• Description of products and services
  • Production plan
  • Financial plan
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Growing technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for organizing a family farm for breeding dairy cattle. This material can serve as an example for obtaining credit funds from a commercial bank.

How much money do you need to open a family dairy cattle farm?

According to our calculations, opening a family farm will require investments of 7,550,000 rubles: Construction and reconstruction of a barn (as well as warehouses and utility rooms) - 1,800,000 rubles.

  • Purchase of 80 heads of dairy cows - 4,800,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of tools and household items. inventory - 200,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of milking machines (10 pcs.) - RUB 500,000.
  • Creation of feed reserves - 150,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 100,000 rubles.

Funding for the project will come from two sources. Own funds will be 30% (RUB 2,265,000) and the remaining 70% will be credit funds (bank loan).

Description of products and services

The main product that is planned to be produced on our farm is milk. The sale of cattle meat will be carried out in very small volumes. The estimated volume of milk sales will be 30,000 liters per month. The wholesale selling price will be 20 rubles/liter. IN in monetary terms turnover will be equal to 600,000 rubles per month. The sale of milk and meat is planned to be carried out primarily to processing enterprises (meat processing plants). It is also possible to cooperate with wholesale buyers and the private sector.

Production plan

The organizational form of our farm will be peasant farm farming. According to the Federal Law of June 11, 2003 No. 74-FZ “On Peasant (Farm) Farming”, participants in a family farm must be related by kinship or property and jointly carry out agriculture production and other economic activity based on their personal participation. The share of involved employees cannot exceed 5 people. In our farm, these conditions will be fully observed. The number of participants in the family farm is 8 people, including 6 relatives and 2 hired workers.

Which taxation system to choose for opening a family farm for breeding dairy cattle?

It is planned to use the Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT) as a taxation system for the economy. This is the most profitable system taxation for agricultural enterprises, since tax is paid in the amount of only 6% of farm profits. The funds received for the implementation of the project will be used for the reconstruction of the existing farm (enlargement) and the purchase of young cattle. In total, our farm will maintain a permanent livestock of at least 80 animals. Such a number of animals will require the construction of a premises with an area of ​​at least 360 square meters. m. (at the rate of 4.5 sq. m. per animal). In addition, it is necessary to build utility rooms for storing tools (30 sq. m.), as well as a warehouse for feed (200 sq. m.). Thus, the total area of ​​the buildings will be about 590 square meters. m. In total, about 1.8 million rubles will be spent on the construction and reconstruction of the barn. Black-motley dairy cows will be purchased as the “main means” for milk production. This is the most common and productive breed of cow. The average annual milk yield of the black-and-white breed is 6,500 liters of milk. The approximate price for purchasing livestock will be 105 rubles/kg. or 50 - 60 thousand rubles. for an adult animal. The slaughter of livestock will be carried out at a specialized slaughterhouse, with the preliminary removal of animals. The slaughter of one head of livestock will cost the farm an average of 1,500 rubles. I will purchase feed from local agricultural producers. It is planned to buy hay at a price of 130/bale, sugar beets - 1650 rubles/t., mixed feed - 11 rubles/kg. An experienced veterinarian will be hired to monitor the condition of animals and timely prevent diseases. These services will cost 10,000 rubles per month.

Financial plan

Fixed monthly farm expenses

  • Utility costs - 40,000 rubles. (500 rub./head.)
  • Salary (2 people) + insurance contributions - 35,000 rubles. (440 rub./head.)
  • Vet. services - 10,000 rub. (125 rub./head.)
  • Transport costs - 20,000 rubles. (250 rub./head.)
  • Other expenses - RUB 25,000. (310 rub./head.)

Variable expenses

  • Feed consumption - 3000 rub./head per month

Thus, the total cost of maintaining one head of cattle will be 4,625 rubles per month. 80 heads will cost 370,000 rubles per month.

How much can you earn on a family farm for breeding dairy cattle?

The average wholesale price of one liter of milk is 20 rubles/liter. The monthly volume of milk sales will be about 30,000 liters (some of it will be used to feed young animals), which in monetary terms means revenue of 600,000 rubles. Minus the costs of keeping animals, the family farm receives a monthly profit of 230,000 rubles. Taxes must be deducted from this amount (Unified Agricultural Tax, 6%). Thus, the net profit will be 216,200 rubles. Business profitability is 58%. The return on investment occurs in 34 months.

Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

To create a family farm business, you need to competently draw up a business plan, which should take into account the following steps:

  • What type of activity will the farm be engaged in: poultry farming, dairy products, livestock farming, crop farming, etc.
  • After choosing the type of farm, it is advisable to determine the scale of the activity. At this stage, you should calculate preliminary costs and estimated profits for the next 2-3 years.
  • This is followed by the purchase of livestock, feed and necessary equipment.
  • For implementation finished products you will need to obtain the appropriate permits and registration documents.
  • Setting up work with the sales market and sales representatives.

Which equipment to choose

Opening a large family farm will require high costs for the purchase of the necessary equipment, from 1 to 5 million rubles. Its installation may take several months. An important factor is the layout; for example, poultry farming will require cages, and livestock farming will require special stalls. You also need to buy ventilation structures, humidifiers, heaters, and manure cleaning products. For staff to work efficiently, it is necessary to build utility rooms in which tools and feed warehouses can be stored.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

To register a business, you will need to indicate the necessary codes from OKVED 2 section A: agriculture, forestry, fishing and fish farming.

What documents are needed to open

Realization of a business will require registration of a peasant farm. The list of documents is not much different from the registration of an individual entrepreneur, and therefore will require personal data and a receipt for payment of state taxes from participants. duties. In addition, you will need to issue quality certificates for the products provided, and all animals must undergo a veterinary examination. In the case of leasing land from the state, a special document will be required to locate a family farm.

Do I need permission to open?

Participants in a family farm must be relatives, and the share of involved personnel must be no more than 5 people. To sell products in retail outlets you will need:

  • Permits from Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Permission from fire inspectors.

Growing technology

Creating a family farm opens up many opportunities for starting a business. For example, you can grow large cattle and sell milk at the same time. Breeding farm birds sells meat and eggs a lot. When assigning responsibilities to each member of the family farm, pay attention to their preferences. Let everyone do what they love - this will increase the overall profitability of the business. It is better to invest the money earned in the first seasons as much as possible back into the business. You should also think about breeding exotic birds, the sale of which to private property will bring considerable profit.

Currently, agriculture is, of course, not at the peak of its development, but at least at the beginning of its recovery. This is facilitated, in particular, by the increased attention of the state, which has promised to allocate billions of rubles to farmers. And, of course, no matter what crisis strikes, people will always want to eat, which means agriculture profitable business regardless of external conditions. And farming as a business idea will always be relevant.

It is logical that in this regard, many Russians lately drew attention to the village and those associated with it. Someone decided to sow wheat, someone decided to provide the country with domestic vegetables and potatoes, and others started raising cattle. It is the latter type of business that is developing most intensively today. Suffice it to remember that new mini-farms are constantly opening in dozens of regions and the state supports their owners in every possible way. It's about how to open mini dairy farm, we will tell you, and the experts of the Agromoltekhnika company, which is a leading supplier of agricultural equipment, will help us with this.

Dairy equipment from the catalog

What kind of animal?

First, let's figure out what a mini-farm is and how it differs from a regular one.

Firstly, the mini-farm is much smaller than the classic one, as the name suggests. In our case, this is not only the area of ​​the farm, but also the number of heads of cattle.

Secondly, maintenance of a mini-farm, as a rule, is not required additional staff. Usually all work is carried out by one family, which owns the farm.

Thirdly, the cost of opening a mini-farm is much lower than a regular one. At the same time, it is a springboard into big business. Judge for yourself: on such a farm it is possible to test out all the technologies with minimal risk, so that by the time it reaches production another level of business for you there were no blind spots in the industry.

What and how much?

So, what do you need to open a mini-farm? This is, of course, a desire. In addition, you need a plot of land of sufficient size, preferably with communications. And, of course, you need money. We'll tell you how much a little later.

For greater detail and clarity, consider the project of a mini-farm for 50 heads, which proposes to implement company "Agromoltekhnika". To construct such a facility, a land plot of at least a thousand square meters will be required. It is necessary to build a large hangar on it, where the animals will be kept. If desired, several additional administrative buildings can be built next to the hangar, although such premises are provided inside the hangar.

If we talk about the exact dimensions of the hangar in which the animals and all equipment will be housed, then it is 15 meters wide, 65 meters long, the pitch between the frame arcs is three meters. The height of this structure, in accordance with the project of the Agromoltekhnika company, is six meters, the floor area is 975 square meters.

What is important is that the entire dairy mini-farm is essentially located in this hangar. This is the feed department, sectors for calves of different ages, dry cows sector, milking parlor And Staff only. The cost of such a hangar-farm, supplied by the Agromoltekhnika company on a turnkey basis, is 5,800,000 rubles, including the installation of the foundation and floor.

Naturally, the matter is not limited to one hangar. After all, you can’t let cows into empty rooms! Therefore, the farmer additionally needs to purchase a lot of special equipment. These are stalls, rubber carpeting, drinking bowls, various fences, brushes, ventilation curtains, a milk cooling tank, a maternity ward, and so on.

Fortunately, the Agromoltekhnika company has all this. Therefore, when opening a mini-farm, you don’t need to run around to several suppliers, ordering necessary equipment in different places. After all, you can get everything in one place, at very affordable prices and with a guarantee.

As a result, a complete set of equipment for opening a mini-dairy farm will cost 5,400,000 rubles. Together with the hangar, the cost of launching a mini-dairy farm is 11,200,000 rubles.

The amount, of course, is not small. But it's worth it. And now it will become clear why.

We count profits

So, on average, one cow produces 5,000 liters of milk per year. However, in advanced farms, the annual milk yield per cow is 9,000 liters of milk per year. Thus, it turns out that on average 50 cows will produce 250,000 liters of milk per year. Naturally, if the owner shows himself well and reaches a higher level of productivity, the volumes will increase, but we will focus on the average.

On average, a Russian farmer sells milk to wholesalers for 14 rubles, but this figure varies depending on the region and time of year. But even if we take the “average temperature in the hospital,” we get the annual revenue of a mini-dairy farm in no way less than 3,500,000 rubles.

The cost of annual maintenance of one cow in Russia in 2010 was 15,000 rubles. If we take the mini-farm we are describing, then its owner will spend 750,000 rubles a year on maintaining animals.

Using simple mathematical calculations, we find that a mini-dairy farm will pay for itself in four years. But we must take into account that the owner of such an enterprise can not only deliver milk to factories, but also process it himself, sell and produce other dairy products, the production of which does not require large expenses. In this case, the enterprise will pay off faster.

As you can see, opening a mini-dairy farm is very attractive and interesting business, albeit requiring significant initial investment. But keep in mind that not all companies with similar start-up capital can boast a 4-year payback, and do not forget about the support that mini-farm owners everywhere receive from the state.

Dear readers, this article was written and published in 2011. The information contained herein may be out of date.

If you want to get involved in agriculture, namely cattle breeding meat direction, read my article, maybe it will help you avoid making the mistakes that I made at the beginning of my journey. I didn’t draw up any business plans, projects, didn’t draw any diagrams, everything was built on its own from free space as money became available. Let me be honest, the work is very hard.

But, if you competently organize the process of fattening bulls, keeping them, and preparing feed, you can manage the entire farm alone, and if you have a spouse or able-bodied children, then even better. And don’t listen to those who say that fattening bulls is not a profitable business, that’s what lazy people and armchair experts say. Of course, you won’t get super profits from such a livestock, but it is quite possible to provide yourself with butter and sausage, fresh fruit in winter, and a good car.

There are three pillars on which a successful mini-farm should be built: starting capital and a well-thought-out business plan, efficient and rational use of available land and maximum mechanization of all processes. When you come from afar, everything seems simple, but the closer you get, things that previously seemed simple become overgrown with a bunch of nuances that need to be taken into account.

So, first things first. As always, you need to start by drawing up a business plan based on your financial capabilities. This will help you understand whether you can achieve the desired production volumes on your own, whether you will have to take out a loan, or whether you should wait another year and save up some money. I still recommend starting small, at least in order to obtain initial data for drawing up a business plan. In particular, calculate how much feed is spent on one bull, what weight gain it gives, the price of feed, and of course the final benefit per head. To buy 50 bull calves and feed for them at once, you need to be a millionaire. And you also need to build a cowshed, a hayloft, a grain warehouse, a summer pasture and other buildings, and this is not a small amount of money. A business plan and calculation of the profitability of a cattle farm deserves a separate article; read more here.

Now regarding the actual choice of site and construction of buildings on it. It is best to organize a farm on the outskirts, not far from some village, so that the neighbors can sleep better and, if something happens, there would be room to expand. However, with such a plot there will also be difficulties, firstly - communications (gas, electricity, internet, water), and secondly - they may force you to register a peasant farm, and this means taxes and unnecessary attention. You can organize a cattle farm on your own plot; 25 acres is quite enough for this. In many Russian villages, today you can buy a house with all communications, a large plot, developed rural infrastructure at a short distance from the city for quite reasonable money. Sometimes you come across plots of 50-90 acres, plus a residential building with gas heating; this option would be an ideal place for a home mini cattle farm.

After purchasing land, you need to plan the site on paper, where which building will stand. You can also first draw a plan and select a site based on it. On one bourgeois resource I found this diagram of a cattle farm:

In general, of course, everything is beautiful, a good, convenient, ergonomic plan, but it needs to be adapted to the realities of farming in Russia. Here you can find abandoned Soviet farms, with silos and barn buildings still intact, but requiring complete interior decoration. And the scale of those farms is also not suitable for our livestock. Therefore, I propose to build a farm from scratch.

So, what will we fix on this plan:

  • Let's remove silo pits; small farms don't need them. Harvesting and preparing silage is a high-tech process; it requires appropriate equipment and experience, and a lot of time will be lost there.
  • As for the hayloft, it needs to be built high, and most likely it will be the largest building in terms of area on our farm. The hayloft must have a good roof, and the walls must be lined with at least corrugated sheeting or slate. We widely use the practice of storing hay in the open air; as a result, it gets exposed to water and snow. The top layer of hay rots and becomes unusable, which is not good. Also, pulling hay out from under a layer of snow in winter does not bring much pleasure. Therefore, it would be stupid to argue about the need for a hay barn on a cattle farm.
  • A grain warehouse and a feed preparation shop with a crusher and a feed mixer solve several problems at once: forage storage and feed preparation. We need to build at such a height that the body of a dump truck under the roof can rise, because carrying grain in bags and buckets in the quantities that we have to master, you won’t want any farm later.
  • It is not necessary to build a calf barn at the beginning, because it is just an additional barn. Of course, if in the future you plan to obtain your own livestock, then yes. In any case, you need to build a calf barn according to the principle of the main barn.
  • The main barn - what to build it from, what size, how to equip it inside - this is also the topic of a full-fledged separate article, read in detail here. In general, today many construction companies offer ready-made solutions in the form of farms from frame and tent hangars, but all of them do not inspire confidence, and they are also a bit expensive. I advise you to build according to your design so that it is warm and comfortable.

Well, the last part is the maximum mechanization of work on the farm. This will help set up the work so that one person can handle everything. The most important issue on any livestock farm is manure removal. There are several ways to solve this problem: slatted floors and a self-alloying manure removal system, a manure removal system using conveyor belts, and the most simple one - take more, throw further while you fly to rest. In Soviet times, a conveyor belt with scrapers was most often used in barns, which automatically raked cow manure into a hole at the edge of the barn, from which another conveyor belt loaded the manure either into a tractor cart or into a barrel.

One more point: the presence of equipment on the farm; our livestock will not need much. You definitely need to have a tractor on the farm; an MTZ-80 or T-40 is quite enough. The tractor must be equipped front loader with replaceable bucket and forks. You also need a cart that will be used to transport manure. In addition, you can purchase a mower and a baler for the tractor in order to make at least part of the hay yourself. It is also worth thinking about the presence of freight transport on the farm; a ZIL or GAZ-53 is quite enough for a small farm.

Perhaps this is all that I would advise you to focus on when building a cattle farm for meat production. Since tethered, non-walking conditions are planned, renting pastures and their improvement are not included here. However, having your own hayfields can significantly increase the profitability of fattening bulls.

Farming is a popular type of business in rural areas. Nowadays there are farms in many populated areas. But the demand in the country for their products has not yet been satisfied. So the farm from scratch is still a promising business idea where you can make good money. But on one condition - that farming business will be well planned and well organized. This article will tell you how to do this.

Chickens, bees, milk...? Choosing the type of farm

To become a successful farmer, you first need to master the intricacies of farming and marketing farm products. And, of course, collect decent start-up capital. If you already have all this, it’s time to create a business plan called “How to open your own farm from scratch.”

And the starting point is to determine the type of activity. There are several directions in which modern farms operate. This:

  1. Animal husbandry.
  2. Poultry farming.
  3. Beekeeping.
  4. Dairy products.
  5. Growing vegetables, herbs and fruits.

There are many examples of very profitable businesses in every industry. That is, you can earn decent money in any of these areas. Often the choice of farm type is based on the personal preferences of the entrepreneur. Some things turn out to be closer and clearer, more to your liking, but some types of farming you immediately want to give up.

Having decided what you will produce, think about the scale on which it will be. Focus on 2 factors:

  1. Possibilities of your starting capital.
  2. Sales opportunities.

After all, the larger the volume of finished products, the more problems may arise with its sale. Especially at first. Immediately identify potential distribution points and methods available in your region.

Popular destinations

Cows are the most popular destination

Many peasant families today keep several heads of cattle. This is an affordable option for them. additional income for the sale of dairy products and meat. For some families this is the only source of income in rural areas.

The demand for these types of livestock products is consistently high. Perhaps you should also pay attention to this direction.

According to statistics, farm owners most often choose meat or dairy for their enterprise. There are more government requirements for milk production. And the costs for the dairy business will be higher than for the meat business.

The choice of cow breeds has many nuances. You need to carefully prepare for their purchase by studying as much information as possible. Learn more about the popular breeds in your area, carefully weighing the pros and cons of each. Keep in mind that there are meat breeds and there are dairy breeds. If funds are limited, you can buy heifers and keep them for 1-2 years. If there are 10 or more cows, a bull will be needed to fertilize them. For smaller quantities, artificial insemination is suitable.

We legalize your business: state registration

Officially, a farm from scratch begins with state registration of the enterprise.

Every farm owner is required to legitimize his business by opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Most often, the first option is chosen as it is simpler and more profitable in terms of taxation.

If you plan to supply products to retail chains, first get the go-ahead from Rospotrebnadzor and firefighters. You will also need a land lease agreement.

Since food is produced on farms, the owners must have documents confirming its decent quality. If we are talking about meat production, it is necessary to obtain a veterinary examination.

Farm space

Choosing a location for a farm requires a careful and unhurried approach. It is worth searching for it in advance. Many offers today can be viewed without leaving home via the Internet. Specialized agencies are ready to provide assistance in this matter.

But there is no need to rush into concluding an agreement. It is important to obtain more information about the land itself. There are moments that sellers or landlords are silent about. But local residents will willingly share what they know. So, if possible, visit the places you like in person and ask the local population.

When choosing a site, you should pay attention to such parameters as soil characteristics, pasture capacity, vegetation, availability and cost of storage.

You can buy land with everything you need to operate a farm. There are plots that are sold with sheds, fences and under.


The size of the room needed is different in each case. This depends on the scale of the young enterprise and the direction of its activities. There are several general requirements:

  1. Warmth and cleanliness in the room

In winter, you need to especially monitor the temperature. It is important that the room is at least 17 degrees Celsius and maintains normal humidity. And no drafts. This is not only inhumane to the animals, but also leads to loss of profit. The room also needs access to fresh air.

  1. Correct layout

On the farms different types she is different. For example, if you are raising poultry, you will need to install cages. In the case of cattle, you will need stalls and feeders. Devices for cleaning manure will differ when raising different animals.

  1. Water

To raise animals you will need a lot of water every day. The premises should be provided with it in abundance.


This item of expenditure usually turns out to be the most expensive. It will require substantial investments - at least 2 million rubles. You can’t open a farm right away by purchasing everything you need. You will have to wait and allocate time for installation. It happens that this process takes several months.

For a cattle farm, you need to purchase fencing, drinking bowls, feeders, materials for stalls and mechanisms for removing manure. Immediately consider the need to prepare food for the winter. Of course, it’s easier to buy it, but it will cost more. To harvest on your own, you will need equipment (tractor, mower, trailers, loading and unloading devices, etc.).

For a dairy business, it is necessary to purchase milking equipment and select more spacious premises. After all, you will have to keep the calves somewhere, do the milking, supply the milk, and place the cows that are not being milked.

You shouldn’t buy everything at once, the best and the most expensive. It would be wiser to buy only what you need at first, and not what you want. Over time, you will gain experience and better understand what your farm is missing. Farms are often developed in stages over 5-10 years. To save money, farm equipment can be purchased at auctions.

Sales options

Before you open a farm from scratch, think about possible options sales

The farm can sell its products in two directions:

  1. Local markets.
  2. Trading networks.

Constantly think about the question: how to reduce the cost of production while maintaining the same quality of products? Inexpensive food products significantly increase the chances of gaining a strong foothold in the market.

Personnel: how to provide work for the whole family and neighbors

Farming - most often family business

Often, the farm is run not only by its owner and organizer, but also by his entire family. Food production in our country is traditionally a family business, in which several generations are employed, as well as close and distant relatives of the family.

If you have a family, discuss this issue with them in advance. Of course, a family farm is more profitable than hired labor. Each employee has a personal interest in the success of the business and will work conscientiously. Yes and on wages savings for staff. At first, after opening, this will be very useful.

If the farming business becomes a family affair, there is a greater chance of receiving preferential conditions from the state. Now there is government programs specifically for creating family farms. For example, to open such a farm, you can get a loan on preferential terms.

Expenses, investments, profits

Those who are just interested in how to open a farm should know one significant advantage of this business. It is promising because it constantly receives support from the state. Much is being done to increase the number domestic producers food products. They receive good incentives for development in the form of benefits, subsidies, free land, and financial resources for starting. Find out more about these programs. You may also be able to get help from the government.

In general, the initial costs will be something like this:

Table. Capital investments

On average, the farm receives income from 200 thousand to 2 million rubles per year. The payback period for the farm is from 1.5 to 3 years.

Nowadays food prices are rising. What benefits farmers? And those who pay due attention to this issue have no problems with sales. Moreover, there are no restrictions on access to the sales market for a national manufacturer. Domestic food products are in demand and are in constant demand. So the farming business is a great chance to earn money and contribute to the domestic economy.

What is it?

A family farm is understood as a farm that is partially used or fully owned by a farm, which was created on the basis of the law on peasant farming in the country and in full compliance him, as well as where all members of the farm are relatives and take full part in the life of the farm they created. In addition, such a family farm can hire up to 5 workers at a time to provide assistance.

How to organize a family farm?

To properly organize a family household, you will need to take a number of actions and collect a fairly impressive package of documentation. The list of documents that need to be collected will depend on the target direction of the future farm.

For example, family livestock farms, whose activities will be related to the breeding and maintenance of cattle, will require the acquisition of land (farmland) and obtaining a farmer's certificate. If the farm’s activities are related to the breeding and keeping of small animals or pigs, then it is not necessary to purchase agricultural land or obtain a farmer’s certificate.

We should not forget: in order to get maximum profit from farming, it is best to grow your own animal feed, rather than purchase it.

In addition to a plot of land, any livestock farm requires spacious, capitally constructed premises. In such premises, animal breeding can be carried out throughout the entire calendar year. Once again we are faced with the question of acquiring land or leasing it. Then we need to go through the procedure for approving the construction of buildings. The construction issue must be coordinated between the architecture and local administration. If our plans include running a fairly extensive business, then it is necessary to register as legal entity, or obtain a farmer's certificate. In addition to the above, we will need to prepare project documentation and a business plan. The main list of documents has been prepared, construction work completed. At the next stage we will need to obtain all kinds of permissions various organs, and this is the regional SES and labor inspectorate, from firefighters. With all the documents and permits, we contact the administration, which issues decisions on opening a family farm. Once you have received the ruling, it’s time to take care of the service personnel. We will need workers who will care for the animals, as well as an accountant, veterinarian, and livestock specialist. If we plan to independently grow animal feed on our agricultural lands, then it would not hurt to have an agronomist on the farm’s staff; without this specialist, it will be very problematic to sow the necessary crops, harvest them in a timely manner, etc.

Family Farm Grant

A family farm can receive a grant, which is currently issued for its establishment and development and amounts to 60 percent of all costs that are indicated in the business plan or in the expenditure plan. However, for one farm this amount cannot exceed 10 million rubles. VAT is not taken into account in this case. In this case, the head of the farm must have at least 40 percent share own funds. The use of credit funds is allowed, but in this case they must be at least 10 percent of own funds, and the remaining 30 percent of credit.

There are a number of requirements and restrictions for all applicants for grants:

  • The head of the family farm, as well as relatives, no less than three people, must be citizens Russian Federation, which jointly implement production activities, and also take a personal part in the work of the farm;
  • at the time of submitting an application for participation in the competition, such a farm must have been operating for more than one year;
  • an application for participation in the competition is submitted to the subject of the Russian Federation where the family farm is registered;
  • neither the head of the farm nor its members had previously received grants for the development of small or medium-sized businesses. This also includes receiving grants for the creation peasant farm and its development, as well as the development of family farms related to livestock; other than that we didn’t receive financial resources in the form of subsidies;
  • the head of the household and its members must permanently reside in municipality, where the farm is registered and directly located;
  • such a farm according to Federal laws must fully comply with the criteria for a small enterprise and micro-enterprise.

A family farm can use the grant it receives for the following:

  • reconstruction or modernization livestock farm, as well as for services for compiling project documentation;
  • construction, reconstruction of production facilities, their modernization;
  • completing facilities related to the processing of livestock products, improving technologies and purchasing new equipment, carrying out installation work with them;
  • purchase of farm animals, and these are cattle and goats, sheep and horses, donkeys and hinnies, mules and pigs, rabbits and fur-bearing animals, poultry.

An example of a successful family farm in the following video: