S.P. Pasechny

Holding the final of the Russian song competition"Kalinka" , ndedicated to the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War

“The war was the same for everyone”

The signal for the beginning of the evening is a few bars of the melody of the popular song “Nightingales,” and immediately the entire sound space of the hall is filled with an intensified bird choir, in which the nightingale’s trill stands out. The presenters come to the forefront.

She: Spring has arrived! And at her behest

Again the nightingales will disturb the peace.

And again life will rush towards renewal,

Multiplying your joys a hundredfold.

He: Spring has arrived! And you won't notice it

Unthinkable! And you can't pass by!

After all, spring always shines with hope for us,

And the country is on its way to spring!

She: Spring is red! We love her!

We welcome you with flowers and smiles!

So, friends, long live she!

He: Forever consecrated by the victorious May,

Doubly sacred walks above the earth

Together: Spring victorious people!

The birdsong sounds again. The presenters change their positions and speak with a different, more lyrical intonation.

He: Will never rise again

soldier killed in battle.

But immortal songs are alive,

Which he sang then.

She: We loved Russian songs

In the time of campaigns and battles,

Soldiers fought and died

But you can't kill a song!

He: We are together under a terrible storm

They stood like brothers in battle.

And the Russian birch song

She gave us her tenderness!

A group of little girls wearing sundresses and simple cotton dresses comes onto the stage. Two of them imitate playing on homemade sniffles, which is supported by a phonogram / off-stage performance / sniffle melody of the Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field.” The girls come to the forefront, which the presenters have already left.

1 girl:/ the soundtrack has been removed. As if continuing the conversation/ Oh, girls, yesterday on the radio they said that somewhere far, far away, beyond the seas and oceans, there live such wild peoples who don’t even know how to read and write.

2d: Yes, I heard it too. And they walk around almost naked, wearing only these, like theirs-

bandages. With bows and spears.

rear: Yes, yes. It could be. And they say they don’t even sing songs.

4d: Well, you got something wrong. There are no such peoples,

1d: I don’t know, maybe there are such peoples. But we Russians cannot live without songs. What if there are no songs?

2d: And they also say that behind the mountains and behind the valleys lives a terrible serpent-gorynych.

And he wants to destroy all, all people. And he wants to attack us.

rear: Nothing, we are Russian. We will endure. Mom said that with a song

you will overcome any trouble.

/In the phonogram the song theme “There was a birch tree stood in the field” again sounds in the soundtrack. The girls begin to spin around in a round dance to this melody. The lights go out. Footage from newsreels of the Great Patriotic War is projected on the screen. Patriotic War without sound accompaniment. The girls, as if not noticing the image on the backdrop, continue to spin in a round dance. Then they leave the stage with a dance. The cultural school team dances on stage. A fragment from the choreographic composition “Guernica” is performed, and several black ribbons are sewn onto the white leotard of the central performer, which should evoke associations in the audience with a birch trunk.

The dance group leaves the stage. Immediately, without announcement, the first performer comes out with a song of a lyrical nature. Announcer: / presenter / introduces it after the performance of the number. The presenters lead the concert, introducing individual blocks with poetic inserts.

1d: /before the “Holy War”, if it is in the repertoire, or before the block, at the discretion of the director/

A huge country grew,

Full of hope and strength,

But the evil cloud is dark

was already visible.

At the song and at the Motherland

Trouble is fate...

There is a people's war going on,

Holy War.

2d: Carrying a cruel load along the highways,

This is not the first time I have seen trouble and grief,

Everyone sang those golden songs

Indeed, multilingual Russia.

Z d: I dreamed that they knocked at night

Friends who died in battle come to me.

In the fields of war we missed a friend

And then they came to my room.

As before, as in the years of close friendship,

They asked me to read the poems in silence,

And I read them a funeral song

About themselves, about those who fell in battle.

4d: Forget about that distant time

We could never -

All over Europe there are obelisks,

How souls are torn from the earth.

5d: It's already a long day

Brightened up the evening light

Why do I care?

Songs of the war years?

At first glance, maybe

There's nothing in them

Why am I worried?

Songs of the war years?

Something sacred to us

Hidden in their depths.

Lines that stand

I want to listen.

If war veterans are present in the hall, it is advisable to present them with flowers in the following text.

Under the greenery of quiet Europe,

By the Rhine, Dnieper and Uzha,

In forgotten military trenches

Russian soldiers are lying down.

They will never be struck again

Military orchestras again...

We give flowers to veterans -

Plenipotentiary representatives of the departing regiments.

They stood up with them

In their last furious battle...

All the bullets missed them -

The mortals were on their way!

They keep it sacred in memory

Features of the fallen's peers.

Living and dead soldiers

We, the young ones, give flowers!

Final textleading (inbirdsong sounds on the soundtrack).

He: Spring of '45!

We met again with you.

You are in the eternal memory of the people

Remained like a song alive!

She: Nothing will ever destroy

Those glorious forever minutes,

Entered the heart and soul

Our victorious spring!

He: Soldiers, in hard times

Those who accepted the disastrous battle,

Remained in the land of Ukraine,

Becoming her flesh and destiny!

She: We believe - always above the fields

Russian songs can be heard here!

Friends, we say goodbye to you!

Happy spring to you, friends!

"In the forest near the front"

Not from birch trees audible, weightless
A yellow leaf flies off

The accordion player is playing.
The bass sigh, complaining,
And as if in oblivion
The soldiers sit and listen,
My comrades.

To this waltz on a spring day
We walked in circles

You loved your friends
We caught this waltz
The light of the beloved eyes,
You were sad to this waltz
When there is no girlfriend.

And then it sounded again
In the forest near the front,
And everyone listened and was silent
About something dear
And everyone thought about their own,
Remembering that spring,
And everyone knew the road to her
Leads through the war.

May the light and joy of previous meetings
They shine for us in difficult times,
And if you have to lie down in the ground,
So this is only once.

The fighter will not be intimidated,
And what is due to whom
Let everyone do it.

So, friends, since it’s our turn, -
Let the steel be strong!

Your hand won't tremble.

The time has come, the time has come, -
Let's go, friends, let's go!
For everything we lived yesterday,
For everything we are waiting for tomorrow.

From the birches is inaudible, weightless
A yellow leaf flies off
Ancient waltz "The Aussie's Dream"
The accordion player is playing.
The bass sigh, complaining,
And as if in oblivion
The soldiers sit and listen,
My comrades.

Scene “In the forest at the front”

The fire is burning. Music plays quietly. The soldiers are resting: Someone is sitting by the fire, one is mending a boot, a girl is darning, a nurse is bandaging a soldier’s wound, someone is writing a letter.

1st girl:
We all had one desire: only to the front! We went to the military registration and enlistment office, and they told us: “Grow up, girls, it’s too early for you to go to the front.”... We were 16 years old, but I achieved my goal, they took me.
Mom then stood guard at the station for several days when we were being transported. She saw us already walking towards the train, handed me some food and fainted.

2nd girl:
They lined us up by height, and I was the smallest. The commander goes and looks. He comes up to me, “What kind of Thumbelina is this? What will you do at the front? Maybe you’ll go back to your mom and grow up?” And then I no longer had a mother.

3rd girl:
And I took with me to the front my favorite skirt, two pairs of socks and shoes, so elegant, with heels... And I also took some perfume... I thought, I’m not going for long, the war will end soon.

(step aside, mind their own business)

1st fighter - cook:

Efficient, to be sure

There was the same old man

What did you come up with to cook soup?

On wheels directly.

Soup first. Secondly,

The porridge is normally strong.

No, he was an old man

Sensitive - that's for sure.

2nd fighter:

Hey, give me another one

Such a spoon

I am the second, brother, war

I will fight forever.

Rate it, add a little something.

The cook looked sideways:

You should, you know, join the navy

With your appetite.

2nd fighter:

Thank you. I'm just

I haven't been in the navy.

I'd rather be like you

Cook in the infantry. -(And, sitting under a pine tree, he eats porridge, slouching)

3rd fighter:

- "Mine?" - (fighters among themselves)

"Mine!" - they looked at each other.

3rd fighter:

You guys from the middle

Start off. And I will say:

I'm not the first shoes

I wear it here without repair.

Now you have arrived at the place,

Take your guns and fight.

And how many of you know

What is Sabantui?

1st girl:

Is Sabantuy some kind of holiday?

Or what is it - Sabantuy?

3rd fighter:

Sabantuy can be different,

If you don’t know, don’t interpret

Here under the first bombing

You'll lie down from hunting,

You're still alive - don't worry:

This is a small Sabantui.

Sabantuy is science for you,

The enemy is fierce - he himself is fierce.

But it's a completely different thing

This is the main Sabantui.

(The guy fell silent for a minute,

To clean the mouthpiece,

As if gradually someone

Winked: hang in there, buddy)

So you went out early,

I looked at your sweat and trembling;

A thousand German tanks...

1st fighter - cook:

A thousand tanks? Well, brother, you're lying...

3rd fighter:

Why should I lie, buddy?

Think about it - what is the calculation?

1st fighter - cook:

But why immediately - a thousand?

3rd fighter:

Fine. Let it be five hundred

1st fighter - cook:

Well, five hundred. Tell me honestly

Don't scare me like old women.

3rd fighter:

OK. What's three hundred, two hundred -

At least meet one...

2nd fighter:

Well, the slogan in the newspaper is accurate:

Don't run into the bushes and into the bread.

Tank - it looks very formidable,

But in reality he is deaf and blind.

3rd fighter:

He's blind. You're lying in a ditch

And in the heart of the pendulum:

Suddenly he crushes you blindly, -

After all, he doesn’t see a damn thing.

I agree again:

What you don’t know, don’t interpret.

Sabantuy - just one word -


Young woman:

Guys, I received a letter from home!

Young woman:

Read it, Marusya!

Young woman:

Yesterday there was a letter from our father, he is fighting on the Kaliningrad front, he writes that he was wounded in the arm. I pray for you every day. Irishka and Semochka often ask: When will dad and sister return from the war? And little Lizochka sits and sits and says: And if the war ends tomorrow, we will bite into sweet dumplings, and lots and lots of sugar and bread? Poor Lizochka, so far she has only one desire - to eat sweets! But don't worry about us. As people live, we will live too. You must be able to live in difficulties.
We are waiting for you very much, see you soon, your Nastenka. 08/28/1941.”

A waltz begins to sound. The first girl comes to the edge of the stage and starts singing

"In the forest near the front"

From the birches is inaudible, weightlessThis song was written and found its way to the front during the Battle of Stalingrad
A yellow leaf flies off
Ancient waltz "The Aussie's Dream"
The accordion player is playing.
The bass sigh, complaining,
1 couple comes out and starts dancing
And as if in oblivion
The soldiers sit and listen,
My comrades.

To this waltz on a spring day3 couples dance in simple steps
We walked in circles
To this waltz in the land of one
You loved your friends
We caught this waltz
The light of the beloved eyes,
You were sad to this waltz
When there is no girlfriend.

And then it sounded againspinning in a waltz, the girls sing louder
In the forest near the front,
And everyone listened and was silent
About something dear
And everyone thought about their own,
Remembering that spring,
And everyone knew the road to her
Leads through the war.

May the light and joy of previous meetingsapproach the center in pairs, sway
They shine for us in difficult times,
And if you have to lie down in the ground,
So this is only once.

But let death be in the fire, in the smoke
The fighter will not be intimidated,
And what is due to whom
Let everyone do it.

So, friends, since it’s our turn, -spinning in a waltz
Let the steel be strong!
Let our hearts not freeze,
Your hand won't tremble.

The time has come, the time has come, -
Let's go, friends, let's go!
For everything we lived yesterday,
For everything we are waiting for tomorrow.

From the birches is inaudible, weightlessstand still, quietly sway, taking everything
A yellow leaf flies off
by the hands
Ancient waltz "The Aussie's Dream"
The accordion player is playing.
Sigh, complaining, bass, EVERYONE SINGS
And as if in oblivion
The soldiers sit and listen,
My comrades.

Children come out one at a time, each one says their lines.
(music “Friends - Fellow Soldiers” in the background)

Believe the songs of those war years!

It's not for nothing that we are far from home
Sang four steps from death
About the dear cherished light.

And it was not for nothing that they sang about the path to Berlin -
How difficult and slow he was.

The songs have aged with us,
But they are still in service.

These songs are with us to this day!
We will never get tired of singing.

How they went to the West through Ukraine
And how they took the city of Brest in battle.

And that it’s too early for us to die,
And about those who gave us a smoke...

You ask the soldier yourself:
Could he have forgotten this?

Time mows us down like a machine gun,
But me, still alive,
The unforgotten song carries away
Into the unforgettable forest of the front line...

Someone plays a waltz on the button accordion:
We listen as if in oblivion...
Remember, friends are fellow soldiers,
My combat companions?

(they leave calmly while the music gets louder)

“My dear sister Marusya! I send you my warm greetings and wish you success in battle in your soldier’s life
. Recently I went to the swamp to pick blueberries. I walked on damp hummocks all day, my shoes, you know, a little tight. But it’s okay, I managed, as long as it wasn’t difficult for you, little sister, at the front.
Yesterday there was a letter from our father, he is fighting on the Kaliningrad front, he writes that he was wounded in the arm. I pray for you every day. Irishka and Semochka often ask: When will dad and sister return from the war? But don't worry about us. As people live, we will live too. You must be able to live in difficulties.
We are waiting for you very much, see you soon, your Nastenka. ."

Victory Day celebrations are held annually in all schools in the city. Students draw their own scenery, find costumes and prepare songs. School skit on a military theme will develop a patriotic spirit in boys and girls and will allow them to show their acting talent. The event is designed to be held in an assembly hall with modern equipment.

Sketch “What do you know about war?”

Three students from different grades line up in a row: third, seventh and eleventh. The purpose of this miniature skit on a military theme is to show how similar and different ideas about war are among children of different ages.

Third grader: War is when soldiers go to the front - many - tens, hundreds, thousands. They are fighting for the freedom of my brothers and sisters. Mothers sew warm clothes for the soldiers, older girls prepare food, boys prepare shells and machine guns. This is all then sent to the front. War is always bad, but our country always wins!

Seventh grader: War is when the forces of the entire Soviet state are concentrated on the battlefield, when all people become brothers and sisters and strive for a common goal - to win common enemy.

Eleventh grader: War is a thoughtless, treacherous event orchestrated by the rich influential people for your own benefit. Such was the government of Nazi Germany, which through the enslavement of the USSR wanted to enslave the whole world.

(This skit on a military theme is accompanied by illustrations of battles on

An eternal flame made of paper is a necessary attribute of the event

It cannot do without the main element, which is a symbol of the memory of deceased soldiers. is located in the squares of most Russian cities, and at events of this kind its presence is simply necessary. Children can easily make this attribute on their own, and it will be safe. To make an eternal flame you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. Star template.
  2. Foil cardboard.
  3. Red paper napkins.
  4. Scissors, glue.

You need to trace the star template and cut it out. Glue golden foil cardboard on top or then bend it along the lines and give it a voluminous, stable shape. In the center of the star you need to make a small hole and thread an eternal flame made from red napkins into it. Secure the resulting structure with a toothpick.

Sentimental production “Farewell to Mother”

A slide with a slowly burning candle turns on. Two women take the stage: a daughter and a mother. and the names may be changed, but the idea remains the same.

Do you remember, mother, when the alarm was announced to us - the famous voice of Levitan did not want to share with us, citizens Soviet Union, joy; didn't announce the start graduation ceremonies at school... Then, on June 22, we all learned from him about the worst thing we could expect - the start of the war. I love you, mother, more than anyone in the world: you are the only one left for me, my dear, my little blood. But know that I cannot forgive daddy’s death, and with all my feminine hatred I will go against the enemy, and nothing will stop me! (raises his hand proudly).

Are you the only one, daughter, who can stop our fierce enemy? Will you be able to find the one because of whom you and I were left alone in the whole world, my little blood? Don’t leave your dear mother, stay with us in the village! (hurries to hug her daughter, wiping away the tears).

Yes, if everyone thought like you, mother, there would be no one on the battlefield, the Germans would exterminate every single one! But I will go, mother, at any cost I will go and join my fighting friends! (bows at his mother’s feet, crosses himself, kisses his mother and silently leaves).

So Nina Timofeevna Gnilitskaya, a hero of the Soviet Union, went into battle, saying goodbye to her mother forever.

(The burning candle on the slide goes out. Scene on military theme ends with a minute of silence. An enlarged image of Nina Timofeevna Gnilitskaya appears).

KVN on a military theme

Several people take turns taking the stage with short remarks. Mini-KVN will allow teachers and parents present in the assembly hall to relax, this is much more best solution than staging a skit on a military theme. Funny stories based on both fiction and facts from the lives of soldiers.

1. - Why don’t girls stay in the army for a long time?

Because the old-timer is called “grandfather,” and the fair sex would never want to be called that.

2. A soldier who ate an entire can of stew under the blanket alone during lights out can commit any crime.

With your diagnosis, comrade, it will be especially convenient for you to shoot from around the corner!

4. - Why did you join the army? Didn't get into university? Do you want to defend your homeland from enemies? Or the hunt to find real comrades?

No, no, no! Nobody asked my consent!

5. -Three thousand and thirty, break down!

Comrade Major, my last name is Zozo!

A short skit on a military theme “The Irreplaceable Fighter”

In the army, the best character traits of a man are laid - endurance, honesty and unquestioning fulfillment of one's duty. This skit on a military theme will demonstrate the situation that can arise with a soldier on guard duty. The task is not to leave your place under any circumstances.

The general approaches the guard and asks:

What time is it, soldier?

Half past two, Comrade General!

And your colleagues have been sleeping for a long time, soldier! Don't you really want to?

No way, Comrade General!

Go and rest, I’m still waiting for the company commander, I’ll stand guard - no one will get into the warehouse.

I have no right to violate the order given by my comrade major, comrade general!

Leave it alone! Disobedience is punishable by your demobilization!

The major approaches and inquires about the situation that occurred on guard duty, to which the general replies:

An irreplaceable fighter! Under no circumstances did he retreat from guard duty! By my order, I grant you three days off!

Mini-scene on a military theme “Cunning Shooter”

The production takes place among natural scenery. Military exercises are taking place in the field. The general approaches the target, the center of which is riddled with several bullets, and asks the captain:

Fyodor Ilyich, tell me whose target this is?

Corporal Sokolov, comrade general!

Good shooter. On my behalf, I order him to be transferred from the infantry to the sniper platoon!

Comrade General, Sokolov will not suit you!

Leave your objections aside! Why won't it work?

So he shoots first, and then draws a target...

Conclusion of the event

After viewing all the performances presented by the children, the administration has the right to note which skit on a military theme was the best and reward its participants. The school choir comes out and performs patriotic songs, and children with musical education play along with the soundtrack on musical instruments. Next, war veterans - the students’ great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers - are invited to the stage and are presented with bouquets of flowers and memorable gifts.

Zarubina Nina
By May 9. Sketch “Military Council” by Z. Kolobanov” (school preparatory group)

In the dugout, the tankers are waiting for the commander to return from headquarters. They sing a song to the accordion. Z returns. Kolobanov

1 tanker: Attention!

Kolobanov: Feel free, sit down, guys! So it is! We were given orders to stop the tank column, which is moving towards Krasnogvardeysk.

2nd tankman: How many tanks are there?

Kolobanov: According to intelligence data, about 43.

3rd tankman: Wow! When will reinforcements arrive?

Kolobanov: There will be no reinforcements. We need to cope on our own.

4th tankman: In my opinion, this is suicide. Five tanks cannot stop 43.

5th tankman: This is an order! But orders are not discussed!

6th tankman: If necessary, we will die, commander!

Kolobanov: We can’t die, we need to win!

1st tankman: Then let's think about what we'll do? We don't have much time.

Kolobanov: Give me the card (thinks). So, look, the road to Marienburg makes a sharp turn. To the left and right is a swamp. A convenient place for an ambush.

2nd tankman: Explain, commander!

Kolobanov: If we bring tanks from here to these points. I’ll put my tank here, we’ll dig in and disguise ourselves. The road is well covered. If the first and last car are hit, the Germans will have nowhere to go. They can be destroyed.

3rd tankman: Great plan! This might work!

4th tankman: Risky! But this is the only chance!

Kolobanov: Then let's get to work!

Suicide, I hear behind me.

But, you know, in this world or in this world

I don't fight a losing battle

There was a way out - you just didn’t notice.

Strategist! Well, yes! Maybe I am!

One blade per hundred celestials.

I don't fight a losing battle.

I'm going to emerge victorious.

1st tankman:

Well then, goodbye!

I'll pick you up soon.

You probably won’t have time to get bored.

All tankers:

We don't fight a losing battle

Kolobanov: German Column appeared at two o'clock in the afternoon. Having slammed the hatches, the tankers froze in their places. We missed three motorcycles.

1st tankman: And now the fascist cars painted in dark gray are approaching. The tanks walked at shortened distances, exposing their sides to the gun "KV". One, two, three...

2nd tankman: The lead tank caught fire from the first shot. The second one suffered a similar fate. Then they were able to set fire to the last two.

3rd tankman:

It was all like this:

In the harsh silence

There is a heavy tank,

Disguised in the fishing line,

Enemies are coming in droves

Iron idols,

But he takes the fight

Zinovy Kolobanov.

4th tankman:

And through the explosions the roar

The world looks upon the plain,

Where is the senior lieutenant

I took my car to battle.

He hits enemies in a row,

Like an epic hero,

Around him lie

Damaged cars

There are already twenty-two of them,

Scattered like a storm,

They are lying in the grass

Pieces of metal.

5th tankman: Considering the task completed, powerful "KV" rushed for a breakthrough. And soon the car reached the outskirts of the state farm "Troopers", where Zinovy ​​Grigorievich met with the commanders of the approaching tanks.

6th tankman: For this battle, the commander of the 3rd tank company, senior lieutenant Kolobanov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

Dear friends, how often do we remember war veterans, pay attention to them and, in general, thank them for PEACE in our time? We invite you to hold an unscheduled event on a military-patriotic theme in order to please the participants in the war and once again show the children how important it is to maintain peace on Earth. Use the ones posted in our section.

Hello, dear guys, dear adults!
- Today, on the eve of the holiday, we gathered with creative performances of a staged patriotic song.
- Today, each of us will be a performer, an actor, and a director.

The time of heroes usually seems like the past.
The main battles come from books and movies,
The main dates are cast in newspaper lines,
The main destinies became history long ago.

The time of heroes, by the highest right
You gave to distant and close years
Valor and glory and long good memory
Time of heroes, what have you left us?

You left us the clear sky of the Fatherland,
Home and road, and tender bread on the table,
You left us the most important thing in life -
The joy of working in a peaceful, happy land.

The class is invited to the stage with the musical composition “War does not have a woman’s face”
February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Each of us in our family has worn, is wearing, or is preparing to wear shoulder straps. By celebrating this holiday and being proud of it, we express our respect to the heroes of the country, the defenders of our Motherland at all times.

You swear allegiance to the Fatherland,
Doing your military duty
To protect humanity from harm,
Your time has inevitably come.

The day of the oath is solemn and strict
The officer remembers and the private
May your roads be soldiers
Always brought home

The class is invited to the stage:
Life is given only once,
And you fulfill my order.
Wealth, life must be preserved, cherished
Perhaps you will not avoid bitter meetings,
But if you value life,
Overcome everything on the way, and don’t miss the chance to live.

But if tomorrow there is suddenly a war,
Pay your debt, son, in full,
Protect the country, little soldier.
And get in the way of death.

The class "Songs of the War Years" is invited to the stage

In Belarus, the Nazis killed over 2 million 200 thousand citizens. The occupiers burned and destroyed about 210 cities and towns, 9,200 villages.

In World War II, humanity faced criminals whose goal was the extermination and enslavement of entire peoples and races.

The mind of humanity does not accept the monstrous atrocities brought by 2 world war.

A class is invited to the stage with the theatrical and musical composition "A Moment of War"

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a national holiday, we also call this holiday Men's Day.
On this holiday, it is simply necessary to congratulate all representatives of the strong half of humanity. Make them feel loved.

To become a man, it is not enough for them to be born,
To become iron, it is not enough to be ore
It is necessary to melt down, to break
And how to sacrifice yourself.

Invited to the stage with the song "Katyusha"

Scenario of a military-patriotic holiday game for schoolchildren

Game rules and participants
Students of grades 8-11, 4 people per team, take part in the competition. Girls act as fans and assistants at certain stages.

Competition program
The holiday program includes:
- grand opening of the military-patriotic game “Young Defenders of the Fatherland”;
- passage of task stations by game participants;
- dance number from the fans;
- summing up the results of the game, rewarding the winners and prize-winners;

Start of the game
Fanfares are heard, the command “Parade match!” Attention." The teams are lined up in their pre-designated places. Squad leaders submit a report to the judge in front of the participants.
Commander's report: Comrade judge, team (team name), our motto (they say the motto), has been built for a military-patriotic game dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. Team commander (full name). After submitting the commanders’ report, the judge, in front of the participants, goes to the commander-in-chief of the military-patriotic game and submits the report to him.
Greetings from the Commander-in-Chief:
February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Our game is dedicated to this significant day. Now, as in the old days, our army is proud of its victories. She has a glorious past and, we hope, a worthy future. And the future of our army is you, our boys and girls today. The strength of our army depends on how you grow up. I congratulate you and everyone present in this hall on the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Director's greeting

Poem "A Veteran's Tale"

Alignment with the flag (Russian anthem, Kuban anthem plays)
The military-patriotic game “Young Defenders of the Fatherland” is declared open.
The presenter introduces the holiday program

After this, the first part of the holiday begins - the station.

Station 1 - "On the Parade Ground"
Venue: gym (room with markings on the floor).
Task: performing drill exercises and commands:

Formation in one line;
Team name;
Team motto;
Formation step on the spot, execution of commands: “March on the spot!”, “Class, stop!”;
Turns in place.
“Review of a military-patriotic song” (girls sing along with boys)

The team moves around the hall, singing the song “Katyusha came ashore.”

Correct and accurate execution of team assignments is assessed, appearance, correct posture. For accurate completion of all tasks, the team receives 5 points.
Awards: based on the results of the competition in the category “Excellence in drill training”, the best participant (team) is awarded a diploma.

Fan dance

Station 2 “Sappers in training”
Inventory: chips, car tires, whistle, two basketballs.
The first participant holds two basketballs. At the signal, he runs around the chips, drops two balls into car tires, returns in a straight line and passes the baton to the second participant. He runs in a straight line to the tires. He takes two balls from them, returns, running around the chips, passes them to the third participant, and so on, until all participants have passed.
After this, the jury assigns the next military rank.

Fan Dance 2

Station 3 Captains competition.
Inventory and equipment: Chairs, rope, gymnastic mat, gymnastic hoop, rope, long bags, whistle.

Assignment: Two commanders sit on chairs with their backs to each other, hands on their knees. There is a rope between the soles of their feet. To the left of each commander there is a gymnastic mat, on which lies a gymnastic hoop with a dense material fixed along it (so as not to tear) 2-2.5 m long, forming a tunnel. At a signal, each participant must crawl into the tunnel, sit on a chair and pull the rope. The one who pulled first gets the next military rank for the team.

Station 4 "Landing in battle"
Inventory: Balloons(16 pcs.), skate (2 pcs.), air gun (2 pcs.), gymnastic stick (2 pcs.), mats (2 pcs.).
Task: At the signal, the first participant lies down with his stomach on the skateboard and, using the movements of a swimmer, “floats” to the gymnastics mat, leaves the skateboard there, where the judge (necessarily an adult) is waiting for him with an air pistol. The participant, at his own discretion, lies down or sits on the mat and shoots balloon, then rolls forward or backward on the mat, sits on the bouncing ball and returns to the team and passes the baton to the next participant, who jumps on the ball and returns on a skateboard, and so on. If the participant does not hit the ball, then a penalty time (5 seconds) is awarded.
The balls are hung on gymnastic sticks.
After this competition, the jury assigns the next military rank, displaying on the scoreboard not the number of points scored, but the shoulder straps of the corresponding military ranks.

Fan Dance 3

Station 5 – “Strong Men”
Equipment: Crossbar, gymnastic mats.
Venue: gym
Task: hanging pull-up on the bar. Hanging with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart, feet together. Bend your arms until your chin reaches the level of your hands. The exercise is performed smoothly, without jerking, with straight legs. The results are summarized and entered into the final protocol. Task completion time – 3-4 minutes.
Awards: based on the results of the competition in the “Bogatyrs” category, the best player is awarded a certificate.

Station 6 – “Rope”
The competition is held according to the Olympic system according to the draw.

Fan Dance 4

Team formation in the lobby. To the sounds of a march, the teams come out for the awards ceremony.
The floor is given to the commander-in-chief of the military-patriotic game “Young Defenders of the Fatherland.” Summing up, awarding the winners, organized departure from the holiday.

celebration of the military-patriotic game “Young Defenders of the Fatherland” among students in grades 8-9

Station 1 – “Company, rise!”
Equipment: sports short uniform (T-shirt, shorts).
Venue: play room.
Players practice in short sportswear without shoes. Clothes are folded on a chair in front of the participants. At the signal, they begin to get dressed and must do so in 45 seconds. have time to put on trousers, belt, shirt, jacket, shoes.
Only a fully dressed person is considered to have completed the task. For a neat appearance and good posture, students are awarded an additional 1 point; for an unkempt appearance, 1 point is deducted.

Awards: Based on the results of the competition in the “Real Soldier” category, the best player is awarded a certificate.

Station 2 - " Brainstorming»
Inventory: sheets of paper and pencils.
Venue: library
Assignment: within a certain time, name military ranks and types of troops. The number and correctness of names are assessed. Task completion time: 3-4 minutes. The team that provides the most complete answer receives 5 points. The result is recorded in the protocol.

For reference:
Types of Armed Forces:

Air Force (Air Force) - attack fighter, army, strategic aviation;
Navy(Navy) - surface, underwater;
Ground forces - tank, artillery, engineering, special forces.

Type of troops:
1. Space forces.
2. Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces).
3. Airborne troops (VDV)
Military ranks:
private, corporal, junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant, sergeant major, junior warrant officer, warrant officer, senior warrant officer, junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general.
Supreme Commander-in-Chief - President of Russia.
Awards: based on the results of the competition in the “Team of Smart Guys” category, the best team is awarded a certificate
Station 3 – “Medical Unit”
Equipment: bandages and cotton wool.
Venue: medical office.
Task: within a certain time, the team must apply a cotton-gauze bandage to the arm, leg, and head. The correctness and accuracy of completing the task is assessed on a five-point scale. For incorrect or careless completion of a task, one point will be deducted.
Awards: based on the results of the competition in the “Young Nurse” category, the best player (team) is awarded a certificate.

Station 4 - “At a halt”
Venue: sports hall.
Fans enter into an intellectual battle.


Who do they say makes mistakes only once? (Sapper)
Which troops retired? (Cavalry)
What are the military shoulder badges called? (Epaulettes)

4. What does the word ram mean? (Direct strike from an airplane, tank, ship.)
5. What types of bladed weapons do you know? (Mace, sword, sword, knife, bayonet, saber.)
6. What year is considered the year of birth of the Red Army? (1918).
7. What medicinal plant is used for bruises and abrasions?
8. What forest plants or parts of them are used to brew tea?
(Leaves of strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries.)
9. What is the name of a teenager - the youngest sailor on a ship? (Jung)
10. What do wood and a rifle have in common? (trunk.)

Scenario of the military-patriotic song festival

No matter what time we live in, we, peaceful people, would not want to face the horror of war.

In 1941, we tried to avoid the Great Patriotic War, but it broke into every home and claimed millions of lives. The Soviet people stood up to defend the Fatherland; at the front and in the rear, in partisan detachments and underground, day after day they forged victory, sparing no effort and their lives to defeat the enemy. Today, we cannot help but remember those who left and did not return.

Our generation says sincere thanks for the fact that we can live.

I would start the story with a song,
With the one that sounded on all fronts...
In the cold, in the cold how many times
This song warmed everyone in the dugouts.
If there is a song, it means a friend is nearby,
This means that death will retreat, fear...
And it seemed there was no war around,
If the song is spinning above you!

Indeed, during this or that war, in a terrible and difficult time for everyone, there was always a song with a person - a song both in grief and in joy.

The song expresses our feelings, thoughts, character and destinies...

During the Second World War, the song inspired optimism in our people, perhaps largely thanks to the song, we won a victory over the German troops.

1. Our program is opened by a school student. No. 4 Alina Volkova with the song “Memory of the War”.

Always, during the war, the main thing for mothers, brides, wives and children was to wait for their defenders of the Fatherland. And they waited, hoped and believed until the last moment.

Memory has its own indelible score:
Every fallen person is alive if he lives in his heart.
Through time we hear the roar of those days
These terrible wars remember our guys.

2. With the song “At a Nameless Height” we invite Yuri Tabargin, a student from school No. 14, to the stage.

3. Becoming a true, devoted defender of the Fatherland is a responsible act. strong man. Sometimes, from early childhood, boys dream of becoming pilots, paratroopers, sailors in the future, and when they are still very young they say, “Mom, I will definitely be a soldier...”.

4. On stage, the soloist of the studio “Jem” CDT Egor Podnebesnov with the song “Soldier”.

They returned cheerful
They returned proud
Expensive, dusty, from foreign rivers.
Victorious soldiers
drivers of their cars,
They saw such things that they will never forget.

5. Our concert continues with Daria Cherepova, soloist of the “Jam” CDT studio. “You survived, soldier!” – that’s the name of her song.

Every person who loves his homeland is touched and moved by our simple, primordially Russian nature, full of poetry and charm. Our native lands, even if they are not rich, are beautiful for us, the people living in Russia.

Homeland is harsh and sweet,
Remembers all the brutal battles.
Groves grow over the graves,
Cranes fly into the sky.

6. We invite students of gymnasium No. 6 to the stage with the literary and musical composition “Cranes”.

Maternal pain is inescapable, incurable,
Maternal pain is not for the eyes, not for memorable dates.
The mother's heart has forgotten the way to peace,
Mother's memory keeps young soldiers forever.

7. “The Ballad of a Mother,” this is the name of the song performed by the soloist of the studio “Jem” CDT Alesya Salnikova.

They say “War does not have a woman’s face,” but... nurses, signalmen, intelligence officers - they did a lot. They risked their lives, but the worst thing that can happen is children in war. As young pioneers, they also took risks, and later songs were written about them.

8. “Eaglet” is the name of the song performed by Anastasia Zabrodina.

Why did you call me beloved?
That long-awaited bright night?
Why did you call me beloved?
Now my fate cannot be changed!
Love must be indivisible
She, like a star trail, is immortal...
Love must be indivisible
War cannot divide love.

9. We invite the school vocal group to the stage. No. 14 with the song “In the Dugout”.

June... The sunset was approaching evening.
And the sea overflowed during the white night,
And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,
Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.
June... We didn’t know then
Walking from school evenings,
That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,
And it will end only in 1945, in May...

10. On stage is the GZhG ensemble with a literary and musical composition about the Second World War.

Before the Russian people had time to forget all the trials of the Great Patriotic War,

How a new misfortune knocked on the door... And already this year, we counted two decades from the historical moment when the last Soviet soldier left the territory of the Republic of Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan is also a tragic and heroic page in our history.

Years pass and the wounds heal,
But the memory is alive, it hurts the heart,
For those who did not return home from Afghanistan,
Whose grave was laid with granite...

11. Continues concert program OTT CDT student Ksenia Lobutova with the song “Black Grass”.

The war in Afghanistan was very cruel and bloody and, unfortunately, it affected many of our fellow countrymen. Like any war, it has its own terrible account - 134 Kuzbass residents did not return home. Behind these figures is the inconsolable grief of mothers, widows and children who grew up without fathers.

Let's turn the pages of history...
The blizzards of those distant days have subsided.
Let those who were in Afghanistan be proud.
Those who weren’t – don’t regret it.

12. On stage, Daria Goncharova is studying in the bard song club “Flame” of the Central Children’s Theater with the song “Afghanistan”.

Military duty in Afghanistan
The son fulfilled it, paying with his life.
Mother won't stop crying now,
Having seen him off for the last time.
It became quiet in the empty house
Only the alarm clock sounds in silence
With the clear gaze of the eyes of such acquaintances
The son looks from the portrait on the wall...

13. “Airborne Platoon.” Performed by student of school No. 25 Ruin Dmitry.

The young guys didn’t have time to do much in life: neither get married, nor raise children. They were just starting their lives and died for the idea they believed in, they defended their homeland.

Only yesterday the autumn wind knocked on the window,
And this morning early the postman brought a letter
In it he is alive and laughing and wants to live for so long
"Hello, mom, hello, eternity..."
We have no right to forget them.

14. With the song “White Dance” we invite to the stage the soloist of the studio “Jem” CDT Shcherbakova Diana.

Your loads are not difficult for me: I grew up in the fields, I am Russian with forelock,
I love you in Russian, my birch Rus'...

15. “Russian guy”, this is the name of the song performed by the vocal group “Nadezhda”. Students from Gymnasium No. 6 are on stage.

You surprised the world with your courage, the rumor continues to ring,
They shielded the country from the most terrible evil.
You are with us, heroes of the planet, we feel your shoulder.
In the greatcoat formation you are sung with a punishing, prophetic sword.

16. With the song “Officers” we again invite Ksenia Lobutova to this stage.

Songs about war were born not only during the war period. People still devote their creativity to this topic. A new generation gives birth to new songs.

And songs go to war.
And they love the song sacredly.
For all the people, for the whole country
She keeps the soldier.

17. On stage, a student of gymnasium No. 6 with the song “Clouds in Blue.” Let’s meet. Yulia Vaganova.

Spring and victory. Days of song and light,
Two sunny, wonderfully crossed rays.
Two happinesses. Two light, two bright bouquets,
Tied with a strong red braid.

17. “Victory Waltz” will be performed for you by a duet of students from gymnasium No. 20.

Only those who have walked the hard roads of war can appreciate all its severity and pain. But all the people of our vast planet are against war. Everyone votes for peace on earth.

Peace is the best word in the world,
Adults and children strive for peace,
Birds, trees, flowers on the planet.
Peace is the most important word in the world!!!

18. The bard song club continues the program " Scarlet Sails” branch of the CDT “Druzhba” with the song “Atlanta”.

19. The city festival of military-patriotic song “Starry Rain” is coming to its logical conclusion. And today, through song creativity, we were able to feel and understand what our fathers and grandfathers experienced in difficult war times, and our generation did not want to experience this in real life. We vote for peace on earth!

And today we are pleased to celebrate all the participants of our festival.

_____________________________________ is invited to the awards stage

(Award ceremony).

We want on our planet
The children were never sad.
So that no one cries, no one gets sick,
If only our childish choir could ring.
So that everyone’s hearts become akin forever,
Kindness so that everyone can learn.
So that planet Earth forgets,
What is enmity and war!!!
See you again!


- Halt!
I stumble as I walk. And someone (Borya, is that you?) takes my arm.
- Comrade Libedinsky! Wake up... - A soft, affectionately mocking voice.
Halt. Dream. The commander's voice sounds again. We got up, we went again. Since the evening we have walked about thirty miles, someone is counting. The deep forest night continues. What kind of drowsy darkness are we going into?
And suddenly (the sleepy slumber was immediately interrupted) there was no forest, there certainly wasn’t one. Only when we look back do we see his black shadow behind us. There’s something huge in front of us - you can’t even see it with your eyes! - a field, a continuous collective farm, from edge to edge, a field on which, under the moon, high and small, grain quietly sways. We are on the highway. It is higher than the vast quiet fields under a huge moon-light sky. In front and to the side above this huge plain, tall light columns of searchlights rush, wander, cross, and scatter in different directions.
So here it is, the result of life, this immensely wide and quiet collective farm field, which is guarded by searchlights, sleepless sentries of Moscow.
We have come out of the black forests, we are going west - workers, collective farmers, teachers, engineers, writers. There are hundreds of thousands of us, we are a new, united, invincible Soviet people, the living Soviet Constitution itself, which is going to fight for itself!
We'll go all night again- this is what the commander said at the nearest halt. And his words were not met with any murmur or objections. We will go as long as they say. We have entered an immensely wide battlefield and by the very movement of our hundred thousand columns to the west we are already participating in this battle.
The night is ending. The rosy colors of the morning are mixed with the moonlight. There is no end in sight to the bread. We walked more than fifty miles. But this is the least that we can do for you, Motherland. Left behind are the curly forests of the Moscow region, populated with memories and dreams.
The spotlights don't sleep - we don't sleep. And there are hundreds of thousands, millions of us.
So we go west. It happens that, arriving at night in a quiet village, we walk through it and immediately, beyond its borders, begin to dig trenches. Behind the gray, dry soil is black wet, then greasy red clay or wet sand, or even large rolled pebbles - the bed of an ancient Russian river. You go deeper and deeper into the ground: waist-deep, shoulder-deep, and finally with your head. It is becoming increasingly difficult to throw away soil with a shovel. The trench is ready, we are starting to tear off rifle cells - future firing positions. We work the same way we march - fifty minutes of work, ten minutes of rest; you will crawl out of a damp trench, inhale the smell of dry grass - and you will definitely dissolve in this smell. A beautiful and complete oblivion ensues until a new imperative call from the commander. The night passes us by with silent speed, and now the fiery edge of sunrise has already appeared on the edge of her blue clothes. In the gray dawn, the faces of comrades appear, sharpened features, sore lips. The morning, the most difficult hours, comes - not only the arms hurt, not only the shoulders and lower back, but the bones ache, the insides pull, but no one complains and does not leave work: after all, we are digging for ourselves, maybe tomorrow we will have to fight here. The clay creaks under the shovel, the sand squeals, the rubble rumbles, your palms burn, bend and straighten up, lift the heavy shovel above your head and throw out the earth - just like that, again and again. Long and cheerful rays of the sun ran from the east, a plane with red stars flies low over the village and, welcoming us, shakes its wings - this is the command circling the front of the work. From the plane you can see how black lines of trenches stretch from north to south on faded fields. The work is finished, now you need to disguise it, cover the black and red soil with hay or branches.
Sometimes, when we open trenches, we stay in them for several days, and military training begins again, becoming more and more complicated every day. We are preparing for anti-tank defense - all of Russia is now preparing for this. We learn to throw anti-tank grenades and bottles that are still empty. And sometimes it happens that without even breaking through to the end of the line of fortifications and without resting, we go west again. 1 Having reached empty trenches that were not dug by someone, we finish them. We know: ours will be dug up by those who come behind us.