It is not without reason that modeling is considered one of the most interesting and useful activities for fine motor skills. Using plasticine polymer clay or test, you and your child can create a whole world of your own images, moreover, with plasticine or clay toys and figurines, it’s very cool to stage performances based on famous fairy tales or invent your own stories, but first you need to stock up on characters.

The hero of many cartoons and fairy tales is the Golden Comb Cockerel. The child will surely love this bright and beautiful image, so prepare everything you need and start sculpting.

What might you need?

It is easy to make a rooster from both plasticine and polymer clay or dough - the technique for making the toy is almost the same. You can first figure out with your child what the future cockerel should be like or find beautiful picture with the image of a rooster. You can also use special diagrams or watch a video master class that shows step by step and in detail how to make a figurine.

If you have chosen plasticine as the material for work, then prepare several bright colors: yellow, red, brown, for the tail feathers you can use green, blue, and purple, and for the eyes - black and white.

It is best to sculpt on a special working board (if you don’t have one, then take at least a piece of plywood or regular kitchen board), you will also need a rolling pin to roll out the workpieces and a knife or stack (as a rule, it should come complete with plasticine). You can cut holes using matches or a pen, and wire or toothpicks will help you fasten the parts and give them rigidity.

Toys made from polymer clay or salt dough will have to be fired and then painted using acrylic paints or gouache (or take colored material straight away).

If you wish, you can make a rooster using some famous technique, for example, make Dymkovo toy or Filimonovskaya.

Making a cockerel from plasticine

  • The easiest way is to make a flat figure on paper. To do this, lay out the body of a rooster from yellow plasticine (a small deformed oval with a bend, so that the head is on top). Then attach three small red ones to the head plasticine ball and form them into a comb. Make a beak from two red triangles and also add a beard. Roll out the red material into thin ropes and attach the legs to the body. Add a small black dot - an eye and a yellow oval on the body - a wing. From four different colors, form voluminous stripes and place them one next to the other in the shape of a semicircle, so that they form a chic tail for your rooster.

  • To make a three-dimensional toy, first make a body blank - roll a yellow ball and bend it slightly (you will get something like a cucumber). However, the body of a cockerel can be pear-shaped or ovoid. Further, the manufacturing scheme will be the same as for a flat figure. Form a scallop from three small red balls, a beak from a thin orange sausage folded in half, and eyes from two white and black tiny balls. The wings can be made as follows: you need to flatten two cylindrical pieces so that they form elongated cakes, then bend them slightly (in an arc) and place them on the sides of the bird. For the tail, make three sausages of different colors and connect them at one end, bending them in a semicircle, and then attach them to the body of the cockerel. The paws are made from two flat cakes. For greater resemblance, apply thin notches on them with a match. Place your body on your paws.

Instead of paws, you can make a stand. If you wish, you can add other details: draw feathers on the wings or make molded patterns, decorate the neck of the cockerel, etc. In exactly the same way, a rooster is sculpted from colored salt dough (if you take the usual one, then you will need to paint the figurine).

Making a cockerel from clay

See how you can make a Filimonov toy from clay ( characteristic feature The thing about these figurines is that they are made like whistles, but cockerels and turkeys are an exception, since they do not whistle).

  1. Take a piece of clay and divide it into three parts - for the stand, for small parts (beard and comb) and for the main part of the figure.
  2. Roll the largest part - the main part - into a carrot. The future appearance of your product depends on what size and parameters it will be.
  3. Bend this piece in the middle at a right angle. Where the part is thicker, there will be a tail, and from the sharp part it is necessary to form a head with a beak. If cracks appear at the folds, smooth them out with wet fingers.
  4. Pinch the thick end several times to create a large, flat ponytail. You can trim it with a knife.
  5. Make a comb from a small round cake, cutting it in half - just lubricate the head of the figure with slip (this is liquid clay that is used to hold parts together - fashion a clay bowl, pour a little water into it and stir with a brush) and press the comb tightly.
  6. Roll the beard out of a small ball and attach it under the beak.
  7. For the stand, make a cone out of clay. Then insert a pointed stick into its base and roll it on the table to roll out the cone from the inside. When ready, place the cone on the paper and attach the figure on top to the slip.
  8. The products need to be dried for four to five days, and then fired in the oven (at a temperature of about 1000 degrees).
  9. Then the figures are painted (use gouache with the addition of PVA glue or acrylic).

Before the New Year 2017, you should definitely learn how to create cockerels with your own hands, especially if your child goes to school. kindergarten or to school. The fire bird is a symbol of the approaching year, according to the eastern calendar. If you are looking for a tutorial on sculpting a rooster from plasticine, then you have come to the right place, because the whole process is described step-by-step and clearly here. If you study the instructions, then modeling a New Year's craft from plasticine will not seem so difficult work. So, in order.

What you will need to make a New Year's talisman - a bright rooster from plasticine:

  • fiery colors of plasticine - orange, yellow, red, brown and their combinations are suitable;
  • stack;
  • a solid base for the bird's legs - matches or toothpicks will do.

How to make a rooster from plasticine step by step?

After choosing the shades, you will have the initial stage - the work of kneading the blocks. You can first moisten your hands with water, and also do not forget, in order not to stain the different shades with your fingers dirty from previous blocks, you should wipe your hands with a napkin each time.

Decide on the color of the rooster's body. For example, this part could be orange. Cut off about half of the block with a stack, as if with a knife.

Knead it in your palms and shape it into a ball.

Squeeze the ball a little, giving it the shape of an ellipse. On one side, pull out the soft plasticine into a thin tube. This will be the neck and at the same time the head of the bird.

Attach small eyes at the very top of the protrusion. Use yellow grains from prepared plasticine. Also make blanks for the beak, comb and beard.

Attach a high comb and beak, and under it - long red droplets - a beard. Don't forget about the pupils - tiny black dots. The appearance of the rooster has already been set, now all that remains is to create the plumage.

The next important part of the body of any bird is the wings. For a rooster, you can make them folded or straightened as desired. Form oblong cakes, for example, yellow. Apply red cross stripes to highlight even more vibrant plumage.

Use the sharp tip of the stack to make short cuts, showing the 3D volume.

Glue two wings to the sides of the coop owner's body. Be sure to make two symmetrical, but mirror-inverse parts.

Tail blanks can be made in an even easier way. Simply pull out small portions of plasticine into short sausages. For example, these could be orange and yellow details.

Collect all the feathers into a fan, fastening the soft plasticine on one side and straightening the other.

Glue the tail from the back, after slightly spreading the wings.

And finally, take care of the bird's legs. At this stage, matches will help you, because the thin plasticine legs will be unstable, they will immediately bend under the weight of the entire craft. Stick brown paws with three toes onto the ends of the matches.

Simply insert the free ends of the matches into the plasticine body.

A do-it-yourself plasticine rooster will definitely bring good luck in the New Year if you place it under the Christmas tree or find a place for it in the center of the holiday table.

Make plasticine cockerels with your own hands together with and subscribe to our groups on social networks so as not to miss new master classes!

A child can create very original and bright products from colored plasticine. In the future, plasticine crafts can become one of the baby’s favorite toys. The theme of sculpting can be absolutely anything. As a rule, kids love to use bright colors of plasticine, so invite him to make a rooster out of plasticine. To create it, the child will be able to use any shades of the mass and its combinations. The modeling technique shown in our master class is very easy and the child can complete all the steps independently.

To sculpt a rooster you will need:

  • bright plasticine of any shades;
  • plastic knife/stack;
  • two toothpicks (one for the base of the paws, and the second for drawing the texture).

How to make a rooster from plasticine

Step 1. We decided to use orange plasticine as the main color. Roll the whole block into a ball. Now you need to carefully roll it out and bend it to form the body and head of a rooster. As a result, your workpiece should have this shape.

Step 2. We will make the wings from a contrasting color - green. We create six drop-shaped parts from the mass. Then we glue them together in threes and flatten them. We fix the resulting wings on the sides of the base.

Step 3. We create the comb and earrings in the same way, but from red plasticine. Glue the blanks to the rooster's head and flatten them a little with your fingers.

Step 4. The next stage is creating the beak and eyes. Roll out a mini-cone from light beige plasticine, cut its sharp tip with a stack and glue it over the earrings.

Next, mark the place for the eyes with the round tip of the stack. Then we roll white and black balls and glue them into the middle.

We also treat the comb and earrings with the ball.

Step 5. To sculpt the rooster's fluffy tail, you can use several shades of mass at once, for example blue and green. We form thin oblong pieces from the prepared blocks.

We flatten them and cut through the texture of the feathers. Glue the base of all the feathers together, and then give them a beautiful curved shape.

Attach the tail to the body of the rooster.

We also cut through the texture on the green wings.

Step 6. Now we create the legs. Break the toothpick in half. We create two small balls from orange plasticine and place them on the top of the toothpicks. Then we attach the legs to the abdomen.

Step 7. To make the rooster more stable, you need to make a stand for it. Let's make it from a piece of green plasticine. We fix the craft in it, and then we add mini-balls to the legs and cut through the fingers.

Exciting modeling activities with children are an excellent basis for development. creative potential baby. Bright plasticine encourages the creation of interesting crafts. The child will be equally interested in copying real-life objects and creating incredible fantastic crafts.

Children over 5 years old can make a bright rooster out of plasticine on their own, and the youngest children should enlist the support of adults. Detailed instructions How to complete the craft is given below. To sculpt a rooster, you can choose any suitable shades of plasticine: white, yellow, orange, brown, red, etc.

1. Select a material for sculpting the body, for example, yellow, and roll an oval out of it.

2. Place a brighter orange cake on one side and make small notches around its circumference.

3. Attach a little more plasticine of the same color to the central part of the orange cake.

4. Make a large red comb and attach a sharp beak.

5. Complete the look of the rooster with eyes made of white and black grains.

6. To create wings poultry make triangular cakes and carefully cut them in a stack to represent the feathers.

7. Place the wings against the body and press until they stick.

8. The rooster should have a fluffy motley tail. To sculpt it, roll several sausages from plasticine in yellow, orange and red shades.

9. Gather the prepared parts into a single bundle and attach to the back of the craft. Then fluff up your tail.

10. And the last element of the bird is the legs. Make them from yellow and orange plasticine.

11. Attach the legs to the lower part of the body. For stability and secure fastening, use match halves.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

Here we have such a bright cockerel. You can safely leave it on the shelf in the children's room, because the plasticine copy will not crow loudly in the morning and wake up everyone in the household. Also, you can make plasticine with your own hands, which will be completely safe for small children to sculpt.

Very soon, because time will fly by, it will come happy holiday New Year. The rooster is a symbol of the New Year 2017. If you and your children are planning to create a figurine of such a majestic poultry yourself, then in this step-by-step master class For modeling, we suggest you use plasticine. This miracle material is popular and affordable. Children like it and it is easy to work with.

And in any box you will find very bright colors, which are exactly what you need for sculpting a rooster, because the year of the firebird is coming.

What to use to sculpt a rooster from plasticine:

  • modeling board,
  • stack,
  • red, yellow, green and brown plasticine.

How to blind a rooster:

1. The first step of modeling, which must be taken care of in any lesson, is choosing the shades that are suitable for creating a specific object and kneading pieces of plasticine. You can immediately cut proportional portions from the flowers you need so as not to process excess. The photo shows approximate proportions for the colors that will be needed.

2. To make the body of the bird, stretch the yellow plasticine into a bullet that is tapered on one side. The sharp part will become the neck if it is bent at a right angle, as shown in the photo.

3. Roll the red and green pieces into small sausages. Collect three pieces of different colors to get wings. On one side, squeeze the flat piece to sharpen it. If you look at the next photo, you can see that the shape of the wings resembles leaves.

4. Attach the wings to the body with the sharp side facing right through, using the photo as a guide.

5. Form a red comb and glue it to the raised point of the yellow neck. Also attach very small speckled eyes and a beak in front. This is demonstrated in the photo.

6. Roll a few more red and green sausages to sculpt the tail. But they should be longer than the wings.

7. Attach the fluffy tail at the back, looking carefully at the photo.

8. Attach red droplets to the bottom with sharp tips down - these will be the shins of an important bird. The bottom view of the craft at this stage is shown in the photo.

9. Add paws to the sharp protrusions.