
Organize leisure time for children;

Develop children's creative abilities;

Consolidate knowledge of the rules traffic in the form of gaming activities;

Develop the emotional sphere of the child’s personality, including working in a team;

Develop memory, attention, creative imagination.

To instill in a child self-discipline, a culture of behavior on the street, the ability to organize himself and his time.

Children enter the hall and sit down. Traffic Light (Teacher) enters.

Traffic light:Hello guys!

I'm polite and strict

I'm famous all over the world

I'm on a wide street

The most important commander.

Traffic light:Guys, we live in a big beautiful city with green, wide streets and avenues. There are many cars and trucks moving along them, trolleybuses and buses. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are such clear and strict rules for car drivers and for pedestrians. To preserve our health and life, we must strictly adhere to the established traffic rules. Traffic light: And in order to remember them faster, we will play a fun game - the ABC of Safety quiz.

Traffic light: Today two teams will take part in this game: 1. team: GREEN LIGHT, 2. team: RED LIGHT. Greetings from the teams.

1. command: GREEN LIGHT.

Our motto:

When the light is green

Go ahead, there are no obstacles!

2. command: RED LIGHT.

Our motto:

The strictest is red light.

Traffic light: Guys, let's hit the road for our assignments. Everyone got on the bus. Fasten your seat belts, let's go

Here we are sitting on the bus

And we sit and we sit

And we look from the window

Let's see everything!

Looking back, looking forward

Like this, like this

Well, the bus doesn't carry you

Things are not going my way?

The wheels are spinning

Like this, like this

We rolled forward

Just like that!

And the brushes rustle on the glass

Whack-whip-whack, whack-whack-wheel

They want to sweep away all the droplets


And we're not just sitting here

Beep-beep-beep, Beep-beep-beep,

We're buzzing loudly


Let the bus shake us

Like this, like this

We're moving forward

Just like that!

1. First station: “Enchanted Sign”.

Traffic light:Guys, you need to color the picture, choosing the color according to the corresponding number: 1-black, 2-blue. And name which sign was broken. The team that does it faster wins.

2. The second station is “Riddle”. (Riddles are given to both teams in turn; whoever guesses more riddles wins)

1. Black and white stripes

The pedestrian walks boldly...

How many of you guys know

What does the sign warn about?

Give the car a quiet ride - ... (pedestrian crossing).

2. You will notice this sign immediately:

Three colored huge eyes.

The eyes have a certain color:

Red, yellow and green.

When the light turns red, it is dangerous to move.

For those who have a green light, go ahead, there is no prohibition. (Traffic light)

3. In the white triangle

With red border

For schoolchildren

Very safe.

This road sign

Everyone in the world knows:

Be careful,

On the road... (children).

4. What kind of horse is it, all striped?

Sunbathing on the road?

People go and go

But she doesn’t run away. (Zebra).

Traffic light: Third station "Musical"

Guys, do you know a song about traffic rules?

1. So that there is no friend

You're in trouble.

You're in trouble.

Don't you ever play

On the roadway.

On the roadway.

This is a rule to remember

Definitely necessary.

On road,

On road

On road,

On road

Always be attentive.


Remember the traffic rules

Like a multiplication table.

Five five twenty five

We shouldn't be forgotten.

2. The rules are your friends

You can't forget your friends.

If you forgot ah - ah - ah

Blame yourself my friend.

Well, if you don't mind

Help good rules

Then one and two and three

Repeat it to everyone in the world.


Traffic light:Well done, let's move on!

Fourth station " Ambulance»

Aibolit enters.

Aibolit:Children, to avoid trouble, be careful on the street! Now I will tell you how I treated the bunny.

The hare came running and screamed.

The hare runs in.


Ay, ay! My bunny

Got hit by a tram!

My bunny, my boy

Got hit by a tram!

He was running along the path

And his legs were cut,

And now he's sick and lame,

My little bunny!


No problem!

Give it here!

I'll sew him new legs,

He will run along the path again.


And the doctor sewed his legs,

And the bunny jumps again.

Well, thank you, Aibolit!

Traffic light:Today we will learn to provide first medical care in case of an accident on the road.

Game "Who can bandage the patient faster"

Traffic light:Well done! Let's move on! Fifth station: “Allowed - prohibited.” The rules are quite simple. For example, I say: “Crossing the street when the light is green...”, then you answer: “It’s allowed!” And if I say: “Play on the pavement...”, and you answer me: “Forbidden!” We think, we remember, we respond quickly!

1. Cross the street in front of nearby traffic...

2. Walk in a crowd along the sidewalk...

3. Cross the street at a red traffic light...

4. Help older people cross the street...

5. Run out onto the roadway...

6. Ride a bike without holding the handlebars...

7. Cross the street when the traffic light is yellow...

8. Respect traffic rules...

Traffic light:Agree! Well done, at the same time they repeated the rules of behavior. Sixth station "Puzzle Mania". Each team is given a type of transport cut into small pieces. It is necessary to quickly assemble it and name it.

Traffic light:Well done! And now we will play the game “Trams”. To play the game you will need one hoop for each team and one stand. Participants in each team are divided into pairs: the first is the driver, the second is the passenger. The passenger is in the hoop. The participants’ task is to run around the stand as quickly as possible and pass the hoop to the next pair of participants. The team that completes the task first wins.

Traffic light: Well done! Our game has come to an end. Guys, have you learned the rules of the road? We give gifts to everyone for participating in the game!

Kalinina Svetlana Vladimirovna – Teacher of the preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 106”, Saratov
Date of submission of work to the competition: 05/05/2018.

Fun in a group on the theme of the project “The traffic light is our friend”

Goal: formation road safety skills.


1. In a playful way, consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and road signs;

2. Promote the development of caution and prudence on the roads.

3. Cultivate attention, concentration, and the ability to apply acquired knowledge in everyday life.

4. Teach children to play in a group of peers and teachers.

5. Develop agility, attention, patience, concentration, desire to win, and strong-willed personality traits.

6. Develop the ability to listen to an adult.

Decor:The hall is decorated with green, yellow and red balloons, models of road signs, and on the floor in front of the hall there is a panel marking a “pedestrian crossing.”

Participants:children, presenter, physical education instructor, teacher in the role of Dunno.

Music sounds, children go into the hall and line up.

Leading:Guys, today we have an unusual activity, and you will find out what it is about by guessing the riddle:

His eyes are big

They look in all directions

They say to the machines:

"Let the guys through!" (traffic light).

Leading:Now we will be pedestrians (walking), be careful at the traffic light. And now we are drivers (running), pay attention to the signal.

Children stand in a circle and perform general developmental exercises (warm-up) to cheerful music.

ORU "Happy Pedestrians"

1. “The pedestrian woke up” I.P.: - feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. 1-2 – raise your arms straight up, look at your palms, 3-4 – starting position (6 times).

2. “I saw a traffic controller through the window” I.P.: - feet shoulder-width apart, right hand up, left hand down, 1-2 - change hand positions: right forward - down, left forward - up, 3-4 repeat the count 1-2 (6-8 times).

3. “Are there any cars?” I.P.: - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1-2 - turn to the right, arms to the sides, 3-4 - starting position. The same to the left (3 times).

4. “Walking along the transition” I.P.: - feet shoulder-width apart, hands at the bottom, 1 - arms to the sides, 2 - bend the right leg at the knee, raise it up, clap under the knee, 3 - lower the leg, hands in sides, 4 – starting position.

5. “Where is the bus?” IP: - basic stance, arms down, 1 – jump, legs apart, arms to the sides, 2 – starting position, 3 – repeat count 1, 4 – starting position. Perform 8-10 jumps, alternating them with walking.

Children stand in a circle.

Dunno runs into the hall.

Leading:Hello, Dunno, where are you in a hurry?

Dunno:I was just running past, suddenly I heard music, and what are you doing here?

Leading:And here we have a lesson on traffic rules - “Our friend is the traffic light.” We learn traffic rules with jokes, songs and games! Come with us!


I am Dunno-naughty,

Famous shorty.

I have no need to study.

I’ll understand everything without studying!

Dunno is walking, trying to cross the road anywhere.

Leading:How do you cross the road without knowing the rules?

Dunno:And I run across her!

Leading:Guys, is it really possible to do this? What kind of sign is there?


Child:This is a sign like this:

He is on guard for the pedestrian.

Come with us together Shalaeva Varya

You are welcome in this place.

Leading:Guys, what could happen to Dunno? (Children's answers)

Well, Dunno, do you understand how dangerous this is?

Dunno:I understand, I also want to learn the rules of the road.

Leading:And we will learn through games. First, Dunno, guess the riddle:

What is the name of the traffic police inspector’s “magic wand”, with which he can stop violators of traffic rules? Guys, tell me. (Wand)

Game 1:"Magic wand".

Rules of the game:Children pass the baton around in a circle, naming any vehicle.

Materials and equipment: wand

Game 2: « Road signs»

Materials and equipment: 3 hoops, pictures of road signs: prohibitory, warning, service signs. Children are divided into three teams (red, yellow, green).

Rules of the game:one team needs to collect warning signs in its hoop, others - prohibition signs, and the third - service signs.

Then it is checked whether the teams have chosen the signs correctly. Children must name their difference and read a poem about one of them.


If you need treatment,

The sign will tell you where the hospital is. Kashtanov Artem

One hundred serious doctors

There they will tell you: “Be healthy”


There is a road on the boys' way,

Transport travels quickly and a lot.

There is no traffic light nearby

A road sign will give advice.

We need to walk forward a little, Alyosha Korogodin

Where the Zebra is on the way.

"Crosswalk" -

You can move forward.


This is a very important sign

It hangs there for a reason. Khokhlova Varya

Be careful, driver!

Nearby is a kindergarten and a schoolyard.


Directional signs

They give information.

Here on the blue squares

People go up and down.

This means underground

There is an underground passage

He will deliver you and me Ivashkov Nikita

From cars and from roads.

Pedestrian crossing

A zebra runs along the ground.

If the light is green,

This means that the path along it is open.


How many wheels does a car have (4)

How many people can ride one bike (1)

Who walks on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)

How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? (three)

What animal does the crosswalk look like? (to the zebra)

How can a pedestrian get into the underground passage? (On the stairs)

Which vehicles are equipped with special sound and light signals (Ambulance, fire truck and police car)

What is the traffic police inspector holding in his hand? (Wand)

Finger game "Boat"

A boat is sailing along the river (they make a boat out of palms)

He swims from afar (they bring their left hand to their forehead)

There are four on the boat

The bravest sailors (show 4 fingers with left hand)

They have ears on the top of their heads (put hands to ears)

They have long tails (I raise my arms to the sides)

And only cats are afraid of them

Only cats and cats (both hands forward, claws in front of the chest)

Game 3:"Chauffeurs"

Materials and equipment: 3 cars, cones

The relay race is carried out on “cars”.

Rules of the game:guide the car on a rope between the cones without hitting them.

Presenter:Dunno, guys, tell me, did you like our lesson on traffic rules today? I want to give you a balloon.

Presenter:We did a good deed today, taught Dunno the Rules of the Road with the help of games. Dunno, do you understand everything?

Dunno:Be careful on the road!

Take care of your hands and feet,

Follow traffic rules

Otherwise there will be trouble!

Leading:And now it’s time for us to return to the group together with the balls - our friends.

As part of the ten-day program on the prevention of children's road traffic injuries from September 1 to September 10, 2016, in the senior “G” group the following events were held: poetry reading, conversation with children, game entertainment “Our good friend is a traffic light.”

Prevention of child road traffic injuries today is one of the activities of everyone preschool. The effectiveness of this work can be judged by the kindergarten development environment within the framework of this topic. Special meaning At the same time, it has the design of information corners. Development of various teaching materials for preschool educational institutions, including promoting road safety, is one of the forms of work to prevent child road traffic injuries.

09/06/2016 Conducting game entertainment “A good friend is our Traffic Light”

An event dedicated to traffic rules in the senior group “G” was held under this motto. The children went on an exciting journey on an unusual bus. In order to become its passenger, you had to purchase a special ticket and correctly answer questions about the rules of behavior on public transport.

Goals: Consolidating children's knowledge about the operation of traffic lights, road signs and their purpose; consolidation of knowledge about traffic rules; development of mental abilities and visual perception; development of attention, education of a culture of behavior on the street.

Inspector: Hello guys! Today we have gathered to talk about something very important – traffic rules.

The city in which you and I live,

Can rightfully be compared to an ABC book,

With the alphabet of streets, avenues, roads.

The city always teaches us a lesson.

Here it is - the alphabet above your head:

We see signs everywhere with you.

So that no trouble happens to you,

Always remember the alphabet of the city.

A very important science is the rules of movement,

And everyone, without exception, must comply with them.

Around the city, down the street

They don’t just walk like that:

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember in advance:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian.

Guys, why is it necessary to follow traffic rules?

What can happen if they are not followed? (children's answer)

But to follow the rules of the road, you need to know them. Now I will test your knowledge of the “Road ABC”

Quiz “Question and answer”

What is the name of the part of the street along which traffic moves? (roadway)

Where can people cross the part of the road? (At the pedestrian crossing)

What is the name of the part of the road along which pedestrians walk? (Sidewalk)

How should pedestrians walk on the sidewalk? (Calmly, slowly, on the right side of the sidewalk)

Where do people wait for transport? (At the bus stop)

At what traffic light can you cross the road? (On green)

What rule do you need to know to cross a road where there is no crossing or traffic light? (Look left, look right, if the roadway is clear, then you can cross.)

What do you call a person who drives a car? (Driver)

Where can children ride bicycles? (In the yard, on the playground)

What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates traffic rules? (Accident or accident.)

What is the name of the place where two roads intersect? (Crossroads)

Well done!

Each of us is a pedestrian every day. We know that this is a very serious role, because a pedestrian must be attentive, competent and polite. But in order to make it safer and clearer for us on the street, there are assistants who show us where and when it is safe to cross the roadway. Who do you think are our helpers? (Children's answer: road signs)

That's right, our assistants are road signs, traffic controllers, road markings and traffic lights. They all stand guard over our safety.

Game: “Guess what sign”

Inspector: Well done boys!

Three main colors

I remember from childhood,

What the traffic light told me.

"If the red light is on, stand still, the path is closed"

And when the beautiful one burns,

Bright “yellow” light.

It means “ATTENTION!”

Get ready to go, my friend.

And turn on the green light.

This means "THE WAY IS CLEAR"

There is no barrier.

Physical exercise "Traffic light"

One, two, three, four, five (stretch)

Oh, we're tired of standing.

We'll play "Traffic Light" (walking in place)

Stretch your arms and legs

The red color “Stop” (bends, turns of the body) screams to us

He says to wait for green.

We lean together

And back and forth

Right, left turn.

So the yellow one lights up (squat)

It's time to get ready.

Hands and feet warmed up.

Let's start, kids.

Here the green light turns on (walking after each other)

Can we go ahead?

Left, right, left right.

Bravely, we move forward

Traffic light assistant nice

Doesn't let us get tired.

Well done boys!

Game "Yes or no" (Children answer)

A) Can children play ball on the road where cars drive?

B) Does the red light allow us to cross the road?

Q) Can we cross the road at a zebra crossing?

D) If a black cat crossed the road, can you throw a stone after him?

D) When we cross the road, should we look both ways?

E) Do we ride bicycles together with cars?

Well done, you will understand the rules of the road well.

Game "Situations on the road"

(children look at the situations on the slides and give answers whether there is a traffic violation or not.):

Inspector: You've been sitting too long. Let's play. Let's find out which of you is a good driver, drives quietly and does not violate traffic rules.

Game: Figure Driving

(Children must ride the scooter around the pins without knocking them over)

Inspector: Let's do it for the guys


Learn urgently

Traffic rules!

So as not to worry

Every day parents

So that you can be calm

Drivers are driving.

Children perform a song "Traffic Rules" (to the tune of the song “33 Cows”)

1. In the center of a large city

There are a lot of roads

And, of course, it is important that

Everyone could cross them

And so someone came up with

Rules, friends,

These traffic rules

Both walking and driving

There is no way to forget.

Chorus: Rules of movement, rules of movement

Without exception, children should know.

Traffic rules from birth

Everyone is useful and needed.

2. We are walking around the city,

We are walking around the city.

We don't bother anyone -

Let's sing our song

And when we walked in together

Around the next turn

On turned out to be on the road,

But we weren’t at all confused,

Because we know:

Chorus repeat 2 times.

Guys, it's time for us to say goodbye. Until next time. We wish our meetings to take place here and not at the inspector's post. Walk carefully along the street. And only cross it where possible!

09.09.2016 Conversation was held

Target: To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, about traffic rules, about various types transport.

"Attention, traffic light"

How many cars are there on the streets?! And every year there are more and more of them. Heavy MAZs, KRAZs, GAZelles, buses rush along our roads, they fly cars. In order to keep the roads safe, all cars and buses are subject to strict traffic laws.

All pedestrians should know and follow the rules of behavior on the street: adultsand children. People go to work, to the store, kids hurry to school. Pedestrians should only walk on the sidewalk, but they should also walk on the sidewalk, keeping to the right. And then you won’t have to stumble, go around people you meet, or turn to the side. There are no sidewalks outside the city, and there are also a lot of cars. Transport moves along the roadway. If you have to walk along the road, then you need to walk towards the traffic. Why? It's not hard to guess. You see a car and give way to it, move to the side. You need to cross the road on a pedestrian path.Before crossing the road, you need to look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the road, look to the right.

Our friend the traffic light helps us cross the road!

Red! Yellow! Green!

Red light is a danger signal.

Stop! Stop! - the red traffic light tells the pedestrian.

Then the traffic light turns yellow.

He says “Attention! Get ready! Now you can move on!”

The green traffic light says: “The path is clear! Go!

The law of streets and roads, called “traffic rules,” is strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks down the street as he pleases, without following the rules. And then an irreparable disaster happens. But the law of streets and roads is also very good: it protects from terrible misfortune, protects life. Whatever happens to you, children, follow the basic rules of behavior.

Do not cross the street in front of nearby traffic.

Don't play outside close to the road.

Do not sled, skate, or bike on the road.

So, what children must learn in order to live peacefully in the world:

    Walk only on the sidewalk, keeping to the right. If there is no sidewalk, you need to walk along the left edge of the road, facing traffic.

    Obey traffic lights. Cross the street only when the traffic light is green.

    Cross the road only on the footpath. You need to cross the street straight, not diagonally.

    Before crossing the street, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the street, look to the right.

    Cars, Buses and trolleybuses must be walked around from behind, and trams - from the front.


Competition, poetry reading “Attention, traffic light”

Target: To form preschoolers’ ideas about road safety, what a traffic light is and why it is needed.

Helps for a long time
To the children, our friend,traffic light
Explains without stress
Traffic rules for children.

Listen and remember
And always follow them.
The RED light came on
Stop, baby, there's no way through.
YELLOW light look on
Get ready says.
And the light turned on GREEN
Come in, my scientist friend.
Remember the traffic rules
Like a multiplication table!

“The most important one on the road,”
Friends told me -
Odd-eyed, one-legged,
You can’t joke with him.”
I got a little scared
Hearing this conversation
But when I saw it, I guessed -
Well, it's simple -
traffic light.

Three multi-colored circles:
RED light - WAIT
And on YELLOW - STOP, my friend,
When the light is GREEN – GO!
Traffic light gives advices,
How to cross the road.
The pedestrian in this case
You couldn't find a better friend!

Green color -
Come in!
Yellow -
Wait a little.
Well, what if it’s red?
Stop, my friend!

Irina Vladimirovna Malysheva
Entertainment scenario “Funny traffic light” in the middle group

Subject: « Fun traffic light»

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of traffic rules.

Program tasks:

1. Expand children's knowledge about traffic light.

2. Reinforce knowledge about the meaning of signals traffic lights.

3. Foster a desire to know and follow traffic rules.

Vocabulary work: traffic light, signals traffic light, cars.

Integration of educational regions: "Safety", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Fiction".

Material: flags – red, yellow and green; chairs according to the number of children; steering wheels of different colors; geometric shapes according to the color of the steering wheels.

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations from the series “For preschoolers about the rules of the road”; didactic games: "Road signs", « Traffic light» ; reading fiction literature: A. Usachev "Rule of the Road", H. Tajdre "Me and the street", M. Kamensky "At the Crossroads".

Children go out into the hall to the music and stand in a circle.

Educator: - Guys, let's say hello to our guests, look at each other and smile. After all, today you and I have gathered in this hall to play funny games and remember the rules of the road

Guys, what traffic rules do you know?

The teacher listens to the children's answers.

Educator: Well done. Now guess riddle:

I blink my eyes

Relentlessly day and night.

I help cars

And I want to help you. (traffic light)

Children: Traffic light.

Educator: Right. Guys, what is every signal? traffic light means?

The red eye is looking at us

What does his order say?

Children: Stand.


The yellow eye is looking at us

What does his order say?

Children: Attention.


And the green eye is for us

What does his order say?

Children: You can go!

Educator: Well done. Now guys let's play fun game« Traffic light»

The game is being played « Traffic light»

Purpose of the game: Strengthen children's knowledge about signals traffic light, develop attention.

Rule of the game: Children are given colored steering wheels. The children begin to move around the hall, carefully observing the teacher’s gestures. The teacher alternately raises colored circles, imitating signals traffic light.

Red signal - children stop, yellow - get ready to move, green - they are moving.

Educator: Did you guys like the game? « Traffic light» ?

Children: I liked it.

Educator: Guys, who besides pedestrians do you meet on the road?

Children: Cars.

Educator: Right. Guys, it must be interesting to drive a car? Tell me, can you be drivers now?

Children: No. Because we are still small.

Educator: Certainly. You can’t drive a real car yet, but you and I can imagine and play. Do you want to play?

The game is being played "Colored Cars".

Purpose of the game: Develop motor activity of children, attention.

Rule of the game: Chairs are placed in the hall, on the backs of which figures made of colored paper are glued. Children are given colored steering wheels. To the music, the children begin to move around the hall. The music stops, the children take their places on the chairs so that the steering wheel matches the color of the geometric figure on the chair.

Educator: Well done guys, you will become careful drivers when you grow up. But to become careful pedestrians and drivers, you must follow the rules of the road. You need to firmly understand that you not only need to know the rules, but also follow them for your own safety.

But, unfortunately, our time for games has come to an end. For your attentiveness and dexterity in group A sweet surprise awaits you.

The children say goodbye to the guests and leave to the music group.

Program content:

    Show children in musical and theatrical form the basic rules of safety on the roadway, the rules of behavior on the street, consolidate children’s knowledge of the purpose of traffic lights, teach them to distinguish road signs.

    To develop children's memory, thinking, attention, and children's desire to acquire knowledge of traffic rules through play.

    Through playful moments, instill a desire for knowledge and the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Preliminary work: thematic lessons on traffic rules, circle work on traffic rules, discussion of problem situations, observations, excursions, memorizing poetry, reading literary texts, watching videos, rehearsing a play, making props and scenery.

Methodological techniques: conversation, observation, solving problem situations, game moments, dialogues with questions, demonstration of road signs, didactic tasks, watching a musical and theatrical performance.


The curtain is closed, the presenter comes out.

Host: Hello guys! Today we will show you a fairy tale, not about “Ryaba Hen”, not about “Puss in Boots”, but about the Traffic Light and how to behave on the road. Our kindergarten and at home, where you | you live, are located next to the road. Every day cars rush along it at high speed. But so that people can cross it safely, there are traffic lights at intersections, and if the road is straight, then pedestrian crossings are marked on it. But this is not enough; in order to cross the street calmly, you must know the rules of the road.

There are quite a few traffic rules in the world.
It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all,
But the main rules of the movement
Know how to do multiplication tables.
“On the pavement - don’t play, don’t ride,
If you want to stay healthy!”
Red light - don't go
Yellow light - wait,
There is a green light ahead - walk carefully!
Who knows the rules of the road,
Honor and respect to that!
It was a fairy tale, a fairy tale will come!

Music sounds, the curtain opens. A picture of a forest, at the edge of the forest there is a traffic light. Magpie flies past.

Magpie: Fathers! Traffic light! In our forest! Gee! How did he get here? We need to tell everyone! Listen, listen! Everyone run to the clearing! (animals are running from all sides) I I found a traffic light!

What it is? What nonsense!
Needed for traffic lights
Both current and wires.
And if he does
It won't burn here
Then we need this thing,
It's not worth watching!

I agree with the hedgehog!
You're right, prickly side!
And if he worked,
What good would it be?
When I'm chasing a hare,
It just doesn't make sense to me
Run towards the green light
Stop at a red light!

And I am the Crooked Bunny,
When I'm already running,
Watch the traffic light
Sorry, I can't!

In our forest I will say:
There are rules here,
And we are at a crossroads
There is no need for a traffic police post.

And I actually fly!
I don't know the rules!
And I don't need it at all
Looking at the red light
When I crossroads I can fly over. (The animals are arguing)

Host: What do you guys think, is a traffic light needed in the forest or not?

Children answer:

No, not needed. IN there are no cars in the forest.

You can't even ride a bicycle into the forest.

Host: Correct! IN There is no roadway in the forest. There is no need for a traffic light in the forest. Now let's see what happened next.

The animals sing a song.

Choir of animals:

What happened
What kind of miracle appeared?
It's just a traffic light.
It's been here for a while now.
There is forest silence here
There's no need for a road here
We don't need him in the forest
Here we have forest law!
Go to the city to live
Will you serve people?
Will you help people?
Protect from harm.

Traffic light: But how will I get to the city, I don’t know the road at all.

Hedgehog: Friends, it needs to be celebrated, and a little trip wouldn’t hurt us!

Lisa: Right! Let's go by bus. There is a bus stop not far away.

The animals go backstage.

Mishka appears with a basket in his hands.

Mishka came to us from the forest,
Hello, Playful Bear.
Tell us without hiding,
What's in your basket?

The bear takes road signs out of the basket.

Presenter: Guys, Mishka mixed up all the road signs. What will happen to our city if the signs are placed incorrectly?

The children are presented with a problematic situation. Classification of road signs: prohibitory, warning, informational, prescriptive. Children explain the meaning of each road sign and place the signs at their destination.

Then the action on stage continues. A bus “drives” onto the stage, the characters “sit down” and “go” to the city.

We're going, we're going, we're going
To distant lands,
Good neighbors, happy friends.
There's traffic on the street
Not just everyone on the road.
Driver, be more careful!
Look at the signs.

Chorus: La, la, la, la, la, la
It's simply beautiful!
The trees are flashing
The river flows
Wonderfully sung
We have one like this in our company!
We have one like this in our company!

The city is full of traffic:
Cars are running in a row,
Colored traffic lights
Both day and night burn.
But who's at the red light
Walking straight?
Yes, this is Pinocchio -
A braggart and a mischief-maker.

Chorus: Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh
What will happen, my God!
The driver turned sharply
One more minute
And this naughty boy
Would be gone forever!

The traffic light comes out of the bus. Pinocchio is standing on the road, crying.

Traffic light: (Takes him by the hand)

What kind of fashion is this?
Cross diagonally?
Have you seen the crossing signs?
Why did you cross the road?

(Addresses the guys)

Guys, tell stupid Pinocchio where to cross the road?

Children give the correct answers (overground or underground passages, when the traffic light is green).

Traffic light: (Addresses Pinocchio) Now do you understand where to cross the road?

Pinocchio: I I will definitely learn the rules of the road.

Traffic light: (Addresses the animals) And you friends, it’s time to go to the forest. Thanks for the help.

Animals: (From the bus) Goodbye! (Humming, the bus “leaves” behind the scenes)

Traffic light: Guys, now we’re going to play the game “Red, Yellow, Green.” Listen to the rules of the game: when the light is green, you walk, when the light is yellow, stand still, when the light is red, sit down.

The game is being played.

The noise of an engine is heard, Dunno comes on stage and sings:


I'm driving a car
Wherever I want.
And the steering wheel in your car
I move wherever I want.
All streets, paths
I'll be done in half an hour.
Speed ​​my car
Four wheels.
Beep-beep, troll-la,
Speed ​​my car
Four wheels.

The traffic light turns red

Host: Guys, Dunno, he’s breaking the rules. No matter how bad things happen!

Another car “pulls out” onto the road. A collision occurs.

Traffic light: (grabs his head) Oh oh oh! This is a disgrace! Dunno, look what you've done?

Dunno: What am I? Yes, I'm okay. It was he who did not give way to me.

Traffic light: This car was going through a green light and you had to give way to it. Didn't you see the red signal?

Dunno: I saw it, but what’s the point, because I didn’t learn the rules of the road.

Traffic light: Here, there! When someone doesn't want to study, trouble happens to him. Even in kindergarten, children know what traffic signals mean.

Children preparatory group reading L. Severny’s poem “Traffic Light”

1 child:

To help you
The path is dangerous
It burns day and night -
Green, yellow, red.

2 child:

Our house is a traffic light,
We are three siblings
We've been shining for a long time
On the road to all the guys.

3rd child:

The strictest red light
If it's burning
Stop! There is no further road
The path is closed to everyone.

4th child:

So that you can pass peacefully,
Listen to our advice:
Wait, you'll see yellow soon
There is light in the middle.

5th child:

And behind it is a green light
It will flash ahead.
He will say: “There are no obstacles,
Go boldly!”

The cars are moving away. Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka come out. Gena reads the advertisements. Cheburashka plays with a ball on the road. Shapoklyak spies on them.

Traffic light: This is a disgrace! Dad, aren't you ashamed? Why aren't you watching the baby? Look, he's playing on the roadway, and if a car drives by, you can imagine what could happen to him! Guys, explain to Cheburashka where to play. ( Children explain)

Gena: Sorry, I didn’t notice! And I’ll tell Cheburashka how to behave on the street. (They leave. Shapoklyak gets angry)

Shapoklyak: Oh, I wish you were interrupted again. What if...Cheburashka is here... (shows how he plays the ball) A the car comes from there.. That would be a laugh! Really, guys? ( IThe children deny.) Yes, you don't understand anything (sings a song)

Who helps people,
He's wasting his time.
Good deeds
You can't become famous.

He takes out a slingshot, goes out onto the road and is about to shoot at the traffic light. Then a car runs into her. A policeman appears.

Uncle Styopa:

Well, I've become a bully! Now I understand
What you need to obey without arguing,
Traffic light instructions
And the rules of the road
Carry out without objection.

Shapoklyak: Yes, I understand. Forgive me, please, I won't do this again!

All the heroes take the stage

Host: Our story has come to an end. How many good deeds our heroes have done. Of course, except for a few. The animals found the traffic light and returned it to the city, where it was needed most, and the Traffic Light saved Pinocchio and Cheburashka from an accident. True, he almost suffered at the hands of the old woman Shapoklyak. All the heroes in our story already know how to behave on the roadway, I think you remember too. And you guys always remember the rules of the road / so that no harm happens to you!

All the heroes and children sing:

1. There are rules everywhere
You should always know them
They won't go sailing without them.
From the ship's harbor.
Go on a flight according to the rules
Polar explorer and pilot
They have their own rules
Driver and pedestrian

2. Around the city, along the street
They don’t just walk like that:
When you don't know the rules
It's easy to get into trouble
Be careful all the time
And remember beforehand:
They have their own rules
Driver and pedestrian.