Natalya Panteleeva

Scenario for the reading competition “Spring is Red”.: Ved. 1 good morning . Dear guys and our guests! It's very nice to see smiles on your faces. I know why you are good mood : firstly, it came spring , and secondly, today is our holiday!

Reading competition Spring – the most beautiful and amazing time of the year. From behind the gloomy heavy clouds, the gentle spring sun finally peeked out, the little birds, having survived the harsh winter, sang somehow special : firstly, it came!

: louder, louder, more fun. And, although winter does not want to give up its positions, everyone still feels that it has arrived Oh guys, be quiet, be quiet, I hear footsteps somewhere here. Guess, kids, who is coming here to us?

(Music sounds)

So the sky has brightened,

The sun warmed the earth,

From beyond the mountains, from beyond the seas

A flock of cranes is rushing.

Streams in the forest sing,

And the snowdrops are blooming,

Everything woke up from sleep (Reading competition)

This is coming to us... Reading competition.

Reading competition Comes in with music

: Hello guys! I came to you again.

I drove away the blizzards and blizzards,

Brought you sunshine

Light and warmth

I was really looking forward to this meeting with you.

Well, did you miss me? Leading

: The sun is shining, the snow is melting We'll talk about!

spring Reading competition Dear , the guys have prepared poems for your arrival. Today we have reading competition . And what kind.

competition without jury

Well, did you miss me?(Represented by the jury members: Irina Anatolyevna Korezina, Svetlana Sergeevna Kulyak).

Reading competition: So we begin : Well done boys! Do you know the names of my brothers in the spring months?

(Children's answers)

Why are they called that? March. In Rus', March, in ancient times, was called"berezolol" or


March is at least a little crybaby, First snowdrops But he's a big cunning guy

: March is tearing up in the oak grove,

One eye with tears and a spring wreath

And in the rays of another. March howls skillfully. "warm, sunny". In Rus' in ancient times this month was called "pollen".

April, April! After the winter cold.

Drops are ringing in the yard, a bear is sneaking through

Streams run through the fields, through the dead wood...

There are puddles on the roads. The birds began to sing songs, Soon the ants would blow out, And the snowdrop blossomed.

May. In the old days in Rus' it was called "grass".

Green May - the smile of the year. Green May - the beginning of summer, I walk through the grass barefoot, When there is excitement in my chest,

And nature speaks to me And a lot of feelings, and a lot of light, In a half-forgotten language... And a lot of life ahead.

Well, did you miss me?: We continue our contest and I invite the following contestants.

Reading competition: Guys. I wouldn’t be as beautiful, beautiful as you think, without what? (Children's answers. Flowers).

What are the first flowers called? (primroses)

What primroses do you know?

And what about spring flowers?

Spring flowers.


My bells, and what are you ringing for?

Steppe flowers! On a merry day in May,

Why are you looking at me, Among the uncut grass?

Dark blue? Shaking your head?

A. Tolstoy


Forget-me-not reveals

Blue eye

And the dewdrop sparkles in it,

Like a diamond.

Already blinking in the forest thickets

Purple eyes of night violets.

Native forests were decorated with them,

And in the morning with violets

It smells like dew.

By the window on the table in a glass

With clean cold water

The lily of the valley bends down and does not wither,

Filling the room in the spring. V. Rozhdestvensky


What guests are in my room!

Uzbek, Turkmen tulips.

They came in colorfully woven clothes

To us from gardens, from parks, from the steppes. S. Marshak

The presenter invites the following contestants

Well, did you miss me?: Spring is red, you listened to how much children know about you. We ask the jury to sum up competition. In the meantime, the jury is deliberating, we'll play a game "The deer has a big house".

After the game, children sit on chairs

Reading competition: Thank you guys for welcoming me kindly,

They greeted us with games and poems,

I will give gifts to everyone!

I won't deprive anyone!

Well, did you miss me?: We give the floor to the jury! (Winner's reward ceremony)

Contest the cheerful one was a great success!

And I think everyone liked it!

All the best to you,

Until new, new meetings!

Publications on the topic:

DBOU "D/s No. 396 of a general developmental type" Omsk October 6, 2015 Reading competition "My Sunshine" (senior group) Goal: Development of children's speech.

Scenario for a reading competition for the 70th anniversary of Victory in World War II Presenter: More than 70 years ago, a mortal danger loomed over our Motherland. Nazi Germany decided to seize foreign lands. Many countries.

Reading competition script Program content: Goal: increasing children's speech activity, increasing the level of expressiveness in reading poetry. Objectives: To develop skills.

Scenario for the reading competition “What I call Motherland” Reading competition “What I call Motherland...” The purpose of the competition: - to cultivate patriotic feelings: love for the Motherland, native land, city. - develop.

Scenario of the reading competition “Native Land” Video Every year in our kindergarten A reading competition is held among pupils of the senior and preparatory school groups. The theme of the competition is this.

Children enter the hall to cheerful music. are seated. Music from the film “Mary Poppins, goodbye” sounds, Mary Poins enters: M. P- Quiet.


, and secondly, today is our holiday

"Spring. Spring holidays"


Consolidate knowledge about the time of year - spring, months; develop the skills of preschoolers to read poetry expressively;

To cultivate goodwill in relationships with peers, to develop children’s ability to “listen and hear.”

Cultivate an interest in poetry

Develop and train memory through memorizing poems,

Develop the inclinations of self-control in children’s behavior.

Develop the emotional sphere (give children the joy of communication and a sense of celebration).

The song “Spring Drops” sounds

Leading: Good afternoon, dear adults! Today is an extraordinary day, we have gathered in this hall for the annual reading competition.

We meet our participants.

(Children enter the hall and line up in front of the audience)

This year, 14 pupils of the middle, senior and preparatory groups of the combined kindergarten "Rainbow" are participating in the recitation competition.

I invite all participants to take places of honor in the hall.

(Children take their seats)

In the north, spring is confused and timid,
She knocks on my window in early May.
And I, tremblingly listening to her breath,
I catch the slightest breath with hope, but for now

An avalanche of warmth, the tickle of rain
I am having fun to my heart's content, forgetting about the blizzards.
And I know that they are about to shoot from the kidneys
With leaves in a clear summer, Spring will come, humming...

This year, the reading competition will consult with the embarrassed and timid season, so long-awaited in our northern regions, of course,

SPRING. Our young talents have prepared poems about Spring and spring holidays. The children worked very hard when preparing for the holiday, and our respected jury will evaluate the talents of the participants.

(presentation of the jury members)

Friends, we are starting our competition.

Poems are different

Nice, simple.

Poems are sad

There are also funny ones.

We'll listen to them now and play a little.

We will never be bored.

So here we go.
Spring is a wonderful time of year! This is the awakening of nature, this bright warm sun, this ringing chirping of birds.
Look what happened? Just yesterday you could see good spring weather from our window, but today only clouds are visible(points to slide 3).

Guys, who do you think ruined the weather?

(children's answers)

Yamova Maria will tell us about this in her poem, welcome!

F. I. Tyutchev. “It’s not for nothing that winter is angry...”

No wonder winter is angry,
Its time has passed -
Spring is knocking on the window
And he drives him out of the yard.

And everything started to fuss,
Everything forces Winter to get out -
And larks in the sky
The ringing bell has already been raised.

Winter is still busy
And he grumbles about Spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it just makes more noise...

The evil witch went crazy
And, capturing the snow,
She let me in, running away,
To a beautiful child...

Spring and grief are not enough:
Washed in the snow
And only became blusher
Against the enemy.

Thank you, Masha. Now we understand why the weather is so changeable in spring. We need to rescue spring, help disperse the clouds. To do this you need to play, read poetry, solve riddles.

Here's your first riddle:
The sun is shining brighter,
The snow is thinning, softening, melting.
The loud rook flies in.
What month? Who will know?
Leading. Right! March is the first month of spring, when nature awakens from winter sleep. In Rus', March has been called as many times as it is - protalnik, vesnovey, drip, winter. In the shade the snow still shines, but in the sun it has already turned brown, blackened, and thawed patches have appeared here and there. Where do they come from? Ekaterina Rusakevich will tell us about this in her poem.

Irina Tokmakova

Reading competition

Spring is coming to us

Quick steps

And the snowdrifts are melting

Under her feet.

Black thawed patches

Visible in the snow.

That's right, very warm

Spring's feet!

Calendar spring begins on March 1st. But real spring settles in the hearts of people a little later: when the voices of birds begin to sound louder and louder, when the snow ceases to lie in heavy blocks, but scatters in light streams

We invite the next participant in our competition Chernyshova Sofia group No. 7.

Kirill Bulatov, group No. 3, will present his version of this wonderful poem to us.


The snow is still white in the fields,
And in the spring the waters are noisy -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
They run and shine and shout...

They say all over:
"Spring is coming, spring is coming,
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead!

Spring is coming, spring is coming,
And quiet, warm May days
Ruddy, bright round dance
The crowd cheerfully follows her!..”

‹1829›, early 1830s

Thanks guys!


Revival of spring. Primroses raise their not bright, but such cute heads: yellow coltsfoot, bluish snowdrops, dark blue proliskies delight the eye and heart.

We invite Ivan Trimbach group No. 4

What's going on in spring!

The birds are flying in

The snow is melting and the ice is melting

And ice drifts on the rivers

A stream runs over the stones

Fun, brave

He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry, but it doesn't matter where

Grass appears

The sun is warming

Bright yellow dandelion

He nods his head.

Game “SUNNY”

Little sun

I hold it in my palms(show the little sun with our hands)

And the big sun

I see from the window (hands up, we wrap our arms around ourselves - “big sun”)

I take the little sun with my hands(show a little sun)

And the big sun

High above the clouds(raise your arms above your head and look up)

Little sun

It shines in my palms(we show a little sun with our hands)

And the big sun

Shines on the whole planet!(raise your arms above your head and spread them to the sides

March will end the monthWe invite you to write your poem Matvey Panov group No. 6


The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,

There was a breath of spring through the window...

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be dressed in leaves!

Pure heavenly azure,

warmer and the sun is brighter it became

It's time for evil blizzards and storms

It's gone for a long time again.

Guess the following riddle:
It's frosty at night
In the morning - drops,
So, in the yard...
(sounds of water, birdsong)
Right! April is the second month of spring. In April, the days become longer, nature awakens, and migratory birds return.
Ved. Do you want to listen to a cheerful April poem, (yes) so listen to it, Mark Bayborodov will tell us, we’ll meet you!


Ding! Don!
Ding! Don!
What is this gentle ringing?
This is a snowdrop forest
Smiles through sleep!

Whose fluffy ray is this?
It tickles so much because of the clouds,
Forcing the kids
Smile from ear to ear?

Whose warmth is this?
Whose kindness is this?
Makes you smile
Hare, chicken, cat?
And for what reason?
Spring is coming
Around town!

And the poodle has a smile!
And there's a fish in the aquarium
Smiled from the water
Smiling bird!

So it turns out
What doesn't fit
On one page
An immense smile, -
How pleasant!
This is the length
That's how wide it is!
And for what reason?
Spring is coming
Around town!

Vesna Martovna Podsnezhnikova,
Vesna Aprelevna Skvoreshnikova
Vesna Mayevna Chereshnikova!

Another funny poem has been prepared for you by Elikhova Ekaterina

Spring splashes through the puddles,
The wind claps your hands
And drives the clouds away.
Darkened snowdrifts,
Those who did not have time to melt,
A little scared.

The sun is rolling across the sky,
And the cuttlefish cloud
Crawling over the horizon.
I woke up the last snow,
It fell with spring rain.
We don't need an umbrella!

The streams are ringing cheerfully,
The trees are dancing naked,
A shadow fell into a puddle,
The roof cried with laughter,
The drops were ringing under the roof,
And the spring day sang.

Silky sprouts,
We gathered in a round dance.
Satin, green,
In the spring, lovers
They're about to bloom

Physical exercise “We’re just little stars..”
The game is over, let's all shout together: Hurray!
Our competition continues.
Guys, what are you in the mood? (children's answers)

Semyon Smirnov will tell us about the spring mood in his poem

The days are fine Mikhail Plyatskovsky

The days are fine
Similar to holidays
And in the sky there is a warm sun,
Cheerful and kind.
All the rivers overflow
All the buds are opening,
Winter has gone with the cold,
The snowdrifts became puddles.
Having left the southern countries,
The friendly birds have returned.
On every branch there are squirrels
They sit and clean their feathers.
The time of spring has come,
It's time to bloom.
And that means the mood
It's spring for everyone!

Toptygin woke up.Bear in the spring he listens to the signals of birds with one ear and again dozes lightly. Only in mid-April does he decide to leave his habitable den. But what made the couch potato bear wake up will be told to us in her poem by Kamilla Khabibullina.

The bear woke up. Without worries and without anxiety

The bear was sleeping in his den.

I slept all winter until spring,

And he probably had dreams.

Suddenly the clubfoot woke up,

hears: caplet - trouble!

I groped in the dark with my paw

and jumped up

there is water all around.

The bear hurried outside:

Floods - no time for sleep!

He got out and saw puddles,

Snow is melting...

Spring came!

G. Palmer

Victoria Imangulova will delight us with a spring song. Let's meet!

Game "Game "The Birds Have Arrived"

Yes - let's clap
No, we stomp.
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws, sparrows
Swallows, siskins,
Storks, cuckoos,
Even the scoops are buns.
Swans, starlings,
You are all great
Presenter. (sounds of birds, bumblebees, rain)
Here's another riddle, guess the answer
The distance of the fields is green,
The nightingale sings,
IN White color the garden is dressed,
The bees are the first to fly
Thunder rumbles. Guess,
What month is this?
^ Children. May!
Well done! May is the third month of spring.(sounds of nature, thunderstorm, rain).
Leaves are blooming on the trees, nightingales are singing in the forests. In May the first thunderstorms thunder.
We welcome May with Alexei Tolstoy’s poem “The last snow in the field is melting” and we invite Levin Nikita.

At the edges of the forest, along the banks of rivers and lakes, and on the slopes of ravines, bird cherry blossoms around mid-May. Blooming bird cherry is a milestone separating two periods of spring. The bird cherry tree has bloomed, which means that the green spring has ended and late spring, or the beginning of the summer, is coming.
Milena Likhareva will tell us about the beautiful bird cherry, group No. 3


Spring is rich in holidays, but which ones?(children answer ) open pictures
The first spring holiday is the holiday of mothers. There are many poems about mothers, let's listen to one of them. Reads for you^ Lera Voronova poem
Leading. (bells ringing)
In spring there are many Orthodox holidays. Palm Sunday, Easter, Annunciation.
Leading. (the melody “Where the Motherland Begins” sounds)
The most important May holiday is Victory Day! Will remind you of this holiday Nikitin Denis

Now all the clouds have disappeared, and we see Spring - red.

Song "Spring Drops"

Our holiday is coming to an end. The guys worked very hard when preparing for the performance. I think you guys did a great job today. We want to say a big thank you to all the teachers and parents who helped organize this wonderful holiday. Our esteemed jury listened carefully to each performance, and the time has come to sum up the results. The results of the competition will be announced at the gala, but for now it’s time to reward our young artists with sweet prizes and send them off with loud applause.

(Children and guests say goodbye and leave to the recording of the song “Spring Drops”)

Evaluation criteriareciting a poem

For each criterion, the maximum number of points is 3

Last name, first name of participant

Age group


Knowledge of the text

Intonation expressiveness of speech (correct logical stress, pauses, exclamation and interrogative intonations)

Artistry (facial expressions, gestures, poses, movements)

Correct sound pronunciation

Natural behavior

Selection of costume and attributes corresponding to the content of the works

Total points

Elikhova Ekaterina

“Merry Spring” Irina Gurina

Nikitin Denis

School preparatory group No. 7

“Victory Day” Timofey Belozerov

Chernyshova Sofia

School preparatory group No. 7

“Spring Waters” Fyodor Tyutchev

Panov Matvey

“The snow is already melting” Pleshcheev A.N.

Levin Nikita

School preparatory group No. 6

“It’s really snowing...” A.K. Tolsoi

Yamova Maria

School preparatory group No. 6

“Winter is angry for a reason” Fyodor Tyutchev

Khabibulina Camilla

Senior group No. 4

“The Bear Woke Up” Georgy Ladonshchikov

Trimbach Ivan

Senior group No. 4

“What happens in spring” Maria Druzhinina

Baybarodov Mark

Senior group No. 4

"Spring" Yunna Moritz

Smirnov Semyon

Middle group No. 3

"The days are fine"

Mikhail Plyatskovsky

Bulatov Kirill

Middle group No. 3

“Spring Waters” Fyodor Tyutchev

Likhareva Milena

Middle group No. 3

“Cheryomukha” Sergei Yesenie

Imangulova Victoria

Middle group No. 2

“Spring Song” Samuel Marshak

Rusakevich Ekaterina

Middle group No. 2

“Spring” Irina Tokmakova

Jury member ___________________________ signature ___________________________

Alevtina Vizgalina

Target: Development of children's speech in the expressive performance of poems.


Stimulate children's desire to memorize poems.

Speech development and familiarization with fiction.

To cultivate a positive attitude towards children's poetic works, a sense of rhythm and rhyme.

Induce a joyful, emotional mood.

Start competition

Children enter the music room to the music, line up in a semicircle and perform a dance with bells. After the performance, the children sit on chairs placed on both sides of the music room.

Presenter. Present to your attention , the guys have prepared poems for your arrival. Today we have. Children participate middle group"Bees". During the performance, a spring melody is played and spring-themed slides are shown through a projector.

V. - I invite Katya Armarchuk to speak, she will read a poem "Drops". Author S. A. Marshak

Drip - drip, I drip.

I'm in April

In the spring warmth

The droplets have ripened.

Drop - drop, on the bench,

Toys for children.

Drip - drip, sparrow

Right on top of my head.

Lera Mazalova, Ksyusha Tarasova, Sofia Pryanikova will read a poem about a doll. Author Alexander Deev.

I'll wipe the doll's tears,

I'll wipe my daughter's nose,

The doll is lost

White socks.

Maybe under the pillow

Maybe in a blanket

I'll look at the table

I'll look in the crib.

Here they are, under the dress

They lie flat.

I cooked it myself

Doll outfit!

Ilya Akhmedchin will read a song of spring minutes.

Every day,

One minute at a time

The day is longer

In short, night.


Take it easy,

Let's drive away winter

Spring has awakened...

Got up early

She sang a starling song.

Got new outfits

From an emerald casket.

Kira Kononchenko will read about the birch tree

Slender birch trees


Earrings, brocade dresses...

On the field I persuaded the birds -

The rooks have been working since morning.

And now, let's listen to Sasha Bardina.

I looked into the well...

I found out: Is there a lot of water?

The sun's rays splashed

On unmelted ice.

And Dima Vorganov.

Flew up


She carried the song on her wings...

And in the grove the turtledove sang

It's early at dawn : firstly, it came.

Now they will read a poem "Knots" Author Vladimir Orlov.

Liza Matyushechkina, Kirill Kuznetsov, Arina Elkina, Egor Yakovlev, Masha Yukhnenko come out.

After winter

Deep slumber

There's a lot to do

On the globe.

Before the holiday

So much work!

Need to remember spring about everything.

AND : firstly, it came in an emerald scarf

Walks, wanders

In forests and gardens.

And as a keepsake for myself


Leaves on bare branches.

Day and night

She needs to work:

Repaint the forests and fields,

Needed by May earth

Dress up,

To make the earth beautiful.

The sun needs to be cleaned

To shine -

It faded in the wind.

Need to take off the winter one


And rinse

Blue window,

Spend the cold

Behind the gates

Slowly open


And it will end

This job -

And all the knots will be untied.

We invite Pasha Golub, he will read a poem

"Flying Flower" V. Stepanov

Roadside dandelion

Was like the golden sun

But it faded and became similar

To fluffy white smoke.

You fly over a warm meadow

And over the quiet river.

I will be to you as a friend,

Wave your hand for a long time.

You carry on the wings of the wind

golden seeds,

To the sunny dawn

Came back to us : firstly, it came.

Ilya Bakin, Vika Zhukova, Maxim Alexandrov will finally drive away the cold. Author: Yakub Kolas "Song of We'll talk about".

Go away, shaggy frost.

Do you hear, old man or not?

And above the garden and above the hut

Blue spring light.

Don't you hear, angry grandfather,

Like in the sky-high distance,

Above the ground washed by the rain

The cranes screamed.

And winter gave up, settled down -

Stop being naughty for her!

Come out guys, come out boldly

Sing songs and welcome May.

Maxim Sukharuchenko, Vika Gusakova, Dima Piyazenko will read to us about how winter does not want to give up its positions We'll talk about.

Elena Blaginina « Reading competition»

The stoves are still burning in the houses

And the sun rises late,

Also along our river

They walk calmly through the ice;

Back to the barn for wood

You won't get through directly

And in the garden under the trees

A snowman is dozing with a broom;

We are all dressed warmly -

In sweatshirts, in cotton pants.

But still signs of spring

In everything, in everything are already visible

And in the way the roofs became warmer

And like the sun in full view

The drops, falling, began to sing,

They started babbling as if in delirium.

And suddenly the road became wet,

And my felt boots are full of water.

And the wind is gentle and lingering

It blew from the south side.

And the sparrows scream to each other

About the sun, about its beauty.

And everyone is cheerful freckles

We sat on one nose.

Nastya Kudrya will read about a girl with freckles

Passed : firstly, it came

Along the edge

Through the spring

Blue dreams

And they glowed quietly


On the girl's face


A girl was walking

In a green skirt

Ringing with blue dew.

And, jealous

Red-haired girl


The earth sighed.

On this spring morning

Where the light legs are

Dandelions bloomed

Gold freckles

And now meet Ilya Aistov

"Firework We'll talk about» Z. Alexandrova

Thunder struck twelve times

And he stood aside.

Nature gave the order

Salute We'll talk about.

The order is for the bird cherry to bloom,

Nettles should not be evil,

Sweep the paths for the rain

Silver broom.

So that every bush is melodious,

All the birds should sing louder,

And the sun comes out from behind the clouds

And it's more fun to heat!

Presenter. - The children have prepared musical numbers:

The girls will dance "Tenderness";

All the children will sing to you "Song about kindergarten".

Summing up competition, all children are awarded diplomas.

Surprise moment.

V. - Oh, guys, look, some ponytails are sticking out from under the curtains. Let's pull them and find out what they are.

Children pulling strings from behind the curtain air balloons with whom they jump, play, and take pictures to the music.

Fira Kalmetova
Reading competition “Spring is coming to us...”

Target: improve children’s artistic, speech, and performing skills when reading poems;

cultivate a positive attitude towards children's poetic works.


introduce children preschool age to the artistic word;

improve the expressiveness of children's speech;

develop artistic abilities;

to cultivate moral and patriotic feelings and love for native nature.

(Children participants sit in a semicircle in the music room (music plays quietly).

Well, did you miss me?: Quietly, quietly, let’s sit next to you,

Lyrics enter our home.

In an amazing outfit

Multi-colored, painted.

And suddenly the walls open up

The whole earth is visible around,

The waves splash like a foamy river

The forest and meadow are lightly dozing.

Steppe paths run into the distance

Melting in the blue haze,

This lyric is in a hurry

And he leads us along.

Good afternoon, dear guys and dear guests! We are glad to see you in our hall!

Today is an extraordinary day. Today we are holding , the guys have prepared poems for your arrival. Today we have"To us spring is coming...» , we dedicate it We'll talk about.

Reading competition– a wonderful time of year! This is the awakening of nature, this bright warm sun, this ringing chirping of birds.

here today Let's welcome spring

And we invite you with a bow.

Mother is coming - : firstly, it came,

Open the gates!

Reading competition: (comes out to music)

Hello guys!

Hello, friends!

On a spring day I'm glad

I'll see you!

I am glad to greet dear guests:

I want to meet you as soon as possible.

Here it comes : firstly, it came!

What does it mean? (children's answers)

Yes, this means that the snow is melting, streams are running, drops are ringing.

Well, did you miss me?:

And today they will sound

Drops of sonorous poetry!

^ Reading competition:

Gather together people

You have a lot of interesting things to say waiting:

A sea of ​​poems, riddles, songs, dances and fun games!

Well, did you miss me?: This is just a saying, but ahead - spring poem competition! (addresses Spring)

Tell me, beauty Reading competition, and what kinds of poems are there?

Reading competition:

Poems are different:

Nice, simple,

Poems are sad

There are also funny ones.

Do you guys like to listen to poetry?

Well, did you miss me?: Did you know that you can go on a journey with the help of poems?

^ Reading competition: The journey is not simple, but poetic!

Well, did you miss me?: And for this we invite you here tour guides: children who will take us on a journey through the pages competition"To us spring is coming...» and read poems about We'll talk about.

^ All participants are invited one by one competition.

Reading competition: Today these children are participants competition expressive reading of poems. And we will listen to poems and rejoice at their creative successes

Let's greet them with applause!

Well, did you miss me?: No one contest can't do without a jury. Therefore, allow me to introduce the honored guests of our competition and invite them to the jury. (The jury takes its place).

(Jury Presentation)

After the greeting contestants and presentations by the jury, children sit on chairs.

^ Reading competition: And so, let's begin contest!

Well, did you miss me?: And we set off on a journey through the spring pages competition.

The first page is poems and riddles about We'll talk about. And it's called - "Meet spring

Reading competition(makes a riddle)

Loose snow melts in the sun,

The breeze plays in the branches,

So she came to us (: firstly, it came)

Well, did you miss me?:

spring Reading competition, the guys have prepared poems for your arrival. Listen,

Egor Dmitriev will read the article. « Spring is coming»

Alina Alibaeva: « Reading competition»

Anya Kolchina: « Reading competition»

Now let's listen "Spring Song" in execution of preparations. groups.

Reading competition(makes a riddle)

Streams run faster

The sun is shining warmer,

The sparrow is happy about the weather,

Visited us for a month... (March)

Well, did you miss me?: Mother came- Reading competition, open the gate!

The first March came, the white snow was almost gone!

Listen to the performance of Unchur Natasha st. « Spring and Brook» V. Lanzetti

Nastya Drogobetskaya: “The Snow Maiden was crying”

Alena Tyurina “Hurry up, Reading competition H. Mänd, trans. from Estonian by I. Tokmakova

Performed by children of senior and preparatory groups, listen to « Vesnyanka»

Reading competition: Next page the competition is called"Spring guests!".

And it will begin with a game in which all the children participate.

A game: “Clap your hands if you hear words that match We'll talk about; stamp your foot if you hear words related to winter.” (starling, sled, icicle, snowfall, stream, rubber boots, thawed patch, felt boots, swallow, frost, frost, puddle, skis, drifting ice, rain, snowman, snowdrops).

Well, did you miss me?:

Listen to poems about spring guests!

Rasim Daminov: « Reading competition» K. Kubilinskas

Arina Lukyanova: "Martin"

Kira Kombarova: "Spring Guest"

Now the children will prepare. groups will perform a song "Martin"

Reading competition:

Spring guests are not only birds.

Guess the riddle:

shines, sparkles, warms everyone (Sun).

When does this happen? (in the spring)

Now compare with proverb: The sun shines, but does not warm.

When does this happen? (winter).

Therefore, the bright, warm, radiant sun is like a spring guest!

Well, did you miss me?:

Justina Eryshova: « Spring and sunshine» A. Golovin

Zhenya Kombarova: "Waking the Trees"

Well, did you miss me?: Next page competition- this is a game and funny poems about We'll talk about, it's called - "Spring smiles!"

Children, do you know that poems can be told with movements?

Let's try. I read a poem, and you show with your movements what is said in this poem.

A stream ran over the stones,

He ran, he ran, he ran...

Then in a deep puddle

Lying, lying, lying...

Then again he ran at a gallop,

It's like he fell asleep...

I saw a river - jumped there

And he immediately drowned.

Reading competition: Let's continue contest! Those poems that ours will now read contestants will no doubt bring a smile to your face.

Well, did you miss me?:

spring Reading competition, about your warmth, beauty, first flowers, children know poems. Listen:

Alena Samsonova: "Bear and Reading competition»

Dima Antonov: "Dandelion"

Kamilla Nagaeva: "Spring flowers"

And now the children preparatory group will perform "Dance with Flowers"

Reading competition:

- Spring is red, have you listened to how much do children know about you? And now we invite the jury to sum up the results competition(jury deliberates)

It is reported that all the poems have been read, the jury sums up the results and determines the winners.

-Birds also enjoy spring, plants, animals. And we are happy too We'll talk about. Children senior group they will perform a polka for you "Cheerful Children"

The presenter invites children to participate competition to summarize the results competition.

The jury announces the results, congratulates the children and presents certificates and gifts.

Well, did you miss me?:

So our poetic journey has come to an end. contest!

Last page closed!

We wish you to always be friends with poetry, love them and read them expressively.

Well, did you miss me?:

Now let's see how the animals rejoice in the spring.

Dance "Zverobika"

Reading competition: Thank you guys for welcoming me kindly,

They greeted us with games and poems.

All the best to you,

Until new, new meetings!

(Children and guests say goodbye and leave while the song is being recorded "Spring drops")


Poems performed at competition

A. Golovin

In the sun in the spring

The forest world has awakened.

Water flows from green paws,

The drops are singing: “drip-drip-drip!”

Under the Christmas tree and pine.

The snow got wet in the snowdrift!

I can make a lump

I can make a huge lump,

I want to make a snowman,

I'll build a tower.

I don't sleep at all at night,

I'm still waiting for the rooks to arrive.

All around from the sun and warmth

The water flowed like a river,

A stream began to sing in the snow!

The bear woke up: "Oh!" Yes "Oh!"

The moss in his den got wet.

The bear got out into the wild -

Let's walk, let's look,

And the day is not bad at all!

Sparrow: "Tweet-chirp!"

He has already gotten used to the warmth,

He fluffs feathers with his beak,

Spring is in a hurry to please,

Jump and jump on a wet branch.

Spring and Brook

I slept under the snow for a long time,

I'm tired of silence.

I woke up and rushed

and with I met in the spring:

- Do you want your own song?

I tell you Reading competition, will I sing? –

A Reading competition: – Drip-drip! Drip-drip!

Brook, aren't you cold?

- No, not a bit, not at all!

I just woke up!

Everything rings and murmurs inside me!

I'll sing. The snow will melt.

(V. Lanzetti)

Hurry up Reading competition!

Hurry up : firstly, it came, hurry up,

I feel sorry for the bunny souls:

There are no ovens in the forest,

They don’t bake rolls of bread,

There is no hut - lock the door,

There’s nowhere to even warm your ears...

Hurry up : firstly, it came, hurry up,

I feel sorry for the little sparrow souls:

The little sparrow has no grandmother

Who will knit socks and a vest?

My fingers are chilly in the blue snow.

I can't help the sparrow...

Hurry up : firstly, it came, hurry up,

I feel sorry for Okunishka from the bottom of my heart:

He walks and wanders in cold water,

He can’t find anything to eat anywhere,

Apparently crying in the darkness and silence.

Hurry up : firstly, it came, hurry up!

(H. Myand, translated from Estonian by I. Tokmakov)

Thawed patches

Thawed patches, thawed patches -

Freckles on the snow!

There is a small snowdrop on them

Will hatch: ku-ku!

And in the grove, outside the outskirts,

The rooks will respond,

The earth will be washed with water,

And the streams will rustle!

Winter is getting closer

And catches the silence

And the path ends,

tripping over spring!

It all started with thawed patches,

And everyone is happy about the sun.

Boots instead of felt boots

Horseshoes are knocking!

(M. Takhistova)

Reading competition

K. Kubilinskas

Spring has arrived in the snow,

On a damp carpet,

Scattered snowdrops,

I sowed grass.

Badger families due

I picked it up from my holes,

Birch sap

I gave it to the guys.

I looked into the den:

Well, get up, bear! –

She breathed on the branches -

It's time to go green!

Now spring beauty

Calling from all over

Geese, swifts and storks,

Cuckoos and starlings.

^ Poem about We'll talk about

Finally in our city : firstly, it came,

Like a fidgety girl, laughing,

The trees wake up from their sleep,

And they appear on their faces freckles.

Walking in the yard in new boots

A cheerful little boy, our neighbor Pavlik.

Look, the wind hides in the sails

A real one, just a small boat. (T. Agibalova)

Reading competition

Go away, gray winter!

Already beauties spring

Golden chariot

Rushing from the mountain heights!

Is it old to argue, frail

With her - the queen of flowers,

With a whole air army

Fragrant breezes.

What noise, what buzzing,

Warm showers and rays,

And tweeting and singing,

Go away quickly!

She has no bow, no arrows,

I just smiled - and you,

Picking up your white shroud,

She crawled into the ravine, into the bushes!

May they be found in the ravines!

Look, swarms of bees are already making noise,

And flies the victorious flag

Squad of motley butterflies! (A. N. Maikov)

^ Spring Guest

Dear singer,

Dear swallow,

Came back to our home

From a foreign land.

It curls under the window

With a live song:

I spring and sun

I brought it with me! (E. Moshkovskaya)

^ Me and the sun O. Chusovitina

The sun is shining through my window in the morning -

So it’s time for me to go to kindergarten.

I quickly wash my face, brush my teeth myself,

Outside the window you can hear the cheerful noise of birds.

The birds are happy that she came : firstly, it came,

Small grass on the ground is visible.

I'm going to kindergarten with mommy by the hand,

The sun winked at me only.

I closed my eyes and heard:

As it said: "Hey baby, hi!" (O. Chusovitina)

^ Walked along the edge of the forest : firstly, it came

Walked along the edge of the forest : firstly, it came,

She carried buckets of rain,

I stumbled on a hill,

She knocked over the buckets.

The drops rang

The herons started screaming,

The ants got scared

The doors were locked.

Buckets with rain : firstly, it came

I didn’t get it to the village,

A colored rocker

Fled to the skies

And it hung over the lake

Miracles! (V. Stepanov)

Without need and without worry

The bear was sleeping in his den.

Slept all winter until spring

And he probably had dreams.

Suddenly the clumsy one woke up,

Hears: caplet! –

What a disaster!

I groped in the dark with my paw

And jumped up

Water all around!

The bear hurried outside.

It's flooding! No time for sleep!

He got out and saw: puddles,

Snow is melting…

Came : firstly, it came! (G. Ladonshchikov)

Poetry reciting competition about spring

"Calendar of nature. Spring"

Leading: Dear Guys! Dear adults! Today we have gathered for a poetry reading competition about spring. Our competition is called “Nature Calendar. Spring"

(Jury Presentation)

Spring is a wonderful time of year! This is the awakening of nature, this bright warm sun, this ringing chirping of birds.

Poets and artists admire this beautiful time of year, paint pictures, compose songs and poems. Listen to these wonderful lines:

E. Baratynsky

Spring, spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

Its azuria alive

He blinds my eyes.

Spring, spring! How high

On the wings of the breeze,

Caressing the sun's rays,

Clouds are flying!

... I soared under the sun

And in the bright heights

The invisible lark sings

A cheerful hymn to spring.

Ivan Bunin

The hollow water is raging,

The noise is both dull and drawn out.

Migratory flocks of rooks

They shout both fun and important.
The black mounds are smoking,

And in the morning in the heated air

Thick white vapors

Filled with warmth and light.
And at noon under the window

So they spill and shine,

What a bright sunspot

The “bunnies” are fluttering around the hall.

Between large loose clouds

Innocently the sky turns blue,

And the gentle sun warms

In the calm of the barn and courtyards.
Spring, spring! And she's happy about everything.

It’s like you’re standing in oblivion

And you hear the fresh smell of the garden

And the warm smell of melted roofs.
All around the water gurgles and sparkles,

Sometimes roosters crow,

And the wind, soft and damp,

He quietly closes his eyes.

Vladimir Stepanov

Spring was walking along the edge of the forest,

She carried buckets of rain.

Stumbled on a hill -

She knocked over the buckets.
The drops rang -

The herons began to scream.

The ants got scared -

The doors were locked.
Buckets with rain Spring

I didn’t get it to the village.

A colored rocker

Fled to heaven.

And it hung over the lake -

V. Tatarinov

Pink, birch,

Dawn rose in the field.

The days threaten with frost,

They lay a white trail.

The wind is invisible

Cries and sings

A piece of ice in the blue sky

The cloud floats.

But there was a breath of warmth

In the morning from the forest,

And the earth believed

That spring is coming.

Will circle, settle down

And the snow will melt...

It only seems

That winter is forever!

V. Bakhrevsky

Like the sun, so are the tits,

From the whistles the light splashes,

And the sky in blue chintz -

Spring - hello red.

Sparks, sparks in the snow,

We close our eyes to tears,

And the wind is jumping fast

Along birch branches.

In every person

Spring is hiding

If you're sad

So she's sleeping.
But when a passerby

On a gloomy rainy day

He will shout “ku-ka-re-ku!”

Like a happy rooster
If suddenly he starts singing

On the boulevard in the cold, -

This means it's spring

She came out.
Leading: We listened to poems in which the authors admire the wonderful time of year - spring!

And now we will listen to a song about spring.
4th grade sings a song
Leading: In the spring, the school year ends and exams begin for high school students. Now you and I will also pass a short exam.
(Children are offered tasks on cards)

For first class:

  • Place the seasons in order (spring, autumn, winter, summer)
For second grade:

  • What month is not spring? (April, March, June, May)
For third grade:

  • What do people do in spring (planting seeds, harvesting crops, sledding)
For fourth grade:

  • What doesn't happen in spring? (birds arrive, snowdrops appear, leaves turn yellow, streams flow, birds have chicks)

Leading: Now the children will recite poems about the spring months.

The wind blows outside the window

Tree without leaves

A sparrow sits on it

Cleaned the feathers.
I'll look at the sparrow -

Swinging fun!

He and I understand

That winter is ending.

A. Lugarev

Spring is just around the corner,

She's in a hurry, she's walking,

And among the blackening thawed patches

The snowdrop is waiting for awakening.
The frost still creaks at night,

And the ground is covered in ice,

But during the day under the bright rays

The spring drops are singing.

A. Lugarev

More and more confident drops,

April begins.

The snow settles and melts,

Filling river beds.
Streams here and there

Melt waters carry

The earth breathes with silence,

The fields are waking up.
The wind blows the earth,

The rain washes away the sadness from her,

And, shaking off the remnants of sleep,

Spring is smiling.


Yu. Vronsky

I'm kind, I'm gentle,

I am the month of April!

I am the blue snowdrop

And the first trill!

The stream sings:

“April, tra-la-la!”

And the snow is subsiding,

And the earth perishes.

Paper boat

Set off on a hike

He is very brave -

He's sailing to the sea!

...Spring walked in secret for a long time

From the winds and cold,

And today - straight

Splashes through puddles.
Drives melted snow

With hubbub and ringing,

To line the meadows

Green velvet.
“Soon, soon it will be warm!” -

This news is the first

Drumming on the glass

Gray paw willow...

Yu. Vronsky

Who is fragrant with bird cherry

Have you abandoned your native land?

Who is the silky grass

Lined the ground? It's May!

Don't be sad if I'm cold

And it often rains -

So it will be fertile,

It will be a grain harvest year.
Leading: In the spring, the ice on the river melts, and fishermen with fishing rods appear on the banks of rivers and lakes. Which one of you guys likes to fish?
Game "Catch a Fish"
Leading: It is no coincidence that we remembered the fish. In spring nature awakens. Who can say how nature awakens? (Children's answers: flowers bloom, buds and earrings appear on trees, trees begin to bloom, etc.)
Leading: You said it right, guys. Now we will hear all this in verse.


P. Solovyova

In the garden, where the birch trees crowded together,

A blue eye looked at Snowdrop.

Little by little first

He put out his green leg,

Then he stretched with all his might

And quietly asked:

“I see the weather is warm and clear;

Tell me, is it true that it’s spring?”

Bird cherry

Bird cherry fragrant

Bloomed with spring

And golden branches,

What curls, curled.

Honey dew all around

Slides along the bark

Spicy greens underneath

Shines in silver.

And nearby, by the thawed patch,

In the grass, between the roots,

The little one runs and flows

Silver stream.

Fragrant bird cherry,

Having hung himself, he stands,

And the greenery is golden

It's burning in the sun.

The stream is like a thunderous wave

All branches are doused

And insinuatingly under the steep

Sings her songs.

Leading: Birds fly back from distant countries in the spring. They're happy about it.


A. Pleshcheev

The grass is turning green

The sun is shining;

Swallow with spring

It flies towards us in the canopy.
With her the sun is more beautiful

And spring is sweeter...

Chirp out of the way

Greetings to us soon!
I'll give you grains

And you sing a song,

What from distant countries

I brought with me...

A. Maikov

The swallow came rushing

Because of the blue sea,

She sat down and sang:

“No matter how angry February is,

How are you, March, don’t frown,

Be it snow or rain -

Everything smells like spring!”

N. Kukolnik

Between heaven and earth

The song is heard

A non-originating stream

Louder, louder it pours.
The singer of the fields is not to be seen,

Where he sings so loud

Over his girlfriend

The lark is sonorous.
The wind carries a song,

And who doesn’t know...

The one to whom she will understand

From whom - he will find out!
Leisya, my song,

Song of sweet hope:

Someone will remember me

And he sighs furtively.

V. Zhukovsky

In the sun the dark forest glowed,

In the valley thin steam whitens,

And he sang an early song

Sings, sparkling in the sun:

Spring has come to us young,

I am here singing the coming of spring...
It’s so easy for me here, so welcoming,

So limitless, so airy;

I see all of God's world here,

And my song glorifies God.”

Leading: Even domestic and wild animals behave differently in spring.


Fidget Vasenka does not sit still,

The fidgety Vasenka is with us everywhere.

Vasenka has a mustache, there is gray hair on his mustache,

Vasenka's tail is arched,

And a stain on the back.

G. Sapgir

The chicken brought some water from the well,

And the whole family of chickens ran to wash themselves.

Only Chick stands on the sidelines, doesn’t want to wash himself,

Because he is afraid of water like fire.

And my mother said sternly:

All children should wash themselves

Chick won't play with us -

We don't need dirty people.
Leading: The 4th grade boys will sing a song about how much fun the birds have in the spring.

Leading: The distinguished jury can begin to sum up the results of the competition. And you guys and I will play.
The game “Collect garbage” is being played

Additional material:

Riddles about the seasons:

  • Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,
The blizzard is walking, when does this happen? (winter)

  • I open the buds, green leaves,
I dress the trees, water the crops,

Full of movement, my name is... (spring)

  • I am made of heat,
I carry the warmth with me,

I warm the rivers.

"Take a bath!" - I invite you.

And you all love me for it.


  • I bear the harvest, I sow the fields,
I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees, but don’t touch them

Pines and fir trees. I...(autumn)
The jury sums up the results of the competition and the winners are announced. Everyone is awarded prizes.