of the reading competition: all schoolchildren are given colored coupons (three each - red 1st place, yellow 2nd place, green 3rd place), with which they can vote for the one whose reading they liked during the class hour. A clear leader emerges. The winners are awarded diplomas of the best readers.

VI. Holding a tea party.
VII. Disco.